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The beneficial properties of dried apricots are the norm per day. Useful properties of dried apricots. Traditional medicine recipes for women's health

Dried pitted apricots are a popular delicacy. In addition to its bright taste, apricots have a lot of nutritional properties. What are the benefits and harms of dried apricots for a woman’s body?

The composition of apricots includes:

  • carotene (vitamin A), which gives the fruits a bright orange color;
  • complex of other vitamins (E, group B, ascorbic acid);
  • proteins;
  • fiber (pectins);
  • glucose and fructose;
  • mineral elements - iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium;
  • organic acids.

Due to its low fat content (0.3 g per 100 g of fruit), dried apricots have a low calorie content - about 215 kcal.

Dried apricots - benefits for a woman’s body

This bright dried fruit has earned the name " women's dessert" The apricot received this honor because of its special healing effect on young ladies.

Beneficial properties of dried apricots for women's health:

  1. Normalizes hormonal processes (during menopause, PMS, pregnancy).
  2. Improves mood, fights neuroses.
  3. Replaces sweets, promotes weight loss.
  4. Removes toxic substances.
  5. Stimulates intestinal function and prevents constipation.
  6. Protects against blood clots in blood vessels, strengthens the walls, removes cholesterol.
  7. Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.
  8. Prevents the development of cancerous tumors.
  9. Improves performance endocrine system.
  10. Removes excess fluid, prevents pathologies of the kidneys and genitourinary tract.
  11. Strengthens the immune system.
  12. Activates brain function.
  13. Increases the amount of hemoglobin (during heavy menstruation).

It is enough to eat 100–150 g of dried apricots every day to get the required dose useful vitamins and minerals.

Useful properties during pregnancy and lactation

Doctors advise consuming apricots during pregnancy to replenish the expectant mother’s body with the necessary substances.

Women in the position of dried apricots are especially affected by:

  • gently relieves constipation, frequent occurrence in pregnant women;
  • fights anemia by supplying iron to the body;
  • improves the condition of the heart, blood vessels of the mother and child;
  • supports work thyroid gland;
  • normalizes blood pressure, fluctuations in which are observed in pregnant women;
  • ensures normal fetal development;
  • reduces nervousness, calms;
  • reduces the manifestations of toxicosis.

Is it possible to enjoy dried apricots after the birth of a child? Pediatricians advise introducing apricots into the diet of a nursing mother when the baby is 3–4 months old.

This should be done gradually, in small portions, observing the baby’s reaction. If manifestations of allergies or stool disturbances occur, dried apricots should be discarded.

4–5 dried fruits per day will help a woman recover after childbirth, and the baby will receive a supply useful microelements and vitamins.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not overuse dried apricots to prevent unwanted side effects.

What are the benefits of dried dried apricots?

Orange sweet fruits are used:

  • in unprocessed form for food;
  • for preparing salads, main courses, compotes and desserts;
  • in cosmetology (for skin and hair care products, restorative baths);
  • in folk medicine;
  • for weight loss.

Uruk is beneficial female body, nourishing it from the inside and outside. It prevents and successfully treats many diseases.

Compote of dried apricots

All year round you can prepare a tasty and nutritious drink from dried apricots.

You need to cook the compote, observing the proportion: 150 g of dried apricots per 1 liter of water. Sugar can be added to taste, or you can do without it.

For the drink, you should choose naturally dried fruits under the influence of sun rays. After all, special dryers reduce the beneficial properties. It is better if the apricot is not too bright, with minimal chemical processing.

Before cooking, thoroughly wash the dried apricots and place them in a pan of water. Bring the drink to a boil, cook for 5–7 minutes. Cover the dish with a lid and leave for at least 30 minutes (the more, the better).

There are many recipes for apricot compote. You can add to it lemon juice(or acid) to give the drink a sour taste. With rose hips, candied ginger or raisins, the compote will become more nutritious.

To get the maximum taste and benefit from the drink, it is better to brew it in the evening and let it sit overnight. The compote should be stored in a cool place for no more than 3 days.

Traditional medicine recipes for women's health

Useful medicines based on dried apricots help improve general state female body.

Popular recipes:

  1. A mixture of dried apricots, prunes, raisins, walnuts(200 g each) will increase resistance to infections. Grind the ingredients, add 200 g of honey. Use 2–3 tbsp. l. per day during the off-season and colds. A healthy elixir will improve your mood and give you a boost of energy.
  2. A decoction of dried fruits will relieve constipation. Pour 200 g of fruit into 1 liter of boiling water and leave overnight in a sealed container. Eat dried apricots on an empty stomach, washed down with a decoction, for 30 days.
  3. Olympian recipe. A product based on apricots (5 pcs.), figs (1 pc.) and prunes (1 pc.) will relieve pain in the spine and strengthen intervertebral discs. Grind the fruits and mix with honey. Use before bedtime for 40-45 days.
  4. A vitamin mixture of dried apricots, honey, nuts (200 g each) and lemon (1 pc.) gives the female body a boost of energy. Grind the components in a meat grinder. Consume 1 tbsp half an hour before meals. l. mixtures 2 times a day. Store the mixture in the refrigerator in a sealed glass container.
  5. A bath of apricot and valerian (100 g each) soothes, relaxes and tones. Pour boiling water (2 liters) over the ingredients and leave for 10–20 minutes. Boil for 5-7 minutes, leave again for 10 minutes. Strain the broth and add to water. Take a bath for 15–20 minutes.
  6. A nourishing mask made from chopped dried apricots, cottage cheese (1 tbsp each) and cream (1 tsp) makes a woman’s skin elastic and radiant. Mix the ingredients, apply to the face and neck for 20–25 minutes, rinse.

There are many effective recipes using apricots that support women's health.

Dried apricots for weight loss, how to use?

Dried apricots stimulate intestinal function, improve digestion, and have a diuretic effect. These properties of dried apricots are important for those women who want to lose extra pounds.

You can lose weight in different ways:

  • eat dried fruits instead of sweets and baked goods;
  • do fasting days with apricots.

To remove toxins, you can use recipes for fasting days:

  1. During the day, eat 200 g of dried apricots, dividing into 5-6 servings. Be sure to drink 3 liters of liquid (still water, tea without sugar).
  2. Grind 300 g of apricots and 200 g of fresh apricots, beat with a mixer. Drink throughout the day in 4–5 doses.

You cannot use this diet for longer than a day. This can disrupt metabolism and cause digestive problems.

Contraindications and possible harm

  • chronic pathologies digestive system(gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis);
  • obesity - occasionally nutritionists recommend fasting days based on apricots;
  • diabetes mellitus - only after the doctor’s permission, observing a safe dose;
  • allergic reactions on dried fruits (itching, swelling);
  • arterial hypotension.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should limit the amount of dried apricots. The norm for a healthy person is 100–150 g of fruit per day. Exceeding the dose can cause digestive system disorders.

It's better to eat dried apricots in the first half of the day, until 16.00, then all nutrients are successfully absorbed.

When purchasing dried fruits, you need to pay attention to their appearance. To increase shelf life, to give fruits bright color, they are processed chemical solutions. Therefore, before eating, the apricots should be washed several times, or even better, soaked in water for 10–15 minutes.

Then dried apricots will delight you with beneficial properties, lift your spirits and help strengthen your immune system.


Dear readers, do you like dried apricots? I think that many of us include it in our diet. Dried apricots are a sweet, sometimes slightly sour dried apricot fruit that is a desired delicacy for children and adults. This popular dried fruit serves as a substitute for fresh apricots during the cold season. It is good not only for its absence of seeds and delicate taste, but also for its set of health benefits. Today we will talk about the benefits and harms of dried apricots.

Apricot trees spread from China to the Middle East and then to European countries. History is silent about where exactly apricot fruits began to dry. Perhaps the Chinese began to dry this bright fruit. Today, dried apricots are a culinary delicacy known throughout the world. It is eaten on its own and added to a variety of dishes and desserts. The largest producer of this dried fruit is Türkiye.

Apricot, dried apricots and apricots. What is the difference? Apricots are fresh fruits, dried apricots are dried fruits without seeds, and apricots are dried fruits with seeds. The “closest relative” of dried apricots, apricots, are just as healthy as natural dried apricots. There is also kaisa - a dried whole fruit without a seed. Dried apricots in the form of halves of the fruit are considered classic.

The benefits of dried apricots are the same in all its varieties. And there are enough types of this dried fruit. There are dried apricots from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, China and Turkey. It varies in color, size and flavor nuances. What should we pay attention to?

Dried apricot color. What do we need to know

Pay attention to the color of the dried apricots. Dried apricots can range in color from orange to yellow and brown. Gray or brown color may well correspond to natural dried apricots. But bright orange can be suspicious. Is something that is bright and slightly shiny useful?

Manufacturers, for the sake of an impressive presentation, go to various kinds tricks. Wholesale producers use chemicals when drying apricots. This could be an anhydride, a toxin that provokes poisoning, allergies, and asthmatic attacks. This could be the preservative E-220, that is, sulfur dioxide - an equally dangerous toxin. For large volumes of dried apricot production, alkalis and caustic soda (E524) can be used.

If coal, gas or fuel oil was used when drying apricot fruits, then the dried fruits will be rich in carcinogens and will not have a fruity aroma at all. The most valuable in terms of taste and beneficial properties are those types of dried apricots that have been dried in the shade.

Naturally dried apricot fruit will darken. To give dried apricots shine, low-quality oils and fats can be used.

Too bright orange, or less often yellow, dried apricots are most often a sure sign of chemical processing and the use of food coloring.

What do we need to know when buying dried apricots? Natural dried apricots will have a grayish or brown color. It should also be dry and not shiny, matte. Such dried apricots have benefits for the body, and the taste is much higher. This dried apricot can be bought for children. Today there are four varieties of dried apricots. These are the highest, first, extra and table.

Composition of dried apricots

The benefits and harms of dried apricots to the body are associated with its natural chemical composition. It resembles the composition of fresh apricot, second only in the concentration of vitamins. Natural dried apricots contain:

  1. Vitamin set – A, B-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -9, C, E;
  2. Fatty acid;
  3. Mineral elements - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, etc.;
  4. Mono-, disaccharides;
  5. Starch, fructose, glucose.
  6. Dried apricots have a lot of carbohydrates, a little less protein and very little fat. She is a supplier dietary fiber.

To replenish your daily supply of ascorbic acid, iron and potassium, you will need very little dried apricots. We'll talk about this a little later. It contains youth vitamin A, antioxidant and immune guard vitamin C. The mineral set in dried apricots has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Calorie content of dried apricots and glycemic index

Due to the saturation of carbohydrates, the calorie content of this dried fruit is 240 Kcal per 100 grams. The hypoglycemic index of the product is 30. This means that dried apricots can be used for weight loss.

Useful properties of dried apricots

The benefits of dried apricots for the body are already well known over centuries of its use. This general strengthening the body and its healing and normalizing effect on its various systems. How are dried apricots good for our health? Among the effects of dried apricots on the body are the following:

  • General strengthening;
  • Mild laxative;
  • Diuretic;
  • Antioxidant, incl. supporting tissue regeneration and preservation;
  • Antitumor;
  • Removal of waste, toxins, radionuclides;
  • Normalization of metabolism;
  • Maintaining hormonal balance.

For the body, the benefits and harms of dried apricots are not the same. It is as beneficial as it pleases our taste. This oriental delicacy will bring us more benefit than harm and will help normalize the functioning of our organs or eliminate some ailments.

Dried apricots for the heart and blood vessels

The benefits of dried apricots for the heart and blood vessels have long been known. It allows you to remove excess cholesterol. The potassium, magnesium and sodium in dried apricots are important for healthy heart function. This delicious dried fruit is recommended for atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, anemia and spasms in blood vessels.

Iron improves hematopoiesis and... dried apricots are very useful for everyone who monitors their hemoglobin. Interesting fact: 100 grams of dried apricots contain the same amount of iron as 250 grams of beef liver and 40 mg of iron supplements. We draw our own conclusions.

To strengthen the immune system

Dried apricots will be beneficial for weakened immune system. Vitamin C is responsible for strengthening the immune system in dried apricots. Dried fruit will be very useful for weakened patients, people with low muscle tone. Dried apricots are recommended after complex operations and strokes for speedy recovery. It is also an excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency and dysbacteriosis.

For the stomach and intestines

Being a dried fruit, dried apricots improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In folk medicine, the benefits of dried apricots are known for constipation. In general, dried apricots activate digestion.

For metabolism

The elements in dried apricots are beneficial for metabolism. This includes tissue metabolism, protein and fat metabolism. A nicotinic acid in dried apricots it is valuable for biosynthesis in the body, and vitamin A is important for hormonal synthesis. Regular intake of this dried fruit is important for hemoglobin synthesis.

In the treatment of diabetes mellitus

Scientific studies have shown that taking dried apricots is useful for diabetes mellitus. It affects the normal production of insulin in the pancreas.

To cleanse the body

Dried apricots help well in cleansing the body. As a mild laxative, it allows you to remove toxins and toxic substances. This also applies to heavy metal salts.

For the prevention of tumors

When taken regularly, dried apricots produce an antitumor effect. A few fruits daily will reduce the risk of cancer.

For the visual system

Dried apricots are good for vision and improve the functioning of the visual system. The B vitamins in this dried fruit are good for the prevention of eye diseases.

Benefits for the female body

The benefits of dried apricots for a woman’s body are great. First of all, it is brought back to normal hormonal background. Dried apricots also improve lactation (especially when mixed with oatmeal and nuts). During pregnancy, dried fruit will help transport the vitamin and mineral composition to the fetus and normalize intestinal function.

Dried apricots for weight loss

It turns out that you can lose weight with dried apricots. Although this is a fairly high-calorie product, dried apricots remove toxins from cells and tissues. It is as an agent for cleansing the body that dried apricots are introduced into diets.

A one-week weight loss course with dried apricots is recommended. Every day you need to take 200 g of dried fruit. A single intake of protein products is important. For the full effect of such a diet, constant monitoring by a specialist is required. And you definitely need to look at the contraindications.

Other beneficial effects of dried apricots

The benefits of dried apricots also include supporting the functioning of the kidneys and thyroid gland. It is recommended for diseases of the urinary system. Dried apricots have a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the health of hair and nails.

If you are not allergic to dried apricots, these dried sweet and sour fruits are suitable for both adults and children.

What is healthier: apricots or dried apricots?

Apricots contain a lot of water. And dried apricots are a dried product, so if we are talking about the concentration of microelements, then there are more of them in dried apricots.

Daily intake of dried apricots, how much should you eat?

How much dried apricots should you eat per day for health benefits? It is enough to eat 50-100 dried apricots per day. It is worth choosing clean, moderately soft fruits. They should smell nice, and in no case have the smell of wine. Dried apricots should not be overly sour.

Dried apricots must be washed before eating. And it’s best to pour boiling water over it for 15 minutes and let it sit there, drain the water, dry it a little and eat. Boiling water is poured over dried apricots to get rid of possible dyes and what can be used to treat the fruits. You can eat it separately or add it to other dishes. I really like adding it to cottage cheese.

You can also cook compotes, desserts, cereals, salads, soups with dried apricots, meat dishes(dried apricots go with meat as a sweet and sour seasoning). Dried apricots harmonize with nuts and prunes. In jam, in porridge, in fruit salad or in the form of a wonderful thirst-quenching compote, dried apricots will bring pleasure and take care of our health.

How to store dried apricots

It is stored in a tightly closed container. If dried apricots get wet, it will cause mold to appear. I don't like this product sunlight. In the light, dried apricots will lose their valuable ascorbic acid and lose delicate taste. The ideal place to store dried apricots is a dark and slightly cool place.

Harm and contraindications of dried apricots

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body are determined by its natural composition and consumption standards. Some people may have an allergy to the product, which will manifest itself in itching and swelling.

Those who have a sensitive stomach and intestines and are prone to inflammation should not use it in the morning on an empty stomach. You should not drink it with a large amount of water at once, because... At the same time, dried apricots greatly increase in volume and thereby stimulate intestinal motility.

Dried apricots may be harmful to people with acute diseases Gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, digestive disorders. When consumed large quantities(above the daily norm) the body will receive excess potassium. This is dangerous for the intestines and in some cases for the heart.

Dried apricots (if you do not follow the norm) will be harmful at low blood pressure and kidney diseases. You should eat dried apricots with diabetes and obesity if you follow the recommendations of experts. But again, let us remember wisdom: everything is good in moderation.

And in this video there is a lot interesting facts about dried apricots, the value of the composition, its use in the treatment of diseases and contraindications, as well as the peculiarities of its use.

Knowing the benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body, we can use this and lead healthy image life. Dried apricots, as an oriental product that is already familiar to us, can give beauty, good tone and normal work body systems.

And for the soul, today we will listen to a video clip with music R Paulsa Winter's Tale . Happy first day of winter everyone!

see also








Going on any diet is not an easy task, because you need to give up most of your favorite and delicious dishes. With great difficulty, most people losing weight tolerate the lack of sweets. In this matter, dried apricots for weight loss are a real salvation, because the healthy dried fruit from apricots does not contain as many calories as cakes or sweets. This is far from the only reason why this product may be included in the diet.

What is dried apricots

When apricot fruits spend about 8 days in the scorching sun, they dry out and acquire a unique taste - the result is everyone’s favorite sweet called dried apricots. Before drying, the seeds are removed from the fruit. Dark-colored products are considered more natural. It appears when apricots are dried naturally without any additives.

To make dried apricots, large fresh fruits are chosen. In order to get 1 kilogram of dried fruits, you will need up to 4 kilograms of apricots. Türkiye, Armenia, Uzbekistan, and China specialize best in this. Interestingly, Uzbek dried fruits differ from others in their natural production method. Only there they are dried in the sun, and not processed industrially.

Beneficial features

Dried apricots – useful product. During drying, it retains almost all vitamins and microelements. It contains more potassium and magnesium than other substances; it also contains iron, calcium and phosphorus, and vitamin B12. A few dried fruits will saturate the body daily norm potassium and iron, which cannot be said about fresh apricots. Dried apricots will help weakened hair, nails and skin. The substances it contains help with:

  • constipation, as they provide laxative effect;
  • obesity;
  • problems with the stomach and intestines;
  • hypertension;
  • anemia;
  • swelling;
  • immunodeficiency.

Calorie content

Main question What interests a person on a diet is the energy value of the product. Dried apricots are not quite suitable in this regard, because 100 grams contain 232 kcal. This is too much for someone who is on a diet. If we compare it with the calorie content of other sweets, such as cakes or pastries, then preference is given to dried fruit. For this reason, it is chosen during diets, when you have an unbearable craving for sweets. Rich in carbohydrates, it saturates the body, and fructose and glucose help brain function.

Is it possible to eat dried apricots while losing weight?

The main problem of any diet is that sweets must be minimized or abandoned altogether, so whether it is possible to eat dried apricots on a diet is a natural question. Without glucose, a person is more susceptible to depression and irritability, which is why he is tempted to snap. Lack of sweets is the most common cause disruptions during fasting diets.

Dried apricots for weight loss help just in such cases. It won't break your diet, but it will help your digestion if you allow yourself to eat a few pieces of dried fruit per day. In addition, it will increase blood glucose levels, and with it your mood. When you are unbearably hungry, dried fruit will help again: 2-3 pieces, washed down with a glass of water, will become your dessert. In a few minutes they will relieve you of hunger and give you energy because they contain carbohydrates.

How many dried apricots can you eat per day?

Exist different recommendations, in what quantity dried apricots should be consumed during a diet. It depends on what regime you are currently following. If you want to snack on dried fruits as a sweet, then let them be no more than 30 grams per day. If you are following a diet whose main component is dried apricots, then the amount increases to 200-300 grams, which should be consumed in equal portions throughout the day.

Dried apricots for the night

The more high-calorie a product is, the earlier it should be consumed so that the calories do not “settle” in the body overnight. Same with dried apricots. It is best to use it in the morning or until a maximum of two o'clock in the afternoon. In this case, all carbohydrates will be used up before the evening and will not give you the opportunity to gain weight. Don’t forget that we eat dried fruit as a substitute for other sweets, so you need to exclude sugar from your diet no matter what time you enjoy dried apricots.

Fasting day on dried apricots

Any body could use a fasting day, which will give the opportunity digestive tract relax. It is useful to choose dried apricots for him to activate intestinal cleansing and elimination excess liquid. The rules for unloading are simple. In the evening before the fasting day, steam about 300 grams of dried fruits in 400 grams of water. In the morning you need to drink the water from them, and divide the fruits into portions and eat them throughout the day. In addition to dried apricots for weight loss, consume as much liquid and green tea as possible to thoroughly flush the intestines and not gain weight.

Sweet dried apricots are a favorite delicacy of many people. They contain a large amount of substances beneficial to the body, and if consumed wisely, they are suitable for food even for people suffering from diabetes and obesity. Undoubtedly, taking a handful of dried fruits every day will be useful not only for women who care about their attractiveness, but also for men. Let's look at the benefits of dried apricots for the stronger sex.

Dried apricots happen different types, it all depends on the way the fruit is processed. So, dried apricots- These are sun-dried fruits with a stone. Kaisy- dried fruits without pits. Ashtak It is made like this: first, the core is taken out and dried, then the grain without the shell is put back in.


The fruits contain almost the entire complex of amino acids, and 12 of them are essential for humans. Carbohydrates are represented by sucrose and fructose, they maintain energy balance and nourish brain cells. Dried apricots are rich in dietary fiber and pectin, which has a positive effect on intestinal function. Beneficial features dried apricots are responsible for reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol and removing toxic substances and salts from the body heavy metals. Quantity food ingredients per 100 grams of product the following:

  • Proteins – 3g;
  • Fats – 0.5g;
  • Carbohydrates – 53-55g.

Calorie content depends on the variety and is approximately 230 kcal. Despite sufficient energy value, A 100-gram serving will not harm people trying to lose weight.

Vitamin composition presented:

  • Vitamin A, necessary for vision and normal production of sex hormones. With a sufficient amount of retinol in the menu, the synthesis of structural fibers occurs in the skin, which slows down the aging process.
  • B vitamins that take part in enzymatic reactions. They improve hematopoietic processes, provide normal conductivity impulses along nerve fibers.
  • Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant that neutralizes peroxidation and thereby protects against cancer and aging. Ascorbic acid is especially necessary for men with nicotine addiction. It is known that smoking increases the consumption of vitamin C, so it is recommended to additionally saturate the body with it.
  • Nicotinic acid, which cleanses blood vessels.

From minerals especially important are:

  • Magnesium and potassium, as they help the harmonious functioning of the heart muscle;
  • Iron is the main component of hemoglobin, it protects against the development of anemia and oxygen starvation fabrics;
  • Iodine - necessary element for the synthesis of hormones and normalization of metabolic processes;
  • Calcium and phosphorus are responsible for bone health, and phosphorus additionally stimulates mental activity;

Product properties

Dried apricots have a gentle effect on the intestines and help with regular bowel movements. People suffering from constipation are recommended to brew 5 pieces of dried apricot with boiling water overnight, and in the morning eat them on an empty stomach and drink the remaining liquid.

For diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the inclusion of fruits in the diet helps normalize blood pressure, which is important for hypertensive patients. Many heart patients complain of swelling of the legs, which can be eliminated with the help of fasting day on dried apricots. To do this, 500 grams of fruits are divided into several doses and eaten throughout the day. For drinks, unsweetened herbal or green tea, rosehip infusion.

Unlike diuretic drugs, which remove necessary minerals from the body, dried apricots do not deplete a person of valuable components. Vice versa, daily use fruit is a guarantee that the body will receive the necessary elements.

Taking dried apricots is a preventive measure ophthalmological diseases, anemia, malignant tumors. The elements it contains increase immunity and prevent the growth of cancer cells. The product removes waste and toxic substances and thereby cleanses the intestines and removes excess fluid, which is useful for people with kidney disease. Fruit has a positive effect on work nervous system, helps cope with mental fatigue.

Medicinal properties of dried apricots

  • Anemia;
  • Constipation;
  • Heart and kidney diseases;
  • Edema of various origins;
  • Violation of blood lipid composition;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Thrombophlebitis.

Benefits for men

The elements that make up dried apricots are involved in the synthesis of sex hormones, which is important for complete synthesis. The fruit increases desire and improves potency, so it is recommended for men who are thinking about their sexual health. Dried apricots are considered a product that increases libido.

Due to its high calcium content, dried apricots provide this mineral. bone tissue, and testosterone becomes free for other functions. Nicotinic acid cleanses blood vessels, which means blood circulation improves, including to the pelvic organs. Provides good blood supply correct work testicles and thereby stimulates the process of sperm formation.

Fruits in the amount of 100 grams per day will bring benefits. If you eat them in kilograms, even healthy person will not be able to avoid intestinal upset. There are other contraindications that men should consider.

Harm to health

  • Pancreatitis. Dried fruit can be consumed only in steamed form during the remission phase.
  • Peptic ulcer and gastritis. Since dried apricots contain a large amount of dietary fiber, this can affect the condition of the gastric mucosa.
  • Diabetes. In case of illness, it is not advisable to completely exclude the product; it can be used as a replacement for sugar and honey. It is advisable to limit its consumption to 5 pieces per day. Since apricots contain a sufficient amount of sugars, it is better for people with diabetes to ask their doctor for permission before including them on the menu.
  • Allergy to the product, which occurs occasionally in some people.
  • Hypotension. Because dried apricots lower blood pressure, hypotensive people can eat it in small quantities or avoid it altogether.

Methods of application

Here are healthy recipes using dried apricots.

Compote of dried apricots

The decoction retains all the qualities of whole dried fruits: relieves swelling, improves mood, normalizes digestion, reduces weight, and increases performance. Used as a remedy for urolithiasis.

Compote is prepared at the rate of 100 grams of fruit per liter of water, boiled for no more than 6-7 minutes. You can add sugar to taste. If you stick healthy eating, it is better to do without additives. In any case, the drink will have a pleasant sweetish taste.

Mixture of nuts, dried fruits and lemons

A tasty and healing supplement that is used to strengthen the immune system, cleanse blood vessels, and prevent heart and colds. To prepare, you will need to take 250 grams of dried apricots, raisins and nuts of each ingredient and grind through a meat grinder. Add a glass of honey and 1 lemon, crushed along with the peel.

Take a tablespoon on an empty stomach 1 or 2 times a day. You can store the fortified supplement in the refrigerator in a glass container for six months.

It can be seen on store shelves at a price that is 2 times higher than the cost of apricots. However, manufacturers claim that chocolate dried apricots are prepared without any chemical treatment and are classified as healthy food products. The fruit has a sweeter taste and tender juicy pulp; its taste is little reminiscent of ordinary dried apricots. Due to the high amount of calories and sugar, it is not recommended for diabetes and obesity; in other cases, you can eat chocolate dried apricots without fear. It does not cause allergies or asthma, and also normalizes the microflora in the intestines.

They eat dark dried apricots in combination with sprouted green buckwheat grains (you can buy them in the store). Grind fruits and cereals in a blender until smooth, adding a little water, it will turn out great healthy breakfast. Add a large apple cut into slices into the porridge; you can sprinkle it with cinnamon or other fruits.

Selection of dried apricots

Manufacturers often treat fruit with paraffin or sulfur in order to extend shelf life and give it a marketable appearance. Externally, such apricots are juicy and shiny, have a bright orange color. However the nutritional value the product is in doubt. It is better to purchase dried fruits that are small in size and have a grayish tint: they have been dried naturally and will benefit your health.

When purchasing, pay attention to the presence of mold and dark spots: this indicates a violation of the storage process. It is best to ask the seller for one piece to try, so you will evaluate not only its appearance, but also its taste.

Storage methods

When you bring your purchase home, first rinse the dried apricots under water to remove harmful impurities and dust. Dry with paper towel. After this, the fruit can be placed in a glass container or plastic container and stored at a temperature no higher than 18 degrees. If necessary, you can place apricots in the freezer, so they will retain their properties for 1.5 years.

Standards of use

A daily 100-gram serving will be an excellent vitamin and mineral supplement to your diet. This is approximately 5-6 large fruits.

Dried apricots can rightfully be considered a healing product and can be used to maintain and restore strength, prevent diseases and strengthen the immune system. Men should include dried apricots in their diet to maintain long-term health.

In winter and early autumn, dried fruits and especially dried apricots are a wonderful source of many useful substances, allowing you to increase your immunity, improve your health, and supplement your diet with very tasty nutritious dishes.

Dried apricots are sun-dried fruits of a large variety of apricot that retain maximum nutrients. long time. Thanks to this technology, people in ancient times stored food for the winter.

According to many buyers, the most delicious and healthy is dried apricots, which were brought from Central Asia.

Dried apricots are rich in vitamins B, A, PP, C, E, K. Amount of minerals:

  • potassium (445 mg per 100 g),
  • (3.2 mg),
  • (160 mg),
  • (15 mg),
  • phosphorus (40 mg) in dried apricot is much higher than its content in fresh fruit.

Very valuable medicinal properties possess organic acids, fiber and pectin present in its pulp. Calorie content of 100 g of product is 241 kcal.

Medicinal properties of dried apricots

The predominance of potassium salts over sodium salts in dried apricots promotes its use in medicinal diets.

The increased magnesium content allows it to be used in the treatment of diseases such as hypertension and anemia. The presence of vitamin A improves vision and performance large quantity organs and systems of the body.

The characteristic lightness of dried apricots diuretic effect determines the use of its decoction for cardiovascular and kidney diseases.

Dried apricots are recommended for use in cases of diabetes, hypovitaminosis, weakened immunity, and thyroid diseases. Dried apricots with a sour taste help reduce migraine headaches and relieve colds.

Inclusion of this dried fruit in homeopathic medicinal products helps reduce the dose synthetic medicines at chronic course diseases.

The presence of pectins in dried apricots helps eliminate many harmful substances from the body: radionuclides, cholesterol, heavy metal salts.

Fiber improves performance gastrointestinal tract, eliminates constipation, and vitamins and organic acids prevent the development of cancer cells.

Improving skin and hair supply nutrients, dried apricots restore their structure, elasticity and appearance.

To a greater extent, the benefits brought to the body by dried fruits are due to the fact that substances that have a healing effect are found in them in concentrated form.

For women and during pregnancy

It is very useful to consume dried apricots for pregnant women, whose hemoglobin is often reduced, threatening the development of anemia. By consuming this dried fruit regularly, you can naturally increase your hemoglobin levels.

The immune system will be further strengthened and future mom with the child will receive essential vitamins and minerals.

Dried fruits are easily absorbed by the body and can be combined with fatty foods, for example, in a salad with cream or sour cream and nuts.

The sweetness of dried apricots is given by the fructose and glucose included in its composition - carbohydrates that are less harmful to the body of people with diabetes or obesity compared to sugar.

When consumed in small quantities, they do not increase blood sugar levels and do not contribute to weight gain.

Components such as fiber, vitamins and pectin improve the condition of the endocrine system and promote the elimination of harmful and toxic substances, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of people suffering from these diseases.

Note to men

It is recommended to regularly introduce dried apricots into the diet of men. In addition to those already listed above positive properties it stimulates the production of sex hormones in the body, improves the condition genitourinary system and its susceptibility to inflammatory processes.

Consumption of dried apricot pulp helps eliminate cardiac dysfunction and normalize heart rate and blood pressure.

Contraindications to the use of dried apricots

Like any other dried apricot product when excessive consumption may cause harm. Optimal quantity– 5 pieces per day, that’s about 100 grams. You should also not include it in your diet in the following cases:

  1. With low blood pressure.
  2. At chronic diseases or stomach and intestinal disorders, pancreatitis, liver diseases.
  3. You should strictly adhere to the amount of dried apricots you eat for diabetes mellitus recommended by your attending physician, so as not to provoke sharp increase blood sugar.
  4. Due to its fairly high calorie content, it is recommended to limit the consumption of this product to people who are obese and eat it according to a scheme developed by specialists on fasting days.
  5. Dried apricots should be eaten with caution and in small quantities by those suffering from stomach ulcers or 12 duodenum so as not to cause gastrointestinal upset, pain and bloating in the abdominal area.
  6. People with allergic reactions to fruits and, in particular, apricots should also avoid this delicacy.

It is undesirable to consume dried fruits that have been processed in production. chemical treatment sulfuric anhydride: these fruits can be distinguished by their unnaturally bright orange color for a dried fruit.

They can cause adverse consequences - poisoning or allergic reactions, or cause exacerbation of bronchial asthma.

Medicinal recipes with dried apricots

  • Dietary fasting days.

Divide 0.5 kg of dried apricots into 5 or 6 parts and take in portions throughout the day. To quench your thirst, use unsweetened liquids - water, green or Herb tea sugarless.

A diet based on the consumption of dried apricots is useful not only for those who are overweight, but also for people with high blood pressure or insufficient blood circulation.

For health purposes, you can eat 1-2 dried fruits before meals or add them in crushed form to oatmeal.

  • If the pancreas is functioning well, the following diet is beneficial for the body.

Grind 300 g of dried apricots and add to 0.5 l natural juice from apricots or peaches. Take 3-4 times a day. It will help you lose weight and improve kidney function.

To get rid of constipation, traditional medicine recommends two compositions:

  1. Mix 300 grams of dried apricots, ground in a meat grinder, the same and, accordingly, .

Take twice a day, half an hour before meals, spreading one tablespoon of the product on a slice of black or whole grain bread. Drink a glass of water. Drink a glass of kefir at night.

  1. Grind 250 grams of dried apricots, prunes, figs, 50 grams each using a meat grinder alexandria leaf, add 250 grams of honey to the resulting mass, a small amount of senna leaves ground to a powder.

Mix thoroughly, consume one tablespoon two or three times a day. Adjust the dose according to the condition of the intestines; an increased dose can be used only before bedtime.

  • For heart diseases, taking dried apricot infusion is recommended.

Add a glass of boiling water to 50 grams of dried apricots, strain after 3 or 4 hours. Drink half a glass of infusion during the day.

  • For the treatment of atherosclerosis

Grind 100 grams of dried apricots, consume one tablespoon two or three times a day. After a month's course, take a two-week break, then repeat the treatment.

  • A product that enhances immunity and removes accumulated toxins and radionuclides from the body.

Grind 200 grams of dried apricots and prunes in a meat grinder, 100 grams, mix with two tablespoons of honey. Eat two tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach and before going to bed. If you additionally need to get rid of constipation, add 50 grams of wheat bran to the mixture.

  • Dried apricots are great for making compote, which retains all the benefits of this product.

You can clean contaminated fruits well by first holding them in cold water. To preserve maximum vitamins, you should not boil it for a long time; instead of sugar, it is better to put honey; it is even healthier to drink it without sweetening. It is recommended to drink dried apricot compote if you have urolithiasis.

In cosmetology

Application of dried apricots in for cosmetic purposes to improve the condition of hair and skin.

  • Preparation of a cosmetic mask.

Pour 100 grams of dried fruits with water and leave until they swell. Grind using a meat grinder or blender, add two teaspoons of milk powder. After applying to skin or hair, wait 15 minutes and remove using a cotton sponge.

Choosing the right dried apricots when purchasing

You should avoid purchasing overly bright dried apricots with a shiny surface - they are usually treated with special chemicals, harmful to health.

It is better to take dried fruits with a color more natural for dried fruits -Brown with a grayish tint. Choose dense, elastic, not very transparent dried fruits of sufficiently large size with a clean surface.

Properly dried dried apricots should not be too tough.

If you do purchase dried apricots that have undergone chemical treatment, it is advisable to rinse them thoroughly and soak them in water for 10 minutes.

Dried apricots should be stored in a cool, dry place in a glass container with a lid to prevent entry of pests.

Dried apricots are a wonderful product given to us by nature, which not only has good taste, but also many medicinal properties. Its use can improve well-being and is recommended for both young children and people of any age.