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Medicine to calm a hypochondriac. Sedatives without a prescription: list of drugs

Live in modern world Every year it becomes more and more difficult. Production processes become more complex, negative information prevails in the flow of information. Stress and psychological stress make a person nervous and withdrawn in his inner world.

The fight against stress involves only two directions. The first path is labor-intensive and costly: working on yourself, developing personal effectiveness, systematically overcoming all life’s difficulties, correcting erroneous thinking. But often a person does not have the strength, time, or money for specialists. Therefore, there is a need to take a sedative.

This article is intended to save the reader money by preventing him from purchasing expensive and hyped sedatives. These are the ones that will be offered to you in pharmacies first. After reading here about which inexpensive nerve sedative is right for you, you will be able to therapeutic effect keep a considerable amount of money with you.

Adult nervous system

Why did man invent sedatives? What is the principle of action of sedatives?

    • Excitation of the central nervous system slows down, and inhibition increases. You begin to react more calmly to life situations;
    • You immediately notice how your desire to be irritated, aggressive, and quarrelsome disappears. Swearing and tears are not about you;
    • Autonomic dysfunctions disappear: tremor, excessive sweating, high heart rate, spasms in the intestines;
    • The process of falling asleep becomes easier. Moreover, the effect of sedative medications differs from sleeping pills: it does not disconnect you from reality, but brings you a healthy and restful sleep

For neuroses and neurasthenia, it is recommended to combine strong tablets psychiatric orientation with conventional anti-stress drugs. This approach will allow you to reduce the dosage of a potent drug in order to reduce harm and provide more gentle therapy. Since “all diseases are caused by nerves,” people often use sedatives in addition to the main treatment, after consulting a doctor.

Good sedatives for nerves and stress without prescriptions

Most sedatives are available without a doctor's prescription. This is convenient: you can quickly influence your emotional state and general health. But most the best option when exactly the doctor prescribes sedatives to you. Especially if strong sedatives are needed. There are often cases when tremors, diarrhea, nervousness and bad feeling caused by the beginning serious illnesses internal organs and CNS. So, it’s safer to go for an examination if possible.

There is no list that lists the best sedatives. Each person selects sedatives for himself individually. Here it is worth focusing on the effect. It is advisable for you to be able to function comfortably during the day without becoming drowsy. Finding “your” drug can only be done experimentally. Try different options and don’t stay on one for too long, so as not to develop addiction. Once a person gets used to it, the drug has almost no effect, returning you back to a stressed state.

Herbal calming tablets

Sedatives, which contain medicinal plants, are extremely popular. This is due to maximum safety and minimal side effects. Natural ingredients do not harm the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body as a whole. Medicinal herbs have been used by mankind since time immemorial. Modern research confirms the healing and calming properties of plants. Scientific medicine actively introduced medicinal plants into the production of medicines and drugs for stress and nerves.

Raw materialsDrugsEffect of use
ValerianAlcohol tincture, tablets, Valevigran in capsules, pressed rhizomes, filter bags for brewing infusionreducing nervous excitability, promoting sleep, enhancing the effect sleeping pills, intestinal spasms pass.
Passionflower incarnate (passion flower)Alora (sedative for menopause), extract in tablets.Makes it easier to fall asleep, sleep becomes deep. Antispasmodic effect, relieves cramps.
MotherwortAlcohol tincture, drops based on lily of the valley and motherwort, herbal tea, tablets, motherwort extract.A mild relaxing effect, with vegetative-vascular dystonia, calms the heart rhythm.
PeonyPeony extract, peony tincture.Eases vegetative-vascular dystonia and neurasthenia.
St. John's wortHerb for brewing, Negrustin in tablets, Deprim, Neuroplant.Antiseptic effect. Antidepressant, improves tone and mood.

Combined sedatives

Sedatives - good helpers for people on stressful work. Combinations of active ingredients make anti-stress drugs effective and safe. The beneficial properties of several herbs are combined in one product, complementing each other. This approach allows you to expand the spectrum of action of the sedative. And the concentration of active substances decreases without loss of effectiveness. If you need pills for anxiety, then combination drugs will be very useful.

A drugActive IngredientsEffect of use
PhytosedOats, hawthorn, motherwort, hops, sweet clover, coriander, lemon balm. alcohol tincture. Relaxes the psyche, removes anxiety and tension in the body. Fights fatigue.
Persen ForteExtracts of valerian, lemon balm, peppermint.Reduces irritability, nervous excitability, and has a calming effect. Helps you fall asleep quickly and make your sleep deeper.
Novo-passitvalerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort, passionflower hops, elderberry, hawthorn, with guaifenesin extract.Reduced tension and anxiety.
DormiplantValerian, lemon balm, ethanol.Promotes sleep, reduces nervous tension.
Algoven relax (dietary supplement)Valerian, hawthorn, passionflower.Promotes sleep, relaxes the central nervous system.

Soothing drops

Strong sedatives without prescriptions are usually available in the form of drops. This format allows you to accurately dose the amount of sedative. The disadvantage of such drugs is the presence of side effects. Increased sleepiness, imprecise motor skills, apathy, decreased concentration, intestinal disorders, rashes on the body may occur with increasing dosage. But if you have difficulty falling asleep, the adult sleep drops discussed in the table below may be considered a suitable option. Let's look at the most popular drops:

A drugCompoundExpected effect
ValocordinBromoisovaleric acid ester, phenobarbital, peppermint, hop oil.Relieves heart pain of neurotic origin, promotes sleep, relieves irritation and anxiety. , a powerful sedative
CorvalolPhenobarbital, peppermint oil, ethyl bromizovalerianate.Gentle sedative effect, soft hypnotic effect. Relieves spasms in the heart.
Green DropsTincture of lily of the valley, valerian, belladonna, levomenthol.Increases appetite, relieves intestinal spasms, and evens out the functioning of the heart.
DormiplantValerian, lemon balm, ethanol.Promotes sleep, calms stress.
Adonis BromPotassium bromide, spring adonis glycoside.Normalizes the pulse and relaxes tension in the muscles due to prolonged stress. Reduces libido.
BromcamphorPotassium bromide.Calms inhibitory processes in the central nervous system, improves heart function, reduces libido during sexual abstinence

Anti-anxiety medications by prescription

Quite often, strong sedatives are only available by prescription. These are usually the most modern and safe drugs. It is worth going to a therapist to find out the cause of health problems and get a suitable prescription.

A drugActive IngredientsEffect of use
PhenibutAminophenyl butyric acid hydrochloride.Acts at the non-neural level, improving the transmission of nerve impulses. Improves sleep, reduces anxiety. Fights headaches, insomnia, dizziness.
AfobazoleMorpholino-ethyl-thio-ethoxy-benzimidazole dihydrochloride.Suppression of anxiety, fear. Prescribed for excessive nervous stress and constant stress. , a powerful sedative
TenotenAntibodies to a specific protein of the central nervous system.Improves emotional background and mood, relieves irritability. There is no lethargic effect and does not make you sleepy after taking it.
DormiplantValerian, lemon balm, ethanol.Helps you fall asleep quickly and reduces nervousness.

Homeopathic sedatives for the adult nervous system

If you want to know what to drink for your nerves with the most gentle effect, homeopathy provides the answer. Sedatives created by homeopaths contain active substance and sugar base. A person absorbs sweet plates and gets an almost instant effect, because absorption begins in the oral cavity.

It is important to remember that official medicine does not recognize homeopathy. Therefore, homeopathic remedies for stress are not medicines, but have a beneficial effect on the body on a par with full-fledged medicines. Titles homeopathic remedies everyone knows and is sold in any pharmacy. Here are some of them: Rest, Avenacombe, two types of Edas (306 and 311), Nervohel, Valerianahel, Notta, Sedalia, Gelarium, Leovit, Nevrosed.

The rhythm of our life can unsettle even the most stress-resistant person. The delicate and sensitive nervous system is especially affected. She reacts with neuroses, arrhythmia, depression, insomnia and serious mental breakdowns.

What to do? Hide from reality by running away to quiet villages? Why, when there are pharmacies. The world of pharmaceuticals offers a variety of calming tablets for nerves to help people. How to choose the right product without harm to your health? Let's figure it out.

Modern life is full of worries and stress, how can we help?

Although many anti-anxiety medications are over-the-counter and do not require a doctor's prescription, do not take these medications lightly! Such medications can cause serious complications and negatively affect human health.

You can independently prescribe a sedative if the ailment is temporary, caused by taking exams, an emergency situation at work, noisy or important event. But even in this case, you should be aware of a number of contraindications when taking anti-anxiety medications is prohibited or requires special caution:

Pregnancy. Almost every woman during this difficult period faces nervous shocks, the causes of which are hormonal changes. To the expectant mother It is highly contraindicated to take any chemicals to relieve anxiety. And be sure to get a doctor's permission to use any medications.

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use mild sedatives based on Motherwort and Valerian

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use light sedatives of plant origin. Created on the basis of motherwort or valerian.

Individual intolerance. Many people suffer from congenital allergies to the components that make up sedatives. If this person there is at least the slightest inclination to allergic manifestations, suitable medicine for nerves should be selected especially carefully.

Childhood. Mothers need to know that it is strictly forbidden for young children to be given anti-anxiety medications without a pediatrician’s prescription. They are also prohibited from being used for preventive purposes if the baby does not have neurological or psychiatric problems.

Children's hysterics and whims are not a reason to raid the pharmacy in search of a sedative for a little deaf person. All such medications for children are prescribed only by a doctor!

Traumatic brain injuries. Doctors strongly discourage taking anti-anxiety medications after various (even minor) head injuries. Doctors are convinced that taking such medications provokes the development of dangerous adverse reactions. Calming pills nervous system, it is prohibited to take by persons diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • brain tumors;
  • alcohol and drug addiction.

All remedies designed to restore nerves are a large group of different medications that differ in their effects on the nervous system. Their main task is to restore balance between the centers of inhibition/excitation.

Excitation and inhibition of the central nervous system

According to their pharmacology, all anti-anxiety medications are divided into four large classes. Let's get to know them.


Drugs in this group - oldest medicines from the category of sedatives. The group's name comes from Greek words meaning "dissolution of anxiety." Such drugs are also called anxiolytics. The group of modern tranquilizers includes more than 100 drugs.

Properties of tranquilizers

The main task of these medications is to relieve depression, fear, anxiety and panic.. Tranquilizers have the following effects on humans:

  1. Anticonvulsant. Relief of convulsive activity.
  2. Muscle relaxant. Reduced muscle tension levels.
  3. Anxiolytic. Reduced levels of anxiety and tension.
  4. Hypnotic. Restoring sleep, increasing its duration and quality.
  5. Sedative. Reducing psychomotor overexcitation by stopping the speed of mental and motor reactions.
  6. Vegetostabilizing. Normalization of the activity of the autonomic system: stabilization of pressure, heart rate, decreased sweating.

All of the above effects different drugs may be declared in varying degrees. This must be taken into account when choosing a tranquilizer.

An important feature of such drugs is the lack of their effect on the cognitive functions of the body. They also do not act on stabilization mental state. Tranquilizers are helpless in the fight against hallucinations and delusional ideas.

Therefore, the main indications for the use of tranquilizers are:

  • acute stress;
  • withdrawal syndrome;
  • VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • panic and anxiety disorders;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • neuroses accompanied by insomnia and fears;
  • anxiety before major surgery.

A good sedative for the nerves of a number of tranquilizers has a potentiating effect. These medications enhance the effect of sleeping pills and painkillers.

Drugs with potentiating effects

The most effective tranquilizers include benzodiazepines. But they are addictive. Modern drugs have a more gentle effect and do not have side effects.

Popular tranquilizers

Name Effect
Diazepam (or Valium, Seduxen, Sibazon, Relanium) Muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant
Phenazepam Sedative
Chlordiazepoxide Sedative, muscle relaxant
Gidazepam Anxiolytic
Atarax (Hydroxyzine) Moderate anxiolytic
Afobazole Hypnotic, anxiolytic
Benactizine Sedative, hypnotic
Meprobamate Anticonvulsant, hypnotic, sedative
Adaptol Vegetostabilizing, muscle relaxant
Trioxazine Vegetostabilizing, hypnotic

Sedative medications

The mildest sedatives in their effects. The name itself (translated from Latin, sedation means “calm”) speaks of the gentle effect of drugs on the body.

Sedatives excellently tolerated and non-addictive. They are prescribed by doctors for children, pregnant women and the elderly.

If you come to the pharmacy and ask what to drink for nerves and stress, the pharmacist will offer you sedative medications. Such drugs can be taken until the problem is completely eliminated. They are not addictive.

Sedative effect of drugs

Sedative drugs have the following effects on: human body:

  1. Reduce feelings of anxiety.
  2. Helps normalize sleep, making it restful and deep.
  3. Strengthen the effects of other drugs (sleeping pills, painkillers).
  4. Improves the body's autonomic functions (stabilizes blood pressure and heart rate).
  5. They stimulate excitation processes (or stop them) that occur in the cerebral cortex.
  6. Stabilize the functioning of higher nervous activity. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.

Sedative pills for nerves and stress: list of names

Name Indications
Bromides (sodium and potassium based)

Potassium bromide solution



Adonis bromine

Neurasthenia, neuroses, hysteria, early stages of hypertension, insomnia
Combined (based on plant components with the inclusion of chemical compounds)



Irritability, insomnia, internal tension, stress, overwork, neurasthenia
Vegetable origin



Hysteria, insomnia, arrhythmias, neuroses, stress during menopause, hypertension and angina pectoris


Or antipsychotics are the strongest, most powerful sedative for nerves. Such drugs appeared in the world of pharmaceuticals relatively recently.

Neuroleptics are potent drugs

All drugs in this series have a strong suppressive effect on productive symptoms. Such medications are removed from the patient:

  • delusional, obsessive ideas;
  • hallucinations (visual/auditory);
  • behavioral disorders (aggression, mania, agitation).

Neuroleptics are prescribed by doctors for the treatment of serious psycho-emotional disorders (autism, schizophrenia, emotional flattening, desocialization, severe neuroses, psychoses).

The ban is justified by the fact that all drugs of this series have serious side effects. This is expressed in the appearance of muscle stiffness, tremor, hypersalivation (salivation), oral hyperkinesis (convulsions of the tongue, cheek muscles).

Name of antipsychotic sedative tablets

Typical (classical) drugs Atypical (more gentle) agents
Antipsychotic effect










Azaleptin (Leponex)

Rispolept (Risste or Speridan)


Sedative effect








Azaleptin (or Leponex)

Hypnotic effect



Thioridazine (Sonapax)



Azaleptin (or Leponex)

Activating effect (relief of behavioral disorders)



Rispolept (Risset, Speridian)

Normothymic effect (mood stabilizer)






Corrective Behaviors



Thioridazine (Sonapax)



Antidepressant effect


Trifluoperazine (Stelazine, Triftazine)



Rispolept (Risset or Speridan)

Antimanic effect




Thioridazine (Sonaprax)




Rispolept (Risset, Speridan)

Restoration of cognitive functions





These are psychotropic drugs whose main task is to regulate mood in people with a diagnosed mental disorder. In addition to stabilizing the emotional background, mood stabilizers (or thymoisoleptics) reduce the risk of a possible relapse of the disease.

Mood stabilizers have the following effects:

  • relieve attacks of irritability;
  • reduce impulsivity, quarrelsomeness and temper;
  • remove the effect of dysphoria (decreased mood) in those suffering from mental illness.

Normotimiki are used for complex therapy in case of diagnosed severe disorders. This is schizophrenia affective disorders, affective insanity.

What are mood stabilizers?

Thymoisoleptics are based on lithium and carbazepine derivatives, lamotrigine and valproate. You should be especially careful when taking these medications.

Regulatory medications are taken under strict medical supervision. Abrupt cessation of use of drugs of this group leads to the rapid appearance of an affective state.

To understand which sedative pills are the most effective in this category, you need to be a doctor or a patient yourself. These drugs can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription.

List of mood stabilizers

Calming homeopathy

It is best to take anti-anxiety medications only as prescribed by a doctor. But there is a subgroup of funds that you can focus on Special attention. This homeopathic medicines, created on the basis of plant components:

  • Notta;
  • Leovit;
  • Sedalia;
  • Calm down;
  • Gelarium;
  • Neurosed;
  • Nervochel;
  • Avena comp;
  • Edas 306 and 111;
  • Valerianahel.

It is better to dissolve such drugs slowly by placing the tablet under the tongue. The active substances, absorbed into the sublingual veins, begin to act instantly.

Remember that quality human life primarily depends on the emotional background. But abuse or unreasonable use of any sedatives is fraught with deterioration in health. Everything should be competent and in moderation.

Rhythm modern life can throw even the most resilient person out of balance. Constant haste, encounters with aggression, anger, irritation - all this negatively affects the nervous system. The latter simply cannot withstand such stress. As a result, various neuroses, depressions, and nervous breakdowns occur. But wait for such serious consequences not at all necessary. After all modern medicine proposed many drugs that can promptly eliminate the symptoms of systematic stress. You can buy anti-nerve pills at any pharmacy. However, how to choose the most effective ones from a wide range?

Important warning!

It is necessary to clearly understand that pills for nerves and stress should only be prescribed by a doctor. It is highly not recommended to take such medications on your own. They can cause dangerous consequences for the human body.

It is allowed to use medications if the discomfort is temporary. For example, if these are worries about entrance exams or an upcoming wedding. But in cases where stress and depression persist for a long period, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Independent selection of medications is strictly prohibited.

Types of drugs

Tablets for nerves and stress are a broad group of medications that provide positive influence on the activity of the nervous system. They ensure restoration of the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition.

By pharmacological effects all nerve pills are divided into groups:

  1. Tranquilizers. Such drugs relieve anxiety, emotional discomfort, and fear. However, they do not impair cognitive functions. A person is able to speak, think, perceive information. The drugs do not cause various psychological manifestations (hallucinations, delusions). This group includes medications: Diazepam, Chlordiazepoxide, Lorazepam, Bromazepam, Phenazepam, Atarax. However, such drugs can be addictive. That is why tranquilizers can only be used under strict medical supervision and in short courses. Sometimes they can provoke side effects, such as muscle weakness, trembling of fingers, slow speed of mental reactions.
  2. Sedatives. These are medicines that are made from bromine or plants. Compared to the group described above, they differ in less pronounced soothing properties. These drugs have a gentle effect on the human body. In addition, they have virtually no side effects. The most popular medicines are based on motherwort, lemon balm, and valerian rhizomes. Sedatives are often taken for palpitations and hypertension. This group includes the following medications: “Validol”, “Valerian”, “Barboval”, “Valocordin”.
  3. Neuroleptics. These are very strong pills for nerves and stress. List of drugs included in this group: Sonapax, Tiapride, Azaleptin. Such medications are used in psychiatric practice. They are prescribed by a doctor for serious illnesses.
  4. Normotimic medications. Psychotropic medications. They are aimed at stabilizing the mood of sick people. Such drugs can soften the phases of mental disorders and inhibit the development of attacks. Prominent representatives of the group are the drugs “Carbamazepine”, “Oxcarbazepine”, “Lamotrigine”, “Sodium Valproate”, “Risperidone”, “Olanzapine”, “Quetiapine”.

Contraindications to taking sedatives

It is important to understand that not all people are allowed to take anti-nerve pills. It is best to consult your doctor before using such medications.

The following conditions require special attention and caution:

  1. Pregnancy. Many women face anxiety and stress while carrying a child. However, such people should not take pills or brew potions. Sedative medications should be prescribed by your doctor. As a rule, products based on valerian and motherwort are allowed.
  2. Individual sensitivity. If a person has a tendency to allergies, then sedative medications should be selected very carefully. It is necessary to carefully study the instructions and be sure to consult a doctor.
  3. Childhood. It is strictly forbidden to independently use sedatives for children. Such medications can be prescribed by a doctor only in the case of psychological illnesses. You should absolutely not use sedatives for children whose emotional state and nervous system are in order. In addition, we should not forget that all guys can be capricious and throw tantrums. Such manifestations are not a reason to use medications.
  4. Traumatic brain injuries. It is not recommended to take sedatives if mechanical damage heads. Doctors say that these drugs often provoke adverse reactions.

Calming pills for nerves should not be taken by people who have been diagnosed with:

  • brain tumors;
  • epilepsy;
  • drug and alcohol addiction.

The best pills for nerves

Most effective drugs The doctor will be able to select it after reading the medical history, finding out the causes of the ailment and analyzing the contraindications of medications. Below are popular nerve pills.

List of the best drugs:

  • "Afobazole".
  • "Validol".
  • "Valoserdin."
  • "Glycine".
  • "Nitroglycerine".
  • "Donormil."
  • "Persen."
  • "Phenozepam".
  • "Novo-Passit".
  • "Tenoten."
  • "Phenibut."
  • "Cytoflavin".

Range effective means very extensive. Finding a safe and high-quality medicine is not easy. Therefore, when thinking about which nerve pills can relieve anxiety, be sure to study their instructions. For example, strong medications are strictly contraindicated for people whose activities require concentration. They can carry real threat for human life.

Medicine "Afobazol"

The active substance of the drug is a selective anxiolytic. This remedy reduces mental discomfort characteristic of anxiety states, eliminates concern, irritability, negative premonitions, and fears. The medicine perfectly relieves the effects of overexertion. It eliminates tearfulness, timidity, helps to get rid of insomnia and causeless fears. The drug "Afobazol" allows the patient to relax.

In addition, the medication has a beneficial effect on general state. It corrects cardiovascular, muscular, sensory, respiratory and digestive disorders caused by somatic problems. The drug is able to cope with some autonomic disorders such as dizziness, sweating, dry mouth. The medicine provides concentration and has a beneficial effect on memory.

A positive effect can be observed 5-7 days after the start of therapy. The medicine is usually prescribed at 30 mg per day. This dose is taken in 3 doses. Therapy can last 2 weeks. In some cases it is extended to 3 months.

The drug "Persen"

This is enough effective tablets from nerves. The name of the drug is well known to the population, since the medicine is very popular. After all, it has a minimum of contraindications. In addition, the medicine is made from plant components.

The medicine has a mild sedative effect. It effectively eliminates irritability, significantly improves mood and helps the patient calm down. The medication effectively copes with agitation and psycho-emotional stress. It relieves insomnia. At the same time, it does not provoke drowsiness during the day.

The drug "Tenoten"

Calming tablets are an excellent homeopathic remedy. They cope well with anxiety, anxiety, eliminate excessive irritability, emotional lability.

The drug "Tenoten" helps improve memory and concentration. This drug increases the body's resistance to various stresses.

The drug is prescribed 4 times a day, 1-2 tablets. The pill should be kept under the tongue until it is completely dissolved. It is recommended to carry out this procedure 30 minutes before eating. Treatment with Tenoten can last from 1 to 3 months.

Phenibut product

Such calming tablets for nerves will provide an excellent effect. They contain an active substance - a tranquilizer.

The medicine helps cope with fear, anxiety, and feelings of tension. In addition, the product improves sleep. The medication "Phenibut" can relieve the patient from headaches, irritability, and emotional lability.

The drug perfectly improves performance, attention, memory, and speed of sensorimotor reactions.

The patient is prescribed 250-500 mg of the drug three times a day. This therapy can last 1-1.5 months.

Medicine "Phenazepam"

These are very strong nerve pills. The drug is a tranquilizer. The drug perfectly eliminates anxiety, fear, emotional instability, and increased irritability. The medicine effectively copes with various psychopathic, neurosis-like, neurotic conditions. Its use allows you to get rid of panic reactions and insomnia.

However, this remedy has an intense sedative effect. It is absolutely not recommended to use this medication without a doctor's prescription. This tool most often prescribed two to three times a day, 0.25-0.5 mg.


However, do not forget that all drugs have contraindications. In addition, they often cause unpleasant side effects. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctors before use.

Faced with stress every day, a person has to either learn to resist it or take sedatives for the nervous system. The first option involves playing sports, having an interesting hobby, mastering meditation, but not always even such harmless ways help calm nerves, restore normal heartbeat, ease intestinal spasms and others side effects. But taking sedatives means quickly solving the problem, provided that the sedative is chosen correctly.

The body's resources are not at all infinite. Due to frequent releases of stress hormones (adrenaline, cortisol), the body is disrupted hormonal background, immunity decreases and sexual attraction. Organs that work hard begin to malfunction, and the body wears out at an accelerated pace. It is not for nothing that a person who has experienced a strong emotional shock is said to have aged ten years.

Stress is often the cause of insomnia, headaches, gastrointestinal problems and even heart attacks and strokes. Due to reduced immunity, a person is susceptible to infectious and viral diseases, exacerbation of chronic pathologies. Attempts to escape from reality lead to alcoholism, drug addiction, and the development of serious mental illness. Depression due to stress can result in suicide or attempted suicide.

Stress is called the “silent killer”: chronic emotional overstrain causes a serious blow to health. Only timely treatment, working on yourself and revising your lifestyle will help you avoid the serious consequences of prolonged stress.

Main signs of stress

There are several signs of stress that are common to most people:

  • Feeling irritated, depressed for no particular reason.
  • Inability to concentrate on work.
  • Memory problems, decreased speed of thinking, frequent mistakes.
  • Frequent headaches, stomach cramps that do not have organic causes.
  • Depression, physical weakness, reluctance to do anything, constant fatigue.
  • Decreased appetite or constant feeling hunger.
  • Loss of sense of humor.
  • Abuse of bad habits.
  • Increased excitability, touchiness.
  • Constantly arising desire to cry, tearfulness, turning into sobs, melancholy, pessimism, self-pity.
  • Lack of interest in others, family and friends.
  • The inability to relax and put aside your affairs and problems.
  • Sometimes they appear nervous tics, obsessive habits: a person bites his lips, bites his nails. Fussiness and distrust of everyone appear.

These symptoms may appear one at a time after the body has reacted to external stimulus, their appearance can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Effect of sedatives on the nervous system

A kind of shock in the form of light, short-term stress is useful for the body. This helps to mobilize all your forces and direct them to solve the problem. When emotional stress becomes constant, the body loses calm and malfunctions in the form of breakdowns or mental disorders. Sedatives for the nervous system of an adult help restore emotional balance. They have the following effects on the body:

  1. Strengthening inhibition processes in the cortex and subcortex of the brain, which reduces the level of excitability of the nervous system. As a result, attacks of irritability, aggression, excessive tearfulness, and conflict go away.
  2. Normalization of the autonomic and central nervous system (CNS). This helps get rid of hand tremors, high anxiety, and sweating. Also, after taking sedatives, spasms in the intestines disappear and the heartbeat normalizes.
  3. Eliminate sleep problems. It becomes easier for a person to fall asleep, but the medicine does not disrupt his normal physiological rhythms. This is an advantage of sedatives over sleeping pills, which make it easier to fall asleep due to their effect on the cerebral cortex.

What are the types of sedatives?

The concept of sedatives combines a large number of drugs that are completely different in composition and can have a sedative effect on the human central nervous system. It is quite difficult to unequivocally classify such drugs, since many of them are capable of influencing the human nervous system in some way. Even some drugs that have a different main targeted effect are capable of this. However, conditionally sedatives can be divided as follows:

  • Bromine preparations (potassium or sodium bromides).
  • Herbal preparations (extracts and tinctures medicinal herbs having a calming effect).
  • Combinations of the above.
  • Neuroleptics ( antipsychotic drugs) – intended for the treatment of mental disorders.
  • Tranquilizers are drugs that relieve anxiety and various fears and phobias.
  • Antidepressants are chemical drugs, classified as a separate group, that eliminate depressive conditions.
  • Barbiturates are drugs that have a depressant effect on the central nervous system.

Strong sedatives should not be taken without a doctor's prescription as they are very dangerous. Many of them cause irreversible consequences in the brain and seriously affect the psyche. Use similar drugs must always be justified, and every person accepting them must have a valid serious reason and be aware of the possible consequences.

Sedatives: when and who needs them

Until recently, it was believed that sedative pills were needed only by older people, since their nervous system was “worn out” and required external support. This common misconception has disappeared under the pressure of life situations and lifestyle modern people. It happens that it is simply impossible to cope with the manifestations of stress on your own, so medicine offers a wide range of different medications for any age.

Sedatives, when used consistently, are considered therapy. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is necessary. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

The need to help our own nerve cells appears in the following situations:

  • Stressful state. It is characterized by symptoms such as attacks of anger or panic, complete indifference, detachment from the outside world, insomnia, and mood swings. This happens in women and men when there is instability life situation, which “drives” a person into a constant state of stress.
  • Depression. More female condition, which occurs due to the unfavorable climate in its environment. Constant fatigue, excessive emotionality can lead to depression. Quite often this condition occurs in young mothers.
  • Constantly present insomnia. Typically, insomnia appears as a consequence of emotional overstrain received during the day. It can be called the “first bell”, which can lead to nervous breakdowns and severe depression.
  • Stress before certain events (exam, wedding, etc.). Quite often, teenagers are very nervous before exams, so the use of mild sedatives is appropriate here.
  • For hyperactivity in young children. Many parents have a problem such as child hyperactivity, which prevents him from concentrating in class or concentrating on one thing. Therefore, doctors prescribe sedatives to such children.
  • PMS in women. 30% of representatives of the weak half of humanity have a bright premenstrual syndrome. Hormones cause nervous instability, aggression, and emotional breakdowns. Therefore, sedatives are often necessary.

Effective herbal sedatives

Preparations based on herbal raw materials are as safe as possible, environmentally friendly, and place less strain on the pancreas, bile ducts and liver. Humanity has accumulated thousands of years of experience in herbal treatment. nervous disorders. Of course, today's capabilities of chemical analysis of plant materials fully confirm the effectiveness of both single-component medicinal herbal products and herbal infusions.

Preparations based on valerian are prepared from rhizomes and roots, less often leaves and stems. Alcohol tincture, tablets and extract of valerian, Valevigran (capsules), briquettes from the rhizome, filter bags for making tea reduce nervous excitability, improve sleep, enhance the effect of sleeping pills, and reduce intestinal spasms. Alcohol tincture is more effective than tablets. Forty drops may work in an 80-kilogram man suffering from neurasthenia, provided he is not an alcoholic or taking psychotropic drugs. High dosages can slow down the heartbeat and even cause bradycardia.

Medicines based on passionflower incarnate (passion flower). This vine is used to facilitate falling asleep, increase the depth of sleep, in the complex treatment of neurasthenia (unmotivated fears, anxiety, syndrome obsessive states, increased irritability). These effects are realized due to the alkaloids and flavonoids contained in the passionflower herb. Passionflower also has an antispasmodic and mild anticonvulsant effect (can reduce trembling of the hands and head). Also based on this herb, medicines for menopause have been created (Alora in tablets and syrup), which, in addition to the sedative effect, reduce heartbeat and help with headaches.

Sedatives from motherwort are alcohol tincture and lily of the valley-leonurus drops, as well as motherwort herb or tablets with motherwort extract.

Peony tincture is very effective for neurasthenia and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

St. John's wort preparations (tablets Negrustin, Neuroplant, Deprim, etc., see instructions in the article sedatives for children) combine the properties of a sedative and antidepressant.


  • This remedy is the most common medicine used for sleep disorders and increased excitability of the nervous system. The drug is produced in the form of tablets and acts very gently. The effect does not occur immediately, but lasts for a long time
  • The dosage is determined individually and is contraindicated only for those who are intolerant to valerian. Since valerian extract can cause reaction disturbances, drivers should take this remedy with great caution
  • Valerian extract is indicated for increased feelings of anxiety, disorders of cardio-vascular system, depression and panic attack
  • You can buy such tablets at any pharmacy; they are available without a prescription. But, before taking them, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
  • Based on valerian, such a popular remedy as Novo-Passit is produced. In addition to valerian, this sedative contains components of St. John's wort, lemon balm, passionflower, hawthorn, elderberry and hops.
  • Another widely advertised medicine based on this plant is Persen. It can also be used to combat increased excitability nervous system, insomnia, stress
  • In addition to valerian, Persen contains lemon balm and mint extract. It is available in the form of tablets and capsules.

Strong herbal remedies in tablets or drops (without drowsiness)

Among the strong sedative medications, there are few that do not cause drowsiness. It is usually a consequence of the relaxing effect.

"Validol" and "Corvalol" are known to many

They are used for anxiety and neuroses, diseases of the cardiac system. These drugs have a sedative effect, are inexpensive, and are widely used.


Strong combination medicine, which relieves vascular spasms, improves mood, and supplies the body with the necessary energy. It calms you down, helps you forget about stress, anxiety, irritability, and other unpleasant emotions. One of the main advantages of the medication is the absence of drowsiness.


Deprima contains St. John's wort extract, which restores the nervous system, tones the entire body, and improves activity. gastrointestinal tract. It causes drowsiness, but not significantly.


Prescribed to patients with increased excitability, feelings of anxiety, tension and fear. Its components are valerian root, peppermint, lemon balm, and hop cones. These drops have no serious contraindications or side effects.


Helps with stressful situations, fatigue, neurasthenia, disorders of the blood circulation and brain, providing a powerful effect. Unfortunately, the drug causes drowsiness and is sometimes prescribed for insomnia.

A good fast-acting sedative for nerves - synthetic origin

Strong sedatives for the adult nervous system can be synthesized artificially. They are efficient and fast acting. These are antipsychotics, tranquilizers and drugs that improve the well-being and mood of people suffering from frequent mental instability.


The drug is known for its effectiveness with a large number of side effects and contraindications. Produced in ampoules or powder, it improves sleep, calms, relieves muscle spasms, relieves pain in the uterus and intestines.

Side effects include:

  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • diarrhea.

Contraindications: kidney disease, bradycardia, low blood pressure, intestinal obstruction.


Tenoten is a tablet drug that improves emotional state, mood, relieves irritability, and relieves nervous tension. Can be used for nervousness, memory loss, stress, anxiety. The effectiveness of the drug is achieved by the presence of antibodies to a specific protein of the central nervous system.


These calming tablets for nerves are a tranquilizer that eliminates anxiety, tearfulness, and fearfulness. Afobazole normalizes sleep, makes it possible to relax and calms the heartbeat. Contraindications include age under 18 years, individual sensitivity to the drug, pregnancy.


This group includes sedatives for the nervous system of adults, which are based on bromine. The effect of bromides is to relieve nervous overexcitation and weaken the reactions of the brain.

These drugs should not be used without supervision, as they high dosages they lead to poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning:

  • rash;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • profuse lacrimation.

The most popular remedies include: Bromcamphor, Adonis Bromine. Both drugs can cause adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, memory impairment, weakness. There is an age limit: for Bromcamphor - up to 7 years, Adonis Brom - up to 18 years.

Homeopathic sedatives for the adult nervous system

If you want to know what to drink for your nerves with the most gentle effect, homeopathy provides the answer. Sedatives created by homeopaths contain an active substance and a sugar base. A person absorbs sweet plates and gets an almost instant effect, because absorption begins in the oral cavity.

It is important to remember that official medicine does not recognize homeopathy. Therefore, homeopathic remedies for stress are not medicines, but have a beneficial effect on the body on a par with full-fledged medicines. The names of homeopathic remedies are well known and are sold in any pharmacy. Here are some of them: Rest, Avenacombe, two types of Edas (306 and 311), Nervohel, Valerianahel, Notta, Sedalia, Gelarium, Leovit, Nevrosed.

Nerve calmer for women

Representatives of the fairer sex are characterized by mood swings, headaches, unreasonable fears, and other manifestations of neuroses, especially during the premenopausal period, during pregnancy, and PMS. To stabilize frayed nerves, natural-based combination drugs (Persen, Novo-Passit) are most often used. From the anxiolytic group, the best sedative for women is Afobazol.

Chamomile perfectly calms the nerves and tones. Baths with it and tea are excellent means to combat apathy, irritability, and return wellness. Chamomile is also used to treat neuroses in children. A calming collection has a good effect on the body: St. John's wort; chamomile; Melissa.

Sedatives for pregnant women and mothers

Many women are concerned about the use of sedatives during pregnancy, when breastfeeding, since during these periods there is hormonal changes body with frequent shifts mood, emotional background. Everyone knows that doctors advise avoiding taking any medications during pregnancy and lactation, but it is not always possible to help a woman’s emotional state using ordinary methods. Therefore, we have to resort to herbal preparations.

Validol, Corvalol, Valocordin, tranquilizers and bromine-based drugs are considered dangerous drugs at all stages of pregnancy and subsequent lactation. After 15-16 weeks, it is allowed to take decoctions, infusions of valerian and motherwort, passionflower, mint and lemon balm. However, mint is contraindicated during breastfeeding, as it can reduce lactation. At this time, the mother is recommended medicinal verbena and fennel, which soothe and increase milk production. Valerian can be taken in limited quantities, up to 3 times a day without exceeding the dose.

Motherwort herb, which is allowed during breastfeeding, has a calming effect; it can be purchased in single-use filter bags in pharmacy chain. The herbal drug Motherwort Forte is contraindicated for nursing mothers. During breastfeeding, you should not take any products containing alcohol, mainly tinctures of valerian and motherwort. As alternative soothing methods, nursing women are offered walks in the fresh air, normalization of sleep and rest, aromatherapy, massage, and listening to pleasant music.

Sedatives for teenagers

Adolescents very often experience disruptions in the nervous system. They become hyper-irritable, aggressive, and whiny. Do not rush to take sedatives. The nervous system is already maximally suppressed, and similar drugs can only do harm.

It is very important to take adaptogens - on this moment These are the best, safest sedatives for the nervous system intended for teenagers.

  • Agro-Pan;
  • Chlorophyll;
  • Phytolon;
  • Litovit;
  • Nutrikon;
  • Fitolon-Klamin;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Glycine;
  • Limontar;
  • Biotredin.

Every day many men and women face different situations which cause tension in the nervous system. Such shocks are the impetus for the most common phenomenon in the body - stress. Ordinary emotions turn into irritability, worries or anxiety. Doctors assure: pills for nerves and stress will relieve excess tension and restore restful sleep. These medications are designed to combat anxiety, anxiety, exhaustion of the adaptive defense system, and various fears.


Medicines in this group - sedatives - are well tolerated by patients and have minimal risk occurrence of side effects. Sedative tablets are used in the treatment of neuroses and sleep disorders. When combined with other drugs, sedatives are used for therapy hypertension at the initial stage, climacteric syndrome, neuroses of the cardiovascular system. The list of sedative pills without prescriptions is growing.


The most powerful sedatives will not be sold in pharmacies without a prescription (Atarax, Phenazepam or Diphenhydramine), but there are over-the-counter remedies. Sedatives active action well suited for eliminating sleep disorders and treating neuroses. Any of the medications have their contraindications, therefore, before using the strongest tablets, it is better to seek the advice of a qualified doctor so that there is no overdose or side effects.

Tenoten tablets

  • Description: sedative tablets without prescriptions (homeopathy), which have anti-anxiety, antidepressant effects, and improve tolerance of emotional stress.
  • Ingredients: S-100 protein antibodies, Excipients(lactose – 0.267 g, magnesium – 0.003 g, cellulose – 0.03 g).
  • Directions for use, dosage: taken orally until completely absorbed, not during meals. Use twice a day, four if necessary. The course of treatment is 1-3 months.
  • Price: 160-200 rub.

Fast acting

If you don’t know how to calm down quickly, sedatives will help accelerated action. When using such tablets, you should know that they should not be taken for a long time, because they cause addiction to the body. Chronic use of sedatives strong action threatens psychological dependence– in order to fall asleep, a person must take a pill for nerves and stress. Fast-acting sedatives are contraindicated for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Tablets "Afobazol"

  • Description: powerful tool refers to sedatives, tranquilizers and fast acting. Suppresses irritability, tearfulness, fearfulness and anxiety, prevents breakdowns.
  • Composition: one tablet contains fabomotizole dihydrochloride - 10 mg and excipients: potato starch, cellulose, povidone, lactose, magnesium stearate.
  • Directions for use, dosage: one tablet three times a day after meals.
  • Price: 250-350 rub.

On herbs

The most popular pills for fear and anxiety are based on herbs. These natural remedies will help quickly calm the nervous system and feel peace of mind. Tablets based on plant raw materials are as safe as possible and do not burden the pancreas or liver. Herbal preparations for nerves and stress, they are sold in most pharmacies without a prescription in the country and are inexpensive. In the ranking of all antidepressants, natural-based tablets take first place.


  • Description: herbal medicine with combined action, which has sedative properties.
  • Ingredients: dry extract from the rhizomes of valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort, hawthorn, hops, elderberry.
  • Directions for use, doses: according to the instructions, take one tablet orally three times a day before meals.
  • Price: 200-300 rub.

No hypnotic effect


  • Description: effective cheap drug without hypnotic effect, helping to improve emotional mood and withstand tense situations.
  • Composition: one tablet contains glycine – 250 mg, vitamin B6 – 3 mg.
  • Method of administration, doses: tablets are used twice a day, one tablet, dissolving under the tongue.
  • Price: 20-30 rub.


Harmless, safe, but effective pills for fear and anxiety are also found on pharmacy shelves. These nerve sedatives are as harmless as possible and are sold without prescriptions. The most popular is Corvalol in tablets. Adults are prescribed one or two tablets per day orally before meals. The cost of these pills for nerves and stress ranges from 200 to 300 rubles.

What sedatives can you take?

All sedatives have their side effects, most of them should not be used by pregnant women and children. Sedatives often contain harmful chemicals that negatively affect the health of the body as a whole. The main thing that needs to be done before using sedatives in children or pregnant women is to make a mandatory trip to the doctor. Only a specialist will be able to tell you how certain drugs will affect the youth’s fragile body or the health of the expectant mother.

During pregnancy

For a woman who is expecting a child, a state of anxiety and worry is not uncommon. Stress has a negative impact on the development of the unborn baby. Medicines that are used during pregnancy include valerian in tablet form. You should take the pills no earlier than the second trimester: valerian has a good effect on the nervous system and relieves stress. Two more drugs approved by doctors are Novopassit and Leovit. Herbal composition of tablets and minimum quantity chemical substances safe for the body.

For children

With the appearance in the house small child There is a lot of worries, and the baby himself is so active all day long that he does not sleep well at night. In this case, sedatives for children will come in handy to help the child establish healthy sleep, have a positive effect on the formation of the central nervous system. For children and teenagers, doctors recommend using Persen, since it contains natural substances. Dosage from the age of three is one tablet 1-3 times a day, depending on the dose, which is calculated by body weight.

Video: sedatives

It is not for nothing that they say that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. The video will show how sedatives affect the nervous system and health in general. Professional doctors will tell you which pills are best to buy so as not to harm the body, as well as what to drink for nerves and stress. If you want to learn how to relax and calm down with the help of medications, then in this interesting video you will find answers to your questions.