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Mild antidepressants

Stress, hormonal disorders, overwork, loss of loved ones - all these factors negatively affect the condition nervous system, various violations and failures develop. Tablets for depression are divided into several groups, they differ in therapeutic effect and indications. Most drugs are prescription drugs; only mild antidepressants and homeopathic remedies can be purchased without a doctor’s prescription.

Antidepressants are pharmacological drugs that reduce the manifestation of depressive conditions and curb suicidal tendencies.

List of the best drugs:

  1. Fluoxetine - tablets for depression and stress, improve mood, help fight feelings of fear, and have a stimulating effect. You need to take the medicine once a day in the morning, 1 tablet of 20 mg or 2 tablets of 10 mg, the clinical effect develops after 1-4 weeks.
  2. Zoloft is one of the strongest antidepressants and is not addictive. Performance may deteriorate during treatment digestive system, heart, vision abnormalities. You need to take 1 tablet (50 mg) per day, the effect of treatment will be noticeable after 2-4 weeks. A structural analogue is Misol, the drug has a similar therapeutic effect, restrictions for use.
  3. Remeron is a drug for the treatment of major depression, has an extensive list side effects. You need to take the tablets before bed, do not chew them, and drink plenty of water. The dosage is 15-45 mg. The effectiveness of treatment is observed after 1-2 weeks, the duration of therapy is 1 month.
  4. Selectra – modern drug for the treatment of depression, panic states. Side effects appear during the first two weeks of therapy, then their intensity and frequency of manifestations decrease. The medicine should be taken once a day for 6 months.
  5. Velaxin is a non-classical antidepressant that accelerates the transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system and is prescribed for social and generalized anxiety disorders. Capsules and tablets should be taken with meals once a day at the same time, without chewing. Daily dosage – 75 mg. To avoid the development of withdrawal syndrome, the dose of the drug should be reduced gradually. The duration of the course is 6 months or more. Analogue – Efevelon.
  6. Adepress - prescribed for various types depression, bipolar and panic disorders. Dosage – 20 mg per day once, if necessary, the dose is gradually increased by 10 mg per day once a week, the duration of treatment is 4-6 months.
  7. Valdoxan - a medicine that helps eliminate symptoms of severe and medium degree severity, not addictive. You need to take 1 tablet per day, preferably in evening time. Duration of therapy is six months. Analogous in composition and therapeutic effect- Melitor.
  8. Azafen, Coaxil - tricyclic antidepressants, prescribed for mild to moderate severity of the disease. The initial dose is 25-50 mg, gradually the dose of the drug is increased to 150-200 mg/day. You need to take the tablets 2-4 times every morning, the last time before bed. The course of treatment is from 1.5-12 months to 1 year.
  9. Trittico is an antidepressant from the triazolopyridine group, eliminates mental and somatic symptoms anxiety, manifestations erectile dysfunction, normalizes sleep, stabilizes emotional condition, not addictive. The tablets should be taken before bedtime. When taken twice, a third of the dose is drunk after lunch, the rest in the evening. The initial dosage is 100 mg per day, then it is increased by 50 mg every 3-4 days. The maximum daily dose is 3 tablets.

Important! Before you start taking antidepressants, you should try to get rid of depression and insomnia. non-drug methods– eliminate provocateurs of stressful situations, review your work and rest schedule, master meditation, do yoga or art therapy.


Tranquilizers are drugs used to combat anxiety states, have anticonvulsant, hypnotic, sedative effect. Disadvantage: They quickly become addictive. You need to drink them short courses, follow the instructions for use. New generation drugs have fewer contraindications.

  1. Atarax is a drug with sedative, antiemetic, antihistamine effect, prescribed to eliminate anxiety, psychomotor agitation, for patients with somatic, mental and neurological pathologies. The daily dosage is 50 mg, which should be divided into several doses. The last dose of medication should be before bedtime.
  2. Phenazepam is an anti-neurotic drug with a sedative, hypnotic effect, eliminates tension, relieves agitation, and can cause addiction even with correct intake. The average daily dose is 1.5-5 mg. It should be divided into 2-3 doses, the duration of the course is no more than two weeks.

Important! In case of depression, it is necessary not only to take medications, but also not to refuse the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Neuroleptics - drugs prescribed for depression and neurosis, various mental disorders, phobias, psychosis. Classic antipsychotic drugs have high therapeutic efficacy, but many side effects. Now they are used only for severe forms pathologies. Atypical antipsychotics differ in fewer contraindications and negative reactions.

  1. Chlorprothixene is an antipsychotic prescribed for behavioral disorders, to eliminate agitation, hyperactivity, irritability, confusion, and insomnia. The medicine has an analgesic effect. The daily dose is 90 mg of the drug. You need to take the medicine in 3 doses at equal intervals, the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.
  2. Seroquel - prescribed for chronic and acute psychoses, schizophrenia, manic states, depression. The initial dose is 50 mg per day. For elderly patients - 25 mg/day, the dosage is gradually increased to 150-750 mg/day.

Important! Vitamins B, D, folic and ascorbic acid, Omega-3 will help restore frayed nerves. To avoid depression, the body requires magnesium, iron, chromium, and the amino acid L-theanine.


Nootropics are used in neurological practice to improve brain function, correct certain behavioral reactions, and increase resistance to stress. Medicines have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and eliminate the manifestations of hypoxia. The most common representatives of this group are Cinatropil and Entrop.

Cinatropil is a combination drug based on piracetam and cinnarizine with a nootropic, antihypoxic effect. The drug dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation in the brain and central nervous system metabolism. Take 1-2 capsules three times a day, course duration – 1-3 months.

Entrop is a medicine for the treatment of depression of moderate and mild degree severity, not addictive. A positive therapeutic effect is observed after taking the first dose of the drug. Average daily dosage– 200-300 mg, it should be divided into 2 doses, take the tablets immediately after meals. The duration of treatment is 2-12 weeks, depending on the severity of the pathology.

What antidepressants can be bought without a prescription?

Potent medications to combat depression are prescribed by a doctor and can only be purchased with a prescription. But for minor disorders, treatment is carried out with sedatives and natural means from nerves, stress, depression. They are safe, have few contraindications and side effects, are not addictive.

Name of over-the-counter tablets for depression:

  1. Tablets based on St. John's wort - Deprim, Neuroplant, Gelarium. Inexpensive, but good sedatives, rarely cause side effects. Eliminate mild manifestations of depression, insomnia, improve mood, increase performance, and increase the body's resistance to stress. Take 1 tablet three times a day, positive effect observed after 10-14 days, treatment should be continued for a month.
  2. Afobazole is a non-toxic tranquilizer for stress, anxiety, depression, quickly stops attacks of aggression and irritability, and mitigates the manifestation of hormonal disorders in women with PMS and menopause. Dosage regimen: 10 mg three times a day for 4 weeks.
  3. Tenoten is a homeopathic nootropic drug in the form of lozenges, has a pronounced antidepressant, sedative effect, helps fight anxiety and stress. You need to take the medicine 1-2 tablets every 6-8 hours for 1-3 months.
  4. Bioton is a drug based on herbal ingredients that eliminates functional disorders of the nervous system, manifestations of depressive conditions, chronic fatigue, physical and mental stress. The medicine improves mood, increases endurance and performance.
  5. Anantavati is a neuroregulator of brain activity based on herbal ingredients that restores the balance of the nervous system. Indications: frequent stress, VSD, chronic fatigue syndrome, depressive states, memory impairment, decreased concentration. Take 1-2 tablets per day after meals for 45-60 days.
  6. Nervoheel is a good homeopathic medicine with sedative and hypnotic effects, eliminates mild forms of depression and seizures. Lozenges should be taken 1 piece at a time. three times a day half an hour before meals or an hour after meals. Duration of treatment is 15-20 days.
  7. Alora is a modern sedative and hypnotic based on passionflower extract, eliminates anxiety, irritability, and has a slight hypotensive, analgesic and antispasmodic effect. Take 1 tablet before meals three times a day, for insomnia - 2-3 tablets before bed.

Important! Mild antidepressants help not only reduce the reaction of the nervous system to irritants, but also cope with pain of unknown origin, improve sleep and appetite, and get rid of anxiety and chronic fatigue.


When choosing drugs for the treatment of depression, it is necessary to take into account the contraindications that even mild antidepressants have.

Main contraindications:

  • age under 18 years, there are children's medications, but their use must be coordinated with a pediatrician or neurologist;
  • convulsions, fainting, confusion;
  • hypotension;
  • problems with blood circulation and clotting;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • chronic pathologies of internal organs;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • Mild medications are not prescribed for severe mental disorders.

Antidepressants should not be taken during pregnancy - in the first trimester, the drugs can cause the development of congenital heart defects in the child. When the mother takes medications later In newborns, withdrawal syndrome is observed - the baby is restless, often cries, tremors and convulsions are observed. The drugs are also contraindicated during breastfeeding.

Important! In some cases, depressive conditions can be dangerous to a woman’s health and life. In such cases, third generation antidepressants are prescribed; they must be taken under constant medical supervision.

Tablets for the treatment of depression are potent drugs that can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Most drugs are addictive. For minor disturbances in the psycho-emotional state, sedatives and sleeping pills based on natural ingredients.

Life modern man, especially if he takes an active position in society, is full of troubles, and there are enough reasons for stress. Such situations can become an impetus for various types of psychogenic diseases. To avoid negative consequences, you need to take pills for depression.


N06A Antidepressants

Pharmacological group


pharmachologic effect

Antidepressive drugs

Indications for the use of tablets for depression

Anti-depression pills are prescribed when symptoms of stress and depression occur. Namely, if the patient has increased irritability, high level of anxiety, heightened experiences, which as a result cause panic fear. Able reactive depression a person is constantly in a low mood, he has lost the ability to empathize with his loved ones (anhedonia), mental activity is disrupted, he does not show initiative, and is passive. He has a negative attitude in any situation, and is sure that any business he starts is doomed to failure. If you experience such manifestations of depression, you should immediately contact medical institution, otherwise they can drag on and worsen a person’s quality of life, causing serious illnesses and even be fatal.


Each group medicines has its own mechanism of action.

Pharmacodynamics of tranquilizers: the patient becomes less conflicted, his internal tension is weakened, fear, anxiety, anger disappear, he stops panicking. A person is no longer as irritable as before, the level of mental excitability decreases, concentration improves and thought processes pass faster. Sleep becomes better and longer.
Neuroleptics cause a desire to work and the disappearance of hallucinations. They have antiemetic, antihiccup, anticonvulsant and antihypertensive effects.

Sedatives cause a decrease in the patient’s irritability and impulsivity. After their use, emotional stress decreases and the patient falls asleep better.

Antidepressants significantly improve the patient’s mood, activate psychomotor skills (vigor, initiative, increased performance). Anti-depression pills have a psychosedative effect: the feeling goes away constant worry, fear and anxiety, mental discomfort disappears).

Psychostimulants reduce drowsiness, increase performance and physical endurance. After the use of psychostimulant drugs, blood vessels narrow, blood pressure increases, glycogenolysis in the liver, and lipolysis in adipose tissue increase. They can also trigger anorexia.

Nootropics activate the brain, inhibited mental reactions and apathy disappear. The patient becomes less emotionally excitable and irritable. The memorization process improves. Depression passes. The brain becomes more resistant to stress factors. The process of personality degradation stops while taking antiepileptic drugs.


Taking tablets for depression orally leads to their rapid absorption and distribution in the tissues of the body. Almost 50% of the dose received is excreted from the body within two days in urine. The remaining part interacts with blood proteins and is eliminated after two weeks. For antidepressants, the speed of elimination from the body is an important criterion, since it determines the dosage of the drug, and also determines the likelihood of overdose and poisoning by its components. This parameter is important to remember because people with depression use medications in an attempt to commit suicide. The amount of antidepressants in the plasma may vary among patients. Variability is due to the individual characteristics of a person's conversion of the drug in the liver. Metabolism is influenced by a number of factors: genetic determination of the activity of cytochromes P 450, liver performance, characteristics of the drug used, and the patient’s age. Older people have a slower metabolism, so they experience side effects more quickly. In children, on the contrary, the transformation processes are accelerated, so sometimes the dosage is even increased. It should be borne in mind that the level of antidepressants in the blood plasma may change the characteristics of other drugs.

Using anti-depression pills during pregnancy

The issue of taking pills for depression during pregnancy is very relevant. As practice has shown, some drugs do not pose a threat to the unborn child, while others, on the contrary, are more dangerous to the fetus. But experts say that you cannot completely stop taking antidepressants. If a woman is depressed during pregnancy, she endangers not only herself, but also her unborn baby. Disorders of mental balance can provoke postpartum depression, so taking appropriate medications is simply necessary.

You should be especially careful when choosing treatment in the first trimester, as there is a high risk of developing congenital anomalies fetus Therefore, for the expectant mother the best option will selective inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants, the consequences of which will be less dire. They can only provoke headaches, diarrhea, and lead to a decrease in libido. Since pills for depression are addictive, a few weeks before giving birth, a woman should stop taking antidepressants so that such addiction is not inherited by the child. During this important period, it is allowed to take such drugs as Citalopram, Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, Sertraline, Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, Bupropion. The entire period of taking the drug should be supervised by a doctor. To calm your nerves and get rid of depression without harming the unborn child, it is better to resort to herbal medicine. The safest way is Herb tea, which may contain St. John's wort, motherwort, hawthorn fruits, sage, valerian root, thyme. Contact your herbalist and he will definitely recommend an effective decoction.

Expectant mothers should be extremely careful about taking any medication so that their children do not become another example of the “Thalidomide disaster”. She became the most prominent example in medicine when taking the untested drug Tiladomide during pregnancy caused the birth of children with deformities. It is best to first recover from depression, and then think about procreation.


Anti-depression pills have a number of limitations in their use. They are not prescribed if blood circulation is impaired, there are pathologies of the kidneys and/or liver, seizures, psychomotor irritability, thyrotoxicosis, and an allergic reaction to the components of the drug are observed. Antidepressants are not recommended for pregnant women and patients with persistent arterial hypotension, in acute cases of confusion. TCAs and heterocyclic drugs are not prescribed to patients with gastric ulcers and duodenum, with pyloric stenosis, with conduction disorders of the heart muscle, during the recovery period after myocardial infarction, with hypotension 3rd degree, with closed glaucoma, with decompensated heart disease, with intestinal obstruction, with atony Bladder, with prostatic hypertrophy. Antidepressants are prohibited for children under twelve years of age.

Side effects of anti-depression pills

Side effects of antidepressant medications include: sinus tachycardia, hypotension, arrhythmias, intracardiac conduction is disrupted, and bone marrow functionality is inhibited. Anti-depression pills can cause dry mouth, intestinal hypotension, and lead to urinary retention. Side effects also include decreased appetite and increased body weight, headaches and insomnia, disruption of work of cardio-vascular system.

Side effects of neuroleptics are manifested in lethargy, apathy, inhibition of reactions, drowsiness, and the development of a collapsing state.

Directions for use and doses

Pills for stress and depression

Drug treatment is recognized as the best method for eliminating mental disorders. Anti-depression pills will relieve the problem in the short term and for a long time. Drugs psychotropic effect There are several types. Each of them has its own scope and is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

  • Neuroleptics. The most powerful antipsychotic drugs. They are prescribed for severe mental disorders. They affect the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for inadequate reactions of the nervous system, depriving the patient of emotions, as well as the ability to think rationally and perceive information.
  • Antidepressants. A group of medications that are used for depression and also neutralize the factors that provoke its appearance. Medicines for this type of depression are safe; they help normalize the overall emotional state and prevent the situation from worsening.
  • Tranquilizers. They are characterized as a powerful psychotropic drug, similar in action to antipsychotics. But it is used much more often, and in cases where antidepressants have not had the desired effect. Tranquilizers help relieve feelings of anxiety, panic and internal tension, reduce the level of aggression.
  • Nootropics. They are tablets for stress and depression, which, by acting on areas of the brain, eliminate the feeling of fatigue, improve blood circulation in the brain, and increase performance.
  • Sedatives. This is a group of sedative drugs. They are used to normalize sleep, eliminate nervous tension, reduce the level of anxiety and excitability. Thanks to them, the patient’s body reacts less to stressful situations, and the nervous system is normal.

Psychotropic drugs of any type are prescribed by a qualified specialist in this field (neurologist, psychiatrist), who will monitor the patient’s condition.

Tablets for irritability and depression

Drug treatment for depression and irritability is prescribed only by a specialist. The list of medications will include antidepressants that will improve mood and reduce irritability and nervousness. A positive result will be achieved with proper selection of treatment methods.

The most effective, and therefore the most popular, are drugs such as “Nota”, “Adaptol” and “Novo-Passit”. They are also used as anti-depression pills. “Note” is used to reduce psycho-emotional stress. With the help of the drug, the patient will be able to reduce the degree of irritability, get rid of fear and unreasonable anxiety, relieve fatigue and, as a result, normalize sleep. No special restrictions have been identified, so it is prescribed even to children. Adaptol will also help cope with irritability. Will reduce the level of anxiety and tension. However, its action does not affect human performance. Novo-Passit is recommended for those people who are prone to irritability and are in a state of anxiety. Despite its effectiveness, the drug has a number of side effects (weakness, drowsiness, nausea, diarrhea or constipation, vomiting, dizziness), so its use should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Names of pills for depression

When a person constantly experiences stressful situations, they can cause many diseases. Therefore, anti-depression pills will become the best way out from the current situation.

  • Tenon
  • Quatrex
  • Afobazole
  • Aminazine
  • Levomepromazine
  • Flupenticone
  • Tenoten
  • Esquitalopram
  • Lerivon
  • Lorazepam
  • Phenazepam
  • Alprazolam
  • Stress Management
  • Moclobemide
  • Bethol
  • Toloxatone
  • Pyrazidol
  • Imipramine
  • Amitriptyline
  • Anafranil
  • Pertophan
  • Trimipramine
  • Azafen
  • Mianserin
  • Fluoxetine
  • Fevarin
  • Citalopram
  • Sertraline
  • Paroxetine
  • Cymbalta
  • Ephevelon
  • Eglek
  • Cipramil
  • Frotin
  • Cerebril
  • Fenotropil
  • Tryptisol
  • Tegretol
  • Sulpiride
  • Stamin
  • Relanium
  • Remeron
  • Plizil
  • Persen
  • Noben
  • Mexidol
  • Xanax
  • Lutsetam
  • Demanol,
  • Glycine
  • Heptral
  • Valdoxan
  • Alprazolam.

Any remedy for depression will not cause addiction if you adhere to the specified dosage, which is designed for a specific clinical case.

St. John's wort tablets

St. John's wort tablets are used to treat depression. This tool belongs to the group of herbal medicines, since it is based on dry extract of St. John's wort herb. It has antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects. The drug is prescribed for psychovegetative disorders, namely apathy and bad mood; in cases of depression, which are accompanied by increased anxiety; in the presence of a neurotic state.

St. John's wort tablets relieve irritability, nervous tension, and eliminate feelings of fear. After their use, apathy and depression disappear. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system as a whole. The patient's sleep improves and increases physical activity. St. John's wort tablets are contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, children under 12 years of age, if severe endogenous depression is present, with photodermatitis and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Dosage: 1-2 tablets three times a day. The course of treatment is from 3 weeks to 3 months, depending on the severity and effectiveness of the drug.

Side effects: nausea, bloating and painful sensations in the abdomen, dry mouth, loose stools or constipation, itching, small rash, headache, feeling tired. These anti-depression pills should be used only after consulting a doctor.


The drug Fluoxetine belongs to the group of antidepressants. It is prescribed for the treatment of such mental illness like depression obsessive states, which are accompanied by increased anxiety and fear, sleep disorders, eating disorders (anorexia or bulimia). Systematic use reduces the level of these manifestations, has a positive effect on the patient’s mood, improves sleep and appetite. The daily dose of Fluoxetine is 2 – 3 capsules.

Duration of use – from one month to six months, depending on clinical picture disease and treatment results.

Side effects: tremor, psychomotor agitation, drowsiness, impaired attention and coordination, fever, hypotension, frequent urination, gynecological bleeding, ejaculation disorders, increased sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, itching.

contraindications: renal failure, liver problems, increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy and lactation, glaucoma, bladder atony, suicidal tendencies, age under 18 years.

Method of use and dosage of tablets for depression

Anti-depression pills are taken orally. The dosage of each drug depends on the patient's diagnosis and severity. It is worth noting that there are no antidepressants with an immediate effect. To achieve results, they must be used for at least seven days. Beginning with small dose, gradually increasing the volume. When the disease is cured, the dose is reduced until the drug is completely discontinued. If the effect does not occur even after a month, then the anti-depression pills must be replaced with others. For example, Nialamid, start with daily dose 2 tab. and bring it to 14; Inkazan - at the beginning of treatment, 1-2 tablets twice with a break of 12 hours, then - 10 tablets; Desimipramine – 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, gradually increasing to 8 tablets.

Pills for depression and stress, the list of which is periodically updated by pharmacists, are becoming an integral part of the life of a modern person.

It’s not for nothing that doctors sadly joke that many diseases are caused by nerves.

Alternative medicine claims that humanity does not have time to adapt psychologically and physically to the accelerating pace of life, moreover, the gap between needs and capabilities is increasing and this underlies the prevalence of stress and depression.

We will look at pills for treating depression below.

Stress is a physiological reaction of the human body in response to external stimuli. To adapt, the body responds with a surge in hormone production and changes in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. When this happens occasionally, no harm is done to the body, but when it happens frequently or constantly stressful situations internal organs begin to experience overload - hormonal background constantly changed, pressure increased, blood vessels dilated, pulse increased.

The brightest and characteristic manifestations stress:

  • clenching of teeth (especially during sleep);
  • craving for sweets;
  • stress pose with raised shoulders and pulled head into them;
  • skin itching;
  • stomach pain;
  • headache while resting.

Due to stress, depression can develop. And if you can try to cope with stress on your own, then depression is difficult to overcome without the support of a specialist.

Manifestations of depression are very varied, including:

  • increased or decreased appetite;
  • constant fatigue;
  • causeless anxiety;
  • tearfulness;
  • negative thinking;
  • insomnia;
  • pain in the heart, constipation;
  • decreased libido.

Depression doesn't happen out of nowhere. It flows smoothly from stress, so it is recommended to stop stressful conditions at the very beginning - the further they go, the more difficult it is to get rid of them.

Doctors advise not to ignore nervous tension, and contact specialists to prescribe treatment - the drug can be selected for any type of nervous or emotional disorder.

Psychotropic drugs for depression

Means of this type affect higher mental functions and help the body to improve its functioning, cope with stressful situations and perceive reality positively. There are synthetic, semi-synthetic and vegetable. Final result The effects of such remedies are different - some can invigorate, others calm.


Used for treatment severe depression, with obvious violations mental activity(severely inappropriate reactions).

Have an effect on the peripheral and central nervous systems, stimulating or inhibiting transmission nervous excitement in different sections, increasing or decreasing the sensitivity of nerve endings.

Medicines in this class are also called antipsychotics or antipsychotic drugs. Neuroleptics are often prescribed to treat apathy, lack of appetite, desocialization, and emotional indifference.

The next topic will be of interest to many: . Useful tips on how to survive depression and analyze the problem.


These are psychotropic pharmaceuticals that improve mood.

They influence the level of bioactive chemicals in the body transmitted from nerve cell electrochemical impulses.

Antidepressants relieve anxiety and apathy, normalize appetite, sleep duration, relieve emotional stress, irritability, melancholy, and eliminate lethargy.

Depending on the clinical effect demonstrated, they are divided into:

  • means of balanced action;
  • antidepressants-sedatives;
  • antidepressants-stimulants.


Tablets of this class relieve phobias and fears, anxiety, stress, depression and are used in the treatment of many diseases.

IN varying degrees severity, these drugs have sedative, anticonvulsant, anxiolotic (anti-anxiety), muscle relaxant and hypnotic effects, the combination of which in a particular medicine determines the characteristics of its prescription.

The main effect of any tranquilizer is anti-anxiety. As a result of its action, emotional tension is relieved, fears are reduced, anxiety and worry go away. Often patients can be relieved of excessive suspiciousness, obsessive thoughts, but in conditions accompanied by hallucinations, delusions, and affects, tranquilizers cannot reduce the severity of manifestations.


Used to improve the quality of memory and brain activity.

They improve the ability to learn, activate cognitive functions, increase the body’s overall resistance to stress factors, and reduce the manifestations of lethargy, weakness, asthenia, and irritability.

The concentration of glucose in the blood decreases and at the same time the body is fueled with energy by increasing the consumption of glucose by the body's cells.

As a result of all this, the brain becomes more resistant to excessive stress.

Normotimic drugs

These are mood regulators that relieve emotional outbursts. These neurometabolic stimulants affect the higher mental functions of the brain.

Mood stabilizers are also called mood stabilizers and are prescribed for severe depressive disorders manifested by a whole range of symptoms. Not all mood stabilizers have antidepressant activity, but most are able to mitigate or completely stop acute phases depression.


Also called psycholeptics, they have a mild calming effect.

They can be either herbal or synthetic, but their action is always aimed at reducing emotional stress without causing a hypnotic effect. However, they deepen natural sleep and make it easier to fall asleep.

They do not have as pronounced a sedative effect as tranquilizers, but they can be used in everyday practice due to the absence of serious side effects. Psycholeptics are well tolerated by the elderly and elderly.

CNS stimulants

These drugs stimulate higher mental functions and physical activity of the body, increase interest in life and mood. A person begins to think faster, fatigue goes away earlier, he gets rid of lethargy and drowsiness, responses to external stimuli accelerate, sociability and performance increase.

You should be aware that treatment with any psychotropic substances must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Persons under 18 years of age similar medicines are prescribed for a minimum period and only for clearly substantiated indications.

Most psychotropic drugs are incompatible with alcohol, since the depressant effect on the central nervous system is enhanced, which is fraught with many severe side effects, including loss of consciousness and decreased respiratory function.

The most popular anti-stress pills

When stress occurs, biochemical changes occur in the body, and pharmaceuticals These changes are regulated, affecting the processes occurring in both the brain and the nervous system.

Therefore, they should not be drunk uncontrollably.

And you need to follow certain rules:

  • the drug must be taken in a course, because many drugs have a cumulative effect and the effect of the drug does not appear immediately, but after several days or even weeks;
  • stop taking it according to the regimen that is signed in the attached annotation or by the attending physician;
  • Before you start taking anti-stress pills, you should find out their compatibility with other medications you are taking.

To reduce symptoms and reduce the severity of stress, tranquilizers or anxiolytics are prescribed.

If the nervous system is depleted by prolonged or intense stress, nootropics are used. Drugs used for stress can be either herbal or synthetic.

On herbs

Such remedies are used for mild stress.

Most often these are tablets based on valerian or motherwort, preparations Persen (a mixture of mint, motherwort and valerian) and Novo-Passit (a combination of extracts of 7 herbs and guaifenesin).

They provide soft action and cumulative effect, so to achieve desired result you should take a full course, possibly several.

Although it is believed that herbal remedies are harmless, but the recommendations provided by the developers should be strictly followed.

Synthetic drugs

They give a quick effect and are prescribed for moderate to severe stress conditions. Although some anti-depression pills are available without a prescription, it is not recommended to take them uncontrollably due to the possibility of unwanted side effects or the drug may simply not be suitable.

The most common anti-stress pills are Glycine, Afobazol, Tenoten, Seduxen, Adaptol, and Quatrex.

Drugs for depression

Most of the products in this area are available only by prescription.

Only a person can select the required product qualified specialist, because there are many medications for depression and they are very different and have a specific effect on the body.

Often the choice falls on Grandaxin, Citalopram, Bupropion (Zyban), Prozac, Phenazepam.

Psychologists say that the best prevention of depression is exercise. But if it so happened that the body got into stressful state and mild herbal sedatives do not help you return to a calm life, you should not put off going to the doctor, because timely treatment is the key to success.

Video on the topic

Mental disorders are a pathological condition that is diagnosed in many people, regardless of age, gender and profession. The cause of the disease is most often constant stress and poor nutrition. Sedatives for depression and neurosis help reduce the symptoms of the disease and return the person to full image life.

Neurosis destroys the patient’s psyche - he cannot be calm in society, communicate with other people, and as the disease progresses, it provokes the development of physiological disorders. Drug treatment for depression blocks a panic attack, thereby preventing the development of pathologies internal systems, organs.

A patient suffering from psychological disorders is bothered by unpleasant symptoms, which can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system. There is discomfort in the area of ​​the heart muscle, the pulse quickens, the pressure rises, the patient has difficulty breathing, and blood is released unevenly.
  2. Neurological diseases. With neuroses, the patient feels unpleasant trembling in the body, numbness of the limbs, dizziness, he is bothered by migraine attacks, and problems with sleep.
  3. Gastroenterological disorders. A depressive state negatively affects the performance and structure of the gastrointestinal tract. Dry mouth and dyspeptic disorders appear, expressed in diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and cramps.

The degree of symptoms of physical disorders in different people varies. If the patient consults a doctor for advanced stage diseases, the specialist will recommend medications for depression, taking into account general condition patient, the nature of the psychological disorder.

Depression destroys the human psyche

Features of drug therapy

When taking pills to calm your nerves, you must follow all your doctor's recommendations. Treating depression with medications based on the following principles:

  1. Determine the cause of the disease: the patient should tell the psychiatrist or neurologist about the symptoms that bother him. Sometimes people hide something, believing that it is unimportant, which greatly complicates the diagnosis of depression and does not allow the doctor to really assess the patient’s condition, identify the cause of the neurosis and quickly cure the disease.
  2. Get ready for long-term therapy. When starting treatment for a disease, a person must be aware that the recovery process will take 6-12 months. The main disadvantage of antidepressants is their delayed action; to neutralize the symptoms of neurosis, you should wait until active substance accumulates in the blood plasma in the required concentration.
  3. With depression, it is difficult to choose which drugs will be the safest and most effective; sometimes it is necessary to change sedatives several times to achieve the desired result.
  4. Do not stop taking medications until the end of the course of therapy. Most patients stop antidepressant treatment as soon as signs of the disease disappear. Until complete recovery, medications are used according to a schedule with a decrease in dosage, otherwise the condition may only worsen. With gradual withdrawal of the drug, the nervous system begins to produce the required amount of hormones and function without maintenance therapy.
  5. Treatment of neurosis is based not only on pills - antipsychotics, tranquilizers or antidepressants will help eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but will not relieve the patient of the cause that triggered the development of the disease. It is necessary to identify and neutralize the irritating factor - this could be negative emotions, constant stress, lack of vitamins, minerals, overexertion, hormonal imbalances in human body, somatic pathologies.

In addition to determining the causes of neurotic symptoms, a patient suffering from depression should undergo a course of psychotherapy, which will help him understand what his problems are and learn to overcome them without compromising his emotional state. A person must change his daily routine, get rid of bad habits, and master relaxation techniques.

A neurologist or psychotherapist should be aware of the recommendations of other specialists. Some drugs for treating depression may increase or decrease the effects of others medicines.

The principle of action of tablets against neurosis

Antidepressants work by increasing the amount of neurotransmitters - hormones - in the brain. The medicine, gradually accumulating in tissues and blood plasma, contributes to the growth of its volume. To obtain the desired result, it is necessary to use the drug for a long time - from 2 weeks to several months.

Taking anti-depression pills without a prescription is not recommended; the dosage should be recommended by a neurologist. This will allow you to achieve the necessary therapeutic effect. Even if the patient feels well, it is impossible to abruptly stop taking the drug, otherwise withdrawal syndrome may develop.

When the attending physician discontinues sedatives for depression, he does so according to a scheme that allows him to first reduce the dosage and then reduce it to a minimum. Antidepressants are not as addictive as alcohol and tobacco smoke, but patients who refuse treatment are faced with unpleasant symptoms:

  • unbearable body aches;
  • indigestion;
  • elevated temperature;
  • weakness, malaise;
  • pre-cold or fever;
  • excessive excitability;
  • attacks of dizziness;
  • state of anxiety;
  • nightmares, hallucinations.

Treatment with drugs various groups should be carried out taking into account the clinical picture of the disease, the presence chronic pathologies and neglect of depression. The main goal of drug therapy is to relieve the intensity of the symptoms of neurosis.

Neurotransmitters - biologically active chemical substances, with the help of which the electrochemical impulse is transmitted between neurons

Types of medications against neuroses

You can find out from your doctor which over-the-counter pills you should take for nervous system disorders. Pharmacological drugs, prescribed for depression, are classified into several categories:

  1. Sedative medications. Suppress panic attacks, state of anxiety, fear. The drugs restore the emotional state and increase the effect of psychotherapy.
  2. Antidepressants. Eliminate depressive syndrome, which can complicate the course of the disease and complicate its treatment. Drugs in this group strengthen the emotional state, promote rapid recovery nervous system.
  3. Tranquilizers. They treat a complicated form of the disease that occurs against a background of systematic attacks and severe symptoms. Medicines eliminate anxiety, restore psychological condition patient.
  4. Neuroleptics. Prescribed when complex therapy using antidepressants and tranquilizers is not effective.
  5. Homeopathic medicines and vitamins. They do not have a special effect on the development of pathology, but have a positive effect on the psychological, physical state a person suffering from neurosis.

All remedies for depression have their own characteristics, they have different action on the human body. The appropriateness of their use is determined by the psychotherapist, as well as the duration of therapy and dosage.

Treatment of neurosis with sedatives

Calming pills help achieve relaxation, reduce nervousness, suppress fear, anxiety, and panic attacks. Their task is to improve the patient’s psycho-emotional state and ensure the effectiveness of psychotherapy. Sedatives are divided into sedatives plant origin, bromide, barbiturates, magnesium salts.

Natural medicines are considered the most effective:

  1. Valerian tincture and tablets.
  2. Products based on passionflower incarnate.
  3. Tincture of peony or motherwort.
  4. "Valoserdin", "Novopassit".
  5. "Sedariston", "Fitosed".

Barbiturates depress the excited nervous system central system, have anticonvulsant and hypnotic effect. The best drugs in this group: Phenobarbital, Hexobarbital, Barbamil.

Bromides are based on potassium or sodium salts, as well as hydrobromic acid. They have calming properties and activate neurological processes in the brain. Medicines are not intended for long-term use. The main means include: potassium or sodium bromide powder, the drug "Bromcamphor".

Sedatives will help you relax, suppress fear and anxiety

Treatment of neuroses with antidepressants

Diagnosed depression requires proper treatment strong drugs. Unlike simple sedatives Having a short-term sedative effect, the goal of antidepressants is to completely neutralize the syndrome. The proper effect is achieved 7-14 days after the start of treatment.

In medical practice they use:

  • tricyclic drugs: Melipramine, Amitriptyline, Anafranil, Azafen, Opipramol. They have a good antidepressant effect. A positive result is observed after 1-2 weeks from the start of therapy. Restrictions for use - age 40 years and older, due to numerous side effects that have a negative effect on the blood vessels and heart;
  • four-cyclic drugs: Tetrindol, Incazan, Pyrazidol. Render less pronounced action on the central nervous system, in comparison with antidepressants of the first group, but are safe for the body and have a limited amount unwanted effects. They can be taken by patients regardless of age;
  • serotonin reverse synthesis inhibitors: Paxil, Fluoxetine. By therapeutic effects comparable to drugs of the tricyclic group, but have insignificant toxic effect. The required result from taking medications is achieved only 3 weeks after the start of therapy.

All drugs for depression have a stimulating or calming effect and are prescribed by a doctor taking into account the symptoms of neurosis. For patients suffering from excessive excitability, drugs that have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system (“Melipramine”), which are used for inhibited conditions, are contraindicated.

Melipramine is contraindicated in patients suffering from excessive excitability

Tranquilizers against depression

At the beginning of treatment, the patient may experience attacks of dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, weakness, but as the body adapts, it begins to get used to the active substance, and side effects disappear.

Tranquilizers have numerous contraindications for use; you should consult a doctor before using them. It is unacceptable to exceed the recommended dosage in order to prevent unpleasant consequences.

List of the most popular tranquilizers:

  1. Medicine "Phenazepam".
  2. Librium product.
  3. The drug "Nitrazepam".
  4. Adaptol tablets.

Drugs in this group differ in their action and potency and are prescribed taking into account individual characteristics every patient. One of the most effective tranquilizers is Librium. For depressive neurosis and phobias, you can take Phenazepam; if you are worried about insomnia, you can take Nitrazepam.

Tranquilizers can cause attacks of dizziness, nausea and drowsiness

Treatment of mental disorders with antipsychotics

Powerful anti-depression drugs used in complex therapy for treatment various forms pathological syndrome. Medicines in this group are used if antidepressants and tranquilizers do not help required action. Potent medications for mental disorders include:

  • medicine "Sonapax";
  • drug "Aminazin";
  • Melleril tablets;
  • Thiodazine agent.

Neuroleptics have many prohibitions on their use and side effects. It is necessary to use drugs of this group only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Vitamin therapy and homeopathy for neuroses

Treatment of depression with homeopathy requires a special approach to the choice of medications. Medicines in this group are prescribed if the following indications exist:

  1. Hysteria: “Tarantula”, “Ignacia”, “Platinum”, “Asafetida”, “Pulsatilla”.
  2. Signs of neurasthenia: “Indica Cannabis”, “Agaricus”, “Belladonna”, “Phosphorus”, “Stramonium”.
  3. Hyposthenic neurosis: “Conium”, “Acidum picrinicum”, “Acidum phosphoricum”.
  4. Obsessive states: “China”, “Silicea”, “Arsenicum album”.
  5. Psychasthenia: “Causticum”, “Calcium carbonicum”, “Graphites”.

Vitamins for mental disorders play a key role in restoring the central nervous system. When you have depression, your brain needs nourishment. Have the best effect useful material group B. Due to their lack in the body, vitamin deficiency may develop.

Vitamin therapy plays a key role in restoring the central nervous system

Vitamins such as glycine, ascorbic acid, cholecalciferol, tocopherol, and rutin are also useful for the brain. Will help make up for their deficiency good nutrition(oranges, banana nuts, dairy products, greens, cabbage, buckwheat, rice) and special multivitamin complexes.

For neuroses and depression, medications are prescribed that can reduce the intensity of the symptoms of the disease and prepare the nervous system for psychotherapy. Take off neurological manifestations follows at the first signs of pathology.

Prevention of stress and depression

Sometimes a disease is easier to prevent than to treat. If a person develops apathy, he becomes irritable, measures should be taken as soon as possible to eliminate unpleasant discomfort. The best remedy from depression is:

  • do not withdraw into yourself and communicate more with family and friends;
  • reduce physical and mental stress;
  • create a correct daily routine with proper rest;
  • you cannot blame yourself for failures; you must accept defeats with dignity;
  • swimming, fitness, jogging in the morning will strengthen the body and lift your spirits.

Neurosis is an unpleasant pathological condition that can cause many problems and cause complications that are dangerous for a person. Only timely diagnosis And effective treatment will help get rid of neurological symptoms.

Medicine for depression and stress should be prescribed by a doctor after a conversation with the patient and a full examination. In the presence of chronic diseases it is necessary to take into account the effect of antidepressants on their course.

", more and more people of different ages and the sexes suffer from emotional disorders, apathy and decline motor activity. Medicines for depression help to completely get rid of these symptoms or minimize their manifestations, but not all patients decide to take them, considering antidepressants and tranquilizers too “harmful” for health or almost narcotic drugs, causing change in the psyche and addiction.

And doctors involved in medicine note that this group of patients is one of the most “severe” and undisciplined; they do not follow the doctor’s recommendations, ignore contraindications and restrictions when taking medications, and then complain about their ineffectiveness or the occurrence of side effects. What medications are there for depressive disorders and how to take them correctly?

Depression is mental disorder, characterized by a sharp decrease in mood, lack of interest in anything and a decrease in physical activity.

There are a huge number of forms and types of depression, and for each patient the disease proceeds in its own way and requires individual approach to treatment, so it is very important not to try to self-prescribe treatment and to purchase medications for depression without a prescription.

The specialist prescribes medications based on the characteristics of the disease: the predominance of symptoms of anxiety, irritability or apathy, the presence of contraindications, and even the age and gender of the patient. It is impossible to take into account all these factors independently, and incorrect treatment can bring more harm than good.

How do the main groups of drugs for depression work?

  1. Antidepressants are the drugs in this group that are considered the “gold standard” for treating depression. With depressive disorders, the level of neurotransmitters in the brain decreases - hormones responsible for obtaining a feeling of pleasure; antidepressants increase the concentration of these hormones in the blood, thereby helping to get rid of clinical manifestations depression.
  2. Tranquilizers or sedatives– affect the centers in the cerebral cortex, reducing the excitability of the nervous system, due to this, symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, aggressiveness, fear, and so on disappear.
  3. Neuroleptics are prescribed only for severe depressive disorders accompanied by psychopathy, severe aggression, suicidal intentions, hallucinations and delusions. Drugs in this group turn off all “extra” stimuli and reduce pathological brain activity.

When taking pills for depression, it is very important to follow general rules treatment of this disease:

The main disadvantage of all antidepressants is their delayed effect; for the symptoms of the disease to disappear, you must wait until active substance does not accumulate in the blood to the desired concentration; this may take from 3 to 6-8 weeks.

And with depression, it is quite difficult to immediately select an effective and safe combination of drugs, so you may need to change the medication several times before achieving the desired effect.

In addition to finding out the causes of the disease, all patients with depression need help, which helps them understand the roots of their problems and learn to solve them without damage to their psyche; changing your daily routine and getting rid of bad habits, and learning relaxation methods.


Antidepressants are used for almost all types of depression. These mood-improving medications are not addictive and have relatively few side effects (especially drugs last generations), the dose and course of treatment are selected by the doctor individually for each patient. But all drugs must be taken for 2-6 months with a gradual dose reduction at the end of treatment.