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Health benefits of dried chanterelles. Description and composition. Medicinal properties of chanterelle mushrooms

But not many people know that chanterelle mushrooms have medicinal properties. Meanwhile, in different countries they are used to treat many ailments.

Useful and healing properties

The beneficial properties of chanterelles are due to their unique composition. Many vitamins, microelements and other components were found in the pulp of mushrooms. Among them is vitamin A, the content of which in 100 grams of the product is higher than that of carrots. Thanks to this, the mushroom is effective in treating eye diseases.

The composition contains a high concentration of vitamin B, trametonolinic acid, polysaccharides, chitinmannose, and ergosterol. These components provide antibiotic (including antituberculosis), antitumor and restorative properties. With the help of chanterelles, liver diseases are treated: hepatitis, tissue degeneration into fat, cysts.

You can prepare medicine from chanterelles at home. Freshly picked mushrooms are cleaned of soil particles and litter using a knife. If the mushrooms are dried in the sun naturally, then they cannot be wetted. If used for drying special devices, fruiting bodies can be washed under running water.

Mushrooms are cut into thin slices and placed on a sheet or tray so that they do not touch. For natural drying, the product is placed in open, well-ventilated, shaded places for several days. When using an electric dryer, select the lowest temperature (40 degrees) and dry for 8 hours. Dried chanterelles are stored in a tightly closed container (this way they do not lose their beneficial properties for up to two years).

For treatment, dried chanterelles are ground into powder before use. 1 teaspoon is dissolved in 100 ml of water and allowed to brew for 30 minutes. Consume an hour before meals, along with the sediment. The daily dose is from 1 to 4 teaspoons.

Popular and so dosage form as a tincture. Exactly alcohol tincture Chanterelles are taken for worms. To prepare it, you can use both raw and dried fruit bodies. For 150 ml of vodka or alcohol (40%) add 2 tbsp. l. dry or 3 tbsp. l. raw chopped mushrooms. Infuse in a cool place, possibly in the refrigerator, for two weeks. Take 1 teaspoon before bedtime.

You can buy chanterelle extract in pharmacies. It is available in the form of granules, which are taken 4 per day (in two doses, morning and evening). For children, the dosage is halved.

When taking chanterelle preparations in any form, you need to remember that the course of administration, like any homeopathic medicine, limited to 30 days.

Use in folk medicine

The beneficial properties of chanterelles have been known in folk medicine for a long time. These mushrooms have been and continue to be used successfully to treat many ailments. Among them:

  1. Infectious diseases such as tonsillitis, bronchitis, furunculosis and others.
  2. Tuberculosis: substances contained in the pulp of the mushroom inhibit the proliferation of Koch bacilli, speeding up and facilitating recovery.
  3. Diseases of the pancreas and liver.
  4. Obesity.
  5. Diseases caused by helminths.


Chanterelles, in addition to their beneficial properties, have a number of contraindications. So, they should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women, or people with individual intolerance; Children under three years old cannot eat mushrooms, including chanterelles.

People with gastrointestinal diseases should treat this product with caution. Even people with healthy digestion should not exceed recommended dosages. If mushrooms are not used medicinal purposes, but simply as a product, a single serving should be moderate - it is difficult for the stomach to digest a large amount of them. Knowing the benefits of chanterelle mushrooms and taking them correctly, you can prevent many diseases.

Chanterelles are mushrooms that, in addition to their taste, also have medicinal properties. In some countries, this remedy is used both in folk and official medicine. This mushroom is found in almost all regions of our country, so if it ends up in your basket, dry part of the “catch” and try it unique action on myself.

To lose 32 kg by summer, like KVN star Olga Kartunkova, simply on an empty stomach.

Medicinal properties of chanterelles

Chanterelle mushrooms: medicinal properties and methods of preparation

It is often customary to talk about mushrooms exclusively in a culinary context, but few people know that they can also become real healers. This is especially true for chanterelle mushrooms, which are probably the most popular type edible mushrooms. You can achieve medicinal properties from chanterelle mushrooms in different ways; there are several ways to prepare chanterelles so that they turn out to be not only a tasty forest treat, but also a “home doctor.” But first you need to figure out in what cases their use is appropriate and effective.

Medicinal properties chanterelles

Chanterelle mushrooms, like other forest plants, such as herbs or berries, have unique properties, which can be used for health purposes. If you choose the right method for preparing chanterelle mushrooms, their medicinal properties will be restorative, anti-tuberculosis, antibiotic, and anthelmintic.

If you turn to the literature on traditional medicine, you can often find information that the use of chanterelle mushrooms is effective in the treatment of liver diseases. in particular cysts and hepatitis C.

Additionally, the medicinal properties of chanterelle mushrooms can help people who suffer from night blindness or have poor eyesight.

Other medicinal properties of chanterelle mushrooms include:

Antioxidant effect on the body, which slows down the aging process of the body; Emollient effect for sore throat; Helps with diseases of the pancreas; Helps with furunculosis; Increase stress resistance; Helps strengthen muscle tone.

It should be noted that the medicinal properties of chanterelle mushrooms appear only if the correct method of preparing them is chosen!

Important! Chanterelles lose their medicinal properties when exposed to warm temperatures, as well as when pickled and salted.

What determines the beneficial properties of chanterelles?

All the benefits of chanterelles for human health are determined by chemical composition this forest gift. These small mushrooms contain all kinds of vitamins, microelements and other useful material. For example, chanterelles are rich in vitamin A, and in this relay they are not inferior, and even ahead of the notorious carrots! In addition, chanterelles are enriched with a group of B vitamins, and here they give a head start to yeast.

The most valuable component in chanterelles is ergosterol; it is this substance that is effective in the fight against liver diseases, promotes its cleansing and restoration.

Other important components of chanterelles include: Chitinmannoses; Trametonolinic acid; Polysaccharide K-10; Vitamin D

It is due to all these components, which act in combination, that chanterelle mushrooms acquire their medicinal properties. Well, in order to use them, it is important to know how to prepare chanterelles for health purposes.

Harvesting chanterelles for treatment

If we remember that with some cooking methods these mushrooms lose their medicinal properties, then we can immediately discard the options of frying, pickling and salting. You can preserve chanterelles for the winter without losing their medicinal properties if you dry the mushrooms or freeze them (but in this case they begin to taste a little bitter). You can also prepare a chanterelle tincture.

Dried chanterelles: how to do it right

To obtain the medicinal properties of chanterelles all year round, and not only in the season when they can be collected, they should be dried. This is not difficult to do if you strictly follow the instructions:

1. The harvested crop should be sorted and for drying, select only those mushrooms that have a large cap, a thick stem, and are definitely not hiding a mushroom worm. 2. Chanterelles need to be cleared of twigs and other debris by hand. Under no circumstances should you wash mushrooms! 3. Next, you should separate the mushroom cap from the stem; only the chanterelle umbrella itself will be used for drying. 4. If the caps are very large, then they should be cut either into halves or quarters. 5. Mushrooms can be dried outside, in the oven, in a special dryer, in the oven, and even on the stove or in the microwave. The drying method should be chosen based on the climatic conditions prevailing in the region of residence. 6. Mushrooms should be placed on high-density parchment paper or a dry board. Important! You cannot place mushrooms on a baking sheet, otherwise they will begin to fry or boil, which means they will lose their beneficial properties. 7. Chanterelles don’t take long to dry. To speed up the process, you should provide them with constant air circulation, which is possible with good ventilation. 8. Mushrooms that have dried well will bend; if the mushrooms break, it means something went wrong in the process and such chanterelles cannot be used further.

How to store dried chanterelles

There are two ways to properly store chanterelles. In the first case, the dried mushrooms should be placed in glass jars and a little alcohol should be poured into them and set on fire, then immediately close the lid tightly. This procedure will help to “drive” all the oxygen out of the jar, which means that the mushrooms will not mold during long-term storage.

In the second case, you can grind the dried chanterelles and store them in a coffee can and use them as a seasoning for dishes in combination with other spices.

The best recipes for your health

Chanterelle tincture, which can be prepared either from dried mushrooms or from fresh mushrooms fresh from the forest, will be effective in treating the liver.

To prepare, chop two tablespoons of fresh mushrooms, or three tablespoons of dried mushrooms. Place them in a glass container and pour 150 grams of vodka. Next, close the lid and store in the refrigerator for 14 days. After this time, the tincture will be ready; there is no need to strain it. The course of treatment with this remedy is designed for a month, during which you should drink one teaspoon of tincture every day before going to bed.

Contraindications for use

As practice shows, chanterelles can be consumed by virtually everyone. But it is important to collect them in an ecologically clean area, somewhere away from roads, deep in the forest. At the same time, if you do not have enough experience in picking mushrooms, then, of course, it is better to buy chanterelles at the market. Most often, it is ignorance of the differences between edible and inedible mushrooms that leads to tragic consequences.

There are no specific contraindications to the use of this product, except for individual intolerance to fungi.

Chanterelle mushrooms are endowed with unique medicinal properties if you choose the right cooking method, so they healing power You just can't help but take advantage of it. It is best to use preparations for health purposes dried mushrooms, since this is where all the useful substances lie, and besides, this is year-round access to them!

Chanterelles are very common mushrooms in medicine, the medicinal properties of which are used in many countries. Medicine uses them most widely in the West. Oncology can be treated with drugs containing extracts from chanterelles.

Eating chanterelles has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Mushrooms are grown in greenhouses with a special microclimate. Each stage of their maturation is controlled and analyzed, because only in such conditions can we obtain environmentally friendly and natural raw materials for pharmaceuticals.

Medicinal properties of chanterelles

There is a direction in the development of alternative medicine called fungotherapy, which is based on healing the body using mushrooms. This is a relatively young science, but it has already proven itself.

Differences between chanterelle and false chanterelle.

Mushrooms are truly a unique creation of nature. They are somewhere between the plant and animal worlds. It is worth highlighting a variety of mushrooms such as chanterelles. Even ancient sorcerers and shamans used them as a separate drug, adding them to various recipes.

Chanterelles are rich in vitamins B and A, PP. These mushrooms are a good preventative against eye diseases. They affect the body's metabolism and help fight obesity.

These mushrooms are rich in zinc and copper, which help bind and remove free radicals. They have antibacterial properties because they contain provitamin D. Regular use Eating chanterelles effectively restores and normalizes the functioning of the pancreas. The latest research in pharmaceuticals has confirmed the ability of chanterelles to resist various malignant and benign tumors. Their immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties can be used to treat tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases.

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Dried chanterelles

Well-dried chanterelles are stored for a long time in a canvas bag.

Chanterelles are often used in dried form. At temperatures above 60 degrees, mushrooms lose their healing properties, medical purposes It is better to dry them.

In Europe, extracts are prepared on their basis for the treatment and restoration of liver cells. The thing is that chanterelles are naturally rich in ergosterol, which, in turn, stimulates and accelerates the production of liver enzymes.

A special organic acid (trametonolinic acid) is harmful to the virus that causes hepatitis. A poultice made from dried chanterelles has been used since ancient times in the fight against ulcers and boils, and sore throat. A tincture or capsules are prepared based on dried mushrooms. To obtain an anthelmintic agent, chitinmannose is isolated from chanterelles. As a medicine, it is used in concentrated form. Because this allows you to save medicinal properties, dried mushrooms are ground into a powder that is used to create various medicines.

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Other recipes for using chanterelles

Chanterelles are used in the treatment of inflammatory processes of varying degrees of complexity, and also have immunostimulating, anticancer and antihemorrhoidal effects. This is due to the presence of large amounts of vitamin A, C and D. Chanterelles cope well with respiratory diseases. Have positive influence on the nervous system, the minerals and vitamins they contain increase stress resistance, reduce the impact of depression and insomnia.

Microelements in chanterelles successfully fight varicose veins.

Chanterelles contain selenium, which normalizes activity thyroid gland and reproduction of brain stem cells, in addition, it improves coordination of movements and removes aggressive toxins from the body chemical elements and other harmful substances.

What can be treated with chanterelles:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • increased irritability;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • reduced immunity.

They have a number of general strengthening and preventive indications for use:

  • enhance regeneration bone tissue, which significantly accelerates the healing of fractures, cracks, and also reduces bone fragility;
  • can be used to prevent skin diseases, including psoriasis;
  • reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

It is very important to carry out proper thermal and culinary processing of chanterelles, otherwise there is a risk of mushroom poisoning.

These mushrooms can very quickly and quite gently cleanse your body of worms.

Well, specifically we will look at the chanterelle mushroom, its medicinal properties and contraindications, as well as the products that are obtained from it. Chanterelles live in the mushroom kingdom and are well recognized by mushroom pickers, because they have a bright sunny shade and a cap that is characteristic only of them. These are very useful mushrooms for humans; they can help cure a number of ailments. Let's talk about these properties further.

Chanterelle mushrooms and their medicinal properties. Cooking methods

It seems that there is no ailment that these wonderful mushrooms cannot overcome, but are they really infinitely useful, is there any harm from them? Of course, like many plant gifts, chanterelles can be harmful.

Who should not eat chanterelles?

In fact, chanterelles have very few contraindications. Since all mushrooms are considered food that is difficult to digest, it is better for those who suffer from problems with the gastrointestinal tract not to consume this natural product.

It is also worth noting that any person can have an individual intolerance to any component in any product, the same with mushrooms - if you are allergic to them, then it is better not to take them as food or as medicine.

Chanterelles are not allowed during pregnancy, lactation and for children until they are three years old.

Mushrooms can only be beneficial if they have been properly washed, peeled and cooked. Otherwise, even the most beneficial natural gifts can cause harm.

Methods for preparing chanterelle mushrooms

Chanterelles can be prepared in any way. They are used to make twists for the winter, where the chanterelles are marinated and fried vegetable oil, dried, extracts and powders are made. For treatment, it is the last two forms of preparation that are used, and extracts are also used. Such medicines You can prepare it yourself, or you can buy it ready-made in pharmacies or specialized shops.

If you collected chanterelles yourself, then you need to dry them no more than at a temperature of 40 degrees, otherwise all their healing properties will be lost. After that, dried mushrooms can be made into a powder that will be used for treatment.

The powder must be used as quickly as possible, since in this form active substances evaporate quickly.

The medicinal properties of dried chanterelles can remain at the same level for the next two years after harvesting. Dry foods should be stored in a container that closes tightly.

Another recipe for an infusion, similar to the first, but pour one spoonful of dried mushrooms into 150 ml, after which the infusion sits for 10 days, you need to shake it constantly. Take a teaspoon before going to bed, but the course is two months. It has also been noted that the product helps to normalize sleep and relieve headaches.

That's what they are - foxes. Yes, nature is truly generous with its gifts, and today we are convinced of this once again. Health to you!

Licorice syrup and Enterosgel. Cleansing the lymphatic system

Chanterelles attract with their bright appearance; it is simply impossible not to notice this mushroom. Many people are afraid to eat mushrooms because they are hard on the stomach and, like a sponge, “absorb” radiation and other harmful substances. The benefits and harms of chanterelles have been discussed more than once in medical programs; this mushroom deserves attention.

What do chanterelles look like and where do they grow?

Everyone knows what they look like. They don't need any special introduction. A beautiful red mushroom can be seen even in a textbook for elementary school. People who are completely unfamiliar with mushrooms may confuse chanterelle with saffron milk cap or false mushroom. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn more about the distinctive features.

In order not to grab the saffron milk cap, you need to look at the edges and color of the cap; in the chanterelle they are curved and curly, and the color is much lighter than red. Yellow beauty grows throughout Russia and in the forests of Europe. There are especially many mushrooms after rain in coniferous forests. The hat of a still young mushroom is concave, and the edges are curved down. The old one has a lot of hairs around the edges. Attention is also paid to the records. They can be compared to the thickness of a sheet of paper. The rows are close, and the color of each of them is the same. The leg is up to 5 centimeters in length, up to 1 in thickness, becoming wider towards the cap.

Interestingly, the composition is still being studied. And only in 2012, Korean scientists identified acids that are responsible for blocking hunger. This means they are useful for diabetics and those losing weight.

Calorie content and nutritional value of chanterelles

Those losing weight often pay attention to the calorie content of all foods, even low-calorie ones like mushrooms. But one big mistake is often made. The calorie content of the raw product is taken into account, and the dish is weighed after cooking. Therefore, it is worth knowing approximately the meaning of fried, boiled and dried chanterelles.

When cooking, weight, calorie content and the nutritional value. When fried, the calorie content of chanterelles per 100 grams with sour cream is 72 kcal, respectively, there are already more fats and carbohydrates than proteins. Boiled – 32 kcal. When stewing, the number becomes 40-45. Pickled ones have 18 kcal, and salted ones have 19.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates will also please you. This protein product contains a lot of fiber, little fat and carbohydrates.

Useful and medicinal properties of chanterelles

IN beneficial properties There is no doubt that when properly collected and prepared, they make good medicine. If it is not possible to collect fresh chanterelles, you can buy them in pharmacies in dried form or in tinctures.

What are the health benefits of chanterelles:

  1. Remove worms. It is this property that is most famous. They are used to prepare medicines against helminths.
  2. The tincture can speed up the treatment of sore throats and abscesses.
  3. Improves vision and moisturizes the mucous membranes of the eyeballs.
  4. Cleanse the body of metals.
  5. Strengthens the immune system, hair, nails.
  6. They have a beneficial effect on liver function and are indicated for hepatitis.
  7. Chanterelles are used for oncology, have antibacterial property, prevent the rapid development of tuberculosis bacillus.

Can chanterelles be consumed by pregnant and lactating women?

Mushroom issue during pregnancy and breastfeeding becomes acute for those who love chanterelles. But opinions differ on this matter. Some people strongly recommend avoiding this product, while others say that you can eat mushrooms, but be careful. They are difficult to digest by the body, like their other types. Despite the many beneficial properties, they can cause harm. This applies to those mushrooms that have sprouted in not very ecological areas. Store-bought products are safer in this regard. Those who are pregnant and breastfeeding breast milk When you decide to cook mushrooms, you always take risks.

Advice! There are no categorical prohibitions, but it is better not to neglect your health and your baby and take a break.

At what age can chanterelles be given to children?

Mushrooms are not always to the taste of children. But they will certainly attract attention with their bright appearance. And then the question arises: to give or not to give? Pediatricians do not recommend introducing mushrooms into the diet of a child under three or even six years old. Some mothers decide to feed their baby at three years old, while others forbid taking pickled mushrooms even at seven. At what age can chanterelles be given to children, no one says for sure. Children's body not ready for such heavy food. And if something happens, he will endure poisoning worse than an adult. Therefore, the later the child tries them, the better for him and his parents. There's no need to rush, but mushroom soup There's always time to try.

The benefits of chanterelles for weight loss

Mushrooms are the best choice when dieting. They contain few calories in any form, even fried in sour cream. This is a huge plus for anyone losing weight. They contain a large amount of protein, which is building material For muscle mass. On the contrary, there are few fats and carbohydrates. Despite their low calorie content, chanterelles fill you up well, as Korean scientists have discovered. They also block hunger. The substances that are in their composition accelerate metabolic processes and are responsible for the elimination harmful substances from the body. A large amount of vitamins helps prevent anemia due to dieting.

What are the health benefits of dried chanterelles?

Dried chanterelles do not lose their properties. They are still good for vision, immunity, moisturize mucous membranes, and help the liver. If they are needed not only for delicious dishes, but also for treatment - this choice of storage method is optimal. During heat treatment, the product loses its beneficial properties. And when frozen and pickled, salt destroys them.

The use of chanterelles in folk medicine

Thanks to their properties, chanterelles occupy one of the first places in folk medicine. They are able to suppress dangerous microorganisms. And, according to Chinese scientists, they prevent infection dangerous viruses. For home use tincture and powder are popular.

Chanterelle tincture

Chanterelles for the liver are crushed into powder and dried. 1 spoon is filled with 200 milliliters of vodka. The product must be stirred for 10 days. The course of treatment is 15 days, 2 spoons in the evening.

Important! There is no need to filter the tincture; the sediment is also consumed.

Chanterelle powder

Chanterelles in home cosmetology

There are many recipes for face masks made from mushrooms available. But the main characters of such remedies are porcini mushroom, shiitake, and champignon. Chanterelles are no exception. And they found their place in home cosmetology.

To prepare a rejuvenating mask, take the most healthy mushrooms: chanterelles, champignons, porcini mushrooms. One piece at a time is passed through a meat grinder. Next, components are added based on the characteristics of the skin. Normal skin you need 1 spoon of sour cream, dry - vegetable oil, fat - kefir. After cleansing the skin, apply a mask for 15 minutes. Then wash off with water. If the mushrooms are dry, boil them.

How to cook chanterelles

Chanterelles are not only beautiful and healthy, but also delicious. To cook them correctly, you need to know a few secrets:

  1. After the mushroom is cut from the stem, it should be cooked no more than 10 hours later. If this does not work, then the mushroom is frozen.
  2. Before preparing any dishes, it is advisable to boil the chanterelles for 15 minutes, then drain and rinse.
  3. So that they show off in the dish bright color, vinegar or citric acid is added to it.
  4. The best spices are thyme, rosemary, cardamom, basil, marjoram.

Do you eat raw chanterelles?

Since childhood, my parents have said: “You can’t eat raw mushrooms.” And partly this is correct. The fact is that they absorb harmful substances well, and collecting them near the road is completely prohibited. In addition, the product is difficult for the stomach, especially in its raw form.

Even if you have a desire to eat raw chanterelle, not everyone will like it. Despite the attractive appearance and milky smell, its taste can be off-putting. A little rubbery, bitter, oily, it becomes many times worse if the mushroom grew in spruce forests. Therefore, before eating, it is still recommended to prepare chanterelles: boil, fry, stew, marinate.

Attention! But in Germany, mushroom lovers do not consider chanterelle harmful at all; they can eat it raw, and the taste does not bother them.

Selection and storage of chanterelles

Inexperienced mushroom pickers are afraid to confuse a real chanterelle with a false one. But this is actually difficult to do. The “fake” mushroom is slightly different in color - it is paler, while the “original” may sometimes appear reddish. Its leg is smooth without inclusions. To make sure they make the right choice, mushroom pickers even smell their prey. The real thing smells delicate, like milk or cream. But the false one is bitter and gives off something unpleasant. Even if a mistake occurs, it will be followed by a slight stomach upset. Doctors say that false chanterelles are not capable of causing poisoning.

You can fill your basket from July to October. It is worth choosing young mushrooms, they have a more pleasant taste. They mostly grow in groups. You can pick it without looking, because a chanterelle cannot be worm-eaten.

They can be stored dry, but they should not be exposed to moisture. Frozen storage is allowed. By the way, there is debate about whether chanterelles need to be processed before freezing. There is no consensus. But one thing is certain: any mushroom cannot be re-frozen.

Harm of chanterelles and contraindications

Despite all the beneficial properties, each product has a number of contraindications. Chanterelles should not be consumed if you have an individual intolerance. And also in childhood up to three years. Some doctors do not recommend feeding a child with any other mushrooms until he is 10 years old. This is because they are hard on the stomach. Children's digestive system I’m not ready for such products yet. For the same reason, those who suffer from gastrointestinal and kidney diseases should not eat. It is worth avoiding chanterelles during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


The benefits and harms of chanterelles are a controversial topic for many. But if the mushrooms are collected and cooked correctly, then this a good choice For dietary nutrition, as well as getting rid of helminths. Chanterelles are not recommended for those who have stomach problems, as well as pregnant, nursing mothers and children.

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And even if you haven’t tried them, you’ve probably heard about them

Very often, when describing any mushrooms, their nutritional and taste qualities are indicated, and very little attention is paid to their medicinal properties.


(Unless you can find a description of a fly agaric tincture for rheumatism)

But mushrooms, just like berries and other plants, have a lot of unique medicinal properties. There is even a special science that studies the medicinal properties of mushrooms - fungotherapy.

In our house there is an old medical book in which an entire chapter is devoted to mushrooms, and one of the most important places in it is occupied by forest war foxes!

Chanterelles are never wormy!

Harmful insects don't even stick to them.

This is due to the fact that these mushrooms contain a special substance - chitinmannose, which is not tolerated by helminths of all types.


Chanterelles contain many different components, vitamins and microelements.

For example, in terms of the amount of vitamin A, they are superior to carrots, and in terms of the amount of B vitamins, they are superior to yeast.

Second important active substance chanterelles after chitinmannose is ergosterol, a substance that can cleanse the liver and restore its functions.

Two more important components in the composition of these mushrooms are trametonolinic acid and K-10 polysaccharide.


Thanks to all these components, chanterelle mushrooms have a lot of useful properties: anthelmintic, antibiotic, antitumor, antituberculosis, and general strengthening effects!

IN medical literature There is information that chanterelles effectively cure liver diseases (liver cysts, fatty degeneration, hepatitis C).

Therefore, chanterelles can be confidently called universal remedy to fight most diseases.

There is evidence that chanterelles are effectively used to correct vision and treat night blindness.

And its chanterelles are the strongest antioxidants that suppress free radicals and preventing the aging of the body

Chanterelles are effectively used in folk medicine for sore throat, furunculosis, pancreatic diseases and even obesity!


It is very important to know that chanterelles can exhibit all of the above medicinal properties only if they are properly prepared.

The medicinal substances contained in chanterelles are destroyed during heat treatment, as well as during pickling and salting!!!


Freshly picked chanterelles need to be dried using any in an accessible way, ideally in the sun.

The main thing is that the temperature when drying mushrooms does not exceed 40 C.

They can then be ground into powder in a coffee grinder and stored in a dry place for no more than one year.

Of course, do not forget that mushrooms need to be collected in clean places, away from the highway and industrial enterprises.


If you have prepared chanterelle powder yourself, the most effective method its usage is like this:

in a glass with 100-150 ml. warm water add 1 teaspoon of powder and let it brew for 20-30 minutes. Then stir and drink with sediment.

It is better to drink mushrooms on an empty stomach and not eat for 30 minutes. Drink 1-2 times a day for a month. Chanterelle powder can be added to various dishes (soup, pate, pie fillings, porridge, etc.)

Currently, pharmaceutical companies in Japan and China produce extracts and extracts from chanterelle. In our country, chanterelle medicines can be purchased at fungotherapy centers, for example, via the Internet. These drugs are sold as dietary supplements in capsules.

You can also prepare delicious mushroom salt using dry chanterelles.


Pregnancy, lactation period, individual intolerance, use is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

They are so useful, these extraordinary chanterelles.

By the way, one of my friends has been using dry chanterelle powder for many years and doesn’t even get sick with a cold, calling chanterelles God’s amulet!

I hope this post will be useful and you will take this information into account!

Be healthy!

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Chanterelles are bright yellow forest mushrooms.. The stem of these mushrooms practically merges with the cap. The shape of the hat resembles an inverted umbrella or funnel. The size of the cap most often does not exceed eight centimeters. The flesh of the mushroom is elastic, dense, with the smell of dried fruit.

About two hundred thousand tons of chanterelles are collected in the world every year. Chanterelles grow in families. The main mushroom harvest occurs at the end of August and the first half of September.

The following varieties of chanterelles are distinguished: ordinary, velvety, faceted and gray. The gray fox is widespread in the tropics and temperate zones northern hemisphere. Faceted chanterelle - in the forests of North America. In Germany, the gray fox is mistakenly considered poisonous.

Nutritional value and calorie content of chanterelles

The calorie content of chanterelles is small (20 kcal). When boiled, the calorie content of chanterelles decreases slightly.

This type of mushroom contains a lot of useful components and vitamins. One hundred grams of raw mushrooms contain 89.85 g of water, 1.49 g of protein, 0.53 g of fat, 3.06 g of carbohydrates, 1.26 g of ash and 3.8 g dietary fiber(fiber).

In addition, they contain 0.015 mg of vitamin B1, 0.215 g of vitamin B2, 4.085 g of vitamin PP, 1.075 g pantothenic acid, 0.044 g vitamin B6, 2 mcg folic acid, 5.3 mcg vitamin D.

100 g of mushrooms contain 506 mg of potassium, 15 mg of calcium, 13 mg of magnesium, 9 mg of sodium, 57 mg of phosphorus, 3.47 mg of iron, 0.286 mg of manganese, 353 mcg of copper, 0.71 mg of zinc and 2.2 mcg of selenium.

In terms of carotene concentration, the mushroom surpasses some types of vegetables and all known types of edible mushrooms.

Useful properties of chanterelles

The beneficial properties of chanterelles are known to many. Their spores and pulp contain large amounts of the natural polysaccharide quinomannose. Quinomannose is used in pure form for the manufacture of medicines. It kills arthropods and helminths of all known species. That is why these mushrooms are never wormy.

However, the structure of this natural polysaccharide is disrupted at high temperatures, as well as when processing mushrooms table salt. Therefore, chanterelles are best used dried or as a tincture.

Chanterelle infusion has long been used in the treatment of sore throats, abscesses, and boils.

Chanterelles, being a source of carotene for the body, affect the condition of the mucous membrane of the eye and vision in general.. Regular consumption of mushrooms helps to get rid of “night blindness”, and also allows you to remove radionuclides and salts from the body heavy metals. Vitamin A contained in mushrooms helps strengthen the immune system and improve the condition of hair and skin.

Tramethonolinic acid contained in mushrooms neutralizes the hepatitis virus, and ergosterol (a vitamin-like substance) helps cleanse the liver. The combination of these beneficial properties of chanterelles significantly improves liver function.

For many infectious and inflammatory diseases Chanterelles can be used as a natural antibiotic. These mushrooms can slow down the growth of tuberculosis bacillus.

Methods for preparing chanterelles

Cooking mushrooms different ways: fried, boiled, dried, pickled or salted. Fried chanterelles are considered the most delicious. After cooking, the sourish taste of the mushroom pulp disappears. Chanterelles are less digestible than champignons or porcini mushrooms.

Before preparing the dish, mushrooms should be pre-soaked in water and boiled. Boil the mushrooms for at least twenty minutes.

Chanterelles are contraindicated for use in case of individual intolerance to their components, as well as in childhood (up to three years).

Mushrooms should be stored raw for no more than a day. Storage temperature - no more than +10°C.

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From all diseases

They contain many minerals, as well as vitamins (PP and B2, B1 and A), amino acids, vitamins, so they are very useful for vision and can fight eye diseases. They will be useful for those who suffer from such ailments as obesity, but they must be prepared correctly.

The beneficial properties of chanterelles have been identified and carefully studied. They contain zinc and copper, which help remove radionuclides from the body. The presence of a large amount of provitamin D allows these mushrooms to be called typical antibiotics. They help restore the pancreas. Scientists have long discovered the medicinal properties of chanterelles: they actively fight cancer cells, and also prevent the growth of tuberculosis bacillus.

IN Western countries liver treatment is prescribed with these mushrooms.

Dried chanterelle mushrooms

Even in ancient times, these mushrooms were used to treat abscesses and boils; they are useful because they help fight sore throat.

Chanterelles have a huge range of medicinal properties.

Pharmaceutical companies located in Western countries prepare from this product anthelmintics. To do this, it is initially necessary to isolate chitinmannose. Subsequently it is used in its pure form. To preserve the medicinal properties, it is necessary to grind the dried chanterelles to a powder state. They are also consumed in the form of tinctures or capsules.

Dried Chanterelle Powder

What other benefits do chanterelles have? They have immunostimulating as well as antitumor effects. Mushrooms are useful for various inflammatory diseases. Useful properties are determined increased content vitamin A (more than in carrots).

Dry chanterelles are the raw material for many drugs.

Universal medicine

What else are these mushrooms good for? Thanks to vitamin C, they help heal respiratory diseases. They are also useful in that they treat not only insomnia, depression, but also hemorrhoids.

Chanterelles are forest mushrooms with a bright yellow, less often pale yellow color.

A hat measuring 3-10 cm, in the form of an inverted umbrella or funnel; the stem almost merges with the cap. The main value of the chanterelle is that this mushroom is almost never wormy.

You can find chanterelles with early summer until late autumn. They especially love coniferous forests, birch and mixed: spruce-birch. Like many mushrooms, chanterelles grow in families or groups.

You should buy mushrooms only in organized retail outlets, in markets where the product is being inspected.

If you pick mushrooms in the forest, remember that they can be stored for 18 to 24 hours at a temperature not exceeding +10° C.

Before cooking, wash the mushrooms, sort them, discard any flabby or wormy ones.

Useful properties of chanterelles

Chanterelle contains a large amount of vitamin A, B, PP, many amino acids and trace elements (copper and zinc), which helps improve vision, cure night blindness, and also prevents many eye diseases. In addition, the substances contained in chanterelles improve the condition of the mucous membranes, especially the eyes, moisturize them, and make them resistant to infectious diseases. Substances contained in chanterelles are used in fungotherapy.

In Europe, extracts from chanterelles are used to treat liver diseases and hepatitis C. Also, chanterelles indirectly treat obesity (which appears from insufficient liver function), of course, provided they are prepared correctly in a dietary manner.

Chanterelles remain untouched by worms and all kinds of insects due to the fact that the body of the fungus contains a special substance - chitinmannose, which destroys the egg capsules of various worms, including tapeworms, thus preventing them from developing. Since ancient times, boils, abscesses and sore throats have been treated with chanterelle infusion. In addition, chanterelles inhibit the growth of tuberculosis bacillus. Some pharmaceutical companies purchase chanterelles, extract chitinmannose from them and use it in its pure form as part of medical preparations.

Fried chanterelles are the most delicious, especially since they are quite simple to prepare. There are countless recipes for fried chanterelles, but they all boil down to cutting the mushrooms finely or medium-sized, evaporating the water from them in a frying pan, adding oil and mixing with something tasty, for example, potatoes, eggs, chicken, spaghetti, adding to pizza or pie.

Holds the record for the presence of manganese

Dangerous properties of chanterelles

Chanterelles are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance of this product. It is also not advisable to give these mushrooms to children under 3 years of age.

In addition, it is prohibited to consume mushrooms collected in environmentally polluted areas.

And for people with metabolic disorders, as well as those who suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver, you should consult your doctor before consuming these mushrooms, as they are considered a difficult-to-digest product.

The video will tell you how to deliciously prepare a dish of fried chanterelle mushrooms with sauce.

Forest mushrooms of bright yellow color are the well-known chanterelles. Sometimes the bright yellow coloring can give way to pale yellow, so it is important not to confuse chanterelles with poisonous mushrooms.

The diameter of the chanterelle's cap is from 3 to 10 centimeters; in shape they resemble a funnel, and also an umbrella turned upside down by the wind. The hat and leg of chanterelles are a single whole. The main value of the chanterelle is that the worm does not eat it, and therefore these mushrooms are always whole and look appetizing.

Where to collect chanterelles

You can and should look for chanterelles in the forest from early summer to late autumn. Chanterelles love secluded places in birch, coniferous and mixed forests. If you find a chanterelle, look carefully at your feet - there should be other mushrooms nearby, because chanterelles, like many other mushrooms, grow in families.

After harvesting, chanterelles can be stored fresh for about a day at a temperature of no more than 10 degrees Celsius. Before cooking mushrooms, sort them. Feel free to discard wormy or flabby mushrooms that crumble. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly in cold water.

If you haven’t made it to the forest, but still want chanterelles, go to the store. Give preference to those points where the goods are subject to inspection and certification.

How to cook chanterelles

Fried chanterelles are deservedly considered the most delicious. In terms of taste, they have no equal among other mushrooms. Not only are they tasty and healthy, they are also easy to prepare.

There are quite a lot of recipes, but they are similar in some respects - the principle of cutting mushrooms. Many housewives cut chanterelles into small or medium pieces, and then begin to evaporate the water from them in a frying pan. Only after this procedure is oil added to the chanterelles. After the chanterelles are browned, you can safely add them to chicken or potatoes, pasta and spaghetti, or scrambled eggs. There are many recipes for pies and pizzas with chanterelles.

Composition of chanterelles

First of all, it should be said about the high manganese content in chanterelles. In addition, mushrooms contain a large amount of vitamins PP, A and B. In addition to vitamins, mushrooms are rich in microelements: zinc and copper, amino acids. The presence of such elements in mushrooms makes them incredibly beneficial for people suffering from eye diseases, provides good vision. The vitamins contained in these mushrooms improve the condition of the mucous membrane of the eye and impart resistance to eye diseases.

In addition to the eyes, chanterelles also have a lot of benefits for the liver. Chanterelles are actively used in fungotherapy - treatment with mushrooms. Substances contained in chanterelles help in the treatment of hepatitis C. Many specialists and doctors use extracts from chanterelles to treat obesity. Its development is observed due to insufficient liver function.

Cooking chanterelles must comply with dietary rules.

Useful properties of chanterelles

Many pharmaceutical companies purchase chanterelles in order to extract quinomannose from them. Further use of this substance can be either in its pure form or as part of medications.

The benefits of quinomannose in normal home conditions are almost impossible to maintain. The substance is very heat sensitive. The slightest temperature fluctuation can destroy everything useful elements in him. Destructuring occurs already at 60°C. In addition to temperature, salt also has a detrimental effect on quinomannose.

But it’s not just quinomannose that chanterelles can boast of. They contain another useful substance - ergosterol. This substance can also cleanse the liver. Not long ago, scientists came to the conclusion that the healing properties of chanterelles can help in the treatment of hepatitis C due to the content of trametonolinic acid in them.

Mushroom lovers value chanterelles for their gastronomic qualities, less often for their beauty, and almost no one asks how healthy these red mushrooms are. Meanwhile, chanterelles possess a wide range of substances important for the body. Unfortunately, during heat treatment or twisting, many of them are destroyed. To save therapeutic properties chanterelles, you need to approach their preparation in a special way. Supporters of traditional medicine have come up with many recipes medicinal products based on colorful mushroom.

Useful substances in chanterelles

Chanterelles are not like any other type of mushroom; they differ from their counterparts in composition, properties and even growth characteristics. They contain a huge amount of useful and unique substances:

  • Quinomannose. A natural substance due to which worm-eaten or insect-damaged chanterelles are very rarely encountered. Quinomannosis does not harm a person in any way, but, on the contrary, cleanses the body of helminths and their eggs. Such treatment is often even more effective than medication. Quinomannosis reacts sharply to external conditions and is destroyed by salt or temperatures above 50º C.
  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, PP. In terms of content, chanterelles are even superior. For this reason, mushroom extract is used as a basis for drugs for the treatment of night blindness and vision correction.

  • Micro- and macroelements. Chanterelles contain potassium, calcium, iron, copper, fluorine, zinc and many other substances. They work both individually and in combination, normalizing metabolic processes, improving the condition of tissues and the functioning of organs.
  • Ergosterol. A chemical compound that helps cleanse the human liver and restore its functions.
  • Trametonolinic acid. Suppresses the activity of the hepatitis virus.
  • Proteins and carbohydrates, fatty acid Omega-6. Among other benefits, they make chanterelle dishes satisfying and maintain the body’s energy balance.

Even just by eating chanterelles as part of dishes, you can feel their benefits for the body. However, it is worth remembering that although red mushrooms are low in calories (19 calories per 100 g), they are a relatively heavy food for the stomach. You should not overuse mushrooms in general and chanterelles in particular; their share in the diet should be more than moderate.

When will red mushrooms help?

The benefits and harms of chanterelles largely depend on the correct processing of the mushrooms. Under the influence high temperature many useful substances in them are destroyed, although the chanterelles remain in this state useful product. As for medicinal products prepared from fresh or dried mushrooms, they can provide both preventive and therapeutic effects:

Chanterelles have many beneficial properties, but this does not mean that in pursuit of them you need to violate the recommended dosages and frequency of taking medications. Only by acting strictly according to the scheme can you expect to receive desired results and prevent side effects.

Potential harm to chanterelles

You must either collect chanterelles yourself or purchase store-bought mushrooms grown in an artificial environment. When buying mushrooms from hand, people risk being poisoned by chemicals accumulated in the pulp, or simply falling into false chanterelles, which are hazardous to health. High-quality mushrooms will not cause any harm to humans. Still, you should not include them in the diet of pregnant and lactating women and children under 3 years of age.

The health benefits and harms of chanterelles have been proven through observations and tests, but do not forget that anyone can be allergic to them. Before you start taking intensive effects, you should at least try ready-made chanterelles to make sure there is no individual intolerance.

How to handle chanterelles

  1. Chanterelles are collected from early summer until late autumn, but it is best to go for mushrooms immediately after a thunderstorm or heavy rain.
  2. For home first aid kit The mushrooms need to be dried, after which they are ground into powder for ease of storage and use. Drying is carried out until ready in the sun or using an electric dryer (temperature should not exceed 40-50º C).
  3. Store the powder in glass or wooden containers or linen bags. They must be kept in a dry place. The shelf life is 1 year.

The characteristics of chanterelles allow the powder not to be afraid of insects, but it is not immune to mold. If it has taken up residence, it is better to throw away the stock, so you need to pack the powder in small containers.

Medicinal products from chanterelles

Powder and tincture made from chanterelles have a mass healing properties and provide positive impact on the body. True, this does not mean that you need to give up medications and procedures recommended by doctors. It is best to agree natural treatment with a specialist and act comprehensively so as not to provoke the development of side effects or complications.

Bright red, noticeable, familiar to many chanterelles- inhabitants of the coniferous and mixed forests of our country - cause a lot of controversy regarding their usefulness and possible harm. Despite everything, this product has found wide application in cooking and is a frequent guest on tables.

A little about the beneficial properties of chanterelles

Due to the presence of some components present in this product, eye hydration improves, which is important for normal condition eye. The body is better able to resist infectious diseases.

Chanterelles are valued for their incredible ability to avoid the accumulation of radioactive elements in their composition. On the contrary, thanks to these fungi, radionuclides are actively removed from the human body. Due to its low calorie content, this product is often present in different diets. The protein found in chanterelles is valued by vegetarians and people who have excluded meat products from their diet.

From chanterelles you can prepare compositions that will become excellent helpers in the fight against a number of pathologies - diseases of cardio-vascular system and pancreas, psoriasis, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, inflammatory processes, boils.

Important! The benefits of chanterelles can only be discussed if the product was prepared in compliance with necessary rules and normal.

Despite the mass positive properties, these red mushrooms may not always be useful. For example, you should not use this product:

  • children who have not crossed the age of three;
  • people who have a general intolerance to substances noted in the product;
  • pregnant women and nursing mothers should be careful when consuming them;
  • patients with kidney pathologies, gastritis, stomach ulcers.

In addition, those mushrooms that were collected near industrial enterprises and major highways can cause harm to the body. Such products accumulate a lot of harmful substances and heavy metals.

Features of processing chanterelles

In order to be obtained from chanterelles maximum benefit, certain recommendations should be followed regarding the collection and processing of the product.

  1. They can be collected throughout the summer, until late autumn. The time after rain is the best.
  2. If chanterelles are intended for preparing homemade traditional medicine, then it is best to grind them into powder (this makes it easier to store and then use).
  3. You can dry the product until ready in the sun or using an electric dryer. Important! When using an electric dryer, you must ensure that the temperature does not exceed 40-50 degrees.
  4. The best storage option is to pour the powder into a glass or wooden container. A linen bag will also work. The product is stored in a dry place for 1 year, no more.

You don't have to be afraid of insects, they are not afraid of these mushrooms thanks to special composition, but you won’t be able to insure yourself against mold. If mold appears, the supplies should be thrown away. That is why the powder should be packaged in small containers.

Few people have heard of cosmetic masks made from chanterelles, although in fact they are very beneficial for the skin and can easily compete with expensive creams purchased at the salon. Masks with this natural component are aimed at softening and moisturizing the skin, can make the complexion more even, giving it a bronze tone.

If masks containing the “red product” are used regularly, you can count on the effect of tightening the skin and narrowing the pores.

Among the most popular and effective recipes masks made from this mushroom for various types skins can be distinguished as follows:

  1. For dry skin. The composition is prepared from chanterelles, taken in the amount of 3 pieces, which are finely crumbled, and diluted with 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream. The thoroughly mixed composition is distributed over the face area.
  2. For tired skin. To restore vigor and healthy glow to the skin, you need to prepare a mixture consisting of 1 tablespoon oatmeal, which are pre-crushed, the same amount of sour cream, 2 tablespoons. spoons of ground mushrooms and 1/3 cup of strong green tea.
  3. For pale skin. To prepare the composition you need 2 tbsp. Grind spoons of chanterelles from 1 table. a spoonful of cottage cheese and the same amount of carrot juice.
  4. For the aging. Preparing the mask comes down to grinding 3 chanterelles in a blender.
  5. For oily skin. Chopped mushrooms in the amount of 2 tablespoons. spoons are connected to 1 table. a spoonful of green tea ground into powder and 3 tbsp. spoons of kefir.

Any of these masks should be applied to previously cleansed facial skin and left for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, the composition must be removed using a cotton pad, and the residue should be washed off with warm water. If after removing the mask there is a feeling of tight skin, it is recommended to apply a light texture moisturizer. It is enough to make masks a couple of times every 7 days.

Important! To prevent the development negative consequences, before using the mask you should do a small test. A small amount of the composition is applied to the elbow area. If no reaction occurs, then the mixture can be safely used.

The beneficial and medicinal properties of chanterelles are successfully used in modern traditional and folk medicine. However, it must be remembered that in some cases unique product capable of causing harm.

Chanterelle dishes

Risotto with chanterelles


  • Rice - 400 g
  • Onion - ½ head
  • Red onion - 1 head
  • Celery stalk - 1 piece
  • Chicken broth - 1.5 l
  • Chanterelles – 300 g
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Parsley - 20 g
  • Cream - 100 ml
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Olive oil – 50 ml
  • Salt - to taste


Lightly fry finely chopped onion and celery in a mixture of olive oil and butter. Add 200 g of chopped chanterelles and fry until the chanterelles are ready.

Add rice to the pan and fry with mushrooms and vegetables for a couple of minutes so that the rice absorbs the mushrooms, vegetable juices and oil. Then pour in a third of the broth, add salt and pepper and leave on low heat, stirring constantly and adding broth in small portions if necessary.

In another frying pan, fry the remaining 100 g of whole chanterelles in a mixture of olive and butter. When the chanterelles begin to fry, add finely chopped garlic, salt and pepper and keep on the fire for a couple more minutes, turn off and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

When the rice is slightly chewy, turn off the heat and pour in the cream, stirring it into the rice mixture with a spatula. Before serving the risotto, garnish it with fried chanterelles.


  • Chanterelles – 600 g
  • Sour cream – 200 g
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Butter - to taste
  • Salt - to taste


Wash the chanterelles, leave the small ones whole and chop the large ones. Melt the butter in a deep frying pan and lightly fry the onion until golden brown. Add mushrooms and salt. Fry, stirring occasionally for about 20-25 minutes. After the water has almost evaporated, reduce the heat to low, add sour cream and stir. Simmer over low heat for 10–12 minutes.

Pizza with forest mushrooms and young thyme


  • Cream cheese -100 g
  • Porcini mushrooms – 100 g
  • Chanterelles – 100 g
  • Cherry tomatoes – 50 g
  • Green onion - 20 g
  • Tomato sauce – 50 g
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Fresh thyme - 3 stems
  • Wheat flour - 300 g
  • Milk – 150 ml
  • Dry yeast - 5 g
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. l
  • Provencal herbs - 1 tbsp. l
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l
  • Salt - to taste


Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and yeast to the milk, stir and let stand for 10 minutes. Add 1/4 teaspoon salt, olive oil, herbs and stir. Gradually add flour, stirring continuously with a whisk. Then knead with your hands, adding the remaining flour.

When the dough is soft and elastic, cover with a towel and place in a warm place for forty minutes. The volume of the dough should double. Knead the dough and leave for another 30 minutes. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 0.5 cm, place in a mold, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 20 minutes.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil along with mushrooms, add salt and pepper. Poke holes in the dough with a fork and brush tomato sauce, place mushrooms and cherry halves on top, sprinkle with cheese and bake at 220 degrees for 15 minutes.

Baked new potatoes with carrots and chanterelles


  • Young potatoes - 10 pieces
  • Young carrots - 10 pieces
  • Chanterelles - 1 cup
  • Fresh thyme - to taste
  • Fresh rosemary - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Sea salt - to taste
  • Olive oil - to taste


Crush thyme, rosemary, salt, black pepper in a mortar and add olive oil. Season the prepared mixture with sliced ​​potatoes, carrots and chanterelles. Mix everything well, place in the pan and cover with foil. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes. Then remove the foil and bake for another 15–20 minutes until the potatoes and carrots are cooked through.

Polenta with chanterelles


  • Fresh corn - 50 g
  • Corn grits - 100 g
  • Milk - 300 g
  • Grated Parmesan - 20 g
  • Chanterelles – 120 g
  • Butter - 15 g
  • Spices - to taste


Pour milk into a deep frying pan or saucepan and boil, pouring cereal into the milk. Add spices and fresh corn kernels. Cook, stirring, until the cereal is cooked (about 15 minutes). Season the palenta with parmesan.

Fry chanterelles on butter, adding a whole clove of garlic, which should be thrown away after frying. Place the finished polenta on a plate, garnish with chanterelles and drizzle with olive oil.


  • Milk – 100 g
  • Kefir – 200 g
  • Margarine - 100 g
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces
  • Wheat flour - 300 g
  • Baking powder - 1 sachet
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Chanterelles -1 kg
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sugar to taste


Mix milk and kefir with melted margarine, add 1 egg, 0.5 teaspoons of salt, the same amount of sugar, a pack of baking powder, mix everything well, add sifted flour and knead the dough until it pulls away from the walls. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and fry until half cooked in vegetable oil, add salt. Medium chop the chanterelles and fry with onions for 15 minutes until all the liquid comes out. Grate the cheese on a medium grater.

Divide the dough into two uneven parts (two thirds and a third), roll out one part so that the edges of the dough overlap the side of the baking dish. Layer the filling in layers: potatoes (preferably let the butter drain), then mushrooms and onions and evenly sprinkle cheese on top.

Roll out the second part of the dough and cover the pie with it, seal the edges, make a hole in the middle. Brush the pie with lightly beaten egg. Bake for 15 minutes at 200 degrees, then another 20 at 180 degrees.

Warm chanterelle salad, feta and pasta


  • Chanterelles – 500 g
  • Olive oil - 9 tbsp. l
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Shallots – 170 g
  • Fresh chopped thyme - 2 teaspoons
  • Lemons - 1 piece
  • Spaghetti pasta – 500 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Freshly ground black pepper - to taste
  • White wine vinegar - 3 tablespoons
  • Chopped parsley - 15 g
  • Feta cheese - 200 g
  • Chives - 30 g


Cut the mushrooms into small pieces. Finely chop the shallots and garlic and fry on olive oil until soft. Increase the heat and add the mushrooms, thyme and grated lemon zest. Cook until the mushrooms are soft and the liquid has almost completely evaporated.

At the same time, boil the pasta in salted water with olive oil, drain and dry well. Add vinegar to the mushrooms, then salt and pepper.

Gently stir in hot pasta, feta, parsley and chopped chives. Serve immediately. The salad can also be served cold.

Chanterelles with crispy salami in red wine sauce with cumin and coriander


  • Chanterelles – 800 g
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Butter - 40 g
  • Fresh oregano leaves - ½ bunch
  • Salami – 200 g
  • Sweet red wine – 300 ml
  • Dry red wine – 600 ml
  • Chicken broth - 500 ml
  • Ground coriander - 1 teaspoon
  • Chives - to taste
  • Ground cumin - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Sea salt - to taste


For the sauce, combine the wines in a saucepan and bring to a syrup consistency over moderate heat. Pour into a separate pan chicken bouillon and heat until thicker and richer. Mix wine and broth in one container, add cumin and coriander.

Fry the mushrooms in olive oil until the liquid evaporates. Collect them in a colander and leave to dry for 2 minutes. Combine the garlic, oil and mushrooms and sauté the mixture for another 30 seconds over high heat. Season with spices and add onions.

Serve the mushrooms in the center of the dish with the salami slices on top. Season the dish sea ​​salt and oregano leaves. Drizzle sauce over top.