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Eleutherococcus tablets download instructions for use. Eleutherococcus - beneficial properties, indications for use. Contraindications described in the instructions and medical restrictions

Latest update manufacturer's descriptions 31.07.1998

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Active substance:


Pharmacological group

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Composition and release form

Liquid extract (1:1) from rhizomes with roots of Eleutherococcus senticosus (Araliaceae family) in 40% alcohol; in dark glass bottles of 50 ml, 1 bottle in a cardboard box.


The liquid is dark brown in color, with a peculiar odor and a slightly pungent-bitter taste.

Directions for use and doses

Orally, half an hour before meals, adults - 20-40 drops 3 times a day for a month, children - 1 drop for 1 year of life.

Storage conditions for the drug Eleutherococcus liquid extract

In a cool place, protected from light.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Eleutherococcus extract liquid

4 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Instructions for medical use

Eleutherococcus liquid extract
Instructions for medical use- RU No. LP-003137

date last change: 10.08.2015

Dosage form

Liquid extract for oral administration


To receive the drug you must:

Active substance:

Eleutherococcus senticosus rhizomes and roots - 1000 g;


Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) 40% - sufficient amount to obtain 1000 ml

Description of the dosage form

The liquid is light brown to dark brown in color, transparent in a thin layer, with a characteristic odor. During storage it is possible appearance of mild opalescence and precipitation.

Pharmacological group

General tonic of herbal origin

pharmachologic effect

Has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, tonic and restorative effect on the body, increases the general nonspecific resistance of the body, helps improve appetite, physical and mental performance.


Mental and physical fatigue, asthenic conditions of various etiologies, neurasthenia, arterial hypotension(low blood pressure), the recovery period after infectious diseases and the postoperative period.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), heart rhythm disturbances, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular pathology, increased excitability, epilepsy, convulsive conditions, insomnia, acute infectious diseases, chronic diseases liver. The drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, children under 12 years old.


Alcoholism, traumatic brain injury, brain diseases, childhood over 12 years old.

Directions for use and doses

The drug is taken orally before meals in the first half of the day. Adults are prescribed 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day. For children over 12 years old - a dose of 1 drop per 1 year of life. The course of treatment is 25-30 days.

If necessary, carry out repeat courses with two-week breaks (or without them) after consultation with a doctor.

Side effects

Possible allergic reactions, insomnia, hypoglycemia, headache, tachycardia.



Enhances the effect of central stimulants nervous system, is an antagonist of drugs that depress the central nervous system (including antipsychotics, barbiturates, anxiolytics, antiepileptic drugs).

When used simultaneously with digoxin, the plasma concentration of the latter may increase; with hypoglycemic drugs (including insulin) and anticoagulants, the effect may be enhanced.

special instructions

The drug should not be used in the afternoon to avoid insomnia. If hypoglycemia occurs, it is recommended to reduce the dose of the drug, take it after meals, or discontinue the drug.

The maximum single dose of the drug contains 0.43 g of absolute ethyl alcohol (30 drops), the maximum daily dose is 1.4 g of absolute ethyl alcohol (90 drops).

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

During the period of use medicinal product Care must be taken when performing potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, working as a dispatcher and operator).

Release form

Liquid extract for oral administration.

25, 50, 100 ml in glass bottles with a screw neck, sealed with plastic stoppers and screw caps.

But 25, 50, 100 ml in glass dropper bottles, sealed with dropper stoppers and screw caps.

25, 50, 100 ml in polymer bottles, sealed with polymer dropper stoppers or polymer stoppers and polymer screw caps.

Each bottle, dropper bottle, along with instructions for medical use, is placed in a cardboard pack.

PE 40 bottles or dropper bottles of 25 ml each or 20 bottles or dropper bottles of 50 ml each or 20 bottles or dropper bottles of 100 ml each with an equal number of instructions for medical use are placed in a corrugated cardboard box or cardboard box ( "For hospitals")

5, 10, 20 liters in polyethylene canisters (“For hospitals”),

In one bottle liquid extract (Extractum Eleutherococci fluidum) contains extract of rhizomes and roots of Eleutherococcus senticosus. 40 percent is used as an auxiliary component ethanol (Spirutus aethylicus). To prepare the product, the ingredients are used in a 50:50 ratio.

Part capsules And tablets in addition to the dry extract of rhizomes and roots of the plant, which is used as active substance, also included ( Аcidum ascorbinicum).

As auxiliary components in dragee are used:

  • ascorbic acid (Acidum ascorbinicum);
  • (Vitamin E);
  • sugar (Saccharum);
  • lactose (Lactose);
  • stinging nettle (Urtica dioica);
  • calcium stearate (Calcium stearate);
  • starch syrup;
  • food coloring;
  • beeswax.

IN syrup-tonic besides active component also contains:

  • ascorbic acid (Acidum ascorbinicum);
  • citric acid (Citricum acidum);
  • (50%; Acidum benzoicum);
  • rosehip (Rosa majalis);
  • sugar (Saccharum);
  • water (Aqua).

Release form

Eleutherococcus preparations are available:

  • in the form of a liquid extract of Eleutherococcus, which is a dark brown liquid with a peculiar odor and slightly pungent taste (during storage in a bottle with the extract, sediment may form);
  • in the form of film-coated tablets Eleutherococcus P;
  • in capsule form (produced in the USA pharmaceutical company Vitamin Global);
  • in the form of Eleutherococcus Plus tablets;
  • in the form of tonic syrup.

Creams are also made based on the plant extract. herbal tablets, powders, decoctions and lozenges.

pharmachologic effect

The action of Eleutherococcus preparations is aimed at increasing general tone and strengthening the body. They belong to the pharmacotherapeutic group “ Adaptogens and medicines general tonic effect”.

Dry extract tablets and tonic syrup are used as a dietary supplement to food.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Eleutherococcus in the form of dry and liquid extracts has a general tonic effect on the central nervous system and improves the body’s ability to adapt to the adverse effects of aggressive factors.

The general tonic effect manifests itself gradually and is accompanied by an increase in tone and normalization of the body’s vital functions. The mechanism of this action is activation of metabolic processes , and endocrine And autonomic regulation .

The main signs of improving body tone are:

  • normalization of appetite;
  • improvement of the tone of hollow internal organs;
  • increased secretion of glands digestive tract;
  • restoration of reduced vascular tone.

With low blood pressure, tincture of Eleutherococcus helps to slightly increase its indicators.

In addition, the drugs slightly reduce blood glucose levels, improve heart function, stimulate the function of the gonads in men and women and stimulate mental activity.

The psychostimulating effect manifests itself in the form of increased performance (physical and mental), a decrease in the severity of symptoms asthenia (for example, after suffering injuries or somatic diseases ) and signs of body fatigue.

At the same time, Eleutherococcus preparations do not provoke mental excitement and, including: both manifestations of a general tonic effect and manifestations of a psychostimulating effect are in the range of physiological norms.

The main adaptogenic effects in the pharmacodynamics of drugs are:

  • activation of specific and nonspecific immunity and, as a consequence, an increase in the body’s resistance to infections (the use of tincture, liquid extract or tablets of Eleutherococcus during periods of epidemics can reduce the number of sick people and also facilitate the course of the disease);
  • improves the body's tolerance to aggressive factors external environment(for example, high or, conversely, low ambient temperature, radiation, intoxication, etc.).

All products are characterized as low-toxic. They are well tolerated by the body and cause virtually no side effects.

Like other drugs with adaptogenic effects, Eleutherococcus extract and tablets are prophylactic agents, the effect of their use is manifested when used systematically for a long time.

Indications for use of Eleutherococcus (Tincture, syrup, tablets, cream)

The drug in tablet form is indicated as a dietary supplement. It serves as an additional source ascorbic acid () And eleutherosides .

The latter stimulate synthesis endorphins , and also provoke the breakdown of fats and their release into the systemic circulation. In addition, these substances accelerate the combustion of carbohydrates, preventing them from turning into fats.

The use of Eleutherococcus tincture, syrup and tablet dosage forms is advisable:

  • at asthenic syndrome (including after injuries, surgical interventions, somatic diseases, etc.);
  • with syndrome ;
  • at decreased libido And erectile dysfunction ;
  • with increased fatigue;
  • at hypercholesterolemia ;
  • in conditions accompanied by general weakness;
  • in conditions caused by immunodeficiency ;
  • to restore the body after the course radio- or chemotherapy ;
  • at ;
  • at low pressure.

The use of extract and tablets is recommended to increase immunity during periods epidemics , to maintain the general tone of the body, normalize performance (including in elderly patients); to accelerate adaptation processes, including to physical and mental overload, sudden changes in living conditions, and exposure to adverse factors.

These remedies can also be used to relieve symptoms of neurasthenia and climacteric syndrome , at vegetative neuroses , for menstrual irregularities, for recovery after childbirth, etc.

The drugs provoke dilation of peripheral vessels, including cerebral and coronary arteries, and by increasing the permeability of cell membranes to glucose, they help reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood (this property of Eleutherococcus allows the use of its preparations (with the exception of syrup) in mild therapy forms).

Taking them during the recovery period after surgical intervention activates normalization processes protein composition blood and stimulates faster tissue healing.

Eleutherococcus also effectively relieves redness and symptoms of eye fatigue . It is used as an external agent for seborrheic and early .

Capsules are used for treatment fungal skin lesions . In addition, the drug in this dosage form effectively relieves nervous tension, normalize night sleep and cardiac activity. The use of capsules also allows you to optimize blood composition, normalize blood pressure and cleanse blood vessels.

Cream based on Eleutherococcus is used as an auxiliary therapeutic agent for the treatment of joint diseases of non-infectious origin (including poly- And monoarthritis , etc.), osteochondrosis And progressive radiculopathy .

The healing properties of the plant extract help relieve neuralgic pain. For preventive purposes, the cream is used in cases where there is a threat of decline (for example, as a result of severe stress, if there is a sick person in the family, after suffering a serious illness, etc.).

At mild frostbite The product is rubbed vigorously into the affected areas until they turn pink and a slight tingling sensation appears in the skin.

It is important to remember that Eleutherococcus in tablets, capsules, dragees and syrup is not a medicine and is used exclusively as a dietary supplement.

Contraindications for Eleutherococcus

Preparations of Eleutherococcus have and beneficial features, and contraindications. So, they should not be taken:

  • people with an overly excitable central nervous system;
  • patients who have been diagnosed with;
  • patients suffering from ;
  • people with high blood pressure;
  • at cardiac pathologies which are accompanied by heart rhythm disturbances;
  • at ;
  • V acute period currents infectious diseases ;
  • in conditions accompanied by;
  • patients who have undergone;
  • patients with cerebrovascular pathologies ;
  • patients with skin lesions of non-infectious origin (, etc.);
  • patients with severe;
  • pregnant women;
  • during ;
  • children under twelve years of age.

A contraindication for Eleutherococcus tincture, syrup and tablet forms of the drug is also hypersensitivity to the substances included in their composition.

The drug in the form of a tonic syrup is contraindicated for people who are sick.

Side effects

In some cases, Eleutherococcus can provoke adverse reactions which most often manifest symptoms, increased irritability and anxiety, increased blood pressure, decreased blood glucose concentrations.

Sometimes disorders of the digestive tract may develop. Taking medications after lunch time may cause insomnia.

Instructions for use of Eleutherococcus

Eleutherococcus tincture, instructions for use

The instructions for Eleutherococcus tincture recommend taking the drug twice a day about twenty minutes before meals. Before taking Eleutherococcus tincture, it must be diluted with water. The optimal ratio is 20-40 drops per 50 ml of water.

The duration of treatment is from two weeks to one month.

The diluted tincture is also used as an external agent in cosmetology: it is used to prepare a variety of compresses and tonic masks.

Liquid extract of Eleutherococcus, instructions for use

Before taking Eleutherococcus liquid extract, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 20-40 drops per 50 ml of water. The medicine is taken for a month about half an hour before meals, twice or thrice a day. The frequency of doses depends on the age of the patient and the purpose of using the extract.

Children over twelve years of age are prescribed to take one drop of the drug for each year of life.

The drug has a systemic effect on the human body. For example, a single dose of the maximum permitted therapeutic dose provokes the development of a pronounced tonic effect.

It should be noted, however, that this effect lasts for a limited period of time. Application maximum dosage indicated for prolonged stress, prolonged depression, etc. To achieve a lasting result, a longer course of treatment is required.

Before drinking eleutherococcus, the bottle with the extract should be shaken well.

Eleutherococcus tablets, instructions for use

Tablets and dragees Eleutherococcus P should be taken orally at 100 or 200 mg (1-2 tablets/dragées per dose) twice a day with food. The duration of treatment can vary from 14 to 21 days; if necessary, it is repeated after 7-14 days.


An overdose, as a rule, is accompanied by disorders of the digestive tract and decreased ability to work. In such cases, you should immediately stop using the drug and prescribe symptomatic therapy.


Eleutherococcus extract enhances the effect of drugs whose action is aimed at stimulating the central nervous system. Its action is opposite to the action of drugs that depress the central nervous system (including, incl. barbiturates , tranquilizers , anticonvulsant drugs, etc.).

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Tablets are stored away from fire, in a dry, dark place inaccessible to children. Optimal temperature regime- no more than 20°C.

The liquid extract should be stored in a cool, dark place.

Best before date

For tablet forms - 60 months.

For liquid extract - 48 months.

special instructions

According to Wikipedia, Eleutherococcus senticosus ( Eleutherococcus senticosus) is a plant from the genus of thorny shrubby perennials. In reference books it appears under different names. It is most often called wild pepper, prickly freeberry, netronnik, devil's bush, and also Siberian ginseng.

The generic name of the plant comes from the Greek words " eleutheros", which translates as " free", And " kokkos”, which translates as “ nut" In the Latin version “ senticosus” translates as “ thorny”.

In the photo, Eleutherococcus senticosus is a bush with straight vertical stems and a powerful root system. The main root is a modified underground shoot of a cylindrical shape, from which a large number of adventitious roots radiate in all directions. The length of the root system can reach 30 meters.

IN optimal conditions the bush can reach four meters in height. The photo of the plant also shows that its shoots are densely covered with long thin spines, which are directed obliquely and downwards.

Growing and caring for Eleutherococcus

IN natural conditions wild pepper bushes grow mainly in the Far Eastern regions of Russia, Japan, northeastern regions of China and Korea.

However, since the plant is characterized as unpretentious, it is easy to grow it on our garden plots: it adapts well to various soils, has good shade tolerance (the shrub can be planted under the crown of fruit-bearing trees) and successfully tolerates the rather harsh conditions of our often snowless winters.

The shrub propagates by seeds, green cuttings of summer shoots, or layering and root shoots (the latter, as practice shows, take root best).

Despite its unpretentiousness to the soil, wild pepper still grows and develops better on loose soil rich in humus. Caring for the plant comes down to removing dried and broken branches. Poor soils require irrigation using organic and mineral fertilizers(they should be added in spring and summer).

Eleutherococcus begins to bloom and bear fruit from the fourth year of life, the largest number valuable substances Contained in the roots of a plant that is 5-6 years old.

Preparing Eleutherococcus tincture at home

In addition to pharmaceutical preparations of Eleutherococcus wide application I also found a tincture of Eleutherococcus. To prepare it, 100 grams of dry crushed medicinal raw materials are placed in a hermetically sealed glass container and then poured with 500 ml of vodka (without flavoring additives) or alcohol (40%).

The container is sealed and left to infuse in a dark place at room temperature, shaking vigorously from time to time. After three weeks, the finished tincture is filtered through a piece of gauze folded in several layers. It is recommended to store it in the refrigerator.

Eleutherococcus or ginseng - which is better?

Eleutherococcus and ginseng are medicinal plants that have a similar mechanism of action on the body. However, having properties similar to ginseng, Eleutherococcus roots also have a number of benefits.

Preparations in which it is used as an active ingredient “work” somewhat slower than ginseng preparations. Recovery of the body occurs gradually, but the effect of using Eleutherococcus lasts slightly longer than the effect of using ginseng.

Unlike ginseng, it can be used at any time of the year and from an earlier age (ginseng is not recommended for persons under 16 years of age). In addition, natural reserves of Eleutherococcus are much greater than those of ginseng, which allows the production of sufficient quantities of preparations containing it.

Consumption of Eleutherococcus can approximately halve the levels of glucose in the blood and increase the glycogen content in the liver. Also, when compared with ginseng, it has a much stronger effect on carbohydrate metabolism.

According to studies, preparations of wild pepper roots reduce the time of dark adaptation (or, in other words, changes in sensitivity human eye when transitioning from bright lighting to complete darkness), which turns out to be very useful during periods seasonal depression .

These medications also help improve visual acuity. If you take them for a month, you will notice a significant improvement in hearing acuity.

A few days after starting daily doses of the drug in various dosage forms Appetite is normalized in both healthy and sick people. In addition, these drugs have an effect on the body and anabolic effect (laboratory animals that received wild pepper preparations daily for at least two weeks gained weight).

Why are liquid extracts and tablet forms of the drug taken in sports?

The use of wild pepper preparations is advisable not only in extreme conditions, but also in sports.

In Christopher Hobbs's book Ginseng: an energy plant” it is indicated that doctors of the Russian Olympic team prescribe taking Eleutherococcus for athletes who engage in sports that require increased endurance.

Eleutherococcus is most widely used in bodybuilding and athletics. Like other plant adaptogens, it is very important for athletes - training while taking this drug allows you to achieve a more pronounced post-workout opening of the so-called “carbohydrate window”. Post-training absorption is also activated amino acids .

Eleutherococcus preparations are often taken by climbers, sailors, factory workers engaged in hazardous industries, as well as astronauts, for whom it is especially important to speed up the processes of adaptation to the radically different conditions of outer space.

The benefits and harms of Eleutherococcus

The most valuable are the following effects of Eleutherococcus:

  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • increasing the adaptive properties of the body;
  • normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • increasing the body's resistance to stressful situations.

However, despite the huge number of indications for the use of wild pepper preparations and their low toxicity, in some cases they can harm your own body.

Eleutherococcus for weight loss

Preparations containing wild pepper extract are very important for people who want to get rid of excess weight, - after all, like others adaptogens , the latter activates the processes of absorption of glucose by the body's cells.

This in turn stimulates metabolism , since proteins and fats are generally unable to oxidize without glucose. It is through the oxidation of glucose that the necessary energy is released for burning (oxidizing) fats.

Eleutherococcus during pregnancy

However, in some cases, by the decision of the attending physician, they can still be prescribed.

During pregnancy, Eleutherococcus is used for chronic , low blood pressure, for treatment, symptom relief chronic fatigue and treatment asthenic syndrome .

For pregnant women, the drug is prescribed exclusively according to doctor's indications and in minimal dosages. The duration of treatment should also be minimal.

An almost equivalent analogue of the legendary ginseng - tincture of Eleutherococcus - is widely used in both folk and traditional medicine. In the range of its healing effects on the body: general health and participation in the treatment of serious diseases, stimulation of vigor of body and spirit, sports records, love deeds, beauty and youth... What is the basis for such an extensive list of merits of the modest pharmaceutical drug? Is it really true that there is only benefit and no harm from using the drug?

Wild pepper, prickly pepper, netronnik, prickly freeberry, Siberian ginseng, damn bush... And this is all about it - about Eleutherococcus senticosus, a truly incredibly prickly shrub that lives mainly in the Far East and Siberia, and also in China, Korea and Japan. There are three dozen more plant species, but they all grow only in exotic Asian countries.

Blooming devil bush - spring decoration of the taiga

Siberian ginseng got its name for a reason - the whole plant, and especially its root, has a powerful arsenal of beneficial properties.

Unique inner world eleutherococcus is harmoniously complemented by exclusive appearance and a very capricious character. Tall, up to five meters straight shoots are crowned with clusters of black berries and literally covered with sharp thorns: do not approach! Collectors of medicinal raw materials risk touching this damn bush unless they wear gloves made of thick tarpaulin.

The thorns of the devil's bush protect both its berries and healing treasures

But the free-berry plant does not grow too quickly, and becomes useful only at the age of three, when the boldly protruding shoots reach a meter in height. Prickly “trees” are dug up for their branched rhizomes, which are most often used for medicinal purposes.

Few people know that both the leaves and the hot pepper-like berries of the plant are as beneficial as its roots. Well, so what if the concentration of valuable elements in the leaves is slightly lower? But collecting them is much easier, and you won’t have to destroy the entire plant for the sake of a medicinal root.

Eleutherococcus benefits not only from its famous root, but also from its flowers and berries.

The roots of the devil's bush are harvested at the end of autumn, when the leaves have already fallen off and the snow has not yet fallen. At this time, the root system of the plant increases the concentration of valuable elements almost one and a half times compared to the spring period - from 79 to 116 stimulating action units. Properly collected and dried medicinal raw materials retain their rich healing abilities for up to three years.

The benefits of the damn bush

Eleutherococcus and ginseng could be called brothers - the plants are so close and similar in their healing abilities. The “brothers” largely have the same qualitative and quantitative composition of the complex of valuable compounds.

Eleutherococcus - the “brother” of ginseng

Wild pepper, in particular, has collected the following list of useful components:

  • essential oil,
  • flavonoids,
  • oleic acid,
  • caffeic acid,
  • vitamins: C and group B;
  • aromatic alcohols,
  • hydroxycoumarins,
  • alkaloids,
  • pectin substances,
  • anthocyanins,
  • lignans and their glycosides (eleutherosides).
  • sterols,
  • arotenoids,
  • gums,
  • starch,
  • resins,
  • polysaccharides,
  • lipids,
  • proteins.

It is important that wild pepper does not contain toxic saponins, like all other representatives of its large and very poisonous Araliaceae family. For this reason, taking netronnica drugs is safe and does not pose a risk of poisoning.

Like ginseng, Eleutherococcus helps a person discover a powerful source of energy within himself. This folk remedy enormously increases performance, resistance to stress and vitality in general, improves vision and hearing, and brain activity.

The legendary “men” of ginseng go well with eleutherococcus

Both real ginseng and “Siberian” are adaptogens - natural stimulants of physical, nervous and mental activity, similar in their effects on the body. You can use tinctures of these plants, either individually or together, which synergistically reinforces the effect of each drug. Typically, ginseng and eleutherococcus extracts are mixed in equal proportions - this does not double, but at least triples the healing effect.

The roots of the devil's bush are used to prepare medicinal use various drugs: infusions, decoctions, syrups, but the alcohol extract remains unrivaled - it allows you to preserve the maximum useful substances and properties Siberian ginseng.

Eleutherococcus tincture is the best of its preparations

What kind of tincture?

Eleutherococcus tincture is sold in every pharmacy. but if you are lucky enough to purchase or even collect the roots of this plant with your own hands, try cooking from them home remedy- you will not regret!


  • dry roots of Eleutherococcus - 100 grams;
  • vodka - 0.5 liters.

You can prepare Eleutherococcus tincture yourself


  1. Pour the medicinal raw material into a container with vodka and shake well.
  2. Leave in a dark place for two weeks, shake daily.
  3. Filter the tincture and continue storing it in the dark.

How and why it helps: use of the product

The range of beneficial effects of Siberian ginseng on human well-being is very wide and bright. It heals ailments and normalizes functioning various systems and spheres of the body:

Debugging and stimulating metabolic processes, Eleutherococcus significantly improves the quality of life: cleanses and rejuvenates the face and body, gives strength, vigor, and a positive perception of reality. The healing extract of the plant is used by cosmetologists for treatment skin problems and preparation of beauty preparations, as well as by athletes and bodybuilders - to improve endurance and achieve high results.

Everyone, everyone, everyone

The standard treatment course for wild pepper tincture lasts three to four weeks. Then you should take a break for a week and continue using the drug. It is important to remember: Eleutherococcus is a powerful tonic. If you do not want to lose sleep, never take the tincture at night - only in the morning or early afternoon. It is not advisable to use Eleutherococcus if you plan for a long time drive in a difficult traffic situation where constant concentration of attention is required.

Huge power is hidden in ordinary-looking roots.

Therapeutic dosages for Eleutherococcus tincture - table

Disease Admission standards
In general cases 15–50 drops 1–3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals
(diluted with a little water)
Relieving depression, improving mood 20–30 drops in the morning
Menopause, menopause 20–40 drops 1 time per day
General fatigue 15–20 drops 2–3 times a day
Stimulating the immune system 40–50 drops 3 times a day
Problems in the sexual sphere in men, enuresis, recovery after childbirth, rheumatic heart disease 15–20 drops 3 times a day
Diabetes mellitus, hyperglycemia, normalization of hearing 15 drops 2 times a day
Disorders of the heart and blood vessels 30 drops 3 times a day (course 2 weeks)
Removing poisons, eliminating the effects of radiation 15–20 drops 2 times a day

IN difficult cases and at serious illnesses Eleutherococcus tincture should be considered as an adjuvant or maintenance therapy, but not as the main or sole treatment.

For men

An alcoholic extract of wild pepper, normalizing the content of hormones in the blood, helps to increase sexual attraction and improve male sexual function. By toning the body, Eleutherococcus cleanses blood vessels and normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic area, thereby eliminating erection problems. In addition, the drug confidently copes with stress and depression, which, in turn, has a positive effect on men's health.

Eleutherococcus - a guarantor of men's health and good mood

The restoration of erection is facilitated by unique compounds contained exclusively in Eleutherococcus - eleutherosides. It is this special type of glycoside that helps men get rid of erectile dysfunction. Main properties of eleutherosides:

  • cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol, dissolving even old plaques;
  • mobilize the body's defenses against the effects of toxins and pathogenic microflora;
  • increase stress resistance, relieve irritability and self-doubt;
  • stimulate endurance and performance;
  • produce positivity and optimism, improve self-esteem.

The positive effect will become noticeable after the first course of treatment - two to three weeks, during which you need to take 15 drops plant extract three times a day. To consolidate the result, you should repeat the course after a month's break.

Siberian ginseng tincture is also used to treat male infertility.


Taking Eleutherococcus during pregnancy creates a risk of premature termination of pregnancy. However, there are cases when taking the drug in reduced doses benefits a pregnant woman - if she, for example, suffers from too much low blood pressure, which is accompanied by weakness, dizziness and even fainting. But only a doctor has the right to prescribe such treatment, as well as the dosage of the medicine.

Eleutherococcus will give health, happiness and long-awaited motherhood

IN folk medicine this product is also used for quick recovery after a difficult birth. Eleutherococcus perfectly helps a woman to rehabilitate, but can harm her baby if the young mother is breastfeeding. Therefore, the medicine is prescribed after childbirth only if the child is bottle-fed.

In other periods of a woman’s life, tincture of free berry can provide significant benefits: regulate menstruation, ease the passage of menopause - for this, the remedy is taken on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, 30 drops.

The drug is prescribed as an auxiliary in a complex of medications and procedures for the treatment of infertility caused by underdevelopment of a woman’s reproductive system. The regimen for taking the tincture in each specific case is prescribed individually.

For children

It is generally accepted that Eleutherococcus should not be taken by children under twelve years of age. But sometimes pediatricians themselves prescribe this drug to children aged four years and older. The fact is that the folk remedy perfectly increases resistance child's body and its ability to resist seasonal infections. If your doctor does not see any contraindications for your child, take his advice. But hyperactive children should not take this drug.

One drop of eleutherococcus in tea - and six months without colds!

It is not difficult to calculate the children's dosage. It consists of one drop for one year of a child from the age of twelve - that is, at one time, from 12 to 17 drops need to be dissolved in a small volume of water, juice or tea. For small children, the dose is halved and their well-being is closely monitored. At the first adverse symptoms, the drug should be discontinued.

IN for preventive purposes Children are given just one drop of the tincture once a day for a week. This course should be carried out twice a year, at the beginning of spring and autumn, to increase immunity and protect the child from colds and viral diseases.

Athletes and bodybuilders

Sports doctors strongly recommend that their patients use eleutherococcus as a natural energy drink, which is not only safe, but also beneficial to health - of course, in the absence of any contraindications to this drug. A simple and affordable folk remedy guarantees a rapid surge of strength in the right moments and provides endurance, which is so necessary during prolonged physical activity.

For more than half a century, this drug has been actively used by both professional athletes and bodybuilders, who through persistent training “build” the beauty of their body.

It is important, together with the trainer and doctor, to correctly calculate the dosage regimen so that “ useful dope» supported the athlete as much as possible at the peak of his efforts - for example, during important competitions - and helped to mobilize forces to achieve outstanding results. General recommendations suggest that athletes alternate a month of taking wild pepper tincture with breaks for a month.

A single dose should not exceed 40 drops per half glass of water. Usually the drug is taken half an hour before training, twice a day, but if classes at the gym take place in the evening, then the second dose of eleutherococcus should be rescheduled for lunch time or completely canceled. It is necessary to constantly monitor your health and, above all, your heart rate and blood pressure levels, and also drink at least three liters of water daily.

For weight loss

Eleutherococcus knows the secrets of a slim and beautiful figure very well. The use of a healing tincture helps to quickly regulate lipid metabolism, promotes rapid fat burning and increased vitality. Along with stress, the habit of “eating them with sweets” goes away, and then the extra pounds melt away without a trace.

Tea with eleutherococcus dissolves extra pounds

Thanks to this drug alone, without exhausting diets, you can get rid of five to eight kilograms every month without stress and without harm to your health. At the same time, there is no sagging of the skin in problem areas, on the contrary, the body will gain flexibility and firmness!

For weight loss, wild pepper tincture is taken in several courses of two months, with a three-week interval between them. Daily dosage regimen: 20 drops, twice a day, half an hour before breakfast and lunch.

In cosmetology

Regular use of the medicinal tincture allows you to regulate metabolism and normalize the condition of the skin of the face and body, which directly depends on this. Skin they become clean and fresh, rashes, peeling, and dermatitis go away.

For problematic oily skin


  • alcohol extract of eleutherococcus - 2 tablespoons;
  • boiled water - 0.5 cups.

Eleutherococcus mask treats problem skin


  1. The prepared water-alcohol mixture is drunk three times a day, one teaspoon at a time, for two to three weeks.
  2. For external use, holes for the mouth and eyes are cut out on a gauze napkin according to the size of the face, moistened in medicinal product and apply to cleansed skin for 15 minutes and then wipe clean water. Masks are made for two weeks, every other day.

For acne


  • dried leaves of Eleutherococcus - 1 tablespoon;
  • Eleutherococcus tincture - 2 tablespoons;
  • St. John's wort herb - 1 tablespoon;
  • sage herb - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 1 liter.

Eleutherococcus - an effective remedy for acne and blackheads on the face


  1. Pour boiling water over the mixture of medicinal plants.
  2. After ten minutes, strain, cool and put in the refrigerator.
  3. You need to wipe your face with the infusion at least ten times a day.

For dandruff and hair loss


  1. To strengthen hair and against baldness, the tincture is taken orally.
  2. Treatment begins with 5 drops per glass boiled water; I drink this solution three times a day.
  3. Add one drop daily until the single dose reaches 40 drops.
  4. The undiluted tincture is also rubbed into the hair roots an hour before each hair wash.

Treatments with Eleutherococcus will improve hair quality

Beneficial properties of Eleutherococcus - video

Contraindications and harm

Clear contraindications for using Eleutherococcus tincture are:

  • previous heart attack;
  • arrhythmia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • serious vascular pathologies;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute phases of infectious and chronic diseases;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • severe alcohol intoxication;
  • high temperature, fever;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to twelve years.

Use Eleutherococcus correctly - otherwise you will get the opposite result to the desired one

You should strictly adhere to the dosage of the drug and take it according to the schedule specified in the instructions. Exceeding doses of wild pepper tincture can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • loss of sleep;
  • anxiety and nervous disorders;
  • swelling;
  • diarrhea;
  • a sharp increase in pressure.

In some cases, manifestations may occur allergic reactions for tincture of Eleutherococcus.

Eleutherococcus in tablets is a dietary supplement with a tonic and restorative effect. A drug based on wild pepper normalizes general well-being and brain function, enhances physical and mental performance, as well as resistance to external influences. negative impacts and stress. Eleutherococcus helps cope with the symptoms of fatigue.


The dietary supplement is available in film-coated tablets, and each contains a dry extract of the root of the Eleutherococcus plant, the concentration of which differs depending on the manufacturer. The plant contains numerous useful components: vitamins (A, E, C, B-group), fatty and essential oils, resins, minerals, anthocyanins, flavonoids, eleutherosides, etc.

Auxiliary components: milk sugar, corn starch, silicon dioxide - aerosil, magnesium stearate. The shell contains the following components: water-soluble methylcellulose, titanium dioxide, red dye. In addition to tablet form, the product is available in the form of syrup, extract, capsules and dragees.

Beneficial features

  • Eleutherococcus is a strong adaptogen. The plant restores the immune system and is used as a preventive immunomodulator product to prevent infection with influenza and other infectious diseases.
  • It has a positive effect on the level of hormones in the body, normalizing their balance. For women, this helps combat the symptoms of menopause and menstrual irregularities. For men, the supplement will be useful for potency and increasing the level of sexual activity.
  • Eleutheroside, contained in Eleutherococcus, improves the permeability of glucose through cell membranes, which reduces blood sugar levels.
  • Wild pepper extract accelerates metabolism and promotes the absorption of glucose by the body's cells, which promotes weight loss.
  • The product is used at low pressure - the plant component has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, normalizing their elasticity and degree of lumen.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use, the use of a herbal preparation in tablet form is recommended for the following indications:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome and severe fatigue;
  • periods accompanied by increased physical and mental stress as a stimulant and tonic;
  • severe stress;
  • functional disorders of the nervous system;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • periods of recovery of the body after suffering serious illnesses;
  • rehabilitation after chemotherapy and radiation therapy;
  • to combat excess weight;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • in cases of sexual dysfunction in men;
  • in case of problems with menstrual cycle and symptoms of menopause.

Method of administration and dosage

The tablets are taken orally, and the dosage is selected based on the existing problem and general condition patient's health. The dry extract of the plant is prescribed to adult patients and children over 12 years of age in an amount of no more than 4 tablets per day. Take 1-2 tablets in the morning and afternoon with meals, and it is better to drink the second portion of the medicine no later than 17 hours, otherwise the tonic effect will cause sleep disturbances. The standard course of treatment is 1 month. If it is necessary to repeat the course of therapy, you need to take a break of 1-2 weeks and agree on the advisability of a repeat cycle with your doctor.

The drug is also used in sports to increase the effectiveness of training, but then the dosage is somewhat different. One-time use of the drug is possible - this will achieve a short-term increase in the body’s performance. In this case, take 1-2 tablets with meals. It is not recommended to use the supplement simultaneously with other stimulants, in particular with coffee.

Side effects

If the drug is used incorrectly and the restrictions on use are ignored, Eleutherococcus can cause harm to the body. Thus, a course of therapy with a dietary supplement can result in the following side effects:

  • allergic reaction;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased irritability;
  • heightened feeling of anxiety;
  • insomnia (if the appointment is made later than 5 pm).

When side effects You must stop using the tablets and consult a doctor to adjust the prescribed treatment.


Means vegetable origin has limitations in use, in the presence of which the course of dietary supplement therapy will have to be abandoned. We are talking about the following conditions:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • insomnia;
  • atherosclerotic processes;
  • high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • diseases of the heart muscle, especially in chronic form;
  • individual intolerance to the component composition;
  • during therapy for myocardial infarction;
  • high degree of excitability;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • acute phase of infectious diseases.

Drug analogues

There are no complete analogues of Eleutherococcus in tablets. However, if it is impossible to use the medicine, the doctor selects a herbal-based drug with similar properties. Analogues in action:

  • Svyatogor is an elixir consisting of a whole collection of plant extracts;
  • Aveol – based on oat grass;
  • Alfalgin syrup;
  • Apiphytol;
  • Befungin with chaga extract;
  • Wang-bi;
  • Vitastim;
  • Ginseng tincture;
  • Golden root tincture;
  • Leuzea based on Leuzea extract, etc.

Eleutherococcus P (tablets): COMPOSITION

  • Eleutherococcus rhizome powder – 70 mg,
  • vitamin C – 10 mg,
  • excipients: lactose, methylcellulose, calcium stearate, red and yellow food coloring.

Duration of admission: 2-3 weeks. Adults: 1-2 pcs. 2 times a day with meals. Store in a dry place, protected from light, at room temperature.

Contraindications: It is not recommended to take if you have an individual intolerance to the components of the product, increased nervous excitability, insomnia, high blood pressure, cardiac disorders, severe atherosclerosis, V evening time, pregnant and lactating women.

SGR: No. RU. dated 07/06/2011

Production: Parapharm LLC, 440033, Penza, st. Kalinina, 116a

Eleutherococcus- the best natural tonic. It is believed that its properties are similar to the famous “golden root” - ginseng.

Eleutherococcus senticosus distributed in the Far East. Popular names are “wild pepper”, “devil’s bush”. Eleutherococcus senticosus is a shrub 2-2.5 m high (sometimes up to 5-6 m) with numerous stems (up to 25 or more), densely planted with downward-pointing spines. The root system is represented by a highly branched rhizome equipped with adventitious roots. The leaves are five-fingered, long-petiolate; the leaflets are obovate or elliptical with a wedge-shaped base and a pointed apex. Small yellowish flowers are collected in spherical multi-flowered simple umbrellas on long peduncles located at the ends of the branches. The fruits are spherical, about 8 mm in diameter, black coenocarpous drupes collected in relatively large umbellate infructescences. The biologically active substances of the rhizomes and roots of Eleutherococcus senticosus should be classified as phenylpropanoids, and not lignins, as previously thought. This is due to the fact that the most characteristic BAS of the raw material of this plant is eleutheroside B (sinap alcohol glucoside), which is not a lignan. The second most important substance, lignan eleutheroside B (E), is a diglycoside of syringaresinol (a product of the oxidative combination of two molecules of synapic alcohol), and is also a phenylpropanoid in nature (dimeric form). Related substances having diagnostic value in terms of standardization of raw materials and preparations of eleuthorococcus, there are coumarins - eleutheroside B1 (7-O-glucoside of isofraxidine) and its aglycone (isofraxidine). As for other eleutherosides, they belong to sterols (eleutheroside A is identified as dicosterol, that is, glucose of ß-sitosterol) and carbohydrates (eleutheroside C, which is an ethyl galactoside). Associated substances also include chlorogenic acid, ethyl ester, caffeic acid, coniferyl adyldehyde (associated phenylpropanoids), tannins, protocatechuic acid and its glucoside, essential oil resin, lipids, polysaccharides. Eleutherococcus has an effect on the central nervous system and increases mental performance, reduces drowsiness, normalizes blood pressure, helps lower blood sugar levels.. Studies have shown that taking Eleutherococcus improves the body's endurance to increased stress, increases resistance to adverse environmental conditions, and reduces the incidence of illness during mass influenza infections. When using Eleutherococcus preparations, the sexual activity of men increases, and in airplane pilots and workers in noisy workshops, when used, it leads to improved hearing.

Attention! We do not produce extracts, infusions and decoctions that destroy many of the properties of medicinal plants. Our technology “Secrets of Longevity” uses the entire medicinal plant and brings all its richness to you medicinal properties given to us by Nature. When purchasing from a pharmacy, pay attention to the fact that they give you not an extract, but a preparation containing the medicinal plant itself.

"Eleutherococcus P" application

Used for overwork, neurasthenia, psychasthenia, exhaustion of the nervous system, the initial form of atherosclerosis, hypertension, mild form diabetes mellitus

In addition, Eleutherococcus increases motor activity and conditioned reflex activity of a person, appetite, enhances visual acuity, increases basal metabolism. Additionally used to accelerate wound healing.

Eleutherococcus was first studied and became widely known in the 1960s, thanks to work carried out under the leadership of I. I. Brekhman at the Institute of Biologically Active Substances in Vladivostok (now the Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry - TIBOKH).

Eleutherococcus has also been used in psychiatric clinic Tomsk Medical Institute for the treatment of patients with hypochondriacal psychogenic, obsessive, somatogenic, toxicoinfectious and traumatic conditions (1966).

In patients diabetes mellitus when prescribing Eleutherococcus P, a decrease in blood sugar levels is observed within 10-14 days. Along with this, Eleutherococcus is prescribed to patients with severe manifestations of menopause, vasomotor disorders, and menstrual irregularities.

Eleutherococcus has also found application in cosmetology. Positive influence Eleutherococcus was observed in oily seborrhea skin and early baldness, it has a normalizing effect on lipid metabolism, which is very important for these diseases.

Young leaves of Eleutherococcus are added as a seasoning to rice, brewed as tea, and roe deer and sika deer feed on them. A decoction of the roots and powder of the leaves are used in livestock farming, enriching feed with them, which significantly increases the survival rate of young large animals. cattle and chickens, increases weight gain, egg production, and fur quality in fur-bearing animals. The essential oil obtained from the roots is used in the confectionery industry.

All organs of Eleutherococcus contain essential oils, most of them (up to 0.8%) in rhizomes and roots. The rhizomes also contain glycosides (eleutherosides), resins, and gum. Eleutherococcus roots are used in perfumes and even in the production of beer and soft drinks.

"Eleutherococcus P" - invigorating

The drug “Eleutherococcus P” from the “Secrets of Longevity” series is made using modern grinding technology at ultra-low temperatures. This allows you to preserve all the medicinal and related substances contained in the plant. In fact, “Eleutherococcus P” is a “living” plant with all its remarkable properties, contained in easy-to-use tablets.

“Eleutherococcus P” or who especially needs adaptogens?

  • Actively working people.
  • Weak people.
  • During vacation, for better recovery.
  • For older people to prevent memory loss and maintain their health.