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Benefits and contraindications of dried apricots for women. What are the main benefits of dried apricots for the body of children and adults and why this dried fruit is nicknamed “women’s dessert”

Dried apricots are apricots that have been dried without pits.

Large-fruited apricot varieties are usually chosen for cooking.

The fruits of this tree are dried in special places in the open sun. After six to eight days, dried apricots are obtained.

In order to get one kilogram of dried fruit, three to four kilograms of fresh apricots are required.

The leading places in the world in the production of dried apricots are occupied by Türkiye and the United States of America.

Dried apricots retain both vitamins and microelements.

It improves health and helps in the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases.

Dried fruit is especially useful for the female body.

Chemical composition

Dried apricots are rich useful minerals and vitamins. The dried fruit contains the following elements:

  • pectin is a substance that improves activity thyroid gland and all endocrine system generally;
  • vitamin C - it is contained in small quantities, but it is enough to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
    This substance fights free radicals;
  • Carotene is an element that strengthens human immunity.
    It is involved in most processes occurring in the body;
  • vitamins of group A - they normalize the functioning of the hormonal system.
    These vitamins are especially useful for women, as they affect the condition of nails, hair, skin;
  • vitamins E – increase the amount of elastin and collagen, rejuvenate skin cells;
  • microelements: potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium.
    They are playing important role in hematopoiesis and blood circulation, strengthen bones and vessel walls;
  • fructose and glucose - these components replenish energy reserves in the body and improve mood;
  • organic acids are elements that accelerate the absorption of minerals and vitamins.

Useful properties for women

1. Dried apricots are good substitute any sweets.
who watch their figure.
Fructose and glucose do not increase insulin levels in the blood.
These components do not cause such harm as sugar.
But excessive consumption of dried apricots can lead to weight gain extra pounds.

2. Dried fruit helps remove bad cholesterol from the body.
The vessels become elastic and strong.
Dried apricots prevent the formation of blood clots.

3. Dried apricots will help women cleanse the body, get rid of radionuclides, toxins and others harmful substances.

4. Dried fruit is good for women's skin.
Vitamins A and E improve the condition of the skin, making it younger and cleaner.

5. Regular consumption of dried apricots stops the development of malignant tumors.
This good remedy for the prevention of cancer.

6. Dried apricots are useful for women who suffer from constipation.
It contains fiber, which helps to gently eliminate intestinal problems.
Dried apricots contain nine times more fiber than ripe fruit;

7. A decoction of dried fruit has diuretic properties.
Dried apricots are useful for diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;

8. Women who have problems with endocrine gland, it is recommended to eat 100 grams of dried apricots daily without subjecting it to heat treatment.
The disease will soon pass.

9. Regular consumption of dried apricots will strengthen immune system person.

10. Dried apricots are useful during pregnancy.
Mineral elements contribute to the normal development of the unborn baby.

11. Dried fruit raises hemoglobin.
Therefore, it is useful for women suffering from iron deficiency anemia.
It is recommended to take it regularly during heavy menstruation.

Traditional medicine recipes

1. To strengthen the immune system, especially in autumn and winter, it is recommended to take the following mixture: take 200 grams of dried apricots, walnuts and prunes.
Grind the products in a meat grinder or grind in a blender, add a glass of honey and mix well.
Take 2–3 tablespoons daily.

This composition will not only increase the body’s resistance, but also relieve seasonal depression, will give vitality.

2. To strengthen the immune system, you can make the following composition: prepare walnuts, raisins, dried apricots and honey in equal proportions.
Grind the products in a blender or meat grinder, mix everything. Add one chopped lemon (along with zest).
Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator.
Dosage: a tablespoon twice a day.
Children should take a teaspoon twice a day.

3. A drink made from dried apricots is taken as the only product during fasting days.
Take 300 grams of dried fruit, add a little boiling water to it and mash it into a puree.
Pour half a liter of peach juice into the resulting mixture.
This drink is worth drinking within fasting day.
It is rich in vitamins and minerals and will help tighten your figure.

How to choose a good one

1. When purchasing, pay attention to the color of the product.
If the dried apricots are bright orange in color, smooth and beautiful, then they have been treated with chemicals.
The real dried fruit is dark orange or brownish in color.
The surface is matte and uneven.

2. You should not buy dried apricots that shine.
This means that the product has been treated with glycerin to improve presentation.

3. Dried apricots must be free of mold and insects.
The dried fruit should crumble, be a little hard and dense.
If dried apricots are smeared, this indicates that they were stored incorrectly or that bad apricots were used in production.

4. When purchasing, choose large-sized dried apricots.
Ripe apricots were used to prepare it.
This means that the dried fruit contains the maximum amount of useful elements.

5. A good dried fruit should be without foreign odors and tastes.
If the taste is sour, then fermented apricot fruits were used in the preparation.

How to store dried fruits

Dried apricots are a rather capricious product.
The basic requirements for storing dried fruit are as follows:

    • darkness - dried apricots quickly deteriorate in the sun and under the influence of daylight;
    • dryness – in humid air, dried fruit begins to mold;

Dried apricots are ideally stored in airtight containers (plastic or glass jars).

It is advisable to keep dried fruit in the refrigerator, so it preserves all vitamins and microelements.

During pregnancy

Dried fruits benefit pregnant women.
Dried apricots are a mild laxative that gently relieves constipation, which often affects pregnant women.
Eating dried fruits will be a good prevention of iron deficiency anemia.
Iodine, which is part of the fruit, normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Fructose improves brain activity.

Dried apricots include a significant number of trace elements and minerals.
This has a beneficial effect on the development of the unborn baby and has a good effect on the cardiovascular system of a pregnant woman.

Contraindications and complications

Dried apricots should be eaten in moderation. The daily dose of the product is no more than 150 grams. Excessive use dried fruits will harm the body, since dried apricots will disrupt the functioning of the digestive system.

Dried apricots are not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • in case of illness diabetes mellitus– dried fruit is rich in fructose, it increases blood sugar levels;
  • for obesity, since dried apricots are a high-calorie product (but sometimes nutritionists advise spending fasting days on this product);
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the product;
  • for hypotension – dried apricots have the ability to lower arterial pressure.

It is not the product itself that can cause particular harm, but chemical substances, with which dried fruits were processed to increase shelf life and improve presentation.

Dried apricots are one of the favorite dried fruits for adults and children. It lifts your spirits and energizes you.

This is the source useful microelements and vitamins. The rich composition of the product helps fight many digestive diseases, of cardio-vascular system and thyroid gland.

Dried fruits are beneficial for the female body; they are recommended for pregnant women, children and adults.

How dried apricots can help those who want to lose weight, watch the video.

We all love dried fruits since childhood, they are especially good in winter, when the amount of fresh fruit is reduced. Dried fruits replenish vitamins and minerals in the body, normalize blood pressure, and improve the functioning of all human organs. One of the most delicious and healthy dried fruits is dried apricot - and this is not surprising, because in fact, it is a dried apricot, and useful substances There is more in apricot than in many fruits.

What does dried apricots contain?

The benefits of dried apricots are due to high content vitamins and minerals. Dried apricots contain dietary fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, acids, starch, organic acids, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium.

Dried apricots contain a lot of glucose, fructose and sucrose. Vitamins: A, group B, C, E, PP. Therefore, dried apricots are useful for both adults and children. 4-5 pieces of dried apricots contain the daily requirement of iron, potassium, B vitamins, and carotene.

However, beautiful to look at, bright orange dried apricots will bring more harm than good. The fact is that it is dried using sulfur dioxide, which in the European classification is defined as E220, and other preservatives are also used. In small amounts, sulfur dioxide does not cause harm to the body, but when long-term use can cause allergies and respiratory diseases.

Dried apricots dried in the sun, without the use of chemicals, contain the least harmful substances; such products are not attractive in appearance, are tougher, have Brown color, however, there are more benefits from it.

Types of dried apricots

There are several types of dried apricots, depending on the method of preparation.

The apricots are dried without removing them from the branches; if moisture gets on the fruits, they become dark. Dark color apricots indicates that it is prepared without preservatives.

Kaisa – apricots, dried without pits.

Ashtak is a seedless fruit, but with seed kernels inside. The seeds are removed before drying, the kernel is removed, and put into the apricot.

All types of dried apricots are useful, the main thing is that they do not contain harmful substances. Drying fruits in natural conditions takes a lot of time, so manufacturers dry them in special ovens, and use not only natural wood, but also materials that are completely unsuitable for this - diesel fuel, chemical industry waste.

Therefore, when choosing dried apricots on the market, you need to take a close look at it, and even smell it to see if it has the smell of gasoline or burnt rubber.

Beneficial features

What are the benefits of dried apricots? Does this product raise or lower blood pressure?

Substances found in dried apricots retain calcium in the body, improve vision, remove toxins, radionuclides, and salts from the body heavy metals, waste and cholesterol.

Pectin and fiber activate the intestines, improve peristalsis, normalize the state of beneficial microflora, and eliminate constipation.

Dried apricots are very useful for diseases of the heart and blood vessels; the substances in it can reduce blood pressure, clearing blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. For achievement therapeutic effect You need to eat 100-150 grams of dried apricots per day; a decoction of dried apricots will also be useful. To treat atherosclerosis, dried apricots are ground in a meat grinder and 1 tablespoon is eaten with honey.

Dried apricots are very useful for women's health, since it normalizes production female hormones, and antioxidants, of which there are a lot in dried apricots, prevent the development oncological diseases, fibroids and cysts.

As a result of eating dried apricots, the body is cleansed of harmful substances and receives beneficial elements. As a result, the body’s defenses increase, metabolism is normalized, blood composition improves, and blood pressure decreases. Because it is the lack of nutrients in the body and its contamination with toxins and waste that causes high blood pressure. It is not for nothing that doctors consider high blood pressure not a disease, but a consequence of troubles in the body. Thus, dried apricots are a product that lowers blood pressure.

There are not many contraindications for dried apricots, but they do exist, such as intestinal obstruction, gastritis, ulcers, and diabetes.

Dried apricots for kids

At what age can dried apricot decoction be given to children? Well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky advises giving children a decoction of dried apricots from 6-8 months. It will be especially useful for children who are on artificial feeding, because constipation in such babies is very common occurrence. The stomach of “artificial” people is more adapted to a variety of foods, and at the same time, digestive system Such children are not always able to cope with their tasks, so they can be given a decoction of dried apricots from 3-4 months.

But you need to start giving decoctions of dried apricots to infants from small doses– no more than 20-30 ml at a time. In this case, you need to observe whether the child’s body will react with an allergy. If not, then you can introduce another supplement to the child’s diet; the benefits of dried apricots for children are undeniable. But if the baby has at least small signs allergies, you will have to give up dried apricots.

Apricots, and therefore dried apricots, rarely cause allergies, most likely they will benefit your baby, the main thing is to make a decoction from a high-quality product, even if its appearance is inferior to the beautiful and soft orange dried apricots.

It is not difficult to prepare a decoction of dried apricots for babies - first you need to soak 2-3 dried apricots in clean, warm water for 30 minutes, then drain the water. Pour a glass of boiling water over the dried apricots and cook for 10 minutes, cool and give to the child without sugar or honey.

Multicomponent decoctions can be given to children from 8 months, but before that each component must be “tested” separately.

Recipes for various ailments

Recipe 1.

A decoction of prunes and dried apricots for edema during pregnancy. Take 100 grams of dried apricots and prunes, rinse with running water, add 1.5-2 liters of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. You need to cook for 15 minutes on low heat. When the drink is ready, you can start drinking 150-200 ml of it. Prunes and dried apricots will help increase hemoglobin, reduce blood pressure, normalize stools, and relieve swelling.

Recipe 2.

Vitamin mixture. Take 200-300 grams of raisins, dried apricots, prunes, walnuts, honey. Pass nuts and dried fruits through a meat grinder, add honey, mix thoroughly. Place the mixture in a jar with a tight-fitting lid and place in a cool place.

Use the mixture 2 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach, and then in the evening before bed, 2 tablespoons. children can be given 1 tbsp. Wash down the mixture warm water.

Recipe 3.

Decoction at high blood pressure. Pour 50 grams of dried apricots with a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, leave for 4 hours. Drink 100 ml in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals. You need to prepare the decoction for 1 day.

Recipe 4.

Alcohol tincture of dried apricots. It’s very simple to make - rinse 150-200 grams of dried apricots, cut into 3-4 parts, put in a jar, pour 1 liter of alcohol - vodka, alcohol or purified moonshine. Leave for 1 month in a dark and cool place, then strain and pour into another container. To strengthen the immune system during a flu epidemic and with high blood pressure, it is enough to drink 50 ml of tincture once a day before meals.

Recipe 5.

Mask for the face. Pour 1 cup of dried apricots with water and wait until it softens. Pass the dried apricots through a meat grinder, or grind in a blender, add 2 tsp to the mixture. powdered milk. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes, then clean with a napkin and rinse with warm water. The mask can be used for any skin type.

Recipe 6.

A decoction of dried apricots for weight loss. This drink should be richer. Take 200-300 grams of dried apricots, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, cool and drink without sugar during the day.

To lose weight, familiar sweets - candies, cookies, cakes - can be replaced with dried fruits, including dried apricots. It’s no secret that we are used to “eating up” troubles with sweets, and in return for one problem we get another, in the form of extra pounds. Whereas sweet dried fruits in this case will be more useful - they are lower in calories, contain much more nutrients, and often act as a cleansing and laxative.

Dr. Ziganshin from Tatarstan has developed his own method of fasting using dried apricots or apricots. This is a gentle fast, not dangerous even for older people; it is not for nothing that it is called “velvet fasting.”

Fasting according to the Ziganshin method is carried out as follows:

  • 1 day 5-7 pieces of dried apricots are brewed with boiling water, and the drink is drunk after a few minutes. Dried fruits are re-brewed several times; the berries should be eaten in the evening. In addition to the infusion, you need to drink 2.5-3 liters of clean water per day. During the first day you can eat 1 tsp. powder seaweed and 1 clove of garlic.
  • On the 2nd day, the infusion and products are taken in the same way, adding 1 orange to the diet, which should be eaten gradually throughout the day.
  • On the third and fourth days you can only drink water - 2.5-3 liters.
  • From the fifth to the 14th day the cycle must be repeated.
  • Starting from the third week, the end of the hunger strike begins.

The concept of dried fruits is familiar to absolutely everyone. These include dried apricots. It is made from ripe, juicy apricots, and even in dried form, this product has qualities valuable for human health. They can be used by both adults and children, they help overcome various diseases and provide significant benefits to pregnant and lactating women. What are the beneficial features dried apricots, and in what cases can it be recommended for use? Let's find out!

The orange pulp of dried apricots will help strengthen the immune system and will be an excellent assistant in the treatment of various ailments

What is dried apricots?

Dried apricots are dried fruits that are dried apricots seedless. They are produced by natural drying, which occurs under the influence of direct sun rays within 7-8 days.

On a note! In order to get 1 kg of dried apricots you need about 4 kg of fresh apricots!

Large dried apricots with medium-elastic flesh of a faded hue are considered the best. No one will argue that bright orange dried fruits look quite attractive, so you always want to buy them. But in fact, the juicy color indicates the presence of chemicals that were used during processing to give the dried apricots a marketable appearance.

About the benefits of dried apricots

The benefits of dried apricots lie in those vital components that are part of it. They are what make it so popular.
  • Pectins – have a unique ability to remove heavy metal salts and radionuclides from the body;
  • plant fibers are substances that are responsible for the cleanliness of the intestines;
  • Dried apricot will keep your cholesterol levels in check. For this reason, it is an excellent remedy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • cleansing the kidneys is also included in the list of beneficial properties of this product - make a compote from it and get the maximum benefit while enjoying the taste of the drink;
  • these dried fruits take an active part in the process of hematopoiesis, increasing the number of blood cells. Therefore, it is very useful to include dried apricots in your diet with low hemoglobin levels and anemia;
  • It has been experimentally proven that this product contains special substances that can slow down development cancer cells;
  • sour varieties of dried apricots will help overcome colds and save you from headaches.

What else is useful for dried apricots? Her regular use has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair, it improves vision and prevents hypertension. A thick decoction based on this product has a diuretic effect, so it is often prescribed for heart and kidney diseases.

Thyroid dysfunction is also included in the list of indications for consuming dried apricots. In addition, it is included in some homeopathic medicines, which makes it possible to reduce the need to use synthetic drugs and turn to natural remedies for help.

Does dried apricot weaken or strengthen? There is a clear answer to this question - these dried fruits stimulate intestinal motility and have a mild laxative effect. And preparing a remedy for constipation is very simple: steam 6 dried fruits in a glass of boiling water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

Pregnancy period

What are the benefits of dried apricots for women? In fact, dried apricots are very important for maintaining the female body, especially during pregnancy.

  • Orange dried fruits are a source of calcium, which is necessary for the normal formation of the fetal skeleton.
  • They significantly alleviate the symptoms of toxicosis and prevent digestive problems.
  • During pregnancy, dried apricots satisfy the female body's need for sweets. After all, as you know, it is not advisable to consume chocolate and sweets during this period, which is why doctors recommend replacing them with sweet and healthy dried apricots.

Important! For pregnant daily norm dried apricots should not exceed 100 g!

Lactation period

Can a nursing mother have dried apricots? And even in such an equally important period, these dried fruits must be introduced into your diet. All beneficial substances contained in this product enter the child’s body through mother's milk and improve the functioning of many organs and systems:

  • support the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • remove excess sodium from the body;
  • stimulate work nervous system;
  • improve the condition of muscle tissue.

For the nursing mother herself, dried apricots are also very useful. It helps restore strength after childbirth, normalizes blood pressure and relieves extreme fatigue, and also normalizes kidney function and is an excellent prevention of constipation.

For weight loss

There is an opinion that dried apricots can help in weight loss. Let's figure it out.

Caution - possible harm!

Undoubtedly, dried apricots bring quite a lot of benefits to the body, but it should be remembered that in some cases its use can cause harm.

  1. If you have hypotension, the consumption of dried apricots should be limited.
  2. Excessive consumption of these dried fruits can lead to stomach upset or an allergic reaction.
  3. If you have diabetes, you should consult your doctor before eating dried apricots, especially sweet varieties.

After purchasing, dried apricots must be processed. Rinse it in several waters, and if you bought bright dried fruits, it would be a good idea to soak them in water for half an hour.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

In this article we will answer the question of how useful dried apricots are and for whom, we will learn the secrets of the correct use of dried apricots, and we will learn how to make dried fruits at home.

Dried fruits are a tasty and healthy greeting to summer. When consumed as food, they stimulate digestion and normalize blood pressure, are important for the functioning of the heart, brain, nervous system, and muscles.

Dried fruits appeared in our diet thousands of years ago. During this time, the process of preparing dried fruits remained virtually unchanged: only open space, shade and dry warm air.

All fruits were dried, but the most famous of them were: dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates, figs. Drying naturally, dried fruits retained the taste, vitamins, nutrients and microelements of fresh fruits. However, the transformation of apricots into dried apricots took several months.

Modern dried fruits are made using new technologies: using chemicals and dyes. That is why they not only became prettier, but also lost all their vitamins.

IMPORTANT: Before you buy dried fruits, smell them: a quality product cannot smell like gasoline or rubber. The presence of a foreign, pungent odor indicates the use of an express drying method.

  • The use of the express method involves drying fruits in ovens. At the same time, the stoves are heated not only with wood, but also with rubber production waste and diesel fuel
  • To disinfect dried fruits, they are fumigated with sulfur dioxide or sulfur dioxide ( food supplement E220)
  • Even in the oven, plums and grapes take several days to dry. Before drying, the fruits are placed in a caustic soda solution. This treatment thins the skin of the berries and makes them dry faster.
  • After express drying, the fruits look wrinkled and faded. To give them a marketable appearance, they are tinted, soaked in sugar syrup and preservatives.
  • Now raisins, dried apricots, prunes look bright and attractive: they are ready to go to your table

IMPORTANT: Before eating, bright dried fruits should be placed in hot water for 15 minutes, then rinsed with running water.

How to choose dried fruits correctly?

  • Natural dried fruits cannot be bright colors. Naturally dried fruits are unsightly and hard
  • Dark raisins retain the bluish tinge characteristic of fresh grapes
  • Light grapes acquire a reddish or light brown tint during drying.
  • Dried apricots are hard and brownish in color
  • Natural prunes with pits. Does not leave ink marks when kneaded between fingers

IMPORTANT: Natural dried fruits are matte, without greasy shine.

Recipes for cooking dried apricots, prunes and raisins

Thanks to modern kitchen appliances, preparing dried fruits at home has become quite easy. easy process. Fruits or berries need to be sorted, washed, pitted and placed in a special dryer. As a result: you will enjoy homemade dried fruits all winter long.

Video: Drying plums - 16 kg. How to make prunes at home?

Video: How to prepare raisins from sultanas?

Video: How to prepare raisins from Moldova grapes?

Video: Drying apricots - 10 kg. How to make dried apricots at home?

What kind of dried apricots are there?

Dried apricots are not the only product from dried fruits apricot. There are such varieties as kaisa and apricots.

  • Kaisa- whole dried apricot without pit. This type of dried fruit is rich in iron, minerals, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. It contains a lot of organic acids, pectin substances, glucose, sucrose, fructose. Unfortunately, there are not very many vitamins in kais
  • dried directly on tree branches and retains all the vitamin and mineral composition fresh berries. Apricots always have a pit. Considered the most useful view dried apricots

Video: Dried apricots or apricots?

Dried apricots: vitamins and minerals

IMPORTANT: 100 g of dried apricots is equivalent to 40 mg of iron supplements or 250 g of beef liver.

Varieties of dried apricots and their calorie content per 100 g of product

Dried fruits are higher in calories compared to fresh fruit. This is explained simply: during drying, dried fruits turn into a kind of fruit concentrate.

  • Dried apricots - 232 kcal (977 kJ)
  • Uryuk - 261 kcal (1095 kJ)
  • Kaisa - 275 kcal (1151 kJ)

For example: the calorie content of 100 g of fresh apricots is 45 kcal (185 kJ).

Daily norm and calorie content of dried apricots

The calorie content of 1 medium dried apricot is 23.2 kcal (97.7 kJ).

IMPORTANT: 4-5 pieces of dried apricots provide our body with the daily norm of potassium, iron, carotene, and vitamin B group.

The glycemic index of dried apricots is within 30. And yet, eat it better in the morning or in the afternoon until 16:00.

Application of dried apricots

Residents Central Asia and the Middle East called dried apricots “a gift from Allah.” It is difficult to argue with such a definition, because dried apricots are indispensable for the human body.

The benefits of consuming dried apricots are greater than those of consuming fresh apricots.

  • This is due to the high content of nutrients and minerals
  • Beta-carotene in dried apricots helps improve vision and protects eyes from inflammation
  • The high potassium content in dried apricots, among other things, prevents the body from losing calcium

Dried apricots remove harmful substances

  • radionuclides
  • toxins
  • heavy metals
  • bad cholesterol
  • slags

Thanks to large quantities pectin and fiber in the composition, dried apricots improve intestinal motility during constipation, help normalize the activity of beneficial intestinal microflora.

A remedy for strengthening the immune system and cleansing the body


  • Grind 200 g dried apricots, 200 g prunes, 100 g peeled walnuts
  • Mix with 2 tablespoons of honey. If you suffer from constipation, add 50 g to the mixture wheat bran. This intestinal cleansing with dried apricots will be gentle and will not cause discomfort.
  • Store the resulting mass in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container.
  • Take 2 tablespoons: in the morning - 30 minutes before. before breakfast, in the evening - before bed
  • The mixture can be taken in combination with

Dried apricots and vitamin deficiency

One of the most common spring ailments is vitamin deficiency.
Its symptoms:

  • drowsiness
  • weakness
  • increased irritability
  • dry skin
  • hair loss

Will help fight the disease vitamin mixture from lemon and dried apricots.


  • Grind 1 medium lemon (with zest), 100 g dried apricots
  • Mix with 2 tablespoons honey
  • Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container
  • Take 1 teaspoon every morning before meals

Benefits of dried apricots for the heart

Cardiologists call dried apricots “heart food.”

  • The high concentration of potassium and magnesium in dried apricots normalizes heart function, increases hemoglobin levels, and eliminates vascular blockages
  • Dried apricots will help maintain normal blood pressure and thereby become a reliable remedy for the fight against hypertension.
  • For pathologies of the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to consume 100-150 g of dried apricots daily
  • For atherosclerosis, dried apricots are consumed in the form of a crushed mixture, 1 tablespoon three times a day.
  • For heart diseases, it is recommended to take an infusion of dried apricots


  • Pour boiling water over 50 g of dried apricots (200 ml)
  • Leave for 4 hours
  • Take 0.5 cups every day 30 minutes before meals

IMPORTANT: Take only freshly prepared infusion!

You can also prepare a compote from dried apricots, the benefits of which will be somewhat less than the benefits of the infusion.

IMPORTANT: For the first time, dried fruit compote was prepared for French king Louis XIV.

Video: Dried fruits: benefits and harms. Dried fruits compote

Dried apricot decoction for babies

A properly prepared compote, infusion or decoction of dried apricots is quite suitable for a fragile baby’s body. The baby's first acquaintance with a drink made from dried apricots can take place at 6 months, when complementary foods begin to be introduced. However, if the child suffers from constipation, a drink made from dried apricots and prunes (weak concentration) can be introduced from 3 months.

IMPORTANT: Only organic dried fruits (naturally dried) are used for children's drinks!


  • The correct proportion of the drink: 100 g of dried fruits per 1 liter of water (boiling water)
  • It is better not to brew a children's drink, but to leave it for 5-6 hours.
  • No sugar is added to children's drinks

IMPORTANT: Multi-ingredient drinks are offered to children after 6 months if the baby is already familiar with each individual ingredient.

Is it possible to drink a decoction of dried apricots while fasting?

Quite a lot has been said about the benefits and harms of therapeutic fasting. Those who have experienced therapeutic fasting know: the most difficult thing is to come out of fasting. Errors at the output are fraught with serious problems for the body.

IMPORTANT: Therapeutic fasting must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Dr. Ziganshin has developed his own method of therapeutic fasting, which is gentler and more acceptable even for an elderly body. During Ziganshin’s “velvet fasting”, the patient should drink an infusion of dried apricots (preferably apricots) and water.

At the end of the day, the patient eats soaked dry apricots from the decoction. This does not allow the stomach to stop. In addition, soaked dried apricots (apricots) consist of hard veins that perfectly cleanse the large intestine.

Fasting according to the Zingishin method

1 day: 5-7 dried apricots (dried apricots, apricots) are brewed with boiling water (repeatedly). A warm drink is drunk throughout the day. The berries are eaten at the end of the day. In addition to the infusion of dried apricots, you can drink pure water. All liquid is consumed in small sips of 0.5-1 glass at a time. The total amount of fluid per day is 2.5-3 liters.
Throughout the day you need to take:

  • 1 tsp seaweed powder. This allows you to provide the body with essential microelements
  • 1 clove of garlic. The lobe is divided into tiny pieces, which are thoroughly chewed and swallowed, which allows you to achieve an antimicrobial and anti-putrefactive effect.

Day 2: An infusion of dried apricots is taken. At the end of the day, the berries from the infusion are eaten. Drink clean water. The total amount of liquid is 2.5-3 liters.
Throughout the day you need to eat:

  • 1 tsp seaweed
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 orange. Eaten in slices throughout the day

3-4 days: only water in a volume of 2.5-3 l
From 5 to 14 days the cycle repeats
Third week: way out of hunger

Dried apricots: diet for weight loss

If therapeutic fasting is perceived by you as an extreme way to improve your health, but you need to get in shape, try the “Mono-diet of dried apricots and apricots.” The duration of the diet is 3-5 days. This diet is carried out once every 2-3 months.

Daily menu:

  • 0.5 kg of fresh apricots and 0.3 kg of dried apricots. The fruits are divided into 5-6 meals
  • Before use, dried apricots need to be chopped and diluted with freshly squeezed apricot juice to a puree.
  • In addition, during the day you should drink up to 2-3 liters of liquid: water, herbal tea without sugar, infusion of dried apricots without sugar

CONTRAINDICATIONS: diabetes mellitus, intestinal obstruction, obesity, gastritis, ulcer. You cannot eat dried apricots for more than 5 days! After the diet, you should strengthen your diet with foods rich in protein!

The benefits of dried apricots for women

Dried apricots are vital female body. Eating dry apricots normalizes the production of female hormones. The antioxidants for which the dried fruit is so famous prevent the development of fibroids, cysts, and cancer.
Rolled oats porridge with dried apricots and nuts will not only improve the lactation of a nursing mother, but also compensate the mother’s body for the microelements given to the baby.

Recipe for rolled oats porridge with dried apricots and nuts:

  • Pour into boiling water (1 liter) cereals(1.5 tbsp). Add salt and sugar to taste
  • After 5 minutes, add finely chopped dried apricots (0.5 cups), peeled chopped walnuts to the flakes
  • Cook, stirring constantly, for another 10 minutes

Dried apricots during pregnancy: benefits and harms

Pregnancy is a period in a woman’s life that requires special attention. Each food product during pregnancy should be taken very carefully, especially dried apricots.

Benefits of dried apricots:

  • provides restorative effect thanks to a large number of microelements and vitamins
  • fructose and glucose satisfy the need for sweets without increasing insulin levels in the blood
  • prevents the appearance of anemia, alleviates its condition
  • saves from vitamin deficiency
  • relieves toxicosis
  • is a preventative against constipation
  • eliminates heartburn
  • normalizes blood pressure
  • has a diuretic effect and prevents the appearance of edema
  • preserves the condition of teeth, hair, nails


  • hypotension
  • allergies
  • diarrhea
  • bronchial asthma
  • individual intolerance

IMPORTANT: Eating dried apricots for diabetes requires consultation with a doctor! The sugar content in dried apricots is 84%!

The benefits of dried apricots for men

Sailors, going on long and long journeys, always took with them a huge amount of dried fruits.

In addition, doctors have found that dried apricots are a good remedy for improving potency. And the “Hippocrates’ Mixture,” known to the ancient Greeks, saved more than one man’s heart.

Video: The benefits and harms of dried fruits

Recipes with dried apricots: photo

Casserole with cottage cheese and dried apricots

1. Finely chop 1 cup dried apricots. Add to it 1 egg, 4 tablespoons of semolina, 0.5 teaspoon of salt
2. Add 0.5 kg of cottage cheese of any fat content to the mixture. If the cottage cheese has lumps, it is advisable to pass it through a meat grinder
3. Stir the mixture until completely homogeneous
4. Place the curd mixture into rectangular shape(size 18x25). Pre-grease the pan with butter or vegetable oil. Distribute the mixture thoroughly and evenly over the bottom of the mold.
5. Grease the top of the curd mass with sour cream of any fat content
6. Bake in a well-heated oven at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Well, if for some reason you don’t like dried apricots, take the advice and pamper your face with a mask of dried apricots. Your skin will thank you.


  • Take 1 cup of dried apricots
  • Fill with water and let it swell
  • Grind in a blender, food processor or meat grinder
  • Mix with 2 teaspoons milk powder
  • Apply to face for 15 minutes
  • Gently clean your face with a tissue
  • Rinse your face with warm water

The mask is suitable for any skin type, nourishes it and promotes regeneration. It should be done 2 times a week (especially in winter).

Video: Sambuca from dried apricots. Delicious

Sweet dried apricots are a favorite delicacy of many people. They contain a large number of substances that are beneficial to the body, and when used wisely, they are suitable for food even for people suffering from diabetes and obesity. Undoubtedly, taking a handful of dried fruits every day will be useful not only for women who care about their attractiveness, but also for men. Let's look at the benefits of dried apricots for the stronger sex.

Dried apricots happen different types, it all depends on the way the fruit is processed. So, dried apricots- These are sun-dried fruits with a stone. Kaisy- dried fruits without pits. Ashtak It is made like this: first, the core is taken out and dried, then the grain without the shell is put back in.


The fruits contain almost the entire complex of amino acids, and 12 of them are essential for humans. Carbohydrates are represented by sucrose and fructose, they maintain energy balance and nourish brain cells. Dried apricots are rich in dietary fiber and pectin, which has a positive effect on intestinal function. The beneficial properties of dried apricots include reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol and removing toxic substances and heavy metal salts from the body. Quantity food ingredients per 100 grams of product the following:

  • Proteins – 3g;
  • Fats – 0.5g;
  • Carbohydrates – 53-55g.

Calorie content depends on the variety and is approximately 230 kcal. Despite sufficient energy value, A 100-gram serving will not harm people trying to lose weight.

Vitamin composition presented:

  • Vitamin A, necessary for vision and normal production of sex hormones. With a sufficient amount of retinol in the menu, the synthesis of structural fibers occurs in the skin, which slows down the aging process.
  • B vitamins that take part in enzymatic reactions. They improve hematopoietic processes, provide normal conductivity impulses along nerve fibers.
  • Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant that neutralizes peroxidation and thereby protects against cancer and aging. Especially ascorbic acid necessary for men with nicotine addiction. It is known that smoking increases the consumption of vitamin C, so it is recommended to additionally saturate the body with it.
  • Nicotinic acid, which cleanses blood vessels.

From minerals especially important are:

  • Magnesium and potassium, as they help the harmonious functioning of the heart muscle;
  • Iron is the main component of hemoglobin, it protects against the development of anemia and oxygen starvation fabrics;
  • Iodine - necessary element for the synthesis of hormones and normalization of metabolic processes;
  • Calcium and phosphorus are responsible for bone health, and phosphorus additionally stimulates mental activity;

Product properties

Dried apricots have a gentle effect on the intestines and help with regular bowel movements. People suffering from constipation are recommended to brew 5 pieces of dried apricot with boiling water overnight, and in the morning eat them on an empty stomach and drink the remaining liquid.

For diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the inclusion of fruits in the diet helps normalize blood pressure, which is important for hypertensive patients. Many heart patients complain of swelling of the legs, which can be eliminated with a fasting day on dried apricots. To do this, 500 grams of fruits are divided into several doses and eaten throughout the day. For drinks, unsweetened herbal or green tea, rosehip infusion.

Unlike diuretic drugs, which remove necessary minerals from the body, dried apricots do not deplete a person of valuable components. Vice versa, daily use fruit is a guarantee that the body will receive the necessary elements.

Taking dried apricots is a preventive measure ophthalmological diseases, anemia, malignant tumors. The elements it contains enhance immunity and prevent the growth of cancer cells. The product removes waste and toxic substances and thereby cleanses the intestines and removes excess fluid, which is useful for people with kidney disease. The fruit has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and helps cope with mental fatigue.

Medicinal properties of dried apricots

  • Anemia;
  • Constipation;
  • Heart and kidney diseases;
  • Edema of various origins;
  • Violation of blood lipid composition;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Thrombophlebitis.

Benefits for men

The elements that make up dried apricots are involved in the synthesis of sex hormones, which is important for complete synthesis. The fruit increases desire and improves potency, so it is recommended for men who are thinking about their sexual health. Dried apricots are considered a product that increases libido.

Due to its high calcium content, dried apricots provide this mineral. bone tissue, and testosterone becomes free for other functions. A nicotinic acid cleanses blood vessels, which means blood circulation improves, including that of the pelvic organs. Provides good blood supply correct work testicles and thereby stimulates the process of sperm formation.

Fruits in the amount of 100 grams per day will bring benefits. If you eat them in kilograms, even healthy person will not be able to avoid intestinal upset. There are other contraindications that men should consider.

Harm to health

  • Pancreatitis. Dried fruit can only be consumed in steamed form during the remission phase.
  • Peptic ulcer and gastritis. Since dried apricots contain a large amount dietary fiber, this can affect the condition of the gastric mucosa.
  • Diabetes. In case of illness, it is not advisable to completely exclude the product; it can be used as a replacement for sugar and honey. It is advisable to limit its consumption to 5 pieces per day. Since apricots contain a sufficient amount of sugars, it is better for people with diabetes to ask their doctor for permission before including them on the menu.
  • Allergy to the product, which occurs occasionally in some people.
  • Hypotension. Since dried apricots lower blood pressure, hypotensive patients can eat it in small quantities or avoid it altogether.

Methods of application

Here are healthy recipes using dried apricots.

Compote of dried apricots

The decoction retains all the qualities of whole dried fruits: relieves swelling, improves mood, normalizes digestion, reduces weight, and increases performance. Used as remedy with urolithiasis.

Compote is prepared at the rate of 100 grams of fruit per liter of water, boiled for no more than 6-7 minutes. You can add sugar to taste. If you stick healthy eating, it is better to do without additives. In any case, the drink will have a pleasant sweetish taste.

Mixture of nuts, dried fruits and lemons

A tasty and healing supplement that is used to strengthen the immune system, cleanse blood vessels, and prevent heart and colds. To prepare, you will need to take 250 grams of dried apricots, raisins and nuts of each ingredient and grind through a meat grinder. Add a glass of honey and 1 lemon, chopped along with the peel.

Take a tablespoon on an empty stomach 1 or 2 times a day. You can store the fortified supplement in the refrigerator in a glass container for six months.

It can be seen on store shelves at a price that is 2 times higher than the cost of apricots. However, manufacturers claim that chocolate dried apricots are prepared without any chemical treatment and refers to healthy food products. The fruit has a sweeter taste and tender juicy pulp; its taste is little reminiscent of ordinary dried apricots. Due to the high amount of calories and sugar, it is not recommended for diabetes and obesity; in other cases, you can eat chocolate dried apricots without fear. It does not cause allergies or asthma, and also normalizes the microflora in the intestines.

They eat dark dried apricots in combination with sprouted green buckwheat grains (you can buy them in the store). Grind fruits and cereals in a blender until smooth, adding a little water, it will turn out great healthy breakfast. Add a large apple cut into slices into the porridge; you can sprinkle it with cinnamon or other fruits.

Selection of dried apricots

Manufacturers often treat fruit with paraffin or sulfur in order to extend shelf life and give it a marketable appearance. Externally, such apricots are juicy and shiny, have a bright orange color. However the nutritional value the product is in doubt. It is better to purchase dried fruits that are small in size and have a grayish tint: they have been dried naturally and will benefit your health.

When purchasing, pay attention to the presence of mold and dark spots: this indicates a violation of the storage process. It’s best to ask the seller for one piece to try, so you’ll appreciate not only it appearance, but also taste.

Storage methods

When you bring your purchase home, first rinse the dried apricots under water to remove harmful impurities and dust. Dry with paper towel. After this, the fruit can be placed in a glass container or plastic container and stored at a temperature no higher than 18 degrees. If necessary, you can place apricots in the freezer, so they will retain their properties for 1.5 years.

Standards of use

A daily 100-gram serving will be an excellent vitamin and mineral supplement to your diet. This is approximately 5-6 large fruits.

Dried apricots can rightfully be considered a healing product and can be used to maintain and restore strength, prevent diseases and strengthen the immune system. Men should include dried apricots in their diet to maintain long-term health.