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Causes of aching pain below the knees. Why do my legs ache below the knees?

If a person’s legs hurt below the knees, this is a symptom of numerous diseases. The lower leg area consists of several groups anatomical structures: muscles, ligaments, tibia and fibula, totality nerve plexuses, vessels.

To facilitate the differentiation of pain syndrome, doctors divide the lower leg into the anterior and posterior sections, which are delimited from each other on one side by the inner edge tibia, and on the other - the back of the fibula (along with the ankle). In the front there are more muscle structures, and in the back there are ligaments, blood vessels and nerves.

For what reasons do legs hurt?

Most often the legs hurt below the knee due to high physical activity. Minor tendon injuries do not cause severe clinical symptoms except for occasional colicky pain when walking.

Mechanical damage over time with constant physical activity is complicated by inflammatory changes, which is why swelling appears in the area of ​​damage along the front surface of the leg.

The second most common cause of pain below the knees is diseases of the spine, in which compression nerve root (intervertebral hernia, severe osteochondrosis, spondylosis). It intensifies with sharp turns of the body and palpation of the back of the lower leg.

The third reason why legs hurt is bursitis (inflammatory changes in the knee sheaths), which occurs as a consequence of arthrosis knee joint or damage to his meniscus.

With a pronounced narrowing of the joint space of the knee, the cartilaginous structures are damaged with the formation inflammatory fluid. It accumulates in the tendon sheaths, so in pathology, swelling of the popliteal fossa is observed. It can be felt along the back of the knee joint.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities or vascular thrombosis (accumulations of blood clots) also lead to pain below the knee, since with this pathology there is stagnation of blood, leading to overstretching of the vascular wall. Against this background, pain in the lower leg area is constantly observed. It is aching in nature and intensifies in the evening.

When your legs still hurt below the knee:

Atherosclerosis of blood vessels (accumulation of fatty plaques),

Inflammation of the bones (osteomyelitis),

Nerve damage (polyneuropathy),

Reception pharmaceuticals(statins),

Reduction of calcium, magnesium, alkalis and potassium in the blood.

Disorders of bone formation in children and adolescents (Osgood-Schlatter disease).

Symptoms associated with lower leg pain

Typically, pain below the knee is not localized. The width of its spread is 10-15 cm, which indicates extensive damage to the anatomical structures of the leg. The pain syndrome intensifies with physical activity and weakens when it stops.

The severity of the syndrome increases in smokers, as they have impaired blood supply at the site of injury.

With vein thrombosis, the legs below the knees hurt quite severely. Pathology presents serious danger for human life, since a thrombus (blood clot) can migrate to the arteries of the lung or brain. This increases the likelihood of fatal conditions - thromboembolism pulmonary artery(PE) and strokes.

Atherosclerosis is not as dangerous as thrombosis, but in smokers it can be combined with Raynaud's disease (spasm of small vessels), which creates constant aching pain in the back surface shins at the location of the calf muscles.

With osteomyelitis of the tibia or fibula, pain in the lower knee is combined with purulent discharge on the surface of the skin through an open fistula. Their intensity depends greatly on the condition immune system person.

For athletes, damage to the meniscus of the knee is more common. At the same time pain syndrome combined with limited mobility.

What does it feel like to have pain in your legs below the knees?

With most pathological changes below the knees, a “pins and needles movement” first appears along the muscle structures of the lower leg. In the beginning this symptom is not characterized by pain, but over time a person develops a feeling of “boiling water poured on the skin.” A throbbing pain gradually appears, which bothers the person throughout the working day. You have to slow down your walking pace and choose the most comfortable position to reduce pain.

If the above symptoms are not treated, the intensity increases. clinical signs. After running, the legs begin to “twist” so that a person needs to lie down for several days to restore health.

The final stage - the burning sensation becomes unbearable. After walking, a feeling of heat is created. Similar signs are formed symmetrically on both sides.

How to treat shin pain syndrome

Medications and folk remedies can reduce the sensitivity of sensations in lower leg pathology. For inflammatory changes, doctors prescribe NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which can be used in the form of tablets, ointments and creams.

It is necessary to treat varicose veins of the lower extremities for a long time. In addition to a tight bandage, ointments to strengthen the venous wall (troxevasin, venoruton) help in this situation.

Treatment of spinal diseases is more complex and requires the use of chondroprotectors (terraflex, alflutop), muscle relaxants (mydocalm), NSAIDs and even novocaine blockades. At intervertebral hernias surgical treatment is often required.

As a folk remedy, we can recommend a honey compress. Enough to lubricate painful area honey and bandage with a clean bandage to alleviate the condition. You should walk with this compress throughout the day.

Thus, legs hurt below the knees for many reasons. In most cases, the pain cannot be completely cured. Combination medications And traditional methods eliminates mobility restrictions, but the pathology must be treated regularly and over a long period of time.

Leg pain can cause various reasons– from completely harmless overwork and lack of microelements in the body to severe lesions joints and oncology. To figure out what exactly triggered this symptom, you need to visit a doctor and get a diagnosis.

Physical overload and micronutrient deficiency

Pain and cramps in the lower leg can be caused by intense exercise, long walking and prolonged standing. People who are untrained and overweight are more susceptible to this.

Insufficient amounts of substances such as calcium, potassium and magnesium can lead to the appearance of pain and seizures that occur mainly at night. Micronutrient deficiency occurs due to strict diets or when accelerated elimination as a result of taking sorbent drugs.

Assimilation useful substances significantly reduced when treating diseases gastrointestinal tract antacids and coating agents that prevent absorption. Too rapid utilization of minerals from the body is also observed with increased sweating, working in a hot shop or in conditions high temperature, in case of abuse of thermal procedures (bath, sauna).

Potassium loss often occurs due to the use of potent diuretics. Unlike potassium-sparing analogues, such drugs significantly contribute to the massive excretion of potassium. To relieve pain under the knees and stop cramps, it is recommended to massage the muscles until the discomfort disappears.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities

Varicose veins mainly affect the legs and are manifested by thinning of the venous wall, an increase in the lumen of the veins and the development of aneurysm-like nodes. At the same time, the legs below the knees ache, the feet and legs swell, the veins swell, and cramps in the calf muscles appear at night.

Even before visual signs appear, patients complain of severe fatigue and aching pain. One of characteristic features Varicose veins are swelling that appears when long stay on the feet and subsides when lying down.

Both congenital and acquired factors take part in the development of varicose veins

Deep vein thrombosis

With thrombosis, blood clots or blood clots appear in the veins, which impede normal blood flow. Symptoms depend on where exactly the clot is located. In about 50% of cases venous blood it passes through the communicating veins to the subcutaneous veins, and blood flow is partially restored. As a result, no pathological signs are observed.

In the remaining 50% of cases clinical symptoms is this:

  • bursting pain in the legs;
  • touching the affected vein is painful;
  • temperature skin elevated above the site of thrombus formation;
  • the skin of the affected limb becomes bluish;
  • superficial veins dilate.

Due to the high risk of complications, people with thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities are necessarily hospitalized, they are prescribed strict bed rest, the affected leg is placed in an elevated position. To prevent the development of new blood clots, patients are advised to take Heparin for the first few days, then switch to mild anticoagulants (blood thinners).

Arthritis and arthrosis

Arthritis and arthrosis are joint diseases that have similar symptoms, but various reasons. With arthritis, the joints become inflamed, and arthrosis is characterized by gradual destruction cartilage tissue articulations.

When the knee joint is damaged, pain and stiffness occur when moving. On early stages the patient can only feel that his legs below the knees are very tired and aching. If you suspect arthritis or arthrosis, you should see a doctor and start treatment as early as possible.

Osteoporosis, or “porous bone,” is a fairly common pathology of the musculoskeletal system, in which bones become brittle and brittle, acquiring a porous structure. The risk of fractures increases significantly, the bones heal poorly, as the pathology develops, the pain in the knees intensifies, and the joints and bones become deformed.

At first, the disease may manifest itself only as mild aching pain in the legs, especially when the weather changes. Then the intensity of the symptoms increases - it becomes difficult to walk, the pain intensifies. On late stages a person can no longer move independently, since the knees atrophy and the shape of the legs is bent.

Osteoporosis is a chronically progressive disease characterized by decreased bone density


Diabetic polyneuropathy – symmetrical pathological process, which is localized first in the lower part of the legs and then spreads higher. Patients complain of a burning and tingling sensation under the knees, sometimes this is the first sign diabetes mellitus.

With polyneuropathy due to diabetes, sensitivity is impaired - temperature, tactile, pain, and in some cases coordination worsens. To identify the disease, you need to visit an endocrinologist’s office and undergo an examination.


When an infection occurs, the bone becomes inflamed (osteo) and bone marrow(myelitis). Foreign microorganisms can penetrate into bone tissue due to fractures or due to a bullet wound along with the bloodstream or from neighboring organs.

Most often, osteomyelitis affects the bones of the lower extremities - the leg can hurt in the front, back or side. The first symptom of the disease is deterioration general well-being, similar to a common cold - the temperature rises to 38-40°, the pulse quickens. Later, on the 2nd or 3rd day, local signs– the leg begins to hurt, swells and moves worse.

Post-traumatic osteomyelitis does not occur immediately; it develops within 7-14 days after mechanical damage. To prevent such a complication, you need to properly treat the wound and be sure to visit a traumatologist.

Obliterating endarteritis

The symptom of intermittent claudication occurs due to sudden pain in the calf muscles

Poor circulation as a result of inflammation of the peripheral arteries, leading to blockage of the lumen of blood vessels, tissue hypoxia and gangrene, is called obliterating endarteritis. The disease usually affects the feet and legs, soft fabrics which gradually lose their functions and die off.

In this case, it is very difficult for a person to understand why his legs ache, since the disease manifests itself in different ways. Periodic exacerbations can occur from time to time, and only in the second stage of the disease does weakness in the legs, noticeable pain and lameness occur.

The danger of endarteritis lies in its progression; if left untreated, a person not only loses the ability to move independently, but may also lose his lower limbs. However, the most severe outcome - the death of the patient - is possible when the blood becomes infected as a result of the spread of irreversible changes to other organs and systems of the body.

Flat feet

When the shape of the foot changes as a result of the lowering of its longitudinal or transverse arch, as well as longitudinal-transverse deformation, flat feet occur. Such a defect as longitudinal flatfoot is characteristic mainly of women. This is due to the fact that the greater the body weight, the more load on the foot.

The risk of developing flat feet increases during pregnancy because the body's center of gravity shifts due to weight gain. Due to the redistribution of the load on the lower extremities, the pressure in the knees and feet increases, which threatens excessive pronation of the feet.

Pain in the legs below the knee with flat feet occurs after long walk or standing, wearing shoes on high heels or physical overload. Purchasing will greatly help reduce discomfort. orthopedic shoes or special inserts into it - insoles or heel pads.

A high heel increases the load on the transverse arch at the base of the toes, which often leads to hallux valgus deformity stop

What else can cause aching pain in the legs?

The calf muscles may respond with aching pain to long-term treatment medications such as diuretics, hormonal and anticholesterol drugs.

The reason may also be:

  • hernia lumbar region spine;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • new bone formations;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • bone metastases caused by a malignant oncological process of any location;
  • periarteritis nodosa;
  • vasculitis

When to see a doctor

It is necessary to visit a doctor and undergo an examination if the following symptoms appear:

  • leg pain continues for several days;
  • flexion and extension are difficult;
  • the limb is swollen, red, bruises or cyanosis appear;
  • climbing a flight of stairs causes discomfort and severe pain;
  • the pain below the knee intensifies and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Diagnosis and treatment

To determine how to treat the disease and what medications to prescribe, the doctor sends you for examination. To find out the causes of the disease, the following methods are used:

  • X-ray examination;
  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography;
  • color duplex scanning;
  • angiography;
  • scintigraphy;
  • arthroscopy (used for both diagnosis and treatment of joint diseases).

The scintigraphy procedure is similar to MRI, diagnostic technique based on visualization of processes that occur in tissues

Medicines for leg pain are prescribed depending on the results of the examination. When treating leg pathologies, the following are used:

  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs;
  • muscle relaxants to reduce muscle tone;
  • steroids and cytostatics for connective tissue diseases;
  • anticoagulants to reduce blood viscosity;
  • antidiabetic agents;
  • medications to improve blood circulation in the lower extremities - angioprotectors, venotonics;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes containing calcium, magnesium, vitamins B and D.


Physiotherapy helps reduce pain, relieve inflammation and improve blood circulation. For leg pain, the following procedures are effective:

  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • red and infrared medical laser;
  • low-frequency wave or shock wave therapy;
  • compresses with paraffin;
  • balneo- and mud therapy.

The healing properties of mud help to cure many ailments; mud applications are very effective for diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Folk remedies

Proven remedies based on folk recipes can also help with leg pain:

  • foot baths with herbs. Chamomile, bay leaf, linden blossom added to water will help eliminate heaviness and discomfort in the legs;
  • You can lubricate your feet with honey before bed to reduce inflammation and swelling. To avoid staining your underwear, wrap your limbs with a bandage;
  • Apply a compress of black radish, grated or in a blender, to the sore spot;
  • Mix eucalyptus or menthol essential oil with fresh juice aloe, and use for rubbing;
  • shell pine nuts pour ½ liter of alcohol or vodka, leave for 3 weeks. Take daily for 21 days, starting with two drops, and adding one more drop to each subsequent dose. Then drink the tincture for another 21 days, and count down in the opposite direction, reducing the dose by a drop per day;
  • pumpkin jelly will help with salt deposits. pumpkin juice, mix gelatin and raspberry syrup, pour into small containers and put in the refrigerator. Eat one serving daily for a week.

Thus, pain in the legs below the knees can be caused by various reasons. Why your legs hurt and how to deal with this condition will become clear after diagnostic measures. If the pain does not go away for a long time or gets worse, a timely visit to the doctor will help prevent further development of the disease and avoid complications.

If the bones of the legs below the knee hurt severely, this does not always indicate a serious disorder. Sometimes my leg aches from the knee to the foot during intense physical activity. In this case it is not necessary special treatment, only rest and peace are important. If pain in the muscle manifests itself constantly, while the limbs are swollen and other signs appear, then you should immediately consult a doctor. It could be initial symptoms serious disease of the musculoskeletal system.

Causes and features of pain in the leg from the knee to the foot

Increased physical activity

Sometimes the patient’s ankles are twisted and the lower legs ache due to physical strain. In this case, the muscles of both limbs cannot withstand the load and begin to ache. The pain syndrome is of a constrained nature and only bothers you when walking or resuming exercise. If there is a violation, the patient will have pain in the entire muscle located at the back of the leg.

How does obliterating atherosclerosis manifest?

The cause of pain in the legs below the knee is impaired arterial patency due to ischemia of muscle tissue.

With pathology, the level of blood flow in the arterial vessels, the lumen is reduced and cholesterol is deposited on inside walls The patient is worried severe pain in the ankle area, which is especially worse at night and after stress on the limb. In addition, the disease manifests itself with other symptoms:

  • impaired motor function;
  • limping on the affected leg when moving;
  • trophic changes in the skin.

Signs of arthritis and arthrosis

Swelling of the lower limb may indicate the development of arthritis and arthrosis.

Although the disorders affect the joints, aching pain may appear on the side, front or back of the leg. With arthrosis or arthritis occurs inflammatory reaction in moving joints, which causes painful attacks. The patient's legs below the knees ache and ache constantly; the symptom is especially acute in the morning immediately after waking up. There are also additional symptoms:

  • the lower part of the leg swells;
  • redness in the affected area;
  • a crunching sound is heard when moving the limb;
  • a pit is formed when pressure is applied to the skin.


If your legs hurt from the knee to the foot, this may indicate a pathology called osteoporosis. When it is violated, men and women experience a lack of calcium in the body, as a result of which the bone structure changes and they are prone to fractures and injuries. At first, the patient does not experience any symptoms or only slightly feels pain in the lower leg of one leg. As osteoporosis progresses, the clinical picture expands and other signs are added:

  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • impaired function of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • thinning of nails.

Varicose veins

Specific vascular protrusions can be manifestations of varicose veins.

If your left or right limb hurts, then perhaps these are the first signs of varicose veins. The deviation is also easy to notice by obvious venous networks. In the patient pathological signs spread to the lower leg, with pain noted stupid character. In addition to pain, other manifestations of concern:

  • spasms;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities;
  • formation of “stars” on the skin;
  • protrusion of veins.

Features of thrombosis

If along lower limb Below the knee, bruises or bruises form on the skin, this is probably progressing thrombosis. The disease causes discomfort and pain to the patient. Clinical picture differs depending on the type of disease. The main varieties and features are presented in the table:

ViewLocalization of painCharacteristicsRate of progression
VenousPosterior calfThere is a gradual progression with partial skin damage3-5 days
Change in skin color to purple or bluish
Part of the leg is very swollen
Hyperthermia in the affected area
Pain increases with limb movements
ArterialAnterior area below the kneeDeveloping quickly2-3 hours
The limb turns pale and cold
Unbearable, sharp pain

If a patient with arterial thrombosis is not treated in time medical care, then gangrene occurs and tissue dies, which leads to amputation of the limb and disability.


A burning sensation in the foot is characteristic of polyneuropathy in people with diabetes.

When the bones of the legs from the knee to the foot hurt, this may be a manifestation of a disease that is typical for diabetics. Polyneuropathy develops as a complication against the background of diabetes mellitus. The pain is burning and constant. The patient also complains of a burning sensation in the foot area. The deviation is also manifested by pallor of the skin and impaired walking.

Injuries and damage of varying severity

The cause of pain in the left or right limb below the knee is often hidden in a bruise, dislocation or other injury. If damaged, muscles, ligaments, or leg joints may be torn. How more serious injury, the more pronounced the pain syndrome is felt. The localization of pain also depends on the location of the bruise, fracture, or dislocation. It is worth contacting a doctor who will tell you what to do next and how to treat the injury.

Micronutrient deficiencies

A lack of vitamins and minerals leads to pain in the knees and other structures located in the lower part of the limb. The following microelements are necessary:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium.

Micronutrient deficiency can lead to cramps in the calf.

When they are deficient, the legs often cramp and there is shooting pain below the knee. Regular diets, prolonged refusal to eat food, or a disrupted or unbalanced diet can provoke deficiency. Also in people with accelerated processes metabolism, there may be a lack of microelements.


When the infection is disrupted, it enters the bone tissue, which causes disrupted processes in it and the patient experiences pain. The pain syndrome is sharp in nature, with pain in the front of the leg below the knee. Additionally, the following symptoms appear:

  • high body temperature;
  • inflammation in the joints of the lower extremities;
  • redness in the affected area;
  • inability to move.

Inflammatory reaction

Due to hypothermia, a person develops myositis, in which the joint-ligamentous apparatus and intra-articular bursa become inflamed. In this case, the patient feels pain posterior region lower limb, while over time the pathological manifestations become stronger and become permanent. With myositis, weakness in the muscles is felt, the temperature rises and the patient shudders.

What to do if you have pain?

Diagnostic procedures

Arthroscopy may be necessary to identify pathology.

It is possible to determine whether there is a tumor on the leg below the knee or other disorders that are causing the pain after a thorough diagnosis, which includes the following procedures:

  • CT and MRI;
  • X-ray examination;
  • CDS of mobile joints with determination of vascular disorders;
  • angiography using a contrast agent;
  • radionuclide diagnostics, in which blood vessels are examined for cancer;
  • arthroscopy.

Diagnosis is also possible through an osteopath, who will examine the affected limb and immediately provide symptomatic treatment.

How to treat?

If the bone below the knee hurts, immediate attention is required. curative measures prescribed by the doctor. Therapy differs depending on the type and severity of the disorder causing the pain. Treatment is based on the following medications:

Insulin may be needed to treat the disease that causes this symptom.
  • anti-inflammatory and painkillers;
  • anti-edema agents;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • mineral supplements;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • agents that improve microcirculation of blood fluid;
  • hormonal and cytostatic drugs;
  • anticoagulant medications;
  • insulin.

In addition, physiotherapy is carried out, which relieves pain and normalizes blood flow. The following procedures help effectively:

  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • paraffin and mud therapy;
  • balneotherapy using mineral waters.

It is possible to cope with leg pain below the knee folk remedies, which are allowed to be used after consultation with a doctor. You can prepare baths using chamomile, bay leaf, linden inflorescence and others medicinal products. Also effective is chestnut tincture and honey, which are applied to the injured limb. Aloe, tansy, pine nuts, pumpkin and other natural ingredients.

Recently I noticed pain in the knee area. With light loads, the pain intensified under the knee in front. 2 years ago I suffered an injury in the knee area, was in the hospital, they suspected arthritis. Should I see a doctor and why does my leg hurt below the knee in front?

It is difficult to say what exactly caused the pain in the knee joint in your case. What brought you to the hospital in the past, what exactly was the diagnosis, what was prescribed, why did the pain arise in the present? There are too many questions for an exact answer. Before suggesting a possible cause, the nature of the pathology should be taken into account.

The joint apparatus of the limbs provides a person with an adequate, even gait, allows him to freely engage in sports, climb and descend stairs and hills, and participates in squatting and standing. Despite its high functionality, the knee joint is quite fragile and weak in relation to injuries, bruises of the meniscus, sprains of ligaments and muscles. It is enough just to step on your foot uncomfortably as a result of walking or hit your knee hard when falling, you may experience strong feeling pain in the area of ​​the knee joint. When your knee hurts when walking or your knee hurts when bending, this does not always mean serious reasons for concern. Quite likely age-related changes, a consequence of sports activity. So, why do the bones and joints below the knee hurt?

The main causes of pain in the front below the knee

Only a doctor using a special medical equipment. The size of the joint allows you to determine the localization of pain by palpation and puncture the popliteal fluid or joint tissue. If your knee hurts, such medical actions can quickly determine the cause. Treatment and its effectiveness depend on the source of pain.

    Knee injury. One of the most common causes of knee pain among children and adolescence. The knee joint hurts on one side. When injured, the legs hurt from the knee to the foot, the pain can radiate to the heels. Pain occurs when running, when exercising on sports equipment, when walking. Goes away on its own when the patient controls the rest of the damaged area.

    Flat feet (otherwise known as ). Indicates a pathological deforming process in the bones of the foot towards its flattening. The result of the disease is the loss of the ability to absorb the load when walking.

    Tuberculosis of the knee in the articular joint. This disease is known among children under 10 years of age. The disease occurs as a result of bacteria entering the knee joint. Patients report severe pain when moving, swelling, and the child may wake up from pain at night. The leg muscles gradually atrophy, and the gait changes. Parents note that the child often trips and falls.

    Perthes disease. The disease develops more in patients childhood, expressed in necrosis of the base femur. During illness, the bone in the leg hurts greatly. The disease is not infectious and is associated with impaired blood supply to the cartilaginous element. The patient feels pain from the knee to the foot, in the hips and throughout the leg.

    Rheumatoid arthritis. The disease is characterized by inflammatory formation of tissues and joints with chronic course. The etiology of the disease is associated with autoimmune pathological changes in the body at various stages of human development.

    Meniscus cyst. In such a clinical situation, the knee hurts during physical activity due to the accumulation of fluid and the growth of the cystic cavity. The knee hurts when bending, and the pain itself is concentrated closer to the area of ​​​​the articular lumen, which is accompanied by swelling or swelling. If the external meniscus is affected, then swelling occurs on the side.

    Becker's cyst. A cystic cavity formation in the popliteal fossa, the symptoms of which appear only when it grows significantly.

    Koenig's disease. Manifested by separation of the cartilaginous element in the joint, and on advanced stages disease, the cartilage is completely detached from the bone. The nomenclature name of the disease is dissecting. The patient feels pain even with the slightest physical activity, and its character can be dull or aching. The exposure of the bone structure due to cartilage detachment becomes another ailment - synovitis, which is certainly accompanied inflammatory process.

    Osgut-Schlatter joint disease. This disease affects patients in adolescence. It is characterized by development destructive process tuberous tissues of the tibial bones. Pain occurs as a result physical activity, lifting the limb with a small amplitude. The pain is cutting in nature and during the development of the disease can completely limit motor activity child.

    Bursitis of the knee joint. The disease is accompanied by severe pain in the joint area, tumor formation, and complete or partial restriction of movement. Legs hurt below the knees. Often occurs in women who wear narrow boots with long shanks.

    Tendinitis. Disturbs as a result of intense physical stress on the joints and is characterized by an inflammatory process in the tendons. The pain occurs due to strong tension in the ligaments that hold the knee joint, then the knees hurt when moving.

    Patellofemoral syndrome. Similar condition Almost every patient noted this. It is provoked by a prolonged position of the body in one position and a sharp extension movement of the knee after some time. To relieve pain and tension in such a situation, it will be enough to apply ice and do several exercises to maintain muscle tone.

The best option if pain of any severity and intensity occurs is to contact a specialist. Arthrosis, polyarthritis, and arthritis of the knee joint are likely to occur. Self-treatment any situation may be incorrect, since involuntarily can worsen the course of the disease a completely different group and etiology.

Treatment tactics depend entirely on the real reason the occurrence of pathology. Before starting therapy diagnostic studies, determine etiological factors. The main measures include:

    drug therapy (including symptomatic treatment);

    physiotherapeutic procedures;

    massage and physical therapy.

In particular severe cases carry out surgical correction of pathology. Relieving pain, relieving swelling, eliminating redness and inflammation is possible as conservative methods, so radical treatment. Additionally, you should take care of your feet. After working day you need to take warm baths with herbal decoctions, treat your knee with pieces of ice, make compresses from warming ointments.


Most of us quite often encounter such a problem as pain in the legs below the knee - aching and pulling - it gives us some discomfort and hinders our movements. However, despite this fact, most often we treat this pain syndrome without due attention, citing ordinary fatigue after a hard day at work or prolonged physical activity. Of course, the above factors will inevitably lead to pain in the legs below the knees, but sometimes such pain syndrome is evidence of the presence various problems with our health. In this article we will tell you about what can cause pain in the legs below the knees.

Causes of pain in the leg below the knee

As we have already said, pain in the legs below the knees can be triggered by the most common factors, for example, heavy physical activity or a long walk, however, as a rule, in order to get rid of such consequences, it is enough just to rest. However, if you are regularly bothered by pain in this area, then you should think about what caused the data. painful sensations. Below we provide a list possible reasons for which the legs below the knee may hurt:

    Varicose veins. This disease is the most common reason due to which the patient regularly faces the problem of pain in the legs below the knees, and which is familiar to almost every woman firsthand. But the fact is that development varicose veins veins are promoted by wearing high-heeled shoes, as a result of which the veins in the legs expand.

It is worth noting that in its initial stages this disease is very difficult to recognize, because all symptoms can be equated to normal fatigue: in the evening the legs swell, a dull and fairly monotonous pain appears, which goes away if the legs are in horizontal position; Brief convulsions are also possible.

    Vascular thrombosis. Vascular thrombosis of the leg below the knee can be divided into two types - arterial thrombosis and venous, and each type proceeds and develops differently.

For example, arterial thrombosis develops very quickly: in just a few hours, the leg below the knee becomes very cold and numb, and due to the lack of blood supply, the leg turns white. In this case, the patient may experience quite sharp pain in this area. It is worth considering that in this situation it is imperative to immediately call an ambulance, because with arterial thrombosis, within the first few hours from the onset of such symptoms, tissue necrosis occurs and the leg dies.

Venous thrombosis develops over several days and the disease manifests itself with such symptoms as heaviness and severe and bursting pain in the legs, due to which the patient is sometimes unable to even step on the affected leg. Approximately on the third or fourth day from the moment the above symptoms appear, tissue necrosis begins, as a result of which gangrene of the leg develops. That is why, if you have similar symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance.

    Polyneuropathy. Most often, this disease is a consequence of the presence of diabetes mellitus, which in turn affects not only bones and organ tissues, but also nerve endings. By the way, there are often cases when pain in the legs below the knee is the only symptom of the presence of a disease such as diabetes.

With polyneuropathy, the patient is bothered by constant and incessant burning pain in the leg area below the knee; Numbness and decreased sensation may also be present.

    Atherosclerosis obliterans. The essence of this disease– disturbance of blood flow in the lower leg, which occurs due to narrowing of the lumens of blood vessels. As a rule, with this disease, the patient begins to be bothered by painful sensations in the leg area below the knee all the way to the foot. Initially, this pain syndrome manifests itself during long walking or due to grueling physical activity, but as the disease progresses, severe pain will occur even at rest. As this disease progresses, non-healing ulcers will form on the legs and the skin will peel off; nails also undergo pathological changes.

In the future, if no measures are taken to cure this disease, its subsequent development can lead to tissue necrosis and the development of gangrene, which can subsequently lead to amputation of the limb. That is why, in case of similar symptoms, it is imperative to contact the appropriate specialist, namely, a surgeon for further surgical intervention.

    Deficiency of salts and microelements in the body. We all know that our body needs certain microelements (for example, soda, calcium, potassium, magnesium), without which its normal functioning is impossible. And in case of a deficiency or the presence of any imbalance, our body begins to signal us about this through the manifestation of painful sensations, which in turn can arise in the most different areas. For the same reason, there may also be discomfort and in the leg area below the knee; and most often such a deficiency manifests itself in the form of cramps in the calf muscles. There are often cases when this disease “makes itself known” at night, thereby forcing its “owner” to wake up.

    Various injuries and damages. Of course, if there is any injury to the leg or knee, the pain in this area will be bothersome for quite a long time, but, nevertheless, with the passage of time it will still pass. However, in the case of incorrect or incomplete treatment, the previously received injury will regularly “remind” itself throughout life. That is why it is very important to follow all the instructions of your attending physician at the time of any injury.

Prevention of pain in the legs below the knee

As you already understand, such an ailment as pain in the legs below the knee can be associated with many various diseases, which can only be cured by contacting an appropriate specialist; however, in some cases, pain in this area is a common manifestation of fatigue. And in this situation, it is recommended to follow some tips that will help you get rid of this pain syndrome:

    watch your weight. Subject to availability overweight body it is recommended to reduce it;

    play sports; most useful look sport for our legs - swimming, it is swimming that helps our calf muscles always be in the necessary tone;

    take walks daily;

    If possible, avoid tight or overly tight clothing. By the way, few people think about it, but this is exactly the way to prevent lymphatic and venous stasis in the legs;

    Avoid the cross-legged position: it is this position that puts pressure on the blood vessels, which reduces blood flow;

    balance your diet: your diet should contain dairy products every day, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables. It is also important to ensure compliance water-salt balance. Remember that a person needs to consume up to three liters of fluid per day;

    Do gymnastics and leg exercises regularly.