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Available vitamins to boost immunity in adults. Natural and synthetic vitamins - benefit or harm

Many are convinced: it is better to take a course of multivitamins than to eat apples and peaches, which are most likely grown using chemicals. But are artificial drugs really a worthy replacement for natural vitamins? Osteopathic doctor and cranioposturologist Vladimir Zhivotov talks about how synthetic vitamins can affect our body.

Vitamins created in laboratories became widespread in the 80s of the last century. Then numerous studies have proven that people who regularly eat fruits and vegetables are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Inspired by this discovery, scientists began to develop and popularize synthetic vitamin complexes in every possible way, believing that this would help people get rid of diseases.

However, no miracle happened. In most cases, taking such vitamins went completely without a trace: they did not cause harm to the body, but there was no benefit from them either. The fact is that synthetic vitamins have several significant differences. Firstly, under natural conditions there is never just one vitamin molecule. It is always associated with ballast molecules, which precisely affect the properties of vitamins, their absorption and transport. When a vitamin is synthesized in a laboratory, its molecule is devoid of such important components. At its core, it represents a “dead” crystal, since it ceases to be active. It needs other components, but the human body does not know how to synthesize them, so swallowed vitamins become an ordinary dummy that the body seeks to remove.

Secondly, scientists have thoroughly studied the molecular composition of vitamins, but it is still not possible to recreate their spatial arrangement (confirmation) in laboratories. Imagine: a person has spent half his life driving a car in which the steering wheel is located on the left. But suddenly he gets into a right-hand drive car and has to drive throughout the city, including complex traffic intersections. The same thing happens in the body. How exactly such “wrong” vitamins will behave in the body is anyone’s guess. But main danger is that these isomers are very similar to a real molecule and, “ingratiating themselves”, block the receptors, after which they no longer respond to the correct, natural molecules. This leads to blocking of some chemical reactions.

Attention, synthetic drugs!

For several decades, scientists continued to study the effects of multivitamins and came to disappointing conclusions. It turned out that synthetic drugs Not only do they not prevent the development of diseases, but on the contrary, they often provoke them. Artificial vitamins A and E performed especially poorly. They increased the risk of strokes and heart attacks, and the likelihood of lung cancer increased in smokers. The combination of vitamin A with beta-carotene is especially dangerous: studies have shown that the risk of intestinal cancer increases by 30%. Over the course of many years of research, it has been proven that artificial vitamin E increases the number of cerebral hemorrhages by 20%. Let me remind you that we're talking about only about synthetic vitamins not obtained from foods.

Vitamin C, beloved by many, in tablets and dragees, also did not please the researchers. It turned out that it reduces the production of insulin and inhibits the activity of the pancreas. In addition, artificial forms of vitamin C reduce the speed of transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to impaired coordination of movements and muscle fatigue. Elderly women were subjected to separate studies. Scientists have identified a consistent pattern between their use synthetic vitamins E and C and the deposition of calcium salts in blood vessels. More than 30% of subjects had more such deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Only 14% of subjects felt slight improvement. For 50% of women, the situation did not change in either direction. Accordingly, this once again confirms the idea that synthetic vitamins are just a dummy, sometimes bringing the body more harm than good.

Reactions to vitamins can be clearly monitored in pregnant women. Most expectant mothers take widely advertised poly vitamin supplements, designed specifically “for pregnant women”. In fact, the only difference between these drugs and conventional ones is that they contain a slightly reduced dosage of some vitamins. Many pregnant women who started taking these complexes experienced severe nausea and vomiting. Most of them refused the drug. But some, either without tracing this connection or regretting the money spent, still finished the drugs. I wouldn't recommend doing this. As soon as you see something adverse reaction, you must stop taking it immediately, and this applies not only to expectant mothers.

As a result of a study conducted by Boston University researchers, sad conclusions were drawn: the use of an artificial form of vitamin A on early stages pregnancy can lead to defects in newborns. In the United States, there was even a campaign against adding this component to multivitamins for expectant mothers. However, vitamin A is still present in almost all vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

Separately, it is worth mentioning allergic reactions. They are partly due to the incorrect chemical structure, which I described above. But more often it’s a matter of flavors and dyes identical to natural ones, which are generously added to vitamin complexes. Pharmaceutical companies are especially trying to produce vitamins for children. Babies often have severe allergic reactions to such syrups. And even among those who have never suffered from allergies at all.

Do you need vitamins for pregnant women?

Of course they are needed. In the body of the expectant mother, the number of biochemical reactions increases, therefore the consumption of vitamins, minerals and trace elements increases. Often a woman comes into pregnancy with a deficiency of all these necessary substances, and their lack is especially felt expectant mother. Dental problems, hair loss, brittle nails, - all this clearly indicates a lack of calcium and certain vitamins. Therefore, doctors recommend maintaining a certain gap between pregnancies so that the body has time to restore reserves of these vital substances. To prevent such conditions and not to undermine your health, taking vitamins is mandatory. However, it is important that these are natural vitamins, not synthesized in the laboratory.

Where to get natural vitamins

Vitamin C. The most vitamin C is found in rose hips. In order to preserve this vitamin when brewing dry rose hips, you need to monitor the temperature of the water. It should not be higher than 75 degrees. Another leader in the rating is red pepper. Contrary to popular belief, all kinds of citrus fruits are in the last places of the top ten. Vitamin C in its natural form is necessary for our body. It really supports the immune system and helps fight colds. A deficiency of this vitamin negatively affects large quantities biochemical reactions. With its assistance, the body absorbs iron. As for ascorbic acid, this is exactly the same vitamin synthesized in the laboratory.

Vitamin A (retinol). The most delicious source of this vitamin is freshly squeezed carrot juice which must be served with cream or olive oil. Also rich in vitamin A are foods of animal origin - butter, sour cream, liver. Retinol is essential for vision: if there is not enough of it, there is a risk of impaired twilight vision, this condition is otherwise called “ night blindness" Vitamin A is also responsible for the condition and immunity of the skin and mucous membranes. With its deficiency, inflammatory diseases can easily develop.

Vitamin E (tocopherol). Important for a good pregnancy. That is why it is prescribed to all expectant mothers to prevent the threat of miscarriage. In addition, it increases skin elasticity and therefore prevents the appearance of stretch marks. Pregnant women are prescribed it in the form of red capsules. Synthetic vitamin E and natural are identical in composition, but, for a number of reasons, they differ in properties. Therefore, in order to receive only benefits from it, it is better to use it in its natural form. Sources of vitamin E are primarily plant food: bran, sprouted wheat, vegetable oils and all kinds of grains.

Folic acid (vitamin B9)."Folium" is a "leaf". B9, or otherwise folic acid, is a vitamin found in the leaves. Lettuce, parsley, dill, celery, vegetable tops, currant leaves, rose hips - all this is a good alternative to artificial drugs. Meat, eggs, and dairy products also contain this substance. Eat more greens and it will definitely benefit you. It has been proven that taking folic acid, especially at the stage of pregnancy planning, reduces the risk of malformations in the fetus. Therefore, expectant mothers definitely need to eat more greens.

Vitamin D. Vitamin D not only comes to us through food, but is also produced by our body under the influence of sunlight. If there are few clear days in your city, then you can’t rely on the second source: you need to get this vitamin from food. This is especially true for children in the period active growth. You can take fish oil - natural spring vitamin D, or you can buy it at the pharmacy oil solution vitamin D. Water is not suitable, since this vitamin is fat-soluble. Be careful with the dosage, as this vitamin accumulates in tissues and is difficult to remove from them. Remember: a large deficiency of vitamin D is better than a slight excess.

Natural vitamin preparations

As we have already found out, the best source of vitamins is fresh and high-quality foods: vegetables, fruits, herbs, meat, cereals, fish, oil. But sometimes the vitamins you get from food are not enough. This happens when a person is forced to follow a strict diet or if his menu is very meager. Often vitamin deficiency overtakes us in the off-season. Pregnant women face the same vitamin deficiency. In this case, you should pay attention to natural vitamin complexes that can be purchased at the pharmacy.

First of all, read the ingredients. Natural multivitamins are often labeled “100% natural.” Also, look at the names of the components. Instead of “vitamin A” or “retinol acetate” (synthetic vitamin), natural vitamins should say “retinol palmitate”, etc. Of course, during the production process of such vitamins, the addition of various substances, such as fillers, is also inevitable. An allergy or some other individual reaction may occur to some of these components, so the selection of vitamins is a purely individual matter. However, first of all, I still recommend focusing on your menu and including as much good and healthy food as possible.

In addition to working in medicine, I maintain a health blog on Instagram (@vladimirzhivotov). At one time he developed a manual direction - cranioposturology (patented). It is more effective than classical osteopathy. I plan to regularly share my knowledge with Marie Claire readers. Yours sincerely Vladimir Zhivotov.

Good quality vitamin and mineral complexes from a reputable manufacturer contain daily requirements of all necessary components. Taking them allows you to replenish the body with essential substances in precisely adjusted dosages.

Natural vitamins - the best choice for the whole family

The role of vitamins is known - they ensure the normal course of metabolic processes and participate in complex chemical reactions.

The human body is not able to store vitamins for future use. Therefore, in many cases it is prescribed special drugs.

Minerals and vitamins “work” together

Not everyone knows that taking vitamins alone or minerals alone has no effect. Many vitamins cannot be absorbed without certain minerals and vice versa. It is impossible to take into account so many nuances on your own. So, iron cannot be absorbed without vitamin C ( ascorbic acid), and vitamin D does not “work” without the trace element calcium.

Vitamin and mineral complexes- a product without which it is impossible normal functioning and human health. The modern pace of life, nervous and mental stress, irregular and unbalanced nutrition, snacks on the go, poor ecology, etc. lead to the fact that people cannot get everything necessary complex from food.

What does a deficiency of vitamins and minerals lead to?

If the deficiency of necessary substances is not replenished, signs of vitamin deficiency appear over time. The result is a tendency to frequent colds, flu, skin diseases, bad condition hair, nails and skin, blurred vision, etc.

There are specially designed products for women, men and children. It takes into account the characteristics of the body of each group of patients.

Vitamin and mineral complex for women

Only a small amount of vitamins is synthesized in the body itself. Everyone else is vital important substances must come from outside - with food and drinks. The complexes are manufactured taking into account the features female body and successfully solve “women’s” problems.

Vitamin and mineral complex for men

Men don't like to do calculations. By taking special medications daily, you don’t have to worry about your diet.

Natural vitamins for children

Children should not be given “adult” vitamins. Overdose that does not correspond age group, leads to the development of complications and signs of intoxication. This condition is even more dangerous than vitamin deficiency. Special natural vitamins for children – optimal choice parents interested in their child's health.

Chronic diseases and vitamin-mineral complexes

Vitamins and minerals are recommended for patients diagnosed with certain chronic diseases. Regular use of the complexes is indicated for a number of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, enteritis, colitis) and endocrine diseases(diabetes).

There are diseases in which the processes of absorption of vitamins and minerals from food are disrupted. For example, malfunctions of the gallbladder and liver negatively affect the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, K and D).

For special groups of patients, special complexes have been developed that take into account their specific needs. Such patients often need more high dosages substances. Special complexes are fully adapted to a specific group of patients, taking into account the characteristics of their disease.

Vitamin and mineral complexes in the MyBIO-market store

You can buy high-quality health products from the manufacturer in the MyBIO-market store. We deliver throughout Russia, Moscow and the Moscow region.

Selling directly from the manufacturer allows us to maintain affordable prices for consumers.

In this review I will tell you about really the best natural multivitamins for adults - about complexes for both women, including pregnant, lactating and those over 40-50, and for men, also of different ages. And if sometimes in my reviews the “best” characteristic is partly subjective, then in this case it is 99% objective, well, there are practically no options. I left one percent just in case. 🙂

I’ll tell you about several multivitamin complexes that I moved between, finding more and more a good option, eventually reaching the best - by at least, among all the variety of multivitamins that can be bought in the online store. Although even if we forget about iHerb, I’m not sure that today there is anything more wonderful among vitamin and mineral supplements.

All the complexes about which we'll talk in this review, in addition to vitamins, the composition also contains minerals, as well as many other healthy components. So we can call them multiminerals.

The price range varies: a couple of multivitamins have a fairly high price, but they are worth it - the positive effect outweighs the cost; one complex is very inexpensive, and also effective. I will also compare the vitamin and mineral supplements I tried with other options for the top most natural multivitamins on iHerb to show why I chose these and did not choose those.

Well, let's go.

Vibrant Health Green Vibrance

When I came across Green Vibrance, I really dreamed about it and began to wait for the financial opportunity to buy it - it seemed so cool to me.

Interestingly, in the Vitamin Code series multivitamins for older adults are 50+, and in MyKind Organics it is 40+.

The only thing I don't understand is the pricing. Look, there is a men’s once daily complex that I purchased for myself. It contains 60 tablets for 60 days of use. Worth it now $36,39 . There is another vitamin complex for men, in which the dosage is 2 tablets, of which there are 120 in a jar (here it is on iHerb), that is, again for 2 months of use, and the price for it $58,79 - it turns out to be 61.5% more expensive than the first one. At the same time, the amount of vitamins and other substances in a daily portion is generally 30 percent higher, and some are exactly the same, plus iodine is added from its source - kelp. However, neither iodine nor kelp themselves are expensive products - this kelp from Now Foods is a good confirmation of this. There's already 1135 (!!!) 270 mcg servings of iodine (180% of the daily value) for some $5,98 . So I ordered Men's 1 Daily and this kelp from Now Foods. I also sometimes eat seaweed directly, as well as fish.

However, due to the new rules of iHerb regarding delivery, the second option of the male complex has in some sense become “cheaper”. It further reduces shipping costs, so the price difference with “once daily” is somewhat reduced.

For women's multivitamins from the MyKind Organics series, the price situation is similar.

Why Garden of Life MyKind Organics complexes are so special, good and even profitable

As I wrote above, the peculiarity of the Garden of Life MyKind Organics series vitamin-mineral complexes is that the vitamins and minerals they contain are obtained from whole organically grown plant products . In fact, the complexes themselves have been awarded an organic certificate. The composition also contains directly eco-products.

The only thing is that vitamin B12 is obtained from yeast, since it cannot be obtained from plants in principle. But at the same time, there are no live yeast fungi in Garden of Life multivitamins.

No, but you don’t need it - it’s better to take these two microelements separately. A little bit at a time - this is, in principle, standard for vitamin-mineral complexes. not enough, although it is indicated that this is already 250% daily requirement (norm), but again this is standard for multivitamins. However, everything else necessary is included in the drug.

What else is good and also beneficial:

  1. Thanks to the exceptional naturalness of Garden of Life multivitamins, the beneficial substances they contain are much better absorbed by the body. In general, half a tablet a day is enough for me. I see the point of taking it only under increased stress, stress, illness, malaise, vitamin deficiency, or when the diet is very poor in fresh plant foods. Moreover, taking 100% of the daily value of beta-carotene with supplements every day is just not good for me personally (even a small excess can make my hands and face turn yellow :)). Thus, one can lasts for 4 months of constant use instead of two. And this is benefit number 1.
  2. The second point is that these multivitamins really feel good: both your well-being and mood are noticeably improved, and your energy increases. At the same time, all this somehow happens calmly, without explosions, like from some complexes in which lethal dosages of B vitamins were stuffed, or some kind of weed was mixed in. Calm, smooth and just good. In this state, in particular, one works better and, accordingly, earns more. And this is benefit number 2.

I felt and appreciated the difference when switching from quite good multivitamins the very best. And the difference is significant! A completely different level of condition - at least in the case of me and my girlfriend. Mom also feels great, but she has nothing to compare with - previously multi vitamin complexes she didn't accept. So I recommend that you “overpay” just once and buy the Garden of Life MyKind Organics series complex that suits you best—maybe, like me, you’ll just fall in love with it.

Why I choose MyKind Organics over Vitamin Code

There are several reasons for this:

  1. From the description (the Russian language on iHerb is sometimes lame, clearer information is contained in English) of the Vitamin Code complexes, it becomes clear that vitamins and minerals are obtained from raw foods, but not from organic ones. They are directly involved in the complex with organic ones. MyKind has all its nutrients from environmentally friendly plant products (except for B12, but yeast, it turns out, is also eco-friendly). That’s why there is an organic certificate.
  2. Those Vitamin Code multivitamins that are not “1 daily” contain live yeast fungi, which I avoid in my diet. Why - I wrote in detail in the corresponding article.
  3. Those that are “1 capsule a day,” although cheaper than their MyKind Organics counterparts, and also differ, for example, in the presence of copper, molybdenum, a little probiotics, etc., have their drawbacks. Firstly, multivitamins for men contain a mixture of organic herbal products only 40 mg, while women's multivitamins contain none at all! Secondly, in the reviews, buyers complain about the terrible rotten smell capsules, for the strongly acidic taste of the contents (MyKind has a pleasant smell and taste, I chew them when I take only half of the tablet), for nausea and headache after taking it. In one review of the women’s “once daily”, a girl wrote that her “candida came out” as a result of taking it - this drug, by the way, unlike the men’s “once daily”, again contains yeast fungi. Moreover, in addition to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, their “probiotic” subspecies Saccharomyces boulardii was also added.

The first reason alone is enough for me to buy MyKind Organics rather than Vitamin Code, but the second and third convince me even more that I made the right choice (for me personally).

Finally, I’ll tell you briefly about the vitamin-mineral complexes of three other brands, which can also be ordered on iHerb, and which for some reason are sometimes put on a par with Garden of Life, including MyKind Organics, although doing this is clearly a mistake.

Other natural, inexpensive multivitamins on iHerb

I’ll go through multivitamin complexes for both men and women - all also made in the USA. I will compare it with “1 daily”, since this is the type of multivitamin Garden of Life purchased for itself. However, the manufacturers mentioned here sell complexes that are not “1 per day,” as well as vitamins for the elderly, prenatal (for use during pregnancy), and for children—see for yourself if you are interested.

Innate Response Formulas

Here is the men's page Innate Response Formulas Men's One Daily and here is the page for Innate Response Formulas Women’s One Daily on iHerb.

The description says whole food nutrients Oh. However, if you look at the ingredient list, it becomes clear that only a few vitamins were obtained from whole plant foods, and not organically grown ones: vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene from carrots, vitamin C from oranges, vitamin E and biotin ( B7) from brown rice, vitamin K from zucchini and folic acid (B9) from broccoli. The source of everything else is the usual baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Well, it’s also quite a whole food source, but, as I mentioned above, I personally don’t use yeast, at least live ones, but they are quite present here. And even if not, I still can’t put nutrients from organic plant products and yeast on the same level.

In addition, the price per jar for 2 months of use is slightly more expensive, and the amount of vitamins and minerals is generally less than that of MyKind Organics Once Daily multivitamins.

In the men's version all sorts of herbs, roots and other components are added, but in the women's version there are very few of them. Well, if they are important to you, then you can prefer Innate Response complexes, although there are still scanty quantities.


Here is a link to the men's complex Megafood Men's Once Daily and here's to women's Megafood Women's Once Daily.

The label with vegetables and herbs depicted on it is frankly misleading, which is further enhanced by the inscription “Fresh from farm to tablet.” Well, if we are talking about a yeast farm, then this inscription is not so deceptive. 🙂 Because it contains yeast, yeast, yeast again, and some vegetables and herbs. And if you look even more closely, it becomes clear that Megafood multivitamins are an exact copy of the Innate Response Formulas complexes described above (apparently, both companies are supplied by the same laboratory).

In men's Megafood, the additional ingredients are sorted differently, but they are the same. Innate Response Formulas figured it out and once again mentioned broccoli squash, which increased the total weight of the additional ingredients. Well, any components with two stars from Innate Response Formulas are, as I understand it, not something additionally added, but simply substances that are naturally contained in ingredients without stars. If so, then Megafood, of course, should have them too, but Innate Response needed to somehow differentiate itself favorably from Megafood - judging by the number of reviews, they entered the market later.

In general, these two companies with their products are competitors to each other (by the way, Megafood is cheaper to buy), but not Garden of Life MyKind Organics, and neither is Vitamin Code.

New Chapter

Here is the men's page New Chapter Every Man's One Daily Multi, and here is the women's page New Chapter Every Woman's One Daily Multi on iHerb. Similar complexes of 96 tablets are also available for sale, as well as “one daily” ones.

These multivitamins look better than Megafood and Innate Response Formulas vitamin and mineral supplements - they contain only certified organic ingredients. True, their range and total weight are significantly less than that of Garden of Life MyKind Organics. Moreover, here, basically, there are all kinds of herbal roots, and MyKind has greens, vegetables, fruits, berries, which I like more, because this is 100% food familiar to our body - we already eat these foods regularly. The body will calmly accept them and assimilate them well. And how well he can cope with outlandish products that are unusual for him - God knows.

It differs from competitors (including MyKind Organics, but not Vitamin Code) in that it contains a good dose of copper. However, this trace element will compete with zinc for absorption, so its presence is a debatable benefit.

New Chapter multivitamins again have some of their nutrients derived from yeast. It is not indicated which substances, but in the list of sources, yeast comes second after soybeans. But it is indicated that the composition contains live yeast, so I definitely give up on the complexes of this manufacturer. Well, they probably won’t be suitable for people with soy intolerance, although it seems to be fermented here. By the way, MyKind Organics contains no soy, but Vitamin Code vitamins may contain traces of it.

As for the price, ordering New Chapter multivitamins is cheaper than Garden of Life.


In general, I haven’t found anything better than Garden of Life’s MyKind Organics vitamin and mineral complexes on iHerb. Where else can a Russian look for them? Not in our pharmacies. And Russian manufacturers of dietary supplements are simply still extremely far from producing such natural and high-quality multivitamins, as, probably, in principle any other food additives. So here it is, I recommend it!

Happy shopping!

If you have never shopped at the iHerb online store, take a look at the section. There are a number of features.

Today we will talk about vitamins, synthetic and so-called natural. And do so-called “natural vitamins” even exist in tablet form? And also about the benefits and harms of the vitamins themselves.

The topic of vitamins, it seemed to me, is very simple at first glance. However, when I started to understand it, I realized that not everything is so simple. Humanity has been living with vitamins in pills for centuries, and a couple of decades ago the medical opinion was clear: vitamins are good! eat, chew them as much as possible and you will be healed.

Vitamins have taken pride of place, one of the first places in pharmacy windows and in drugs according to sales ratings, pharmaceutical companies have become millionaires and billionaires, pharmacies also earn good money, but what is the end result? Are we simply being “shoved” with products we don’t need for the sake of business prosperity, or do we really need synthetic vitamins? And are these beneficial substances safe? More on this below, but first some general information.

There was a time when there were no tablet vitamins at all. Then, back in ancient times, doctors began to observe that certain substances extracted from food improve the condition of diseases and help with different states. The first vitamins appeared in tablet form at the beginning of the 20th century, that is, we have only been living for centuries with concentrated beneficial substances in the form of pills.

Vitamins are biologically active substances necessary for human life and health. They do not saturate the body with energy, do not have calorie content, are not a medicine, vitamins do not include microelements and amino acids, however, vitamins and their sufficient quantity in the body affect the functions of all human organs and systems, actively influence metabolism and the production of hormones. Complications of vitamin deficiency in severe form can result in death.

“As of 2012, 13 substances (or groups of substances) are recognized as vitamins. Several other substances, such as carnitine and inositol, are under consideration. Based on solubility, vitamins are divided into fat-soluble - A, D, E, K, and water-soluble - C and B vitamins.

Fat-soluble vitamins accumulate in the body, and the place of their accumulation is adipose tissue and liver. Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in significant quantities and, if in excess, are excreted with water. This explains the higher prevalence of hypovitaminosis of water-soluble vitamins and hypervitaminosis of fat-soluble vitamins.”

When a growing organism develops (for example, teenage children) in conditions of constant lack of vitamins, multiple developmental disorders usually occur, including intellectual disability, neurological diseases, without vitamin D, rickets and brittle bones, etc. can occur. For example, B vitamins are needed for the development and functioning of the nervous system, hematopoiesis, vitamin A is needed for vision, skin, vitamin E improves fertility functions, skin condition, etc.

A lack of vitamins, of course, will not cause instant death, or even death within a couple of months, but prolonged vitamin deficiency in extreme will definitely lead to disastrous consequences, including death. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the importance of vitamins in our lives.

The first vitamin that scientists were able to isolate was vitamin B1:

“In 1880, N.I. Lunin proved that proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water alone for normal operation the body is not enough. Previously unstudied nutritional defects led to various diseases, for example, to scurvy. Thus, in Indonesia, people who ate refined rice suffered from a special form of neuritis - beriberi. At the same time, the population who ate regular rice did not get sick. This observation allowed the Polish scientist K. Funk in 1911 to discover a substance in the rice shell that turned out to be necessary for health in small doses. It was he who called it “vitamin” - from Latin word"life"".

In fact, the history of vitamins is very short, in comparison with, for example, operations, herbal medicine - vitamins as separately isolated substances have existed for only 100 years. Therefore, it is possible that after another hundred years, the current state of affairs with vitamins will be funny for the population of the future; perhaps they will release substances important for health using some devices by pressing one button: vitamin A from carrots, vitamin C from rose hips, beans contain B vitamins, and they will drink and eat it in the form of a dry or liquid concentrate instead of synthetic pills. Vitamin E will “strain” another device from wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds, calcium from greens and dairy products.

And people of the future will simply condescendingly perceive those who used synthetic vitamins a hundred years ago as those who were unable to invent anything better and were content with “chemistry.” And, perhaps, everything will be completely different, it is possible that it will be worse in terms of “chemistry”: there will be concentrated tableted chemistry, in one dose of vitamins for a month, with a gradual release of active substances, etc. But the fact is that there will be changes, for the better or for the worse, we don’t yet know, unless of course our Earth is alive.

After all, just as we enthusiastically remember the time of the 60-70-80s of the last century, in particular in Russia, even those who did not live then and did not intend to be born in the next 20 years remember this - that time is so intoxicating for us for a number of reasons — it is possible that our present time will also be attractive for those who will live after us. And all the vitamins and dietary supplements will seem as natural as the real sausage of the 60-80s seems to us today, and as we sadly note what kind of crap we eat today.

Vitamins are vital for humans, proteins, the right carbohydrates and the necessary nutrition is not enough - as we see from the experience of scientists. But today, you say, there is no famine, epidemics, there is plenty of food, you just need to work so that you have something to buy it with, but before it was hard times- scurvy, vitamin deficiency, beriberi and other diseases associated with vitamin deficiencies became commonplace. Today is full of vegetables, fruits, seafood and other healthy food, using which you can avoid taking vitamins at all.

Do you even need to take vitamins today? Here, doctors’ versions differ: some say that the best vitamins are those obtained from healthy foods, and it is better to eat carrots and other foods a day (carrots contain a lot of vitamin A, for example) than poisoning yourself with chemicals, and others that the average person does not have food options make up for the deficiency useful substances in the body, for this you need to eat a lot of healthy foods.

So, what are the bad and good things about synthetic vitamins? We have established that vitamins are vital for humans; more on the harm later. In what form is it best to take them? 90% of all vitamins (or even 99%) of those found in open sale namely chemically synthesized drugs. Vitrum, Multi-Tabs, Prenatal and other companies that fill the shelves of pharmacies and are popular among people with average incomes - these are all chemicals!

Is this chemical harmful? For several decades they shouted to us that vitamins are good and there can be no harm, and even if there were studies about the ambiguity of their benefits, the results smoldered under the propaganda of pharmaceutical companies wanting to sell their product. But in last decade Opinions that synthetic vitamins do more harm than good have begun to appear more and more actively on the scene.

What are synthetic vitamins? These are chemically synthesized beneficial substances in tablet form, usually containing a vitamin intake rate of at least average.

How are they different from vitamins found in food? Instead of explaining for a long time in incomprehensible terms, I will give an exaggerated example: what is the difference between, for example, yogurt with flavors and dyes from the same with fruit without chemicals? And, not quite on topic, but also possible: What is the difference between an inflatable mini pool and the sea? How does a copy of a painting differ from the original?

And the example with yogurt is not entirely correct, but the direction of thought is correct.

When can synthetic vitamins be useful? When a person is seriously ill and there is a sudden loss of one or another vitamin in the body, when there are consequences of vitamin deficiency. Tablets of synthetic vitamins are practically a medicine designed to quickly replenish lost vitamin reserves. For example, in the case of scurvy, beriberi (although these diseases are rare in modern times), if part of the intestine is removed and vitamins are simply not absorbed, in a number of other conditions when there is a deficiency of nutrients and its urgent replenishment is necessary.

Vitamin E during pregnancy, vitamin D during rickets, niacin during high cholesterol etc.

In cases where a person simply takes vitamins to drink, for self-soothing, in order to increase immunity, drinking courses in the spring and autumn, without having serious illnesses, that is, illiterate and uncontrolled - it will do more harm than good.

Why can synthetic vitamins be harmful? Because research on the effects of vitamins is still being conducted, and the majority of those that exist are not FOR such drugs. That is, the 20th century gave us vitamins, and a few decades later people began to seriously come to the understanding that vitamins are not as harmless as we thought.

We are often told about the harm of a lack of vitamins, but less often we are told about the harm from their excess!

Nevertheless, excess is sometimes more dangerous than deficiency.

For example, it has long been discovered that vitamin A is a powerful teratogen; vitamin D3 and E have similar effects. large doses. Large doses, and even slightly higher than average, of vitamin A during pregnancy can lead to developmental disorders of the fetus. This is one of the most dangerous “useful substances”, since it is considered a healing vitamin (the more the better), accordingly, many mothers, especially very young ones, are often not aware that vitamins should not be eaten by the handful.

Vitamins E and A, among other things, consumed in high doses can cause cancer - these studies were also voiced. Excess vitamin C and group B lead to allergic effects, dehydration, and changes in blood composition. Constant consumption of vitamin C in large doses causes blurred vision, insomnia and other complications. Vitamin E, A, D are fat soluble, they accumulate in the liver and, if in excess, are not excreted from the body. And they poison him for a long time; poisoning with them is one of the most dangerous conditions...

In addition, multivitamins with many components are often a vinaigrette of incompatible substances, because B vitamins are incompatible with each other when taken, and many microelements are incompatible with vitamins and other microelements, so sometimes this is a waste of money.

Let’s say that on the same iHerb there are a lot of synthetic vitamins, but of good quality, there is Solgar (a good company, but each product must be considered separately), where the dosage of vitamin A in one serving (two tablets to take per day) = Vitamin A (as natural beta-carotene) 15,000 IU, which is 300% of the daily requirement, vitamin C 300 mg, which is 500% of the daily intake, a month of intake and an overdose of vitamin A is provided, and if C is excreted easily (with a slight overdose), then Vit A will be deposited in the liver.

But the main thing is that vitamins are easy for everyone to buy! There are no prohibitions. Moreover, if you ask a doctor which vitamins are better (which I personally have done more than once for myself and my children), the answer will be “any, at your discretion, whichever you like best, if there are no serious diseases, all sorts are possible.”

And there is also the danger of vitamin complexes and children (after all, as a rule, they contain iron) - according to statistics, the cause of mortality and poisoning is iron from vitamin complexes among children.

Also, liquid forms of vitamins often contain preservatives that are equated to poisons in other countries; sometimes in dry forms there are many additives with the prefix E, which, according to certain studies, can cause autism, neurological disorders at long-term use. A mother expecting a child will drink such vitamins and even exceed the dosage from the heart - and no one can predict the result...

Only a few times in my memory, doctors did not allow taking tablet vitamins - people late stages cancer, they say, the chemistry will poison the body and the vitamins will not reach the address, but will settle as ballast in organs that are not needed, they recommended it is better to eat vegetables and fruits.

But in general, vitamins are widely available, and as a rule, 90% of the population (especially in our country) takes it uncontrollably, often with overdoses, which sometimes leads to no less consequences than hypovitaminosis, and also the immune system, organs and systems get used to receiving vitamins in chemical form they no longer want to work actively from outside and themselves.

What are natural vitamins? Are there tableted vitamins made from natural ingredients?

We'll talk about food below.

And now specific preparations with vitamins from dried, freeze-dried, concentrated fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs.

If you type “natural vitamins” in Yandex, then the first lines will be sites with a range of American dietary supplements (like those from iHerb). There are good, good and very good vitamins and dietary supplements on iHerb, but they are not natural, they are high-quality synthetic ones - mostly. From natural products on iHerb - MegaFood and a number of other companies, as well as sublimated, concentrated and dried juice powders, raw materials of berries, fruits, vegetables, plants, herbs.

Sublimation is the process of freezing, then drying raw materials, without loss (as manufacturers claim) of nutritional and vitamin properties, as a result, the raw material becomes several tens of times lighter.

For example, freeze-dried powders (capsules with powders) from beet, cabbage, and celery juice are popular. Berry powders - blueberries, blueberries, blackberries (for vision).

For example, Megafood vitamins are made from freeze-dried vegetables and fruits, the price of a complex of 120 tablets (take 1-2-4 per day, depending on the drug) is about 3 thousand rubles, there are complexes 5-6 thousand rubles. In pharmacies it is 2-3 times more expensive.

But the price of synthetic vitamins is approximately the same or slightly lower.

Laminaria (powder) - also good substitute chemicalized beneficial substances, because they contain a lot active ingredients, including vitamins.

Today, a sufficient number of doctors have begun to say that vitamins should not be taken unnecessarily, as this is more likely to cause harm than benefit. It is better to eat well, eat enough vegetables, fruits, meat, fish. But also with fresh vegetables, fruits are not so simple - there are antivitamins that destroy vitamins, and some products cannot be mixed with others, plus all products must be fresh, but even if all conditions are met - even with carrots you should be careful, because if you eat 10 carrots per day, you can also easily develop hypervitaminosis vitamin A, c beef liver Also.

I want to warn everyone who reads articles on medical topic on the Internet - as a rule, in 99 cases these articles were not written by doctors, and the authors do not bear any responsibility for your life. If doctors may not be held responsible sometimes, then with the opinion strangers You should be even more careful. At the same time, I believe that a person himself should try to understand many things regarding his treatment, medications, vitamins, not replace his own doctor, but think before swallowing everything and being treated with continuous chemistry.

I am also not a doctor, and I expressed my opinion about vitamins as a layman, a taster, a person taking vitamins, having my own experience, and also as a person who has studied the topic of the naturalness and unnaturalness of vitamins.

As for my personal experience— I take vitamins selectively, as well as microelements, and prefer small dosages. Vitamin B1 in the morning, vitamin B12 in the evening, for example, those who do not eat meat need such vitamins for anemia. I take other vitamins and microelements separately, but quite rarely, instead of a complex of vitamins I take kelp in capsules. The rest is as needed.

Health to everyone!

: The composition of the supplements will be different for men and women, since needs differ depending on gender.

Vitamins for women

Vitamins that are necessary for the female body:
Considered the most essential for women

  • stops the aging process
  • increases immunity
  • promotes fast healing scars, scars, cuts
  • reduces high blood pressure among women
  • lowers blood sugar levels
  • reduces the likelihood of developing cancer

Vitamin E is considered the most essential for women

Vitamin for beauty

  • formation and strengthening of connective tissues (tendons, ligaments, nails, hair)
  • regulates redox reactions in the body
  • performs hemocoagulation (blood clotting)
  • restores damaged tissues
  • improves condition of cardio-vascular system
  • antioxidant effect

Vitamin C for beauty

  • improves vision
  • essential for maintaining healthy bones, skin and hair
  • normalizes and accelerates metabolism
  • promotes the growth of new cells
  • has a positive effect on the reproductive system in women

Vitamin A improves vision

  • responsible for the functioning of the nervous system and the process of metabolic breakdown
  • improves digestion
  • increases stress resistance
  • normalizes blood sugar levels

B vitamins improve digestion

  • participates in the process of glucose intake and processing
  • necessary for optimal functioning of the central nervous system
  • takes part in the digestion and absorption of protein
  • Helps remove fat from the body in women
  • ensures the delivery of oxygen to tissues and cells

Vitamin H is involved in the process of glucose intake and processing

  • proper development and strengthening of skeletal bones
  • regulation minerals
  • increasing the body's protective functions
  • normalization blood pressure and the number of heart beats per minute
  • helps in the process of calcium deposition

Vitamin D helps in the process of calcium deposition

Rating of supplements for women

Top quality supplements for women that include all of the following vitamins:

  • Opti Woman. This is a vitamin and mineral complex, which is specifically for women, the name even says so. Sold in packages of 60 and 120 capsules, take 2 per day. Therefore, the package will last for 1-2 months. The advantages of these vitamins are that they have a very rich composition (more than 45 ingredients) and at the same time, if you buy them on an American website, they will be much cheaper than the vitamins that pharmacies offer us. Ordering on the world-famous iherb website is quite simple. And this way you can get higher quality vitamins at a much cheaper price. You can find these vitamins on the iherb website by following the link. In addition, you will be offered an additional discount when you place your order using this link. People who play sports or take care of their health most often choose these vitamins. Action:
    endurance to physical activity improves
    mood improves
    skin condition improves
    strengthening the heart muscle
    the risk of cancer is reduced

  • Alphabet. This is a vitamin and mineral complex designed specifically for women. The idea is that the body should receive different vitamins in different time, so it is planned to take three different tablets throughout the day.
    normalization of hematopoiesis and circulation
    antioxidant effect
    improvement of the condition of the walls of blood vessels
    protecting the body from colds and infections
    prevention of iron deficiency anemia

Alphabet is a vitamin and mineral complex designed specifically for women

  • Vitrum. One of the best vitamin complexes, one tablet of which contains daily requirement in all vitamins. It entered the top due to the release of a wide range of products aimed at women of different ages.
    improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
    absorption of vitamins and minerals by the body
    necessary in the period after past diseases, after weakening the body
    compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals needed

Vitrum is one of the best vitamin complexes

  • Multitabs. A combined complex containing vitamins and minerals in the required quantities for women.
    neutralize the effect free radicals and other substances
    improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system
    normalize the functioning of the nervous system
    skin rejuvenation and healing
    increasing and strengthening immunity

Multitabs combined complex

  • Complivit- one of the vitamin-mineral complexes designed specifically for women. It entered the top thanks to its composition, which suggests using the drug throughout the year due to its moderate dosage.
    has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis
    takes part in metabolic processes body
    prevention of vitamin and mineral deficiency
    necessary for excessive mental or physical stress
    participates in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats

Complivit is one of the vitamin and mineral complexes designed specifically for women.

  • Centrum is a type of vitamin-mineral complex that varies depending on the age group.
    has a calming effect on nervous system
    participate in biochemical processes with the release of energy
    increases performance
    improves central vision
    regulates and activates hematopoietic processes

Centrum is a type of vitamin-mineral complex that varies depending on the age group

Vitamins for men

Vitamins that men need to get daily:

- one of the most necessary for men

  • help in the process of assimilation of protein foods by the body
  • activates physical and mental activity
  • is the main participant in metabolism
  • maintains hormonal levels at normal levels
  • stimulates the continuous process of blood cell formation

B vitamins are among the most essential for men

Indispensable for men, as it promotes the production of progesterone

  • increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases
  • improves visual functions
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases
  • prevents development chronic diseases blood vessels
  • reduces the risk of cancer

Vitamin A is essential for men as it promotes the production of progesterone

  • restores the normal state of the liver after consumption junk food and alcohol
  • improves thyroid function
  • improves hearing and vision
  • protects the body from ingestion of radioactive substances

Vitamin N improves thyroid function

  • prevents hair loss
  • improves the condition of skin, nails, hair
  • regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fatty acids
  • normalization of the metabolic process in the body in men
  • helps fight aging
  • improves brain performance
  • reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood
  • regulate the functioning of the male gonads

Vitamin E helps fight aging

  • increases stress resistance
  • reduces high blood pressure
  • prevention of inflammatory processes in chronic form
  • strengthens immunity
  • increase the synthesis of sex hormones in men (testosterone)

Rating of supplements for men

  • Opti Men- the best vitamin complex for men. These vitamins can most often be found in sports stores, as these are foreign vitamins. These vitamins contain more than 75 ingredients and, if you order them on the world-famous American website, they will cost less than many domestic vitamins. Good quality for less money. Available in packs of 90, 150 and 240 tablets. Men take 3 tablets per day, so they will last for 1-3 months. These vitamins are chosen by everyone who exercises and monitors their health. You can order these on the website; when placing an order using the link, an additional discount will be offered.
    increases physical endurance
    improve man's health
    improve mental performance
    improved sleep
    prevention of viral diseases

  • Alphabet- one of the best domestic vitamin complexes for men.
    increases the vitality of the body
    improve masculinity intimate health
    develops muscle and general endurance
    increases mental performance
    neutralizes viruses and bacteria, strengthens the immune system

Alphabet is one of the best vitamin complexes for men

  • Duovit- indispensable for men who lead a healthy and active image life.
    speeds up metabolism in the body
    stimulates regenerative processes
    increases productivity, gives strength and energy
    reduces mental and physical fatigue
    minimizes exposure to free radicals

Duovit is indispensable for men who lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

  • . This vitamin and mineral complex was included in the rating due to its content not only essential vitamins and minerals, but also to the fact that it is produced in liquid form, and this promotes better absorption.
    strengthening teeth, bones, nails and hair
    normalizes muscle, brain and nervous activity
    provides oxygen flow to tissues
    helps expel excess fats from the liver
    ensures the blood clotting process

Vitamins Mepha Vitiron Suscaps

  • — vitamin supplements, which contain everything necessary for men, are indispensable for prolonged exercise.
    establishes digestive system
    improves bone and joint health
    promotes longer training sessions
    protects and nourishes muscle tissue
    improves vascular tone

Orange Triad Controlled Labs - vitamin supplements that contain everything men need

  • Oligovit— vitamin-mineral complex for men, contains the necessary daily norm all vitamin substances.
    compensates for the lack proper nutrition
    dilates blood vessels in the brain
    improves the level of nitrogen metabolism in the body
    controls tissue respiration
    reduce blood cholesterol levels