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Hair loss and brittle nails: what to do? Dry skin, brittle nails, hair loss

The condition of nails and hair can always tell us how healthy a person is. If the nails are strong, have a healthy color and do not break, and the hair on the head is shiny and thick, then everything is fine with the body. But if hair falls out and nails peel, the reasons may lie in serious diseases.

At the first alarming symptoms You should make an appointment with a doctor, but under no circumstances self-medicate. The doctor will conduct an examination, make a diagnosis and recommend treatment. But so that the doctor’s verdict does not come as a complete surprise to you, we will look into what can cause problems with hair and nails.

Hormones regulate not only our mood, they are responsible for many processes in the body. If the level of one hormone increases or decreases, it will affect the functioning of all organs. The imbalance is primarily reflected in appearance: a rash, baldness or hypertrichosis appears, without visible reasons weight suddenly goes away or gains. The reason may lie in malfunction thyroid gland, reproductive system, adrenal glands. In these cases, it is advisable to check your hormone levels, which is usually prescribed by your doctor.

Changes in hormonal levels are not always caused by diseases. IN certain periods Throughout their lives, women may notice that their nails are breaking, their hair is weakening and they are losing their hair. These periods include: pregnancy, lactation, transitional age, menopause. The fact is that at such life stages a restructuring of the body takes place. Teenagers grow up, their puberty, women during menopause come out of reproductive age. During pregnancy and breastfeeding The mother’s body is aimed, first of all, at raising healthy offspring, and therefore there may not be enough resources for the woman herself. Periods hormonal changes, caused by age or motherhood, end, and everything returns to normal on its own.

The effect of stress on nails and hair

Recently, many doctors have come to the conclusion that stress and anxiety are to blame for almost all health problems. Nervous overstrain negatively affects the immune system, and therefore increases the risk of developing various diseases. Often when prolonged depression people diagnosed themselves with alopecia and layered nails. Such changes in appearance can only worsen emotional condition person.

There are many causes of stress, often one of them is an unhealthy lifestyle. To protect yourself from negative influence this factor, action must be taken. You should avoid fatty, fried, flour and sweets in your diet. But fruits, vegetables and lean meat will only be beneficial. It is recommended to abstain from smoking and alcoholic drinks. Very important for health and Have a good mood walks on fresh air And physical activity. Healthy, sound sleep also plays an important role.


If your fingernails break and peel, your curls weaken and fall out, this could be a clear sign some kind of illness. Such symptoms are observed with vitamin deficiency. Vitamins and nutrients not only supply our body with everything it needs, but also protect against the effects of ultraviolet radiation, free radicals and other harmful factors. If the reliability of protection decreases, and there is a shortage in the body useful elements, this immediately affects the condition of hard tissues and skin.

If enough quantity arrives necessary substances, but the body is not able to assimilate them, problems are possible in digestive system. Vitamins and microelements do not reach their target, and nails and hair are the first to suffer.

Anemia also manifests itself in thinning scalp hair and brittle nails. A lack of red blood cells in human blood, which are responsible for transporting oxygen and iron, is fraught with the development of anemia.

Dermatological diseases also directly affect hair strands and nails. Areas affected by fungus or psoriasis become unsuitable for hair growth, so the hair falls out along with the roots and does not appear until the source of the disease is eliminated. You can read more about psoriasis and diseases that are similar to it in this article.

When malignant formation the immune system tries to fight mutated cancer cells. But if the disease progresses and the defense mechanisms fail to cope with the task, the person’s appearance does not change better side. With oncology, nails become brittle and brittle, hair becomes thinner, dries and falls out, teeth also break and crumble. WITH serious illness Chemotherapy fights, but it also has its side effects. First of all, this type of treatment causes profuse hair loss, which is why many patients cut their heads bald so as not to worry so much about the daily loss of hair.

External factors

Fortunately, deterioration of nails and hair does not always indicate diseases and malfunctions in the body. Sometimes the reason for everything is just improper care. All our organs need protection from harmful influences. And if we cannot influence the level of radiation in our city and the poor ecology in general, then in other cases we are far from powerless. For example, from the influence of extreme cold and sun rays we can protect ourselves with a hat. If our hair and nails have come into contact with strong detergents, water from the sea or a swimming pool, then we need to take a shower or rinse them under running water.

In addition to climate change, weather conditions and aggressive agents, medications can affect our skin and hair. Similar side effects Antibiotics, tranquilizers, antidepressants and hormonal drugs are known.

Women's desire to look good does not always lead to the expected result. Instead of luxurious curls and voluminous hair from perm and styling, they get alopecia. After a manicure, extensions in a salon, or gluing false nails at home, problems may begin. From exposure harmful substances nails begin to break and peel. At the same time, the hands look unkempt and unhealthy.

Using a hair dryer, curling iron and other tools is not always harmless to your hair. If possible, you should refrain from using them, but if this is not possible, try to use them as little as possible.

How to solve the problem of alopecia and brittle nails

Once the cause of hair loss and brittle nails has been identified, it must be eliminated. In some cases, treatment is required, while in others, only simple care rules are required. But even after eliminating the source of the problems, consequences remain that also need to be removed.

Trichologists and dermatologists primarily recommend using vitamin complexes And healthy supplements. Often, a weakened body, even after recovery, needs additional nutrition. For baldness and problem nails, it is recommended to drink fish fat, vitamins “Alerana”, “Evalar”, “Fitoval”, “Pantovigar”, “Vitrum Beauty”, “Perfectil”, “Duovit” and many others.

For greater effect It is worth using external agents together with medications. For hair this is shampoo, conditioner, serum, mask. And for nails you can use special creams, ointments and oils.

It is advisable that hair care products have natural composition, did not contain parabens and other harmful components. It is also good if the shampoo or mask is based on herbal extracts and essential oils.

If you have problems with your hair, use Alerana, Fitoval, Granny Agafya's Recipes, Clean Line, Onion Shampoo 911, Burdock Shampoo, Selentsin, and Vichy shampoos. Reviews about them indicate the good quality and effectiveness of these products.

Over time, every woman develops problems with hair and nails. This leads to a drop in self-esteem and stress. What is the reason poor condition hair and nails?

The main causes of brittle hair and nails.

It is imperative to clearly analyze all the factors influencing lifestyle and health. First you need to figure out what caused the problems with the condition of your hair and nails. If you have health problems, consult a doctor and get examined. After all, external beauty often depends on the condition of the body, but if there are no problems in the body, then you need to reconsider your lifestyle and take hair and nail care as a basis.

Hair and nail care rules

  • Wash your hair twice a week, but no more.
  • The comb should be made of high-quality materials, preferably wood with sparse teeth.
  • Daily scalp massage with a comb stimulates hair follicles and enhances hair growth.
  • Oils (for example, avocado) are used to comb and strengthen the ends.
  • Using hair masks. It is better to use traditional recipes, this way you can avoid allergies by selecting the components as desired. This is important for especially sensitive scalps.
  • You can use castor, burdock and sea ​​buckthorn oil. They will add shine and smoothness to your hair, help deal with split ends and increase the rate of hair growth, making it thicker.
  • Essential oils can also be included in masks to help prevent hair loss (such as juniper, bay, cedar, lavender, thyme and ginger).
  • Rinsing with infusions of chamomile, sage, horsetail, and yarrow herbs.
  • For nails you can use special varnishes, healing mud, hand creams, nail waxes, various masks (made of clay or honey). They will significantly improve the condition of your nails.
  • Hand massage improves blood circulation and flow to the nail plate nutrients.
  • Therapeutic baths using sea ​​salt And essential oils, strengthen the nail plate.

If the condition of your hair and nails is severely neglected, it is better to turn to salon procedures. And of course, it is advisable to take vitamin complexes to improve the condition of hair and nails, adhere to the rules healthy eating and try to reduce the amount of stress or not react to them at all.

The causes of brittleness and hair loss and weakening of the nail plate can be different.

Lack of vitamins (vitaminosis)

Vitamin deficiency is the most common cause of trouble. For health, our hair and nails need the following vitamins: A (retinol), vitamins B, C, E (tocopherol), D, H (biotin). Brittle hair and nails can be the result of a deficiency of such beneficial elements.

B vitamins promote the production of keratin, which is “ building material» skin, nutrition hair follicles and supplying them with oxygen, improve metabolism, strengthen the immune system, and participate in the process of hematopoiesis.

Retinol (vitamin A) - helps strengthen and shine hair, participates in the “laying” and formation of the nail plate.

Tocopherol is a well-known antioxidant. It has a beneficial effect on the entire body, slows down the aging process, and protects hair and nails from external influences.

Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium, an important mineral component of horny tissue.

Vitamin C - important factor epithelial growth. It strengthens hair and nails, improves blood circulation.

Vitamin H - very important vitamin for the growth and health of nails and hair.

Brittle hair and nails caused by a lack of vitamins are recommended to be treated by taking vitamin complexes.

Stressful situations

Stress has a negative impact on physical and mental health human and subsequently causes problems such as brittleness and hair loss, weakening of nails. At elevated level The stress hormone (cortisol) increases sweating, which leads to excessive greasy scalp.

Bad habits - rubbing along the nail plate thumb other fingers and biting your nails under stress also affect nail brittleness.

Hormonal disorder

Hyperthyroidism - characterized by excess production of hormones thyroid gland. Changes in hormone levels negatively affect all body systems, and the condition of hair and nails in particular.


Chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which destroy rapidly growing cancer cells, affect normal, absolutely healthy cells our body. This also causes problems such as hair loss and brittle nails.

Iron-deficiency anemia

This disease develops when there is a deficiency of red blood cells, which deliver iron and oxygen to everyone. human organs. Iron deficiency leads to brittle hair fall out, nails split.

Folk remedies against hair loss and brittleness

Red tincture mask hot pepper in combination with castor oil- a well-proven remedy for solving this problem. To prepare it, you need to heat 90 ml of oil in a water bath to a temperature of 50 degrees and mix with 60 ml of tincture. The resulting mass is cooled to room temperature and applied to the hair roots for two to three hours. After the procedure, the product can be washed off warm water using shampoo.

If brittle hair falls out, you can rinse it with nettle infusion to strengthen it. Dry crushed leaves (1 tsp) are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for about 20 minutes. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with this infusion.

Traditional recipes for brittle nails

Natural vegetable oils very rich in vitamin E (an irreplaceable source for nourishing our nails). For example, olive oil most often used as a base for cooking nutritional mixture for nails.

To prepare this mixture, you need to add a few drops to 5 ml of oil oil solutions retinol (vitamin A), tocopherol (vitamin E) and lemon juice.

An effective way to solve this nail problem is to use sea salt baths. Purchased sea salt is diluted with warm water (0.5 l) and fingers are kept in it for 15 minutes.

How to stop brittle hair and nails?

Contact a specialist to determine the actual causes of brittle nails and hair. Try to be less upset, worry, and nervous - this will have a beneficial effect on the health of your nails and hair.

Use special hand lotions, wash dishes with gloves, use medicinal varnishes for manicures, choose high-quality and reliable nail cosmetics, use folk remedies to solve problems associated with brittle nails.

Take vitamins, eat well and regularly, give up bad habits.

If brittle hair falls out, use special nourishing and strengthening masks, rinse it with healing herbal decoctions, use special shampoos and balms for brittle hair.

It is very common to hear from many vegans or raw foodists that the reasons for such things as hair loss, or manifestations brittle nails- this is a cleansing of harmful substances, supposedly the last diet “accumulated” so much that now the body is urgently trying to get rid of something “very harmful”.

We will leave the issue of purges, crises, etc. for next time, because the topic is far from clear-cut and requires serious parsing.

If we just go logically, then it arises simple questionif it's all about cleansing, then why do many women (less often men) often lose hair? , even if they are on a normal diet?

And everything is actually simple - more often these things happen because hormonal imbalances which arise, as a rule, due to changes in the phases of the menstrual cycle (men naturally do not have this moment), nervous tension and stress, overtraining in sports, lack of sleep, bad habits and inadequate nutrition (lack of nutritional supplements, calories in general and vitamins), bad work internal organs and as a rule - all this happens simultaneously, enhancing the overall effect.

Now tell me - if a person switches to veganism or a raw food diet, especially abruptly, then how well could he study the topic, how much correct literature I read how well he knows how to build his own diet, etc.?

That’s right - only a few are well-versed in information, because there are few thinking people in general, in general my personal experience says that people who competently, gradually and consciously switch to veganism or a raw food diet - few.

Most often people believe in tales about that 2-4 apples a day completely satiate you, that protein in any quantity rots in the gastrointestinal tract, that even raw fats in the diet are “absolute evil”, that calories are a “fiction”, that you can be a “non-eater, a prana-eater”, that b12 is a myth (or that it is a “bacterium”!), that tanning in summer is “not so important” and similar things.

The truth is that guys with weight problems often write to me, hormonal system, with hair, nails, skin and they would avoid these problems if they were more carefully to yourself and read more from different sources.

  • You need to eat enough calories, read about this here A little about calories, poor metabolism and health consequences..

  • Admit in adequate quantity vegetable (raw) fats, important for the entire functioning of our body - from the brain to the skin. Best sources vegetable fats - ground flax, avocado, coconut, fresh nuts (in moderation), raw, fresh cold-pressed oils, preferably flax, etc.
  • Of course, we must allow at least minimal amount of protein in the body and I strongly do not recommend fruitarianism with limited calories, especially for beginners.
  • It's very important to eat more at first, more varied diet.
  • Still very important The parameter is that almost everyone who switches (especially abruptly) to veganism or a raw food diet has a worse absorption of plant foods, especially on a raw food diet. After several months, the intestinal microflora, digestive system and biliary system - much They will better adapt to raw food and will more effectively absorb the necessary microelements from it. This has been noticed in almost every raw foodist I know who is vegan. That is, be sure to move smoothly, no sudden changes in diet. The quieter you go, the further you'll get.

    Also Very good will cleanse the liver and biliary system - choleretic herbs and products for more than 1-2 months.

  • Next, you need to check b12 and vitamin D, also general analysis blood, hormones - to understand possible problem. Vitamin D deficiency is extremely common in northern countries, regardless of diet.

  • Also - very important do not be nervous, to not allow frequent stress, they also greatly affect hormonal background in general and adequate cortisol levels. remember, that adequate sleep, a diet good in fast carbohydrates, sports or yoga (and similar practices) can greatly help you in the fight against stress.

In general, to summarize, for the health of hair and nails (like all body systems), primarily affects - food quality, his diversity (especially on a sharp transition), absence bad habits, nervous overload, stress, as well as sports " overtrained". Of course it is also important adequate approach to analyses. Also affects sleep quality And correct work hormonal system, absence diseases of internal organs and external, pathogenic factors.



Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. (2002lkmnlnl). Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-09. ISBN 0-07-303120-8.


What should be done?

It is good if these deteriorations are not protracted, but are associated, for example, with seasonal vitamin deficiency. It's not scary, it's fixable. Well, what if there are no vitamins, no baths, no rubbing? various oils after a long time they don’t give desired effect, then you should dig deeper into the problem. We will have to think about what factors could have worsened their condition so dramatically. Why do strands of hair begin to remain on the comb and pillow, and why do nails constantly break, peel and do not grow back? The ideal option, of course, would be to go to a dermatologist who will prescribe examinations and, accordingly, a comprehensive course of treatment. If you undergo treatment correctly without interrupting it, then the healthy shine of your hair and the strength of your nails can be restored very quickly and, most importantly, for a long time.

Most often the main and common reasons Such changes in nails and hair may include:

This series of problems is mainly internal in nature. Let's try to understand some of them in more detail, how they affect and how to eliminate them.

Poor nutrition

Diets and poor nutrition - all this directly affects our health. The body stops receiving the required amount of vitamins, which causes vitamin deficiency. The problem is obvious - nails are peeling, hair is thinning.

In this case, you should stop “sitting” on diets and reconsider your diet. You need to add as much as possible to your menu. fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, meat dishes, dairy products, nuts, legumes, in general, you should fill your body useful microelements and missing fats. It is calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon that can stop brittle nails and hair loss.

You can take a vitamin complex, which is easy to buy at any pharmacy, and most likely the doctor will also advise you to take a vitamin course.

The influence of nervous shocks

Stress does not have the best effect on the psychological and physical condition person. Also against its background there arise various dermatological diseases skin, namely, itching, rashes on the body, and dandruff in the head may appear. Changes also occur with the nails, they peel off, become soft and weak.

It is also worth paying attention to genetic predisposition. If relatives have the same situation, then there is no escape from it. In this case, you should take more careful care of your nails and hair. You will have to give up building up both of them, and more often you will have to pamper them with all sorts of massages, baths, masks and rubbing.


Very often, the deterioration of the hairstyle on the head and nails can be directly related to some internal diseases. These may be cardiovascular diseases, deterioration in work digestive tract, various infectious diseases And inflammatory processes, hormonal disbalance and decreased immunity, as well as metabolic disorders in the body.

If you can determine the problem yourself, then this is very good, but if it is not clear, then it is better not to delay and ask a doctor for advice.

Environmental influences

Sometimes problems can be external character. Among people there are those who can bite their nails without noticing it at all. This bad habit, from which the nails weaken and deteriorate. You shouldn’t do this, you need to gradually get rid of it.

  1. Water does not spare our hands. Frequent stay hands in the water will undoubtedly affect their condition negatively. Because of this, nails become softer and more susceptible to splitting. If you can’t limit yourself in contact with water, then first of all, rubber gloves and protective creams can come to the rescue. Creams should be used daily;
  2. Harm detergents . Recently, housewives very often use all kinds of detergents and cleaning products in their everyday lives. Under the influence of these chemicals, nails peel and lose healthy looking, are made thinner and softer.

You should always remember to use protective gloves when working with household chemicals.

Proven methods for restoring damaged nails and hair

As mentioned above, if the reasons lie deep and are internal in nature, then it is useless to do anything externally. What is meant is that cosmetic procedures there will be no help to correct the situation.

If the reasons are not serious, then it is worth taking some measures to restore your curls and nails.

DIY hair care

There are a lot of useful and effective advice which will help stop their loss. Previously, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers were only folk remedies saved their curls. The recipes are not complicated and you can easily make them yourself at home. The most common means used to prepare infusions and masks are:

And this is not the entire list of funds that have therapeutic effect, used in recipes for life-giving masks.

Anti-hair loss mask based on burdock oil

This mask will help strengthen the roots, increase blood flow to the scalp, and nourish weakened strands, as a result of which they will stop crumbling, and vitality, shine and beauty will return to them. You need to do this mask twice a week for a month.

To prepare it, you need to mix two tablespoons of oil and onion juice thoroughly with egg yolk. The resulting mass must be rubbed into the scalp and distributed over damp strands. Wrap your head in plastic and a terry towel and walk like this for a couple of hours. After which you should rinse your hair well and rinse with water and lemon juice.

Onion and aloe mask

This “grandmother’s” recipe is very effective and can eliminate hair loss and strengthen hair follicles. To prepare it, you need to use young aloe leaves up to three years old, or buy aloe extract in ampoules at the pharmacy.

It is necessary to mix onion and aloe juices in equal proportions with burdock oil and liquid honey. Rub the resulting mask into the roots, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. Leave for one and a half to two hours and rinse with warm water, then rinse with water and lemon to eliminate the smell of onions.

Resuscitation of nails with folk remedies

When they peel off, you can help them become well-groomed and strong. Everyone knows folk recipes will help you deal with this. The results will be immediate. You just need to complete the course of procedures.

Sea salt baths

So, the most common and frequently used method is ordinary warm sea salt baths, which can be bought at the pharmacy. It is enough to dissolve one teaspoon of salt in one glass. warm water. It is better to take baths before bed, sitting in front of the TV watching your favorite series. Two to three times a week will be enough.

Gelatin baths

A good effect will follow from such baths after the first two procedures. It will take less than a tablespoon regular gelatin and a glass hot water. Gelatin should be diluted in this water, and the nails should be kept in the warm solution for 10-15 minutes.


The main causes of hair loss and brittle nails


Vitamin deficiency is another common cause. Vitamins such as A, B, C, E, biotin, inositol and folic acid necessary to ensure normal blood circulation in the scalp and the formation of healthy subcutaneous fat, which is necessary for work to reduce the harmful effects of free radicals, ultraviolet radiation, smoke and pollution environment directly affecting the condition of the skin and nails.

The effect of stress on the condition of hair and nails

  • Stress is the most common reason that negatively affects not only the physical and psychological state, but also causes various dermatological problems, such as acne, brittle nails, hair loss, etc.
  • Elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol cause increased sweating, which leads to excessive oily skin scalp and hair loss.
  • Brittle nails are external manifestation stress, which often occurs due to bad habit- nervously biting your nails.
  • Also, the habit of nervously rubbing your fingers over the thumbnail leads to distortion of the nail plate, and subsequently to brittle nails.


Hyperthyroidism is a hormonal disorder caused by overproduction of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Since hormones have a big impact on hair follicles, then hair loss and brittle nails may occur due to changes in hormone levels.

Different types of radiation

Radiation therapy and chemotherapy not only kill rapidly growing cancer cells, but also affect healthy and normal cells body. This may cause various problems such as hair loss, yellowing and brittle nails, skin rashes and etc.


Iron deficiency anemia is a disease that develops when there is a lack of healthy red blood cells. These cells have the function of delivering oxygen and iron to all parts of the body, hence iron deficiency can lead to brittle nails and hair loss.

What to do if you have excessive hair loss and brittle nails?

One of the best ways overcoming this problem is to learn to live freely, without stress and tension.

  • Using hand lotions and choosing to wear gloves when washing dishes will go a long way to preventing brittleness and splitting of your nails. It will also be useful to do a regular nail manicure using special varnishes for treatment. When choosing nail polishes and nail polish remover, you need to choose products good quality from a reliable brand.
  • Treatment for hair loss with oily scalp may include something as simple as frequent washing heads. This reduces the level of subcutaneous fat, which contains quite high levels of dihydrotestosterone and testosterone, which directly affect the hair follicles. Positive Impact Provides regular scalp massages and hair masks.

Everything you need to know about hair loss...

All girls want to look great, regardless of age and social status. But sometimes desires alone are not enough. Thus, an insufficiently balanced diet can lead to a severe deficiency of vitamins or minerals, which can quickly affect the appearance. Sometimes it is possible to determine exactly what the body needs only by description characteristic symptoms. So, what is missing if your hair falls out and your nails break?

What does the body lack if hair falls out??

At in full health hair is shiny appearance, seem elastic and flowing, shimmer beautifully in the sun. If they begin to crumble, perhaps the reason for this is a deficiency of certain nutrients.

So, hair loss in the background unpleasant sensation dryness and constant itching of the skin clearly indicates a deficiency in the body of tocopherol, also known as vitamin E. It is not so difficult to provide cells and tissues with it; you need to saturate your diet with nuts and seeds, add unrefined vegetable oils to your food daily (without feeding them heat treatment).

If your hair is falling out and your scalp suffers from dermatitis, the culprit may be unpleasant symptoms– vitamin A, or rather, its deficiency. This element is extremely important for maintaining the full structural condition of the hair roots, as well as hair follicles. The caviar and liver of fish, as well as all kinds of animals, are rich in this substance. Vitamin A is also present in chicken eggs and cheese, quality butter and cottage cheese with high level fat content You can also get it from vegetables or fruits (in the form of beta-carotene), for example, from carrots, broccoli, green salad, pumpkin and melon.

Perhaps your hair is falling out due to constant stress. Then, to preserve your hair, you need to saturate your diet with B vitamins, especially thiamine. After all, this substance can provide protection against stressful situations, preventing and eliminating hair loss. You can saturate your body with thiamine by including sprouted wheat grains and bran in your menu, as well as various greens and liver.

Also, hair loss may depend on sufficient consumption of:

Vitamin B2, which can support health and vitality hair;
- vitamin B3, also known as niacin, because without it, hair follicles do not receive enough nutrients;
- vitamin B5, its lack is fraught with disruption of the structure of hair roots and curls in general;
- vitamin B7, also known as biotin, without which hair weakens, falls off and becomes unviable;
- vitamin B8, which is also called inositol, and without which the processes of absorption of other nutrients are greatly impaired;
- vitamin B12, without which hair roots experience oxygen starvation.

Many trichologists say that if you experience hair loss, you should reconsider your diet, analyzing whether you are consuming enough animal protein.

It would also be a good idea to organize the required amount of vitamin C in the menu by including citrus fruits in the diet, bell pepper, currants, rose hips, etc. As for minerals, it is extremely important to consume a sufficient amount of zinc for strong hair. Oysters are especially rich in this product, but you can get it in the required volume You can also use liver, seeds (sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, flaxseed), nuts, egg yolks, lentils, hard cheese, etc.

Another important mineral for hair is the well-known iron. Veal and beef can be excellent sources of it. different types liver, as well as pomegranate with beets, raisins, spinach and prunes.

In addition, when faced with hair loss, take care of sufficient intake of silicon and sulfur, calcium and selenium, and iodine and magnesium.

If your nails peel, crack and bend, what is missing??

Healthy, strong and beautiful nails depend on an adequate supply of many nutrients.

Vitamin A is extremely important for the growth of strong nail plates. When it is deficient, nails become brittle, easily burst, and dry out. Keep in mind that consumption of alcohol and caffeine significantly complicates the absorption of this vitamin by the body.

A deficiency of B vitamins leads to thinning and brittle nails. White streaks may appear on them, nail growth may slow down, and the cuticle may become rough.

Insufficient intake of vitamin C also leads to the appearance of white spots on the nail plate; in addition, with such a deficiency, it can become covered with grooves, depressions and seals.

If the body lacks vitamin E, nails slow down, dry out and break easily.

With a deficiency of vitamin PP, nails lose their attractiveness, acquire a gray-dirty tint or yellowness, and appear dull.

If you don't consume enough zinc, nail plate may peel, break, change its usual shape and become covered with white spots.

Quite often, nails break due to a lack of calcium. Also, a deficiency of this mineral leads to unpleasant delamination of the nail plate.

It is quite difficult to find out which factor led to the deterioration of hair and nails. Therefore, to solve problems that arise, it would be a good idea to consult with your doctor about the advisability of using multivitamin complexes.