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Colitis in the chest on the left. Tingling in the mammary gland: reasons, which doctor to see

Almost everyone experiences discomfort in the chest from time to time. Most often it's just a glitch hormonal system. But in some cases, a feeling of discomfort can be the beginning of changes and, unfortunately, not always harmless ones. Be that as it may, it doesn’t hurt to arm yourself with knowledge, because our health belongs not only to us, but also to our loved ones.

Hormonal clock disruption

Hormonal processes in female body obey a very fine mechanism" biological clock", which can fail due to a "grain of sand" getting into them. The most common reason failure - disruption of the production of hormones by the ovaries and thyroid gland due to premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, poorly chosen hormonal contraceptive, stress. Doctors call this disorder mastodynia, it can affect both mammary glands or one, and sometimes only top part breasts with outside or nipple and is considered... normal occurrence! "In what period exactly? menstrual cycle Do you have any pain?" - this is the first question the gynecologist asks. Usually discomfort appear in the chest in the second half of the cycle, when it occurs hormonal imbalance(the ovaries do not produce enough progesterone or secrete too much estrogen), and go away with the onset of.

It also happens that mastodynia is not at all connected with the cycle: it appears due to severe stress, too tight underwear or after a banal but prolonged illness, such as the flu, for example.

Nipple pain- another consequence of problems in the hormonal system. And if it is also accompanied by discharge, then the cause of these symptoms may be illness or blockage of the milk ducts. But that is not all: the appearance of milk droplets from both glands(if this is not related to pregnancy and feeding) against the background of a cycle disorder, most likely indicates a hormonal imbalance and too much prolactin production. This hormone is also responsible for milk production. If the body produces prolactin in excess quantities, a woman will produce milk even if she is not pregnant. In search of the cause, the gynecologist will suggest doing an examination to exclude a tumor of the pituitary gland (which, in fact, produces prolactin), and a study of the level of prolactin in the blood.

Reddish discharge from one mammary gland? Most likely, we're talking about about inflammation of the duct. But sometimes the reason may be malignant tumor, which blocks the duct. In this case, the doctor will suggest doing additional examination: analysis of discharge, x-ray of the duct, puncture and biopsy of the mammary gland. Always remember: if the disease is detected in time, treatment always gives good results.

There is, however, another rather trivial reason the appearance of discharge: an uncomfortable bra, the seam of which falls directly on the nipple and irritates it.

Checking against the list

It may happen that one day, while taking a shower, you feel a small painful lump. They will most likely end up benign tumor, in the appearance of which hormonal imbalance and stress play a significant role. What kind of nodules are these? The mammary gland consists of glandular, connective and adipose tissue. Glandular tissue its structure resembles a bunch of grapes. These grapes (alveoli) are connected to each other by ducts that turn into milk passages. It is the alveoli that are especially sensitive to changes hormonal levels- this is how various seals appear. Now let's talk about them in more detail.

Mastopathy Unlike mastodynia, it is already a disease. There is a feeling of heaviness and sometimes pain in the mammary glands in the 2nd half of the cycle, nodules are palpable. In young women, diffuse mastopathy most often occurs: many small nodules in both glands. It is curious that at the beginning of the century, doctors described mastopathy as “hysterical breasts.” They believed that multiple nodules in the chest appear mainly in young people prone to hysteria.

Diffuse mastopathy often goes away on its own after marriage, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Small and large, shaped like an apple or a pear... The mammary glands can be different. Even their fabric can be dense or loose. You will be surprised, but even one woman does not have glands of the same size, and they can be located on different heights. You can find out whether this is so in your case by taking a closer look at yourself. It’s worth doing this not only out of curiosity. Educate yourself so you don't miss a serious problem. You will not be mistaken in your conclusions if you remember that breasts change during the menstrual cycle.

In the first 14 days (starting from the first day of menstruation), when estrogen production gradually increases, the breasts do not change at all. In the second phase of the cycle (the next 14 days), the glands enlarge (progesterone production increases), swell and become sensitive. During menstruation, hormone levels decrease, tension disappears and the mammary glands become soft again.

At the end of menstruation, give yourself a little exam (it is advisable to do this every month): lie on your back, put your right hand under your head, and with your left, feel first the mammary gland and then the nipple in a circular motion. Now right hand carefully examine the left breast.

At the slightest suspicious symptom, you should consult a doctor, firstly, to calm down (in nine cases out of ten, the formation is benign), and secondly, in order to promptly detect a problem that can cause complications. Therefore, starting from the age of 18, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist at least once a year.

Unexpected reasons

Unpleasant sensations in the chest may not be associated with processes occurring in the mammary glands.

  1. Muscle and intercostal pain. This type of pain can sometimes spread to the pectoralis muscle, which is connected to the chest. In this case, the doctor prescribes painkillers, massage and a course of manual therapy.
  2. What if it's back pain? Very often, pain in the back, shoulders or ribs causes a tingling, pulling or burning sensation in the mammary glands, and at any time during the menstrual cycle. The fact is that nerve endings, suitable for chest, come from the back, and even a slight irritation of them can be felt as pain in the chest.

A few words about treatment

Since the cause of discomfort in the chest is hormonal, or more precisely, estrogen-progesterone imbalance, this means that these problems are treated with hormones, although not always. Sometimes it’s enough just to change your lifestyle to feel more comfortable, change your diet (less animal fats, stimulating foods: coffee, chocolate, strong tea, more vegetable fats, vegetables and fruits), go in for sports, yoga. If hormonal treatment is still necessary, then depending on each case, the intensity of pain, age, and examination results, the doctor prescribes tablets containing progesterone (they are taken in the 2nd half of the cycle) or combined (estrogen-progesterone) drugs. It must be said that to treat pain and lumps in the chest, doctors use drugs that are well known to us - those that protect against unwanted pregnancy, namely contraceptives.

My dear readers. I just want to tell you about my pregnancy, about the difficulties that have arisen, without which, alas, I can’t get anywhere. Almost from the very beginning of pregnancy, I began to experience nausea, and the most unpleasant thing about this is that, out of the blue, it could come at any minute, at any time of the day. I tried not to overload myself with coffee (including coffee drinks), strong tea - it could always cause nausea, especially on an empty stomach, so I drank it very, very rarely and...


Oh, but this phlebodia didn’t suit me at all. Maybe not from her at all, but there was terrible nausea and heartburn. Although I had heartburn from everything. Mom kept saying that the doll’s hair was growing. But what the hell: he was born bald, like an Ilyich light bulb :))

And my main problem was VARICOSIS. This is such a terrible problem... My feet were so swollen that no shoes would fit. At night, my calves began to cramp and burn, as if on fire. During the day my legs also ached. I didn’t think about the baby, as I should, but about my legs - always and everywhere. I looked to see if they were very swollen, tried to raise them higher wherever possible and impossible, without looking at my stomach. The doctor threw up her hands, advised me to wear stockings and apply heparin ointment. I myself read about Detralex on the Internet (that pregnant women can use it) and started drinking it. But then oops - he’s only in the 2nd trimester, and I’m already approaching my 3rd trimester. What to do? Again on the Internet. Yep, phlebodia. She also started drinking. I appreciated that I only need it once a day. It became easier. So I treated myself. And now I’m breastfeeding my sweetheart, my legs ache, but I can’t drink anything. The delights of pregnancy and breastfeeding, what can you say:)))

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It just so happened that my husband needed to find a job on a rotational basis. It all started in 2014, we were looking through a bunch of “job” sites, hoping to find him a job in his specialty. There are so many scammers and “paid” sites - it was almost impossible for us, inexperienced RuNet users, to avoid disappointment after the inevitable deception. We found information that is updated periodically - fraudulent vacancies for shift workers. The site didn’t help my husband find a job (alas, this is his specialty), but it did help...

Take care of yourself for the sake of your children. No one can love your child the way YOU love him!

This sensation is only a symptom that may indicate the presence of a number of diseases. It can be very serious illnesses or the simplest ailments that provoke colitis. The causes that cause it range from myocardial infarction to a pinched nerve. If you suddenly feel chest pain, you should assess its severity as soon as possible.

Reasons for the development of colitis in the chest when sighing

Colitis can manifest itself in different ways and various reasons. Pain can appear completely unexpectedly. The duration of pain also varies from a few seconds to weeks. When breathing, a person may feel suffocation, pressure, numbness, or another uncomfortable feeling in the chest area. The cause of colic can also be associated with painful sensations in the throat, arms or head.

The causes of the disease may be:

inflammation of the pleura;

inflammation of the walls of the heart;

rupture of a cyst in the lung tissue;

inflammation of the cartilage in the ribs;

rib fractures;

pressure on intercostal nerves.

The most serious reasons colic when breathing:

Angina pectoris manifests itself in the form of an uncomfortable sensation (pressure, pulling sensation), which is caused by a lack of oxygen in the heart muscle. As a rule, atherosclerosis leads to this.

In myocardial infarction, colitis is localized in the chest on the left. The sensations are similar to angina pectoris, only more pronounced and longer lasting.

Pneumonia causes fever and colic in the chest, which is caused by irritation and inflammation of the pleura.

Inflammation of the pleura, accompanied by cough and colitis during deep breathing, is called pleurisy.

Diagnosis of colic in the chest

When starting to examine a patient, the doctor first of all tries to find out the seriousness of the cause. causing pain in the chest. Great importance It has correct positioning diagnosis in order to provide the patient with necessary help. In order to correctly assess the degree and severity of pain, you should take into account some nuances:

colitis can be caused by any organ located in this area (heart, lungs, muscles, bones, esophagus);

the chest has a complex arrangement of nerves and muscles, so pain can occur for other reasons or in another part of the body;

organs that are located in the abdominal cavity can also cause painful sensations in the chest.

Medical treatment of colitis in the chest

Basic principles of medical tactics:

For any type of pain syndrome, an electrocardiographic study is performed to exclude the most serious pathology - acute myocardial infarction.

“Doubtful” patients aged over 40 – 50 years with intense pain in the chest (even if it is of an atypical nature for angina pectoris) until the diagnosis is clarified, it is advisable to hospitalize them in a hospital, where they must be managed as patients acute heart attack myocardium. It would not be a gross mistake to send a patient with “radicular” pain syndrome to the cardiology department and observe there for several days, but a missed myocardial infarction can lead to the patient’s death.

In all cases, one must strive for maximum pain relief. If, with acute abdominal pain, there are always doubts about the advisability of using painkillers, and if you suspect acute stomach non-narcotic and narcotic analgesics are most often contraindicated, then when acute colitis There are practically no contraindications to the use of painkillers. Naturally, relief of chest pain is carried out taking into account its pathogenesis and should be only part of complex therapy known or suspected underlying disease.

The rib cage is the largest skeletal part in the human body.

It contains several important organs.

Situations often occur when there is colitis in the chest on the right. There can be many reasons for this condition.

Most often, discomfort in the chest area human body appear as a result of injury during overly intense exercise. If the load increases and the body is not prepared, the muscles located in the sternum begin to stretch.

This leads to painful sensations that begin to increase with deep breath. There is no need to worry, since this situation is the body’s standard reaction to a large volume of lactic acid secreted. This can develop into microtrauma of the part of the muscles that strained the most.

The occurrence of such signs indicates that the study schedule is incorrect. This phenomenon can be eliminated by temporarily refusing to play sports. Moreover, you should start practicing again gradually.

Pain in the chest with right side can also talk about ribs. In such a situation, a sharp stabbing pain appears in the injured area, which intensifies during compression of the sternum or when the victim begins to cough. The discomfort will go away if the patient takes the most comfortable position, in which his body completely relaxes.

The cause of severe pain on the right side of the chest can be bruises, which can be recognized by bruises that appear in this area.

You should know that severe bruises pose a danger to humans, as they can lead to lung rupture, which can be fatal. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

Pain on the right side of the chest is a reason to see a doctor

Also, often painful sensations in the chest indicate the development of acute respiratory viral infection. In this case, discomfort appears in the place where the lesion is located.

This area may occur if the patient has recently been treated with medications.

The pain is aggravated if he long time lay in one position, observing bed rest. In such a situation, the muscles located between the ribs, weakened after illness, hurt.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Stabbing in the chest on the right can occur in the presence of illnesses of cardio-vascular system. Chest pain that appears on the right side can occur in the following cases:

  1. Angina pectoris. During the development of such a disease, pain can manifest itself not only on the right, but also on the left side. Discomfortable sensations appear only when the heart muscle begins to need an influx of oxygen supplied along with the blood.
  2. myocardium. This pathology is characterized by the death of a separate section of the heart muscle. In such a situation, acute pain occurs, which radiates to cervical region and chest. In this case, you must urgently seek help from a doctor.
  3. Pericarditis. This is an inflammatory process in the protective lining of the heart. This pathology rarely appears in the form independent illness. Basically she is accompanying symptom heart diseases. Often, a patient with pericarditis is misdiagnosed, since the pain associated with this disease is very similar to the manifestations of dry pleurisy or angina. The fact that the patient has pericarditis, and not another disease, is indicated by severe pain that appears when coughing or taking a very deep breath. This condition is aggravated if the patient takes a lying position.

It should be remembered that if pain occurs on the right side of the chest, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diseases of the respiratory system

Heart problems are one of the causes of pain

There are often situations when the cause of this kind of discomfort is an inflammatory process in the form of pneumonia, which affects one or two lungs. The development of this disease occurs with a rapid increase in temperature and the appearance of severe symptoms. All this is aggravated by the occurrence of severe wheezing, causing discomfort in the sternum. Also, discomfort in this area occurs due to pleurisy, a disease that is characteristic feature post-pneumonia. This disease is often accompanied by tuberculosis.

Unpleasant sensations in the sternum may appear due to tumors affecting the bronchi or lungs.

The main symptom of this disease is a persistent cough, which is suffocating in nature. In this case, the patient constantly coughs up bloody clots when coughing.

If such manifestations occur, you should contact medical institution.

Digestive tract diseases

Pain in the sternum can occur with certain organ diseases digestive system, For example:

In order to prevent such diseases from appearing, it is necessary to pay Special attention the quality of your food. Food should be chewed thoroughly and avoid excessively fatty and spicy foods.

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Tingling in the chest is enough common occurrence, mainly found in women.

It can occur during breastfeeding, pregnancy or the menstrual cycle.

However, there are situations when there is none of the above, but the symptoms still continue to torment.

What is happening in our body at this moment, what does it mean? this problem and whether it is even a problem.

This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

Tingling in the chest: causes and symptoms

In most cases, tingling in the chest is harmless symptom And special treatment does not require. Pain may be caused natural processes that pass through our body. Many girls experience tingling sensations a few days before the onset of their menstrual cycle. AND this reason is one of the most common.

It is possible that such sensations may appear when carrying a baby or when feeding. The milk ducts change slightly, ultimately leading to new sensations. This poses absolutely no danger to health. But if a pregnant woman is still worried, then she should go to her doctor and tell her about everything that is happening.

When feeding, tingling in the chest is normal. It is with such sensations that milk is formed. If a mother, when feeling her breast, discovers that there are strange lumps in it that cause pain when pressed, you should definitely go to the doctor.

In addition to the usual explanations for this situation, there are other reasons that indicate that there are diseases in the body. Moreover, this may concern not only the mammary glands, but also completely other organs.

These ailments include the following:

1. Mastopathy.

2. Heart diseases.

3. Formations in the mammary gland, which can be both malignant and benign.

4. Intercostal neuralgia.

5. Cysts in sebaceous glands.

6. Pathologies of the spine.

Now let's look at the reasons in more detail in order to understand exactly how they affect the occurrence of tingling.

Mastopathy. This is a common problem among breastfeeding women. Occurs due to improper feeding. For example, if the mother does not attach the baby correctly, feeds him rarely or does it with only one breast. Lumps appear in the chest, accompanied by tingling.

Thyroid problems. Incorrect operation thyroid gland leads to failure of many systems. Discomfort in this area causes estrogen to stop being produced correctly.

Heart problems. Moreover, tingling sensations appear mainly in the left side of the chest. Pain and tingling of different nature, are not always clearly expressed.

Spinal problems. The slightest problem with it, they will immediately make themselves felt in the form of tingling sensations in the chest. One of these problems associated with the spine is osteochondrosis.

Neoplasms. If the tumor is benign, the symptoms will be less pronounced.

As you can see, there are many reasons that cause tingling in the chest, and not all of them are harmless. Many of them require immediate intervention from specialists. This condition must be diagnosed as soon as possible, and in no case should it be left to chance.

If the painful sensations are not associated with the arrival of your period, then it is better for you to go to a therapist. After the examination, he has the right to send you for a cardiogram, x-ray or ultrasound.

Tingling in the chest: diagnosis of possible diseases

First of all, you need to figure out whether such tingling sensations are cyclical in nature and whether they have any dependence on the menstrual cycle. If the answer to this question is positive, then you need to go to a mammologist. As part of the diagnostics, you will have to undergo following procedures:

Full inspection;


Ultrasound of the mammary glands;

Pass the necessary lab tests;


If tingling in the chest occurs occasionally, and you cannot confidently determine its location, then it is better to go to a therapist. He will recommend checking the following bodies to identify concomitant diseases, and will also prescribe certain studies:

Ultrasound of the heart;

Ultrasound of your thyroid gland;

Ultrasound of the spine in the chest;


Treatment methods will depend on what the examination shows. It is possible that no diseases will be detected, and tingling is just the body’s reaction to something. Therefore, be sure to visit a doctor and do not self-medicate.

Tingling in the chest: treatment

Since tingling in the chest is only a symptom of other serious diseases, treatment consists of eliminating true reasons. After the disease is cured, the tingling will stop and will no longer bother you. Below we will discuss in detail how to treat diseases that cause tingling.


Treatment of the disease can only be prescribed by a specialist, based on examination and test results. As a rule, they are appointed hormonal drugs and vitamins that restore missing substances in our body. A number of hormones may be prescribed and must be taken at specific times. Drug treatment involves following a diet. After all, mastopathy is provoked by improper diet.

Folk remedies they cannot always save women from this condition. Under no circumstances should you use ointments that heat or burn. The only thing that doctors recommend is a compress of herbs - lavender, lemon balm.

Not all women want to take hormonal agents, because the figure will thus deteriorate. Therefore, homeopathy and physiotherapy can be used. At the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Heart diseases.

In order to get rid of problems with your heart, you must first of all lead healthy image life. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Watch your weight. After all overweight are an extra burden for the body. But you shouldn’t overdo it either, namely, exhaust yourself with diets. Try to eat in moderation.

Don't overuse physical activity, but don't neglect it either. All acute heart diseases are usually treated in a hospital, therefore correct treatment may be prescribed by a doctor.

Make sure you have enough time for rest and work. You need to sleep at least eight hours a day. Don't worry about trifles, spend more time outdoors.

And of course surgical treatment. It is prescribed if the disease is serious and conventional methods cannot help.

Formations in the mammary gland.

Treatment of formations in the mammary glands involves taking vitamins, as well as iodine. Drugs containing hormones can be treated only after an examination has been carried out. Only a doctor can prescribe such drugs, based on the characteristics of each patient.

Fibrous lesions are treated with Provera or Femara. Possible appearance side effects Therefore, self-administration of medications is prohibited.

Surgical intervention is performed only according to indications, if medications do not bring any effect. The only formations that will be treated surgically in any case are lipomas and atheromas.

Intercostal neuralgia.

Treatment begins immediately after the first signs of the disease are detected. It is based on pain relief. At the first appearance of the disease, specialists prescribe acupuncture, vacuum therapy, pharmacopuncture. If necessary, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

If it reoccurs, treatment depends on the patient’s complaints. Physical therapy may be prescribed.

Apply and traditional methods. These include a decoction of chamomile, honey, and tincture of immortelle flowers.

Horseradish juice can significantly reduce pain. Indoor geranium is useful. It is rubbed onto areas where pain is felt.

You can visit a specialist for acupressure.

Cysts in the sebaceous glands.

Most effective method for treatment is surgery. The cyst is excised or complete removal bag with contents. The operation does not take long, it is not dangerous and not complicated. It is recommended to remove the bag in order to avoid relapses in the future. Self-medication in this case will be useless, since there are simply no ways that can somehow get rid of the cyst.

Spine pathologies.

In order to relieve patients from spinal pathologies, doctors prescribe conservative methods, as well as surgical intervention.

Conservative methods effective if there is no gross deformation of the spine. It is necessary to carry out physical therapy, do a back massage, swim. If the deformity is congenital, then surgical intervention can't be avoided.

Doctors are confident that the earlier the disease is detected, the easier it will be to help the patient. It is possible that the tingling in the chest will not be so strong, and the patient will not have time to experience all the “beauty” of the disease.

Tingling in the chest: prevention

There is no need to look for the cause of tingling in the chest on your own. In order to find out the reason why this state, you definitely need to visit a doctor.

I would like to once again note those conditions in which it is necessary to go to a medical facility:

Discharge from the nipple area;

Tingling in the chest area is accompanied by high temperature and don't pass for a long time;

Tingling sensations in the chest appear for no apparent reason;

A painful lump is felt in the chest and does not disappear.

In order to get a consultation, you need to visit such doctors as: oncologist, mammologist, gynecologist and endocrinologist.

It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Try to avoid completely stressful situations, don't worry about trifles. Leave the appropriate amount of time for sleep. Spend at least a couple of hours outside every day, because Fresh air really useful.

Everything you eat is also important. The diet should contain sufficient amounts of vitamins, useful substances. If you yourself do not know what you can eat and what not, in this situation, consult a nutritionist, or ask your doctor to create a menu for you.

Remember that the sooner you visit a doctor, the faster all the symptoms that bother you will disappear. And the main thing is that possible diseases will cease at the first stages of development. Watch your body, listen to it. After all, even a tingling sensation in your chest is just a signal to you that something is wrong.

Left chest pain is a fairly common complaint with which thousands of men and women consult doctors every day. Medical statistics states that such conditions most often cause disruptions in the functioning of the heart. However, not everything is so simple; these symptoms can provoke diseases of the respiratory or digestive system.

Cardiovascular diseases

The absolute leaders in the number of deaths worldwide are diseases and pathologies of the cardiovascular system. They are divided into two large categories:
  • coronary;
  • non-coronary.
Heart attack and ischemia. The arteries, which are called coronary arteries, are designed to supply blood to the heart muscle. Malfunctions caused by various factors lead to the fact that the muscles of the main human organ cease to be fully enriched with oxygen.

Sometimes blood vessels become blocked due to strong accumulation they contain cholesterol, which leads to disruption of their patency. People at risk are:

  • suffering diabetes mellitus various shapes;
  • suffering from arterial hypertension;
  • having problems with excess weight;
  • those with congenital predispositions to diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as smokers.
A heart attack can provoke pain that radiates to the left arm, left shoulder, back, abdominal cavity. In addition, these conditions may be aggravated by the presence of:
  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • increased sweating;
  • shortness of breath;
  • heartburn;
  • apathy;
  • dizziness;
  • discomfort in the abdominal area.
Often women during menopause become victims of such conditions. Changes hormonal balance, and a decrease in hormones provokes the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Ladies over forty should take regularly special medications, which are prescribed by a specialist in each specific case.

Non-coronary diseases are more insidious and more difficult to diagnose, especially in early stages. This subgroup of diseases includes pericarditis, myocarditis, angina pectoris, neurocirculatory dystonia, etc.

Pericarditis. Very often it is this that causes sharp, acute pain in the chest on the left. The pericardium itself is designed to protect the heart from overstrain and promote natural filling with blood.

Painful conditions arise due to acute inflammatory processes in this body. A sharp stabbing pain becomes stronger when inhaling, and against this background a person may also experience:

  • labored breathing;
  • sudden change in body temperature;
  • fainting states.
Acute attacks of pain subside somewhat with various bends of the body.

Angina pectoris- Another serious illness, in which the heart muscle receives insufficient oxygen. This disease is characterized by constant sharp pains against the background of the normal rhythm of the heart muscle. People very often report that their chest is being squeezed like a vice. An episodic outbreak of angina may occur during severe physical activity. When the patient is at rest, the pain subsides.

At myocarditis the heart muscle is affected. There is aching and tightness in the chest, and patients complain of shortness of breath. Against this background, pain in the joints appears, and an increase in body temperature is noted. People generally feel as if their heart is stopping.

Aortic aneurysm considered very serious and often leading to fatalities an anomaly. In this case, there is an expansion of the walls in a certain area of ​​the vessel. That is why they become so thin and vulnerable that even a light blow or strong emotional stress can provoke their rupture.

This gap is truly unbearable pain. People often interpret them as aching, boring and pulsating. There is a feeling that there is a fire burning inside. The pain can spread to the back and abdomen. As a result of a ruptured aortic aneurysm, people experience:

  • tachycardia;
  • weakness;
  • fainting conditions;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • dyspnea;
  • cough;
  • pain while swallowing.
The pressure also drops sharply, the person stops responding to questions.

Respiratory diseases

Chest pain on the left can provoke diseases respiratory organs, especially if the pleura or bronchi are affected.

The pleura is the membrane that covers the lungs with big amount nerve endings. When the pleura becomes inflamed, strong pain it arises abruptly and is localized in the place where, in fact, the pleura is affected.

Pleurisy. Its main symptom is a strong increase in pain when inhaling. Patients note that it increases if they try to cough or scream. If you stop breathing, the pain goes away. Also, pain disappears if people instinctively tilt their torso to the healthy side. That is why patients suffering from this disease try to constantly be in a position in which the painful sensations recede. They also try to breathe frequently and shallowly. With this disease, the following are often observed:

  • a sharp increase in temperature in the evening;
  • increased sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • bluish skin;
  • swelling of the neck veins.
Spontaneous pneumothorax- This is a condition in which air moves from the lung to the pleural area. The membrane becomes irritated, and this causes an attack of stabbing and cutting pain. If you try to take a deep breath, this further intensifies pain syndrome. Very often the pain can radiate to the shoulder, neck or lower back.

In some cases, the pain is so severe that the person may lose consciousness. It becomes very difficult for people not only to move, but even to breathe. Tachycardia appears. Painful sensations go away throughout the day, and breathing problems can only arise when trying some kind of physical activity.

Embolism pulmonary artery called a condition when a blockage occurs blood vessel in the lung. If this happened on the left side, then in this condition patients complain of sudden sharp pain, which intensifies with deep inspiration. People in this state begin to breathe shallowly and frequently. On the background similar conditions Patients may develop a feeling of panic and anxiety, as well as dizziness and weakness, even fainting. Sometimes there are convulsions.

Emphysema may cause . This is a disease in which air bubbles begin to move into the chest area. Air begins to enter from the outside due to injuries to the esophagus or respiratory tract. Besides stabbing pains, people experience a feeling of chest constriction. Against the background of this condition, the following are noted:

  • dyspnea;
  • hoarse and nasal voice;
  • appearance of cough;
  • pain may radiate to other areas.

Neurological ailments

Sharp cutting or, conversely, dull aching pain can be caused by intercostal neuralgia. As the name itself suggests, with this disease the intercostal nerve endings begin to become irritated. Sometimes this condition can be triggered by an uncomfortable posture during sleep or careless movement during some kind of physical activity.

The pain often occurs suddenly, intensifies when inhaling, radiates under the ribs, but sometimes with superficial rapid breathing a person is haunted by unpleasant sensations. When trying to make sudden movements, the pain also intensifies. This condition is aggravated by:

  • uncontrolled muscle twitching;
  • heavy sweating.
Cardioneurosis. It can be triggered by sudden stress or a series of stress conditions. With this disease, dull aching pain in the left upper part of the chest is often noted. Sometimes they give way to rather strong but short-lived painful sensations. People with this diagnosis complain of:
  • cardiopalmus;
  • high blood pressure;
  • causeless anxiety and worry.

Diseases and injuries of the spine

Osteochondrosis- one of the most common pathologies of the spine. With this disease, a degenerative process is observed that leads to the destruction of the vertebral discs. Often the root cause of this disease is sedentary lifestyle life - excessive sitting at the computer, driving a car, etc. Also, the start for the development of the disease can be incorrect posture or excess weight.

As a result nerve roots the vertebrae are irritated and compressed, and blood circulation is impaired. Pain can haunt a person constantly and intensify during movement.

At the beginning of the disease, chest pain does not appear, however, as it develops, people begin to complain of:

  • discomfort during inhalation or exhalation;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • discomfort in the left hypochondrium;
  • feeling of a “stake” in the chest.
These pains or other unpleasant sensations can bother people at night, causing signs of panic, as they sometimes resemble myocardial infarction or angina. However, pain due to osteochondrosis decreases sharply if you do a little warm-up or change your body position.

In other cases, the cause of pain in the left side of the chest is trauma to a person. The danger of this phenomenon is that the moment of impact itself can pass almost unnoticed, and only manifest itself later chest pain aching character. You can guess the presence of a hematoma if you touch the site of the bruise with your hand, in which case the discomfort will only intensify. The pain may also become more intense during movement or even while breathing.

Other reasons

In men and women, similar pain can occur due to various lesions gastrointestinal organs. Among the common reasons:
  • Gastritis when the gastric mucosa is irritated (see also -).
  • Pancreatic pathologies eg pancreatitis. In this case, against the background aching pain Nausea appears.
  • Problems with the spleen, especially after injury.
  • Stomach ulcer, in which painful sensations extend to left side chest, aggravated by nausea, vomiting or severe heartburn.
In addition, there are specific, so-called. “female” causes of pain in the left side of the chest. These include:
  • Mastopathy or benign growth of the mammary glands.
  • Premenstrual syndrome, in which excessive breast enlargement is also noted.
  • Iodine deficiency in organism.

In women, chest pain may not be symmetrical, but only on one side, for example, on the left. This may be a sign of the development of certain pathologies. If this phenomenon occurs continuously, urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary.

How to understand what hurts behind the sternum (video)

Three tests for chest pain. Elena Malysheva and her colleagues will talk about them in detail. How a stress test is performed - ECG at rest and during physical activity.

What to do and who to contact

First of all, if there are frequent or constant pain on the left side of the chest, any self-diagnosis options should be completely excluded. These activities should be carried out only in a specialized medical institution.

First, you should contact a general practitioner, and after examining and analyzing the patient’s complaints, he can redirect him to other specialists - a cardiologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon.

General diagnostic measures may include:

  • radiography;
  • electrocardiography;
  • blood pressure measurement;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • study of pulmonary vessels;
  • blood and urine tests with further examination for the presence/absence of various inflammatory processes.
Only based on the results of a comprehensive study can correct and adequate treatment be prescribed.

In the future, after treatment, a person should adhere to the recommendations of his attending physician. Must be observed proper diet, which is assigned individually. In parallel, psychotherapy sessions can be prescribed if the root cause of the illness was various mental disorders.

At various injuries or physical damage, various physiotherapeutic procedures may be indicated in the future. It is unconditional and necessary complete failure from bad habits.

Do not put off visiting a doctor if you often have chest pain. Modern medicine has enough wide range diagnostic measures to correctly identify such pain.

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