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Corvalol instructions for use analogues. Is Corvalol dangerous?

*registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (according to grls.rosminzdrav.ru)

Registration number:

LP 003225-290915

Trade name of the drug:


International nonproprietary or generic name:

Peppermint Leaf Oil + Phenobarbital + Ethyl Bromoisovalerate

Dosage form:


Composition per tablet:

Active substances: ethylbromoisovalerianate (ethyl ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid) – 8.20 mg, phenobarbital – 7.50 mg, peppermint leaf oil (mint pepper oil) – 0.58 mg.
Excipients: betadex (beta-cyclodextrin) – 55.55 mg, potato starch – 37.57 mg, lactose monohydrate (milk sugar) – 83.70 mg, magnesium aluminum metasilicate (neusilin UFL 2) – 4.00 mg, talc – 2.00 mg, magnesium stearate – 0.90 mg.

Description: Round, flat-cylindrical tablets of white or almost white color, interspersed, with a chamfer and a score.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATX code: .

Pharmacological properties

The combined drug has a sedative and antispasmodic effect, facilitating the onset of natural sleep.
Ethyl bromizovalerianate has a sedative and antispasmodic effect due to irritation, mainly of receptors in the oral cavity and nasopharynx, and a decrease in reflex excitability in central departments nervous system and increased inhibition in cortical neurons and subcortical structures of the brain, as well as a decrease in the activity of central vasomotor centers and a direct local antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles.
Phenobarbital has a sedative (in small doses), hypnotic, muscle relaxant and antispasmodic effects, helps reduce excitation of the central nervous system (CNS) and facilitates the onset of sleep, and enhances the sedative effect of other components.
Peppermint oil has a reflex vasodilating, antispasmodic, mild choleretic, antiseptic effect. The mechanism of action is associated with the ability to irritate “cold” receptors of the oral mucosa and reflexively dilate mainly the vessels of the heart and brain. Eliminates symptoms of flatulence due to irritation of mucosal receptors gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract), enhancing intestinal motility.

Data on the pharmacokinetics of ethyl bromoisovalerate and the components of peppermint are not available.
When taken orally, phenobarbital is absorbed slowly and completely. Maximum concentration in blood plasma is determined after 1-2 hours, the connection with plasma proteins is 50%, in newborns - 30-40%. Metabolized in the liver, induces microsomal liver enzymes with isoenzymes CYP3A4, CYP3A5, CYP3A7 (the rate of enzymatic reactions increases 10-12 times). Cumulates in the body. The half-life is 2-4 days. It is excreted by the kidneys in the form of glucuronide, about 25% unchanged. Penetrates breast milk and through the placental barrier.

Indications for use

As a symptomatic (sedative and vasodilator) agent for functional disorders Oh of cardio-vascular system, with neurosis-like conditions accompanied by increased irritability, in case of difficulty falling asleep, tachycardia, state of excitement with pronounced vegetative manifestations; as antispasmodic– for intestinal spasms.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
- severe renal and/or liver dysfunction;
- pregnancy;
- period breastfeeding;
- childhood up to 18 years of age (efficacy and safety have not been established);
- lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption (the drug contains lactose).


Impaired liver and/or kidney function.
If you have one of the listed diseases/conditions, be sure to consult your doctor before taking the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug Corvalol during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated, since the drug contains phenobarbital, which penetrates the placenta and has a teratogenic effect and has bad influence on the formation and further functioning of the central nervous system of the fetus and newborn; passes into breast milk, may develop physical dependence in a newborn. If it is necessary to use it during breastfeeding, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be decided.

Directions for use and doses

Take orally, before meals, with water.
The dosage is determined individually.
Adults are usually prescribed 1-2 tablets 2 times a day. For tachycardia, it is possible to increase the single dose to 3 tablets.
The duration of use of the drug is determined by the doctor individually.

Side effect

Drowsiness, dizziness, slowness heart rate, decreased ability to concentrate, allergic reactions. Gastrointestinal disturbances may occur. These phenomena disappear when the dose of the drug is reduced or the drug is stopped.
At long-term use the drug may cause drug dependence, addiction, withdrawal syndrome, as well as the accumulation of bromine in the body and the development of bromism phenomena (depressive mood, apathy, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, impaired coordination of movements).
If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.


Symptoms: central nervous system (CNS) depression, nystagmus, ataxia, decreased blood pressure, agitation, dizziness, weakness, chronic bromine intoxication (depression, apathy, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, impaired coordination of movements).
Treatment: stopping the drug, gastric lavage and symptomatic therapy, with central nervous system depression - caffeine, niketamide.

Interaction with other drugs

Medicines that depress the central nervous system enhance the effect of the drug. Phenobarbital (an inducer of microsomal oxidation) may reduce the effectiveness of drugs metabolized in the liver (including coumarin derivatives, griseofulvin, glucocorticosteroids, oral contraceptives); enhances the effect of local anesthetics, analgesics and sleeping pills.
The drug increases the toxicity of methotrexate.
The effect of the drug is enhanced by the use of valproic acid drugs.

special instructions

There is no experience with the use of the drug in children under 18 years of age.
You should not drink alcohol while using the drug.

Effect on ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms

The drug contains phenobarbital, therefore patients taking Corvalol are advised to refrain from potentially dangerous species activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (including driving vehicles and working with complex mechanisms).

Release form

10 tablets in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and printed varnished aluminum foil.
1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 contour packages along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

Store the drug in original packaging. At a temperature not higher than 25 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children!

Best before date

1 year 6 months. Do not use after the expiration date.

Vacation conditions

Available without a prescription.

Name and address of the manufacturer/organization accepting the complaint

OJSC Pharmstandard-Leksrsdstva.
305022, Russia, Kursk, st. 2nd Aggregatnaya, 1 a/18,

Open any website that is in one way or another related to medical topics, especially sections where visitors share their experiences and give advice to each other about what medications help and what they help with. We can immediately and confidently say that these recommendations should not be followed under any circumstances! Medicines should only be prescribed by a doctor. Dot! You can read the recommendations, but, so to speak, for the purpose of “collecting statistics”: often people experience, for example, similar side effects while taking similar drugs. You can already draw some conclusions, consult a doctor, and select another drug. But running to the pharmacy for medicine after reading that it helped someone with similar symptoms is not exactly wrong - it’s unsafe!

This concludes the introduction :) Why did I take so long to “land”? On my blog, I also publish reviews of some drugs, write about the effect they had directly on me, and you can also see reviews of the drugs from blog readers. So, I’m just reminding you once again: these reviews should be taken as informational material, but in no case as a recommendation for use medicines without a doctor's prescription!

Now let's get back to the topic. So, on the agenda is Corvalol - one of the most popular drugs in medical forums and other, especially women's, communities. “A few drops of Corvalol” is one of the most popular recommendations for almost any, even the most harmless, symptoms similar to cardiovascular problems or anxiety. Corvalol is considered almost the most harmless remedy for any ailment, except that if you have a cold, it is not recommended to take a few drops for prevention. Let's figure out whether the drug Kovalol is so omnipotent and safe. First, some information from official sources.

Corvalol. Instructions for use

Dosage form: drops for oral administration

Pharmachologic effect:

A combined drug whose effect is determined by the properties of its constituent substances. Has a sedative and antispasmodic effect. Facilitates the onset of natural sleep. Ethyl ether alpha-bromoisovaleric acid has a sedative (similar to the effect of valerian) and antispasmodic effects. Phenobarbital enhances the sedative effect of other components, helps reduce central nervous system excitation and facilitates the onset of sleep. Peppermint oil has a reflex vasodilating and antispasmodic effect.


Orally, before meals, 15-30 drops, pre-dissolved in a small amount (30-50 ml) of water, 2-3 times a day. A single dose, if necessary (for example, for tachycardia) can be increased to 40-50 drops.
Children – 3-15 drops/day (depending on age and clinical picture diseases).
The duration of use of the drug is determined by the doctor individually.


As a sedative and vasodilator for the following diseases: functional disorders of the cardiovascular system (cardialgia, sinus tachycardia, increased blood pressure); insomnia (difficulty falling asleep), neurotic conditions, autonomic lability, irritability, hypochondriacal syndrome. As an antispasmodic drug - spasm of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract (intestinal and biliary colic).


Hypersensitivity, severe hepatic and/or renal failure, lactation period (if it is necessary to prescribe during the feeding period, the issue of stopping feeding should be decided). With caution. Pregnancy.

Side effects:

Drowsiness, dizziness, decreased ability to concentrate, allergic reactions. With long-term use - chronic poisoning bromine (depression, apathy, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, impaired coordination of movements); drug addiction.

Directions for use and dosage:

Orally, before meals, 15-30 drops, pre-dissolved in a small amount (30-50 ml) of water, 2-3 times a day. A single dose, if necessary (for example, for tachycardia) can be increased to 40-50 drops. Children – 3-15 drops/day (depending on age and clinical picture of the disease). The duration of use of the drug is determined by the doctor individually.

Special instructions:

During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Corvalol. Part two. Is he so harmless?

Having read the instructions for using Corvalol, the text does not cause any concerns, everything, in principle, as usual, there are a few side effects, there are some “ special instructions“... The dosage is indicated even for children. It’s quite an ordinary sedative drug, no worse than the others, and it’s also inexpensive; you can buy it without a prescription at the nearest pharmacy. But why then has Corvalol and its analogues been banned for sale in most European countries for a long time? Even in Ukrainian pharmacies you will no longer be able to buy Corvalol. What is the reason for such pharmacological discrimination?

Let's pay attention to the composition of the drug. Reading the instructions for the substances included in the drug special attention no one pays attention. It’s understandable, there are names that not every pharmacologist pronounces right off the bat, so why would an ordinary patient “get into the weeds”? But with Corvalol the situation is a little different. It contains “dense” phenobarbital, which causes anger and criticism medical specialists worldwide. And only domestic pharmacologists believe that no amount of phenobarbital can kill a Russian person :)

Here is a drawing as a visual aid. Composition of Corvalol tincture:

Of the truly safe sedatives, Corvalol contains 2% isovaleric acid and 1.4% peppermint oil. And this is against 3% sodium hydroxide, 1.8% phenobarbital and all this is diluted with pure alcohol! Now think about it: are doctors in civilized countries so wrong?

Someone may retort that the content of harmful caustic soda in a few drops is negligible, and a little phenobarbital will just help you calm down, but think about it, why poison yourself? After all, there are a sufficient number of modern safe sedatives that have a more noticeable sedative effect and which are just as easy to purchase in pharmacies. And they don't cost much more...

A drug that has a complex effect on the body, sedative (calming), vasodilator and antispasmodic, is Corvalol. The instructions for use note it as a remedy that helps alleviate a person’s condition in case of sudden heart problems that arise against the background of a disorder of the nervous system and stress.

Release form

Corvalol is available in the form of drops in dropper bottles of 15 ml, 25 ml and 50 ml, and round tablets of white or almost white color, 10, 30, 50 pieces per package.

The drops contain:

  • alpha-bromoisovaleric acid ethyl ester – 2%;
  • phenobarbital – about 2%;
  • peppermint oil – 1.14%.

Auxiliary components:

  • caustic soda (sodium hydroxide);
  • alcohol-water mixture - ethanol and distilled water.

1 tablet contains:

  • alphabromisiovaleric acid ethyl ester – 8.2 mg;
  • phenobarbital – 7.5 mg;
  • peppermint oil – 0.58 mg.

Auxiliary components in tablets:

  • beta-cyclodextrin – 55.6 mg;
  • potato starch – 13 mg;
  • lactose monohydrate – 43.8 mg;
  • microcrystalline cellulose – 10.5 mg,
  • magnesium stearate – 0.9 mg.

Pharmacological properties and effect of the drug

The main effect of the medication is aimed at reducing excitation processes in the central nervous system, eliminating muscle spasms on the walls of blood vessels, making it easier to fall asleep. That's why medicine mainly used for functional disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Included complex therapy Corvalol can be used as aid at various diseases heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract.

The pharmacological properties of Corvalol depend on the active substances that are included in its composition:

  • Ethyl ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid, in addition to its calming effect, relieves spasms of the smooth muscles of blood vessels and internal organs.
  • Phenobarbital has hypnotic effect. In minimal dosage it acts as a mild depressant, slightly expanding blood vessels.
  • Oil peppermint, acting on certain receptors, dilates blood vessels and even has choleretic effect. It is a mild anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent.

Indications for use

Currently filled stressful situations, the primary medicine that is present in every home is Corvalol. Indications for the use of this sedative are as follows:

  • irritability;
  • vegetative lability;
  • insomnia;
  • hypochondriacal syndrome;
  • functional nervous disorders.

As a vasodilator, the drug is used in complex therapy for:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • cardialgia;
  • sinus tachycardia;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • arterial hypertension.

The antispasmodic properties of this remedy help with:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • diseases of the digestive system accompanied by spasms (intestinal and biliary colic).

How to use

Adults take Corvalol half an hour before meals, 15 to 30 drops diluted in a small amount (50 ml) of water. The same number of drops can be applied to a piece of sugar and taken in this form 2-3 times a day. If the cause of concern is associated with a strong heartbeat (tachycardia), then you can increase the dosage by taking 40-50 drops.

Tablets are taken orally, 1-2 pieces 2-3 times a day, with water or sublingually (under the tongue). For tachycardia, you can take 3 tablets at a time.

When taking the medicine sublingually, its absorption begins in the sublingual area and positive effect appears almost instantly.

The period of use of the drug is determined by the doctor, based on the data of the clinical effect and individual tolerability of the drug.

Corvalol for children

Doctors do not have a consensus on this matter. Some doctors believe that children can be given from 3 to 15 drops per day, but only on the advice of the attending physician.

Others argue that Corvalol is not prescribed to children under 18 years of age.

special instructions

Alcohol is prohibited while using Corvalol.

Most people tolerate this drug well, but taking it long time not recommended due to decreased therapeutic effect with habituation, and with high doses in combination with long-term use, drug dependence may occur, which can cause withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking it.

It should also be taken into account that joint use medications with others medications with a calming effect significantly enhances its effect.

The drug should be taken with caution in case of arterial hypotension.

Pregnancy and lactation

When breastfeeding a child, the medication is prohibited, but if a decision is made in favor of using Corvalol, then it is necessary to stop breastfeeding for this period.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy. If necessary and in consultation with your doctor, you can use sedatives. herbal teas or such medicines as Novo-Passit or Persen.


This sedative should not be taken in case of severe liver and kidney failure, glucose-galactose malabsorption, lactose intolerance, hypersensitivity to its components, pregnant women and nursing mothers (see above).

Interaction with other medications:

  • the effect of Corvalol is enhanced by drugs of a central inhibitory type of action;
  • the main active ingredient phenobarbital increases the activity of liver enzymes, and therefore simultaneous use of Corvalol with drugs that undergo biochemical transformations in the liver (for example, oral contraception, griseofulvins, drugs with coumarin derivatives, GCS);
  • the described remedy can enhance the effect of taking sleeping pills and painkillers (due to the content of barbituric acid derivatives in Corvalol);
  • Corvalol enhances the effects of Valproic acid (an anticonvulsant);
  • when taking Corvalol together with antitumor drug Methotrexate, its toxicity increases;
  • alcohol increases the toxicity of the drug and enhances its effects.

Side effects and overdose

The drug is well tolerated by most people, but negative reactions from the body still occur when taking Corvalol. Instructions for use indicate that slight dizziness, decreased concentration, a feeling of drowsiness, short-term diarrhea, and skin allergies may occur.

But excessive use of the medicine (overdose) can cause serious harm health. The fact is that Corvalol contains a bromine-containing substance, which, when frequent use The medication causes the accumulation of bromine in the body and the corresponding symptoms: apathetic state, depression, lacrimation, impaired motor coordination, rhinitis, conjunctivitis. Symptoms of overdose include: depression of the central nervous system, nystagmus (oscillatory eye movements with high frequency), ataxia (impaired motor skills), decreased blood pressure, agitation, dizziness, weakness.

If symptoms of overdose occur, stop taking the drug, rinse the stomach, further treatment– symptomatic.

How to replace Corvalol - analogues

Analogues of the drug by mechanism of action include:

  • Adonis-bromine;
  • Barboval;
  • Valecard-health;
  • Valemidin;
  • Valocordin;
  • Valoserdin;
  • Darvilol;
  • Lily of the valley-valerian drops;
  • Drops of lily of the valley-motherwort;
  • Corvaldin;
  • Corvaltab;
  • Hawthorn tincture;
  • motherwort tincture
  • Reladorm.

Structural analogues according to active substance: Corvalol-MFF.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The drug must be stored out of the reach of children, protected from light, at a temperature of 15 to 25°C.
The shelf life is 2.5 years, it must be indicated on the label. After the expiration date, the medicine cannot be taken.
Available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Corvalol is a sedative that has been proven over the years and suppresses stress, nervousness, and anxiety. When used correctly, it will always help you survive hardships. modern life. Be healthy!

How to take Corvalol with maximum benefit for health, not everyone knows. This remedy is in every home medicine cabinet. Despite the fact that the drops wide range application, there are certain contraindications. An overdose of Corvalol can lead to serious negative consequences.

Corvalol - a familiar stranger

Corvalol or its analogue Valocordin is considered something like ordinary Valerian. However, this is not the case. Corvalol is a complex vasodilator drug that has a sedative effect. First of all, it is prescribed for chronic insomnia, neurotic and hypochondriacal syndrome, on early stage hypertension. As an antispasmodic, Valocordin or Corvalol is used to get rid of stomach and intestinal colic, relieving symptoms of functional disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Corvalol contains synthetic and plant components:

  1. Ethyl bromoisovalerate. It acts predominantly on nerve receptors in the mouth and pharynx. The substance has an inhibitory effect on the activity of the cerebral cortex and subcortex, effectively relieves spasms, and has a relaxing and calming effect on the entire body as a whole.
  2. Phenobarbital- potent psychotropic substance. Renders sedative effect, quickly and well inhibits the transmission of excitation impulses to the cerebral cortex and subcortical nerve centers. Thanks to this, Corvalol exhibits a mild hypnotic and sedative effect. A slight hypotensive effect may be observed, but most often it is short-lived.
  3. Peppermint oil- a plant component, has an antispasmodic and antiseptic effect, has a calming effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. Often used to eliminate dyspeptic symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Ethyl alcohol 95% makes up about 80% of the composition of the drug. This is one of the reasons why Corvalol is extremely rarely prescribed to children and pregnant women, as well as to people suffering from alcoholism.

Indications for use

Corvalol is not a medicine that treats a specific disease. The drug can only alleviate the patient’s condition in a certain situation that requires quick help. It is prescribed for:

  • chronic insomnia (at night, until the usual sleep rhythm is normalized);
  • situational neurosis-like state, feelings of anxiety, emotional outburst;
  • nervous overstrain, prolonged stress;
  • tachycardia as a situational aid that does not replace treatment with basic antiarrhythmic drugs;
  • nerve spasms stomach and intestines.

Release form and application

The drug is released in 2 dosage forms- drops and tablets. If necessary, the tablet can be placed under the tongue and wait until it is completely absorbed. It is believed that since sublingual tablets do not contain alcohol, they can be taken by alcoholics. The statement is only partly true, because The composition contains phenobarbital, which alcohol-dependent people should not use. Daily norm The intake of tablets is determined by the doctor.

Corvalol in drops is considered more popular. They are drunk by dissolving them in a small amount of water (usually 1 tablespoon) before meals. Doctors advise: before swallowing, you should hold the medicine in your mouth for a while and allow some of the drug to be absorbed. This way it will work faster. The dosage is determined by a specialist.

For patients with normal level blood glucose levels, you can take Corvalol by dropping it on a piece of sugar, which should be kept in oral cavity until completely dissolved, swallow the syrup with the medicine. This method is contraindicated for diabetics.

Taking Corvalol

In case of severe tachycardia usual dose can be increased, but this last resort. You shouldn't use it too often. If this dose does not help, the patient needs to remember that it is better to consult a doctor than to continue experimenting with his own health.

At correct intake The effect of the medicine occurs within 15-20 minutes. It is not recommended to use the drug more than 3 times a day.

Corvalol and alcohol

Many people are interested in how Corvalol and alcohol combine with each other. Based on numerous studies, experts do not recommend using them together. One of the contraindications for taking Corvalol is chronic alcoholism. Valocordin and alcohol drunk at the same time can cause irreparable harm health.

Phenobarbital, which is part of the product, has zero compatibility with alcohol. This is a psychotropic substance. Side effects with its excessive use, experts compare it with delirium tremens (delirium tremens) with all unpleasant consequences, including painful body aches, impaired brain function, coma, increased hangover syndrome. The lethal dose has not yet been determined.

Alcohol increases the toxicity of Phenobarbital several times. Taking Corvalol with alcohol causes a heavy blow to the liver, where alcohol accumulates. Both substances significantly reduce the body's response to external stimuli. This means that after them joint reception Coordination of movement may be impaired, and spatial disorientation occurs. All this is fraught with injuries, falls, especially on the street and in in public places.

Taking Corvalol with alcohol can cause a severe blow to the liver

Experienced people often claim that Corvalol with a hangover helps to quickly return to normal. But this is a very controversial treatment method similar condition. The drug is prohibited for use by persons suffering from severe liver and kidney failure; these are the diseases that occur in those who abuse alcohol.

If you still need to relieve tachycardia, anxiety, neurotic manifestations, or hand tremors after binge drinking, you can take Valocordin or Corvalol for a hangover. However, this should be done no earlier than 8 hours after the last drink, when the concentration of alcohol in the blood has decreased significantly. The dose of Corvalol should not exceed 50 drops (with strong heartbeat), it is optimal to take 30 drops per 50 ml of water. It is best not to leave the house after this, but to go to bed.

Valocordin and Corvalol should not be taken by those who are diagnosed with alcoholism, because These medications contain 95% alcohol.

At hangover syndrome It is prohibited to take Corvalol and Valocordin. It is better to choose other medications.

Contraindications for use

Thanks to its composition, Corvalol is widely used to eliminate a number of painful symptoms. However, thanks to the same components, it cannot be used in a number of cases:

  1. Pregnancy. The components of the drug penetrate the placenta and negatively affect the formation of the fetus. They reduce blood clotting and contribute to the appearance of limb cramps in the newborn. In the first weeks of life, the baby may be very excitable and suffer from sleep disturbances. It is necessary to stop taking this medicine and its analogues for early stages pregnancy. The attending physician will help you choose a less toxic medicine for the expectant mother.
  2. Lactation.
  3. Severe liver and kidney failure.
  4. Chronic alcoholism.
  5. Age up to 18 years.
  6. Epilepsy and traumatic brain injury.

Side effects

The main causes negative consequences is an overdose of Corvalol and long-term use facilities.

Side effect: depression

The patient has:

  • periodic causeless dizziness;
  • constant drowsiness during the day and wakefulness at night;
  • deterioration of attention, inability to concentrate;
  • depression and amnesia;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • incoherent speech;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • symptoms of bromine poisoning.

If an overdose of Corvalol leads to such consequences, you should immediately stop using it and replace it with another more effective one. safe drug. Lethal dose The effectiveness of the drug at home is rarely achieved, even if you drink the drug together with alcohol.

Taking the medicine for a very long time sooner or later becomes addictive. This is especially true for older people, who often cannot imagine spending a day without a dose of Corvalol. Once they get used to the medicine, it is difficult for them to free themselves from addiction. The accumulation of bromine in the aging body can exacerbate the course of chronic diseases. Therefore, it is important to explain that it is better to abandon Corvalol or Valocordin in favor of other modern, safe and effective drugs. IN as a last resort needs to be reduced daily dose.

Corvalol should not be used by anyone who drives a car. After taking the drug, doctors strongly do not recommend driving, because the product contains alcohol. For drivers, taking this medication is possible only in the evening or at night. Morning use is contraindicated.


Corvalol, Valocordin and others sedatives have been popular in medicine since the middle of the last century. Now they can be bought in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and some Asian countries. In Europe and America, these drugs are prohibited for consumption and import. They abandoned these drugs long ago in favor of more modern ones.

At improper treatment Corvalol, the consequences can be very serious. Considering the fact that it cannot be used by drivers, zero compatibility with alcohol, and the effect of accumulation in the body, we can conclude that this cheap medicine is not so necessary in a home medicine cabinet. With a wide selection of modern sedatives, it is quite possible to choose an effective and safe drug to replace the outdated Corvalol. But it is best to consult a doctor who will help you do right choice.

Surely everyone is familiar with the situation when a person in a state of stress is offered to “drip” Corvalol from a glass bottle and drink it to calm down. This drug is well known to a huge number of people, and is used quite often, especially within specific situations. However, the liquid form has a rather pronounced specific aroma and taste, which makes taking it not the most pleasant experience. For maximum comfort in use, manufacturers have created a tablet form of the drug, which has the same properties and effectiveness.

Composition and effect of the drug

The drug in question is widely known and popular; it can be found in almost every home medicine cabinet in one form or another. The standard form of release is in the form of drops, but the tablet form of Corvalol has proven to be more convenient in practice and no less effective. The tablets of the drug are round and flat, have almost pure White color. Available in blisters of 10 pieces, which are packaged in carton boxes 2 or 10 pieces.

So, among the main active ingredients there are three substances:

  • peppermint oil – 580 micrograms per tablet. This component is endowed with antispasmodic, mild choleretic and antiseptic property. The mechanism of its action is associated with the ability to irritate receptors in the oral cavity, as well as stimulate the dilation of blood vessels in the heart muscle and brain. Natural oil also fights the manifestations of flatulence by stimulating tract motility;
  • phenobarbital – 7.5 milligrams. This substance is intended to enhance the sedative effect of other components of the composition; it relieves excessive stimulation of the nervous system and helps a person fall asleep quickly and comfortably;
  • ethyl ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid in the amount of 8.3 milligrams. The main purpose of this component is a sedative and antispasmodic effect.

In general, the drug is positioned as a sedative with an antispasmodic effect.
Among the auxiliary ingredients of the tablet form are: cyclodextrin-beta, potato starch, cellulose, magnesium stearate and lactose monohydrate.

What it helps with: indications for use

Taking into account the specific combined composition, the drug in question will be relevant for use in the presence of the following indications:

  • functional disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • states of neurosis;
  • increased level of irritability;
  • problems falling asleep;
  • states of excitement with obvious vegetative manifestations;
  • tachycardia;
  • mild spasms of the coronary vessels;
  • with intestinal spasms.

In most cases, tablets act as an element of symptomatic therapy due to their vasodilating and sedative properties.

Instructions for use of tablets and dosage

Given the long-term popularity liquid form drug, it is not surprising that patients are often interested in how many drops of Corvalol are in one tablet. Based on the concentration of active ingredients in tablet form, one tablet is approximately equal to 18-20 drops of the liquid version.

Method of using tablets: either sublingually, that is, placing under the tongue until completely dissolved, or simply inside. The dosage is determined for each patient according to individually doctor, but general recommendations look like this - 1 piece 2-3 times a day. If there is a rapid heartbeat or vasospasm, then the single dose can be increased to three tablets at once. Taking the drug is not tied to a meal. The maximum allowed daily number of tablets is 6 pieces. The duration of the therapeutic course is set by the doctor, but usually the drug is used once to eliminate bothersome symptoms.

While taking this drug, you should avoid potentially dangerous activities, such as driving a car or working with complex machinery, since they require a quick response, and Corvalol inhibits the functioning of the nervous system.

How long does it take for Corvalol tablets to work?

Absorption of the drug begins as quickly as possible, since active ingredients have high bioavailability. When taking the drug orally, the effect is achieved within 20-45 minutes and lasts up to 6 hours (if the patient has previously taken medications with barbituric acid, the duration of the effect will be reduced). The speed of action also depends on how to take Corvalol tablets: It is believed that when absorbed under the tongue, the effect occurs faster than when swallowed orally. In such a situation, positive changes can be expected within 5-10 minutes.

What is better to take - tablets or drops?

Which form to choose is a personal matter for each person, since in its essence and effect the drug is absolutely the same in both liquid and tablet form. The drops have a pronounced alcohol aroma, which makes their use not very pleasant; the tablets do not have such disadvantages; they do not cause any discomfort when used. There is also no difference in how often you use the product - the effect of any form lasts for 6 hours. The speed of onset of action, provided that the tablets are taken sublingually and the piece of sugar on which the drops were dripped is absorbed, is absolutely the same - 5-10 minutes. Thus, it is impossible to say what is better to take; only the habits of the person himself matter here, because with medical point There is no difference in terms of vision.

Overdose and side effects

A drug overdose situation is possible, and in this case the following symptoms may occur: depression of the patient’s central nervous system, a significant decrease in blood pressure, dizziness and general weakness, impaired coordination of movements, apathy, etc. Eliminate the problem by rinsing digestive tract and carrying out symptomatic effects on the body’s response.

In general, the drug is well tolerated by patients, especially in tablet form, but the likelihood of side effects still remains. They can be presented:

  • dizziness;
  • slowing the heart rate;
  • decreased concentration;
  • drowsiness;
  • allergic reactions.

It is necessary to understand that prolonged use of the drug may carry certain risks - there is a high probability of developing dependence, addiction and the so-called “withdrawal syndrome”.

Contraindications to taking a sedative

Taking a sedative combination drug Corvalol is limited by the following contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • obvious dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • lactase deficiency in the body;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • also cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The effectiveness and safety of taking the drug for people under 18 years of age has not been proven, so manufacturers classify this parameter as a contraindication. It is immediately worth noting that taking Corvalol, regardless of its pharmacological form is impossible simultaneously with the consumption of alcoholic beverages due to their multidirectional effects on the human body. Also, you should not use the tablets simultaneously with other drugs that affect the nervous system.

Analogues of the drug

The combination of components in the base of the drug is considered very effective, so it is not surprising that in the pharmacy you can find several products with similar components. Thus, peppermint oil, alphabromoisovaleric acid ester and phenobarbital underlie the action of the following pharmacological products: Valecard-Health, Darvilol, Corvaltab and Carditab.

You can also describe a whole list of drugs that have other active substances, but the same type of effect on the body:

  • Novo-passit (active ingredients - extracts of valerian, St. John's wort, balm, hawthorn, etc., as well as guaifenesin);
  • Barboval capsules: containing menthol, phenobarbital and ethyl bromizovalerianate;
  • Lotusonic (based on extracts of lotus nucifera, Chinese date, mulberry leaves, dpscorea);
  • Bellataminal. The active ingredients are belladonna alkaloids, phenobarbital and ergotamine tartrad.

Video: validol and corvalol - real help or dummies

Reception of classical sedatives for heart pain should be done thoughtfully, and preferably after consulting a doctor. All the dangers of constant symptomatic use of Corvalol and Validol are discussed in this video.