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What is important to know about vitamins for men when planning. What vitamins contribute to successful conception and what vitamin complexes to choose

Many men, hearing that they, like women, need to prepare for conceiving a baby, begin to laugh, because they consider this activity to be purely “women’s work.” In fact, it is worth taking into account that the male reproductive system wears out over the years and ceases to function fully, and this leads to a deterioration in the quality of male semen. Vitamins for men when planning pregnancy are one of the factors that contribute to the approach of conception.

How can a man prepare for conception?

When a couple decides that the time has come to become parents, they need to carry out a set of activities, which include not only visiting a specialist and conducting laboratory research. When planning a conception, a man should follow simple rules:

  • completely give up nicotine, alcoholic drinks at least 3 months before the expected day of conception;
  • normalize nutrition by making the diet balanced;
  • do not pay attention to minor irritants, the accumulation of which leads to severe stress;
  • conduct an examination to identify the presence of sexually transmitted infections, since many of them occur in a latent form.

It is important that a man takes timely care to eliminate the outbreaks chronic diseases at the time of preparation for pregnancy. These manipulations will not only improve the quality of sperm several times, but will also contribute to the birth healthy baby.

Elements that improve the quality of male semen

There are a number of compounds that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the male reproductive organs. Enriching the body with them helps improve the quality of semen and increase sperm motility. For this reason, it is extremely important for a man to get them when a couple is planning a pregnancy.


The vitamins that are needed when planning pregnancy are presented in the table.



Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

Regulates tissue growth, takes part in the division of spermatocytes, increases the number of healthy, active male germ cells.

Vitamin B11 (L-carnitine)

Participates in sperm division, maintains their number, increases the chances of conceiving healthy child.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Promotes the formation of strong immunity, enhances the production of protective bodies, leukocyte cells, regulates the synthesis of the main androgenic compounds, promotes the growth of strong, healthy sperm.

Vitamin D

Participates in the indirect exchange of testosterone particles, prevents male sex hormones from migrating into the bones, and promotes the breakdown of female hormonal compounds in the male body.

Vitamin E

Promotes regulation hormonal system male body, normalizes the number of testosterone cells in the blood, improves sexual function, maintains erection, increases the activity of seminal cells.

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity can obtain these compounds by enriching their diet with certain foods, as well as by taking vitamin complexes.


Mineral compounds required for normal operation male reproductive organs are presented in the table.

Natural sources of valuable substances

Many experts say that for men preparing for fatherhood, it is important to enrich their diet with the following foods:

  • oils plant origin(olive, sunflower, sea buckthorn, soy, pea);
  • nuts;
  • vegetables (red peppers, onions, cucumbers);
  • wheat;
  • lentils;
  • fruits (bananas, citrus fruits);
  • eggs;
  • berries (raspberries, currants);
  • meat by-products;
  • fish oil;
  • butter.

Experts recommend certain multivitamins to strengthen men's health. They can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription, however, it is important to consult a doctor before taking them. Below are ten drugs from the list of the best.

"Speroton" ("Spematon")

A domestic complex of vitamins that helps improve erectile function in men. The main substance in it is L-carnitine; auxiliary substances include vitamin E and zinc. The drug is not prescribed if these components are intolerant. It is recommended to drink the complex once a day, diluting the contents of the sachet sachet in water. The treatment period ranges from one month to three. The price of the drug varies from 950 to 1500 rubles.


The drug is classified as biologically active additives. Prescribed to improve sperm activity before conception. It is better to drink it with meals twice daily. The period of admission is 20 days, after which a break is taken for 10, and then use of the complex is resumed. You should not take it if you are allergic to any of its components. The average price per package of the drug is 760 rubles.

A complex optimized for men suffering from fertility problems. Prescribed for low sperm activity and even for the treatment of infertility. The drug is taken throughout the day in the amount of three tablets and one capsule. You can use them in one go, but it is advisable to drink them with meals throughout the day. You cannot take the complex if you are allergic to its components. Side effects There were no noticeable effects from the intake. Average cost One package of the product is 4800 rubles.

American vitamins that help improve men's health. Many claim that they are the best, while others write about the lack of results. Prescribed in preparation for pregnancy for both women and men. You should not take them if you have an individual intolerance to the components, hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia, pernicious anemia, an excess of retinol in the body, urolithiasis. It is recommended to use one tablet per day for thirty days.

"Alphabet" is prescribed for the prevention of vitamin deficiency, decreased immunity, the need to influence reproductive system, to improve mood, increase physical and mental endurance. It includes 9 minerals, 13 vitamins, organic acids, ginseng, carotenoid substances. The complex contains antioxidants that help remove toxins from the body.

The drug is not recommended for hypertension, increased excitability, allergies to its components. The dosage is three tablets per day. It is important to take it before or after meals, but not during meals. The course of use is 30 days, however, it can be adjusted by the attending physician. The cost of the drug ranges from 280 to 390 rubles.

It would be useful to take a vitamin complex “” for conception. It is not recommended to drink it with others vitamin preparations, as well as allergies to the main components. The complex is taken once a day, one tablet for a month. Necessity repeat course determined by the doctor. The cost of the drug varies from 235 to 280 rubles.

Indications for taking Spermaplant are:

  • male infertility;
  • deterioration in sperm quality.

It is worth taking into account that this remedy is not a medicine, and therefore it is prescribed for a complex effect on male reproductive organs from the inside. The complex is prescribed in the amount of one sachet taken per day. The course of admission is thirty days. Do not take the drug if you are allergic to its components. The average price for one package is 576 rubles.

The drug belongs to the type of combined antioxidants. Available in the form of tablets containing zinc, selenium, ascorbic acid, vitamins E, A. Indicated for improper diet management, living in unfavorable environmental conditions, and planning pregnancy. Take one tablet daily for 30 days. The average cost is 341 rubles.

It belongs to the category of fortified food supplements that help improve male fertility. It is prescribed for premature ejaculation, urological infections, prostatitis, and hormonal disorders. The complex is taken one tablet twice a day for three months. The drug should not be taken if you are allergic to its components. The cost of tablets ranges from 5,500 to 11,500 rubles.

Indications for taking SpermActin are:

  • infertility developing for unknown reasons;
  • correction of problems with ejaculatory fluid;
  • the need to increase fertility;
  • improvement of male sperm parameters (prescribed before a man becomes a sperm donor).

The drug is not prescribed for renal failure, allergies to its components, diseases hepatic system. The drug is taken once a day for several months, sometimes six months. The period of use is determined by the doctor. The price of the complex varies from 2000 to 3000 rubles.

The concept of conscious parenting, which few people had heard of just a few years ago, is now on the crest of a wave. Young couples learn to be responsible not only in becoming excellent parents, but also in planning pregnancy itself, preparing for the joyful event in advance. Moreover, if previously the care of the future baby fell on the mother alone, now the father is also included in the process.

What should a man do, what set of measures should he master, what lifestyle should he lead and what vitamins should he take so that the long-awaited child is conceived and born into the world as a strong hero?

The decision to become parents radically changes the established rules in the family. Young people are beginning to care much more about the health of their beautiful women and their own. The first thing that needs to be fundamentally reconsidered is familiar image life.

The Ministry of Health tirelessly warns, but the efforts of doctors are most often in vain: men are much more susceptible bad habits, it’s more difficult to part with them.

Smoking, alcohol, Not proper nutrition, many hours of sitting with a computer or TV, single forays into nature, and even then only to overeat fatty kebab with beer, diligent non-visiting clinics and gyms - this is an unsightly portrait of the habits of the average, often still very young man.

There is no need to talk about taking additional vitamins, undergoing all medical examinations in a timely manner, and maintaining the resource capacity of your own body. This lifestyle is convenient, comfortable, but completely unacceptable if a man takes responsibility for planning future pregnancy spouses.

Doctors are unanimous in their opinion: preparations for the upcoming conception should begin no later than 3 months before the expected event. This period is optimal for both men and women. You will have to sacrifice a lot for the health of your baby, but in the end, everyone will benefit from a review of priorities: both the newborn baby and his grown-up and more mature parents.

Avoid alcohol in any dose or type - normally, a quarter of all sperm contained in seminal fluid are defective. Such cells cannot ensure the health of the unborn child, and they have extremely little chance of participating in the fertilization process.

  1. alcohol, carried by the bloodstream throughout the body and getting into the sperm, doubles the number of unhealthy sperm and the risk that one of them will be involved in fertilization increases significantly;
  2. refrain from smoking - in cigarette smoke contains not just one, but a whole complex of poisons that burn vitamins in tissues and internal organs, and also poison the entire body, including germ cells;
  3. do not overheat the groin area: sperm develop safely at a temperature of +35 °C. Therefore, for a while you will have to give up visiting the sauna, steam baths, and traveling to hot countries;
  4. move more, or better yet, sign up for classes at a sports complex: weak blood flow in the groin area does not at all improve the quality of sperm. Available in regular physical exercise and another undoubted plus: beautiful figure and sculpted muscles will definitely attract increased attention from the woman you love, and she will want to spend as much time with you as possible;
  5. Cycling and wearing tight clothes, which impair blood supply to the testicles, will also have to be abandoned;
  6. avoid overexertion and stress: they do not have the best effect on male strength;
  7. try to give up medications altogether or take only those that your family doctor allows: many common sedatives and painkillers worsen the quality of sperm;
  8. Monitor your diet carefully: fresh vegetables, fruits, red meats, fish, eggs, nuts should form the basis of the diet. Harmful goodies should be excluded from the menu.

…checking your health status

The health of a child begins with the health of both his parents. That is why a man, just like a woman, needs to carry out full examination to reveal possible diseases, find out if things have worsened chronic illnesses, and if they exist, you need to deal with them before conception.

In addition, specific medical tests will be needed:

  • analysis to detect sexually transmitted infections: if not treated in time, they can not only cause feeling unwell in the future, but also provoke the pathogenic development of the baby;
  • A general urine test will help determine the condition of the genitourinary system;
  • blood test for AIDS and hepatitis - even when planning an interesting situation for your spouse, you need to make sure that these diseases do not threaten you, and therefore the child;
  • a blood test for hormone levels will indicate whether there are enough hormones in the body for conception;
  • A spermogram will help you find out what the qualitative composition of the seminal fluid is and how many active, viable sperm are in it. If the test results are disappointing, the doctor may recommend taking additional medications, such as Spematon, to improve the results;
  • a test for toxoplasmosis will indicate whether the mother is likely to contract this disease, which can be detrimental to the baby.

Some of these tests are required only for men, others are recommended for both men and women. One way or another, full list necessary medical tests will be given by your family doctor or urologist.

...take vitamins

When planning a pregnancy, you should definitely start taking additional vitamins. Previously, it was generally accepted that this issue was more relevant for women. This statement is only partly true. Indeed, for all those 40 weeks that the baby will grow in the mother’s belly, he will receive all the vitamins and nutrients exclusively from her body. Therefore, it should be maximally nourished with everything necessary even before pregnancy.

However, the vitamin complex should become a mandatory companion not only for a woman planning to become a mother, but also for a man dreaming of fatherhood. When planning a pregnancy, you need to start taking vitamins 3-4 months before the expected conception.

A vitamin complex can be prescribed by a doctor. The pharmacy will also help you choose a complex in which vitamins and minerals are as balanced as possible. The main thing is that it contains several substances absolutely necessary for men's health.

Which ones exactly?

  1. Folic acid: its intake is mandatory for both men and women. But in their bodies this B vitamin performs different functions. If women need it in order to form nervous system crumbs and minimize stress for the mother herself, then in men she participates in the formation of full-fledged, active and viable sperm;
  2. Vitamin E is the second essential element for both men and women. Its main function in the female body is to create and maintain optimal conditions For harmonious development baby. It is involved in the synthesis of progesterone, the pregnancy hormone, protects against inflammation and various infectious diseases, normalizes the growth and development of the uterus, participates in the formation of the placenta. For men, this vitamin is just as essential: it ensures the viability of sperm and sufficient level testosterone, which is involved in their formation;
  3. Selenium supports male strength and sexual activity on high level for many years. If the future dad has enough selenium in his body, sex life couples promises to be not boring;
  4. Vitamin C along with zinc optimizes the level of male sex hormone;
  5. L-carnitine increases sperm motility and accelerates their maturation;
  6. Vitamin A has huge influence for the formation internal organs baby;
  7. Vitamin F is another element necessary for the maturation of strong, hardy sperm.

Only a doctor can calculate the optimal dosage of vitamins for both men and women. If future parents do not complain about their health, vitamins can be safely taken in the quantities prescribed by the complex chosen at the pharmacy.

Alphabet for men, Spermastrong, Duovit for men, Spematon, Profertil, Viardot forte, Selzinc plus - any drug will provide optimal support for the male body when planning pregnancy.

Complex of the most necessary substances concentrated in the drug Spematon. It is Spematon that doctors prescribe more often than others when planning pregnancy, as well as in the treatment of infertility in men. Folic acid, vitamin E, L-carnitine, zinc and selenium in high doses - this is the composition of the medicine. It is no coincidence that when planning a future addition to the family, the choice of complex falls on Spematon.

The vitamin set of each complex is individual, as are the dosages for each drug. And yet there are some general recommendations. Expectant parents need to take the following vitamins per day:

  • folic acid – 400 mg;
  • A – 3000–5000 IU;
  • C – 90 mg each;
  • E and D – 400 IU each;
  • H – 300 IU each.

When purchasing a vitamin complex when planning a pregnancy, carefully study its components and dosages. After all, the healthier the future dad’s body is, the greater the chances of a healthy baby being born.

Since two people are involved in the process of conception, it is absurd to think that preparing for pregnancy is only necessary to the expectant mother. The father also has a great responsibility, since he contributes exactly half to the health of his unborn child. Therefore, he needs to go through such an important stage as planning a pregnancy: give up bad habits, switch to proper nutrition, undergo a thorough medical examination and Maximize your body's health by taking vitamins. And why does a man need any vitamins for pregnancy, what exactly they are and whether they really have any benefit - we will now talk about this in detail.

IN modern world There are many factors that can significantly spoil the health of a young man: unhealthy and monotonous diet, frequent stress, chronic fatigue, drinking alcohol and smoking, sedentary work, etc. Therefore, often unsuccessful attempts to conceive occur precisely through the fault of future fathers.

When planning the birth of a baby, what else do doctors advise you to do? 6 months before the expected date of pregnancy, both spouses need to undergo a thorough medical examination to identify any pathologies and find out the general picture of the body’s readiness for conception.

If no serious pathologies are found in the spouses, in particular in the young man, in any case the doctor will advise him to take various vitamin complexes that can very beneficial effect on his reproductive function. They can positively affect the process of spermatogenesis (the process of appearance and maturation of sperm), as well as the ability of these same sperm to qualitatively fertilize an egg for pregnancy.

Taking vitamins can provide many essential useful substances not only into the body of the young father, but also to qualitatively influence directly the health of the unborn baby. And besides, their mutual reception supports the expectant mother and demonstrates the seriousness of the father’s intentions in relation to her pregnancy, as in the future, for example.

What vitamins should a man take when planning a pregnancy?

Of course, for normal life The male body needs a variety of useful substances, but among all their diversity, those that are able to qualitatively influence the male reproductive function . The list of vitamins necessary for men when planning pregnancy is as follows:

  • Vitamin A. It helps improve immunity, normalizes the synthesis of male sex hormones, increases antibacterial properties sperm. It is also able to nullify the oxidative effect of various negative radicals on the male reproductive organs and has great influence on the development of the child in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it is necessary during the formation of many organs and systems of the embryo. Contained in milk, nuts, eggs, liver, carrots.

  • Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid). Increases the body's resistance to various infections, promotes the production of viable and active sperm, restores tocopherol in the body, which is responsible for reproduction, and ensures complete transfer of genetic information. Contained in apples, dill, kiwi, strawberries, wild garlic, Brussels sprouts.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol). It is directly responsible for the reproduction of offspring, even its name speaks of this (translated from Greek “tocopherol” - “carrying offspring”). It protects germ cells from damage, due to which sperm become more tenacious, active and less responsive to various negative factors environment. Tocopherol generally has a positive effect on male hormonal background. Contained in creamy and vegetable oil, eggs, milk, meat, liver, cereals.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid). It is most necessary for successful conception on the part of a young man. It is involved in the growth and development of all cells in the body. When taken in the required dosage, folic acid increases the volume of male semen and helps the body produce only healthy sperm, reducing the number of defective ones. She is also responsible for the synthesis of genetic information. Taking folic acid directly contributes to the conception of a healthy and strong baby. Contained in spinach, lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, pumpkin, beans, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, avocado, celery, carrots.

  • Vitamin B11 (L-carnitine). Directly helps overcome the problem of male infertility. It significantly increases the quantity and quality of sperm and provides the man's body with the energy it needs to create and move sperm. Contained in meat, fish, dairy products.
  • . This microelement contributes to normal metabolism in the body. Its maximum quantity is contained in spermatozoa, so it is responsible for their vitality. Zinc also stimulates the production of such a male hormone as testosterone (the main male sex hormone, as in women), and also promotes correct formation organs in a baby. Contained in sesame, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, lamb, beef, cocoa, peanuts.

  • Selenium. A lack of this microelement in the body can lead to the loss of necessary motility by sperm. It improves the functioning of the male genital organs and supports a man's sexual activity. Found in corn, rice, beans, eggs, barley groats, walnuts, pistachios, almonds.
  • . It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, which secretes hormones that also affect reproductive function. Contained in seafood seaweed, persimmon, cod liver.

These are just some of the beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on a young father’s ability to conceive a healthy baby. A doctor can prescribe them separately, having identified a particular deficiency of one of them in a man’s body. However, the above vitamins are often prescribed in combination.

By taking the above vitamins and microelements in a comprehensive manner, of course, you can achieve much best results. Today, the domestic pharmaceutical market is simply teeming with various vitamin complexes, because, firstly, it is convenient (and the dosage is calculated and the composition is balanced), and secondly, it is more effective. Of course, you should not try to choose any of these complexes on your own; your doctor should tell you about this.

If the guy is young, healthy, has a satisfactory spermogram (fertility analysis for a man), there are no pathologies reproductive system, then him for general maintenance of body tone, one of these universal complexes can be prescribed: Centrum, Supradin, Pikovit, Vitrum and others. Otherwise, the doctor selects the appropriate composition specifically for a particular case. For recent years The following multivitamin complexes for male reproductive health have proven themselves to be effective:

  • Speroton (Spematon). Ingredients: E, B11, B9, selenium and zinc. Provides blood supply to the pelvic organs, replenishes the lack of vitamin E, increases the tone of the male body and increases its performance. Manufacturer: Vneshtorg Pharma (Russia).

  • Spermstrong. Composition: zinc, plant extract astragalus, selenium, arginine, manganese, C, B5, B6, E and B11. Improves spermatogenesis and sperm quality indicators, improves the fertilizing ability of sperm, and is used in the treatment of various reproductive disorders in men. Manufacturer: VIS (Russia).

  • . Composition: E, C, B9, B6, B12, zinc, copper, selenium, levocarnitine, omega-3, Q10 and other elements. One of the most powerful and expensive complexes. It contains large number nutrients and beneficial substances that have a very positive effect on male reproductive function. Manufacturer: Orthomol (Germany).

  • . Ingredients: L-arginine, L-carnitine, B9, E, coenzyme Q10, selenium, zinc, etc. Positively affects the quantity and fertilizing functions of seminal fluid and sperm motility. Manufacturer: Advance Pharma GmbH (Germany).

  • Doppelhertz Vip Spermaktiv. Ingredients: E, selenium, zinc and others excipients. This complex also enhances male sexual power, has restorative effect on the body. Manufacturer: Queisser Pharma Gmbh & Co (Germany).

In this video you will find useful information about how pregnancy planning should be carried out on the part of a young man: how to prepare your body as much as possible for pregnancy, what medical examinations to undergo and what simple rules adhere to for successful conception.

Vitamins for men before conception significantly increase the likelihood of not only successful fertilization, but also the birth of a healthy child. Responsible parents try to plan their pregnancy in advance. It is under such circumstances that the question of taking additional vitamins for men becomes relevant.

Before conceiving a child, it is recommended to check the body for infections. Future dad and mom should be completely healthy. To do this, they are prescribed vitamins to maintain vital activity and the proper functioning of internal organs, including the reproductive system.

Can improve health. In men, full-fledged sperm matures within three days. During this process, it is better to give up bad habits and establish the process of eating right. Then the components included in multivitamins that promote successful conception, will be assimilated as much as possible. They need to be taken in courses.

What vitamins are needed for successful conception?

Complete nutrition, biologically enriched active substances, minerals - that's what you need when planning a child.

The main components that contribute to the health of the male body and stimulate the reproductive system:

  • zinc;
  • L-carnitine.

The substances are responsible for the maturation of healthy male germ cells.

L-carnitine occupies one of the first places among drugs used to combat male infertility. It helps increase the number of sperm and ensures their good mobility. Proper maturation is also stimulated. The number of weak or abnormal cells decreases.

Zinc is the most important trace element for men. It stimulates the process of testosterone production. In its presence, follicostimulating hormone is synthesized, which ensures control of sperm production. If there is insufficiency, sperm quality deteriorates. It contains few sperm. This reduces the risk of conception. You need to take extra vitamins.

It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the male reproductive system. Sperm quality improves, quantity and motor activity sperm increases. With tocopherol deficiency, sperm contains many immature sperm. The chance of conception is no longer so high.

All useful components can be obtained with food. But even the most balanced diet is not able to satisfy the need for vitamins and minerals 100%. When planning a pregnancy, both partners are advised to take vitamins to increase the chances of successful conception.

Folic acid for men

If attempts to conceive are unsuccessful, men are prescribed folic acid. It is also indicated for women with infertility. There are pathologies in which male sperm are characterized by the content of an incorrect set of chromosomes.

Such consequences are possible due to alcohol abuse, smoking, and poor nutrition. Scientists have proven that even healthy men there are defective spermatozoa, which can cause infertility. Here folic acid acts as the main assistant.

The instructions say that the “male” dose is from 700 to 1100 mcg/day. Together with vitamin E, sperm production is stimulated. Its quantity is increasing. Therefore, folic acid together with tocopherol increases the possibility of successful conception.

Folic acid is one of the main components medical supplies, developed to eliminate and prevent male infertility.

How to increase the likelihood of conception?

To increase the chances of conceiving a child, folk recipes with herbal ingredients have long been used. The benefits are explained by its unique natural composition, rich in vitamins.

1 Fresh quince juice. It is recommended to take fruit juice daily at evening time One tablespoon per day to increase the likelihood of conception. The effect is explained by the rich vitamin and mineral composition.

2 Plantain seed decoction. The product is effective in the fight against male and female infertility. Recipe: one tablespoon of seeds per glass of water. Seeds should be boiled for no longer than 5 minutes. Let the medicine brew, then strain. Take two tablespoons four times a day. The method is recommended for men with low or complete sperm immobility.

3 White and pink roses. The flowers have a subtle alluring aroma. They are a rich source of vitamin E, which helps stimulate spermatogenesis in men and improve ovarian function in women. Rose petals can be used to make syrup and water. The likelihood of conception increases. Pink or red flowers are more suitable for men, white or light pink for women.

4 Infusion of knotweed. The product is effective for treating infertility and increasing the chances of conception. To prepare the medicine you will need 3-4 tablespoons of fresh knotweed and half a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 4 hours. Drink half a glass four times a day before meals.

Periodic sexual intercourse helps reduce the chances of conceiving a child. According to the results of research by scientists, men who are active sex life, the sperm count is significantly lower. She doesn't have time to form. You can have sexual intercourse once every 2 days. Along with this, it is recommended to eat right, give up bad habits, and rest.

From abstinence male sperm getting stronger. According to experts, a break of 2 days promotes conception. Features should also be taken into account female body. Making love during ovulation after abstinence is the best way to conceive a child!

Men need to take it periodically complex vitamins in tablets. This will not only make it possible to conceive a child, but also protect the body from possible foreign infections.

Spematon. The drug contains L-carnitine, zinc and vitamin E, which help with difficulties in conceiving a child. Motility and sperm count increase. Disorders associated with the functioning of the reproductive system are eliminated.

Folacin. The drug contains folic acid, which is involved in many processes necessary for successful conception. Recommended to patients as a means to increase the likelihood of pregnancy. Folic acid prevents the development of birth defects.

SpermPlant. The medicine contains L-carnitine, nettle extract, taurine and L-arginine, due to which it turns out positive impact on the male reproductive system. The viability of sperm increases and their structure improves.

Seasonal vitamin deficiency, intensive physical activity, malnutrition, abuse bad habits– all these circumstances indicate the need to take pharmaceutical fortified preparations. Universal pharmaceutical drugs have helped many men become fathers!

As modern statistics show, about seventy percent of all representatives of the fair sex suffer from deficiencies of vitamins and microelements in their bodies. In the future, this negatively affects pregnancy, both during the period of conception itself (reducing the chances of getting pregnant) and directly during pregnancy, because the need for them during this period increases significantly. Do you want to properly prepare your body for conception? Listen to the recommendations in this article.

Vitamins before pregnancy

Is it advisable to take vitamins before pregnancy? Of course yes! All of them are, to one degree or another, responsible for correct work body systems and individual organs.

Vitamins for women

Ahead of the fair sex is a full forty weeks of intensive work of all body systems, as well as increased consumption of its energy, mineral and vitamin reserves. Lack of necessary important vitamins negatively affects the developing fetus, in severe situations even provoking developmental defects, and also induces a number of negative external manifestations in women - deterioration in skin quality, fatigue, hair loss/ache/nails.

The optimal time to start taking vitamins for future representatives of the fair sex in interesting position- six months before the date of conception of the child. The basic complex of important low molecular weight organic compounds includes the following elements:

  1. Folic acid. The most important element to increase the likelihood of conception and significantly reduce the risk of fetal defects in early period. The norm is 400 micrograms per day.
  2. Vitamin A. The norm is about 3 thousand IU per day.
  3. Vitamins B1, B2, B6 - in doses recommended by the doctor.
  4. Vitamin C. The norm is from 60 to 100 milligrams per day.
  5. Vitamin D - up to 400 IU/day.
  6. Vitamin E - up to 300 IU/day. One of the main factors in increasing fertility affects conception and the functioning of the reproductive system.
  7. Vitamin K - about one milligram per day.
  8. Vitamin H - up to 300 IU per day.

Vitamins for men

There is an opinion that vitamins when planning pregnancy are necessary only for the fair sex. This is not true, since 50 percent of successful conception comes from high-quality sperm. In order for your husband to produce high-quality genetic material, he needs to start taking vitamins at least three months before the start date of fertilization attempts.

What vitamins are needed?

  1. Vitamin B9. Helps form the correct sperm structure.
  2. Tocopherol. Protects cellular structures carrier of genetic information from damage.
  3. Vitamin C. Improves the synthesis of sex hormones in the stronger sex.
  4. Selenium and zinc. Induces testosterone production and improves sexual activity.

Vitamin E when planning pregnancy

Vitamin E is a key element in preventing miscarriage, fetal underdevelopment and preventing the development of other negative conditions. It normalizes progesterone production, supports the fetus until the placenta forms, reduces pressure, improves uterine distension and overall organ endurance.

In the process of planning pregnancy, a woman is recommended to consume from 200 to 350 IU of the vitamin per day, the norm being divided into two times. It is most convenient to take tocopherol in capsules, and separately from multivitamin complexes, since the E content in them rarely exceeds 20 IU, which is clearly not enough to fully saturate the body at the cellular level. So high dose shouldn't bother you - toxic effect element manifests itself when taking more than 100 thousand IU at a time.

Folic acid when planning pregnancy

Vitamin B9 is one of the main elements, especially necessary for a woman during the period of planning conception and early stages gestation of the fetus. According to recent research, folic acid significantly reduces the risk of an unborn child developing underdevelopment of the spinal cord and brain. Also, it has a positive effect on the development and growth of cells, the formation tissue structures and the operation of all shells.

B9 is almost always prescribed as an additional drug, since not all modern multivitamin complexes contain the required amount. Most often, the doctor suggests a dosage of 400 micrograms per day, once or in two doses. It is advisable to start taking it six months before the planned conception, and finish the course by.

A future pregnant woman needs to take a lot of vitamins and often - a wide variety of nomenclature and types of elements can often confuse even a person versed in medicine. It is for this purpose that manufacturers produce vitamin complexes containing almost all the substances necessary for a woman. Of course, several types of vitamins will still have to be taken separately (if it is not present in the multivitamin complex or there is insufficient concentration the required substance), however the admission process is greatly simplified.

Basic multivitamin complexes for those planning to become pregnant


A complex domestic multivitamin preparation that also contains microelements. Contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, C, D3, E, H, K in sufficient quantities. Basic includes calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron and other trace elements. The tablets themselves are distributed by color and, accordingly, compatibility; you need to drink one pill of each color per day, at intervals of at least five hours. Women's reviews of the drug are mostly neutral; some representatives of the fair sex note some deterioration in their condition in the form of a gag reflex.


German multivitamins containing the classic complex vitamin formula, saturated folic acid with L-form, iodine, biotin. There are no vitamins A, D, H, K. Reviews from patients are contradictory - some praise the drug for its high efficiency at conception (most positive cases are already in the first cycle of fertilization) and suppression early toxicosis, others note multiple allergic reactions to multivitamins and their unreasonably high cost.


Elevit Pronatal is a classic multivitamin complex developed by Swiss specialists specifically for expectant mothers planning a pregnancy. Contains all the essential vitamins, as well as a number of microelements and the required amount of folic acid - a basic drug that must be prescribed before conception. Reviews about the drug are mostly positive, most patients note a general improvement in well-being, the absence of early stage toxicosis, as well as increased regeneration and elasticity of hair, skin and nails. Among the negative assessments, women occasionally experience a significant increase in appetite, as well as periodic constipation. In addition, iodine is not included in the multivitamin complex, so additional intake of Iodomarin or analogues is necessary.

Vitrum Prenatal

One of the most popular and well-known multivitamin complexes for expectant mothers, developed by the American company Unipharm. Contains all B vitamins, including folic acid in double dosage, low molecular weight organic compounds of groups A, C, D, E, PP, H, as well as microelements, including iodine, iron, selenium. The drug should be taken once a day in the morning after meals in the amount of one tablet/day. Compared to analogues, here more magnesium, copper and zinc, which is vital for proper and rapid fertilization. Negative reviews There is practically no information about the drug - the vast majority of women note its beneficial effects on all systems of the body, while their appetite does not increase and constipation does not occur. On at the moment Vitrum Pregnatal is one of the optimal multivitamin complexes for planning pregnancy and supporting it in the early stages.

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Vitamins for pregnant women

Vitamins for pregnant women. Answers to questions

Question and answer

Please advise which vitamins are best to take when planning pregnancy?

It is imperative that six months before the planned conception, you need to start taking folic acid and vitamin E - they will ensure basic normalization of the sexual functions of the spouses, quick and effective protection of the embryo in the early stages. In addition, it is recommended to take multivitamin preparations, including groups of vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, C, D3, E, H, K, as well as various trace elements, from zinc and selenium to iron, manganese and iodine.

How to take vitamins when planning pregnancy?

You should take vitamins daily, following the recommendations of your doctor. Typically, a specialist prescribes a six-month course of taking multivitamins and individual substances not included in the composition. multivitamin complex. Standard scheme intake - 1-2 tablets 1-2 times a day (morning and evening after meals). In addition, it is recommended to separate the intake of vitamins and microelements in order to exclude the possibility of a mutual decrease in their effectiveness. Typically, manufacturers produce packaging in which the two groups of substances are separated into different blisters, and the tablets themselves differ in color. Read the instructions for information about the regimen for taking such medications.

Should I take vitamins before pregnancy?

Vitamins are responsible for a whole range of vital important functions- during the period of conception and fetal development, the need for them only increases. With a lack of these low-molecular organic compounds, sexual dysfunction may occur, the likelihood of successful fertilization is significantly reduced and the risks of abnormal fetal development, including miscarriage, increase.

How and how much to take vitamin E?

Vitamin E is a unique low-molecular organic compound, first discovered in the first half of the twentieth century. Its basic functions are immunomodulation and promotion of reproduction; in addition, it acts as a good antioxidant.

Most often, vitamin E is synthesized artificially in the simple compound tocopherol. In fact, a universal protector of all cell membranes, it acts as a reliable protector of all germ cells that may be subject to oxidation processes. For a woman who is planning a pregnancy, vitamin E along with folic acid becomes simply necessary, due to the active support for the synthesis of female and male hormones, as well as the embryo at the stage of formation of placental structures, which in turn significantly reduces the risk of miscarriage and abnormal development of the fetus in the future.

Almost all specialized multivitamin complexes contain this organic compound, although in insufficient quantities, because it requires at least 250 IU per day. If your multivitamins contain a lower concentration of this substance, you will have to additionally purchase it as vitamin supplement. The usual dosage regimen is one 150 IU tablet twice a day, morning and evening after meals. The course is designed for six months, its completion should coincide with 12–20 weeks of pregnancy or before the expected date of conception.

Of the products, the most vitamin E contains wheat germ oil and its soybean analogue. In small quantities, it is also present in beef liver, whole grain bread, beans, broccoli, walnuts/nuts.