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Tincture of marsh cinquefoil. Infusion. Decoction. What does it cure? Treatment. A natural remedy that will save you from many ailments - cinquefoil tincture

The rhizome of cinquefoil contains a lot essential oils and tannins, including carotene, flavonoids, and leaves and stems - vitamin C, as well as various trace elements. Sabelnik tea has an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antipyretic effect, has astringent and diaphoretic properties, stimulates the immune system, and restores function. thyroid gland. Tea also cleanses the body of toxins well and promotes rapid cell renewal. Among other things, cinquefoil tea is used to treat, infectious inflammation, intestinal ailments.

Alcohol tinctures are prescribed for salt deposits and to relieve inflammation in the joints (the effect is achieved with a long course of treatment). Fresh leaves used for wound healing, as an external remedy. Compresses made from brewed crushed herbs are recommended by some experts to be used for bruises. Infusions made from a combination of various parts of the plant are especially effective for toothache and bleeding gums, and also help in the treatment of purulent wounds.

Use of cinquefoil

Various medicines are made from cinquefoil. Let's look at some of them:

Sabelnik tincture. Most effective means based on cinquefoil is alcohol infusion. It is recommended for the treatment of various neoplasias, leukemia, etc. To prepare the infusion, you need 2 tbsp. spoons of rhizomes, 0.5 l. vodka, leave the resulting mixture in a dark place for 20 days, then strain. Alcohol infusion is usually used to treat arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, influenza, salt deposits in cervical vertebrae, finds application in oncological diseases. Compresses are made from tinctures and decoctions; rubbed into sore joints. Such remedies relieve inflammation cartilage tissue, making it more elastic. Decoctions are also used for rubbing when severe pain in the muscles.

cinquefoil extract. An indispensable tool for the treatment of joints. Prescribed for osteochondrosis, rheumatism, and other bone and joint ailments.

Sabelnik oil. It is especially effective when rubbed into joints, as it quickly removes inflammatory processes in them.

Treatment with cinquefoil

Sabelnik is widely used to treat the following ailments:

Inflammatory processes in joints. To treat ailments associated with pain and inflammation of the joints, ointment is used. Method of preparation: 1 tube of hand cream, 1 tsp. alcohol infusion of cinquefoil, 1 tsp. red pepper infusion, 10 drops vit. E, 1 tbsp. l. honey All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. The resulting mass should be stored in the refrigerator. To cure the disease, the ointment must be rubbed daily into painful areas with simple circular movements.

For cancer. Sabelnik has an antitumor effect on the body. This plant is one of the key elements of many anti-cancer drugs.

For arthrosis. It is recommended to use an alcohol infusion to relieve painful condition. Method of preparation: 100 gr. Roots, 4 tbsp. vodka. The resulting mixture should be infused in a dark place for three weeks. This infusion should be taken orally, 1 tbsp. spoon before eating or rub on sore areas.

For hernia. In folk practice there are several effective ways treatment Method of preparing the infusion: 1 l. vodka, 100 gr. cinquefoil roots. The resulting mixture should be infused for three weeks in a dark place. This infusion is taken orally, 1 tbsp. spoon for 1/4 tbsp. water, before meals, 3 or 4 times a day.


Contraindications to the use of this medicinal plant No. Not recommended for pregnant women (also early stages breastfeeding), small children. Individual intolerance is extremely rare.

Both tumor neoplasms and various inflammations are common and, alas, have become commonplace phenomena in modern world for a person. Constant stress and poor nutrition cause metabolic problems. Flaw physical activity leads to poor blood circulation.

The air saturated with toxins in megacities, in combination with the listed factors, creates a favorable environment for the formation of tumors and disorders in the body.

In such situations traditional healers appoint healing agents plant origin, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminating toxins.

Among the many medicinal plants, it is especially worth highlighting the marsh cinquefoil (also known as “Russian ginseng”). Another name for this plant is swamp rose. There is an opinion that this herb helps restore joints and the spine, improves the functioning of immune system and helps maintain youth.

Composition and medicinal properties

What are the healing and beneficial features plants and what does it help with? Healers claim that the healing effect of cinquefoil is like a saber that cuts off illnesses from a person.

The healing properties of the foliage, stems and roots of the swamp rose are due to big amount useful substances, present in this plant. Sabelnik is rich in tannins, essential oils, it contains flavonoids, essential oils and many others. necessary for the body elements.

What does cinquefoil look like? The photo shows the plant during the flowering period:

Marsh cinquefoil: photo

  • Due to tannins swamp rose acquires an astringent taste and healing properties, the ability to suppress the development harmful bacteria and prevent the formation of salts in the body.
  • Flavonoids have a positive effect on blood vessels, reducing their fragility.
  • Thanks to phenolcarboxylic acids The immune system is strengthened and the body's adaptogenicity is improved.
  • Antioxidants They have a bactericidal effect, they make the walls of blood vessels more elastic and remove swelling. They also have the property of accumulating in the tissues of the retina and strengthening its capillaries.
  • Carotenes prevent destruction cellular structure and help improve the body's protective functions.
  • Terpenoids are able to have an antibacterial effect, they relieve spasms, stimulate the digestive system.
  • Catechins make the walls of blood vessels more elastic and slow down cell aging.
  • Gallic acid has hemostatic and antitumor properties. Also used in treatment diabetes mellitus. Infusions of this substance can heal wounds and cuts.
  • Slime swamp roses have a beneficial effect on gastric tissue, restoring their integrity.
  • Bitterness help improve appetite and activate the digestion process. Beneficial saponins strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of diseases, they increase physical endurance: for this reason they are recommended even with good health as a prophylactic agent.
  • Potassium normalizes metabolism, regulates water balance in the body and work of cardio-vascular system.
  • Magnesium helps increase stress resistance, slows down the development of tumors and removes toxins.
  • IN phosphorus bones need, this element is also necessary for mental work and maintenance normal condition muscles.
  • Copper normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.

What else is useful and what does cinquefoil treat? Most useful product created by bees - swamp rose honey - stimulates protective functions body, strengthens resistance to infections. It is used in joint therapy, it eliminates swelling and slows down the progression of tumor formations.

Honey from this plant, with notes of bitterness, has an unusual taste and chocolate hue and can also serve as a preventative against cancer. The sweet delicacy emits the aroma of flowers and is reminiscent of an exquisite caramel dessert popular in France - crème caramel.

Methods of use in folk medicine

Tinctures are prepared from the roots and leaves of bitter fieldfare. healing infusions which are consumed internally. Natural remedies have a powerful healing effect. For external use, ointments and all kinds of lotions are made.

Residents of the northern regions drink tea with swamp rose to increase stamina and performance. The herbal drink has a rejuvenating effect and helps improve tone. A cup of this tea gives you energy, the drink is especially useful for people suffering from diabetes, but it is better to drink it after a meal, because it stimulates the appetite.

Inflammation, hypertension

Swamp rose is used to thin the blood, reduce inflammation, tone veins and capillaries - has a beneficial effect on circulatory system generally. Decoctions prepared from marsh cinquefoil are effective for high blood pressure, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins

One large spoonful of cinquefoil roots is poured into a glass of water and left for 30 minutes. After filtration, water is added to the original volume. Drink 100 ml three times a day before meals for six weeks. This decoction helps with high blood pressure, thyroid cancer, rheumatism and varicose veins.

Sabelnik lotions are effective for hemorrhoids and non-healing lesions and wounds on the skin. It is enough to apply fieldfare pulp, wrapped in gauze, onto the inflamed area. Use until inflammation disappears.

Bruises and diseases of joints and bones

Infusion of swamp rose (for a large spoon of roots and stems 250 ml hot water– leave for an hour, take 100 ml before meals three times a day) helps restore joints with arthritis and arthrosis, makes them mobile again. This remedy is recommended for osteoporosis and back diseases. In addition, it dissolves salt deposits and is used for gout and intervertebral hernia. But before use, you should consult a specialist.

Attention! Do not get too carried away with removing salts from the body - this can cause heart failure.

This product is gentle and soothing nervous system for neurasthenic disorders, memory problems and suicidal tendencies.

Fieldfare ointment is suitable for external use. This remedy improves blood circulation, helps with bedsores and erysipelas. Swampweed oil is also effective in treating joints and bruises.

Baths can help relieve pain from acute gout.

Gynecological diseases

Sabelnik allows you to get good results and in therapy benign neoplasms reproductive system: for cysts on the ovaries, uterine endometriosis and other ailments, but it is important to consult a specialist before starting treatment with a folk remedy.

On a note! Enhance healing effect swamp rose helps its combination with grass " hog queen“- this plant has the property of relieving inflammation and preventing the development of tumors. The combination of these herbs can be an alternative to surgical and drug treatment.

To stop uterine bleeding take multicomponent herbal decoction. To prepare it, mix two portions of fieldfare roots and three portions of burnet, pour the mixture (2 large spoons) with half a glass of hot water and leave for fifteen minutes, then cool and filter. Take 100 ml three times a day before meals.

Digestive tract diseases

There are also indications for the use of fieldfare for gastrointestinal diseases. An infusion based on fieldfare heals damage to the walls of the stomach, helps with peptic ulcer and gastritis, relieves pain.

Two large spoons herbal mixture Brew half a glass of hot water. They insist for two hours. Consume 3 times a day before meals for three weeks.

For prostate adenoma

In the treatment of prostate adenoma medications combined with herbal medicine. First of all, you need to stop the inflammatory process, due to this the swelling will also decrease.

To prepare a decoction, mix one small spoon of swamp rose roots, dill seeds, steelweed rhizomes, horsetail grass and buckthorn bark.

Pour the mixture with half a glass of hot water and leave for five minutes, filter. Take 100 ml of this herbal tea three times a day before meals for six months at a monthly ten-day interval.

Important! The use of cinquefoil infusions makes it possible to reduce the amount of medications taken and thereby preserve the liver and stomach.

The benefits of products and medicines based on swamp rose are recognized by Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Mongolian medicine and are used in the treatment of tumors.

Using the tincture

Malignant neoplasms

Marsh cinquefoil is a unique herb, and it is the only non-poisonous one that has the ability to slow down the development of tumors and relieve inflammation. What other diseases will this medicinal herb help with?

Products based on bitter fieldfare are used in complex treatment breast, lung and other cancers malignant tumors.

How to prepare an alcohol tincture of cinquefoil with vodka? The preparation recipe is simple: fill a 1000 ml container with crushed roots by a third, top up with vodka, close and leave for three weeks.

Use for twenty days (one-time dose - 1 tablespoon diluted with water, 50 ml. Use with water before meals 3 times a day), then take a three-day break and drink the infusion again. There are three courses in total.

For infectious diseases and inflammations

Tinctures and ointments based on marsh cinquefoil have anti-inflammatory properties; they are used for brittle bones and to relieve pain from arthritis and arthrosis.

Rinsing healing infusion swamper oral cavity and throat allows you to destroy germs. To prepare the infusion, dilute two small spoons of tincture in 100 ml of vodka. Rinsing should be done at least 6-7 times a day.

For poisoning, insect bites

Cinquefoil tincture, prepared according to the classic recipe, makes it possible to relieve the itching that occurs from mosquito bites. The infusion is taken one large spoon before meals for two days.

In case of intoxication after poisoning, an extract of rhizomes and herbs of the swamp rose is used; it also helps in the treatment of gastritis. The infusion of cinquefoil should be consumed three times a day, 100 ml before meals for three days.

In cosmetology

Swamp rose is actively used in cosmetology: this plant is part of many cosmetics. There is an opinion that this component in cosmetic products acts like an antiseptic, gives a rejuvenating effect, and promotes the regeneration of skin tissue.

Decoction based on cinquefoil - excellent remedy against alopecia, hair loss, it helps strengthen hair follicles.

The properties of fieldfare to have a tonic effect on capillaries and accelerate cellular renewal have allowed cosmetologists to make cream masks that increase skin elasticity and refresh its appearance.

Rinsing with a decoction of swamp rose helps get rid of dandruff on the head.

Application for weight loss

Swamp rose tincture is good remedy for weight loss. The components of this plant improve metabolism, help digestive process, reduce the feeling of hunger - this is noted by many women.

On a note! Reception herbal remedy It is recommended to combine it with a diet, preferably rice.


To avoid harm to health, consider contraindications to the use of formulations and mixtures with fieldfare. Taking this medicinal plant is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • with bradycardia;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • low pressure;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for problems with the kidneys and liver.

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A plant called marsh cinquefoil is a widely known medicinal product in both traditional and folk medicine. The plant has several folk names: ognevets, sukholom, rastopyrka, Russian ginseng.

Marsh cinquefoil has high medicinal properties, it has few contraindications.

The plant is used for problems with the spine, joints, purulent wounds, used in gynecology.

The medicinal plant has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, hemostatic, wound-healing, and antitumor effects. Marsh cinquefoil is used to treat many diseases, but mainly for joint problems.

Composition and preparation of marsh cinquefoil

Sabelnik contains ascorbic acid, resins, organic acids, tannins, saponin, carotene, flavonoids, gums, essential oil, mucus and many useful organic and mineral substances.

All parts of the plant have healing effects. Harvesting of cinquefoil is carried out from the beginning of summer until late autumn. From June to mid-July, the leaves and stems of the plant are harvested. This time is when the beneficial substances contained in the leaves peak. Dry the collected raw materials in a semi-dark, wind-blown place. The root and trunk of marsh cinquefoil are harvested in late autumn, after the first frost.

The dug up roots are thoroughly washed in cold running water and dried at a temperature of 35 degrees. Properly dried roots have a dark, almost black color.

Dried raw materials are stored in cotton bags in a dry, cool place for up to 2 years.

What does marsh cinquefoil help with?

Tincture on the stems and leaves of the plant helps in the treatment of disorders gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, thyroid diseases.

The stems and leaves contain saponins and flavonoids, which can be used to stop internal bleeding.

Healing infusions from the leaves and stems of cinquefoil help with colds, toothaches, and headaches.

An alcoholic tincture of the leaves is useful for people with heart problems and as a preventative against stroke.

The roots and stem of the plant are rich in vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus,.

The medicinal properties of these parts of the cinquefoil herb are well manifested in the treatment colds, increasing immunity.

How to use marsh cinquefoil for medicinal purposes

Infusions and decoctions of the plant are used to rinse the mouth for problems with gums.

The infusion is being prepared based on 2 tbsp. l. dry plant per 0.5 l of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes.

Decoction : 2 tbsp. cinquefoil pour 500g of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave under a closed lid for 20 minutes.

  • Stopping the bleeding

For various wounds, the bleeding is stopped with crushed cinquefoil leaves.

The beneficial properties of cinquefoil leaves are used to dissolve hemorrhoidal cones. They are applied to the cones after hygiene procedures.

For pain relief and relief of inflammation, 3 tbsp. Pour boiling water over spoons of dry raw materials, immediately wrap them in gauze and apply to the sore spot. Cover the top with a dry cloth. Keep it until it cools down.

The medicinal properties of marsh cinquefoil are used in folk medicine for tumors. Tumors respond well to treatment skeletal system. The herb is also used for tumors of the prostate, breast, and thyroid gland. Treatment takes long time, sometimes about a year. Sabelnik does not contain toxic substances, so it can be used for a long time.

Of course, the plant is used in complex treatment with medications and under the supervision of a doctor!

  • Ointment (oil) from cinquefoil roots

For treatment joint pain, radiculitis, rheumatism, sprains, bruises, fractures, use an ointment prepared on the basis of cinquefoil.

The rhizomes of marsh cinquefoil are crushed, poured with any vegetable oil. For 1 part of crushed roots take 3 parts of oil. Mix the composition, close the lid, and place in a dark place for 30 days. The jar should be shaken once a week. Then strain the product and use it for rubbing. The pulp remaining after straining can be used for compresses. To thicken the oil to obtain an ointment, you can add melted wax to it.

One important medicinal property of the plant should be remembered: when taken orally, the effect of cinquefoil on the body begins with an exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease. Don't be afraid - this is a temporary phenomenon.

  • Infusion of stems in the treatment of leukemia

2 tbsp. Place the chopped stem in a thermos, pour 250g of boiling water, leave overnight. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 3 r. a day before each meal. The treatment is long-term.

  • Alcohol tincture of cinquefoil

It is not difficult to prepare an alcohol tincture of cinquefoil at home:

- Pour 100g of dried roots into 0.5l of vodka, close the lid, leave for 8 days, shaking occasionally, then strain the tincture.

The healing tincture is used to treat cancer.

— for lymphogranulomatosis, the drug is taken 3 times. a day before meals, 30 drops with water (100g);

- with others tumor processes take tincture 1 tbsp. l. every evening an hour before bedtime.

  • Rectal cancer

The medicine is used through enemas. You will need 50 drops of cinquefoil tincture and 5 drops of Caucasian hellebore. Add drops to 0.5 liters of warm water, administer the medicine using an enema into anus for 20 min. After 3 weeks, take a week break, then repeat the course.

Cinquefoil tincture is used for stomach cancer. Take it orally on an empty stomach before meals.

  • Tea for leukemia

The roots and dried herbs of the plant (1 teaspoon) are brewed with 200g of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Drink 1 rub. per day 100g. Cinquefoil tea improves the blood count and the patient's condition.

Tinctures, infusions and decoctions medicinal plant drink not only to treat cancer, but also to prevent it.

  • Tea for health

Brew 1 teaspoon of raw material with 400g of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. Drink a glass 2 rubles. per day instead of regular black tea.

When taken prophylactically healthy tea in people, vision improves, colds, flu, and other infectious diseases practically do not occur.

Wonderful therapeutic effect There are ready-made ointments based on cinquefoil, which can be bought over the counter in pharmacies. They fight effectively and quickly inflammatory diseases joints, relieve pain, alleviate the condition of patients.


Application in medicinal purposes cinquefoil is contraindicated for people suffering from low blood pressure. The plant has a calming effect, slows down the work of the heart muscle, and this can cause severe weakness, drowsiness, headache.

It is also prohibited to take cinquefoil if you have an individual intolerance, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or for children under 12 years of age.

Among the many medicinal plants, marsh cinquefoil has amazing healing properties. Use in oncology confirms the unique power of the herb. The modest plant has several names - dekop, marsh cinquefoil, five-leafed plant. And among the people they called it affectionately and tenderly - Russian ginseng.

Description of the plant

The photo of which can be seen below is one of the most common and accessible plants in nature. Healing herb Fills river valleys and swampy areas. A perennial plant, it often reaches 1 meter in height. The stem is brownish-red in color and grows from a woody creeping rhizome. Amazing leaves, consisting of 5 parts, the marsh cinquefoil is different. The photo shows their complex shape. The color of the leaf is dark green above, and the color below is silvery, grey-felt.

Medicinal properties. Reviews

There is a belief that official comes from the word “saber”. After all, the plant, like the above-mentioned weapon, cuts off many diseases that destroy human health.

The whole cinquefoil is used for medicinal purposes. After all healing properties possess both stem, leaves, and roots. However, the rhizome is the most valuable when it comes to marsh cinquefoil. Reviews of the application fully confirm this. This part contains many useful substances. These are microelements, tanning components, vitamin C.

To date, the grass marsh cinquefoil has not been sufficiently studied. Application occurs, according to pharmacists, not in full. However, many reviews characterize the plant as an excellent antitumor agent, as a unique preventive herb in the fight against cancer.

The cinquefoil is widely used due to its healing properties:

  • hemostatic;
  • astringent;
  • analgesic (painkiller);
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sweatshop;
  • wound healing.


Marsh cinquefoil has found quite wide application in medicine. Tea made from this herb has a very beneficial effect on the immune system. It has been noticed that the plant helps in the fight against many ailments. Let's touch on some of them:

  • rheumatism, radiculitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases, including bleeding, and even stomach cancer;
  • colds, sore throat, flu;
  • mastitis, tumors (including malignant) of the mammary glands;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • jaundice;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hypotension;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • neuralgic pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • hepatosis.

So, marsh cinquefoil is used to treat a wide variety of ailments. Reviews of use characterize the herb as an excellent way to get rid of toothache. Extracts infused with alcohol slow down inflammatory processes in joints and help with salt deposits. In the form of a compress, the herb is applied to purulent wounds.

Herb against cancer

It was noted that the peoples of the north who drink a drink from the above-ground part of the plant are least susceptible to cancer. Scientists became interested in this fact. Studies have shown that the chemical composition of the grass contains resins, tannins, and organic acids. The leaves are rich in carotene, ascorbic acid, contain flavonoids, saponins, quercetin and kaempferol, gums, essential oil, mucus. They are a source of a whole range of minerals.

Thanks to this composition, marsh cinquefoil has found application in oncology. It quite successfully treats tumor diseases of the skeletal system and blood (leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis). It is no less in demand for glandular diseases internal secretions. Use for the treatment of tumors of the prostate, thyroid gland, and mammary glands guarantees good results.

However, you should know that the above ailments require long-term use such unique herb, like marsh cinquefoil. The use of plants in oncology can be delayed for years. This duration is quite acceptable, since the herb does not cause toxic effects in the body.

Infusion against leukemia

You can often come across cases that describe the cure of many diseases with cinquefoil tincture. But the most amazing thing is getting rid of leukemia, and even neglected form. To do this, it is recommended to drink three liters of cinquefoil infusion. Take a tablespoon or teaspoon three times a day daily. The infusion must be drunk on an empty stomach and can be consumed with water.

A decoction of the stems is no less effective. amazing herb called "marsh cinquefoil". Instructions for use are as follows:

  1. To make an infusion, take crushed plant stems in an amount of 1-2 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water (1 cup) over the component.
  2. The broth should be placed in a thermos and left in this form overnight.
  3. The next morning the unique medicine is completely ready. It is recommended to take 3 to 5 times a day. Single dose - 1-2 tbsp. spoons.

Tincture for lymphogranulomatosis

Dry plant roots (100 g) should be placed in dark glass. The component is filled with vodka in an amount of 0.5 liters. Close the container tightly and leave it for 8 days. It is recommended to shake the infusion periodically. The mixture is strained before use. Three times a day you need to drink an infusion of 30 drops. It is best to use it before meals with water (0.5 cups).

Rectal cancer

With such a disease, it is advisable to combine marsh cinquefoil with Caucasian hellebore. Treatment is carried out using enemas. Although a remedy that uses only marsh cinquefoil is quite effective.

Instructions for use:

  1. In warm water (500 ml) you need to add tinctures of cinquefoil (50 drops) and Caucasian hellebore (5 drops).
  2. The patient is placed on the right side. The medicine is administered for 20 minutes.
  3. Such procedures should be performed after complete bowel movement. It is quite effective to repeat enemas 2-3 times a day.
  4. The course of treatment lasts three weeks. After this, you need to rest for seven days and then continue treatment again.

Stomach cancer

And for this disease, marsh cinquefoil is quite effective. Application (decoction or tincture) is made half an hour before meals.

To prepare, you will need crushed plant root (1 tablespoon). The ingredient should be poured with boiled hot water(1 glass), keep the infusion in a water bath for 15 minutes, remove from heat, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes. Strain the broth, squeeze out the raw materials thoroughly. The decoction is diluted boiled water so that the liquid turns out to be 0.2 liters. You need to take 1 tbsp three times a day. spoon.

Quite effective with the following collection:

  • bodyagi inflorescence - 50 g;
  • calamus root - 10 g;
  • black poplar buds - 5 g;
  • inflorescence of cobwebby burdock - 50g;
  • marsh cinquefoil root - 5 g.

This collection will require 2 tbsp. spoons. Brew the mixture with boiling water in an amount of 0.5 liters. Insist until morning. Strain the solution. The panacea should be taken in three doses during the day. Use the product 15 minutes before meals.

Universal tincture for cancer diseases

Many herbalists recommend treating various diseases cinquefoil The plant can help with mastopathy, and in the fight against breast cancer, and with joint diseases. Nature has provided man with an amazing panacea for any disease. The name of this panacea is marsh cinquefoil. Application (photo of the plant is located above) reaches the widest scope. Nowadays various herbal teas containing cinquefoil are produced.

There are also many different folk recipes capable of protecting human body from fatal illnesses. Herbalists consider the following one of the universal tinctures. IN liter jar should be placed They should fill the container halfway. Pour the composition with vodka. The solution should be infused in the dark for ten days. You should remember to shake the product periodically. After the recommended period, strain the infusion. Used this remedy once at night. Infusion dose - 1 tbsp. spoon.

What do patients say?

It is natural for every person to doubt the effectiveness of a product. Especially if we're talking about about such serious illnesses, How oncological diseases. That is why you should find out reviews about its use before you start using marsh cinquefoil.

Initially, we will touch upon the doctor who, for patients faced with terrible diagnosis, advised using alcohol tincture of cinquefoil. The doctor explained that the healing process is long, sometimes dragging on for a whole year. Carefully observing the dynamics of his patients, the doctor emphasizes that the first days of taking the tincture are always accompanied by an exacerbation of the disease. But in mild stages of the disease, already on the third day the patient feels better.

It’s simply amazing how healing the marsh cinquefoil is. Reviews of its use constantly testify to miraculous cures for cancer. At the same time, patients whose tumors are no longer operable often turn to the “magic” herb. They no longer use official medicine. And only a modest, rather simple-looking plant helps such “hopeless” patients.

The combination of cinquefoil and hemlock truly works wonders. When faced with reviews from patients who have undergone three courses of treatment with the above-mentioned herbs, one never ceases to be amazed. There are even cases described when fibroids and mastopathy receded completely, and women were completely cured, which greatly discouraged doctors.

Contraindications for use

It is not recommended to be treated with cinquefoil for bradycardia and hypotension. As with any drug or plant, individual hypersensitivity to the herb should be taken into account. It is very important to realize that treatment with this plant often begins with an exacerbation of the disease. You should be prepared for this.

It is not advisable for pregnant women to take cinquefoil. The herb should be avoided during breastfeeding. Children under 12 years of age should also refrain from using the plant.


Ancient people believed that there were no incurable diseases. Perhaps they were right. One has only to think about the modest, but amazing medicinal plant, whose name is “swamp cinquefoil”. The use of such a herb in oncology gives a chance of cure even to those patients who have turned away official medicine. Therefore, if an accident occurs, do not despair! Call for help healing nature. She will definitely respond! Nature never leaves anyone in trouble. She made sure that people could always find a panacea for every ailment. Find your unique medicine, and then you can overcome even the most severe illness!

Phytoextract from rhizomes and aerial parts of marsh cinquefoil is included in many pharmacological drugs and biologically active additives(dietary supplement). Demand perennial plant due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-edematous properties. Medicines with marsh cinquefoil are used for therapy for the spine, ligamentous-tendon system.

Useful properties of cinquefoil

The therapeutic effect of the plant is based on pharmacological properties bioactive substances from it chemical composition. They relieve chronic pain in the joints, reduce the severity, and promote the resorption of edema and hematomas. Plant raw materials contain bioflavonoids, which improve blood circulation in the area of ​​affected joints and normalize microcirculation. And due to the presence of microelements, water and fat-soluble vitamins it is possible to replenish the reserves of nutrients necessary for regeneration.

Bioactive substances of marsh cinquefoil Therapeutic effect
Isobutyric and isovaleric acids They have anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative, analgesic effects, stimulate the restoration of damaged soft, cartilage, and bone tissues
Catechins Accelerate metabolic and regenerative processes, reduce the amount free radicals in the human body, prevent premature aging cells
Saponins Increases the body's resistance negative factors, stimulate cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol blocks, improve blood supply to tissues
Anthocyanins Helps reduce inflammatory reactions, have a tonic and restorative effect


Medicines containing marsh cinquefoil are used in the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of the joints and spine. They are prescribed to patients with -,. Indications for treatment are,. Medicines and dietary supplements with useful plant(For example,) are included in therapeutic regimens when diagnosing the following pathologies:

Preparations containing cinquefoil are used in traumatological practice for accelerated regeneration of damaged connective tissue structures and the osteochondral apparatus. used for fractures, dislocations, subluxations, ruptures of ligaments, muscles, tendons.

Recipes based on cinquefoil

Dry vegetable raw materials of marsh cinquefoil are sold in pharmacies. IN cardboard boxes there are crushed roots or herbs ready for brewing. Recently, filter bags with cinquefoil have appeared on pharmacy shelves for quick and convenient preparation. healing tea with a pleasant smell. There is also a tincture for internal use on sale.

Often, plant materials are purchased for the manufacture of prescription products. traditional medicine. Their use should be coordinated with a rheumatologist, orthopedist, neurologist, and traumatologist. The doctor will assess the feasibility and safety of such treatment, calculate the dose, and determine the optimal course of treatment.

Alcohol tincture

To prepare a tincture at home, use the dried aerial part of cinquefoil, but a remedy with rhizomes has a more powerful anti-inflammatory effect. 50 g of plant materials are placed in a dark glass jar, filled with vodka without food additives or 96% ethyl alcohol, diluted with an equal volume of water. Leave the container in a warm place where direct contact does not penetrate. Sun rays. The jar is shaken daily for better extraction of bioactive substances. After 1-2 months the tincture is ready.

The product is taken one teaspoon 2 times a day after meals, after mixing it with a tablespoon warm water. The tincture is rubbed into the joints for mild pain not caused by inflammation.


To prepare the decoction, place a tablespoon of dry herbs and a teaspoon of crushed rhizomes in a small saucepan, pour in 2.5 cups of hot water. Bring to a boil and then simmer over low heat for 7-10 minutes. Cool under the lid, filter, take 50 ml 2-3 times a day after meals. Duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks. Between courses it is necessary to take a 10-day break.

Balm and cream

To prepare a balm with an analgesic effect, mix a tablespoon of alcohol tincture cinquefoil with 20 g of lanolin and 50 g of honey. Add 2 drops of juniper essential oil, a tablespoon of peach cosmetic oil, 50 g of fatty baby cream. Store the balm in the refrigerator and rub it into joints for pain.

Homemade ointment with cinquefoil for the treatment of joints.

The cream is prepared by mixing 2 tablespoons of lanolin, alcohol tincture of cinquefoil and 100 g of medical petroleum jelly. To enhance the anti-inflammatory properties, add a drop of rosemary and pine essential oils.


To prepare tea, use filter bags or pour a teaspoon of dry herb into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 20-30 minutes, cool, filter. Drink half a glass of tea with meals, 2 times a day; if desired, add honey or fruit jam to improve the taste. The infusion not only improves joint function, but also prevents the formation of benign and malignant tumors. Duration of therapy is 20 days. After a week's break, admission herbal tea resume.

How to make lotions

Lotions with cinquefoil herb help with pain. 3-4 tablespoons of dry plant material are poured into a glass of hot water and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes. Leave to infuse under the lid for 1 hour, filter. The liquid is used for compresses, and the grass is wrapped in 2-3 layers of gauze bandage and applied to the sore joint. Duration medical procedure- 1 hour.

Marsh cinquefoil during pregnancy

Pharmacological drugs, dietary supplements, folk remedies It is forbidden to use bog cinquefoil based while pregnant. The method of treatment does not matter - you cannot use tinctures, creams, balms, decoctions, teas. Clinical trials, the results of which would refute the lack of teratogenic effects of cinquefoil, have not been carried out.

Sabelnik is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Contraindications and precautions

Medicines are not prescribed to patients with individual intolerance to their ingredients, pregnant and lactating women, and children under 18 years of age. Contraindications to therapy are severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system, dysfunction of the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. External products with cinquefoil should not be applied to the skin if there are scratches, cuts, punctures, burns, moles, or papillomas.