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What is healthy to eat in winter? Winter nutrition: how to eat tasty and healthy in winter (vitamins and minerals). Sample menu for winter meals

For some reason, it is in winter that harmful food is consumed in large quantities. Summer pickles are opening: pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, which go great with fried potatoes, sausages, sausage. And instead fresh vegetables and there are fruits on the table squash caviar And apricot jam. In winter for female body Even dairy products fall into the category of junk food, because they contain fat. And in cold weather, when it is not possible to lead an active lifestyle, it is worth limiting the consumption of cheeses, sour cream, cottage cheese, and especially butter. In summer it is much easier to maintain a constant weight, since thin summer dresses reveal all the imperfections of the figure. It's a different matter in winter, when you can wear a thick sweater and the excess won't be visible.

Ideal winter food
When it's cold outside, absolutely no harmful food is root vegetables, for example, carrots, radishes, turnips. These vegetables are perfectly digested by the body and do not sit in the stomach like an extra burden. In addition to better digestion, salads with these vegetables will give energy to the entire body. Adjust metabolic processes Raw carrots, which contain potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium, will help your body. Awaken appetite and remove salts heavy metals Radish will help get rid of the body, which is also a valuable source of B vitamins. To replenish vitamin C, you must eat leafy vegetables. Salads made from cabbage, beets, and spinach are very tasty, rich in vitamins and healthy, they stimulate the functioning of blood cells in the body.

Cooking wisely
Unhealthy food may form if used incorrectly even healthy products. When preparing dishes, you need to consider which foods retain vitamins after frying or boiling. There are vitamins that are not resistant to heat, these are mainly vitamins B and C. When boiled and frying, vegetables that contain vitamins A, E, L retain their beneficial substances. In some products, there are more beneficial vitamins in the peel than in the pulp , for example, in cucumbers and apples. But with potatoes the situation is exactly the opposite. Potato peels do not contain any useful substances. It is best to limit your consumption of potatoes in any form during the winter. So, mashed potatoes easily promotes recovery and appearance extra pounds. If you can’t do without potatoes, you can replace them with cauliflower puree. Only a gourmet and the help of smell can distinguish the taste from ordinary puree.

Useful habits
Junk food is any food that is eaten at night. Women need to remember that night attacks from the refrigerator will not help maintain a slim figure. If you feel very hungry, you can drink a glass before going to bed. tomato juice or kefir, and as food you can eat a little vegetable salad without seasoning with mayonnaise. Then your sleep will be stronger and digestion will not be affected, and for breakfast you can eat apple puree or oatmeal with nuts and raisins. You should forget about harmful coffee and wash it down healthy food you need herbal tea with honey or milk. It is very important to drink in winter more liquid, so you can add it to lunches and dinners mineral water, mint tea and plain boiled water with lemon. It is better to exclude packaged juices, since they contain nothing but sucrose, the rest are preservatives.

Snacks on the go
Dry food not only spoils the stomach and gradually unnoticeably pours into an ulcer, but, in addition, it worsens the complexion. If possible, it is always better to devote time to normal healthy lunch with soup. At the same time, the soup should not be rich at all, with meat broth; on the contrary, vegetable soups are much healthier. But this does not mean that all women who want to become slimmer and not have problems with cellulite should give up meat broths. There is a trick that will help you enjoy meat soup without gaining pounds. Before you start eating, you should freeze the soup, and then all the fat will remain on the surface, and only useful substances will be preserved in the liquid.

With the onset of winter cold, our body is subject to higher stress compared to the warm season. Metabolism gradually slows down, defenses weaken and restructuring occurs hormonal system. In this article we will figure out what we can do to help our body survive this difficult period year, and which will be most optimal for health.

In winter, people usually lead a less active lifestyle and, accordingly, in such conditions they spend less energy. At this time of year, under the influence of unfavorable weather conditions, we usually feel tired, depressed and depressed. Our situation is further aggravated by attempts to bring a little joy into our daily lives at the expense of tasty food, and often with high content calories. We simply forget that overeating, reduction or absence physical activity and decreased metabolism cause excess weight.

Nutrition in winter: myths, problems and their solutions

How to prevent the onset negative consequences at a time when we are absolutely unable to influence the course natural processes in our body, as well as because of the weather or other problems, do we postpone playing sports for an indefinite period of time? There is an exit. It lies in rational nutrition without overeating. We are quite capable of this. You just need to want to add a few to your routine good habits and everything will definitely work out.

But before you consider important principles healthy eating In winter, we will consider a number of misconceptions regarding this problem. There is a myth that winter is not the best best time year for . There are no fresh vegetables, berries and fruits picked directly from the garden or from the tree. What kind of weight maintenance or weight loss can we talk about here? Of course, it is much easier to lose weight in the summer. But winter is not a reason to gain weight uncontrollably and give up on yourself.

Each of us is able to contribute necessary changes into your diet, maintain a slim body, protect yourself from winter depression and blues. They are main reason overeating and uncontrollable food cravings. As a result, vicious circle, which must be broken immediately!

Another myth: Eating more calories in winter protects us from the cold. But since we spend less time outside than in summer, there is no longer any need to eat. Accordingly, there is no reason to exceed the usual daily norm no calories.

Healthy eating in winter: simple principles

Now let's take a closer look at the principles optimal nutrition that will help you keep yourself looking great physical fitness in winter. It is in winter that there are many loved ones national holidays, such as New Year and Christmas. But this does not mean that we encourage you to give up and go on a diet. But devouring all the holiday goodies in a row is also not an option. It is enough to eat two or three dishes and in small quantities.

After a stormy celebration, we strongly recommend taking a fasting day and giving your body the opportunity to properly rest and replenish its reserves vital energy. During fasting, you should not eat “heavy foods” at all, such as potatoes, meat and bread. It is also advisable to limit your carbohydrate intake.

Be sure to include hot dishes in your daily menu. Soups made with vegetable or legume, low-fat broth are very useful in winter. It is better to avoid soups that contain sour cream, flour or margarine. We recommend consuming vegetables boiled, stewed or steamed. Try to eat salads made from boiled carrots and beets more often. They need to be grated, add not too fatty sour cream or a little vegetable oil. Salads made from fresh and sauerkraut will bring great benefits to your body in winter. Also, we strongly recommend including porridge from various cereals in the menu, but do not overuse fatty gravies.

The best dessert in winter is fruits, dried fruits and cottage cheese. It is advisable to avoid cakes, pastries and sweet pastries. If you are unable to give up sweets, try to stay in moderation and not eat them to your heart's content. Don't get carried away and chocolates. Better give preference to these healthy sweets, like honey and dark chocolate, of course, also in moderation. Try to drink less coffee. Replace it with herbal or green tea.

Compliance with these simple rules in winter nutrition will help you saturate your body with carbohydrates and at the same time maintain beautiful figure. This diet will make you feel warm and nourished. Another tip: add more spices to your dishes while cooking. They allow you to enhance the taste and use less vegetable oil. In addition, in herbs many vitamins that strengthen the immune system.

Simple rules for maintaining weight in winter

1. Eat small meals and often. Don't allow yourself to skip main meals plus small snacks (two to three times a day). Drink more fluids, preferably plain clean water(1.5-2 liters per day). In addition, we recommend reducing the consumption of animal fats as much as possible, giving preference to olive, corn or soybean oils.

2. Monitor the presence of vitamins and microelements in your diet. A lack of vitamins can cause vitamin deficiency, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, bleeding gums and others. unpleasant consequences. Vitamin hunger has a particularly negative effect on expectant mothers, the elderly and children.

In winter, the body especially needs vitamins. A good source of vitamins at this time are vegetables, fruits, sauerkraut, carrots and beets. They do not harm the figure and contain a sufficient amount necessary for the body vitamins Citrus fruits, lemons, oranges, kiwis, tangerines, and grapefruits are very useful.

3. Special attention pay attention to dried fruits: raisins, prunes, dried apricots, dates. In addition to vitamins, they contain useful microelements. Prunes contain vitamin A, B, iodine, magnesium, zinc. It is recommended for weight loss. Also in dates great content vitamins (except vitamin E). Dried apricots contain vitamin A, potassium, calcium and iron.

4. In winter, each person’s diet should contain a sufficient amount of proteins, which can be obtained by consuming milk and dairy products, legumes or lean meat. Meat is best baked or boiled. Try not to eat meat dishes in the evening. As a side dish, it is better to eat boiled or raw vegetables, as well as cereals.

Example of a menu for the winter season

For breakfast boil some rice, buckwheat or oatmeal with milk. Alternatively, you can eat a vegetable salad with a slice of whole grain bread and a couple of boiled eggs. Or make two sandwiches with feta cheese or low-fat cheese.

Between breakfast and lunch You can have a small snack with a slice of low-fat cheese, tomato, banana, kiwi or citrus fruit.

At lunch it is necessary to include the first course, it may be vegetable soup. For the second meat, with a side dish of boiled or stewed vegetables with a small starch content (porridge can be used as a substitute for vegetables).

For afternoon tea You can offer sandwiches with a thin layer of honey or jam, as well as any fruit.

For dinner cook pasta with vegetable or tomato sauce. You can add a piece of low-fat cheese or feta cheese. Before going to bed, drink kefir.

Whatever your diet during the cold season, do not forget that your mood, health and figure depend on the choice of products. Rational increases immunity, allows us to stay healthy and strong, and solves the problem of excess weight. Following the above principles of a healthy diet will provide you with sufficient energy and will also help strengthen the body as a whole.

And finally, some more useful tips from nutritionists:

In winter, our body is in “energy-saving” mode and works slightly differently than in the warm months. In winter, people tend to feel drowsy and crave sweets. This is due to the shortening of daylight hours, which leads to a slowdown in metabolism and a reduction in the production of serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood.

Proper nutrition in winter should be chosen taking these nuances into account. If you provide your body with the right fuel, you will get through the winter much easier.

Proper nutrition in winter: simple rules
1. Diet restructuring

If residents southern countries can cost a lot light food, then we, residents of the middle zone, need more high-calorie food in winter. First of all, calorie content increases due to protein - meat, fish, poultry. The lack of sufficient protein can destroy the immune system, which already suffers in winter.

But we shouldn’t lose sight of “seasonal” vegetables - white cabbage, pumpkin, beets, carrots, onions, broccoli, etc. At this time of year, they are the ones who are able to give the body invaluable vitamins.

Unlike in the summer, when protein breakfasts are popular, in winter it is better to have complex carbohydrates for breakfast. They will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

In order to avoid gaining excess weight in winter, it is better to eat protein foods with vegetables and herbs.

2. Vitamins

In winter, we must not forget about vitamins, which are especially lacking at this time. It is not for nothing that citrus fruits appear on our tables at this time - excellent sources of vitamin C. It is this vitamin that helps the body fight threatening infections.

Another good source vitamins - frozen berries. Don’t forget also about salads and greens, which, in addition to vitamins, contain phytoncides - antimicrobial substances. And if you don’t have enough vitamins at all, buy them multivitamin complex, you can even find a special one designed specifically for the winter period.

3. Drinking regime

In summer, a person needs more fluid than in winter, but this does not mean that in winter you need to limit yourself to drinking. You need to drink at least one and a half liters of liquid per day, and this is...

4. Hot meals

More precisely, not hot, but warm, because it’s too heat food is dangerous for the esophagus. But in winter, it is important to avoid ice-cold drinks and, if possible, cold snacks. Winter is a time for warm soups and tea. If you eat out, it's time to get a handy thermos.

5. Variety

Try to eat a varied diet. Of course, this rule also works at other times of the year, but do not forget about it in winter.

Change types of bread, cook different cereals, drink different juices, eat different types vegetables and fruits, arrange fish days. This way, the body will receive the maximum of nutrients and it will be easier for you to fight diseases, cold and winter blues.

Which useful tips would you add about winter nutrition? Share in the comments!

Winter, cold, short daylight hours, lack of sun... And all this stretches for several many months. We get up in the dark and return from work in the dark. The body courageously fights against unfavorable conditions, and yet we are often overtaken by lethargy, drowsiness and even blues.

We are not given the opportunity to completely overcome the hardships of winter - nature is designed in such a way that in winter life activity weakens and fades. But it is entirely within our power to reduce the winter load on the body, to help it and ourselves overcome the dark and cold season with honor and the least loss.

Nothing is more important for health and well-being than correct image life and proper nutrition, not invented. And this means that in difficult winter times, more than ever, you need to maintain a positive outlook on things, do not forget about physical activity, visit more often fresh air and eat well.

Complete winter nutrition

But what is considered complete nutrition in winter? There is a fairly widespread opinion that winter food should be fattier, higher in calories, and there should be more of it. There is a healthy grain here - you really shouldn’t starve in the cold, and there should be plenty of calories. But it's all about balance, as always: good nutrition- this is first of all balanced diet with certain seasonal adjustments.

The calorie content of winter food should be higher than that of summer food. This is achieved by increased consumption of fish, poultry, and meat dishes, which contain “heavy proteins.”

In terms of nutritional value and calorie content, these dishes are complemented by the well-known and beloved lard. One or two pieces good lard even nutritionists recommend it per day. Because lard is a winter warming food. It also contains polyunsaturated arachidonic acid, which is necessary for the heart muscle.

Focusing on calories and proteins does not mean that you have to eat meat, fish and lard from morning to evening. Not at all. Fish, red meat, and chicken should be present in the diet, alternating with each other, almost daily, but in no case should they displace many other foods. For example, “meat” proteins do not serve as a replacement for milk proteins, so they must be combined.

Of course, you can’t do without carbohydrates in winter. Excluding them from the diet threatens to weaken the immune system and make it easier to catch colds. viral diseases. Energy-intensive foods, such as bread, cereals and various grains, are best consumed in the first half of the day, and protein food- meat or fish with vegetables, as well as dairy products - in the second. The complex effectively restores general tone and energy status of the body, has an anti-inflammatory and tonic effect, increases the body's resistance to infections. Recommended as a preventative and strengthening remedy during the season colds, effective at the first signs of colds and flu. It will ease your condition during illness, help you cope with the disease faster and avoid complications. Supports functions respiratory system. Promotes rapid recovery after illness. Used for decreased physical and mental performance, helps overcome fatigue and stress, controls energy metabolism.

Don't forget about vitamins

In addition to calories, we definitely need vitamins in the cold and dark season. You need to focus on your vegetables climate zone, stored since autumn and stored since autumn healthy vitamins, minerals and trace elements: these are pumpkin, cabbage, carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips, Jerusalem artichokes, onion, garlic and potatoes.

Berries that are frozen in the summer immediately after picking are much healthier than vegetables and berries grown hydroponically in the winter from the supermarket. Fresh greens are rich in phytoncides, which help the body fight infections, so in winter you especially often need to include parsley, dill, green onions And different kinds salads Pickled apples and sauerkraut It’s also worth eating more often, since they contain a lot of vitamin C. This vitamin not only strengthens the immune system, but also fights premature aging, protects cells from adverse effects environment. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. Moreover, due to the thick peel of the same oranges, ascorbic acid is perfectly “stored” in them until late winter.

There is another wonderful fruit for winter - persimmon. It contains more fiber, which is so useful for proper digestion, than apples. Persimmon pulp has antibacterial properties, so if you have a cold or cough, you can not only include it in your diet, but also gargle with persimmon juice diluted with water - this will definitely help. Persimmons also contain a lot of beta-carotene (for vision), potassium (for the heart) and iodine (for thyroid gland). Complex Senior contains a unique combination: daily value essential vitamins, essential micro- and macroelements and live probiotic cultures. Maintains natural balance for a long time intestinal microflora, which promotes the most complete absorption of incoming vitamins and minerals. Delivers nutrients into every cell, prolonging its life. Improves well-being, increases the body's immune strength, and energizes.


How do the indigenous peoples of the North, where the winter is very long and harsh, eat?

Among the indigenous peoples of the North, the diet traditionally consisted mainly of meat, fish and dairy products, and they historically developed a protein-lipid, or northern, type of metabolism, which was passed on from generation to generation. All their enzyme systems are adapted to this type of metabolism, breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates into final components that are absorbed by the body. Among indigenous northern peoples, energy metabolism is switched from carbohydrate type to fat; reinforced lipid metabolism due to food sources of fat, that is, the rapid “burning” of not endogenous (internal), but exogenous (food) fat. Therefore they can use large quantity meat and fat (an Eskimo, for example, can eat 6-8 kg of meat per day). Indigenous people of the North who are engaged in traditional northern types of farming, for example, reindeer herders, rarely suffer coronary disease hearts and arterial hypertension. Epidemiological studies carried out in the Far North, in particular in Chukotka, showed that among residents of coastal areas who consume a large number of fish and seafood, atherogenic changes in the blood and atherosclerosis are much less common than in Novosibirsk or Moscow.

Reindeer meat, by the way, is high quality, protein product and a valuable source of vitamins. Suffice it to say that ascorbic acid there is 4-5 times more in venison than in beef. 100 g of venison contains as many vitamins as a person needs per day. Thanks to venison, the northern peoples almost never suffered from scurvy. For vitamin deficiencies and metabolic disorders, for the prevention of all kinds of diseases, and for anemia, venison, deer liver, and deer blood are recommended. Thanks to trace elements, reindeer meat is considered medicinal. It contains iron, zinc, copper, cobalt, manganese and molybdenum. Mega is a complex of unique polyunsaturated fractions fatty acids, which are not synthesized in the body, and are not replaceable for normal operation all organs and systems, primarily the heart, blood vessels, brain and skin. Possess unique property improve cell structure and create a protective shell, maintaining cell integrity. Thus, the life of the cell is extended and the aging process is slowed down.

The natives of the North never neglected any gifts of nature. In addition to meat and fish, sea plants, various shellfish, mushrooms, berries, nuts, herbs and plant roots were always used.

Maintaining immunity in winter is of great importance for the functioning of the whole body. Needs balance winter diet so that it contains a sufficient amount of substances that the immune system needs.

First of all, the body must have enough proteins, and proteins must be present of both animal and plant origin.

The total amount of pure protein per day should be about 100 grams:

  • more than 15 grams of protein are contained in 100 grams of meat, poultry, fish, cottage cheese or cheese, eggs, pasta, buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, millet;
  • up to 10 grams of protein is contained in 100 grams of rice, green peas, pearl barley, wheat and rye bread;
  • up to 5 grams of protein are contained in 100 grams of dairy products, ice cream, potatoes, cauliflower, spinach;
  • and very little protein, up to 3% is found in one hundred grams of almost all vegetables and fruits, berries and mushrooms.

The body's resistance to diseases is ensured by immunoglobulins - and these are proteins, and their synthesis requires a sufficient amount of all amino acids.

If some amino acids are missing, then normal immunoglobulins cannot be synthesized.

Deficiency is especially negative for the body. essential amino acids leucine, isoleucine, tryptophan, threonine, valine, phenylalanine and methionine. These amino acids can be purchased as dietary supplements.

Fats are also necessary for the body to form strong immunity. Our body is protected from pathogenic phenomena by macrophages and lymphocytes. The walls of these cells consist of lipids, including the same cholesterol that is in last decade For some reason they began to especially frighten us. Cholesterol is necessary for our body, but in fairly moderate quantities.

In winter, you cannot go on any “low-fat” diets, and you must definitely eat animal fats (lard or butter), eggs, etc. There is nothing wrong with lard if you consume a reasonable amount. It is in lard that there is a high content arachidonic acid necessary for the formation of immunity.

The daily norm for winter is 10 grams of animal fat, not counting vegetable oil, of which you can consume 20 grams.

We resist respiratory viral infections in winter

In winter, the body needs foods rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is the main enemy of respiratory viral infections and all forms of influenza.

Adaptogens will also help the body. These can be syrups and balms based on rose hips, hibiscus, lemongrass and other medicinal plants.

The body also needs minerals. Iron and copper are necessary for normal hematopoiesis, calcium and magnesium are necessary for the timely transmission of nerve impulses, selenium and zinc are powerful antioxidants, preventing unfavorable factors from developing in the body external factors and harmful microorganisms.

How to eat in winter to avoid gaining excess weight

By winter, like bears, we gain weight. This is a feature of the body, which carefully prepares for the coldest time of the year. It is the reserve excess weight Helps protect against hypothermia and energy loss in winter.

But you need to try to “outsmart” your body by offering it proper diet, which will not disrupt the harmony and will help the functioning of all organs during this stressful time for them.

It would be more correct to call it not even a diet, but a calculated and balanced diet, because in winter fasting and dieting will not do any good.

Any sudden loss weight during this period leads to hormonal imbalance, and these are already unpredictable consequences.

Winter diet rules

  • Eat food more often than usual, but in small portions, leaving the table feeling slightly hungry. Soon this feeling will pass.
  • Try to eat fresh food rather than canned food, which contains a lot of salt and soda, which retain moisture in the body, which maintains fullness.
  • Salty foods also interfere with the elimination of toxins from the body.
  • Eat more hot foods in winter - vegetables and chicken soups and broths, stewed vegetables, cereals, herbal teas. Soups are a source of easily digestible protein, and they also add volume to food, filling the stomach. Accordingly, receptors are activated, signaling fullness and suppressing further appetite, making it easy to eat 30% less than normal.
  • For the second course, eat the same thing as usual. But add spices that activate metabolism and enhance the production of digestive juice, which helps food to be fully absorbed without storing fat. It is advisable to add warming spices to dishes - ginger, cinnamon, red and black pepper.
  • Consume low-fat dairy products. If mayonnaise is low-calorie. If you need to fry, then vegetable oil, and not on animal fat. But in general, it’s better not to get carried away with dairy products in winter - they contain a lot of acids that have a cooling effect on the body.
  • It is better to try not to consume sweet baked goods based on margarine and sweet drinks in winter.
  • More vegetables in winter: steamed or boiled. If possible, fresh vegetable salads.
  • It is wrong to eat oranges and tangerines in winter, hoping to fill your body with vitamin C. You can get vitamin C from other sources, but citrus fruits take away excess heat from the body, since they also contain a lot of acids, like dairy products.
    In winter, preference should be given to sweet fruits - pears, bananas, grapes, sweet apples. Pomegranate also enhances the body's heat-protective properties, despite its sour taste.
  • Instead of another cup of coffee, drink herbal teas. They warm and soothe, and also muffle frequent false feeling hunger. Almost all herbs, except mint, warm the body well. Brewing Herb tea, you can add cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves to it.
  • If you are used to traditional tea, then keep in mind that black tea has higher warming properties than green tea, and it is better to drink it in winter.

Approximate winter menu for the day

Let's take a closer look at the sample menu for a cold winter day.


A cup of coffee with milk, two toasted slices of bread with cheese, or an egg omelet, or porridge prepared from two tablespoons of rice, semolina or oatmeal per glass of milk. This nutritious and warming porridge contains calcium, B vitamins, and complex carbohydrates, And alimentary fiber, which makes it an ideal dish not only for breakfast, but also for dinner.
For second breakfast it is enough to drink one glass low-fat kefir with a small wholemeal bun, eat a banana or orange.


Vegetable soup or chicken bouillon on the first. Meat dish with vinaigrette or stewed vegetables for the main course.

Afternoon snack

Any of the seasonal fruits. Very helpful baked apples with honey. Or you can eat a sandwich with jam or preserves.


Premium class A pasta with ketchup or vegetable sauce, herbal tea with a piece of cheese. Or Fried fish and baked potatoes.

Before bedtime

If you are not used to having dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime, then before going to bed you can drink a glass warm milk or low-fat kefir.

This menu gives you a feeling of warmth and satiety, but at the same time does not increase body weight. It is rich in carbohydrates, but contains little fat.