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What is diabetes mellitus? Video: diet to lower blood sugar

A person’s well-being and functional activity of many organs and systems depend on a person’s nutrition. It is especially important to monitor the diet of sick people, because their body is weakened and vulnerable. In the case of diabetes mellitus, diet correction is one of the key components of comprehensive treatment. There are certain blood sugar-lowering foods that can help you keep your diabetes under control, and sometimes even without taking medications (for example, if we're talking about about the uncomplicated course of type 2 diabetes).

General information about the effect of food on glucose levels

When food enters the body, under the action of enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract, it breaks down to the smallest components, and some nutrients from it is absorbed into the blood. For patients monitoring their glycemia (blood glucose levels), it is important to know percentage in a dish of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It is carbohydrates that influence the rate at which blood sugar rises, and proteins and fats can indirectly influence this process.

The indicator by which the carbohydrate load of food is assessed is glycemic index(GI). For pure glucose it is equal to 100 units, and for dishes that do not contain sugar at all, the GI is 0. All dishes can be divided into 3 groups:

  • foods with high GI (70 – 100);
  • dishes with average GI (40 – 69);
  • low GI food (0 – 39).

If you have diabetes, you can only include in your diet those foods that have a low or medium carbohydrate load. They don't call sharp fluctuations blood glucose levels and are safe for the pancreas. There are also certain products that help the body reduce blood glucose levels relatively quickly and maintain them at normal levels in the future.

Different groups of foods used to combat diabetes

Many diabetics wonder what foods lower blood sugar levels and in what form is it best to eat them? Mainly green vegetables, some fruits, seafood and lean fish. By eating them regularly, you can reduce your sugar levels and improve your well-being.

Almost all vegetables have a low or medium glycemic index. Therefore, doctors recommend them as the basis for drawing up treatment menu diabetic. The most effective products Green vegetables are traditionally considered to lower blood sugar. They contain a minimal amount of carbohydrates, but at the same time have a lot of fiber and useful vitamins, pigments and minerals.

Broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, and asparagus should be present on the patient’s table as often as possible. In addition to green vegetables, peppers, eggplants, pumpkins and tomatoes are good for lowering blood sugar. These products are best consumed raw or baked; they can also be steamed. Seasonal vegetables that were grown in the local climate without the use of nitrates and chemical fertilizers are especially useful for patients. Such products are better absorbed by the body, and the likelihood that they can cause some kind of allergic reaction or worsen the functioning of the pancreas, is minimal.

Vegetables are an excellent side dish for lean meat or fish. When preparing them, you need to use as little salt as possible, since it retains water in the body and causes swelling.

Vegetables not only help lower blood sugar, but also help cleanse the intestines and lose weight.


Some of the delicious fruits can not only diversify a diabetic’s usual diet, but also lower glycemia. Some of the healthiest fruits in this regard are citrus fruits, because they have a low glycemic index and contain a lot of plant fiber. Citrus fruits also contain a large number of vitamins and minerals.

Oranges slow down the absorption of sugar into the blood, and lemons slightly reduce the harm from foods high in sugar and fat. Therefore, in meat and fish dishes, and also useful to add to salads lemon juice instead of salt (besides, giving up salt is one of the effective ways development prevention hypertension and edema).

Moderate consumption of grapefruits can increase tissue sensitivity to insulin, since the pulp of these fruits contains compounds that reduce insulin resistance.

However, you should not overuse grapefruits, since in large quantities this fruit can provoke the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Avocado, which, despite its taste, is also a fruit, contains a lot of fiber and pectin. Introducing this product into your diet helps reduce sugar, but due to its high nutritional value, it should be consumed in moderation. Other useful foods for lowering blood sugar are apples and pears. They have a low glycemic index, they contain many vitamins and coarse dietary fiber, preventing the rapid absorption of simple sugars into the blood. Despite the fact that these fruits mainly contain glucose and fructose, their moderate consumption does not provoke surges and rises in blood sugar. You can eat apples and pears raw or baked, and you can also make compote from them. The main thing is to brew the drink without sugar.

When cooking compote, it is better to do without sweeteners, because they can destroy the structure of vitamins and other biologically useful active substances, which are in drying

Fish and seafood

Fish and seafood at regular use effectively reduce blood glucose levels and maintain general health body. Shrimp, mussels, squid, octopus are nutritious and delicious products, which have a very low glycemic index (on average it is 5 units). They nourish the patient's body essential vitamins and microelements, they contain a lot of phosphorus, iron, magnesium and selenium. Seafood helps normalize activity nervous system, they lower cholesterol and protect the gastric mucosa from inflammatory diseases.

When eating these products, it is important to remember the most gentle ways to prepare them. If you have diabetes, you can only eat seafood boiled, steamed or baked. During cooking, you need to add as little salt as possible to them, and to improve the taste, it is better to use aromatic herbs (parsley, dill, basil) and garlic. Marinated or fried seafood with generous amounts of vegetable oil It is not recommended to use in diabetes because they impair the functioning of the pancreas, negatively affect the liver and, on the contrary, contribute to an increase in cholesterol in the blood.

Canned seafood can only be eaten if it is cooked in its own juice without the addition of harmful preservatives and fat. The fact is that many canned foods add different chemical substances to extend shelf life. Therefore, it is better to use frozen or fresh seafood and cook it yourself at home.

Fish is one of the healthiest foods for diabetics. It belongs to products that lower blood sugar levels and at the same time provides the body with all the necessary substances.

The healthiest varieties for diabetics are low-fat varieties of sea and river fish.

Thanks to its rich chemical composition, such food helps improve tissue sensitivity to insulin, normalize the functioning of the nervous system and digestion. Not in the pulp fatty varieties fish contains large amounts of phosphorus, nicotinic and folic acids, which are necessary for normal functioning body. It contains very little sugar (there is practically none), so eating such fish does not provoke sharp changes blood glucose levels.

Among fatty fish, it is advisable for diabetics to eat only red fish (trout or salmon). It contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol. You need to eat red fish 1 – 2 times a week, and it should not be salted or smoked. Fish – excellent dietary product, which is suitable even for those diabetics who suffer from excess weight.

Features of nutrition during pregnancy

If an increase in blood sugar in a woman is first detected during pregnancy, then treatment, as a rule, consists only of normalizing the diet. Such patients should absolutely not take pills that lower sugar, and insulin is prescribed only in the most dangerous clinical situations. The main way to reduce sugar for a woman expecting a baby is to switch to proper nutrition.

When choosing foods for the daily diet, a patient with gestational diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance is better to give preference to vegetables and cereals with a low carbohydrate load. What types of vegetables are most useful for problems with the endocrine system? When choosing them, you can focus on the glycemic index and calorie content, which is indicated in Table 1.

Table 1. Glycemic index and calorie content of vegetables

Dishes must contain slow carbohydrates, which are complex in their structure and take a long time to be absorbed into the blood. At the same time, it is important that there is a sufficient amount of protein in food, since it is building material. Products should contain many vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and other minerals.

You cannot sharply cut your diet, reduce calories and maintain long breaks between meals. A pregnant woman's menu should include meat, fish, seasonal fruits, cheese, nuts and other permitted healthy dishes that do not increase glycemic levels. Before compiling sample menu Such patients need, in addition to visiting an endocrinologist, to additionally consult with a supervising gynecologist.

Correction of sugar levels with high cholesterol

In general, the diet recommended for patients with increased level blood sugar, is also suitable for those patients who suffer from atherosclerosis. The basis of the diet to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar should be vegetables with a low glycemic index and a large amount of vitamins. But there are certain products that most effectively combat the manifestations of atherosclerosis. Here is a sample list of them:

  • oranges;
  • eggplant;
  • seafood;
  • red bell pepper;
  • carrot;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic.

Oranges are a low-calorie and very healthy product. 100 g of this fruit contains 36 kcal, and its GI is 40-45 units. The pulp of the fruit is rich in fiber, which normalizes activity digestive tract and promotes weight loss. Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels: it strengthens them inner wall and reduces fragility.

These citrus fruits cleanse the blood not only of cholesterol, but also of accumulated toxic metabolic products. Oranges tone the body, give a person a sense of energy and improve his mood. They contain quite a lot of potassium and pectin. Fresh fruit juice is also beneficial, but it contains less coarse dietary fiber, so it is better for overweight patients to give preference to whole fruits. Diabetics who have diabetes should not eat oranges or drink their juice. inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract, since in this case they can cause exacerbation chronic pathologies and abdominal pain.

Eggplants are tasty and nutritious vegetables that are low in calories and very rich in chemical composition. Their glycemic index is only 10 units. Eggplants are normalized water exchange in the body, they have a lot of potassium (it strengthens the heart muscle and cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol deposits). This vegetable contains iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium.

Eggplant pulp contains substances that remove salt accumulations uric acid from the body. This is very healthy vegetable, which reduces cholesterol, sugar and improves the well-being of diabetics even with gout

What foods lower blood sugar the fastest? Unfortunately, there are no vegetables or fruits that can normalize insulin production and lower glucose levels in a short time. Any food (even the most healthy and natural) acts slowly and smoothly. In addition to rational nutrition the patient must adhere to other recommendations of the endocrinologist. And, of course, you should not eat harmful sweet foods, trying to reduce their harm with foods that reduce glycemia.

Regardless of the type of diabetes, nutrition is key to maintaining normal level blood glucose. No one medicinal method treatment will not give the desired result if the patient neglects the recommended diet. But if he eats as many healthy foods as possible that help lower glycemic levels, the treatment will become more effective. For type 1 diabetes, of course, you still cannot do without insulin injections, but this approach can help reduce the amount of hormone administered and the frequency of injections.

Hello dear readers. High level of glucose in human blood (or, as people say, high sugar) is very dangerous. It is accompanied by weakness, loss of vision, and is characterized by very slow recovery skin after wounds. If these symptoms appear, you should urgently go for an examination and check for diabetes or other pathologies. By various reasons Insulin begins to be synthesized little, so the body experiences a shortage of it. As a result, there arises diabetes, which must be treated as a serious pathology and normalization of sugar must be achieved. Eat simple methods normalization of sugar. Sucrose molecules, while in the gastrointestinal tract, break down into glucose and fructose parts. These molecules are individually absorbed into the blood. A similar physiological mechanism is designed by the body to provide nutrition to the brain. It only accepts glucose, which gives it the energy it needs.

But when this substance comes in excess, it accumulates in the liver, muscles and other organs

Over time, excess sugar leads to diseases - hypertension, gout, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and others.

The reason for this is simple: the functioning of the pancreas is getting worse, and it produces fewer hormones. As a result, serious pathologies develop.

Average blood glucose levels range from 3.3-5.5 mmol/l (in the elderly, the upper value reaches 6.1 mmol/l).

In the event of a lack of this important carbohydrate (hypoglycemia), disruptions in feeding the brain are observed.

Because of this, the patient’s hands shake, he loses consciousness, a feeling of delirium appears, and he has severe hunger. Further, if no action is taken, a hypoglycemic coma begins.

As for hyperglycemia (excessive blood sugar levels), it is typical for a short period of time after a person has eaten - this is the norm.

The body usually releases insulin in a short time and brings all indicators in order. But if sugar remains at a high level for a long period of time, there is cause for alarm.

Elevated blood sugar levels are often found in patient tests, because diabetes is one of the most common and progressive diseases.

To get rid of this problem, it is important to carry out complex treatment. It includes taking “sugar-lowering” medications, hormones, and other medications, as well as impeccably following the diet prescribed by the doctor.

Often all this is combined with the use of particularly effective folk remedies and regular physical exercise.

But the most main principle one - it is necessary to sharply reduce the intake of sweets into the body. Then he will perceive other useful substances with greater efficiency.

Blood sugar - diet principles for normalizing sugar

If you create a menu correctly and stick to it, you can stabilize the amount of sugar in your blood.

You need to eat certain foods that contain a number of microelements and vitamins that promote insulin production.

This improves efficiency general therapy. Following the rules of the diet can significantly normalize sugar levels, but you need to be aware of some points.

  1. Select dishes for your menu that have a low insulin response (contain few carbohydrates and fats): foods with lots of proteins, vegetables, legumes.
  1. Eat vegetables and foods with fiber. With its help, some sugar is removed from the blood and neutralized. Fiber contains walnuts and flaxseeds.
  1. Reduced to a bare minimum saturated fats in the diet, as they develop a condition in which natural insulin is not accepted.
  1. Stop consuming sugar, sweets, juices and other foods containing a lot of glucose.
  1. For cooking sunflower oil replace with olive oil. It is known for lowering sugar by increasing the sensitivity of body cells to insulin.
  1. It is necessary to increase the number of meals. At least three large meals every day and three snacks would be optimal. At the same time, you need to eat little and not overeat.
  1. An important factor in the fight against excess glucose is the amount of water you drink. It should be around 2 liters (drinks are not suitable, you need water), or even more.


Not everyone can achieve lower blood sugar through diet alone. Therefore, you need to be prepared to take medications.

Even if the increase in sugar is minimal, doctors will still prescribe drug therapy. Usually it consists of using one of the following groups of drugs!

— Agents that stimulate a positive cell response to insulin. These include Glucophage, Siofor, Actos.

— Products that stimulate production more gland hormone. These are Diabeton MV, Maninil, Amaryl.

— Means that prevent excess carbohydrates from entering the body — Bayetta, Glucobay.

These drugs should not be prescribed to yourself or self-medicated. Experienced doctor Based on a detailed diagnosis, he is able to prescribe the correct treatment.

If you try to use drugs of your own free will, you can get serious problems with the body and even worsen the situation.

In addition, without exception, all “glucose-lowering” drugs have their own contraindications, which must be taken into account when prescribing:

— Pregnancy, lactation.

- Diabetic coma.

— Diseases excretory system and kidneys.

- Heart failure, stroke, heart attack.

- Allergy to drug components, as well as individual intolerance.

Fight sugar with exercise

If the patient has constant weakness and ailments due to excess sugar, this situation can be corrected with the help of physical exercise. We are talking only about minor excesses.

If your blood sugar level is off the charts (for example, about 16 mmol/l), you must first lower it and then practice physical exercise. You are interested in a question. If there is blood sugar, how to reduce it at home? The answer is to exercise.

During physical activity, muscles need a lot of glucose, so they burn it at an increased rate.

In parallel with this, cholesterol is also destroyed, which leads to normalization blood pressure and improvement general condition organism in the medium term.

To burn excess glucose, begin simple exercises, during which you perform 10-15 repetitions of one exercise per approach.

Rest time between exercises is up to 1 minute.

  1. Triceps curl. Take dumbbells in your hands and lower them to the level of your hips, and then lift them, simultaneously bending your arms and turning your palms towards your shoulders (that is, up). Next, they lower their hands, making the same movements in reverse order. The movement of the dumbbells should be slow and controlled in both directions.
  1. Shoulder press. Hands along with dumbbells are raised at ear level, keeping them bent at 90 degrees. This is the starting position. Then they straighten their arms and lift them up together with the dumbbells, after which they return them back.
  1. Classic crunch. Lie on your back and place your hands behind your head. For convenience, the knees are bent and the elbows are straightened to the sides. They begin to bend their torso so that the abdominal muscles tense and upper area her back was lifted off the floor. Having reached the maximum point, lower the body to the starting position just as slowly.
  1. Plank. Lie on your stomach (face down), position your arms so that your elbows are under your shoulders. Next, the whole body is raised so that it rests only on the toes of straightened toes and bent elbows. They try to hold out as long as possible, after which they slowly return to their starting position.

How to lower blood sugar at home using folk remedies

Traditional recipes recommend using chicory to reduce glucose levels. Plant raw materials in the form of roots will increase blood circulation, increase the internal strength of the body, and give it additional energy. In addition, it contains a natural analogue of insulin.

To make the drink, you need to grind 2 tablespoons of pharmaceutical chicory and brew them in 0.5 liters of boiling water for 10 minutes. Next, the resulting decoction is filtered and half a glass of the drink is consumed three times a day. Thanks to the use of this remedy, blood sugar is reduced.

More complex drugs that fight glucose are also used.

A decoction based on bean pods, with burdock root, and an infusion of partitions gives a good effect walnut and other types of raw materials.

Below are the most effective herbs, which normalize the amount of glucose in the blood:






Bay leaf.


Foods that help lower blood sugar

There are a number of products, the introduction of which into the diet in the medium term leads to normalization of sugar in the body.

They are usually included in the “sugar-lowering” diet prescribed by doctors. Knowing them allows you to make your diet correct and safer.

These products can be used long before the body reaches the state of diabetes.

List of sugar-lowering foods:

- carrot;

- corn;

- spinach;

- zucchini;

- olives;

- beet;

— seafood;

- black currant;

- whole grains;


- grapefruit;

- Jerusalem artichoke;

- legumes;

- celery;

- cinnamon;

- avocado;

- rabbit;

- garlic and onions;

- chicken.

When taking foods that lower blood sugar, do not forget about folk remedies And medicines that your doctor prescribed for you.

Often, if blood sugar is elevated, then you should carefully monitor your diet, daily routine, rest and wakefulness, and medication intake.

To normalize your sugar levels, it is not enough to diversify your diet. healthy products. You also need to give up prohibited foods that cause a surge in glucose.

And this is sugar, sweets (honey, cookies, sweets, candies), and other products. If you really like sweets and are not obese, your doctor will sometimes only allow you to consume it in moderation and a little dark chocolate as an exception.

To normalize the amount of glucose in the body, you need to exclude baked goods, fruits, dried fruits, freshly squeezed juices, vegetables in pickles and marinades.

To achieve optimal values ​​in reducing sugar, reduce the amount of potatoes in your diet, butter, dairy and fermented milk products, fatty types meat.

All of these substances cause a surge and excess of glucose, so their intake must be limited.

Read articles on the topic:

general doctor.

Every diabetic strives to put off taking medications for as long as possible and find more natural methods of treatment.

Let's talk about food products that lower blood sugar levels in diabetes, which of them really reduce glucose, how quickly and effectively (table list).

By adjusting your daily diet and menu, the biochemical indicators of glycemia improve. At the end of the article there is an opportunity to download a list of food products.

Can foods burn blood sugar?

Man sick serious illness, like diabetes, begins an active search for ways to get rid of the disease. You can hear so many methods for treating diabetes!

People with diabetes think that consuming foods that lower blood sugar will keep their blood sugar levels within normal limits without taking pills. This must be disappointing another myth. Products that lower or reduce this indicator are correctly called products that do NOT raise it.

We get a substitution of concepts. Pay attention to the expressions “products that reduce...” and “products that do not increase...”, they are completely different. In the first case, food claims to be a medicine, and in the second, it claims to be a deterrent. If these products were like medicine, then there would probably be instructions on the dose, regimen...

But there is no information on how to eat cabbage or Jerusalem artichoke correctly and in what quantity. I think it is clear what is meant, and seductive appeals and advertising that promise to get rid of diabetes with the help of food will not have an effect on those reading the article.

At the same time, it is necessary to separate food and herbal medicine, which is part of the treatment. For example,

While preparing the material for the article, I studied what was written on other resources. Unfortunately, many authors attribute superpowers to foods that, due to their composition, are simply not capable of raising blood glucose to a high level, for example, broccoli or a cutlet. Does this mean that they treat diabetes and normalize this blood count?

I was surprised by the idea that buckwheat, which has almost 68 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams, can normalize glycemia in diabetes. It would be interesting to hear the answer to the question “Where do cereal carbohydrates go if a person’s blood already contains high concentration glucose? There is no buckwheat to lower blood sugar!

Foods that do not affect glycemia

Let's figure out what food products exist that do not increase blood glucose levels or do so only slightly, which means they can be consumed in relatively unlimited quantities. Which foods burn blood sugar and which do the opposite? The answer is simple, like everything ingenious. You need to refer to the glycemic index table.

After all, all those foods that were presented as normalizing foods are nothing more than foods with a low glycemic index. I wrote about this in an article.

Conventionally, diabetes is divided into types 1 and 2, although there are many more types. Everything that is written here is only suitable for type 2 sweet disease, for pregnant women with gestational diabetes or other carbohydrate disorders.

Why foods will never lower blood sugar in people with type 1 diabetes

Such people have an absolute deficiency of their own insulin, unlike type 2. And all foods containing carbohydrates, even slowly and poorly digestible ones, raise blood glucose. For example, raw carrots have a GI of 30, which would seem ideal and eat as much as you want.

But carrots contain 7 g of carbohydrates per 100 g and these eaten carbohydrates will still cause a rise sooner or later. Therefore, a person with type 1 diabetes needs to count every gram of carbohydrate in order to achieve good compensation for the disease.

Moreover, even foods such as meat or fish can also increase glucose levels, but after a few hours. This occurs due to gluconeogenesis - the process of formation of glucose molecules from amino acids of eaten proteins. That is why a low-carbohydrate diet for this category of citizens does not give excellent results and does not require insulin injections. But it allows you to significantly reduce doses and make control easier.

Table of foods that do not increase blood glucose

Download the complete table of foods with different glycemic indices. And look at how many foods that can be consumed by type 2 diabetes and pregnant women with carbohydrate disorders, with little or no thought about the level of glucose in the blood.

Please note that there are no fruits that lower blood sugar. They don't exist at all. Almost all fruits not only do not reduce it, but greatly increase it. Mostly vegetables are the very foods that supposedly lower blood glucose.

A new article has been published on the blog. Follow the link and find out how to eat sweet berries correctly.

Below I provide a list of foods with only low glycemic index, full version you can view it by downloading the table to your computer. Let me remind you that low GI includes foods from 0 to 35.

Low glycemic index foods

Thus, in order to normalize glycemic levels, and at the same time cholesterol and blood pressure levels, you need to give preference to foods with a low and medium glycemic index, even more so with low than medium. As you can see, everyone’s favorite buckwheat or oatmeal is not among them)) As a result, you get a low-carb diet that really works.

If these foods predominate in your diet, the load on the pancreas will be reduced, which means that it will be able to produce a certain amount of insulin itself, which may lead to a reduction in the dose of medications taken and a natural decrease in glycemic levels. Isn't this what we are striving for in diabetes treatment?

Fiber that lowers blood sugar

Now I’ll tell you about some foods that will be useful for a person with type 2 diabetes in matters of glycemic control, because a person with type 1 can eat almost anything, provided there is an adequate dose of insulin. For a patient with the second, everything is a little more complicated, since food for him is a factor influencing the causes of diabetes, namely, excess weight and insulin resistance.

Very often I came across information about the use of products containing fiber as a sugar-lowering agent. These include almost all vegetables: all types of cabbage, Jerusalem artichoke or earthen pear, cucumbers, tomatoes, Bell pepper, spinach, greens, avocado, eggplant, zucchini, pumpkin, lettuce, etc.

In fact, the fiber that is included in these products does not have a hypoglycemic effect. Fiber delays the absorption of glucose from the intestine, thereby releasing glucose into the blood gradually and in smaller quantities. That's the whole secret of the sugar-lowering effect of this product.

But do not rush to forget about this most valuable component of food. Indeed, in addition to delaying the absorption of carbohydrates, fiber performs a number of useful functions. For example, soluble fiber is an excellent food for the beneficial bacteria of the large intestine, and insoluble fiber is an excellent brush that sweeps away excess.

In pursuit of beneficial properties Don't forget that fiber is present in large quantities in any grain, legumes and all fruits. And the listed products have very high level carbohydrates included. Therefore, be sure to pay attention!

Spices and normalization of blood glucose

I wonder where spices should be classified: as medicinal substances or as food products? I think it’s better to classify it as food. There are many recipes on the Internet for lowering blood glucose levels by adding spices to food, such as ginger, turmeric, onions, garlic, etc.

Specialists in folk medicine they are said to be able to lower blood sugar levels. But this effect is mediated through the provision of an antioxidant effect by these products, an effect on lipid spectrum, weight loss. Honestly, I looked through a lot of sites in search of at least one worth the recipe and didn’t find it.

Everywhere general information, what they say helps, and how much of what to take, what to mix with, and in what proportions, and how to use... Therefore, I will say this, just use these seasonings more often in your daily diet, so you will get not only the rich taste of food, but also the beneficial substances included into their composition.

Popular questions about the influence of foods on glycemic levels

What fruits lower blood sugar?

None. Avocado can slightly increase this indicator, while other fruits increase glucose very strongly. I recommend using it in limited quantities and individually.

Vodka and other alcohol lowers glucose

Green tea, coffee and other drinks normalize glycemia

I doubt it's real green tea and coffee have this quality. There is nothing in them that could contribute to this.

Lemon and ginger burn sugar: true or false

See the answer about green tea.

More proper diet for type 2 diabetes I described in the article. Follow the link to learn more about how to eat with this disease.

Kefir and diabetes

Kefir is made from milk and contains about 4.7 g of carbohydrates per 100 g. It is believed that kefir is a carbohydrate product and in people with type 1 diabetes it necessarily requires counting and insulin injections. Do you think kefir can lower blood carbohydrates?

Is there buckwheat to reduce blood sugar?

No, even a green version of it. This is a purely carbohydrate product and very intensively raises the biochemical indicator. You can check it yourself by eating 100 grams of ready-made buckwheat porridge on an empty stomach.

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Lebedeva Dilyara Ilgizovna


Following a diet for diabetes and changing lifestyle are no less important components successful therapy diseases than drug treatment. The blood sugar level in type 2 diabetes mellitus varies significantly depending on what foods are consumed. Some foods are suitable for lowering blood sugar, while others increase it. Because of this, diabetics often wonder which foods lower blood sugar quickly and how to consume them correctly for maximum effectiveness. All sugar-lowering products can be divided into several groups.

Operating principle

When answering the question of which foods lower blood sugar levels, it is important to understand the principle of the effect of food on blood sugar in type 2 diabetes. Every food product contains carbohydrates (in greater or lesser quantities). It is they, when they enter the body, that are processed into glucose, which is then absorbed into the blood and must be delivered to the cells with the help of insulin. In diabetics, this does not happen due to a lack of insulin. As a result, it accumulates in the body and increases sugar.

Thus, the answer to the question of which foods lower blood sugar levels is ambiguous. In fact, they don't exist. Eat medicinal herbs, lowering blood sugar, but products that help lower sugar have not yet been discovered. For a product to have no effect on glucose levels, it must contain no carbohydrates at all, and such dishes do not exist. But there are those that contain so few carbohydrates that they are not able to influence the glucose level in the body. But they also lack sugar-lowering properties.

Every diabetic is familiar with the glycemic index. It shows how strongly eating foods affects blood glucose. The lower this indicator, the less carbohydrates the food contains, and the less effect it has on the course of diabetes. This index is a fundamental indicator in the formation of a diet. Honey and sugar have a high index. TO low indexes These include those indicators that range from 30 to 40 units (for example, nuts have 20). For some sweet fruits this figure is in the range of 55 – 65 units. This is a high index and those who have type 2 diabetes should not eat such dishes.

Another feature of nutrition for diabetes is that only type 2 diabetes requires careful adherence to the diet. In the first form of the disease, there is no need to limit yourself in the choice of dishes. The consumption of any, even high-carbohydrate, food can be compensated for by an insulin injection.


When wondering what foods lower blood sugar, most people think of vegetables. Most of them have a low glycemic index and therefore do not negatively affect the sugar content. Exceptions are vegetables and fruits rich in starch.

Indeed, doctors recommend that diabetics eat more vegetables. This depends not only on the fact that they reduce blood sugar levels, but also on their positive impact in other directions. In particular, regular consumption of vegetables helps to normalize weight, which is useful for type 2 diabetes, since obesity can be the cause and consequence of this disease. Vegetables are low in calories.

In addition, they have a positive effect on metabolism, and due to the low amount of glucose they contain, they provide little energy. The body is forced to convert into energy for motor activity glucose already present in it.

In addition, vegetables are indirectly beneficial for lowering blood sugar in type 2 diabetes because they provide the body with vitamins, minerals and fiber. For example, magnesium found in spinach directly reduces sugar in the body by speeding up glucose metabolism. Vegetables that lower sugar are listed below:

  1. Eggplant;
  2. Zucchini;
  3. Cabbage (cauliflower and white cabbage);
  4. Cucumbers;
  5. Radish;
  6. Turnip;
  7. Salad;
  8. Celery;
  9. Bell pepper;
  10. Asparagus;
  11. Tomatoes;
  12. Jerusalem artichoke;
  13. Pumpkin;
  14. Beans;
  15. Horseradish;
  16. Garlic;
  17. Spinach.

If, when choosing a type of vegetable, the buyer is not sure which products can lower blood sugar, then there is a universal rule. Preference should be given to green vegetables with a mild taste and without a sweetish aftertaste (the only exceptions are those listed in the table).


In addition, when thinking about what foods lower blood sugar in type 2 diabetes, many people think of fruits, which can serve as a good alternative to dessert when avoiding sweets. However, with them everything is more complicated. Almost all fruits are prohibited for diabetics, as they contain quite a lot of glucose, which explains their sweet taste. Fruits that reduce blood sugar are characterized by glycemic indices of no more than 20 - 35 units. The table below includes the most healthy fruits and the type of their impact.

Fruits for diabetes

Product Action
Cherry Has antioxidant properties (does not allow oxidation results – free radicals, accumulate in the cell cavity and form insoluble bases there, which potentially contribute to the development of cancer). It contains a lot of plant fibers that are quickly and easily absorbed.
Lemons They contain rutin, limonene and vitamin C, which is why they can be considered fruits that lower blood sugar. These compounds neutralize the effects of foods with a high glycemic index.
Green apples with peel Stabilizes glucose levels, preventing its surges
Avocado Increases sensitivity to insulin. Rich in plant fibers, vitamins ( folic acid, especially useful during pregnancy), minerals (copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium). Also rich in protein.

What fruits are not yet contraindicated for type 2 diabetes? Despite the fact that most fruits are rich in glucose, citrus fruits are still recommended for consumption (in addition to lemons, grapefruits are useful).


At high sugar Fish is recommended in the blood. But you need to use it regularly (at least 8 times a month). These glucose-lowering products reduce the likelihood of the onset of the disease and its progression by 20 - 30% (when compared with those who do not eat fish regularly). Glucose in the body drops when eating such dishes.

However, if you have high blood sugar, you do not need to eat fried foods, as they contain harmful carcinogens and breakdown products, which it is advisable to exclude in case of diabetes. It is better to steam or boil the fish. You can also bake it in the oven.


Low-carbohydrate foods that lower blood sugar. Not many types of meat meet this requirement. That is why recommendations on how to lower blood sugar do not involve eating meat. But there are types whose use is permissible:

  1. Chicken breast boiled without skin;
  2. Boiled lean veal;
  3. Boiled turkey without skin.

Rest meat dishes, which increase blood sugar, should not be included in the diet. In small quantities, you can only eat lean boiled or steamed meat (optionally, baked in the oven).

Cereals, porridge

When talking about which foods lower blood sugar in type 2 diabetes, we need to talk about cereals - porridges and cereals. The products are rich in plant fibers, which help glucose to be absorbed and its excess to be excreted through the intestines.

Oatmeal effectively lowers blood sugar due to the fact that it is rich in easily digestible soluble fiber. Although excess fiber intake can cause complications with gastrointestinal tract, because it is poorly digested and causes constipation, oatmeal can be consumed in any quantity. This food, due to the fact that the fiber in it is soluble, not only lowers sugar in the body, but also has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Cereals that lower blood sugar contain a lot of plant fiber and do not contain sugars. Millet is one of these. There are studies showing that eating three servings of millet porridge per day can reduce the likelihood of the onset and progression of the disease by 25%, which is why it is a preferable diet for diabetics.

Other cereals that lower blood sugar are buckwheat and lentils. In general, cereals - good diet for diabetics and people predisposed to diabetes.

Additives to dishes

There are also spices and food additives that lower blood sugar levels when consumed regularly. The most effective is the popular cinnamon. It is used in coffee, tea, and some desserts. It is rich in magnesium, polyphenol and plant fibers, fiber. All this allows it to reduce glucose levels in the body. Therefore, it is important to use half a teaspoon of it daily (as part of dishes, as a seasoning, because in pure form The powder should not be consumed due to possible irritation of the mucous membranes). It is suitable for reducing sugar gradually.

A good way to lower blood sugar is to include ginger in your diet. It can be brewed, put into tea, or eaten fresh in salads. You should eat it with caution during pregnancy.

Flaxseed oil, with a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, is enriched with thiamine, magnesium, and phosphorus. Together, this helps lower glucose levels.

Other dishes

There are other foods that need to be mentioned when discussing which foods lower sugar. The list is given below:

  • Walnuts, pine nuts, peanuts, and almonds are rich in fiber, as are porridges. Rich in proteins, which slow down the absorption of sugar. Those patients who suffer from overweight bodies. Nuts are very high in calories (600 - 700 kcal depending on the type), and therefore can contribute to weight gain;
  • Another popular food that lowers blood sugar is legumes. This includes peas, beans, and lentils. They have a large amount of proteins, as a result of which they do not allow glucose to be absorbed. There are statistics showing that daily use one dish of legumes reduces the risk of developing the disease by 47%;
  • Seafood is a delicacy that does not raise blood sugar;
  • Mushrooms are rich in water and plant fibers, fiber, and therefore are suitable for lowering glucose levels in the body.

It is very important for diabetics to maintain a proper diet. However, it is not a panacea and the main way to combat this disease. It's important not to neglect drug therapy prescribed by an endocrinologist. This will avoid the development serious complications and progression of the disease.

In addition, the list of recommended products is not universal. Before using it, you should consult your doctor (we are talking about anyone - diabetics, people predisposed to the disease, trying to avoid it, etc.).


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The health of the body depends on many factors, one of them is proper nutrition, on which the proper functioning of the circulatory system depends. For people with blood disorders, diabetes or other diseases, it is always necessary to comply with the consumption of foods that regulate body functions.

What is blood sugar level

Circulatory system, saturated useful substances, distributes them throughout the body at the cellular level. The blood cell contains glucose, which feeds the rest of the human vital system. The percentage of glucose is called the blood sugar level. A person, consuming food with carbohydrates that are broken down in the stomach, receives energy in the form of glucose, and the liver is responsible for proper distribution, it is also the repository of this important element(accumulates or throws into right time).

A normal (constant) amount of glucose is important for the health of the body. The presence of diseases disrupts the processes of production, synthesis, and absorption of glucose. Blood sugar levels increase/decrease when:

Improper functioning of these body systems leads to diabetes. In such cases, it is necessary to adjust the diet. It is important to know which foods lower blood sugar, because, as a rule, every person, having learned about terrible diagnosis, panics. After some time, coming to his senses, he realizes that he can live full life, following simple rules and when prescribing a diet by a doctor. They are different for type 1 and type 2 diabetes:

  • low-carbohydrate diet for type 2 diabetes (25-30 kcal/kg body weight);
  • subcaloric – nutrition with high blood sugar (20-25 kcal/kg body weight).

General rules that everyone who has abnormal glucose levels follows:

  1. Calories should be distributed evenly throughout the day (5-6 meals). Approximate proportions 3:1:3:1:2. Repeated use will help avoid rapid increases.
  2. Mandatory fiber consumption.
  3. Minimize the presence of salt in food.
  4. Fats plant origin V daily ration– 40-50 percent.
  5. Alcohol intake – no more than 30 grams per day.
  6. Strictly avoid smoking.
  7. Enrich the menu with vitamins and minerals.

Sugar levels and glycemic index

Diet for diabetes directly affects glucose levels - high, normal, low. Any product has a glycemic index, which shows the dependence of the food consumed on increasing or decreasing sugar levels. The index depends on many factors:

  1. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  2. Method of preparation.
  3. Number of fibers.

It is difficult to determine the sugar level with accuracy, but there are rules and a list of products (from 5 to 50 units) that are recommended for diabetes. It is important to understand that any dish does not help lower blood sugar, but only prevents it from rising. Having become accustomed to nutrition and having understood the GI of foods, a diabetic can and should eat well.

What foods lower sugar

On the background effective treatment use the right products normalize glucose levels. In an adult, the norm is considered to be from 3.6 to 5.8 mmol/l. If you have symptoms, you must immediately check your sugar level, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, measure it every day in the morning on an empty stomach with a glucometer. After checking, it is recommended to create a menu for the day to avoid sharp increase sugar indicators. To do this, you need to know which foods lower blood sugar. A diet taking into account the glycemic index (GI) can be selected using tables.

Flour and grains

It is a misconception that porridges cooked even in water, especially oatmeal, are healthy and reduce sugar in diabetes: they contain from 50 to 80 GI units. Cooking methods flour products affect GI finished product, and doctors recommend being careful with baked goods and fried pies. White bread has the highest GI – 136 units.

Greens and vegetables

Kcal per 100 g

Basil, parsley

Lettuce and sauerkraut

Broccoli (raw)

Cabbage (raw)

Stewed cabbage)

Onion (raw)



Salted mushrooms

Green/red pepper

Fresh carrots

Boiled lentils

Eggplant caviar

Roasted cauliflower

Green olives

Black olives

Meat and poultry

Kcal per 100 g


Chicken breast


Beef lean

Beef tongue

Beef brains

Fried beef liver

Meat from other animals and birds must be cooked with care. More safe way- steam or boil. The disadvantage of consuming these foods is that an accurate test cannot be done to determine the GI. Doctors do not recommend introducing broths into the diet, unless the first one is drained (fatty). An exception is diseases that require increased nutrition (pneumonia, for example).

Fruits and berries

Kcal per 100 g


Black currant


Red currants





Sea ​​buckthorn




Yogurt 1.5%

Cow's milk

Cottage cheese (fat content 9%)


Sulguni cheese

Hard cheeses

Cream (fat content 10%)

Healthy foods for diabetes

Life does not consist of constant restrictions; it will certainly be sweetened with healthy and tasty foods for diabetics, approved by doctors. Here is a short list of those that tend to reduce sugar levels in the body:

  1. Ginger contains 400 useful components one of them is gingerol. It is able to absorb a percentage of glucose without the participation of insulin. It inhibits complications and stops the development of cataracts.
  2. Cinnamon - a combination of fiber, magnesium and polyphenols stabilizes sugar. After 3 weeks, the fruits of the plant reduce sugar by 20%.
  3. Walnut is a versatile food that is high in fiber and omegas. fatty acids, calcium, vitamin D.

Chicory and tea drinks perfectly tone the body, having a beneficial effect on all systems and blood sugar levels. Seafood has a beneficial effect on well-being in case of diabetes; their presence in the diet can be a lifesaver. Sweeteners - fructose, sorbitol or other sweeteners - are acceptable in moderate quantities; you can allow yourself some desserts based on them. Eat right, it will help bring life to life new level.

Video: diet to lower blood sugar