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High estradiol in women - signs and methods of normalizing the hormone. What is the hormone estradiol responsible for in women?

Estrogens are called female hormones because they are produced in the body in more than men. These hormones help a woman stay young and attractive. It depends on them general health and the functioning of the reproductive system. The most active representative of the estrogen group is estradiol. Its norm in women differs in different phases of the cycle and is associated with changes physiological state. Deviations are manifested by disruption of the functioning of body systems. A blood test helps identify them. Often correction is required.


The role of estradiol in the female body

Estradiol is a biologically active substance that, along with other types of estrogens (estron and estriol), is produced in the ovaries from testosterone. The production of estrogen is regulated by pituitary hormones (gonadotropins). Under the influence of FSH (follicle stimulating pituitary hormone) in the first phase menstrual cycle In the ovaries, follicles with eggs begin to mature. The largest of them (dominant) produces estrogens. Their content reaches a maximum at the moment of ovulation, that is, the release of the finished egg from the follicular membrane.

In the next phase of the cycle, under the influence of LH (luteinizing hormone of the pituitary gland), a corpus luteum is formed in the follicle at the site of the released egg. It produces progesterone, a hormone necessary to ensure the normal course of the fertilization process. The predominance of progesterone leads to a decrease in the content of estradiol in the blood. If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity intended to secure the embryo) is rejected. Menstruation occurs, after which the cycle repeats.

Functions of estradiol

IN female body this hormone performs the following functions:

  1. Ensures normal development and functioning of the genital organs. Under the influence of this substance, the endometrium is formed and, accordingly, the menstrual cycle occurs.
  2. Promotes the formation of mammary glands, the formation of alveoli, ducts and the vascular system in them.
  3. Participates in the regulation of metabolism and absorption processes useful elements, formation of bone, muscle, nervous, vascular tissues. Thanks to this, the formation of a physique according to the female type occurs, there are characteristics physical condition and psyches that distinguish women from men.
  4. Increases attraction to opposite sex. An increase in the level of this hormone at the time of ovulation contributes to the fact that it is during this period, when the probability of fertilization is maximum, that a woman is most sexually active.
  5. Regulates blood clotting, preventing bleeding during menstruation and childbirth.

Video: The role of estrogens in the female body

Blood estradiol levels

The norm is considered to be the average statistical content of this hormone, at which the body functions normally in accordance with age, there are no deviations in sexual development and condition reproductive health. Each woman has individual hereditary characteristics physical development, which can affect the normal levels of hormones in the blood.

The norm of estradiol changes not only depending on age, but also during the month due to the course of the menstrual cycle. In addition, during pregnancy the normal value increases significantly.

Estradiol norms (table)

Estradiol in adolescents

This hormone begins to be produced in a girl after birth. By the age of 10-11 years, its level is already quite high, which leads to the appearance of the first sexual characteristics and the onset of puberty. The girl begins her first menstruation, the mammary glands enlarge, her figure changes, and her sexual desire. If estradiol production is not adequate normal values, this leads to disorders of sexual and physical development.

Estradiol during pregnancy

If pregnancy occurs after ovulation, the corpus luteum, together with progesterone, begins to intensively produce estrogens, which are necessary for the growth and development of the fetus and prepare the woman’s body for childbirth. Until week 12, the corpus luteum plays the main role in the production of estrogen. Then it begins to be produced by the placenta, and for more later– fetal adrenal glands. The content of not only estradiol in the blood increases, but also estriol. Towards the end of pregnancy the rate reaches its maximum.

A lack of estrogen during this period can lead to various complications, such as the appearance of edema, late toxicosis, slowing of fetal development, termination of pregnancy. There is a decrease in blood clotting, which causes dangerous bleeding during childbirth.

Estradiol during menopause

With the onset of menopause, when the supply of eggs is depleted, the production of estrogens (estradiol and estrone) in the ovaries decreases markedly. This leads to the appearance of signs of aging (withering of the skin, deterioration of the condition of hair, nails, teeth), and the gradual cessation of menstruation.

Symptoms such as bone fragility and a decrease in the thickness of the mucous membrane, which protects the surface of the vagina from damage and creates a barrier to infection, appear. Symptoms of performance impairment occur nervous system(hot flashes, headaches, insomnia), problems appear in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, libido decreases.

Video: Consequences of hormonal disorders in women. Correction of hormonal levels

Deviations from the norm, their causes and consequences

If a woman’s level of the hormone estradiol is significantly lower or higher than normal, this manifests itself in a number of painful disorders and affects her appearance.

Causes and signs of hormone deficiency

With a lack of this hormone, menstrual irregularities(menstruation may stop altogether), fertility decreases, appearance deteriorates, increased irritability, constant feeling fatigue. Hormonal imbalance contributes to the occurrence endocrine diseases. The likelihood of infectious and inflammatory diseases genitals.

The reason for the violation may be:

  1. Genetic abnormalities that cause underdevelopment of the genital organs and mammary glands, the appearance of external signs of hormonal imbalance ( irregular structure individual parts of the body, short). In this case, hormone replacement therapy is used to make the appearance more feminine and improve health.
  2. A sharp decrease in body weight. Fasting for the purpose of losing weight often leads to vitamin deficiency, which primarily affects the functioning of the pituitary gland and the reproductive system of the body. Estradiol is also produced by adipose tissue, the absence of which leads to a drop in its level. After restoring body weight, the body’s condition returns to normal.
  3. Psycho-emotional stress, physical overload. They lead to hormonal imbalance. In this case, the functioning of the ovaries is disrupted and the maturation of follicles is suspended. Estradiol production decreases sharply. Menstruation may stop altogether. The likelihood of conception sharply decreases.
  4. Excess prolactin in the body (hyperprolactinemia). Prolactin is also produced in the pituitary gland and can suppress the production of gonadotropins. This occurs when a tumor of the pituitary gland (prolactinoma) appears. Symptoms such as milk production in the breasts not associated with postpartum feeding, facial hair, menstrual irregularities and infertility appear. To eliminate the disorder, bromocriptine (a drug that suppresses prolactin production) is prescribed. In some cases, the tumor is removed surgically.
  5. Dysfunction of the pituitary gland after radiation therapy or exposure to infection. It occurs as a result of complete or partial cessation of blood supply to the pituitary gland, which leads to hormonal disorder. At the same time, menstruation stops, the size of the mammary glands decreases, and hair falls out in the pubic and armpit areas. There are operational irregularities various organs. In case of partial damage to the pituitary gland, replacement therapy to correct hormonal levels.
  6. Early ovarian failure. It may be genetic in nature or occur after exposure to radiation on the pelvic organs. As a result, early menopause occurs (at 35-38 years old) with all its inherent symptoms. Conception and birth of a child naturally becomes impossible. To relieve symptoms, therapy with estrogen drugs is carried out. And it is possible to give birth to a child only using the IVF method.
  7. Taking certain medications, such as hormonal drugs to suppress ovulation and COCs that suppress the production of gonadotropins, as well as drugs used during chemotherapy.

Warning: Smoking and alcohol abuse also lead to a drop in the level of estradiol in the blood and the occurrence of its consequences. The reason is the effect of toxins on the brain and organs of the endocrine system.

In some cases, with a lack of estradiol, it is recommended to change your diet, consume foods high in this hormone (legumes, grains and others), as well as vitamins C, E and group B, which improve the functioning of the ovaries and other endocrine organs.

Causes and signs of excess estradiol

Elevated estradiol levels are not a pathology only during pregnancy.

Signs of its excess in the body may be dry skin and brittle hair, fatigue, obesity, uterine bleeding, breast tenderness, irritability, inability to get pregnant, organ dysfunction digestive system. The combination of such signs is a reason to examine a woman for hormone levels in the blood.

Complications include depression, anemia, and tumors of the ovaries and mammary glands. If excess estradiol occurs in girls, this leads to too early puberty. During reproductive age, disruptions in the menstrual cycle occur, heavy bleeding. Such a violation can also be said late onset menopause, presence bloody discharge after menopause, lack age signs aging.

The causes of excess estradiol formation are liver diseases and thyroid gland, a sharp increase in body weight with poor nutrition. Exhaustion of the body also leads to hormonal disorders. Treatment with estrogen-containing drugs or anticonvulsants causes similar consequences.

Sometimes an excess of the hormone is formed when there are estrogen-producing tumors (carcinomas) or ovarian cysts in the body. May form due to hyperandrogenism - high content in a woman's body there are male sex hormones from which it is formed. Signs include balding of the scalp, hair growth and body shape male type, absence of menstruation and infertility.

If it is necessary to reduce the level of estradiol in the blood, the cause of the excess is taken into account. Held drug treatment hormones or surgical removal ovarian tumors.

Diagnosis of violations of estradiol levels

If there are signs of a violation of the norm, such as menstrual irregularity, infertility, irregular puberty, offensive early menopause and others, an analysis is prescribed for the content of estradiol in the blood.

To do this, blood is taken from a vein. Women reproductive age It is usually taken on days 2-4 of the menstrual cycle. Blood is taken for analysis in the morning, on an empty stomach. Before the analysis, for 2 days it is prohibited to take any hormonal drugs or medications that affect the production of estrogen. It is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

A blood test for estradiol is one of critical analyzes in the practice of gynecologists, endocrinologists and reproductive specialists. This analysis is indispensable in cases where it is necessary to understand what is the reason for a number of women's diseases, including menstrual irregularities, uterine bleeding and infertility.

Estradiol is the main and most active representative of the female sex hormones estrogen. Interestingly, the predecessor of this “most feminine” sex hormone is its male counterpart - the hormone testosterone.

What is estradiol

The cells that synthesize estradiol in women are found in the ovaries, adrenal glands, and during pregnancy, in the placenta. At the same time, small amounts of estradiol are also formed in the body of men - their sources are the adrenal glands and testicles.

The level of estradiol in the blood of women is not a constant value - this indicator depends on the influence of pituitary hormones (gonadotropins) and changes significantly during the menstrual cycle. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, gonadotropins (follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones) cause a progressive increase in the synthesis of estradiol by ovarian follicle cells. The concentration of estradiol in the blood reaches its maximum at the time of ovulation - the release of a mature egg from the ovary.

After ovulation, the activity of estradiol synthesis decreases sharply, which is reflected by a decrease in the concentration of this hormone in the blood. However, by the middle of the second phase of the menstrual cycle (approximately 21 days in a 28-day cycle), a second, less pronounced increase in the level of estradiol in the blood plasma is noted, due to hormonal activity corpus luteum(a temporary gland that forms at the site of a ruptured follicle). Then the level of estradiol in the blood decreases again and reaches minimum values ​​during menstruation.

Effects of estradiol

All effects of estradiol can be divided into two large groups - those associated with and those not associated with gender.

The first group of effects is normally realized only in women. These include the formation of the female phenotype:

  • secondary sexual characteristics,
  • peculiarities female voice and a female figure,
  • sexual attraction,
  • cyclical changes in the ovaries, uterus, vagina and fallopian tubes ah associated with the menstrual cycle (for example, growth of the endometrium in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, maturation of the vaginal epithelium, increased mobility of the fallopian tubes during ovulation, facilitating the movement of sperm to the egg and increasing the chances of conception),
  • changes that help prepare a woman for childbirth (increased contractile activity of the uterus).

The second group of effects of estradiol does not depend on gender. These include activation metabolic processes, increasing oxygen consumption by tissues, a protective effect on bone tissue with an increase in bone mineral density, prevention of vascular atherosclerosis and normalization of lipid metabolism.

Since the main source of estradiol in women is the ovarian follicles, the level of this hormone decreases with age, which often leads to the development of menopause symptoms. After the end of a woman's reproductive period (cessation of menstruation), low levels of estradiol can cause increased risk osteoporosis (increased bone fragility with the development of fractures) and cardiovascular diseases.

Why donate blood for estradiol?

The main indications for a blood test for estradiol in women are:

  1. irregular menstrual cycle;
  2. uterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  3. premenstrual syndrome(heavy and moderate);
  4. premature puberty or delayed sexual development;
  5. mastopathy;
  6. osteoporosis;
  7. suspicion of a hormone-producing tumor;
  8. threat of miscarriage;
  9. disruption of placental maturation processes according to ultrasound data;
  10. early menopause;
  11. infertility.

The main indications for a blood test for estradiol in men are infertility, suspected testicular and adrenal tumors, gynecomastia and osteoporosis.

When to donate blood for estradiol

Considering the cyclical nature of estradiol production in the body non-pregnant woman, blood is donated for this test on a certain day of the menstrual cycle, namely on days 6-7 with a 28-day menstrual cycle. For longer or irregular cycle The day of blood donation for estradiol analysis is determined by the attending physician. To obtain the most accurate and informative results, a woman should give up smoking, drinking alcohol, physical activity (sports) and sex within two days before the analysis.

Blood for estradiol is taken from a vein (usually from a vein in the arm located in the area of ​​the inner elbow) in the morning, on an empty stomach. That is, a woman should not eat for 8-12 hours before blood sampling (overnight fasting).

Estradiol level in blood

When interpreting the results of a blood test for estradiol, it is necessary to take into account the gender, age of the patient, indications for the test, as well as the units of measurement and normal limits used by the laboratory. Only compliance with all these conditions will allow you to receive useful information from the result of a blood test for estradiol, therefore, a qualified doctor should decipher the test result.

Below are the norms of estradiol in the blood of adult women and men, used by one of the largest laboratories in Ukraine. We emphasize once again that only the attending physician can use these values ​​to interpret the test result. These figures are presented in this article for informational purposes only.

So, normal level estradiol in a man’s blood is 7.63-42.6 pg/ml. For women normal indicators vary within the following limits:

Non-pregnant women:

  • follicular phase (1st phase of the cycle) - 12.5-166.0 pg/ml;
  • ovulatory phase (ovulation) - 85.8-498.0 pg/ml;
  • luteal phase (phase 2 of the cycle) - 43.8-211.0 pg/ml;
  • postmenopause (a year or more after the last independent menstruation) - up to 54.7 pg/ml.

Pregnant women:

  • 1st trimester (up to 12 weeks) - 215.0-4300.0 pg/ml;
  • 2nd trimester (13-24 weeks) - 800.0-5760.0 pg/ml;
  • 3rd trimester (after the 25th week) - 1810.0-13900.0 pg/ml.

Hormonal levels greatly affect the well-being and health of any person. Glands internal secretion They produce hormones so that girls are feminine, men are strong, and most importantly, so that no one has any difficulties in realizing their desire to have a baby.

Let us consider in particular such an important hormone as estradiol. What affects the level of estradiol in women, when and how to get tested for the content of this hormone, and what these numbers show. Let's find out!

What is it, what is it responsible for in the female body

Estradiol is one of the most important female hormones, which belongs to the class of steroids, is produced in the ovaries, adrenal cortex and testicles in men.

He is responsible for women's reproductive health, beauty, youth and femininity of every girl.

In children of both sexes it is approximately the same, and V puberty in girls it starts to increase and further during a woman’s life, its indicators change rhythmically, reaching a peak during ovulation.

Functions of estradiol:

  • formation of sexual characteristics in girls (development of mammary glands, uterus, ovaries), appearance of the silhouette of a female figure,
  • presence and stabilization of the menstrual cycle,
  • preparing the body for fertilization and carrying a baby,
  • management of internal processes (removal of excess cholesterol, renewal bone tissue, balance blood pressure),
  • formation sexual desire, during menopause, is responsible for the balance of water-salt and lipid metabolism.

About the main signs of high prolactin in women, and what excessive prolactin will lead to high concentration of this hormone, you will learn in this article:.

How is the level determined (what analysis and how to take it)

To check your estradiol levels, need to take a blood test. The results are prepared quickly.

It has great importance cycle day, in which the analysis needs to be carried out, since this female hormone has absolutely different meanings within a month.

It should be taken into account that estradiol is at its lowest value in the first phase of the cycle, and reaches its peak one day before ovulation, that is, approximately in the middle of the cycle.

Also A number of rules must be followed before the procedure:

  • It must be taken in the morning, on an empty stomach, you can only drink plain water,
  • be in a calm, relaxed state,
  • in a few days it is better to stick to a diet, exclude fatty, smoked, salty foods,
  • You cannot take tests immediately after an x-ray or rectal examination.

Normal hormone levels

The basic norms for estradiol levels are very dependent on age and the phase of the cycle, also during pregnancy, estrogen production reaches peak values ​​of 210 – 27,000 pg/ml.

The main parameters of estradiol norms in women by age are presented in the following table:

What does a low level mean?

Reduced level estradiol in women immediately makes itself felt. Symptoms such as chronic fatigue, irritability, labile (constantly changing) emotional state, appearance also begins to suffer: hair falls out, the skin becomes dry, constantly peels, and menstrual irregularities are often observed.

The main reasons why estradiol levels in women become low are considered to be non-compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle: smoking, alcohol addiction, excessive dieting - all this lowers the hormone below normal.

Often provoked internal reasons, for example, diseases of the pituitary gland, inflammation in the pelvis, and also contraceptives and chemotherapy drugs negatively affect the secretion of estrogen.

Reasons for increased hormone levels

During pregnancy, an increase in estradiol is considered a natural norm.. If the girl is not pregnant, and the woman’s level of the hormone estradiol is elevated, then this can be very dangerous sign and the cause of unpleasant illnesses.

To the factors that lead to increased level estradiol in women include:

Signs increased output estrogen are not specific, the main symptom is disturbances in emotional sphere, which may be inherent in any other diseases.

Find out on our website what it should be and how to properly take an analysis of its contents.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the decryption rules biochemical analysis blood in women.

Read about the main functions of leukocytes in the body, and what the normal level in the blood will be in women at different ages.

When is it necessary to consult a doctor?

Let's take a closer look at all the symptoms that can appear with high and low levels of estradiol in women:

  • mood disturbances, vulnerability and exhaustion of the nervous system.
  • chronic fatigue, it is difficult to do even simple normal work, it is difficult to concentrate,
  • panic attacks,
  • sweating,
  • hair loss, swelling, acne, dry skin,
  • absence of pregnancy, for a long period with regular sexual life,
  • pain or sensitivity in the mammary glands, uterus, ovaries,
  • irregularity or absence of the menstrual cycle,
  • extremely severe symptoms premenstrual syndrome,
  • frigidity or a significant drop in sexual interest.

If you have more than one symptom definitely worth contacting qualified specialist and conduct a detailed examination of the entire hormonal system, including estrogen levels.

All female hormones greatly influence the creation of mood, the presence of a beautiful, well-groomed appearance, and also take part in the formation of the feminine image of beautiful representatives of the fairer sex.

Elena Malysheva will tell you a lot of interesting things about the importance of female hormones in the most popular program about health:

Nature has prudently planned everything out, despite the fragility and constant variability, this mechanism provides the maximum conditions necessary for the life and health, including reproductive health, of any girl.

It is important to be attentive, caring and careful about your hormonal levels, to protect them from unhealthy habits and unnecessary stress. This is especially true for the most important female hormone, estradiol.

The human body is a delicate system regulated by a huge number of substances with high biological activity, called hormones. If some of these substances are produced too little or, on the contrary, too much, then a woman may cease to be sweet and sophisticated, and a man may cease to be courageous and strong.

One of the most important hormones in the female body is estradiol. What are the normal levels of this substance in the body, and why is it needed at all?

Why do we need a hormone?

Estradiol, as determined latest research- a hormone necessary to maintain mental and physical health person. Contrary to popular belief, it is found not only in the female body, but also in the male body.

In women, the hormone is responsible for the health of the reproductive system and maintaining an attractive appearance. The functions of this substance include:

  • participation in the formation and normal development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics (under the influence of estradiol, the uterus and ovaries, mammary glands are formed, the figure acquires the contours characteristic of the female sex);
  • control over the menstrual cycle (not only participation in its launch, but also stabilization, allowing menstruation to begin at the same time every month);
  • preparing eggs for the process of fertilization, and the body itself for difficult period carrying a baby;
  • control over a number of vital internal processes, such as maintaining blood pressure levels, removing excess cholesterol, normalizing calcium levels in bones;
  • formation of sexual desire;
  • normalization and subsequent control of lipid and water-salt exchanges during menopause.

Interestingly, boys and girls have similar levels of estradiol before puberty. A significant difference appears only during puberty, when a girl’s body begins to produce estradiol more actively.

Estradiol norm in women by age

Estradiol is a hormone whose reference value (norm) is strongly dependent on age. Quantity of this active substance in the female body reaches a peak on the eve of each ovulation and drops to minimum values ​​when menopause occurs.

There is a special table that helps determine the rate of estradiol depending on age.

Interestingly, the amount of the hormone in the body can fluctuate depending on the time of day. The highest levels can be found in the blood between 15.00 and 18.00, and the lowest levels will be between 24.00 and 02.00.

Estradiol is a hormone whose levels can also fluctuate in response to external influences. negative factors. The following can reduce or excessively increase the level of a substance in the body:

Pregnancy connection

Since estradiol is a hormone that affects reproductive system female body, its influence during pregnancy can be seen especially clearly. For example, the level of this substance in a woman’s blood gradually increases throughout pregnancy, and at its peak is on the eve of childbirth and can reach 27,000 pg/ml.

In the body of a pregnant woman, estradiol primarily plays the role of a substance that, acting on the walls of the vascular bed, protects the vessels of the womb from rupture during childbirth. Also thanks to this important substance Active blood circulation occurs in the body of the uterus and the fetus receives the necessary amount of oxygen throughout pregnancy. Also, thanks to estradiol in combination with other hormones, the uterus gains the ability to stretch to accommodate the fetus and preserve it throughout the entire gestation period of 9 months.

It is important to remember that on early stages During pregnancy, estradiol levels can be significantly reduced. This normal reaction on the onset of pregnancy, and as the size of the uterus increases, the amount of the hormone in the blood will increase.

Features of the analysis

The level of estradiol in a woman's blood is determined by a blood test. Since the level of the substance depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle and external influences, a woman should follow a number of recommendations in order to get the most reliable results.

First of all, it is worth remembering that the analysis is taken 4-6 days from the start of the cycle. A control study of indicators is carried out on days 20-21 to confirm that the first study was carried out in compliance with all recommendations.

The day before the actual examination, the woman is recommended to give up smoking, drinking alcohol and physical activity (including sexual intercourse). If a woman is taking any medications that may interfere with the results, she may need to temporarily stop taking these medications before the test after consulting with her doctor.

Indications for the study are the following conditions:

  • irregular menstruation;
  • inability to conceive a child;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • Out of Service gonads;
  • severe premenstrual syndrome;
  • signs of osteoporosis at any age;
  • tumor pathologies or polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • failure of the pituitary system;
  • preparation for the IVF procedure.

Blood sampling is performed in morning time(best between 8 and 11 o'clock). In this case, the woman is recommended to completely refuse food 12 hours before the test and try not to overeat for 2-3 days before the proposed test.

If estradiol is not enough

Most often, the lack of estradiol in the female body is explained by the use of specific medications, such as oral contraceptives or drugs for chemotherapy. A decrease in the level of this substance in the body is regarded as by-effect from taking medications.

In some cases, the cause of decreased estrogen levels is lifestyle. For example, a deficiency of a substance can be observed if a woman adheres to a protein-free diet or is a vegetarian. Also addicted to alcoholic drinks may have an effect on reducing estradiol levels.

Diseases that can lead to a decrease in estradiol include polycystic ovary syndrome and various inflammatory pathologies genitals.

If there is a lot of estradiol

A large amount of estradiol in a woman’s blood is the same sign of pathology as a lack of this substance. An exception to the rule is pregnancy, during which indicators can soar to enormous numbers, but are considered a variant of the norm, since estradiol ensures the safety of the fetus in the uterine cavity.

If a woman is not pregnant, then high levels of estradiol are considered a pathology and require treatment.

Can lead to a jump in the level of this biologically active substance various diseases, including tumor neoplasms of the ovaries, pathologies of the thyroid gland with a jump in the level of its hormones, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic alcoholism, excess body weight, etc.

It is important to remember that steroids, oral contraceptives and antimycotics (antifungals) and anticonvulsants also increase estradiol levels. Before conducting the test, the doctor must clarify whether the woman is taking any drug therapy on a regular basis.

Estradiol is a female hormone that performs in the body a large number of functions. Deviations of this indicator from the norm should cause concern among the fair sex. If there is too much estradiol or too little according to the research results, then it is necessary to determine the cause of the deviations and begin treatment.

Female hormonal background changes not only throughout life: during puberty, during pregnancy, during menopause.

One of the most important hormones that influences health and appearance women, is called estradiol.

It is responsible for a number of processes occurring in the body of representatives of the fair sex, and forms the characteristics that distinguish them from men. What does low estradiol indicate in women, and how to restore normal hormonal levels?

Estradiol belongs to the group of estrogens and is the most active sex hormone. Most of it is synthesized by the ovaries, and a small amount is produced by the adrenal glands. In a woman’s body, the hormone is responsible for the following functions:

  • formation reproductive organs, secondary sexual characteristics and normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • preparing the uterus for bearing a child: activation of blood flow, dilation of blood vessels in the mucous membrane, thickening of the endometrium;
  • improvement of blood clotting;
  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • formation of bone tissue (mainly tubular bones);
  • normalization of sodium and water balance, cholesterol levels;
  • regulation of metabolic processes in bones and muscles, sexual desire and libido.

In addition, estradiol affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails, the psycho-emotional background of a woman, physical activity and endurance.

IN male body estradiol is also present - it is produced by the testes, adrenal cortex and peripheral tissues, but in much smaller quantities than in women.

The concentration of estradiol in the female body is constantly changing - depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and time of day, and the highest concentration of the substance is observed in the blood of pregnant women. Peak hormone production occurs during daytime(three to six o'clock in the afternoon), after which the indicators decrease.

Estradiol and cycle phases

  • first phase of the menstrual cycle - 12.5-350 pg/ml;
  • period before ovulation - 86-750 pg/ml;
  • second phase - 30-450 pg/ml.

The maximum level of estradiol is observed at the time of follicle maturation, as a result of which the production of other hormones increases. A surge of hormonal activity leads to the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg, which begins to move towards the uterus.

When conception occurs, the concentration of estradiol in the second phase gradually increases, and subsequently its level depends on the duration and characteristics of the course of pregnancy. In the second trimester, the function of hormone production is taken over not only by the adrenal glands and ovaries, but also by the placenta, and a decrease in estradiol levels is observed about a week before birth.

To check the level of the hormone in the body, a woman is recommended to take a blood test - blood from a vein.

The optimal time for collecting a sample of biomaterial is the 2-3rd day of the cycle; to obtain a complete picture, the study is repeated on the 20th day.

Blood is donated on an empty stomach; a few days before the procedure it is necessary to exclude severe physical exercise, smoking and alcohol, if possible, stop taking medications.

Reference values ​​(norms) of estradiol in a blood sample during testing may differ significantly from each other in different medical institutions, therefore, only a doctor can draw conclusions about an increase or decrease in its concentration.

Some diseases lead to an increase in estradiol in women. If, this may indicate the presence of diseases such as ovarian cysts, cirrhosis of the liver and even hormonal tumors.

Read what level of progesterone in the blood a pregnant woman should have.

The substance estradiol valerate is used in hormonal drugs, in particular in oral contraceptives. You can read about the main purpose of such drugs.

Low estradiol in women - reasons

A decrease in estradiol levels affects the functioning of the entire body, and can be the result of hereditary or acquired diseases, poor lifestyle or living conditions. To the most probable reasons this state relate:

  • hormonal disorders and dysfunction of the reproductive system;
  • endocrine disorders mainly related to the activity of the pituitary gland (for example, dwarfism);
  • delayed physical and sexual development;
  • inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs;
  • uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives;
  • unbalanced diet (high-carbohydrate diets without fat, vegetarianism);
  • heavy physical activity;
  • smoking, alcoholism;
  • treatment with chemotherapy drugs.

In the absence of diseases and pathologies, a decrease in estradiol levels is most often observed in women who are actively involved in sports and at the same time are addicted to strict diets or vegetarianism.

Symptoms in women

Since estradiol is often called the hormone of beauty and femininity, disruption of its production primarily affects appearance, activity and emotional state. You can suspect a decrease in hormone levels based on the following signs:

  • dryness skin, the appearance of blackheads and rashes;
  • hair loss, brittle nails;
  • male pattern hair growth - the appearance of hair on the chin, upper lip, chest, decreased voice timbre;
  • swelling and hypothermia (feeling cold) of the hands and feet;
  • violation monthly cycle, absence of menstruation for six months or more;
  • painful sensations in the mammary glands;
  • reduction in the size of the breasts and uterus, changes in the contours of the figure (shoulders become wide and hips become narrow);
  • decreased libido;
  • frequent bone fractures, osteoporosis;
  • psychoemotional disorders, insomnia, depression.

One of characteristic features low estradiol - infertility. Numerous unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant represent a good reason to check hormonal balance, including estradiol levels.

A decrease in estradiol concentrations in pregnant women may lead to serious danger(especially in the second or third trimester) - as a rule, it indicates problems during pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage or premature birth.


Treatment hormonal imbalance when estradiol levels decrease, it depends on the cause of the pathology and concomitant diseases. To normalize hormone production, you first need to give up bad habits, eat right and lead healthy image life.

A natural way to increase estradiol levels is by consuming foods that contain this substance: dairy, bran, legumes, nuts, flax-seed, soy.

In addition, the hormone is found in some medicinal plants- these include sage, hops, chamomile, linden, licorice.

Tinctures and decoctions are prepared from herbs, after which they are taken according to a certain scheme.

It is categorically not recommended to take any products containing hormones on your own, even if at first glance they seem harmless - you must consult a doctor before use.

If you normalize the concentration of estradiol using folk remedies fails, the doctor prescribes hormone therapy. Preparations containing this substance (Estrofem, Estraderm) are used for systemic disorders menstrual cycle, polycystic disease and other diseases of reproductive function. In parallel with taking medications, in some cases it is necessary to treat the underlying disease - for example, with tumor processes in the ovaries (especially if they belong to malignant formations) surgery is prescribed.

For infertility low level estradiol is often an indication for in vitro fertilization(IVF), especially if conservative therapy ineffective.

The woman undergoes stimulation of ovarian function, after which the resulting egg is fertilized and implanted in the uterus.

A certain amount of estrogen in a man's blood is necessary to maintain his function. of cardio-vascular system, increasing bone density. However, if this can lead to a decrease in libido, muscle weakness and other deviations.

Progesterone during pregnancy - we will analyze the functions and production norms.

Decreased estradiol levels may have Negative influence in appearance and reproductive function women, therefore, when the first signs appear similar condition, you must consult a doctor immediately. A normal balance of hormones in the body is the key women's health, youth and beauty.

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