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Pain in the right hypochondrium: causes of heaviness, stabbing, aching, acute pain in the right side. Diseases that cause pain in the right hypochondrium

Pain in the right hypochondrium anteriorly can cause such important organs for humans as the lung, gallbladder, pancreas, liver, intestines and diaphragm, behind the kidney is located.
In addition, pain may occur due to problems nervous system, radiate to the pelvic organs, heart.

Therefore, if you begin to feel pain on the right side under the ribs, you need to see a doctor for an examination to determine whether this is the beginning of the development of a serious disease.

Causes that can cause pain under the ribs on the right

Most often, discomfort in the right hypochondrium is caused by diseases of organs such as the lung, gall bladder, and heart.

Constant pain may be signs of the following diseases:

  1. Liver
    • Cirrhosis
    • Hepatitis
    • Tumor
    • Pancreatitis
  2. Gallbladder
    • Cholecystitis
    • Cholelithiasis
  3. Right lung
    • Cancer
    • Pleurisy
    • Pneumonia
  4. Intestines
    • Appendicitis
    • Duodenal ulcer
  5. Diaphragm
    • Hernia
    • Tumor
    • Diaphragmatitis
  6. Heart
    • Angina pectoris
    • Myocardial infarction
  7. Right kidney
  8. Tumors of the above organs
  9. Osteocondritis of the spine
  10. Injuries to the ribs or organs located in the abdomen
  11. Shingles

If you experience sharp (not associated with injury, and lasting more than 30 minutes) or aching pain in the right side under the rib (lasting more than an hour), intensifying when walking, you should immediately call ambulance.

Pain in the right hypochondrium that appears from time to time

Such pain can occur in almost all people, even in the absence of any pathologies. In adolescents, it is associated with the growth of the body and its development.

Such “healthy pains” can be caused by:

  1. Physical activity. Most often this happens in untrained people who do not play sports and who had to perform intense physical activity. At the same time, adrenaline is released, blood flow in the body increases, which expands the vena cava, located on the right under the ribs. It is a large vessel that, expanding, puts pressure on the liver.
  2. Pregnancy. The right side periodically hurts during pregnancy in the second trimester, due to the fact that the fetus grows quite quickly and puts pressure on the internal organs of the expectant mother.
  3. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). In women whose bodies produce a large number of sex hormones - estrogens, a couple of days before menstruation there is pain in the abdominal area. The cause is a spasm in the biliary tract under the influence of this hormone. To eliminate such pain you need to contact a gynecologist.

Localization of pain

For staging correct diagnosis, the patient needs to accurately determine the place where the pain is felt. Many people take pain in the right hypochondrium on the side with symptoms of osteochondrosis.

Most often this is associated with pathology of the right kidney - pyelonephritis (chronic or acute).

  • At acute pyelonephritis intense dull pain is observed in the lumbar region. With this disease, pain increases from tapping on the lower rib located behind
  • Chronic pyelonephritis causes mild, aching pain that worsens in cool and damp weather.

Retroperitoneal hematoma

Pain under the ribs can appear when a back injury occurs as a result of a fall or blow, in which a vessel ruptures in the tissues located deep behind the peritoneum, and an accumulation of blood (hematoma) forms. Compression of nearby organs and tissues occurs, causing pain. The nature of the pain depends on the size of the hemorrhage and intensifies during movement.

Urolithiasis disease

Pain depends on the size of the stone formed and its location in the urinary tract. In this case, the pain under the ribs, felt from behind, can be either constant or periodic, most often of a dull nature. It can intensify while moving (running, jumping), traveling by transport, or drinking liquid in large quantities.

Acute pancreatitis

This disease is characterized by painful sensations of a “girdling” nature, i.e. acute pain occurs under the ribs on both sides, in the lower back, accompanied by vomiting and feelings of nausea. IN supine position The pain becomes stronger, but decreases when sitting.

The nature of the intensity of pain

To correctly determine the diagnosis, it is important to correctly convey the intensity and nature of the pain that occurs in the hypochondrium.

Aching pain in the right side

  • A weak nature of pain is typical chronic pyelonephritis, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting.
  • Constant, sometimes becoming acute pain in the right side occurs with osteochondrosis. Standing or sitting can be very painful; to ease the sensation, it is recommended to take a semi-sitting position, leaning forward.

Sharp pain in the right side

This symptom is the most dangerous and occurs in the following cases:
  1. Inflammation of the appendix.
  2. Stitching pain of an acute nature is a sign of:
    • Rupture, hematoma of the liver
    • Renal rupture
    • Gallbladder rupture
    • Kidney prolapse
    • Fractured ribs

Acute pain is possible with the following pathologies:

  • Liver colic
  • Renal colic
  • Acute cholecystitis
  • Acute pancreatitis
  • Incarceration of a renal cyst

Dull pain in the right hypochondrium

  1. Acute pyelonephritis. The pain becomes stronger when there is a blow to the back in the area of ​​the lower rib.
  2. If the intensity of pain is low, the cause is chronic diseases (pancreatitis) or cancer (last stage)
  3. Inflammation in the body, most often of the following organs:
    • Gallbladder
    • Right lung
    • Pancreas
    • Spleen
    • Uterine appendages

With the simultaneous occurrence of acute, nagging pain, with attacks of stabbing pain, wandering in the area of ​​the right rib with varying intensity, not lasting long, this is psychosomatic pain. To treat it, you should contact a psychiatrist or neurologist.


The ribs located on the right protect the following organs:

  • Intestines
  • Gallbladder
  • Liver
  • Pancreas

These organs fit so tightly together that it is almost impossible to independently diagnose the cause of pain in the right side. Therefore, the main rule is to consult a doctor in time, first of all, to a therapist.

If there is pain on the right side under the ribs, the therapist usually prescribes a consultation with the following specialists:

  • Gastroenterologist
  • Surgeon
  • Traumatologist
  • Infectious disease specialist
  • Cardiologist
  • Gynecologist
  • Endocrinologist
  • Neuropathologist

Not installed accurate diagnosis V medical institution, it is forbidden to self-medicate, warm sore spot hot compresses.

Whenever acute pain It is recommended to call an ambulance and apply cold (if this helps relieve pain). In this case, you should not take painkillers, so as not to distort the clinical symptoms and not make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

In the future, the following antispasmodic drugs can be used to relieve pain:

  • Nitroglycerin (dissolve one tablet under the tongue or drop 3 drops on a lump of sugar)
  • No-shpa (two tablets can be taken up to three times a day)

After diagnosis, in addition to drug treatment, we can recommend the following traditional medicine remedies:

  • Potato decoction for the treatment of the gallbladder. To prepare the decoction, you need to boil the potatoes “in their jackets”, then crush them with water. Let it brew, then drink two tablespoons three times a day.
  • Pain in the spleen. Drink rosehip decoction, royal jelly (1 gram per day)
  • Pain in the liver. Mix ½ liter of honey with ground cinnamon(2 spoons). Take a spoon before/after meals.

How to prevent pain in the right hypochondrium?

  • Do not abuse alcoholic beverages
  • Try not to eat too often fatty, heavy foods, with high content salt
  • Have an annual medical examination and ultrasound to be aware of existing chronic diseases, know their condition, and methods of treatment
  • When pain symptoms under the ribs, seek medical attention immediately.

Pain in the right hypochondrium is a sign of many diseases, so even an experienced and qualified specialist will not be able to make an accurate diagnosis based only on this symptom.

Can cause pain syndrome harmless reasons, such as overeating or excessive exercise. But more often, discomfort in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium provokes an inflammatory process, acute and chronic diseases of the digestive system, genitourinary system, internal organs (liver, kidneys), bile ducts.

Why does it hurt right hypochondrium, in which cases this symptom is not dangerous, and in which it requires immediate appeal behind medical care? You will find answers to all questions in our material.

Pain under the right hypochondrium in healthy people

Pain in the right hypochondrium can be caused by a variety of reasons. In some situations, discomfort appears even in quite healthy people: in this case we're talking about about the option physiological norm. However, often the problem lies in the development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

Physiological reasons why it hurts in the right hypochondrium:

  1. Pregnancy. In pregnant women in the third trimester, the uterus is enormously stretched and puts pressure on all the organs it comes into contact with, displacing the intestines, pressing on the stump and gall bladder. Therefore, for healthy pregnant women, stabbing or pressing pain in the right hypochondrium is not uncommon. In addition, progesterone, which maintains pregnancy for later, expands biliary tract and stimulates bile stagnation. And if you give such a belly physical activity, then you can feel some discomfort with high probability.
  2. Pain on exercise. Surely many have noticed how after intense physical activity there is pain in the right side. This occurs due to excessive stretching of the liver tissue, which, in turn, is caused by a sharp flow of blood to the organ. This happens especially often after a heavy meal. This condition does not pose any danger.
  3. Pain in women. At the end menstrual cycle Some women experience a sharp imbalance between low progesterone and high estrogens, which leads to spasm of the biliary tract and can also cause colic in the right hypochondrium. Reception hormonal contraceptives may worsen the course premenstrual syndrome and increase the frequency of stabbing pain due to disruption of the passage of bile.

Pathological causes of pain under the right rib

Anatomically, the upper right quadrant of the abdomen includes: the liver, gallbladder, part of the diaphragm and small intestine, duodenum, right kidney, pancreas.

Other reasons

Other diseases and pathologies, the symptoms of which may include painful sensations of various types in the area of ​​the lower ribs with right side bodies are as follows:

  • From the nervous system: compression nerve endings which are located in the intercostal space (intercostal neuralgia), characterized by acute pain, the appearance of rashes, itching;
  • From the outside digestive system: , peptic ulcer, various inflammatory processes, intestinal obstruction, colitis, pancreatitis, spasms and pain simulating gynecological diseases, peritonitis, etc.;
  • From the urinary system: with damage predominantly to the right kidney (otherwise the pain is localized on the left side, and not in the area of ​​the lower ribs on the right), renal colic, stones;
  • From the outside respiratory system: (pneumonia) either in acute or chronic course- cough provokes spasms of the respiratory organs, which are reflected in painful sensations in the right hypochondrium;
  • inflammation of the uterine appendages, osteochondrosis, appendicitis, etc.
  • From the liver: liver dystrophy, cirrhosis, abscess, hepatitis, C and others, accompanied by stagnation of blood in the liver, and other chronic diseases and acute inflammatory processes.

Pain in the right hypochondrium behind

If the patient complains that there is pain in the back under the right shoulder blade, the causes of this phenomenon may be associated with injuries to the lower ribs, damage to the intercostal nerves. Pain appears from behind under the right shoulder blade from the back and with lesions of the right kidney and adrenal gland. The causes of back pain may also be associated with diseases of the inferior vena cava.

  1. Urolithiasis disease. Diseases of the right kidney and, first of all, urolithiasis can cause intense pain. A stone or sand that begins its journey from the renal pelvis scratches it, and then the ureter, so pain when renal colic will be not only in the projection of the lower ribs, but also in the lower back and in the lateral abdomen. The pain is paroxysmal and severe. It radiates to the thigh and genitals. When you tap the edge of your palm on the lower back, the pain intensifies and can radiate to the groin. In this case, traces of blood may appear in the urine. In some patients, renal colic is accompanied by vomiting.
  2. Pyelonephritis. Development of acute infectious inflammation kidneys is accompanied by pain in the kidney area, intoxication, and fever. It also hurts when urinating, periodic false urges, swelling appears on the face.
  3. Necrosis of the renal papillae. It may be a consequence oxygen starvation renal tissue when the vessels that feed it are blocked (by infectious agents or when diabetes mellitus). In this case, the pain is constant, combined with blood in the urine. The patient may die from septic shock.
  4. Kidney cancer. This condition may not appear for a long time. Mild pain and bleeding appear as early as late stages diseases. Sometimes the tumor interferes with the flow of urine, and then there is acute pain. Pain in the hypochondrium also occurs with tumors of the right adrenal gland, provided that the tumor is large.
  5. Acute upper paranephritis. This is an inflammation of the fatty tissue at the top of the kidney due to infection from the tonsils, carious teeth or other foci of inflammation. First, there is a temperature of up to 38, moderate pain in the lower back on the affected side. After 2-3 days, the pain moves to the right hypochondrium, intensifies when deep breath. Lower back pain increases with sudden straightening of the body and when walking.
  6. Intercostal neuralgia. The reason that a person’s right side feels tight and numb in the hypochondrium area may be intercostal neuralgia. In this state, sometimes there is a pulling from the back, the ribs hurt on both sides in front. With neuralgia, there is a strong tingling sensation in the different areas, up to restriction of mobility. The pain becomes stronger when bending or turning. Also, the cause of a sudden tingling sensation in the pit of the stomach or twitching on both sides can be myositis, when a person’s muscles are inflamed.
  7. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region. It produces pain of varying intensity, which is accompanied by limited mobility, muscle tightness and tension symptoms. The pain can range from aching to shooting varying degrees intensity.
  8. Shingles. In this case, herpetic eruptions appear along the nerve in the form of bubbles with cloudy liquid, and the skin turns red. Itching, burning, and pain develop at the site of the lesion. This means that you need to see a dermatologist.
  9. Thrombosis of the vena cava. A rare variant of thrombosis of the inferior vena cava (when a blood clot comes from the iliac veins and clogs the main trunk of the vein) causes pain in the lower back (right hypochondrium from the back) and a clinical picture similar to the late stage of kidney tumors. If the liver segment is thrombosed, then intense pain will occur in the right hypochondrium in front and will radiate under right shoulder blade. This will cause an accumulation of liquid in the abdominal cavity and jaundice.

If there is pain in the right hypochondrium in front

Tingling or sharp pain in the right side occurs due to diseases of the organs that are adjacent to this area. Some conditions are accompanied by pain from the back, sometimes it radiates to the leg, shoulder blade, kidney, etc. There may also be pain in the lungs when taking a deep breath. With some diagnoses, pain may be periodic and manifest when walking or coughing. With others - discomfort They bother you constantly.

  1. Hepatitis. Viral, alcoholic or toxic hepatitis gives a picture of intoxication (weakness, lethargy, loss of ability to work) and dyspepsia (nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting). At the height of the disease, jaundice occurs with a lemon tint to the skin and whites of the eyes. During the same period, urine becomes the color of beer, and feces - the color of clay due to disturbances in the exchange of bile pigments.
  2. Cirrhosis of the liver. In patients with cirrhosis, liver cell death and changes in its structure are observed. People with this diagnosis have pain in the right side at the waist level, sometimes the pain is felt in the back. With cirrhosis, a person may notice pain in the right side below the ribs, already at the very beginning of the disease. At the same time, the burning sensation in the right side is persistent. In the later stages of cirrhosis, the liver becomes smaller, its performance decreases, and the patient develops hepatic coma, death is likely.
  3. Echinococcosis. These are cysts with liquid contents, which are caused by the worm Echinococcus. Cysts are most often located in the right lobe of the liver and, as they grow, they compress the capillaries and intrahepatic bile ducts, causing severe heaviness in the hypochondrium and uneven enlargement of the liver. If the cyst festeres, a cavity filled with pus develops - a liver abscess. In this case, the pain intensifies, the body temperature rises and inflammation of the peritoneum or even blood poisoning may develop.
  4. Congestive heart failure. Why discomfort in the right hypochondrium in this case is bothersome is explained by the patient’s condition. Initially, his blood circulation deteriorates, as a result, the liver enlarges, and fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity. Appears nagging pain in the right side, feeling of heaviness. A nagging pain is disturbing as the disease progresses. With abdominal myocardial infarction, the patient is worried about severe, burning pain in the lower part of the right hypochondrium. Sometimes the patient complains that there is pressure in the side. But in some cases, the onset of pain is sometimes very sharp, similar to the blow of a knife; the pain appears in the shoulder blade and sternum. As a rule, this happens with the development of heart attacks. back wall heart muscle. Sometimes it seems to the patient that this painful sensation manifests itself in waves: periodically it decreases and intensifies. In this case, pallor, heart rate disturbances, and a drop in pressure may be observed.
  5. Gallbladder diseases. They give the greatest percentage of intense and sharp (cutting or stabbing pains), which are characteristic of acute inflammation. In this case, a displaced stone may be to blame for the inflammation, closing the lumen of the bladder neck or bile duct, or bacterial flora. Pain when acute inflammation arise at the point between the rectus abdominis muscle on the right and the costal arch. They are contractive, strong, and give in right shoulder or left hypochondrium. There may be a bitter taste in the mouth, belching of air, nausea and vomiting of bile. Sometimes the body temperature rises. For calculous cholecystitis typical development obstructive jaundice with a yellow-green tint to the skin and mucous membranes.

Pain after eating

Eating accelerates the secretion and movement of bile, increases blood flow to the liver and stimulates intestinal peristalsis. Therefore, food provokes pain in pathologies of the liver, gall bladder, and intestines.

In this case, the nature of the pain can be different: nausea and dull pain are characteristic of cholecystitis, sharp pain spastic nature accompanies colitis and intestinal dysbiosis, stabbing pain accompanies biliary dyskinesia or.

After load

Unpleasant sensations in the form of pulling or stabbing pain occur after physical exertion in people with hepatitis, cirrhosis, congestive liver. After the shaking physical activity an attack may occur. Also periodic pain during exercise they appear in patients with myositis, intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis, rib fractures, and vena cava thrombosis.

Pain in acute appendicitis

The appendix is ​​a lymphoid organ that takes part in immune defense digestive system. It is located in the area of ​​the right ilium, but its position is quite variable. This causes difficulties in diagnosing inflammation of the appendix. Appendicitis has its own distinct stages of development, which can only be diagnosed by a surgeon.


  1. Diffuse pain in the navel and stomach;
  2. The pain is localized in the right half of the abdomen for three hours;
  3. Decrease pain syndrome lying on the right side;
  4. Increased pain when walking and lying on the left side;
  5. Pain worsens general health, body temperature rises, vomiting and diarrhea occur.

In such cases, emergency surgical treatment in a surgical hospital.

Pain differentiation

Depending on the pain felt by the patient who consults a doctor with this problem, it is possible to identify which organ disease is associated with certain painful sensations.

So, pain in the right hypochondrium, what could it be:

  1. Burning pain in the right hypochondrium is often the cause of acute cholecystitis.
  2. Acute pain in the right hypochondrium is most likely associated with gallbladder diseases.
  3. Severe pain in the right hypochondrium is usually felt by patients suffering from hepatitis.
  4. Dull pain may be a consequence of inflammatory processes in the gallbladder.
  5. Aching or pressing pain can be attributed to the symptoms manifested by biliary dyskinesia.
  6. Nagging pain is characteristic of chronic hepatitis.
  7. A bursting type of pain can be caused chronic diseases pancreas.
  8. Throbbing pain is typical for patients diagnosed with pancreatitis.
  9. Stitching pain is observed in patients with problems with the right kidney.

Also, pain in the right hypochondrium can only occur in the evening or at night. As shown medical practice, constant night pain in this area is often the first sign of an ulcer duodenum.


If the doctor complains of pain in the right hypochondrium, he has the right to prescribe:

  • blood chemistry;
  • analysis of urine samples for bilirubin;
  • Abdominal ultrasound

If the results are uncertain, an MRI, CT with an emphasis on the abdominal organs, or a liver biopsy may be needed. And only after receiving all the research results, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment and diet, and also determine the need for hospitalization.

How to relieve pain?

In order to relieve pain, you can drink no-spa, but you should not abuse the painkiller - this will not make it possible to correctly determine the cause of the discomfort.

It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance if the patient exhibits the following symptoms:

  • incessant vomiting;
  • fainting and presyncope;
  • delay or complete inability to urinate;
  • the pain is acute, unbearable, lasting more than a few minutes (not attacks - spasms, characterized by cramping pain, but constant significant discomfort);
  • uterine bleeding;
  • blood in vomit, feces, urine;
  • significant increase in body temperature (above 38.5°C);
  • diarrhea or constipation lasting several days.

If there is pain in the right hypochondrium and the causes have been clarified, the question remains of what to do. The main thing that the patient should know is that under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Taking antispasmodics, analgesics and them similar drugs significantly blurs the picture and complicates the doctor’s work.

First aid recipes widely circulated on the Internet are also ineffective, but also dangerous. Under no circumstances should you accept alcohol tinctures, putting heating pads on the stomach and the like: for unknown reasons, this can cause fatal outcome. The main thing the patient should do is consult a doctor. In this case, it is not necessary to go to the local police officer. In case of intense pain, you should contact an ambulance.

Treatment is almost always medicinal and includes taking analgesics, antispasmodics, diuretics, choleretic drugs etc. These medications are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Surgical assistance required in extreme cases emergency cases, like intestinal obstruction, perforated ulcer etc. In all other cases, conservative therapy is indicated.


Preventive measures to prevent pain in the right hypochondrium boil down to following the following recommendations:

  • reception medicines only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • healthy and active image life;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • proper and nutritious nutrition;
  • use of barrier contraceptives during sexual intercourse, refusal of casual relationships.

Regular medical examination (once a year) will allow you to prevent or promptly detect any health problems and receive the necessary treatment.

Pain in the right hypochondrium, acute or periodic, manifests itself in some form in approximately a third of the population of our planet. Very often, patients are interested in what is on the right side of a person and why there is pressure, tugging, aching or pain in the right hypochondrium. According to medical statistics, in approximately ninety percent of cases, pain is a consequence of pathological changes in internal organs. So, most often these symptoms cause diseases biliary tract And gallbladder , and the second most common place is occupied by liver pathologies and development liver edema in case of circulatory disorders.

What is under the right rib?

To determine what is located under a person’s ribs on the right side, one should turn to topographic anatomy. The right hypochondrium is part of the anterior abdominal wall, which is limited by:

Extending the lower border of this area onto the back, we see that it runs along the 12th rib and the third lumbar vertebra.

In practice, you can determine where the right hypochondrium is located in the following way: palm right hand should be placed horizontally on the ribs, doing this so that the wrist is in the middle of the side, while the edge of the little finger should coincide with the edge of the ribs from below. If you leave your wrist in the same position and clasp your back with your palm, you can get a posterior projection of the right hypochondrium.

Pain may occur in this area due to damage to the following organs:

  • gallbladder, liver;
  • right kidney (upper part);
  • large intestine (part of it is the bend colon);
  • peritoneal part of the right half of the diaphragm;
  • adrenal.

In addition, in this area, tingling and pain can be reflected from the duodenum, pancreas, inferior vena cava, bile ducts.

Why does pain appear in the right hypochondrium in healthy people?

Sometimes discomfort and nagging pain on the side, behind, as well as pain on the right under the ribs in front can be felt even by a completely healthy person. Such manifestations are associated with certain physiological conditions.

Pain during and due to physical activity

People who are not used to being exposed to strenuous physical activity may notice severe stabbing pain in their right side under the ribs in front after heavy work or sports. The reason for such manifestations is related to next process: when ejected The tone of the bile ducts decreases, and they become stretched and become stagnant. Meanwhile, the liver is actively filling with blood, its capsule is stretching, and tingling occurs. There may even be acute pain from the back and front.

Pain after eating, especially a heavy meal, almost always appears in the hypochondrium during physical activity. If there is pain in the right side under the ribs in front, you should pay attention to the fact that after eating it is especially not recommended to run or do push-ups.

In addition, it is known that it can cause dull pain in the right hypochondrium in front and spasm of the diaphragm. A person feels it when he sighs, sometimes when he inhales and exhales. The same sensations can occur when coughing. But such pain is usually short-lived. Sometimes it becomes dull when pressed. As a rule, if breathing evens out after exercise, this symptom disappears.

However, explanations for why the ribs on the right side hurt are not always true. Sometimes why aching pain appears during exercise, some sources explain the expansion of the inferior vena cava due to the influence of adrenaline and its pressure on the liver. Before determining what hurts in the right side under the rib, you should take into account that under the influence of adrenaline, vasoconstriction occurs, and there are no pain receptors in the liver.

Pain in women

IN last days monthly cycle a certain proportion of women may develop severe hormonal imbalance . As a result, a spasm of the biliary tract develops, and a sharp pain appears, radiating to the back in some cases. Therefore, the explanation for what hurts in the right hypochondrium is sometimes precisely the characteristics of the female body.

In some cases the course premenstrual syndrome worsens when taken hormonal contraceptives . In this case, both piercing and dull pain, as well as a burning sensation are manifested due to a violation of the passage of bile.

During pregnancy

What hurts under the right rib in the front is explained by the physiology of the expectant mother’s body.

At And Crohn's disease spasmodic pain develops not only in the hypochondrium, but also in all lower abdomen. In this case, bloating is also noted. People with this diagnosis may develop bleeding, mucus and pus are detected in the stool, the condition is sometimes complicated by intestinal obstruction, intestinal necrosis .

In the case of tumor development, intestinal obstruction is most often observed, there is a picture of an acute abdomen, signs of peritoneal irritation, pressure drops, pallor and cold sweat are observed.

At attack of appendicitis the pain begins to develop in the epigastrium, after which it gradually spreads to the right hypochondrium and descends to the iliac region on the right.

Manifestation of pain in the right hypochondrium behind

If the patient complains that there is pain in the back under the right shoulder blade, the causes of this phenomenon may be associated with injuries to the lower ribs, damage to the intercostal nerves. Pain appears from behind under the right shoulder blade from the back and with lesions of the right kidney and adrenal gland. The causes of back pain may also be associated with diseases of the inferior vena cava.

For urolithiasis

Burning and strong pain may bother people with urolithiasis . When moving, stones or sand scratch renal pelvis, later – the ureter. Consequently, with renal colic there is pain in both the lateral abdomen and the lower back. Painful attacks are noted, spasms radiate to the genitals, to the thigh, and can be felt in the groin. If you hit the lower back a little with the edge of your palm, it hurts even more, and blood may appear in the urine. Sometimes vomiting occurs.

For pyelonephritis

Development acute infectious inflammation of the kidney accompanied by pain in the kidney area, intoxication, and fever. It also hurts when urinating, periodic false urges are noted, and swelling appears on the face.

With apostematous pyelonephritis, the kidneys develop purulent inflammation. I am concerned about prolonged nagging pain, the temperature increases, and the amount of urine excreted per day decreases.

With necrosis of the renal papillae

This phenomenon becomes a consequence of oxygen starvation of the kidney tissue if the vessels become clogged. Constant pain is accompanied by the appearance of blood in the urine. There is a possibility of death from septic shock.

For acute upper paranephritis

The inflammatory process of fatty tissue in the area of ​​the upper part of the kidney manifests itself as a consequence of infection from carious teeth, tonsils, etc. First, the patient’s temperature rises and there is moderate pain in the lower back. After a few days, there is already pain in the right hypochondrium, the pain intensifies with a deep sigh, the condition worsens and physical efforts - pain is noted when moving, walking, sharply straightening the body.

For kidney cancer

This condition may not appear for a long time. Mild pain and bleeding appear already in the last stages of the disease. Sometimes the tumor interferes with the flow of urine, and then there is acute pain.

Pain in the hypochondrium area also appears when tumors of the right adrenal gland , provided that the tumor is large.

For intercostal neuralgia

The reason why a person’s right side feels tight and goes numb in the hypochondrium area may be intercostal neuralgia . In this state, sometimes there is a pulling from the back, the ribs hurt on both sides in front. With neuralgia, there is a strong tingling sensation in different areas, even to the point of limited mobility. The pain becomes stronger when bending or turning. Also, the reason for a sudden tingling sensation in the pit of the stomach or twitching on both sides can be when a person’s muscles are inflamed.

For bruised ribs

Severe aching pain, aggravated by coughing, pressing, bending, sighing, occurs with bruises of the posterior segments of the ribs. At rib fractures a characteristic crunch is felt.

For osteochondrosis of the lumbar region

If there is muscle tightness, limited mobility, signs of tension, pain in the right shoulder, in the arm, then the reasons for this condition may be related to lumbar region . Painful sensations can have different intensities, be both aching and shooting in nature, and appear above and below.

For shingles

In this case, there appear herpetic rashes along the nerve in the form of bubbles with a cloudy liquid, the skin turns red. Itching, burning, and pain develop at the site of the lesion. This means that you need to see a dermatologist.

With thrombosis of the vena cava

If thrombus comes from the iliac veins, after which it clogs the trunk of the vein, pain in the lower back on the right side of the back. The clinical picture is similar to that of a kidney tumor. late stage. If it happens thrombosis of the hepatic segment , bursting intense pain arises in front in the right hypochondrium and extends under the scapula on the right. Jaundice also develops and fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity.

Acute pain

The sensation of acute pain in the right lobe of the hypochondrium is associated with the development of acute surgical conditions - the so-called “acute abdomen”. In particular, severe pain is observed in the following diseases and conditions:

  • damaged internal organs (injury of the kidney, colon, kidney, damage to the gallbladder, hematoma of the kidney, liver);
  • intestinal perforation, rupture of diverticula ;
  • acute inflammatory processes of the gallbladder, acute pancreatitis ;
  • initial stage appendicitis ;
  • bile duct blockage , intestinal obstruction ;
  • thrombosis of veins and arteries , through which internal organs are nourished.

In such conditions, very intense pain develops, which leads to the development painful shock, loss of consciousness, decreased blood pressure, disruption of the functioning of internal organs.

At acute abdomen the abdominal muscles are tense, sometimes the pain is girdling, sometimes it’s pinpoint pain, but very often it’s unbearable.

Sharp, squeezing pain also occurs when abdominal form of myocardial infarction , renal colic , sometimes - with nonspecific ulcerative colitis , rib fractures .

Dull pain

Dull pain very often indicates the development inflammatory process. They manifest themselves in the following pathologies:

Heaviness in the right side

Heaviness in the right side and lower abdomen, as well as in the upper abdomen, develops with various diseases. Often, heaviness in the right side under the ribs in front develops with an edematous liver. In addition, the causes of heaviness in the right hypochondrium may be associated with the development hepatitis A , fatty liver disease , chronic cholecystitis , hypomotor biliary dyskinesia .

After meal

Many people note that they have a tingling sensation in their right side after eating, heaviness in the epigastrium and rumbling develop. Often expectant mothers are also interested in why it hurts in the right side during pregnancy. After eating food, the process of secretion and movement of bile in the body accelerates, the liver fills with blood, and peristalsis is activated. Therefore, when chronic diseases liver, intestines, gall bladder often manifests pain in the lower and upper abdomen after eating. Such manifestations may have different character: a person feels nauseous, belches, diarrhea appears, and his stomach growls.

Dull pain after eating is observed when cholecystitis , sharp – at colitis And dysbacteriosis , piercing – with cholelithiasis And biliary dyskinesia . Often the pain becomes more intense after heavy drinking or heavy smoking.

After load

Unpleasant sensations in the form of nagging or stabbing pain occur after physical exertion in people with hepatitis , cirrhosis , congestive liver . After shaking or physical exertion, an attack may occur calculous cholecystitis . Also, periodic pain during exercise appears in patients myositis , intercostal neuralgia , osteochondrosis , rib fracture , thrombosis of the vena cava .

How to proceed?

You should ask a specialist about what to do if your gallbladder hurts, your liver hurts, and other diseases appear that cause pain in your right side. Under no circumstances should you decide on your own what to drink for liver pain or seek advice on the forum. After all, even mild pain requires the attention of a doctor. Self-treatment with the help of painkillers, it can smooth out the overall picture of symptoms in an adult and a child. As a result, the doctor will not be able to make the correct diagnosis.

Pain under the right rib after exercise

Therefore, you should remember what medications to take for pain in the liver and folk remedies There is no need to consult a doctor before. You should not give painkilling injections to relieve pain.

The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the use of a heating pad are contraindicated, as these methods can cause internal bleeding.

Painkillers should not be given to children. When there is colic in infants, it is recommended to breastfeed the baby - sometimes this is enough for the baby to calm down.

If a person initially has a stabbing pain in his side, but later develops a sharp pain, he should immediately call an ambulance. After all, only a doctor can adequately assess the entire spectrum of symptoms in this case and make the right decision. It is important to immediately consult a doctor if a lump or lump appears on the right side of the ribs.

In the clinic, initially, if you complain about such a symptom, you should contact a therapist, who will determine which specialist the patient needs to see next.

If a person often experiences pain, heaviness, throbbing and bursting in the hypochondrium, radiating to the shoulder blade, forearm, back, then this condition should not be tolerated under any circumstances. Both men and women should realize that timely consultation with a doctor will help prevent serious problems.

It is no secret that most of The population of our country is in no hurry to go to the hospital if they experience pain in the left or right hypochondrium. To begin with, they make attempts to independently diagnose and treat on their own. And few people think that incorrect treatment may not lead to very good consequences. Pain in the hypochondrium is very alarming symptom. Let's consider what diseases can be accompanied by the appearance of such pain and what actions need to be taken.

If the pain is localized under right breast and in the upper right abdomen, this may indicate poor liver function, infection or gallstones. The abdomen also houses the pancreas, which secretes insulin, digestive enzymes and juices. The most common cause of pancreatic pain is inflammation - pancreatitis. For attacks acute pancreatitis characterized by severe pain, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and copious discharge sweat. The pain may radiate to the back and intensify when lying down.

Rarely, pain in the right hypochondrium is associated with renal pathology.

Pain in the left hypochondrium

In the left hypochondrium are the spleen, pancreas, stomach, intestinal loops and left side diaphragm. In this area, the occurrence of painful sensations can often be associated with the spleen, whose main job is to remove red blood cells from the blood. Discomfort in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium may be associated with injury to the spleen, overstretching of its capsule in case of excessive enlargement, intercostal neuralgia, myositis (inflammation of the muscles), various injuries soft tissues, ribs. The spleen tends to increase in volume in some diseases. It is located close to the surface of the body, and therefore can rupture due to injury and various diseases, for example, infectious monoculosis.

When pain is felt in the left hypochondrium, it may be caused by problems with the superficial layers human body(chest and abdominal walls) or with internal organs. Pain on the left side in the area of ​​the ribs may be associated with pancreatitis. Pain in the pleura and lungs, as well as heart pain, can radiate to this same area. In some cases, pain in the left hypochondrium may occur in the presence of diseases of the stomach, duodenum, and transverse colon. In addition, pain can be caused by inflammation of the stomach - gastritis, which is characterized by aching pain, in some cases accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Almost every adult has felt pain in the right hypochondrium at least once in his life. Sometimes unpleasant sensations pass quickly enough without causing much discomfort. But there are cases when such pains become systematic or permanent.

This pain can be either aching or quite acute. In this case, it not only prevents a person from functioning fully, but can also serve as a signal that there are certain diseases in the body.

Non-threatening pain in the right hypochondrium

Even in completely healthy people, from time to time, there may be uncomfortable feeling of heaviness or aching pain in the hypochondrium on the right. The most common conditions of the body that provoke such unpleasant sensations include:

As a rule, pain in the right hypochondrium area that occurs for these reasons goes away immediately after the factor of their occurrence is eliminated. They do not pose a particular threat to the health of the body and human life.

Pain in the right hypochondrium is a signal of a problem

Since the right hypochondrium is in contact with many internal organs, frequent pain or a feeling of discomfort may indicate a problem in the functioning of organs such as:

  • right kidney and adrenal gland;
  • gallbladder;
  • rectum;
  • liver;
  • heart;
  • lungs.

This area may also reflect bile duct pain, inferior vena cava and sometimes from the pancreas. This area may suffer from diseases of the spine, osteochondrosis or inflammation of the intercostal muscles. Dislocation of pain in the right hypochondrium may indicate which organ is experiencing problems.

Pain in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the back

This dislocation of unpleasant sensations, when the pain is felt from behind, closer to the back, can signal existing kidney diseases, problems with the spine and pathological changes in the vena cava. The most frequent illnesses , provoking acute or aching pain in the right hypochondrium are:

  • Thrombosis of the vena cava - can manifest as pain in the right hypochondrium, lower back and in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade.
  • Intercostal neuralgia, which is characterized by the fact that, along with severe, shooting pain, it limits a person’s movement during sharp bends and turns.
  • Fractures or severe bruises ribs may appear strongly pronounced, constant pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. Such injuries are characterized by increased pain when taking a deep breath or coughing.
  • Osteochondrosis, which affects lumbar region. With this disease, pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium may be accompanied by pulling sensations along the spine and sharp sharp jabs.
  • Pyelonephritis is quite common kidney disease and most often may be accompanied by fever, swelling on the face, pain when urinating and, in addition to the right hypochondrium, the lower back in the kidney area may hurt.
  • Acute upper paranephritis occurs as a result of inflammation of fatty tissue in the kidney area. This disease is characterized by a strong increase in temperature, painful sensation arise in the lumbar region and only on the 2nd or 3rd day after the onset of the disease, they move to the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.
  • Kidney cancer or adrenal tumor is characterized by mild and sluggish pain, which is most often localized in lower section lower back. But sometimes, this pain can also manifest itself in the right hypochondrium.
  • Urolithiasis, which affects the right kidney, can also manifest as pain in the hypochondrium on the corresponding side. Moving stones and sand along urinary canals can cause acute severe painful colic, which is localized in the right hypochondrium, lower back and lower abdomen.

Pain in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the side or abdominal cavity

In the case when the pain under the ribs on the right side radiates to the stomach or side, it can be said with a high probability that this is a symptom of a malfunction of the abdominal organs, or problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Quite often the cause of discomfort and pain are diseases such as:

The liver is a common cause of such pain

Since the liver is localized on the right side, very often, the problem in question may become a symptom of a malfunction of this organ. Exists a number of liver diseases, which can cause constant heaviness or discomfort on the right side. The most common diseases in this group include:

Acute, sharp pain on the right side under the ribs can be a signal that a problem has arisen in the body serious problem. This pain should not be ignored, since it may be a signal of myocardial infarction, or rather, its abdominal form.

In this case, it is sharp, sharp and intense. It can radiate to the right shoulder blade and does not go away even after taking nitroglycerin. As a rule, it is accompanied sharp drop pressure and pallor skin. With such manifestations, the person must be hospitalized to rule out a heart attack.

Women should also not ignore detailed pain, as it may signal the presence of such problems, How:

  • torsion of ovarian cyst;
  • acute adnexid;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Necessary diagnostics

Systematic pain in the right hypochondrium, the causes of which can be quite diverse, should not be ignored. In order to diagnose in time possible diseases, which may manifest as pain or discomfort in this area, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner. As a rule, with such complaints, a specialist may prescribe the following studies:

  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, pelvic organs or abdominal cavity;
  • liver tests;
  • X-ray of the spine and lungs;
  • ECG and ultrasound of the heart;
  • hemogram.