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Using clover tincture with vodka to clean blood vessels. Useful properties and contraindications of red and white clover

Clover is a medicinal plant that is often used in oriental medicine. It has antitumor, antiseptic and other properties. Let's take a closer look at how clover tincture is prepared, what its indications and contraindications are.

Clover has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibiotic, antitumor, antimicrobial and antimycotic properties. Based on it they make different healing agents, which act on the body as a diuretic, laxative, expectorant, nutritious and sedative. Thanks to the tincture, the level of cholesterol in the blood is regulated, and it is also cleansed.

The plant treats vaginal irritations, burns, ulcers, acne, nail and foot fungus.

The plant consists of the following components:

  1. Grass seeds contain a lot of fatty oils;
  2. The stems and leaves are enriched with proteins, essential and fatty oils, resins, fiber, tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, vitamins E and B, ascorbic acid and other useful macro- and microelements;
  3. The plant contains salicylic, coumaric, ketoglutaric and succinic acids;
  4. The grass ball flowers contain essential oil, fatty acid, glycosides, vitamins C, E, K, B, pigments, beta-carotene, organic acids, iron, chromium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur and copper.

Thanks to such a rich complex of components, clover and remedies based on it, you can cure many various diseases. The tincture treats various ailments.

Clover tincture is used to treat cancer, rheumatism, bronchitis, anemia, inflammation Bladder, as well as vascular diseases.

Preparation of clover tincture

In order for the remedy to bring maximum benefit It is recommended to strictly follow the cooking recipe. The red clover tincture is prepared as follows:

  • Place 40 grams of plant flowers in cold water, and then place in a jar with dark glass;
  • Pour half a liter of vodka on top;
  • Place the jar in a dark and cool place for 24 hours;
  • After a while, strain and pour into a clean dark container.

Clover tincture can also be prepared in the following ways:

  1. Pour 250 grams of fresh clover flowers with half a liter of vodka. Let it brew for two weeks. Drink a tablespoon before meals for two months. This drug is most often used to treat angina pectoris;
  2. Fill the dried flowers of the plant (100 grams) with vodka (liter). Let it brew for ten days. Periodically you need to shake the tincture. Drink 20 milliliters before bedtime for 15 days. Then you need to take a break of 10 days and repeat the course of treatment. With the help of this tincture, atherosclerosis is treated, blood cholesterol levels are lowered, and tinnitus and headaches are eliminated. This recipe should not be used for high blood pressure;
  3. Place dried clover flowers in a half-liter jar. Fill them with vodka or alcohol. Let it brew in a warm place for 14 days. After a while, squeeze out the swollen flowers and strain the infusion. The product is taken orally, no more than 15 grams three times in a day.
  4. Grind five clover roots. Pour the resulting powder with vodka (100 milliliters). Let it brew for 48 hours in a cool place. Take as prescribed by your doctor.

Clover tincture with vodka is used for enemas and douching, gargling for sore throats, and for the oral cavity for inflammation of the mucous membranes. The folk remedy is diluted in water in a ratio of 30 grams per 500 milliliters, respectively.

Features of the use of the plant

  1. Pour 60 grams of clover with two liters of water. Add lemon juice. Let it brew in a thermos. Let children drink 50 milliliters, and adults – 100 milliliters twice a day. Vitamin tincture will cure anemia and loss of strength;
  2. Mix 30 grams of rose hips with 30 grams of clover. Pour boiling water (800 grams). Close the thermos well with the lid and let it sit undisturbed for ten hours. Drink 150 milliliters in the morning before breakfast, at lunch after meals, and in the evening before bed. This product is an excellent tonic;
  3. To treat vascular diseases and atherosclerosis, use a tincture prepared according to the following recipe. Pour 100 grams of plant with a liter of vodka. Let it brew for ten days. It is recommended to stir from time to time. Drink 30 milliliters of the product before bed for 14 days in a row;
  4. Pour 30 grams of red clover with 200 milliliters of boiling water. Let it brew for 10 hours. Drink half a glass once during three days before menstruation. This remedy helps avoid painful sensations during menstruation;
  5. Pour 30 grams of chopped clover root with half a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for three hours. Drink the infusion three times a day to relieve inflammation in the appendage area.

Clover tincture with vodka is very often used to treat pustules, severe itching, furunculosis, and scrofula. For such diseases, it is recommended to use a special ointment in parallel.

Clover ointment is prepared as follows. Fill 150 grams of flowers with 200 grams of vegetable and olive oil. Let it brew for a couple of hours. Use to lubricate problem areas.

To cope with hives or skin irritations, it is recommended to take a bath with the addition of tincture.

Remedies based on red clover remove toxic substances, normalize the functioning of the intestines and stomach, and improve the functioning of the biliary system. In addition, immunity is increased, regulated metabolic processes, cholesterol levels are restored. The tincture, after consultation with a doctor, is used to treat atherosclerosis, angina pectoris and ischemic heart diseases.

Clover tincture is often used to treat oncology. The product is taken three times a day, a teaspoon for six months. It is recommended to take short breaks during therapy. It is contraindicated to take the drug if you have estrogen-dependent cancer.

When should you not take clover tincture?

Contraindications to the use of clover tincture are as follows:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Condition after a stroke or heart attack.

How do people respond to the tincture?

People's reviews of clover vodka tincture are positive. She is awesome medicine traditional medicine. With the help of tincture, patients successfully treat sore throat, atherosclerosis, colds and other diseases. The only drawback is that there are contraindications, so it is important to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Reviews from patients also indicate that the product can help with any disease, since clover is rich in various beneficial substances that improve the functioning of all organs and systems human body.

At proper preparation and application, the tincture is used to strengthen the immune system not only in adults, but even in children. It is used to gargle to quickly and successfully cure a sore throat and sore throat due to a cold.

Clover tincture has helped many patients cure headaches and eliminate constant dizziness. Hemoglobin in the blood increased, loss of strength disappeared, good mood, after a long depression.

Therefore, in order to improve their well-being, people who have tested the healing properties of clover on themselves are advised to try drinking the tincture for at least a couple of weeks to get the first positive results.

Now you know how to prepare clover tincture, how and when to use it. And also how to use this folk remedy You can cure vascular diseases and normalize cholesterol levels in the blood. It is important not to self-medicate. Be sure to consult a doctor.

Red clover is one of the most accessible and widespread wildflowers. But this does not diminish its uniqueness as medicinal plant. Behind the external simplicity lies rich opportunities for healing many diseases, including the cardiovascular system.

Research confirms that clover reduces triglyceride levels and increases lipoprotein levels high density in blood. Therefore, the use of this plant for cleaning blood vessels is scientifically justified.

Decoctions and tinctures are prepared from red clover; it is simply brewed like tea and even added to everyday dishes and baked goods. The modest inflorescences infused with vodka have mighty force, which can help cleanse the blood vessels of the brain, eliminate the need to swallow handfuls of pills and give many years of a healthy and active life.

6 beneficial properties of the plant

There are many types of this plant. But for the treatment of blood vessels and the heart, red field clover is traditionally used, which is colloquially called “porridge” or “red head”.

Beneficial features This clover is used to maintain and treat all organs of the cardiovascular system. Home remedies from it to different forms restore veins and arteries, improve the quality of life in general.

  1. Prevents heart disease. Rich composition of organic and inorganic substances prevents angina pectoris, ischemic disease hearts.
  2. Fights atherosclerosis. The beneficial substances in the plant actively fight atherosclerosis: they have a good effect on blood composition and prevent hypertension.
  3. Positive effect on blood. Stimulates work circulatory system, increases hemoglobin.
  4. Has anti-inflammatory properties. Clover is indicated for any inflammatory phenomena in the organs of the cardiovascular system;
  5. Reduces hypoxia. Regular use drugs from the plant reduces oxygen starvation cells, which occurs due to disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system.
  6. Improves metabolic processes which helps fight overweight, dangerous in cardiovascular diseases.

Red clover is good at preventing many diseases of the heart and blood vessels, but it cannot be used for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, or for those who have recently suffered a stroke or myocardial infarction.

Prevention of cerebral atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is one of the most insidious and difficult to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Red clover can do very well improve the functioning of the bloodstream. Among other things, he:

  1. Lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and effectively fights cerebral atherosclerosis.
  2. By improving blood composition, fighting cholesterol and having a diuretic effect, it prevents the development of hypertension.
  3. Due to the content of isoflavonoids, it is able to strengthen the walls of the arteries, making them more elastic and resilient.
  4. Relieves headaches that appear due to hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Vodka tincture recipe and application

One of the most common traditional medicine recipes for improving vascular function is a vodka tincture. To prepare it, inflorescences are collected in July-August. The drug is prepared using both fresh raw materials and dry plants.

There are several recipes. They differ insignificantly from each other: they are slightly associated with some diseases, but mainly with preferences in ease of preparation. Each has its own application scheme.

Method No. 1

Suitable for those who are prone to angina pectoris.

  1. Take a full glass of fresh flowers, collected away from highways, and fill it with a half-liter bottle of vodka.
  2. Leave for 14 days in the dark, shaking occasionally.

Will give a good effect take a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for two months.

Method number 2

Cannot be used during pressure surges. But for others, a remedy prepared in this way is very effective.

  1. A liter of vodka is poured into 100 g of dry inflorescences.
  2. Leave in the dark for 10 days, shaking from time to time. Use without straining.

This is a drug drink 20 ml only before bed for 15 days, then take a break for 10 days and take it again for 15 days.

Method number 3

Suitable for everyone who has no additional contraindications for treatment with clover.

  1. Dry flowers are poured into a 0.5 liter jar, but not compacted.
  2. Pour vodka under the neck and close the lid.
  3. They insist for two weeks. At the end of the period, squeeze out and filter the tincture, put it in the refrigerator.

Accept once a day, a tablespoon before meals within one and a half months. Then they stop for 10 days and repeat the course again. The next one can be done no earlier than six months later.

If after two weeks of using the tincture, migraine pain and tinnitus disappeared, sleep and performance improved, then atherosclerosis began to recede.

7 other healing recipes based on it

You can clean vessels not only with clover tinctures. Other forms of preparations from this plant are also effective and easy to use.

1. Decoction

It can be prepared from dried and fresh flowers. The decoction normalizes lipid metabolism, lowers blood cholesterol levels and Helps dissolve fatty deposits on artery walls. It fights well against anemia.

It is advisable to consume decoctions prepared according to any of the recipes regularly throughout the flowering period. This will help to gently cleanse the blood vessels of the brain and prevent the appearance of new deposits on the walls of blood vessels.

Option 1

  1. Take 100 inflorescences per half liter of water and boil for 6 minutes with the lid closed on low power on the stove.
  2. Leave for three hours, squeeze, filter.
  3. Add a spoonful of honey and drink the resulting volume little by little throughout the day.

The decoction cleans blood vessels well and is suitable both for prevention and in case of a diagnosis of atherosclerosis.

Option 2

How to take the drug? 100 ml three times a day.

2. Herbal tea

Clover is very often added to the composition. You can buy this product at finished form. As a rule, it includes plants such as:

Take a glass of this herbal tea in the morning and evening., brew one filter bag with 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. If you wish, you can compile the collection yourself.

3. Classic tea

It is brewed like... It is not prepared for future use, but is always drunk fresh.

  1. A teaspoon of a dry plant or one flower is poured with 150 ml of boiling water.
  2. Infuse under a closed lid for 10-15 minutes.

Drink this tea three times a day. The course must last at least two months.

Option in a thermos

If desired, you can make a concentrated infusion in a thermos. It is beneficial for both blood vessels and the heart muscle.

  1. Take a liter thermos and pour 4 tablespoons of dried flowers into it. Leave overnight.
  2. Take 100 ml three times a day, regardless of meals.

This infusion is drunk for at least a month and a half to cleanse the blood vessels of the brain. But it can also be used externally for acne.

4. Infusion with meadowsweet

The cleansing infusion is prepared only from dry herbs; fresh ones are not suitable for it.

  1. Meadowsweet, or meadowsweet, as it is also called, and clover flowers, optionally with leaves, are taken in equal proportions and brewed hot water 80 degrees. Leave for 15 minutes.
  2. They drink like regular tea, in between meals.

This drink is useful for those who often has headaches. It not only reduces the amount of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, but also thins the blood and improves its composition.

5. Combination with mint

It is drunk both hot and chilled. In this case, dry mint together with dried clover is boiled.

  1. For 8 dried flowers, take a teaspoon of crushed dry mint, add a liter of water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Strain and drink like regular tea.

6. Healing soup dressing

You can maintain the cleanliness of the blood vessels of the brain with the help of this original product, as a healthy dressing for soups or other hot dishes. It is simply added to ready dish a couple of minutes before it's ready.

  1. Dry the leaves of the meadow clover grass, calendula flowers and chicory root.
  2. The root is ground in a coffee grinder, the leaves and flowers are rubbed by hand.
  3. If desired, sift through a coarse sieve.

The resulting seasoning is added to taste. Thanks to her, the dish turns from simply nutritious to healing.

7. Clover honey

Even on my own. It dissolves cholesterol deposits well, prevents the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood from increasing, and strengthens blood vessels.

And if clover is used as a honey plant, then healing effect beekeeping product increases several times.

Honey collected from meadow clover is light in color and crystallizes quickly - by these signs you can determine a natural, not counterfeit product. It is almost impossible to buy it in liquid form.

If replace all sweets with 1-2 tablespoons of clover honey per day and stick to this diet for two months, this will be a very good prevention of cerebral atherosclerosis. Blood pressure will also gradually normalize.

If you are prone to heart and vascular diseases, clover preparations should be taken for at least a month or for the period specified in the prescription. The effect of these traditional medicines is cumulative.

Possible contraindications

Clover is known as an effective anti-sclerotic agent. However, he has quite there are many contraindications that must be taken into account during treatment.

  1. Recently suffered a stroke or myocardial infarction.
  2. Thrombophlebitis with protein S deficiency and varicose veins.
  3. Estrogen-dependent forms of cancer.
  4. Diseases gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Pregnancy and lactation. Use is prohibited even externally!
  6. Less than 2 weeks until surgical intervention- due to the danger of blood loss: this is due to the properties of the plant to thin the blood.
  7. Diarrhea.
  8. Individual intolerance active substances plants.

You should also avoid clover-based products while taking medications such as:

  • tamoxifen - a drug for the treatment of oncology;
  • hormonal agents;
  • medicines to treat the liver;
  • those that also thin the blood: aspirin, heparin, naproxen, etc.

Now we invite you to watch the video:

The clover plant has many contraindications. But the effect of its use for problems with blood vessels is so noticeable that this plant is used not only in home remedies, but is also part of herbal pharmaceutical preparations.

It is not difficult to prepare homemade preparations from clover flowers and leaves. And it is certainly worthwhile to clean blood vessels using these products after carefully reading the list of contraindications and consulting with your doctor.

There are more than 300 types of clover. It can have red, pink and white flowers, and varies in the shape of its leaves and inflorescences. Clover tincture: what helps, depends on the type of plant.

Pink clover (hybrid) has laxative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic properties. Tinctures of it are used during sore throat and bronchitis, for fever, and problems with joints.

White (creeping) clover helps with diseases of the female reproductive system, tuberculosis, gout, hernia and poisoning. White clover tincture is drunk as a general tonic in the autumn and spring. Creeping clover has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, restorative, expectorant, wound-healing and tonic effects, and perfectly removes toxins.

Arable clover ( popular name- cats) are used for severe cough and suffocation diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal disorders and colitis in children. This type of clover has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent effects.

Medium clover helps with headaches, colds, fever, gastrointestinal disorders, rheumatism and neurasthenia. Tinctures from this plant have mild laxative and diuretic effects, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifever and mild analgesic effects.

The most common type is red clover, red clover tincture with vodka often and effectively used in medicine. This plant has pronounced anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, choleretic, antitumor, diaphoretic, expectorant and other properties.

Clover tincture with vodka - application for a variety of diseases:

1. For angina pectoris.

Tinnitus, migraines, and headaches disappear.

Recipe 1

25gr. clover pour 1 glass of vodka. It is important that the vodka is good quality. The mixture is infused for 10 days, shaken periodically. Take 20 ml. once before bed, a course of 13-15 days, after which a break of 10 days and another course is completed.

Recipe 2

Pour one glass of fresh chopped clover (flowers) into 0.5 liters. medical alcohol. Leave for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Drink 1 tbsp for two months. l. every 8 hours.

2. From cholesterol and to strengthen blood vessels.

Prepare the tincture according to recipe 2. Take daily, no longer than 3 months. Dilute 1 large spoon per 50 ml. boiled water and drink.

3. For oncological diseases (except for estrogen-dependent forms).

Prepare the infusion according to recipe 1. Take 3 times. before eating, one table at a time. spoon.

4. Clover tincture with vodka for the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Clover for atherosclerosis

Place fresh clover flowers in glass jar(2/3 of the container volume) and add vodka to the brim. Leave for three weeks and strain. Take 1 table for 2 weeks. spoon before bed.

5. To cleanse the fundus of the eye.

Clover tincture for eyes

Glass container (jar) 0.5 l. fill with clover flowers and add vodka. Add cloves (10 pcs.), leave for one week. Do not strain before use. Add to milk (1/3 cup) and drink within 25-30 minutes. before breakfast and dinner, course 10-12 days.

Contraindications: pregnancy, estrogen-dependent forms of cancer, kidney stones, blood clotting disorders, varicose veins, high blood pressure, severely low blood pressure, after a stroke or heart attack, age under 3 years.

If, while taking clover tincture, blood pressure rises, diarrhea or abdominal pain occurs, treatment should be stopped immediately. Before taking the tincture, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

On this moment are the most common. There are many reasons for this, the main ones being bad ecological situation, poor-quality and inadequate nutrition, overwork, stress, physical inactivity.

To prevent the development of pathologies of one kind or another, it is recommended to carry out preventive actions methods of traditional medicine that provide a decent effect with minimal side effects. This article will discuss how blood vessels are cleansed with red clover to prevent and treat atherosclerosis.

What you need to know about red clover

Red clover (shown in photo) – meadow annual herbaceous plant belonging to the legume family. It is mainly used as a fodder or honey crop in agriculture, but after the medicinal properties of the flower heads were noticed, they began to be used in alternative therapy.

The grass begins to bloom in May and ends before the end of September, depending on the climatic conditions of the region, so there is enough time to prepare raw materials. After mowing, the plant grows back, which makes it possible to collect vegetative mass from the same area.

Red clover is used quite widely:

  • in agriculture (livestock feed, honey plant, saturates the soil with nitrogen);
  • in medicine;
  • in the textile industry (fabric dyeing);
  • in cooking (soup additives, salads, tea, etc.).

Use in folk medicine

All above-ground parts are useful for medicinal purposes: stems, leaves and flowers. Due to the content of chemically active substances, preparations prepared on the basis of clover have a positive effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, optimize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the liver of toxins. Be sure to read to the end of this article to find out how. Cleansing blood vessels with red clover will have a positive effect on the human body.

For diseased vessels medicinal properties the plants will help lower blood pressure in the brain, which relieves spasms and headaches, the blood becomes more fluid, so clover is useful for diseases of the circulatory system.

Note. In the literature and the Internet you can find information about the positive experience of using red clover for treatment malignant neoplasms, however, such information does not have any clinical confirmation, so it should be treated with skepticism. Remember - only a doctor should determine the method of treatment for any disease and prescribe medications. It is quite difficult to cure a disease using traditional medicine alone.

How red clover is used in herbal medicine is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Use of clover in medicine:

Preparation based on clover Application area
Flower decoction
  • treatment and prevention (normalization of lipid metabolism and dissolution of fatty plaques);
  • treatment and prevention of anemia (due to high iron content).
In any form
  • increase the body's resistance to infections (vitamins and microelements);
  • help to recover after physical activity or past illnesses.
Herbal decoction
  • for diarrhea (anti-inflammatory and astringent properties);
  • diuretic properties help in treating swelling lower limbs caused by pathologies of the cardiovascular system and renal failure;
LotionsElimination of burns and skin diseases: diathesis, allergies, various minor suppurations and others.

Chemical composition

The healing power of anyone herbal preparation dictated by the concentrated in it chemical elements that have a therapeutic effect on the body.

The following beneficial substances are concentrated in the tissues and cells of red clover flowers:

  • vitamins and carotenes, most of all contained ascorbic acid and B vitamins;
  • trace elements: calcium, potassium, iron, chromium, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, etc.;
  • organic acids (coumaric and salicylic);
  • glycosides that have an antimycotic effect (trifolysin) and isotrifolin with trifolin;
  • ethereal and fixed oils, resinous components help the body cope with inflammatory processes when applied topically;
  • bioquinone A normalizes metabolic activity;
  • alkaloids and other substances in trace quantities.

Cleansing the vascular system

Correct and constant use of red clover-based preparations helps reduce and dissolve cholesterol deposits on the walls blood vessels followed by their removal. There is a strengthening vascular tone and recovery anatomical structure veins and capillaries when they have been damaged.

Thanks to the presence of isoflavonoids in the plant, it becomes possible to positively influence the elasticity of the endothelium of large vessels and the endurance of small peripheral ones. In patients suffering from angina, cardiac activity is normalized.

Please note that medicinal decoctions and red clover tinctures cleanse not only the bloodstream, but also other organs, such as the liver, so healing effect has a complex positive effect on the entire body.

The editors of our site have selected from a wide variety of cooking methods medicines the best, a description of which you will find below in the text or you can watch the whole process in detail on the video in this article.

Water decoctions and teas

Water extracts of red clover have proven themselves in the treatment of diseases of the heart, blood vessels and as a sedative.

Here are some recipes:

  1. Recipe 1. Brew four tablespoons of dry vegetative mass in a liter thermos overnight. Take 100 mg of tincture three times a day without taking into account meals. In addition, this infusion is used for washing when problem skin persons in adolescence;
  2. Recipe 2. A decoction of flowers is prepared as follows. For 500 ml of boiling water you should take 100 inflorescences. Boil everything for 5 minutes, then wrap and leave for at least three hours. The prepared solution should be drunk a day, divided into three doses.
  3. Recipe 3. Cleaning vessels with clover and meadowsweet. The ingredients must be taken in equal quantities and brewed in a kettle with very hot water, but not boiling water. Use only dry herbs - fresh will not work. The result will be tea, which can be sweetened with sugar, or preferably natural bee honey dark varieties. The product not only reduces the amount bad cholesterol in the blood, but also relieves headaches, reduces the viscosity of the blood flow, so it turns out preventive action from varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  4. Recipe 4. Need a glass clean water and ten dry inflorescences, bring everything together to a boil over low heat, then let cool for half an hour. Strain the broth. Instructions for use are simple - half a glass three times a day, preferably before meals. A course of treatment of 30 days should improve heart function and reduce the number of fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels;
  5. Recipe 5. To prepare you will need one tablespoon of dried flowers and a glass hot water. First, everything should be boiled for five minutes, then you can strain and consume a tablespoon 5-6 times a day for at least one month. Positive effects: tones the body, strengthens nervous system. The decoction is used in the treatment of bedsores, burns, wounds, hemorrhoids on early stages, sore throat and stomatitis by rinsing warm solution several times a day.

Note. The duration of treatment for prescriptions 1 and 2 is at least three weeks. If desired, you can add honey to the broth. The note. Red clover has proven itself excellent in preparing saunas. Warm steam containing its phytoncides and useful extracts has a beneficial effect. This helps prevent respiratory diseases, improves the functioning of the bronchi and lungs, invigorates and lifts the mood.

In this section we'll talk about how to drink clover infused with ethyl alcohol to clean blood vessels. The tincture has proven itself so well in folk medicine that it began to be produced on an industrial scale.

It's not only reliable means, but also affordable, because the price is low. Therefore, for those who do not want to burden themselves with preparing the medicine, they can easily purchase it in the pharmacy chain, but it does not seem difficult to prepare it themselves.

Primary raw materials can be used both fresh and prepared. In this case, only inflorescences will be needed. There are several recipes for how to clean blood vessels with clover, and at the same time you can improve the functioning of other organs.

For positive influence on cardiovascular system the plant can be fixed with ethyl alcohol (96% or 70%), strong high-quality moonshine or good vodka.

We offer you several recipes:

  1. Recipe 1. A liter of dried flowers, or fresh ones, will need to be filled with half as much vodka so that the liquid completely covers the raw materials. Place in a dark place to leave for at least 14 days, shaking occasionally, then strain everything. The duration of treatment is a month, once a day, a tablespoon before meals. After 30 days have passed, you need to take a break for 10 days and then drink for the second month, but increasing the dose by 50% (i.e. 1.5 tablespoons). Then again take a ten-day break and drink again for a month, but the dose will be the original. In addition to clearing cholesterol, the product perfectly tones, replenishes the lack of vitamins in the body and generally improves well-being.
  2. Recipe 2. For one hundred grams of dry color you will need a liter of vodka or 750 ml of alcohol. Leave for at least two weeks in a dark place, remember to shake the jar every day. After due date strain everything. The treatment is divided into several courses with short breaks. Take 20 ml at night. After two weeks you need to rest for ten days and drink again for two weeks. It is recommended to drink repeat course after a 60 day break.
  3. Recipe 3. Infuse two tablespoons of dried red clover flowers in half a liter of vodka or moonshine for 2 weeks; after straining, the tincture is ready for use. Take as follows: dilute 30 drops with the same amount of water and drink three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. After a ten-day break, treatment can be resumed;
  4. Recipe 3. In this case, you will need freshly picked flower inflorescences. Pour a glass of clover into the container and fill it all with one bottle of vodka. Leave for three weeks in a dark place, shaking from time to time. Then strain and store in a tightly packed container. The course of treatment is 60 days. Take 25 grams of tincture daily before meals.

Note. The clover tincture should be stored in a glass container made of dark glass or in a regular container, but in a dark place. To do this, you can simply wrap the jar or bottle in foil. Important. People suffering from hypertension are advised to consult a doctor before starting treatment with alcohol tincture.


If not allergic reaction for red clover, taking water-based medications will be safe for absolutely all people.

The use of alcohol tincture has the following restrictions:

  • people who have recently had a heart attack or stroke;
  • at urolithiasis or kidney failure;
  • pregnant or nursing mothers;
  • with poor blood clotting.

People suffering from changes blood pressure the use of alcohol tincture is indicated only after prior consultation with a doctor, since taking ethyl alcohol in certain quantities it can constrict or dilate blood vessels.

It is not recommended to exceed the indicated doses as this may cause dizziness, nausea and vomiting. In some severe cases Internal bleeding may begin.

Prevention of atherosclerosis

Cleaning blood vessels will not have the desired effect if you do not adhere to preventive measures aimed at lowering cholesterol in the blood, while you need to protect your heart and health in general. Pay attention to Table 2, which provides recommendations for limiting negative factors.

Table 2. Factors threatening the health of the cardiovascular system.

Provoking factor Brief Explanation
Bad habitsand negatively affect the functioning of blood vessels, tone and heart rhythm change, oxygen starvation of tissues is observed, ethanol disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result, lipid metabolism may be disrupted, which causes excess cholesterol.

Not proper nutrition Irregular and unbalanced nutrition disrupts metabolic processes, and the level of lipids in the blood increases. Particularly undesirable is the heavy consumption of saturated fats of animal origin, fried foods and fatty foods. confectionery These are the main sources of bad cholesterol.

Excess weightThe accumulation of excess fat is a clear indication of excess cholesterol, which significantly increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Physical inactivityIN modern world people move much less than before, which leads to the development of congestion in the veins and arteries, especially in the peripheral parts, which negatively affects work

Chronic diseasesEverything in the body is in a fragile balance and disruption of one system causes the development of other pathologies. For example, diseases of the endocrine or digestive systems can affect the increase in cholesterol.

HeredityThe tendency to develop atherosclerosis, pathologies of the heart or blood vessels in most cases are not acquired diseases, but are caused by a genetic predisposition, so in this case the best preventative measure will undergo regular medical examinations.

To prevent the development of heart and vascular diseases, it is recommended to maintain healthy image life, spend more time on fresh air, give preference active recreation no alcoholic drinks.

Proper nutrition is of particular importance, in which all the components necessary for the body must be present. protein food, but only with a minimum amount of animal fats. It is recommended to consume more plant food rich in vitamins and drink at least two liters of clean water per day.


Red clover is effectively used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent against atherosclerosis. Positive effect achieved by reducing cholesterol in the blood and normalizing lipid metabolism. At the same time, the vessels are strengthened, their elasticity and ability to regenerate increase.

Decoctions and alcohol extracts are prepared from the plant. When using the latter, it is recommended to first obtain the approval of the attending physician, since there are restrictions for a certain circle of people. Clover preparations help thin the blood, which facilitates its movement and reduces the likelihood of blood clots, vascular tone is stabilized, which helps fight headaches and migraines.

Why is clover considered a forage plant? Meanwhile, it contains a wide variety useful substances, which cleanse the body, remove harmful elements and even cure diseases. A tincture of clover with vodka has long been known, the use of which gives amazing results.

About the plant

Alfalfa contains acids, saponins, carbohydrates, carotene and B vitamins. The inflorescences of the plant are mainly used for medicinal purposes. Tinctures are recommended to be used for uterine bleeding, painful periods, anemia, bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Medicines made from it cleanse blood vessels, heal wounds and reduce joint pain.

It blooms from May to September. However, it is best to collect in mid-summer in dry weather. In this case, only those flowers that do not have dried petals will be healing. The raw materials are left in a dry and dark place until completely dry.

The perennial plant belongs to the legume family. Of all its varieties, red clover, or, as it is also called, meadow clover, is mainly used as medicine. It has branched stems and multi-flowered heads Pink colour. Its main stem is short, with trifoliate leaves at the top and ovate at the bottom.
Clover grows throughout Russia. It is found on the edges, meadows, clearings and among weedy bushes. Of course, it is an excellent feed for livestock, and it is also an excellent honey plant. After all, bees can collect up to a hundredweight of honey from one hectare.


Clover tincture with vodka, which is so widely used, can improve appetite, remove worms, increase bile secretion and glandular secretion digestive system.

The remedy has been known since ancient times. So, in China they also used clover tincture with vodka. Application is indicated when serious illnesses How remedy. The fact is that the essential oil prepared from the plant contains a lot of coenzyme, carotene and ascorbic acid, which together can shorten the rehabilitation period.


The tincture can strengthen immune system, regulate the metabolic process and restore cholesterol levels. Thanks to the content of phosphorus, magnesium, copper, calcium, iron and vitamin B, toxins are easily removed from the body, normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and also improves the condition of the urinary system.

For the treatment of angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, headaches, and various tinnitus, a tincture of red clover with vodka is also indicated. Applications and preparations depend on the purposes. For example, for treatment women's diseases you need two tablespoons per two hundred milliliters of boiling water. And to get rid of headaches and tinnitus, you need to prepare an infusion of three tablespoons and half a liter of water.

The tincture can be an excellent remedy for the treatment of pustular diseases, scrofula, severe itching and furunculosis. Best effect in this case, it will be achieved if the tincture is combined with an ointment prepared independently. To do this, you will need one hundred and fifty grams of flowers, two hundred grams of olive oil, mix which and infuse for two hours.

Irritation and hives may occur if you take a bath with a few drops of tincture added. It will not only soften the skin, but also improve your overall mood, as it is an excellent remedy that saves you from depression.

So, it will help with hepatitis and cholecystitis, stomach and intestinal diseases clover tincture with vodka. Using it to cleanse the liver of all harmful substances. Cough is treated bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, blood pressure decreases and goes away headache. The tincture will serve as an excellent prophylactic for rheumatism, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, anemia, diabetes mellitus and women's diseases. Also is restorative medicine, which treats colds, increases immunity and will help improve body tone.
As it became clear, the tincture can be used both externally and internally.

At home

Except medicinal properties, clover can be used for other purposes. For example, its leaves are used to prepare delicious salads season with borscht. In ancient times, crushed leaves were also added to flour for breads, sauces and cheeses. In the Caucasus, it is customary to ferment clover, like cabbage, in order to add it to salads in winter. According to their own nutritional properties it is similar to alfalfa. In addition to flowers and leaves, the root of the plant is used as an antifungal agent. And clover essential oil is often included in aromatic compositions.


Here are some recipes that will help you clean your vessels.

A liter jar is filled with clover heads, and then filled with vodka and tightly closed with a lid. After this, the container is stored in a dry, dark place for two weeks. At the same time, the jar needs to be shaken every day. This clover tincture with vodka for blood vessels is taken once a day before breakfast, one spoonful.

Two tablespoons of heads are poured with 200 ml of vodka. After two weeks of infusion, take thirty drops three times a day before meals. Drops add a small amount of water and drink.

Four tablespoons of clover are poured into 500 ml of boiling water. The decoction is infused for seven hours, after which it is consumed three times a day, one hundred milliliters.

Two hundred grams of clover heads are poured with one liter of water and boiled for ten minutes. After this add boiled water to the original level and leave to cool. Next, filter the broth, add two and a half tablespoons of sugar and leave for another two hours. The entire prepared solution is distributed throughout the day, during which it is drunk between meals.

Headache, noises

Noise in the head may be caused by a medical condition endocrine system, as well as sclerosis of cerebral vessels, which causes such a reaction. In this case, it is advised to drink a glass of soda in the morning on the first day and lemon juice, and in the second - a decoction of oregano, linden color, clover, St. John's wort, currants and strawberries, taken in equal parts, along with rowan and viburnum jam.

The following recipe is also recommended: liter jar half fill with clover, fill to the top with vodka, close tightly and leave for two weeks in a dark, dry place. It turns out another clover tincture with vodka. How to take it? It is recommended to drink one tablespoon at night.

You can also use other parts of the plant. To do this, choose low-growing clover, no more than fifteen centimeters in height, mow and dry. The stems and leaves are then simply added to tea. Leave for two hours and drink several sips throughout the day. A month after such prevention, your hearing will improve, and the noise in your head will simply disappear.

Other diseases

Clover tincture with vodka is widely used for cholesterol, reducing its value. To do this, take a glass of plant heads, place it in a liter jar and fill it to the top with vodka. After two weeks of infusion, take once a day in courses.

You should always consider for what disease the clover vodka tincture will be used. Use for shortness of breath, for example, will be different from use for vascular cleansing. Therefore, it is always recommended to consult a doctor and an experienced herbalist before starting treatment.


Like anyone, even traditional medicines, clover tincture with vodka has contraindications. So, you should not use the tincture during pregnancy and lactation, varicose veins veins, kidney stones, thrombophlebitis, heart attack and stroke.

If used incorrectly, there may be side effects in the form of skin rash, muscle and headache, vomiting and vaginal bleeding.

You also need to be careful when using clover during treatment with medications, as it interacts negatively with some of them.