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Effective treatment for pityriasis rosea. Folk remedies. Video about treatment regimens for pityriasis versicolor in humans

Sometimes insidious and dangerous, but more often unpleasant - living with the acute stage of lichen is, to put it mildly, inconvenient.

Correct interpretation of symptoms and correct diagnosis determine how to get rid of a specific type of lichen, since the causes and methods of treatment are different in each case.

Ringworm: possible causes

Not all cases of lichen are amenable to treatment. It's more of an immune system deficiency than an infectious disease, and not all scary-looking rashes are contagious.


Also known as herpes zoster, shingles is caused by a virus and is characterized by a one-sided herpetiform skin rash. Accompanied by pain of varying intensity. Herpes virus causes shingles chickenpox(Varicella zoster). The majority of the population encounters this virus for the first time in childhood- V kindergarten or school, where he causes the familiar chicken pox.

After acute stage chickenpox herpes zoster virus “hides” in cells nervous system person and remains there forever. In this latent state, the virus does not cause symptoms for most people until the end of their lives. But there are exceptions when shingles “breaks through” nerve cells on open areas skin, causing manifestations in the form of rash, pain and itching.

Activation of the virus is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and flu-like symptoms. Shingles can even affect internal organs.

Factors provoking the activation of infection:

Chronic stress;



Taking immunosuppressants;

Initial stage of AIDS;

Transfer bone marrow and other organs;

Cancerous tumors;

Radiation therapy;

Long-term use of glucocorticoids, cytostatics and antibiotics.

Pregnant and lactating women and people over 55 years of age are at risk.

How to get rid of lichen in the case of shingles is not a relevant question. Treatment is effective in the early stages, and after the appearance of rashes on the skin, you can only use local remedies for treating wounds. The body heals itself within 2 to 4 weeks.

Shingles infection occurs from a person with acute phase herpes zoster or chickenpox by airborne droplets and contact.

Pityriasis versicolor (lichen versicolor)

Also known as sun fungus, pityriasis versicolor is a chronic fungal infection. These yeast-like fungi live on the skin, in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, in every healthy person, without causing discomfort. Symptoms of pityriasis versicolor appear only under certain circumstances.

Forms of the fungus that causes pityriasis versicolor (Pityrosporum orbiculare, Pityrosporum ovale, Malassezia furfur), can transform into each other. These yeast-like fungi also cause seborrheic dermatitis and folliculitis.

Possible reasons manifestations of multicolored lichen - hot and humid climate. It affects males more often.

Pityriasis rosea

Lichen Zhibera is classified as an infectious-allergic skin diseases with characteristic spotty rashes. On average, the disease lasts 1-1.5 months, sometimes it lasts up to 6 months.

Pityriasis rosea is not transmitted from person to person either by contact or by airborne droplets. It is not entirely known what causes the occurrence pityriasis rosea, but its connection with decreased immunity, previous colds and the spring-autumn period has been proven. There is a version about herpesvirus types 7 and 6 as the causative agent of lichen Zhiber

The disease affects people aged 10-55 years, regardless of gender. Relapses are rare.


Titles ringworm There are plenty of them - dermatomycosis, scab, dermatophytosis, trichophytosis. The disease is widespread, has a fungal nature, and can “cling” to any person. Infection occurs when Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton fungi come into contact with the skin. You can become infected with dermatomycosis through contact and failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

Increased risk People who are susceptible to ringworm are:

Living in places with a humid and hot climate;

Directly in contact with skin lesions of a sick person (animal);

With a weakened immune system (often due to immunodeficiency conditions - HIV, diabetes, or leukemia).

Most often, children aged 3 to 10 years are carriers of the infection. If ringworm is acquired through contact with animals, the form of the disease will be much more severe than from person to person.

Ringworm affects the skin anywhere on the body, including the scalp and even the nails.

Psoriasis, scaly lichen

You definitely cannot get infected with this form of lichen. Lichen squamosus is a chronic skin dermatosis caused by autoimmune reaction.

The course of psoriasis is wavy, with remissions and exacerbations of varying durations varying degrees gravity. Unfavorable factors can provoke relapses external influences– stress, infectious diseases, abuse of alcohol and other toxic substances.

How to get rid of lichen: symptoms and diagnosis

Pityriasis (multi-colored)

The main symptom of pityriasis versicolor is small, dark red, clearly defined spots. They occur most often on the shoulders, back, chest and neck, less often in the armpits. In the sun, the spots do not change color, which is due to disruptions in the functioning of melanocytes. Azelaic acid, produced by the causative agent of pityriasis versicolor, prevents the synthesis of melanin, which is why the affected areas of the skin remain without pigment and do not tan in the sun.

The size of the spots can be small, but more often they form large lesions. The skin appears to be slightly flaky pain and no inflammatory phenomena are observed, since only the superficial layer of the epidermis is affected.

Tinea versicolor can last up to several months.

It is diagnosed using an iodine test (Balzer) - suspicious areas of the skin are smeared with iodine, which is immediately wiped with alcohol. The damaged loose layer of skin absorbs iodine, leading to sharp coloration of lichen spots in dark brown color.

For an accurate diagnosis, a scraping is taken, on which yeast should be detected.


At the beginning of the disease, one large, more than 2 cm, light pink spot appears on the skin. In the center, this “mother plaque” gradually shrinks, turns yellow and peels off. After just a couple of days, when pityriasis rosea develops, you can see many small pink spots up to 1 centimeter in diameter, in the center of which small dry scales appear over time, and the edges do not peel off.


Ringworm begins with the formation of red, ring-shaped spots that are accompanied by severe itching, as well as baldness on the front of the scalp and dandruff. Symptoms may be more severe, even purulent infectious discharge on damaged areas of the skin.


The main symptom of psoriasis is very dry, red spots raised above the underlying skin. Such papules merge together and form thick plaques, dooming the affected area of ​​skin to chronic inflammation and excessive formation of small capillaries.

Psoriatic plaques are located predominantly on outer surface joints. During the period of exacerbation, either a small area of ​​skin or extensive spread throughout the body can be affected by scaly lichen.

How to get rid of lichen: a set of measures


The main principle of treatment is a complex of antifungal drugs. In mild cases, external treatment of damaged areas is sufficient; in particularly difficult cases, apply systemic drugs inside.

It is more convenient to use drugs in liquid form - in the form of a spray, lotion or solution. They are easy to apply, no need to smear. Ointments are prescribed much less frequently. In order to no longer think about how to get rid of lichen, to prevent the disease, change and iron clothes and underwear every day.


This type of disease does not require treatment. The body heals itself after a certain time. Rashes should not be torn, squeezed or violated the integrity of the skin. If the lichen areas are very itchy, you can use antihistamines, hydrocortisone and other mixtures for itching.


The course of treatment for ringworm lasts up to 1 week after the symptoms disappear. Doctors know how to get rid of lichen by using antifungal agents, azole groups, terbinafite and tolnaftate. Lubricate the affected areas with an alcohol solution of iodine.

IN severe cases use systemic medications orally.

Self-medication for ringworm dangerous! If the drugs are used inappropriately, the liver can be seriously damaged.


How to get rid of scaly lichen is a question that doctors have been dealing with for centuries. In each specific case, the treatment of psoriasis will be different, and needs regular adjustments, as it often stops working after some time.

Antiallergic drugs are used to relieve itching.

How to get rid of lichen: pharmaceutical preparations


They mainly use products based on:

Triazole (“Fluconazole”),

Selenium sulfide (selenium persulfide - “Sulsena”);

Imidazole derivatives (“Ketoconazole”, “Sertaconazole”, “Bifonazole”).

The best way to get rid of pityriasis versicolor is a combined technique: the whole body is treated with Nizoral shampoo, and as soon as they disappear skin manifestations illness, start taking Fluconazole orally. The duration of treatment and dosage are prescribed by the doctor.

Changes in pigmentation are prevented by cycloserine, which blocks transaminase synthesis.


The basis of treatment for ringworm is antifungal drugs:






For severe manifestations of the disease and deep lesions of the integument, doctors prescribe Griseofulvin and selenium sulfide (the latter is prescribed with caution).


To date, three new effective means of getting rid of lichen planus have been approved:

"Taklonex" (on scalp heads);

Excimer laser system “Xtrac Velocity” (helps in especially severe cases);

Monoclonal antibody "Adalimumab".

There are a number of other medications that make life easier with psoriasis, but only a doctor should prescribe them!

How to get rid of lichen: folk remedies

Despite the abundance of folk remedies offered, you can only get rid of lichen with medication. Fish oil, iodine, milk thistle oil, garlic, cranberry and decoctions can only alleviate the symptoms - relieve itching and inflammation, reduce scaliness. Definitive treatment of yeast-like fungi can only be achieved with the help of scientifically proven drugs developed over decades.

Ringworm is a common dermatological disease caused by fungal or viral infection. Appears as scaly skin rashes bright color accompanied by itching and peeling. The most common cause of infection is poor personal hygiene, contact with stray animals and reduced immunity.

Treatment of lichen must be carried out in the first stages of its detection through the use of antifungal drugs and immunomodulatory therapy. Otherwise, there is a possibility of complications developing, and the patient himself becomes a dangerous carrier of a contagious virus. Effective in eliminating lichen formations ethnoscience, which has a lot of proven and accessible recipes in its stock.

Tar against lichen

Ringworm in humans, symptoms, treatment with folk remedies are created within certain period obvious inconvenience, most of all manifests itself in such forms as ringing, pink, girdling and flat, and is effectively removed with birch tar.

This product is characterized by a gentle effect, recognized official medicine and is widely used in the production of Wilkinson's pharmaceutical preparations, tar soap). Natural antiseptic is depressing pathogenic microflora, promotes rapid healing, disinfection and renewal of the skin. In combination with butter, which moisturizes and additionally nourishes the skin, for a short time will get rid of lichen formations. It is recommended to use the components of the healing mixture in equal proportions. The composition is characterized specific smell, so it’s better to apply it before going to bed.

Treatment of deprivation in humans at home is effective with a medicine whose components are 1 part of birch log ash and 3 parts of tar. Application should be made to problem areas and left for several hours.

You can get rid of unpleasant plaques by using a product made from and fish oil, taken in equal proportions. If 2 hours after the procedure the skin becomes wet and red, it is recommended to additionally treat the affected area with zinc ointment.

Folk remedies for lichen they offer highly concentrated, unrefined Birch tar in combination with connected in equal parts. The use of such a mixture will be effective in the absence of allergies to these components.

Due to the high content of carcinogens, ingestion of tar is not recommended. Before using compresses containing this component, you should make sure that there is no allergic manifestations, having previously applied small dose on areas with delicate skin - the elbow or wrist.

Treatment is effective in the fight against lichen tar soap - ready-made drug, which is based on birch tar. The darker the color of the soap, the higher the concentration of tar and, accordingly, its medicinal properties. The affected area needs to be soaped, the resulting foam should be left on the skin until it dries completely. The recommended duration of the procedure is 2 weeks.

Raisins: antibiotic for skin

You can get rid of lichen with the help of ordinary dark seedless raisins, which contain substances that are completely harmless to humans and kill fungi.

It is necessary to rub the affected areas and the skin around them. A noticeable improvement is observed after the first use of dried berries.

We treat with what is at hand

A compress made from grated beets and honey in equal proportions is effective. The mixture must be applied to the affected area, covered with a film on top and left for several hours.

Lichen ruber, the treatment of which with folk remedies shows quite successful results, will disappear after applying a compress based on sea ​​buckthorn oil. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to take a teaspoon orally with meals during treatment.

For lichen contracted from animals, a compress of fresh lemon drops is effective. They need to be kept on the skin for a few seconds, after which the procedure is repeated again after 3 hours. The acid contained in lemon inhibits the fungus, causing a speedy recovery.

This miracle garlic

You can fight lichen with the help of garlic, a few cloves of which need to be crushed and combined with honey to a homogeneous paste. Gently lubricate the skin areas with lichen plaques with the resulting mixture. Duration of the procedure: from 2 to 3 weeks. You can rub garlic into pure form; After such treatment, the skin should not be wetted for several hours. Garlic compresses are effective, in which crushed garlic placed in gauze must be applied to areas with lichen rashes for 10-15 minutes.

A lemon-garlic compress will relieve lichen, for the preparation of which two components in crushed form (lemon and garlic) must be diluted to a pasty state, applied to the skin and left for 2 hours. The causative agent of the disease can be destroyed within three procedures.

Folk remedies for shingles are suggested to be used effective tincture from 100 grams of garlic pulp and 200 ml of castor oil, pre-seasoned for 3 hours in a warm oven. Apply the prepared mixture to stains 2-3 times a day.

Folk remedies for pityriasis rosea

Pityriasis rosea is effectively treated with iodine - somewhat aggressive, but effective means. It is recommended to cauterize the affected areas twice a day with mandatory application at night.

At first, peeling of the skin will be observed. A good result will be achieved by iodine mixed in equal proportions with vodka.

Horse sorrel and celandine: instructions for use

An affordable remedy is horse sorrel, the roots of which should be poured into a tablespoon hot water. Keep the resulting composition for half an hour in a water bath, and then use it for compresses.

Celandine effectively copes with all kinds of skin dermatitis, including lichen formations. The instructions are simple: to get rid of pityriasis rosea, fill a dark glass container to the top with the stems and leaves of the plant, fill it with vodka and leave for about 3 weeks. Take the prepared tincture 10 drops orally 15 minutes before meals.

Along with using the tincture, the plant juice should be used to treat the problem area of ​​the epidermis. Wait until the product is absorbed, then lubricate the skin again. This procedure It is recommended to repeat three times throughout the day. At first it may feel severe itching, which gradually subsides.

Unconventional methods of treating lichen

In the fight against lichen, ordinary salt will help, grains of which should be picked up with a finger dipped in your own saliva and applied to the affected areas. This unusual method gives positive results even after a single use.

Since ancient times, people have treated lichen with condensed moisture collected from window glass. The rashes when using this method disappeared after 3 days.

An unusual but quite effective remedy is newspaper resin, which can be obtained by burning newspaper. The affected areas should be lubricated with soot remaining after burning, no more than 4 times a day. After 2-3 procedures the disease should go away.

A paste of powder and burdock root is effective against ringworm. Before applying it, sore spots should be lubricated with freshly squeezed garlic juice.

Natural remedies to help

What other folk remedies are known for lichen? A chamomile infusion is quite effective, the preparation of which requires a tablespoon of dried flowers, pour 1.5 cups of hot water and leave for half an hour.

The finished medicine must be rubbed into the skin half an hour before washing. The use of propolis is similar, which is especially effective in removing ringworm. To do this, 50 grams of the product must be infused with 200 ml of vodka or medical alcohol for 7 days. The resulting medicine must be used to treat areas of the body affected by lichen spots.

Sunflower ash gruel helps a lot. To obtain it, you need to burn a dried sunflower cap (without seeds). The resulting ash must be diluted with water until it becomes thick sour cream. Apply the prepared gruel to the affected areas for 7 days.

Folk remedies for lichen - garden crops, pumpkin in particular. The pulp of the vegetable needs to be grated and squeezed out the juice. Use the squeezed mass as a compress, which should be changed every 12 hours.

A tincture of acacia or lilac flowers will help well. To prepare it, freshly picked flowers need to be washed, placed in a glass container, poured with vodka or medical alcohol: per 100 g of raw material 250 ml of liquid. Leave in a cool, dark place for 10 days, strain. Treat the affected areas of the body with the resulting medicine.

Folk remedies for lichen on the body are a lot of recipes, from which you can always choose the most suitable and affordable one. It is important to start treatment at initial stage illness, so as not to subsequently resort to the use of expensive medications.

Treatment at home

Treatment of lichen in humans at home can be done with inexpensive pharmaceutical drugs.

  • Cream "Candide" 1%. It is a medicine for external use. Destroys the synthesis of fungal formations, thereby disrupting their structure. TO this drug sensitive multi-colored Requires application to cleansed, dry skin in a thin layer for 2-3 weeks.

Furacilin - effective medicine for external use in the fight against pathogens. Available in tablet form. To prepare a solution, 7 tablets must be dissolved in 100 ml of water.

The resulting composition should be used to wipe areas with lichen plaques. After drying, it is recommended to treat the skin to enhance the healing effect.

"YAM" - an effective ointment against lichen

Ointment "YAM" is a fungicidal-bactericidal low-toxic product intended for the treatment of domestic animals. Positive result shows when removing unhealthy formations on human skin. Contains complex active substances antiseptic and antifungal action: tar, zinc oxide, salicylic acid, sulfur, turpentine. Actively fights bacteria, reducing itching during lichen rashes. Thanks to the fat base (lanolin and petroleum jelly), the drug is comfortable when applied to the skin. Particularly effective in the treatment of weeping lichen.

Highly effective chatter "Tsindol"

Often, dermatologists against pityriasis rosea prescribe the patient “Tsindol”, the components of which are glycerin, ethyl alcohol, talc, zinc oxide, starch. This remedy is aimed at combating the causative agents of lichen, has a healing, softening, drying effect while simultaneously relieving allergic manifestations. The lichen rash is applied with a cotton swab to the sore spots three times a day. It is not recommended to wash off; you should wait until the product dries and falls off on its own. Side effects are itching, redness of the skin, hyperemia.

Prevention measures

Folk remedies for lichen are dozens of time-tested recipes. Nevertheless, it is better to prevent the appearance of such an unpleasant-looking disease than to treat it later. To prevent the appearance of lichen, a number of preventive measures should be taken:

  • wear clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • periodically treat the skin with a solution of water and lemon juice;
  • iron clothes on both sides;
  • avoid places with elevated temperature: saunas, baths, beaches;
  • do not get into stressful situations.

Compliance with personal hygiene rules significantly reduces the likelihood of contracting lichen.

Pityriasis versicolor or pityriasis versicolor is a common skin disease. It affects both children and adults. This disease is also popularly known as “sun fungus”, since it is ultraviolet radiation that causes spots on the skin.

Source: Fotolia

What is pityriasis versicolor?

Versicolor (pityriasis versicolor) – fungal disease. Its peak activity is spring and summer. This type of lichen has a low degree of contagiousness and does not provoke inflammation, affecting only the upper, stratum corneum of the epidermis and mouth hair follicles. Very in rare cases transmission of the fungus from the patient to healthy person through the use of common hygiene and household items.

Who's at risk

In small quantities, the fungus that causes pityriasis versicolor lives constantly in the human body without manifesting itself in any way. However, under favorable circumstances, it begins to actively reproduce, provoking the disease. The greatest number of diseases are diagnosed in people living in hot and humid climates. In addition, people with excessive sweating are susceptible to the disease.

Also provoking factors are:

  • endocrine disorders,
  • oncology,
  • hormonal imbalance,
  • genetic predisposition;
  • stress;
  • frequent visits to the solarium;
  • prolonged exposure to the scorching sun;
  • chronic pathologies digestive tract(gastritis, esophagitis, peptic ulcer);
  • wearing underwear and clothing made of synthetic materials;
  • abuse of antibacterial skin hygiene products;
  • chronic infectious process in the body (HIV infection or AIDS).

In some cases, pityriasis versicolor may appear as a complication diabetes mellitus or tuberculosis.

Suffer from of this disease, as a rule, young people aged 16 to 40 years. It is extremely rare in children under 7 years of age.

Symptoms of pityriasis versicolor

A characteristic symptom is spots of irregular or round shape of various sizes on the human body. At the beginning of the disease they are small in size with clearly defined edges. isolated from each other, but with its development they merge, forming one large affected area. Color – from yellowish to pink-red. The skin at the locations of the spots changes its structure, and small pityriasis-like peelings appear on it. Itching is rare. Characteristic of the disease chronic course, sometimes the spots last for months, and sometimes they disappear even without treatment. Over time, the spots change color, and in their place the skin loses pigment (so-called achromia occurs).

How to recognize pityriasis versicolor

There is a simple test that doctors always use to differential diagnosis pityriasis versicolor. It can also be done at home. This test is called the “iodine test”. They do it like this: take a cotton swab and dip it in a regular alcohol solution Yoda. Swipe a stripe with the swab, covering the spot on the skin and the area on both sides of it. Fungus at pityriasis versicolor affects and loosens the epidermis. Therefore, if you “owe” the appearance of a spot to this particular disease, iodine will color it much more intensely than the surrounding areas of the skin.

Source: dr.alina.rifgatovna

There are a number of diseases whose symptoms are similar to those of pityriasis versicolor:

  • vitiligo;
  • syphilis;
  • pink lichen of Zhiber.

Unlike pityriasis versicolor, they do not give results with the “iodine test”. If you suspect any of them, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Localization of pityriasis versicolor

Most often, this type of lichen affects the upper body, neck, abdomen, armpit area, and chest. However, it can “spread” to other parts of the body, including the face.

Types of pityriasis versicolor

Depending on the external manifestations (color of the spots), pityriasis versicolor is divided into the following types:

  • yellow;
  • black;
  • achromic (colorless).

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor

Treatment of this type of lichen is a rather labor-intensive process, but complete recovery is possible. In therapy, several groups of drugs are usually used sequentially. In order to choose the right ones correctly and thoughtfully, you need to understand why they are prescribed.

Exfoliating. This group includes: iodine solution, salicylic alcohol, boric acid, ichthyol ointment. Since pityriasis versicolor only affects the top layer of the epidermis, exfoliating (keratolytic) products may be enough to remove it from the skin. Especially if there is a single lesion or 2-3 small spots. However, dermatologists usually do not limit themselves to these drugs.

Antimycotic (antifungal). These medications are usually prescribed topically, meaning they should be applied to the skin. The choice is quite wide and you can choose a cream, gel or ointment at your discretion (it is better, of course, to consult a doctor). You need to select especially carefully medications pregnant, lactating and young children.

It is extremely important to adhere to the recommendations on the duration of the course. It usually lasts 10-14 days depending on the product. After the disappearance of visible spots, in no case should you stop treatment - the fungus is still in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, and if you do not continue the course for another 4-5 days, a relapse may occur over time.

How to remove white spots from ringworm

Many people find out that they have pityriasis versicolor only after white, discolored spots appear on the skin. In this case, there is no need to worry: it just means that the fungus has already been destroyed and a cure has occurred. The fungus that causes tinea versicolor disrupts the functioning of melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin pigmentation. Therefore, especially if you spend a long time in bright sun, previously affected areas appear discolored. Usually the white spots disappear after 3-4 tanning sessions.

IMPORTANT! Before you begin treatment for shingles at home, you should consult a dermatologist to ensure that you have correctly diagnosed the disease. A specialist will help make sure that the disease is caused by a fungus and not a virus, which must be combated in other ways.

Symptoms appear quite a long time after interaction with the patient. On the body, signs of lichen can be observed after 4-10 days, under the hair - after 10-14 days.

It is important to know what signs indicate the appearance of a fungus:

  • rash in the form of circles or rings. The skin in these areas may be drier than the surrounding tissue, may be flaky, but may be slightly moist;
  • Growths appear between the toes. The skin of the foot thickens and peels;
  • redness, rash in the groin, accompanied by itching;
  • round plaques that have a clear border with healthy skin;
  • cracks appear on the palms and between the fingers;
  • peeling red spots on the face;
  • yellowness and increased brittleness of nails.

Very often, lichen appears in more than one place. Therefore, if you see a rash in one area, you need to check your entire body in search of lesions.

The greatest danger of infection to others with ringworm persists for 48 hours. You should not come into contact with the skin of people around you, at least for this time.

Treatment with sulfur ointment

Using a 10% ointment can relieve minor skin blemishes, pimples and wounds.

Use sulfur ointment should last from 7 to 10 days, applying daily to skin lesions. It should be applied twice a day. When using it, you should remember that sulfur leaves a light yellow coating and a specific odor, so you should not use it before leaving the house.

Most often, all manifestations of lichen disappear without a trace. If more than two weeks have passed and the spots on the skin do not go away, the help of a specialist is needed.

Creams in the fight against lichen

Most often, you can get rid of lichen with over-the-counter medications. They successfully fight the fungus, preventing it from spreading throughout the body. Today there are many creams on sale that are easy to use, inexpensive, but very effective.

IMPORTANT! The parallel use of fungal ointments and steroid creams will quickly get rid of itching, inflammation and redness.

Ringworm creams
Ketoconazole Used to treat infections with yeast-like fungi that cause pityriasis rosea, onychomycosis, dermatophytosis, cutaneous leishmaniasis and so on. Prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, liver disease during exacerbation. Apply daily for two weeks
Econazole Used for fungus of the scalp and skin. Rub in when applying. Lesions on the feet, hands and torso are lubricated daily; treatment of lichen versicolor requires twice-daily use. The course can take from 3 to 6 weeks
Clotrimazole Antifungal agent wide range. Used when affected by various types of fungi. Allowed for pregnant women. Apply 2-4 times a day to affected areas. The course lasts from 21 days. After the symptoms disappear, it is recommended to use it for another 2 weeks.
Apply to dry and clean skin
Terbinafine Used for onychomycosis, mycoses, fungal skin infections, lichen versicolor. Cannot be used by children. Apply to cleaned and dry lesions twice a day. The course lasts 7-14 days
Miconazole Antifungal, antibacterial agent. Used for fungal infections. Allowed for pregnant women. Apply to clean skin and rub in. Use twice a day. Course from 2 to 6 weeks

Ringworm in children

Most antifungal, antiviral, and steroid-containing drugs are prohibited for use in children. The skin of babies can be treated with riodoxol ointment, sulfur-based preparations, salicylic acid, tar, iodine.

The child is treated with ointment with sulfur for about 5 days. It is important to remember that sulfur is quite toxic; it can damage mucous membranes or cause allergies. Cannot be used by children under 2 years of age.

The sooner you start treatment for deprivation, the faster you can get rid of it and the less consequences there will be. If left untreated, cracks in the skin may appear. Secondary infection threatens with scars and spots.


Even dermatologists often recommend using this remedy to get rid of lichen. Active ingredients Zindolas are glycerin and zinc oxide. In addition to them, the mash contains alcohol, starch, medical talc, and purified water. This product heals and disinfects. It is anti-allergic, painkiller, which has an antiseptic effect.

Apply the solution cotton swab or a tampon three times a day. Shake the bottle with the drug thoroughly before use.

Chatterbox can have unpleasant consequences:

  • skin may itch;
  • a rash may appear;
  • redness occurs;
  • causes hyperemia.

Can not use this remedy with high sensitivity to its components.

IMPORTANT! The product can be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women.


If lichen is found on early stage, it is easy to cure it with ordinary iodine.

Iodine - effective remedy for the treatment of lichen

“Populists” know several methods of using it in the fight against lichen. The following are considered the most popular:

  1. The lesions are lubricated with a monochloride solution of iodine. The course of treatment looks like this: the skin is treated and washed with green soap for three days. The crusts are removed without damaging the skin. They are treated with iodine. You can repeat the course only after 5 days.
  2. Alternating iodine with brilliant green. Lubricate the skin four times a day, the final one should be before bedtime. The funds are alternated according to two different schemes:
  • One day the skin is treated with iodine, the second with brilliant green. Continue this way for 10 days;
  • alternate these solutions on the same day. In one day there should be at least three applications of brilliant green and three of iodine. There should be at least an hour between procedures. Before each application, rinse skin lesions well.


This plant is used to treat many diseases. One of them is scaly lichen. Its treatment requires taking baths with herbs. You can use a specific bouquet medicinal plants: celandine, oregano, knotweed. Blue cyanosis and chicory roots are also added here. A good addition are hawthorn fruits. In order to make a decoction, you need to take 50 grams of each ingredient and add 2 liters of water. Then the collection is boiled for 10 minutes, left for 30 minutes, and added to the bath. To reduce the manifestations of scaly lichen, the water temperature should be about 25 degrees.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to evening time drink celandine tincture 20%. To do this, ten drops are diluted in thirty ml of water. This treatment should last 30 days.

By making an ointment from equal amounts of celandine juice and lard, you can get rid of various types of lichen. To do this, you need to mix the ingredients in equal quantities. Foci of infection are treated twice a day for 60-90 days. It is best to apply the product after bathing, on steamed skin.


This remedy is recommended not only traditional healers, but also representatives traditional medicine. This is the most effective natural antiseptic: It not only disinfects the skin, but also heals it. Tar promotes rapid renewal of skin cells. A tar compress is made as follows:

  1. Tar and butter. Tar is mixed with an equal amount butter, rub into the skin, cover with a cloth. This mixture has a very specific smell, so it is best to apply the compress before going to bed.
  2. Tar with ash. Until now, specialists have not been able to cure psoriasis. However, ointments with tar show good results for relieving its manifestations. Research shows that this substance stops the synthesis of defective DNA. To treat scaly lichen, you need a mixture of tar and ash from a burnt birch log. Proportion: 3 parts tar and 1 part ash. Apply the mixture to areas affected by psoriasis.
  3. Tar and fish oil. To make a compress for psoriasis, you need to mix tar with fish oil, apply to gauze, attach to skin with psoriasis. After 30 minutes, remove the gauze. Such applications must be repeated daily for at least 10 days. If the skin turns red or becomes moist upon contact with the product, it needs to be treated zinc paste. This can be done two hours after removing the compress.

Tar is an effective natural antiseptic

Before applying birch tar, consultation with a dermatologist is required, since this product contains carcinogens.

Traditional methods of getting rid of lichen

Traditional medicine is quite effective, but many patients prefer to use natural origin. Those who prefer to be treated with folk remedies have a huge selection of different recipes.

Apple cider vinegar with garlic

You should take 500 ml apple cider vinegar, add four large cloves of garlic, crushed with a crusher. The resulting mixture must be soaked in a compress of soft fabric, lay it to the hearths. This compress is made every night, secured with a bandage for convenience. This compress can be done every evening until the symptoms disappear.


Ordinary a raw egg very effective in the fight against lichen. You need to break one piece and use the contents for your needs. A thin film is found under the shell: there is liquid between it and the shell. It is used to lubricate rashes. Even a single use brings noticeable changes. It is optimal to lubricate the lesions once or twice a day for at least seven days.

Ashes of the newspaper

This method requires the use of newspaper, folded and secured so that it does not straighten out. This lump must be placed in a plate and lit. After complete combustion, a brownish liquid can be found at the bottom of the plate. It is necessary to treat the lesions with a still warm substance. Repeat such manipulations daily. After 3 days the improvement will be obvious. Continue until the lesions disappear.


First you need to make medicinal composition. A very small piece of rubber is enough for this. Burn it, add vegetable oil to the resulting substance in the same amount. The composition is used to lubricate areas of lichen. The spots lighten, dry out and may disappear after a single application. However, the procedure should be repeated within three days.


For lichen, raisins are an excellent healer. Rub the lesions with seedless berries and healthy skin around. In this product a large number of fungi, which are killers of the infection that causes shingles. Harm to the human body it is not applied. Raisins often treat lichen faster than medications.

Propolis with alcohol

This remedy works great against various types depriving, even with aggressive ringworm spores.

To prepare the medicine, you need 200 ml of alcohol, add 50 g of propolis to it. This substance is infused for a week. After seven days, the tincture is applied to the lichen. It is necessary to treat the skin 1-2 times a day for 5 days. If there is no improvement, then the liquid is being used incorrectly. In most cases, after two to three applications, the spots fade and peeling decreases.

Solid oil

Ordinary grease is used to lubricate the areas of lichen. The wounds heal almost before our eyes. However, you cannot treat all areas at once; you need to lubricate them one by one.

Use the product every day before bed until the symptoms of lichen disappear completely.


This recipe uses three ingredients in the following quantities: 50 g of pig fat, 50 g of bone marrow, 3 g of salicylic acid. The components are thoroughly mixed and melted in a water bath. Apply the resulting ointment to the skin and wrap it with film. After three hours, remove from the skin with soap. Repeat this procedure weekly until complete healing.


Calendula tincture - a remedy for fighting lichen

Mix calendula tincture with castor oil in equal proportions. Apply to skin by rubbing. The procedure must be repeated once daily. Use three times a week.

Herbs in the fight against lichen

Good results are shown by the use of plants that have a healing and antiseptic effect.


50 g of plant leaves are poured into 200 ml of water and boiled under a lid for up to 40 minutes. Take a bath or foot/hand bath with this decoction. The nut kills fungus and fights irritation and itching. Repeat every two days until all lesions are healed.

Warty birch

30 g of plant buds are poured with a liter of vodka and infused. Use in the form of compresses or lotions daily for seven days.

White mustard

Compresses made from vodka and white mustard are an effective remedy for combating lichen.

The seeds are poured with water and allowed to brew. Grind to a paste. Apply to skin in the evening. If possible, repeat the procedure in the morning. Continue the course for 5-10 days, depending on the result.


2 tablespoons of herbs 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid, leave to cool. After this, filter. Can be used in the form of lotions or baths daily for up to a week.

Original methods

Sometimes they can save you from deprivation completely unusual ways treatment.


They wet their finger with saliva and “stick” grains of salt on it. Apply to the affected areas. The results are noticeable after the first use. You can do this as often as the opportunity arises.


A very old method: foci of inflammation are smeared with moisture from the windows. To do this, you need to bring the dishes with hot water, allowing the steam to settle on the glass. After 3 days of daily use, the rashes disappear.


It is necessary to set fire to a splinter of resinous pine. After this, it is extinguished by directing the smoke to the foci of infection. These manipulations are performed three times a day for 10 days.

Video - How to treat lichen at home


Following simple rules will help avoid infection or speed up the healing of existing lesions.

  1. It is necessary to use a personal comb, clothing, and a hat. You cannot give your things to others.
  2. Once the rash appears, you should not scratch it - this increases the risk of the fungus spreading throughout the body.
  3. Frequently change and wash the patient's clothes, bedding and towels.
  4. During illness, wear clothes made from natural materials; underwear should be loose. Change at least once a day.

In dermatological patients, spots remain on the skin after shingles, which can be removed after a certain time. But besides them, after suffering an illness, scars and cicatrices may remain on the body. The thing is that the causative agent of infectious herpes zoster is the varicella zoster virus, and if treatment is carried out incorrectly or at the wrong time, marks may appear on the skin.

Why do scars remain after lichen?

Herpes zoster - infection caused by herperovirus infection. R Those who had chickenpox in childhood have a risk of getting sick. The virus that caused it does not go away completely, but remains in the cells of the body and is activated when the defense of the immune system decreases or when severe stress is experienced. You can get it from contact with an already sick person, as well as through airborne droplets. It appears on the body in the form of small red pimples that affect the skin in patches. They penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, and as a result, scars may remain after recovery. With this type of lichen, the patient feels severe itching and pain from the rash.

It can be easily confused with lichen planus or lichen planus, as the rashes are similar and the spots can be very itchy or painful. If shingles spots are localized in areas nerve endings, then in the presence of pink or red lichen planus In humans, these rashes appear more often on the following areas of the body:

  • on the foot;
  • back;
  • shoulder and elbow bend;
  • lower back;
  • mucous membrane.

What to do?

The likelihood that there will be a scar at the site of the rash is for those who rip off the crust on healing wounds during treatment. Put away external manifestations You can get sick in a week, but the pain will finally go away only after 2 or 3 months. To get rid of this type of lichen, doctors recommend using:

Will the spots go away on their own?

Pink spots from lichen go away on their own over time. In other cases, they are removed using ointments. They should be applied several times a day. It is not recommended to select ointments yourself, as they treat different types lichen and you can make a mistake when choosing. Only the doctor decides which ointments should be used. There are no scars left from pityriasis rosea or red flat fungus, but treatment can last more than six months. The main thing is to be patient and visit a dermatologist regularly. When treating fungal skin diseases, you should not take breaks, but regularly take the recommended medications without reducing or increasing the dosage.