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Is kefir healthy? Useful and medicinal properties of kefir. Let's talk about the benefits and harms of kefir: why doctors recommend drinking this drink at night

Kefir is not only a tasty dietary drink, but also a useful therapeutic and prophylactic remedy!

Kefir has a positive effect on the human body, especially on the intestinal microflora. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of kefir in preventing intestinal disorders.

Kefir - a cure for old age

Famous biologist I.I. Mechnikov said that digestion is closely related to aging: “We age because we self-poison with putrefactive substances from our own large intestines.” Birds were given as an example. As you know, birds do not have a large intestine, so they release undigested remains as they fly. As a result, no harmful substances does not enter the bird's blood and they live longer than elephants. However, the ostrich, unlike other birds, has an intestine where putrefactive processes occur. As a result, the ostrich lives only about 30 years, while the eagle, for example, lives 3 times longer.

Mechnikov I.I. also claimed that lactic acid bacteria prevents the process of putrefaction in the intestines and just a couple of glasses a day are enough for healthy digestion and an increase in life by 30 years. we can say that kefir is a cure for old age.

Kefir has an antibiotic effect. It has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. Kefir is based on the kefir grain - a symbiosis of many beneficial microorganisms, acetic acid bacteria and yeast, lactic streptococci and bacilli.

They do not allow pathogenic flora to develop in the intestines and can restore microbiocenosis (symbiont microorganisms that are actively involved in the formation of the body’s immunobiological reactivity, metabolism, etc.).

The medicinal properties of kefir are based on the bactericidal activity of fermented milk bacteria against pathogens of various gastrointestinal tracts. intestinal infections.

In general, just a couple of glasses of kefir a day are enough to protect the intestines from various diseases and get rid of dysbiosis (caused, for example, by antibiotics).

Unlike milk, kefir is absorbed by our body much faster. Kefir is useful to drink for those recovering from an illness, the elderly and children (but children can only be given to children from 7-9 months in small portions)

Beneficial features kefir or the benefits of kefir

  • cleanses the stomach and intestines;
  • immunostimulates
  • relieves fatigue
  • useful for people with nervous system disorders and sleep disorders;
  • slightly diuretic;
  • stimulates the production of digestive juices in the stomach and intestines;
  • It copes wonderfully with thirst and replenishes the lack of moisture in the body.
  • reduces the risk of cancer!

Kefir, according to its effects, can be divided into 3 types depending on the strength.

  • One-day (weak)
  • Two-day (average)
  • Three-day (strong)

The higher the strength of kefir, the higher its effect on the production of digestive juices, which speeds up the cleansing process. For example, one-day kefir has laxative effect, relieving constipation. While three-day kefir, on the contrary, strengthens.

There are many varieties of kefir, such as: biokefir, bifikefir and bifidok. They differ in the number of bifidobacteria that improve performance gastrointestinal tract and tone the cardiovascular and nervous system, outputs side effects antibiotics and reduces the risk of cancer.

You can talk about the benefits of kefir for a very long time. In addition to using kefir as beneficial, medicinal drink, it is also good for skin and hair and you can make masks with it. In addition to kefir, you can cook many delicious dishes.

Is it good to drink kefir at night?

As mentioned above, kefir is very useful. But is it possible to drink kefir at night before bed?

Answer: Yes, drinking kefir at night is beneficial and here’s why:

  • A glass of kefir before bed relieves the feeling of hunger, while it does not put a heavy burden on the body.
  • Kefir calcium is absorbed only at night. Therefore, to obtain the required portion of calcium, you can drink kefir at night.
  • Kefir drunk at night is completely digested by the morning, as a result you will wake up with a good morning appetite, which is very useful for losing weight - after all, it is better to have a good breakfast and eat a little during the day than to skip breakfast and then overeat too much from hunger.
  • Kefir has a calming, relaxing effect, so drinking kefir at night is useful in order to quickly fall asleep and sleep well.

What is the best way to drink kefir at night?

Good health is a consequence of good, nutritious, balanced nutrition.. Good - means, first of all, high-quality, fresh and natural, that is, without the admixture of all kinds of dyes, preservatives, emulsifiers, sweeteners, thickeners, etc., complete - that is, not low-fat, as has become fashionable recently. A man trying to squeeze in his own body within the framework of modern fashion patterns, completely forgets about the activities and needs of his body and applies irreparable harm health, for the return of which I am subsequently willing to pay any money. Therefore, being carried away by all kinds of diets based on the complete exclusion of foods containing fatty substances from the diet, it is necessary to remember that this very fat in moderate (by the way, not always so small) quantities is simply mandatory for proper and active work body.

Last characteristic healthy eating– its balance. It's also very fashionable modern medicine term. Balance means equilibrium. This means that a balanced diet means eating the required amount of all those substances and mineral salts, vitamins and natural enzymes that the human body requires for normal, healthy functioning.

Unfortunately, it is not only an unbalanced diet that leads to the growth of all kinds of diseases. Enemies of health - and sedentary lifestyle life, and non-compliance with a certain daily routine, and difficult (sometimes even unsanitary) working conditions, and, finally, environmental factors. The list goes on. What are these worth? bad habits, such as smoking, alcohol and drug abuse.

From the list of the above factors, even with the naked eye it is clear that the cause of his own adversity is the person himself, which means that he has the power to stop harming his health. Such a widespread product as kefir.

Vitamins and minerals of kefir

In the article “Dairy products and their properties” we have already talked a little about the main substances that make this product simply indispensable in the daily diet of every person.

In addition to these substances, the drink, like all other dairy and lactic acid products, is valuable for its content of milk fat, proteins, milk sugar (or lactose), minerals, vitamins, enzymes and hormones. Of the 12 vitamins present in varying quantities in all dairy products, vitamins A, D1, D2, U2 and carotene are of primary importance.

Vitamin A (retinol) and carotene are necessary for a person to have full vision. They ensure normal development of the body. Insufficiency of vitamin A and carotene can cause photophobia, night (or night) blindness, pale and dry skin, peeling, development of pustular diseases, dry and brittle hair and nails.

Group vitaminsD(calciferols) are transformed in the body into a hormone-like substance, which takes part in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus salts, as well as in their deposition in bone tissue. Vitamin D is especially necessary for children under 4 years of age, since its deficiency in the child’s body develops rickets, as well as for pregnant women and nursing mothers. The need for vitamins D in adults is usually small, since they are formed in human skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. But for those who work underground, in closed, poorly lit rooms, or live in the North, the need for D vitamins increases.

Vitamin B2, (riboflavin) takes part in biological oxidation processes, promotes wound healing, and provides light and color vision. A lack of vitamin B2 leads to dry and cracked lips, ulcers, deep cracks in the fingers, and also slows down the healing of wounds.

From a variety of mineral salts contained in kefir and other dairy and fermented milk products, highest value have calcium and phosphorus salts, which, in combination with D vitamins, take part in the construction of the body’s skeletal system. Mineral salts of calcium and phosphorus make the bones of the skeleton strong and strong.

In addition to the above vitamins and mineral salts, kefir contains a significant amount vitamin AC ( ascorbic acid) , which takes an active part in the redox processes of the human body and supports immune system human (that is, the body’s ability to resist the effects of all kinds of viruses, bacteria that cause serious illnesses), and iron involved in hematopoiesis.

The presence of so many healthy nutrients in kefir makes it simply irreplaceable, universal and healing in its own way.

The healing properties of kefir

In addition, medical research has concluded that kefir is a real medicine, a kind of panacea in the treatment of diseases such as acute and chronic gastritis (with normal and low acidity gastric juice), hypertension, ischemia, dysbacteriosis, vitamin deficiency, as well as for the prevention of liver cirrhosis, diabetes, atherosclerosis and cancer.

Kefir is an integral component of many health and preventive diets.. Of particular importance is this fermented milk product for those who do not give up and are actively fighting the scourge of our time, the cause of many diseases - obesity. And that part of humanity that leads a sedentary lifestyle is simply obliged to include kefir in its diet in order to avoid constipation and other no less unpleasant diseases intestines. In young children, strong kefir (aged for three days) normalizes stool, having a strengthening effect on the intestines, and weak (aged for one day) kefir is a laxative.

Special mention should be made of the influence kefir for diabetes. Kefir converts milk sugar and glucose into other products in the body (which reduces the amount of sugar), raises glucose in the blood, protecting the insular apparatus of the pancreas from overload. Kefir for patients with diabetes can serve as both internal and external medicine. IN complex treatment In diabetes mellitus, skin care plays an important role, since the slightest injuries, cuts, abrasions, as well as dryness and flaking can lead to pustular skin diseases and long-lasting ulcers. And here kefir comes to the rescue, which can act both as a healing agent and as a cleansing mask with a moisturizing, softening, and therefore smoothing, rejuvenating effect.

Generally, in cosmetics and cosmetology kefir plays an important role in the development and creation various kinds creams, masks, scrubs and even decorative cosmetics.

Speaking about kefir as a medicine, a healing drink, one cannot fail to mention its tonic effect. A glass of kefir, drunk at night, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, taking an active part in suppressing putrefactive processes that occur in the digestive organs. A glass of kefir in the morning half an hour to an hour before breakfast, drunk on an empty stomach, tones the nervous system and also stimulates the appetite.

Adherents of this fermented milk product can be congratulated, as they have every chance of living to old age of sound mind and sound memory. Thus, kefir, among other things, has a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Many doctors recommend including kefir in the regular diet for everyone who is forced to take chemicals(tablets, capsules, dragees, drops, tinctures), since any long-term “feeding” of the body with drugs, unfortunately, has heavy impact, first of all, on the digestive organs: stomach, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and also disrupts the smooth functioning of the intestines and its natural flora.

The effect of kefir on the human body is enormous, but, above all, this drink is important, useful and simply necessary for the female half of humanity. Kefir, as a soothing, tonic and appetite stimulant, is recommended for all women throughout their lives, and especially during menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause.

In these difficult days for women, kefir normalizes some metabolic processes in the body, activates the digestion process, restores the natural intestinal flora, eliminates nausea, helps eliminate the unpleasant bitter-sour taste in the mouth and significantly enriches the body with calcium, phosphorus, and iron. During pregnancy, kefir stabilizes intestinal function and eliminates frequent constipation, and as a tonic it is an excellent remedy for headaches.

At one time, doctors dealing with the problems of alcoholism and tobacco smoking recommended kefir as the best remedy, eliminating hangover syndrome. Due to the low alcohol content, this drink can restore stomach function and restore lost appetite, being both an intoxicating drink and a healing medicine.

True, it is impossible not to mention that it was the content of a small amount of alcohol that served as the basis for some scientists involved in medicine to build a unique theory that denies the beneficial properties of kefir and makes it impossible to use it in the fight against alcoholism and some other diseases. You can argue with such a hypothesis, you can take one side or another in the scientific debate about the benefits and harms of kefir, but you cannot ignore the beneficial properties that this drink has for the human body.

The healthiest fermented milk product, kefir, was officially considered one century ago medicine.

Kefir came to us from the North Caucasus, where the locals called this drink "a gift from heaven", kept the recipe for making kefir in strict secrecy.

This drink is nicknamed “a gift from heaven” due to its positive effect on the life expectancy and health of mountaineers.

After some time it became known that kefir is made by fermenting milk.

Easy to prepare and containing a storehouse of beneficial properties, is kefir good for the human body?

Calorie content of kefir, composition of this fermented milk miracle

It is impossible to prepare kefir without using kefir “fungus”. Kefir contains two dozen types of microorganisms. Among them are lactic acid rods and streptococci, acetic acid yeast and bacteria. Kefir is produced by alcohol and fermented milk fermentation, so this drink contains ethyl alcohol in an amount from 0.07% to 0.88%. This percentage depends on the length of time the product is cooked. Kefir can be one-day, two-day and three-day, and the longer it ripens, the higher the alcohol and acid content in this product.

This healthy fermented milk drink contains:

1. milk protein

2. organic acids

3. fatty acid

4. natural sugars

5. proteins (2.8g per 100ml of full-fat kefir and 3g per 100ml of low-fat kefir)

6. fats (3.2g in 100ml of full-fat kefir, there is no fat in a low-fat drink)

7. carbohydrates (4.1g per 100ml of full-fat kefir, and 3.8g per 100ml of low-fat kefir)

8. vitamins (A, H, PP, C and B vitamins)

9. beta carotene

10. amino acids

The calorie content of kefir is 30kcal per 100ml low-fat product, which means that kefir is not prohibited from drinking when losing weight. The calorie content of full-fat kefir is almost twice as high - 56 kcal per 100 ml. In addition to acids and vitamins, the composition of kefir includes minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chromium, iron, iodine and others.

Use of kefir

First of all, kefir - nutritious product, containing minerals and vitamins necessary for the body. Easy to digest and low calorie content kefir allowed him to become staple of the popular diet. Kefir diet gives positive results per month. You can replace one meal with kefir, or do a fasting day, eating only this fermented milk product. In addition, kefir is used as a medicinal product, having a positive effect on human health. This fermented milk product also used in baby food .

In addition to its direct purpose, kefir is also used for cosmetic purposes. It has been known since ancient times positive influence this product for the beauty and health of hair. Regular kefir masks will help give your hair shine, make it stronger and thicker. And if redness, rashes and itching appear on the skin, lotions with kefir will help.

But what else is the benefit of kefir for the human body?

The beneficial properties of kefir have been known since time immemorial. Kefir has a positive effect on human health, especially:

1. On the digestive systems u. Helps restore intestinal microflora and overcome digestive problems. One-day kefir weakens, and two-day and three-day kefir strengthens. It is recommended to use this product for dysbiosis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

2. On endocrine system . This fermented milk product helps regulate blood glucose levels;

3. On the immune system. Kefir helps improve immunity, positively affecting the functioning of leukocytes;

5. On the nervous system. Kefir has a calming effect on the body, normalizes sleep, and helps overcome chronic fatigue;

6. For vision and skin condition. Vitamin A contained in kefir improves vision, helps prevent color vision disturbances and deterioration of visibility in the dark, and increases skin elasticity;

7. On the skeletal system. Thanks to its calcium content, kefir strengthens the skeleton. Indicated for use in osteoporosis and conditions that increase the risk of this disease (menopause in women);

8. On cardiovascular system . People with heart disease need to eat easily digestible foods and avoid heavy ones, so as not to create additional stress on the heart. Kefir - easily digestible product, therefore it is approved for use by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

The benefits of kefir have been proven during the recovery period after surgery or past diseases. This fermented milk product is recommended for consumption by people with overweight or allergic reactions to foods, people suffering from rickets, anemia or tuberculosis. Do not be afraid to use kefir if you are lactose intolerant, as kefir is a catalyst that helps digest lactose.

The benefits of kefir have been proven by scientific research; it is not for nothing that it was used in ancient times to treat many diseases. But this fermented milk product also has a number of contraindications that are worth knowing about.

What harm can consuming kefir cause?

Kefir has very few contraindications. The use of this fermented milk product is not recommended people with gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcers, pancreatitis, gastritis (with increased level acidity). For diseases duodenum kefir is also contraindicated.

The low alcohol content in kefir can play a cruel joke on the driver. Although kefir is not alcoholic drink, but you shouldn’t drive after drinking kefir. The breathalyzer will show that the driver drank alcohol, and the driver will have to say goodbye to his license.

We must not forget about the laxative effect of kefir. If a person has frequent cases of stomach upset, then it is better to reduce the consumption of kefir.

Before negotiations and exams, you should give up this fermented milk drink. After drinking kefir, a person relaxes and becomes unfocused.

Kefir for children: good or bad?

Due to the content ethyl alcohol The question arises: is it possible to give kefir to children? Kefir can cause harm to a baby’s health: This is a heavy product for a still fragile digestive system.. Kefir differs in amino acid composition from breast milk, contains casein, which makes it difficult to absorb this product. Kefir is given to infants from 7-8 months, when the digestive system is already able to digest this product.

The storage conditions of this fermented milk product must not be violated in order to prevent an increase in the amount of alcohol in kefir. If storage standards are violated, kefir should not be given to a child to drink.

The benefits of kefir are undeniable in relation to child's body . Kefir should be introduced into your baby’s diet carefully, with one teaspoon, gradually increasing to 150-200 ml per day. The introduction of kefir into a child’s diet will have a positive effect on the functioning of his digestive system. Digestion of food will speed up and your appetite will improve. Kefir prevents the development of intestinal infections by killing pathogenic bacteria. This fermented milk product does not cause allergic reactions. Noted positive impact on the baby's immunity - kefir strengthens the body's defenses. Consuming kefir helps improve a child's sleep and relieve stress.

For rickets and anemia, kefir helps speed up recovery. This fermented milk drink is rich in vitamins and nutrients necessary for the health of the child.

What are the benefits of drinking kefir at night?

Girls who want to lose weight are confident that consuming this popular fermented milk product at night will help achieve this goal. And they are right about this. If you drink a glass of kefir at night instead of food, the feeling of hunger will disappear, without unnecessary stress on the gastrointestinal tract . Kefir will be easily digested overnight.

In addition, the calcium contained in kefir is better absorbed by the body in dark time days.

People suffering from insomnia prefer to consume kefir just before bedtime, since it has a calming and hypnotic effect . Proponents of drinking kefir in the evening recommend drinking this fermented milk product not cold, but kept at room temperature for a couple of hours.

Is drinking kefir on an empty stomach beneficial?

The benefits of kefir for human health are undeniable. But what is the best way to use this product to enhance healing effect? People suffering from dysbacteriosis and gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended to drink kefir on an empty stomach, an hour and a half before meals, in small doses. Kefir gently envelops the stomach, is quickly absorbed and has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

Exists special diet, based on the use of kefir on an empty stomach with buckwheat.

2 tablespoons of peeled and washed buckwheat are poured with one glass of kefir at night, and in the morning dietary dish ready. Overnight, the cereal is soaked in kefir and becomes soft. After 2 weeks of eating such breakfasts, you will notice positive effect both on your figure and on your well-being. For greater effect You can have a fasting day on kefir and buckwheat.

Daily consumption of kefir will bring great benefits to human health. But you should not overdo it with the use of this fermented milk product, so as not to provoke negative consequences.

Kefir This is a fermented milk product that is obtained by fermenting milk as a result of fermentation of lactic acid bacteria.

The name of the drink is of Caucasian origin, because the birthplace of kefir is the North Caucasus. In ancient times kefir grains were regarded as a gift from heaven, and the recipe for preparing this healing drink was not distributed to strangers and was passed on from generation to generation.

How to make kefir

This fermented milk product is based on low-fat or whole cow's milk. It is pasteurized, cooled and sourdough is added. It contains kefir grains - a unique combination of several dozen different microorganisms (lactic acid rods, bacteria, yeast). The mixture is aged for 8-10 hours and then placed in the refrigerator to mature.

All in all technological process Kefir production includes the following stages:

  1. Preparation of raw materials
  2. Pasteurization
  3. Homogenization (crushing of clots)
  4. Fermentation
  5. Cooling the mixture
  6. Maturation

During the fermentation process, this product releases carbon dioxide, volatile substances and ethyl alcohol, which increase the digestible qualities of kefir. There is a lot of controversy about the alcohol-containing components of the drink, and many believe that drinking kefir and driving a car are incompatible.

The ethyl alcohol content in kefir is 0.05%. Immediately after consumption, it is impossible to detect the alcohol content in the blood, since one liter of this drink contains only 0.001 mg of the substance. Measurement with modern instruments will show 0 ppm, so a person driving can drink kefir. You need to be especially careful when handling kumis and kvass. After taking them, the content of alcoholic substances in the blood is 0.2-0.4 ppm.

Calorie content of kefir

Nutritional value of this product depends on the source raw material and its fat content, because the basis for kefir is milk with high and low fat content. This fact should be taken into account by people trying to lose weight. excess weight. Then, in order to minimize the harm of kefir for those losing weight, do not gain extra pounds, when using it, you should choose useful product with a low fat percentage.

3.2% fat – 60 kcal

2.5% fat – 50 kcal

2% fat – 52 kcal

1.5% fat – 42 kcal

0% fat – 30 kcal

The drink is homemade contains about 70 kcal. What are the benefits of homemade kefir?

The composition of 100 g of kefir contains the following components:

  • Protein (3 g), carbohydrates (4 g), fat (1 g)
  • Vitamins of groups D, B, A, C, E, H, PP
  • Amino acids
  • Bifidobacteria
  • Fatty acid
  • Cholesterol
  • Calcium, fluorine, magnesium, selenium, sodium, manganese, potassium, copper, phosphorus, iron, sulfur
  • Natural sugars
  • Alcohols, carbon dioxide

Interesting fact: Kefir is a drink that calms the nervous system, but does not stimulate brain activity. A lactic acid drink relieves tension and relaxes, but is a “bad assistant” in situations that require increased concentration.


Harm of kefir

Kefir is a delicate and natural product, so you need to pay attention to the timing of its production. When consuming kefir with expired suitability, you can get serious food poisoning.

Harm from kefir cannot be ruled out if you use it in the following cases:

  • Digestive diseases (ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis), increased stomach acidity
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drink
  • Tendency to stomach upsets
  • Allergy to milk protein
  • Dyspepsia (intestinal disorder)

Kefir is absolutely not suitable for feeding a newborn up to 7-9 months. When introducing this drink into a child’s diet, you should carefully weigh potential harm and the benefits of kefir. After all, it contains a lot of casein, and its vitamin and carbohydrate composition does not correspond to breast milk. Introduction of kefir into children's diet Before the digestive system is fully formed, it is fraught with the development of anemia in the child, disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and digestive organs.


What are the benefits of kefir?

This fermented milk drink includes an entire “army” useful substances, which have a beneficial effect on human life systems. What are the benefits of kefir? It puts the digestive system in order and suppresses the growth of harmful processes such as rotting and fermentation in the intestines.

Useful properties of kefir:

  • Strengthening the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  • Reducing the likelihood of illness endocrine organs
  • Improves the condition of bone tissue
  • Normalizes the microflora of the intestines and stomach
  • Improves metabolism
  • Removes toxic substances from the body
  • Helps you lose weight
  • Normalizes blood glucose levels, which is why it is recommended for use in diabetes mellitus
  • Is a probiotic, reduces the likelihood of constipation and intestinal infections
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol levels
  • Absorbed better and faster than dairy products, has a mild laxative effect
  • Contains antioxidants that prolong the youth of the skin and the whole body

How is kefir beneficial for allergy sufferers? During the flowering period, people suffering from this disease should include kefir in their diet, as well as prepare kefir compresses and apply them to the inflamed areas of the epidermis.

The harm of kefir is completely eliminated when used as a beneficial cosmetic product. Masks based on this drink nourish the skin, increase elasticity, remove unwanted pigmentation, and help with sunburn. When applying a kefir mixture to your hair, you can strengthen the roots, get rid of dandruff and give your hair a vibrant shine.

How to make kefir at home

What are the benefits of homemade kefir? It's really natural product without dyes or harmful impurities, so it can be consumed by all lovers of fermented milk products.

A standard recipe for making kefir contains the following ingredients:

  • Milk (preferably homemade)
  • Special kefir starter (100 ml natural kefir)
  • 1 spoon of sugar

To reduce the harm of kefir made from homemade milk, its better:

  1. Boil and cool to 40 degrees.
  2. Then place the starter into the milk and stir.
  3. Pour the milk into a saucepan, cover with a cotton cloth and leave in a warm place for a day.
  4. After this, place the mixture in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Homemade kefir ready.

How to choose kefir

The first thing a buyer needs to pay attention to is what the name of the product itself is. For truly high-quality kefir, you should only look for the label “kefir,” and not “kefir drink” or “kefir yogurt.” These are essentially analogues of kefir, but in terms of proper qualities they are much inferior to it. Most often, such drinks are produced using dried bacteria rather than “live” starter culture. They taste very similar to it, but they won’t bring as much benefit to the body.

However, kefir drinks still have their advantages, for example, they are suitable for fasting days. Particularly useful are kefir drinks labeled “bio,” which contain bacteria that help strengthen human immunity (with bifidobacteria). They, unlike kefir, do not contain yeast (and yeast promotes fermentation in the intestines, which is why gases and alcohols are formed after consuming traditional kefir) and therefore help cleanse the body and normalize digestion.

It is best to use such kefir drinks for fasting days not with zero or low fat content, but with high fat content - 3.6%, so as not to experience strong feeling hunger during a cleansing diet.

Natural kefir with “live” leaven is characterized by clear signs that you need to rely on when choosing this useful product:

Composition – made from two ingredients (milk and kefir starter).

Color – white-cream, pronounced. If kefir is yellowish, this indicates that it is not fresh. The presence of any other color indicates the addition of dyes to the product.

Smell – fresh kefir smells pleasantly like dairy products. A pronounced sour “amber” indicates that kefir is unsuitable for consumption.

Shelf life – real kefir is good for no more than 14 days. If the deadlines are much longer, the product is most likely “stuffed” with preservatives and stabilizers.

Kefir is considered a healthy product and is regularly included in the diet of those who strive to live correct image life. There is especially much talk about the benefits of taking it at night: it does not burden the digestive tract, gently heals the body, gives beauty and prolongs youth. And this is a generalized assessment of the usefulness of kefir. For some people, drinking a glass of this fermented milk drink before bed is a ritual that helps them fall asleep. Whether this ritual is beneficial or harmful, we have to figure out.

Milk in pure form Not everyone loves it. Some even in childhood perceived it without much enthusiasm. It’s the same with kefir - refreshing, with a pleasant sourness, quenching thirst so well! It is obtained from milk during fermentation with the help of kefir “fungi”. This fermentation process turns milk into New Product, increases its digestibility, since lactose ( milk sugar) becomes lactic acid. This makes kefir suitable for nutrition even for those who are lactose intolerant. But do not confuse lactose intolerance with an allergy to the milk protein casein. Kefir is contraindicated for such allergy sufferers.

Kefir is suitable for people with lactose intolerance

When converted into kefir, milk retains all vitamins, microelements and nutrients for which it is famous.

This drink contains calcium, organic and fatty acids, natural sugars, cholesterol.

Table: vitamin and mineral complex

Table: nutritional value per 100 ml of product

That is, 1 glass of kefir (250 ml) with an average fat content of 2.5% contains only 125 kilocalories. This is not much, especially considering its huge nutritional benefits. Therefore, we can say with all confidence that it enriches the body with almost everything necessary for proper functioning, while being easily digestible.

The benefits of kefir at night

Kefir is useful at any time of the day, but drinking it at night is especially useful. Here are a few reasons why you should consume this fermented milk product just before bed:

  1. Being both a drink and a food in its structure, it quenches both thirst and hunger well, without overloading the digestive tract. Therefore, it is especially indicated for those who, wanting to lose weight, do not want to load their stomach with food at night.
  2. Speeds up metabolism, which also helps you lose weight: you sleep, and your body becomes slimmer.
  3. Calcium, which is abundant in kefir, is better absorbed at night.
  4. Thanks to the beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli that it contains and have bactericidal properties, the intestinal microflora is normalized, pathogenic bacteria are inhibited, and the body quickly gets rid of mucus and toxins.
  5. Kefir stimulates the production of digestive juices, which will result in an excellent appetite in the morning. A nutritious breakfast in the morning is the key proper nutrition And wellness all day.
  6. Thanks to the amino acid tryptophan, it calms the nervous system, helps you fall asleep, cope with the effects of stress, and makes sleep healthier.
  7. Normalizes blood glucose levels, which is especially important for those suffering from endocrine disorders such as diabetes and pancreatic diseases.
  8. Increases immunity, making the body immune to infections.

The latter quality makes kefir extremely useful for children, especially during the autumn-winter period of exacerbation colds. They often lead to the need to take antibiotics that inhibit the gastrointestinal flora and lead to gastrointestinal (gastrointestinal) disorders, which means decreased appetite, diarrhea, general weakness body. Scientists have proven that during antibiotic treatment and at least a week after its completion, it is necessary to introduce fresh kefir into the child’s diet - it will help the body recover faster correct work digestive organs. Usually, as practice shows, during this period, even with a poor general appetite, children drink it with pleasure, because the child’s body has a good sense of what is good for it. Therefore, if the baby hasn’t eaten well all day, don’t a large number of kefir (about 100 mg) at night will help him replenish the necessary level of vitamins and microelements, and will also gently restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract while the baby is sleeping. In addition, if a child regularly eats this product, then his immunity, which helps protect the body from colds, will also be at its best.

Kefir is especially useful for the body of children during the autumn-winter period of exacerbation of colds.

It is also indicated for older people, especially those with osteoporosis. It is known that with age, calcium is less absorbed, and then using kefir at night will be guaranteed to be beneficial. Many older adults have trouble digesting certain nutritious but difficult-to-digest foods. This drink, drunk at night, will help them with this too: having probiotics in its composition, it will enhance digestion and speed up the process of digesting food.

Consuming kefir is beneficial for those undergoing rehabilitation after a fracture. Thanks to one cup before bedtime, bone tissue restoration will proceed correctly and will happen faster.

For any problems caused by a lack of calcium in the body, and this is not only bone fragility, but also bad condition teeth, brittle nails, weak and thin hair, the drink must be included in the diet at least at night, when calcium is best absorbed from it.

It is also useful to drink it for those who are actively involved in sports. Bodybuilders especially need it because:

  • serves as a source of protein, which is indispensable for muscle growth, so it will be an alternative to some protein supplements;
  • is an excellent source of calcium, which is especially important for bodybuilders, skeletal system which endure heavy loads during training: taking kefir at night strengthens the skeleton;
  • supplies the body with phosphorus, which helps relieve fatigue and quickly restore muscles and energy reserves after hard training;
  • helps relieve the digestive tract, which is often overloaded in such athletes due to increased nutrition necessary for muscle growth;
  • calms the nervous system, ensuring deep sleep, proper production of growth hormone and lowering the level of cortisol in the blood;
  • even factory-produced kefir is much more suitable for proper nutrition of an athlete than milk: unlike milk, which is made in most cases from powder, kefir will be natural, since it is obtained only from real milk - powder will not ferment like that.

Kefir at night is good for athletes

Nursing mothers should take kefir with caution, especially in the first 3-6 months of a child’s life. It is useful for a woman’s body at night and not only during breastfeeding, because:

  1. is a valuable supplier of calcium, daily norm which is higher in a nursing woman, since most of it goes into breast milk;
  2. normalizes digestion;
  3. stimulates breast milk production;
  4. In addition to calcium, it supplies the mother’s body with many other useful microelements and vitamins.

The baby's digestive system continues to develop after birth, often accompanied by a rash, diarrhea, or diarrhea. increased gas formation, colic. A newborn may have different allergic manifestations, the cause of which is quite difficult to determine. If an expensive test to identify an allergen is not affordable for the baby’s parents, the most reasonable thing is to exclude strong and moderate allergens from the mother’s diet. Kefir is not a strong allergen, but it contains a large number of enzymes that the baby’s digestive system may not accept after taking breast milk from a mother who drank kefir. Most often, a bad reaction subsides by 3–4 months of a baby’s life, sometimes by the first year of life.

Breastfeeding women should drink only fresh fermented milk drink, which is no more than 1 day old, it contains a minimal amount of bacteria and alcohol.

If by the end of the baby's first year of life allergic reactions still appear, it is highly likely that he has an allergy to milk protein (casein). If breastfeeding continues after one year, then it is better to remove kefir from the diet of the nursing mother.

Possible contraindications

Almost all people who have good health, it will be beneficial. But those who have a congenital or acquired intolerance to kefir or its individual components should not take it before bed. These include:

  • those suffering from enuresis, as it has a diuretic effect;
  • having increased acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, gastritis, tendency to fermentation in the intestines, flatulence and diarrhea;
  • suffering from edema, and having pancreatitis or other kidney diseases, for them there is general recommendation do not drink any liquid before bedtime;
  • pregnant women, since kefir taken at night, like any liquid, will cause the formation of edema, to which women are so susceptible during this period, especially in the later stages;
  • those with individual intolerance to kefir components, for example, an allergy to the milk protein casein;
  • having exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • children under 1 year. Kefir is contraindicated for them even during the day, since it is very different in composition from mother's milk and infant formulas and will cause strong problems with digestion.

Kefir improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

It is not useful for pregnant women only at night . At the rest of the day, this product must be included in the diet, because it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is necessary when carrying a baby. huge pressure. The results of such a load are most often heartburn and constipation. For many pregnant women, kefir helps overcome these unpleasant problems digestion.

Video: truth and myths about kefir

Method and time of use

Many people drink a glass of kefir before bed, brush their teeth and go to bed. But doctors recommend drinking it an hour before going to bed, especially if the dinner was heavy. It will help digest food faster and facilitate the removal of excess from the body. If kefir is drunk instead of dinner, then it is more advisable to drink it before bed, before brushing your teeth: filling your stomach and satisfying your hunger, it will help you sleep better.

One glass (250 ml) will be enough for an adult to take at night. For a child from one and a half to 3 years old, a small amount of drink at night is enough - up to 50 ml. After 3 years, the amount can be gradually increased, but not to exceed 100 ml. Kefir is a liquid, and drinking it in large quantities before bed will overload the kidneys.

Constipation remedy

If you have been unwell during the day due to problems such as constipation and heaviness in the stomach, then after taking kefir at night, when you wake up in the morning, you are guaranteed a good bowel movement, after which you will feel healthy and renewed. But you should remember that only fresh kefir, which is no more than 2 days old, works this way. Three days, on the contrary, strengthens.

If these gastrointestinal problems wear chronic nature, then regular consumption of fresh kefir before bed will certainly make their occurrence easier, or even eliminate them altogether. This effect is due to the beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in its composition.

Pregnant women should not use it at night: it will overload the kidneys and cause swelling; it is better to drink it during the day.

Health Recipes

There are many health recipes based on kefir. Even simply mixing it with chopped vegetables, herbs or fruits will be very beneficial for the body. But there are also special recipes that can help in the treatment of certain diseases.

Pressure reducer


  • kefir - 1 tbsp.;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Add cinnamon to a glass of kefir.
  2. Stir until smooth.
  3. Let it brew for 5 minutes.

It is better to take low-fat or medium-fat kefir - from 1 to 2.5%. Low fat - not the best the best choice, because it contains not only the absence of fat, but also the least amount of nutrients.

Kefir with cinnamon, drunk at night, helps in the fight against hypertension

The effectiveness of such a cocktail is regular use scientifically proven to normalize blood pressure. This remedy also helps lower blood sugar levels and promotes weight loss.

Recipe with cinnamon, ginger and red pepper at night for weight loss


  • kefir (fat content 1% - 2.5%) - 1 tbsp.;
  • ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • ground ginger - 0.5 tsp;
  • ground red pepper - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

  1. Add cinnamon, ginger, red pepper to a glass of kefir.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Have a drink instead of dinner.
Cinnamon, ginger and red pepper actively burn fats, and kefir softens their effect on the stomach

This cocktail is called fat burning. Its effectiveness has been confirmed as medical research, as well as people's reviews. It couldn’t be any other way thanks to wonderful properties ingredients in its composition:

  • cinnamon: has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, helps eliminate toxins and waste from the body, lowers blood sugar levels;
  • ginger: contains gingerol, which has a warming effect, as a result of which metabolism accelerates, involving fatty deposits, and blood circulation increases;
  • red pepper: contains capsaicin, the warming effect of which is stronger than that of ginger; helps enhance the weight loss effect of ginger;
  • kefir: is a good base for all the listed hot ingredients, providing a mild soothing effect on inner shell digestive tract, while increasing metabolism and improving the removal of food debris from the body.

This drink satisfies hunger well and helps you fall asleep faster. After a week of use, you will notice a weight loss of up to 4 kilograms.

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Cleansing according to the Genghis Khan method means that before going to bed you need to eat a glass of garlic, washing it down with an acidic liquid. Garlic should be chopped into small “tablets” so that it can be easily swallowed. Under no circumstances should you try to chew it, as this will release garlic juice, which, if consumed in such quantities, will cause great problems in the functioning of the heart. In addition, if you chew garlic, you will definitely not be able to consume as much of it as you need - 1 glass. Chopped garlic is washed down for easier swallowing. In addition to kefir, plum, tomato or other sour juice is suitable. It will take about 1-1.5 liters of liquid to drink. It is better to take kefir with a fat content of up to 1.5%. This should be done at night, since you cannot eat anything for 2 hours before eating garlic and for several hours after.

Both methods are contraindicated for children, nursing mothers and pregnant women. If there chronic diseases, especially the gastrointestinal tract, these methods also cannot be used - only after consulting a doctor and conducting an examination of the body.

Video: cleansing the body using the Genghis Khan method

Kefir is a true elixir of health for most people, as has been proven by numerous Scientific research and centuries of experience in its use. Only for some it may be harmful. And if you are lucky enough to be among those for whom kefir is suitable, be sure to include it in your diet, according to at least, allow yourself a glass of this healing drink before bed. Try also healthy recipes based on it. With a reasonable attitude, taking into account the state of health, their effect on the body will be only beneficial and, possibly, will eliminate the need for taking chemicals in the form of tablets.