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What are the benefits of honey and water on an empty stomach? Water and honey - a healing drink for promoting health

After reading this article, you will get rid of many problems. We will talk about the universal healing properties and ease of preparing honey water.

Our grandfathers also called it “living” water and passed on knowledge about it from generation to generation.

Honey water- This is an ancient unique drink. You can make this product in five minutes at home.

Take a glass of raw water and a teaspoon of honey. To add flavor, add a few drops of lemon juice and peeled, chopped ginger. The elixir is infused for no more than 20 minutes, drunk in the morning 30-40 minutes before meals, and also at night.

In composition, the drink is similar to blood plasma, therefore it is ideal for our body. Exactly this accessible remedy for rejuvenation, maintaining immunity, increasing working capacity. What are the benefits of honey water?

Honey water. Reviews

99% positive feedback people confirm the excellent effects of honey water on the body as a whole, when used correctly.

Tatyana (28 years old): As in the recipe, I put honey in raw water. I drink it in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. Personally, it helps me a lot with intestinal and stomach diseases. Vadik doesn’t like honey here, but he drinks water with pleasure. My son is eight years old.

Irina (35 years old): I’ll share my experience. I really pamper my skin, warm water with honey (1 tbsp. honey per 0.5 l.) I recommend washing your face with it for 5-7 minutes at night, then rinse cool water. The skin becomes velvety and even wrinkles are smoothed out. I also make a scrub from honey and semolina and massage my face for a few minutes. The effect is amazing! Honey massage removes toxins and salts! It's a bit painful, but it's bearable.

Evgeniy (38 years old): I practiced honey water (when I was full) during two-day fasts (on weekends). Thus, in 2 days I lost 3-4 kg. Who cares - it's full hot water, with the addition of wine or apple cider vinegar and honey.

Yulia (23 years old): Tasty, sweet, filling water is great. Just be careful with children, I heard there may be an allergy to it. Thank you, the doctor suggested that children should be given little by little, no more than ½ teaspoon per day.

Konstantin (52 years old): I drank water with honey and juice from two grapefruits for 30 days for the purpose of cleansing. Lost 10 kg from normal. Very satisfied! I also love herbal tea with honey.

Oksana (19 years old): Nonsense. For six months I drank a glass of water with honey in the morning. First, I lost weight - 4 kg in six months. But at the same time I did physical exercise, tried to lead active life, followed the regime. I relaxed for a month, but continued to drink honey water as usual. And instantly my four kilograms returned.

Summarizing the opinion different people, honey water will help:

What do experts say about the drink?

Whoever drinks this water every day for a month does not have digestive problems. For weight loss, it is suitable for everyone who follows a daily routine and diet. Cinnamon is added to the composition to enhance the effect.

Honey water promotes renewal of almost all organs at the cellular level. For people exposed to stress and in moments of mental and physical activity, the drink is also irreplaceable. Excellent product in the fight against enuresis in children.

This is the first cosmetic product with the help of honey baths, a unique assistant in saturating the body with carbohydrates, thereby reducing the craving for sweets.

Honey water on an empty stomach. Advantages and disadvantages

How to use?

The rules for drinking honey water are easy to remember even for a child. The main requirement is to take the drink on an empty stomach twice a day. In the morning before your appointment, it is recommended to first drink a little plain water to better absorption drink Then mix honey, your favorite variety and raw water. Let it sit for 15 minutes.

One teaspoon of honey per glass of water is enough. The water should be unboiled, at room temperature. In the evening, drink 30 minutes before bedtime, always in one dose. After monthly intake a break is needed.

Remember: maximum daily consumption natural honey– one tablespoon per day.

Benefits: Honey water normalizes digestion, and you get lightness in your stomach. Helps cleanse your body externally and internally and restore normal weight.

It has a quick preventive effect against colds: it will cure your throat and remove a runny nose. The antiviral properties of honey water will prevent bacteria and worms from entering the body. Removes neuroses and normalizes the biofield, improving the functioning of the duodenum, helping with insomnia.

Honey water contraindications

Honey water is harmful for those who are allergic to honey and bee products. This happens very rarely and usually manifests itself in the form of diarrhea and asthmatic attacks. Nausea, dizziness, itchy skin- first signs of allergy.

You will have to stop drinking honey and honey water if acute ulcers V gastrointestinal tract. There are admission restrictions for people with diabetes.

Conclusion: Honey water works wonders and has no artificial analogues. For the prevention and treatment of the body, cosmetic procedures skin, wound treatment, it is irreplaceable. Drink water for your health, most importantly, do not overdo it.

Official medicine claims that most problems in the human body arise due to water imbalance. Dry skin, headaches, nervous breakdowns, decreased immunity (and with it performance), constipation, etc. - all this is the result of dehydration. Therefore, an adult needs to drink 2 liters of water daily. Not tea, juice or other liquid, but plain water. It is noted that the most effective effect on all body systems is water drunk on an empty stomach.

During the night, the body sends a lot of fluid into the bladder, as a result of which its content drops sharply in the intercellular space, waste and toxins accumulate. A glass of heated water drunk in small sips is quickly absorbed, replenishing water balance and restoring the body’s performance after sleep.

What if you drink honey water on an empty stomach, rather than plain water?

Beneficial properties of honey with water

Modern science is increasingly turning its attention to folk remedies prevention and treatment various diseases. As a result, precisely verified information appears about the benefits or harms of certain recommendations of traditional healers. Researchers also paid attention to how honey water affects the body on an empty stomach.

Combining the benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach with medicinal properties honey allows you to get a simple but very effective remedy.

Replenishing the body's water balance, honey water very quickly replenishes all organs and systems of the body with vitamins, micro- and macroelements, instant carbohydrates and other vital biological compounds. Happens after sleep fast recovery mental and physical performance, energy and vigor appear. We can safely say that this good substitute coffee in the morning.

Drinking a drink on an empty stomach starts the process of producing gastric juice and opens the channels for bile to enter the duodenum.

As a result, digestion improves, intestinal motility is normalized, and its mucous membrane and microflora are restored.

As a result: constipation is eliminated, dissolves fecal stones, blocked inflammatory process the mucous membrane of the stomach for gastritis and the colon for colitis. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to add bee pollen to the drink.

The antibacterial and antiviral properties of honey make it possible to perfectly fight colds and acute respiratory viral infections and cure chronic bronchitis and runny nose. The product reduces pain and irritation in the throat, thins mucus in the lungs and bronchi, which relieves coughing and makes it easy to remove mucus from the respiratory system.

Aqueous honey composition with propolis or royal jelly is the best natural hepatoprotector. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, up to 90% useful microelements and biological compounds enter the liver, restoring its cells. At the same time, it stimulates the production of bile. All this gives grounds to assert that the drug should be taken by patients with hepatitis various types and cirrhosis of the liver.

Heart and circulatory system also feel the beneficial effects of the healing drink. By saturating the myocardium with potassium, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and replenishing the body with vitamins, micro- and macroelements, it strengthens the heart muscle and vascular walls.

In North America and Canada, people who have had a heart attack are advised to drink honey water with cinnamon. It is believed that it completely eliminates the risk of recurrence of the disease.

Filling the body's need for chemical elements and biological substances, honey water:

  • Normalizes blood circulation and lymph movement. A lack of microelements in the body leads to disruptions in the passage of electromagnetic impulses, which slows down blood flow and the speed of lymph movement;
  • Eliminates enuresis, prevents the appearance of edema. Honey's ability to absorb water allows it to retain a significant amount of liquid in the intercellular space, which reduces the load on the kidneys and bladder. As a result, spontaneous urination disappears. This effect is achieved only by drinking the healing liquid before bedtime;
  • Restores the speed of passage of nerve impulses through the central nervous system, which helps to quickly recover from stress or a critical situation;
  • Removes waste and toxins from cells and intercellular space (detoxification of the body);
  • Restores the immune system;
  • Fights chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Speaking powerful antioxidant, as a result of which they grow protective functions the body and its performance, aging slows down;
  • Promotes healing trophic ulcers and various skin damage, acting as a disinfectant and wound healing agent;
  • Reduces pain syndrome for arthritis. Studies conducted in Holland (University of Copenhagen) showed that after a week, 36% of patients had pain, and after a month, 90% of the clinic’s patients were able to walk independently. Applied 30% honey tincture with the addition of half a teaspoon of cinnamon. The course of treatment is a month. Reception in the morning and evening.

Honey diluted in water is an ancient and, at the same time, the most modern cosmetic product. With its help, they have always cleansed the skin of the face and body, strengthened hair growth, and achieved shine and silkiness.

Important: in the process of losing weight with the help aqueous solution honey, skin rashes may appear. In this case, the dose should be reduced. If the rashes do not stop, then take a break. At the same time, this effect confirms the beginning of the weight loss process.

Honey water will help more effectively if you drink it in small portions, several times a day. Eliminate high-calorie foods from your diet: flour and confectionery, mayonnaise, sparkling water. Practice has shown that 10 days is enough to significantly lose weight.

A number of nutritionists advise adding lemon or cinnamon to water with honey.

Cooking recipes

Water with honey is prepared simply: take 200 ml of drinking water and a teaspoon of honey. Everything is thoroughly mixed. We get a slightly cloudy, pleasant-tasting, sweetish liquid. However, there are nuances here that can completely devalue beneficial features medicinal drink.

Honey. The raw product is taken and has not been pasteurized, heated, purified or filtered. It should not contain foreign impurities or additives. Any type, but apitherapists advise taking honey extracted from several types of honey plants.

Water. Water from a well or spring works well. When using tap drinking water, it should be passed through a filter, or better yet, purified by freezing it twice. When it freezes for the first time, we throw away the ice - it is heavy water. Repeated freezing produces pure water in the form of ice. Saline solution, the non-freezing part of the water is drained, and the ice is melted and used for its intended purpose.

The prepared composition must be drunk within 20 minutes after mixing with honey. Otherwise, honey water turns into food and loses quite a lot of its beneficial properties. Therefore, it should be prepared a few minutes before taking it. Stir honey and drink immediately.

A very tasty drink, similar to lemonade, is obtained by adding grated ginger (3 cm of root), lemon juice (15 drops), currant leaves and mint. This composition is very useful in restoring immunity and losing weight.

For hypotension (low blood pressure) medicinal infusion prepared from the following ingredients:

  • purified water – 1 glass;
  • chestnut honey – 1 tablespoon;
  • rosehip infusion – 1 glass.

Everything is thoroughly mixed and drunk on an empty stomach.

Honey water with garlic removes toxins from the body well. For this purpose in classic version medicinal composition add chopped garlic clove. Everything is mixed well and drunk half an hour before breakfast.

How to drink water with honey?

  • Immediately after sleep, drink 250 ml clean water. Then water with honey is prepared and taken orally for 10-15 minutes. After 15-20 minutes, drink a tincture of some kind medicinal plant. After another 15-20 minutes - light breakfast.
  • Drink a glass of water with diluted honey half an hour before meals.
  • When added to a medicinal infusion lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, it should be taken before 7 am. Breakfast in an hour.
  • The benefits of honey water for weight loss are achieved by taking it twice: in the morning (on an empty stomach) and in the afternoon (before lunch).
  • Treatment of enuresis and Bladder, getting rid of edema requires morning (on an empty stomach) and evening (half an hour before bedtime) administration remedy. Besides, evening reception serves as a good sleeping pill.

Important: the drink is always drunk on an empty stomach. Therefore, in the evening you should drink it 2-3 hours after dinner.

In all dosage regimens, the medicinal infusion should be consumed in small sips, savoring it. Some traditional healers It is recommended to drink it in one gulp. It's hard to agree with this. Saliva contains a number of enzymes that are not found in gastric juice. By prolonging the pleasure of taking the healing liquid, the patient saturates it with biologically active compounds of saliva, which break down honey more completely.

The course of administration, like all beekeeping products, is one month. After a 20-day break, the dose can be repeated.

Bee products natural source useful substances to support our health - this is a real storehouse of strength, youth, vigor and a cure for many diseases.

Today you will learn an excellent remedy for promoting health - honey water. This is a wonderful way to rejuvenate and heal the body, which is simple and accessible to almost all of us. After all, what could be simpler, take a little natural honey, dissolve it in large quantities water and just drink a delicious drink. The benefits of honey water on an empty stomach are enormous and you will be amazed at its healing properties for our body.

Now let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties of honey water. This is what we learn from the lectures of apitherapist G.V. Gordomysova.

Honey water mechanism of action

When honey is dissolved in water, we get a 30% honey solution, which is similar in composition to blood plasma.

When using honey solution, everything useful components intensively absorbed into the cells of the body.

"This is useful!

To put it simply, honey water is well absorbed by the body and that’s all. useful material and the nutritional components that honey contains bring us much more benefits.

When it enters the lymph from the blood, the honey solution reaches intercellular fluids, improves rheological properties blood and nourishes our brain cells.

Honey water contains a lot useful minerals, enzymes and vitamins, and is also a very strong antioxidant - therefore it significantly improves immunity, enhances the body’s performance, slows down the aging process and prevents the development of cancer.

Let's talk in more detail about the benefits of honey water on an empty stomach:

How to properly prepare honey water?

So that the body receives from honey water real benefit you need to know how to cook it correctly.

For one glass of water you need to take a teaspoon of honey, mix everything well - the healthiest honey drink is ready!


  1. For cooking, be sure to use only natural raw honey - RAW (RAW) or honey UNPASTEURIZED. The fact is that during pasteurization, honey loses beneficial substances and enzymes.
  2. Really Raw Honey raw honey - this is honey that has never been pasteurized or heated different types, filtration and other processing.
  3. Water for cooking should not be boiled. Raw will do drinking water bottled (still) or tap water purified using a filter.
  4. You need to prepare honey water before drinking it - prepare it and drink it immediately.

It is also useful to use to preserve vision.

How to use it correctly

It is correct to drink honey water on an empty stomach early in the morning; you should drink it in one gulp 15 minutes before your breakfast.

You can add one teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice to the prepared water.

Honey water contraindications

You should not drink water if you have:

  • Kidney failure or heart failure;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Intolerance to bee products - allergy to honey.

"This is useful!

It is advisable to drink honey in courses - take it for 30 days, and then take a break for 2 weeks. If the body accepts the honey solution well, then you can take it every morning, constantly. By entering this small health treatment, before your breakfast, you will feel a surge of fresh strength, energy and good mood.

Many have heard about the benefits of water with honey for human body. With a quality product and correct ratio The components of the drink are similar in composition to human blood plasma. The mixture is easily absorbed by the body and enriches it with a huge amount of beneficial enzymes. However, there is also reverse side medal, which lies in the presence of contraindications to taking the drug. Let's talk about everything in order.

If you are experiencing difficulties with excess weight, a honey drink can get rid of extra pounds. The product has a beneficial effect on the body, accelerating natural metabolic processes. To prepare honey water, just combine:

  • bee honey - 20 gr.
  • cinnamon powder - 6 gr.
  • filtered water - 260 ml.
  1. In order for the result to manifest itself to the maximum extent, the drink must be consumed on an empty stomach. Before you try to lose weight on your own, you should be examined by a specialist. You should not have chronic diseases or allergies to any component.
  2. While drinking the drink and losing weight, carefully monitor your health. When feeling unwell the course must be stopped immediately. The honey solution promotes the release of bile, which in turn helps the body neutralize bad fats and absorb good fats.
  3. As described earlier, when regular use honey water you will no longer have problems with stool. The body will regularly cleanse itself naturally, removing waste and toxins. You will also partially lose the desire to eat confectionery products.

Harm of honey water

  1. Despite the beneficial properties of the drink, honey solution is not suitable for all people. Experts do not recommend consuming more than 30 grams. bee product per day. Otherwise, you may encounter problems with the pancreas. If you consume honey in large quantities, you risk getting chronic illness organ.
  2. Bee product is absolutely contraindicated for people allergic to this product. If you don’t know whether you have a similar reaction, soon after consuming honey your body may experience itching, rashes, hives, and eczema. Also if you are allergic to bee product some people experience gag reflexes and worsening health conditions. Therefore, after the first signs of individual intolerance, stop using the product. Repeat similar procedures not worth it.
  3. Do not consume honey if you have a stomach ulcer. acute form, diabetes mellitus or disorders of the pancreas. If you had no idea about such problems, beekeeping products can cause illnesses.
  4. Immediately stop taking honey in any form if you soon feel a sharp and severe pain in the abdominal area. The process may also be accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting. Do not neglect such factors, contact professional help. Do not self-medicate.
  5. If you do not have health problems, you should drink honey water only on an empty stomach and in one gulp. The composition contains high acidity, so it is prohibited to consume fermented milk and dairy products within 30-40 minutes after drinking the drink.
  6. The benefit or harm of the product depends only on the individual’s tolerance. Take these factors into account; if you have no contraindications, restore your body gradually. Follow the daily norm of bee product.

  • lemon juice - 25 ml.
  • natural honey - 15 gr.
  • purified water - 270 ml.
  1. The composition contains a high concentration of acidity. Be careful when using this product. The drink should be consumed on an empty stomach. Harm and benefit will affect the body more pronounced.
  2. In order to achieve maximum benefit, the product should be drunk in the early morning, preferably before 7 o’clock. You are allowed to consume breakfast 50-60 minutes after taking the drink.
  3. It is also recommended to drink honey water half an hour before bedtime. Do not substitute freshly squeezed juice citric acid. Prepare the drink for 1 serving only.

Honey solution with ginger

  • purified water - 265 ml.
  • flower honey - 16 gr.
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.
  • ginger root - 4 gr.
  1. Rub fresh root ginger on fine grater, squeeze the juice out of the citrus. Combine all ingredients in a mug and mix thoroughly. Leave the mixture to infuse for 40 minutes at room temperature.
  2. If desired, on a summer day, add a few mint leaves to the drink. The solution perfectly quenches thirst. Also, the drink can be consumed at any time, it is not necessary to carry out the manipulation on an empty stomach.
  3. The benefits of the drink are: complete cleansing and healing of the body. The composition also has a healing effect. By drinking the drink at night, after waking up you will not get swelling of your face, limbs and whole body.

Honey water should be consumed with extreme caution. It is highly recommended to go full examination in the clinic before taking the drug. Do not abuse the composition in the hope of losing money faster overweight or improve your health. Such actions will only harm yourself. When drinking honey water with additional components, you should make sure that you are not allergic to these products.

Video: benefits of honey water on an empty stomach

“Clean water is a disaster for the sick” - that’s what it says folk wisdom. It will quench your thirst, provide beauty, and restore your health. And if you add a spoonful of honey to a glass, you get a legendary drink. Today, on a variety of forums and websites, the use of honey water on an empty stomach is discussed - the pros and cons of it are known to nutritionists, apitherapists, and ordinary people. But the best part is that this healing cocktail is simply delicious. And if you add lemon, sprinkle or grate cinnamon...

Beneficial properties of living water

Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of natural honey - it’s not just that sweet nectar from the fields of Altai, Kuban and Bashkiria is worth its weight in gold all over the world. Acacia, sweet clover, buckwheat, angelica and meadow - every sweet tooth has its own favorite, and any of these varieties is a universal healer.

But the problem is that this delicacy is very sweet, you won’t be able to eat much of it. And doctors prohibit more than 1-2 tablespoons per day. But what can you do, because you want something sweet, and so that all the benefits of honey will be used for future use. The solution is simple - honey water in the morning, reviews of which are only positive.

All the most effective medicines– liquid, just remember the classic cold powders and countless herbal decoctions. Same with sweet water– all honey vitamins, minerals and amino acids in liquid form are rapidly absorbed into the blood, stomach, intestines and enter the cells. Therefore, the beneficial properties of honey cocktail are noticeable almost immediately:

Making honey water is as easy as shelling pears. Pour a glass of water, stir honey in it, add something else to taste - cinnamon or lemon - and sip with pleasure. But it's not that simple. You need special honey, water also not from a teapot, and drink it at a strictly defined time.

Therefore, nutritionists and gastroenterologists have come up with 5 special rules for how to drink honey water.

  1. Honey – only natural. Forget about dessert from supermarkets - it’s better to buy honey from familiar beekeepers. IN as a last resort– at fairs, from those sellers you trust.
  2. Water – regular, from a filter or store bottles. Make a honey cocktail from boiled water- sheer barbarism. It’s just tasteless - seriously, compare the taste of clean store-bought water and boiled water.
  3. Water temperature – room temperature. Honey will lose everything in boiling water healing properties, A cold water You won't always feel thirsty. But room temperature or slightly warm is the ideal option: it’s both pleasant and good for your figure. The body expends even more energy to process such water.
  4. The ideal portion of honey is a teaspoon. With a slide or a little full - but just tea. Two spoons will make the cocktail too cloying, and if you are losing weight, such a portion of glucose will not please the body. Even if it is healing meadow honey.
  5. Drink this drink in the morning as soon as you wake up– even before charging and preparing breakfast. If you have low acidity stomach, breakfast is due only in an hour. If it is normal or slightly elevated, then after 20-30 minutes you can serve food on the table.


If plain water You can drink almost as much as you like and in any way you like (if your kidney health allows), but the requirements for honey are much stricter. If you are interested in honey water on an empty stomach, the contraindications and restrictions for it need to be studied very carefully - after all, they may concern you and your family.

  • Forget about honey water if you have allergies. No matter how modern “doctors” try to assure that high-quality honey is practically hypoallergenic, this is not so. For the same reason, give up this tasty drink during pregnancy and lactation - it’s not worth risking your baby’s health for an extra dose of vitamins.
  • If you have heart disease or renal failure, exacerbation of ulcers or gastritis, honey treatment It won't work either. At diabetes mellitus Forget about sweet water in the morning too - no one has canceled the impressive portion of glucose in honey.
  • Try not to drink honey water at night. Various sources They assure that swelling on the face and legs and arms will not appear - all the water will be “pulled out” by the honey. It is not clear how this happens - edema can be prevented only if the kidneys work all night and you run to the toilet. Therefore, drink water the old fashioned way - in the morning, in this case there will definitely be no swelling.

Honey water for beautiful hair and face

In cosmetology, pure honey - a real find. Masks, massages and wraps with honey give fantastic results - they tighten, remove toxins, make the skin soft and velvety. But the problem is that due to allergies, many girls cannot afford these miraculous spa treatments.

Honey water is a completely different matter. Due to the low concentration of the base product, it does not provoke allergic reaction on the skin. It can also be used for hair care - a great alternative. egg yolks, And .

Honey water for face

This recipe is often called honey tonic. Sweet water soothes and nourishes the skin, relieves redness and flaking, and makes the face soft and seductive to the touch.

During preparation, the main thing is not to overdo it with honey, otherwise the skin will be sticky and sweet, and you will have to wash your face again. For a 250 ml glass you need one level teaspoon of liquid honey. Stir well and rinse your face in the morning and evening after cleansing the skin.

Honey water for hair

For beautiful hair you need a more powerful concentration of honey - 2 teaspoons per glass of warm water.

We apply sweet balm along the length of each strand, massage the head thoroughly and hide the hair under a plastic cap. After an hour, you can wash off the honey mask and wash your hair with regular shampoo.

This honey spa is ideal during the cold season: vitamin drink returns strength and shine to hair, strengthens hair and protects from split ends, and also makes styling significantly easier.

How to lose weight with honey water?

Honey water on an empty stomach is very popular for weight loss: reviews on women's forums vying with each other to praise this drink. And at the same time, everyone assures: it is impossible to thoroughly lose weight on it. A paradox, would you say? But no.

“Honey water is a diet for the lazy. I drank it for a month, and didn’t do much sports and didn’t give up my favorite foods, except that I tried not to eat in the evenings. I lost 3 kg – and for 3 months now the weight has remained at the same level and has not gained weight.”

“I wasn’t particularly overweight, but a few extra pounds were very annoying. I started drinking honey water in the morning, ran at the same time and gave up sweets. The result is 7 kg per month. I think my marathons played a big role, but the intestines work perfectly after honey water. And I felt just great!”

And the forum members also promise that even if you fail to lose weight, you will certainly feel the amazing effect of honey water!

“I decided to try honey water after giving birth. I didn’t gain much weight, my nerves suffered more - I didn’t get enough sleep, I was irritated with everyone, and I was constantly arguing with my husband. Within a week I became much calmer, began to sleep better, and my usual cheerful mood returned.”

Preparing honey water

What is good about honey water is that classic recipe You can always dilute it with other ingredients - and it will be even tastier and healthier. By the way, the same amazing feature has and – you can also read about it on our website.

The simplest and most popular recipe is honey water with lemon: just add a tablespoon of lemon juice to a glass of drink. Lemon kills harmful bacteria, reduces appetite, increases metabolism, and this is also an impressive portion.

(a teaspoon per glass) has a similar effect. It will not please you with vitamin C, but it contains enough vitamins and minerals. But before vinegar experiments, it won’t hurt to visit a gastroenterologist - if the slightest problems with stomach Apple vinegar prohibited.

And the most appetizing option is honey water with. The sweet spice will make your morning drink even richer and more delicious, and its antibacterial and fat-burning properties are not inferior to lemon.