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The right ear cannot hear and is noisy. How to restore hearing at different stages of deafness

Noticing hearing loss, many people do not rush to see a doctor, but hope that the unpleasant symptoms will disappear on their own. Sometimes a person simply does not know what to do if his ear does not hear, and he gets lost in such a situation. Meanwhile, actions must be timely, otherwise the outcome may be complete deafness.

If one ear begins to hear poorly, or hearing is reduced in both ears, this may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

Hearing loss in children can be difficult to diagnose if the ear hears worse but does not hurt. Parents often notice that their child is deaf early age, for example, after a cold, only when a lag in speech development begins.

But there are also some signs that may alert parents, and by which one can understand that the child infancy He doesn't hear well. Following is noteworthy:

But what to do in this case? All these signs - serious reason to contact a pediatrician.

Why might hearing loss begin?

Causes of hearing loss in one or both ears:

But every age has its own causes of hearing loss. Impact negative factors exposure to a child during pregnancy may cause the newborn's hearing to be impaired. In newborns, it is most often isolated following reasons hearing loss:

At an older age, parents may notice that the child has difficulty hearing after an illness. This can happen after a cold or otitis media.

But if an adult has become deaf in one ear or their hearing has become worse, the reasons are usually the following:

Diseases causing hearing impairment

You need to be especially careful if you have become infected with an infectious disease. Many of these diseases can cause hearing loss. Otitis media transferred to childhood. It can be a complication after a cold. Usually inflammatory process starts in one ear. But sometimes otitis media can occur in both ears.

The disease begins with pain in the ear. Right or left ear inflamed, pus appears. As a rule, it is accompanied by an increase in temperature. The pain may get worse. If you don't provide necessary help in time, the patient may complain that the ear has stopped hearing. But inflammation of the other ear may also begin.

In adults, neuritis is a common cause of hearing loss. auditory nerve. He can start after the blow, infectious disease or as a result of circulatory disorders of the hearing organs.

Strong painful sensations, noise. In this case, you need to consult a doctor immediately; only a specialist will decide what needs to be done.

Sometimes the cause of hearing impairment is otomycosis. It usually begins with mild itching, then tinnitus and pain appear. Hearing may decrease or disappear completely. This fungal disease, which is on initial stages treatable. Launched form difficult to cure.

When the tympanic cavity or auditory tube is inflamed, they speak of eustachitis. The disease responds well to treatment with special drops and physiotherapy methods.


If a person notices that his hearing has become worse, he should consult a doctor immediately. Only a medic with special education can deliver accurate diagnosis, and determine the cause of the violation. The accuracy of the diagnosis will determine what course of medications or physical procedures will need to be performed.

Therefore, self-medication using only traditional recipes is unacceptable. All additional measures to the main course of treatment can be used by the patient only after consultation with a doctor.

But if this is not done, complete deafness may occur.

After the doctor diagnoses why the patient cannot hear, steps will be taken special measures for hearing restoration. Usually like this:

A good way to prevent hearing loss is to proper hygiene and timely consultation with a doctor if violations occur.

Throughout life, a person encounters many infections that cause inflammatory processes throughout the body. Most often, the ears are the first to be affected. The cause of decreased hearing acuity or congestion depends on the patient's lifestyle or condition immune system. Regardless of the factors why the ears cannot hear, it is important to know what to do if one ear is hard of hearing, as well as how to correctly provide first aid.

The decrease in hearing acuity occurs gradually, and anyone can encounter this problem. Most often, a decrease in sensitivity and a decrease in the hearing threshold occurs after a cold, flu and other inflammatory processes. However, there are many factors and reasons if the ear has difficulty hearing, but does not hurt. Let's consider these issues in more detail.

Probably every person at least once in his life has encountered the problem of hearing loss. The upper threshold of hearing is reduced due to many factors that are not always hidden in pathological process. There are cases when this phenomenon goes away quite quickly and on its own.

Unfortunately, this factor It is extremely rare and exceptional.

Therefore, if the ear has difficulty hearing, but does not hurt, or, on the contrary, causes pain, you need to contact qualified specialist and undergo treatment.

Among the symptoms of an inflammatory process in the ears are the following:

  • deterioration in general health;
  • the patient develops weakness and fatigue;
  • upon palpation, pain in the ear appears;
  • signs of intoxication appear;
  • V evening time pain in the temples and frontal part of the head intensifies;
  • extraneous noises, squeaks and ringing appear;
  • ear plugging;
  • a person has the sensation of having a foreign object in the ear.

If one ear does not hear, the reasons may be different than if there is a lack of sensitivity to sounds in both ears. Therefore, it is important to sort them out and then begin immediate treatment.

It is important to find out why the left ear or both hearing organs have difficulty hearing at the same time, in order to diagnose the causes and factors. This way the person can take action and go through complex treatment.

Causes of hearing loss

Inflammatory process after colds becomes main reason poor hearing.

The same reasons include otitis of the external or middle ear.

After inflammation of the ear organ, swelling occurs, mucous or purulent sectors are released, and the functioning of the Eustachian tube is disrupted.

The combination of these factors inevitably leads to hearing impairment and even temporary deafness. When untimely treatment or improper therapy, deafness may last for quite some time long time, and especially dangerous cases lasts for life.

Another common cause of hearing loss is. They are formed due to trauma to the ears or lack of proper care, as well as due to excessive work of the sulfur glands.

Pain, signs of inflammation, and damage to the auditory tube are caused by a small object entering the ear. This could be a Lego piece or any other toy that greatly interferes with the passage of sound frequencies.

Another common reason is education. tumors. It not only disrupts the work and functioning of the elements of the hearing organ, but also causes a deterioration in the well-being of the entire body.

A tumor in the middle or inner ear is particularly dangerous to health due to its close location to the brain. Therefore, at the first signs of a neoplasm, you should urgently seek medical help and prepare for surgery.

A common cause of hearing problems is water getting into the ear.

Any liquid, if not eliminated immediately after penetration, causes inflammation, since stagnant water is a favorable environment for many bacteria.

In addition, fluid that gets into the ear canal significantly reduces a person’s hearing.

You should be careful about ear trauma. This reason It is especially common in children and adolescents. Due to in an active way life and constant games, children can injure the external ear. If the wound is not treated promptly, it can become inflamed and cause hearing problems.

Decreased hearing acuity is caused by changes blood pressure. This phenomenon most often occurs during flights, as well as when traveling in mountainous areas. At this time, the position of the membrane in the eardrum is distorted, and therefore its sensitivity decreases.

If he doesn't hear right ear What to do and what treatment to take, the doctor will help you after the violation is identified.

In addition to the listed reasons, hearing impairment may be due to structural pathology, as well as intra-ear pressure.

In addition to the listed reasons, which are considered the main ones, Additional signs can be identified:

  1. Long-term use medicines.
  2. Weak immune system.
  3. Uncontrolled bleeding caused by trauma to the head or ears.
  4. Changes in the body caused by age.
  5. Fluid formation in the middle part of the ear.
  6. Professional activities in noisy places (construction site, nightclub).
  7. Atherosclerosis.
  8. Stress and depression.
  9. Predisposition caused by inheritance.
  10. Hormonal imbalances.
  11. Diabetes.

In addition, hearing loss often occurs while expecting a baby.

Not required during pregnancy drug treatment, unlike other reasons. If you are not pregnant and your ear cannot hear, then what to do and what medications are needed, read in the next section.

How to treat if the ear does not hear and is noisy

Before prescribing a course of treatment, the specialist conducts an examination of both the whole body and the ear organ.

Be prepared for the fact that you will need to donate blood, as well as undergo otoscopy, audiometry, and radiography.

If your hearing deteriorates immediately after taking water procedures Water may have gotten into your ear.

Try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. To do this, hop on one leg with your head tilted to the side.

In addition, wipe the outer ear and ear canal with a gauze bandage or insert a turunda soaked in olive oil into the outer canal.

There is another method of getting rid of water. Pull the earlobe down and make five swallowing movements. Remaining liquid should be collected with a cotton swab.

If the ear hurts and the patient experiences hearing loss, it may be the reason lies in the change in pressure. At this time, it is necessary to massage the ears, as well as swallow saliva and imitate chewing. Chewing gum is suitable for the same purposes.

In case of ear problems caused by, it is necessary to undergo comprehensive treatment. It includes not only drug therapy, but also physiotherapeutic procedures.

For treatment, experts prescribe:

  1. Ear drops with or without antibiotics – “”, “”, “”, “” and others.
  2. Ointments – “Levomekol”, Vishnevsky ointment.
  3. Vasoconstrictor drugs “Nazivin”, “Otrivin”, “Naphthyzin”, “Tizin”.
  4. Antibacterial drugs - Anauran, Cipropharm, Flemoxin, Ospamox, Azitral, Tsipromed, Augmentin, Spiramycin, Cefuroxime.
  5. In addition, it is important to reduce inflammation with the help of anti-inflammatory medications and bring down the temperature with antipyretics.

In some cases of otitis, alternative medicine methods are prescribed. So, in case of inflammation of the outer ear, doctors can recommend tinctures of propolis or chamomile, as well as various lotions and dressings using onions, hawthorn and other plants.

It is necessary to use these treatments only after consultation with a doctor, since in some types of otitis Alternative medicine can only make the situation worse.

In some cases, pain and Hearing disorders occur due to allergic reactions.

At this time, it is important to identify the reason for its appearance. This may be due to long-term use antibiotics.

In this case, it is necessary to stop the course and prescribe other procedures.

In some cases, allergies appear to earrings and other jewelry on the earlobe.

The inflammatory process spreads to the tragus and the entire ear. To get rid of this type, it is necessary to replace the jewelry or remove it altogether. In order to avoid allergic otitis media, the patient is prescribed antihistamines and antiallergic drops.

How to cure an ear if it does not hear in case of formation sulfur plugs?

To do this, the ear must be rinsed with Remo-Vax or A-cerumen.

The wax plug in the ear must first be softened with hydrogen peroxide and then rinsed with medication.

In case of an old traffic jam dark colors This operation must be entrusted to a doctor, since self-removal traffic jams may cause perforation eardrum or damage to integrity ear canal.

In some cases, the cause of hearing loss is developmental hearing loss. Treatment in this case should be complex and quite lengthy, since the pathologies in this case are subject to surgery and drug treatment.


Due to the fact that ear problems are quite dangerous for general health person, it is necessary to treat any inflammation in a timely manner. In this case, you will avoid many complications and quickly restore your ability to hear.

In some cases, drug therapy is ineffective. In this case, the patient must be provided with surgery and perform surgery.

There are situations when surgery does not make sense or the site of the lesion is difficult to access, and the patient is prescribed hearing aids.

In order to avoid complications, engage in preventative health care. To do this, you should avoid strong sound pressure on the hearing organ, and also cover your ears during water procedures. IN summer time When swimming in lakes and rivers, do not dive into the water.

Unilateral hearing loss can occur due to a number of pathologies affecting the auditory analyzer on one side. The prevalence of this pathology is quite high. At the same time, complaints that one ear has poor hearing are more common with age; young people are less likely to suffer from such disorders.

Photo 1. Hearing loss is not limited to older people. Source: Flickr (anakaraean)

Causes of hearing loss in one ear

Hearing loss, when only one ear is affected, causes not only age-related changes, this is often due to problems associated with various conditions, which affect the auditory analyzer in only one ear.

For example, hearing may be impaired as a result of taking a number of antibiotics(aminoglycosides used in the treatment of drug-resistant infections or tuberculosis), drugs have a toxic effect on receptors inner ear. However, negative effect affects both ears, leading to uniform bilateral hearing loss. Therefore, if we're talking about About hearing loss on only one side, medication has nothing to do with it.

As a rule, the problem is caused by the fact that hearing is reduced due to the presence of any extraneous factors: cerumen, water or other foreign objects getting into the ear, infectious or chronic diseases, mechanical injuries.

Note! Unilateral hearing loss can develop against the background of brain tumors and small focal strokes.

Sulfur plug

Impaired removal of wax from the external auditory canal is quite common. the disorder is perhaps the most common among all pathologies of the external ear and the entire auditory analyzer. Sulfur plug occurs when the secretion of thick sulfur, which can occur after a large volume of dust or water gets into the ear canal, individual hyperfunction sebaceous glands or for no apparent reason.

Water or foreign object

Typically, hitting foreign body into the ear canal is observed in young children. This is less common there may be insects who mistakenly accepted human ear for asylum.

Ingress of water is usually associated with jumping into water and visiting water attractions. Wherein, Water in the ear occurs in people who rarely swim or even poorly able to float, since professional swimmers are more adapted to the water elements and more often use personal protective equipment.


Age-related changes such as cerebral atherosclerosis and otosclerosis also equally affect both auditory analyzer. But sometimes a one-sided prevalence of the process can still be observed.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases

Consequences acute otitis, eustachitis– one of the dominant causes of unilateral hearing loss. Moreover, this complication can occur regardless of the quality and completeness of the treatment.

Hearing loss after otitis is due to the fact that during the disease the inflammatory infiltrate fills the tympanic cavity, coming into contact with the auditory ossicles. At the end of otitis, the small joints between these bones become sclerotic, turning the stapes, malleus and incus into a single whole, which significantly impairs the transmission of vibration from the eardrum.

Chronic diseases

In some cases acute inflammatory diseases ENT organs smoothly flow into chronic sluggish processes. This may be associated with individual reduced reactivity of the body, insufficient antibacterial therapy. Ultimately, a constant, low-grade inflammatory process in tympanic cavity, eustachian tube almost always leads to otosclerosis.

Mechanical injuries

Most often to a decrease or complete loss rumors lead injuries causing eardrum rupture. This can occur due to sudden loud bangs at work or at home, blows with an open palm on the auricle, or sharp objects entering the external auditory canal (for example, branches).

Less commonly, hearing loss occurs with fractures temporal bone, base of the skull, as a consequence of concussions or hemorrhage in the temporal lobe of the hemisphere of the corresponding side.

Signs of hearing loss

Normally, a person is able to distinguish whispering, provided there is no extraneous noise, from a distance of 10 m. In conditions modern life similar opportunities hearing aid a person rarely uses it, which is why the problem makes itself felt already after more late stages diseases.

One of the first symptoms of hearing loss is deterioration in the differentiation of individual sounds.(I hear speech, but I can’t understand it).

Over time, the hearing becomes worse, which forces others to talk louder to the patient; the patient himself, without noticing it, always speaks loudly.

Note! Unilateral hearing loss early stages Dispatchers, telephone consultants and telecom operators are often noticed constantly working with headphones.

Diagnosis of the problem

In order to determine the degree of hearing loss by initial stages diagnostics are applied examination of the external auditory canal, tuning fork test, audiometry. If necessary, an MRI of the brain is performed.

Photo 2. Ear problems are treated by an otolaryngologist.

We've all had troubles in our lives when pain and congestion appear in the ear. However, there can be many reasons for the appearance of this disease.

The reason is this unpleasant problem can be viral infection. Many people believe that this is not serious and that everything will go away after recovery. However, you shouldn’t take it so calmly.

What to do if your ear is blocked and hurts

It is necessary to take timely measures, otherwise the congestion may turn into otitis, or, worse, the ear nerve will become inflamed. A sick person may be left without hearing at all. Therefore, if you encounter such a problem, you should not ignore it, you need to take immediate action.

Start rinsing from the very beginning. You need to clean your nasal passages and apply immediately vasoconstrictor medications. After a person blows his nose, he should drip about 1-2 drops of medications such as Galazolin, Naphthyzin, Cameton or Sanorin into his nose. Any other means will do, but these are the most popular and widespread. After this, there should be an improvement. You should not use these drugs too often, otherwise addiction may occur.

The most good option The nasopharynx may be rinsed. To do this, try using Aquamaris and Aqualor products. Also you don't have to use pharmaceutical drugs, but make the medicine yourself. To do this you need to take 1 teaspoon of salt and 250 ml boiled water. The procedure is unpleasant, but very effective. It will help you get rid of congestion.

If you haven't tried it yet, it's worth a try. breathing exercises. Close your nostrils tightly and try to exhale through your nose. Doctors also recommend inflating Balloons. This promotes improvement.

What to do if your ear hurts, is blocked and you have trouble hearing

Simple home remedies can also help relieve pain. You can, for example, drip warm oil. Instilling onions or horseradish works well for congestion and pain. You need to squeeze the juice out of these products and instill it. This will require only 2-3 drops three times a day.

If you don’t know what exactly is wrong with your ear, then you shouldn’t put it in boric alcohol, as many are accustomed to doing. This can only worsen the condition.

Regular honey can help with this problem. To do this, take cotton wool or a cotton pad, dip it in honey and put it in your ear overnight. This method is effective and will alleviate the problem.

However, at the first sign of ear pain, it is better to consult a doctor. Self-medication can only make things worse, especially if you are not sure of the accuracy of the diagnosis and do not know what exactly is wrong with you. An ENT doctor will help you understand the problem and prescribe necessary medications, drops or other medications that will help you get rid of the annoying problem.

There can be many reasons for ear congestion and pain, and only a specialist can help you understand the problem. You should not leave things to chance and do not try to treat your ears, as this can only worsen your condition. There is a possibility of facing more serious problems and spending more money to eliminate them.

Other causes of stuffiness and discomfort in the ear

Ear congestion can also occur for other reasons, not only due to any diseases. Airplane passengers may have blocked ears during takeoff and landing. When you are on board an airplane, landing, or, conversely, taking off, you may experience a feeling of fullness in both ears. Swimming in a pool can also cause congestion. In this case discomfort last a couple of minutes, or may not disappear even for several days. To prevent this from happening, you need to take immediate action. Otherwise, serious problems and complications may arise.

Sometimes the ear gets clogged and there is pain during sharp drop pressure. This may just appear while on an airplane, in an elevator, or while riding on attractions.

A drop in blood pressure can cause ear congestion. This can happen due to changes in weather, sudden, careless movements, or long, ongoing headaches.

Very often, most people have blocked ears after they have been ill. In this case, you should think about it, because it can be dangerous. If congestion does not go away for quite a long time, then you should definitely visit a doctor. During a cold, mucus may end up in the ear, which can cause serious consequences. This cannot be done without proper treatment. You should not delay this; it is better to immediately contact a specialist who will help and prescribe treatment.

If the ear becomes hard to hear and is blocked, then perhaps the reason is poor hygiene. If you for a long time If you haven’t cleaned your ears, then you should do it immediately. Try cleaning your ears cotton swabs. If this does not help, then consult a doctor.

How to get rid of pain and congestion in the ears

If this happened due to a pressure difference, then it is best to eliminate the effect by inhaling and exhaling. Try yawning or swallowing your saliva several times. This should help get rid of painful sensations and congestion.

If there is water in your ears, you can clean them with a cotton pad. Tilt your head to the side on the side where the stuffy ear is located. Clean your ear carefully so as not to make it worse. Otherwise, you can only make the situation worse and push the plug or water further into your ear, and this will cause complications.

If your ear is blocked and hurts due to a cold that has already passed, then it is better to use a saline solution. You can make it yourself, or buy it at the pharmacy. special drugs for this. However, it is not the ears that need to be washed, but the nose. If you remove mucus, you will reduce the strain on your ear. It will become much easier.

Never try to get rid of ear problems using hard or sharp objects, as this is dangerous. You may damage your eardrums and be left without hearing. These are very serious things.

To treat congestion, you can buy at the pharmacy ear candles. Follow the instructions attached to the drug, and then you will be able to figure out how to use them.

It is worth noting a way to combat ear congestion using hydrogen peroxide. Place a few drops of 3% peroxide in your ear, then rinse with water. You can also try putting some in your ear. olive oil. It also helps solve this problem.

In any case, there are many effective ways which will help get rid of ear congestion. You can try some of these. However, if this treatment does not help you, consult a doctor immediately.

Treating children's ears is much more difficult, so you need to be careful here. If congestion happened once, then there is nothing to worry about. However, if your ears are constantly blocked, and this process is also accompanied by pain, then you should think about it and contact a specialist who will help you identify the cause and prescribe treatment that will help you.

What to do if your child’s ear is blocked and hurts

Every mother should know what to do to help a child who has a blocked ear. Anyone can face this problem, but this problem is especially common in children. In general, ear congestion is not a terrible problem and does not cause too much trouble. Usually the congestion goes away quite quickly. Children are weaker, which means they are susceptible to infections and diseases, so if there is congestion and ear pain, it is better not to ignore this fact. Usually the ears hurt and are blocked for a reason, but in parallel with other ailments.

Causes of stuffy ears

It is worth noting that there are many reasons. Children may complain of congestion after swimming or during a cold. Sometimes, which happens quite often, the ears become blocked without visible reasons. U infants It is even more difficult to identify the problem because they cannot say for themselves what is bothering them. Therefore, parents should sometimes check their child’s reaction to sounds. If the baby reacts, then everything is fine, but if not, then you should think about it - perhaps the reason is congestion in the ears, as a result of which sound perception is reduced. This phenomenon is very dangerous for infants, so consult a doctor immediately.

If your baby has blocked ears for no particular reason, this may be due to anatomical abnormalities. For example, the nasal septum may have become deviated.

In any case, only a doctor can help determine the exact cause of congestion and pain. Therefore, if no improvement is observed, then you should contact a specialist as soon as possible.

What to do if your ear is blocked and shoots: reasons

If, in addition to congestion, there is a temperature, headache And bad feeling, then you should immediately consult a doctor. You should not try to help your child on your own without consulting a specialist first. Especially if the ear hurts and the unpleasant pain radiates to other organs.

Let's consider the main causes of this problem in a child:

  1. This can happen due to water getting into the ears during water procedures.
  2. It is also possible that ulcers have formed in the ears.
  3. Congestion may be associated with the entry of a foreign object.
  4. A runny nose can also cause ear congestion.
  5. Otitis.
  6. Action of drugs.

If the problem is temporary blockage of the ear canal due to the effects of environment, then there is no threat to health. If there are congenital pathologies, then this may be the reason surgical intervention further. The sooner you can identify the problem, the easier it will be for you to deal with it and cure it.

You should pay attention to dangerous symptoms for the child's health:

  • The child feels unwell and is lethargic;
  • Feeling dizzy or having a headache;
  • Hearing deteriorates, noise appears in the ears;
  • Increased temperature and fever;
  • Ear pain;
  • Serous or purulent discharge from the ears;
  • Nausea and spots before the eyes;
  • Loss of appetite and insomnia.

If such symptoms are present, then, most likely, serious inflammatory processes have occurred. They may affect vestibular apparatus, brain and nerve endings. The disease may be accompanied by intoxication of the body.

How can you help your baby and what should you do if his ears are blocked and he has trouble hearing?

In general, there are several ways to help a child. Until the cause is determined, it is not recommended to do anything on your own.

You can get rid of wax plugs at home without going to the doctor. This way you can save money and, moreover, the child will be less nervous, because going to the doctor is a real stress for them.

To do this, take a solution of furatsilin or hydrogen peroxide. The easiest way to do this is with hydrogen peroxide.

  1. Place the hydrogen peroxide solution in a small pipette. It's best to take 3%, it won't hurt auricle and will not affect your hearing in any way. It is better to heat the solution to 35-37 degrees in advance.
  2. The child should lie on his side to sore ear turned out to be at the top.
  3. Apply 5-7 drops from a pipette and leave the patient lying down for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Then you need to raise your head so that the peroxide can flow out calmly.
  5. Use a cloth to remove the softened wax.
  6. If necessary, repeat the procedure with the other ear.
  7. After this, you need to rinse both ears warm water In bathroom.

It's quite simple and anyone can do it. However, if you are still afraid of harming the child, then it is better to entrust this matter to a professional who will very quickly save the child from ear plugs.

Let's consider a few more options for what to do if your ear is blocked and shooting

Try rinsing your child's nose. Perhaps this is the reason for the congestion. Can be used saline solutions– Humer or Aquamaris. These drugs will help get rid of excess mucous secretions from the auditory tube, and also relieve swelling. Don't rinse your nose too often. Once or twice a day will be enough.

If your child is old enough, you can let him blow up a balloon. This method will work for a cold without a runny nose.

Make a salt compress. Take a piece of thick fabric or even a clean sock. Heat the salt in a frying pan and put it in a cloth, tying it well. The compress should be applied to the sore ear. By the way, the same method is suitable if the child has a stuffy nose and a severe runny nose.

You can also make a beetroot compress. Peel the vegetable, cut into pieces and boil in water, adding honey. The boiled mixture needs to be ground and bandaged on the sore ear.

Almond or nut butter works well for congestion. It needs to be warmed up and dropped into the stuffy ear. Place a bandage on top to prevent oil from leaking out.

You can also try brewing chamomile. Pour a teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers into 200 ml of water and boil. Leave the broth for a couple of hours. Then strain and rinse your ear with the resulting infusion. You can repeat the procedure three times a day.

All these methods are good either for relieving symptoms, if it is not possible to see a doctor right now, or during treatment, so that it works faster.

In any case, you need to consult a doctor, because only a specialist will be able to select the necessary medications and treatment methods. Moreover, every doctor has in his arsenal the necessary set of tools for examination and assistance.

There are also methods for relieving ear congestion due to rhinitis.

First of all, if your ear hurts and is blocked and you don’t know what to do, then send your child to blow his nose. Place any vasoconstrictor drops into your nose. To alleviate the condition, you need the child to hold his nose with his fingers and try to exhale. After this, you need to swallow saliva several times in a row. At the moment of exhalation, you may feel that your ears are even more blocked, but this does not mean anything terrible. After this simple exercise it will become easier. This exercise can be repeated several times a day, it is completely harmless. Inhalations and exhalations, which must be done sharply, can alleviate the condition.

If the cause of ear congestion is a runny nose, then rinsing the nose with a salt solution will certainly help. After rinsing, you need to add drops. This procedure should be done 2-3 times a day until hearing improves.

Also make sure your child blows his nose as often as possible. You should not draw mucus into yourself, as this may cause serious problems– for example, inflammation of the auditory tubes.

If your ear is blocked because something got into it foreign object, you should immediately go to the hospital or see a doctor. Using instruments, the doctor will pull out the foreign object.

Now we have looked at the options of what to do if your ear hurts and then gets blocked. We also voiced the main reasons and told what measures need to be taken to alleviate suffering and get rid of the disease for both adults and children.

If your ear hurts very badly and is blocked, then do not delay, consult a doctor immediately. Otherwise, you may encounter serious problems and complications that will bring a lot of trouble in the future, including hearing loss.

Often adults suffer because they have problems with their ears. There are many reasons, but in most cases it is due to the appearance of plugs in the ears. During this, a person experiences deterioration in hearing, his ear hurts, and he experiences discomfort. Many people encounter this problem quite regularly – up to several times a year. The solution to the problem is very simple - you need to get rid of the plug in your ears. You can do this at home, on your own, or in the hospital by contacting a doctor who will help you quickly deal with this problem.

First, you also need to determine what causes traffic jams. This usually happens due to large quantity accumulated wax in the ears. The process of sulfur formation can be provoked by too much frequent use cleansing procedures. If you use a cotton pad too often, you can damage the thin skin that covers the ear canal. The more actively you clean your ears, the large quantity there will be sulfur there.

Improper or excessive or too careful care of the ears can cause dirt and plugs.

Also, the appearance of ear plugs may be associated with various diseases: otitis media, dermatitis, eczema, etc. Dust also causes traffic jams.

We also note that if a person has a specific ear anatomy and the ear canal is too narrow and twists too much, then the risk of ear plugs increases. As a result, the wax simply cannot leave the ear on its own, without outside help.

As you may already understand, there are many causes of congestion and pain in the ears. You need to be especially careful if ear problems occur in children. This is especially true for very young, newborn children. There is no need to put off going to the doctor and try to solve the problem yourself, or do nothing at all, because this can lead to irreversible consequences. Timely assistance will make your life easier. Be healthy!

After past diseases and traumatic brain injuries, people often notice a decrease in the quality of their hearing. The reasons for the ear not hearing can be harmless or pose a health threat. It is important to know how to act in this situation in order to prevent the development of complications.

The ear does not hear, but it does not hurt after infectious and viral etiology or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).


Among the pathologies that negatively affect the function of the hearing aid are:

  1. ARVI or influenza in severe form. Under the influence of foreign antigens, an inflammatory process develops in the eustarchian tube.
  2. Sore throat. When the disease occurs, adenoid tissue grows in the nasopharynx and blocks the Eustachian tube.
  3. Childhood infections - measles, rubella, parotitis. In severe cases of the disease, the internal auditory canal is damaged by viral particles.
  4. Prolonged runny nose or sinusitis. When you blow your nose, a pressure drop occurs in the ear, which normally should remain constant.
  5. Organ damage genitourinary system. Prescribed for the treatment of diseases antibacterial drugs and diuretics, which together reduce hearing acuity. The problem disappears after stopping the medication.
  6. Otitis. Hearing deterioration after pathology indicates the ineffectiveness of the therapy. Because of this, swelling occurs in the tympanic cavity, and the auditory tube is filled with necrotic masses.
  7. Hypertensive crisis. The blood supply to the internal part of the organ and the nerve is carried out through one artery. With hypertension, this artery becomes blocked or narrowed, leading to the development. The problem is practically untreatable.

Important! Because of possible development For otitis media, children are not recommended to rinse their nose on their own. During the procedure, mucous secretions may enter the ear tube, causing inflammation.

After MRI

Some patients mistakenly believe that MRI can cause hearing loss. This is due to the fact that during the study the person experiences strong noise in the ears. But in most cases, the problem develops due to an underlying pathology, the diagnosis of which is carried out using magnetic resonance therapy. For example, when ischemic stroke the blood supply to the brain and nearby organs (ear and eye apparatus) is disrupted.

Hearing loss occurs if the patient experiences severe stress. This causes spasm of smooth muscles and provokes an increase in blood pressure. As a result, the blood supply to the ear area is disrupted.


With progressive deafness, the ear does not hear, but does not hurt. The main symptom of the pathology is a violation of the perception of another person’s speech.

The problem is difficult to diagnose in children. The only sign indicating a decrease in the quality of hearing in a baby is a delay speech development and neurological abnormalities.

TO additional symptoms Progressive hearing loss includes:

  • inability to listen to quiet and high-pitched sounds - whispers, squeaks;
  • frequent questioning;
  • incorrect placement of stress in words;
  • imbalance;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the external auditory canal;
  • absence of sounds in infants.


Hearing impairment in the first stage is diagnosed using a special test: the doctor whispers words and the patient repeats them. If a person does not distinguish colloquial speech, then he is prescribed an additional set of examinations, which makes it possible to identify the degree of neglect of the problem and the reason for its development.

The following methods are used to determine hearing loss:

  1. Audiometry. Reveals a person’s ability to recognize sounds of different pitches.
  2. Tympanometry. Intended for analysis of air conduction of the hearing organ.
  3. Weber test. Using the method, it is revealed whether one or both ears have stopped hearing.
  4. Shvabrach test. It is prescribed to determine the type of pathology.
  5. Impedancemetry. The study allows us to identify the localization of the abnormal process that caused hearing loss.
  6. Otoscopy is an examination of the hearing organ using otolaryngological instruments.

The specialist prescribes a set of studies for each specific case. In one case, audiometry is sufficient to make a diagnosis, while in another, tests and instrumental research techniques are needed.

What to do?

The treatment regimen for hearing loss includes: taking general medications and local action, detoxification measures, improving blood circulation in the ear structure.

First aid

A person cannot help himself if his ear is hard of hearing, but it does not hurt. If symptoms continue for a long time, you should consult a specialist or call a medical team. The more time passes from the moment of manifestation unpleasant symptoms, those less likely full recovery.

The specialist will examine the auricle for the presence of foreign objects and wax plugs and prescribe an audiogram. Advanced hearing loss is treated in inpatient conditions with help intravenous injections vasoconstrictors.

The only thing a person suffering from hearing loss can do is to prevent the condition from getting worse. For this purpose up to medical examination necessary:

  • stop smoking and alcoholic beverages;
  • maintain bed rest;
  • avoid excessive physical activity;
  • accept sedatives when feeling anxious.

You should know! Scientific research showed that with timely consultation with a doctor, 80% of cases are observed full recovery hearing This applies to situations where sudden hearing loss occurs. Chronic forms diseases are treatable only in 20% of cases.


To treat hearing loss, topical medications are prescribed - drops. TO effective means include:

  1. Anauran. The medicine contains 2 types of antibiotics. Drops are used if the ear hurts.
  2. Otinum. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect and counteracts the development bacterial flora in the ear canal.
  3. Otipax. The drug contains alcohol, anti-inflammatory and analgesic components.
  4. Sofradex. The medicine contains hormones that prevent swelling in the ear and antibiotics.
  5. Candiobiotic. It is considered a universal drug prescribed for otolaryngological diseases. The product has antifungal, antibacterial and antiseptic effects.

The doctor determines what to put in the ear if there is a problem. It takes into account individual characteristics the patient and the factors that caused the development of the problem.

Treatment at home

Home remedies for dealing with hearing loss cannot be considered as the main method of treatment. Folk recipes used to consolidate results drug therapy in consultation with the doctor.

  1. Baked onion. The product contains components that accelerate metabolism in tissues. These stimulate the regeneration of damaged cells. Baked onion juice is used for chronic course hearing loss. To prepare the medicine, make a hole in the onion and add dill seeds (1 tsp). The vegetable is baked until golden brown and the juice is squeezed out of it. The medicine is instilled into the problematic ear once a day, 7 drops.
  2. Propolis. The product is used for hearing impairment associated with circulatory disorders. To prepare the tincture, take 50 g of propolis and add 200 ml of vodka. The medicine is infused for 10 days and then mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:4. Cotton pads are moistened in the solution and placed in the sore ear for 12 hours. Duration of treatment – ​​2 weeks.

You should know! Folk remedies do not suppress local and general human immunity, as happens when taking antibiotics. Treatment with home recipes can be continued until signs of pathology disappear.

Which doctor should I contact?

Appointment with an otolaryngologist

The first specialist you need to contact if your hearing worsens is an otolaryngologist. After the examination, the doctor may recommend consultation with specialists of another profile - oncologist, neurologist, therapist.

Newborn babies undergo a hearing test by a pediatrician in the first month. If hearing loss is suspected, parents are advised to take their child to an audiologist.


Prevention of hearing loss includes:

  • timely treatment of infectious and viral diseases;
  • usage vasoconstrictor drops in the nose during flights;
  • refusal to clean the external auditory canal with cotton swabs;
  • wearing a swimming cap when visiting the pool;
  • conducting healthy image life;
  • compliance with the work and rest regime;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • quitting smoking and alcoholic beverages;
  • limiting the time spent listening to music on headphones to 1 hour;
  • contact an otolaryngologist at the first signs of hearing loss.

Hearing impairment without pain symptoms is a frequently diagnosed problem. It may appear due to chronic diseases or negative external factors. Hearing loss requires medical care with long-term persistence of symptoms. Clinical picture pathology that is not accompanied by ear pain can be supplemented by impaired coordination of movements and the inability to perceive low and high-pitched sounds.