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Thyme herb view. Thyme (thyme). Voluntary treatment of alcoholism with thyme

Previously, when antibiotics and synthetic drugs were not so common, and you had to travel several hundred kilometers to the pharmacy or the nearest doctor, our grandparents treated coughs and various ailments with an infusion of an inconspicuous fragrant herb, which grows in abundance in the summer. our fields.

In botany, the plant belongs to the Lamiaceae or Labiatae family; it is better known among the people as thyme.

This perennial, growing in clearings and along paths. It blooms in summer with cute lilac flowers. Both flowers and stems are used for medicinal purposes. It is advisable to collect the plant during the flowering period, from mid-June to the end of July.

Delicate flowers and leaves must be collected carefully and picked carefully without damaging the root system. Working bees also love thyme for its pollen-rich inflorescences.

The plant is widespread throughout Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, as well as in the Caucasus. In recent decades, thyme has been cultivated for industrial purposes. If you decide to prepare a medicinal potion yourself, then you should remember that it must be stored in linen bags in a dark, dry place and dried under a canopy.

Today we will talk about the beneficial and medicinal properties of thyme, what diseases it helps with, and how to properly take decoctions and infusions prepared from this plant.

Chemical composition and pharmacological properties

Any medicinal plant has a set unique substances, which determine it beneficial features for the human body. Plants are our first assistants and pharmacologists in the treatment of ailments. Based on chemical components isolated from medicinal herbs, the medicines that we see in pharmacies are created.

But our ancestors, just like us, were sick, and tried to find drugs that would help them alleviate their suffering. The following substances have been isolated in creeping thyme or thyme:

  1. The spicy aroma is provided by an essential oil with a central component of more than forty percent thymol. The rest is carvacrol, borneol, n-cymene, and a-terpineol.
  2. Organic acids and triterpene compounds, namely ursolic and oleic.
  3. Flavonoids.
  4. In stems and flowers rich content ash.
  5. Mineral acids.
  6. Microelements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, cobalt, molybdenum, chromium, aluminum, barium, nickel, tin. These substances are found in negligibly small quantities, but they are quite enough for positive influence on the body.
  7. Tannins.
  8. Flavonoids.
  9. Bitterness.

The medicinal properties that this plant has are unique; this is primarily associated with thymol. Thymol belongs to the phenol group. But, unlike phenol, thymol is not as toxic and does not irritate the mucous membranes of the throat, nose and eyes.

Thymol has a detrimental effect on pathogenic flora and harmful microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes. Galenic forms from the creeping thyme plant have strong expectorant properties.

The healing substances of the miracle - herbs directly act on the ciliated epithelium. This type of epithelium, moving in waves towards the distal edge of the respiratory tube, removes mucus containing microorganisms and inflammatory exudate.

Preparations based on thyme, with their composition, dilute the existing sputum and other inflammatory plaque, this in turn contributes to quick removal sputum from the body, destruction pathogenic bacteria, germs and quick recovery.

Thanks to its unique combination of beneficial substances, thyme has a diverse effect on the body. Undoubtedly, at the first mention of thyme, everyone remembers it healing effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Traditional healers have been using it for many years medicinal plant for acute viral respiratory infections, exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the bronchi, fragrant herb helps in removing mucus and phlegm from the respiratory tract.

Thyme - what is its benefit?

Thyme has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. By relieving the spasm of smooth muscles in the small bronchi during coughing, this is why sputum is easily expectorated and breathing becomes easier.

A mild pain reliever that relieves muscle pain after a hard day at work. Prolonged forced position of the body provokes spasm of the broad muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. Thyme relieves pain and possible inflammation.

This gives vigor and tones the body. Thus, thyme prevents chronic fatigue and stress.

Thyme relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and reduces putrefactive processes in the intestines. It is fermentation that provokes discomfort and bloating. Antibiotics upset the balance between beneficial microorganisms and pathogenic flora in the large intestine, so infusions or decoctions of medicinal herbs are drunk along with a course of antibiotics.

It is thyme that will help stabilize the balance of microflora.

  1. Relieves itching and inflammatory reaction on the skin during the manifestation of dermatological diseases.
  2. Immunity, reduced by frequent viral diseases, can be boosted by infusion and decoction of thyme.
  3. A pillow filled with thyme will help you against insomnia, headaches and migraines.

Disinfectant property, at the same time can promote the healing of wounds and small cracks.

Thyme is used to prevent gingivitis and periodontitis, which cause inflammation. To do this, you need to rinse your mouth with infusions and drink herbal decoctions.

To summarize all of the above, thyme has the following properties:

  • sedative;
  • disinfectant;
  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant;
  • diuretic;
  • hypnotic;
  • wound healing;
  • anthelmintic;
  • antispasmodic.

History of the use of thyme

Information about the beneficial properties of thyme goes back several centuries. One of the first mentions of the use of thyme dates back to the second millennium BC. At that time, poultices made from thyme herb combined with pear and fig pulp were popular.

Our ancestors, in addition to medicinal properties, endowed this plant magical properties. They actively used wonderful weed in ceremonies and rituals.

Over time, thyme has not left historical legends and legends. Even in the Bible, the most famous book of all time, there is a mention of thyme. According to ancient legend, the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus on a bed of creeping thyme.

In the Middle Ages, knights wore embroidery on their clothes in the form of thyme sprigs; it was believed that the plant protected warriors from harm, and tea with the addition of thyme gave courage and courage. Of course, healers and worshipers revered and often used thyme to treat people and decorate icons. Russian heroes carried bunches of thyme in their amulet to protect against the evil eye and evil spirits.

In ancient medical practice thyme was also used to treat the respiratory tract, digestive organs and pathologies of the nervous system. In reference books and books on medicine of those times, it was indicated effective treatment thyme, such infectious disease like whooping cough.

How to collect, dry and store thyme

Only the above-ground part of the plant is used for medicinal purposes. Thyme must be collected during the period when it blooms, this time from the end of June to the end of August. The upper shoots with flowers are carefully plucked or cut with scissors, then placed in paper bags or baskets. It is necessary to ensure that the raw materials are not heavily compacted and wrinkled.

Thyme is harvested in dry weather, after the morning dew. During collection, care must be taken not to pull out plants by the roots and not to come across rough stems, as well as twigs with insects and larvae.

How to dry thyme?

Drying thyme at home must be done correctly; it is good to do this in the shade under awnings, in ventilated attics or on racks specially equipped for drying. The grass is laid out to dry on natural fabric or paper, in a layer not exceeding 5 centimeters. Sometimes for drying, thyme is tied into small bunches and hung under a canopy or roof.

Experienced herbalists do not recommend using dryers when preparing thyme. The fact is that the plant contains a lot valuable substances and essential oils, which can quickly evaporate during rapid drying. Therefore, if you use a dryer, make sure that the air temperature in the chamber is not higher than 35 degrees.

Drying should be continued until the branches of the plant become brittle and the flowers and leaves begin to crumble when tossed.

  1. The dried grass must be threshed and all unnecessary parts removed from the finished medicinal raw material: coarse stems. black, yellow leaves, foreign impurities.
  2. High-quality raw materials should consist of brownish-red inflorescences and dark green leaves.
  3. Ready dry thyme should be stored in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, with good ventilation. For storage you can use canvas or paper bags, thick cardboard boxes, glass jars.
  4. You cannot store raw materials in plastic bags; in them, the grass quickly becomes damp and loses its beneficial properties.

If all the rules are followed, the shelf life of dry thyme will be 2 years.

Use of thyme in medicine

Official and folk medicine widely uses the herb creeping thyme, another name for thyme, in the treatment of many diseases:

  • flatulence;
  • insomnia;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • oral diseases;
  • alcoholism;
  • whooping cough;
  • stomatitis;
  • cholecystitis.

This is far from full list diseases in the treatment of which thyme is used.

In the pharmacy chain you can see such official drugs based on thyme.

  1. Hartmann's liquid is a thyme extract combined with glycerin for irrigation of the oral mucosa in dentistry.
  2. Thyme-based liniments are used to treat arthralgia, radiculopathy, and myalgia.
  3. Pertusin is a liquid syrup with a pleasant aroma and sweet taste. Consists of thyme extract, potassium bromide, sweet syrup, alcohol. It is used for bronchitis, whooping cough, and as an expectorant.
  4. Melrosum is a similar preparation produced in Germany and consists of codeine, copper, grindella and pampinella, primrose, thyme and rose. Acts on the epithelium of the oropharynx during catarrhal inflammation, laryngitis, pharyngitis.

The use of thyme for treatment - infusions, decoctions, tinctures

From thyme herb folk medicine They prepare various drugs to treat many diseases. This is a decoction, infusion, syrup, balm for taking a bath. Plant materials prepared in advance must be dried and crushed before preparing medicines.

Add a spoonful of herbs to half a liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat for about five minutes. Infuse for forty minutes, covered, in a warm place. Strain and drink as regular tea. Thyme decoction is well suited for colds and inflammation.

Natural cough syrup from fragrant thyme is a natural remedy that is no worse, and maybe even better, than the synthetic drugs that we so often use, because this syrup is prepared from natural ingredients.

We offer you several recipes for making sweet medicine from thyme.

Recipe No. 1

An easy-to-make sweet thyme syrup with honey that is good for coughs and colds.

  1. To prepare the syrup, take a small bunch of fresh, flowering thyme, wash it well, chop it finely and let it dry.
  2. Fill the prepared raw materials with water - 450 milliliters and set to cook over low heat. The water should boil by half during cooking.
  3. Let the broth cool and filter it, then add 50 grams of garlic juice and natural honey - 300 grams.
  4. Mix everything and store in a tightly closed jar. This syrup can be stored for a long time.

You should take this medicine one teaspoon a day, after meals.

Recipe No. 2

Another option for preparing a delicious medicine.

  1. Finely chop dry thyme - 20 grams. Fill it up hot water- 200 ml,
  2. Let it cook on low heat in a covered saucepan until the water boils by half.
  3. Let the broth cool and strain.
  4. Melt 300 grams of honey in a water bath and add to the prepared broth.

We will make a delicious healing syrup that can be given to children for cough. Give one teaspoon after meals.

Recipe No. 3

Finely chop the flowering thyme and put it in glass jar layers, alternating layers of grass with sugar. We press down the raw material, close it with a lid and put it in a dark place for two weeks. After this, pour the syrup into another jar and cover well with a lid. We add sweet medicine to tea when coughing or when stomach problems arise.


Take alcohol, maybe seventy percent, and combine it with dry thyme herb, in the ratio: one part herb and ten parts alcohol. Place in a dark place for two weeks. Take: ten drops per glass of water. Take the tincture before meals to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Thyme infusion in folk medicine

The healing properties of thyme have long been used by folk healers to heal a wide variety of ailments. Thyme infusion has been helping people for many centuries; we present to you the best and time-tested recipes for miracle herbal infusions.

Recipe No. 1

Pour a tablespoon of herb into a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. Then filter through cheesecloth and take warm, half a glass three times a day.

This infusion is good for sore throat, pharyngitis, for the treatment of respiratory tract and dental diseases.

Recipe No. 2

Pour one tablespoon of thyme into a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for two hours, then strain.

Take medicine to treat bronchitis, one tablespoon four times a day.

Recipe No. 3

For migraines and headaches, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over the herb, leave for three hours, then strain. Drink a tablespoon three times a day.

Recipe No. 4

For cystitis, an infusion of thyme, brewed in this way, helps: pour a spoonful of the herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. Drink a quarter glass, for cystitis, three times a day before meals.

Recipe No. 5

For radiculitis, neuritis, sciatica, brew two tablespoons of thyme with a glass of boiling water, leave for three hours under a lid, then filter. The resulting healing infusion is taken orally, one tablespoon three times a day.

Baths with thyme

If you want to take a relaxing, soothing bath and relieve muscle pain and fatigue, then you need to take 500 grams of dry herb and pour five liters of boiling water, boil for six minutes. Leave for 30 minutes. Take a warm bath and dilute the resulting decoction in water. Take a bath for 20-30 minutes.

Thyme based tea

The benefits of thyme for the human body in tea are enormous, aromatic healing drink will save you from diseases during the flu epidemic and strengthen your immune system. Honey is a useful additive and is best eaten as a bite. Drinking healing herbal tea is good in both hot and cold weather.

Delicious and aromatic tea will fill your body with sunshine and aroma. For tea, take a small amount of thyme, literally a couple of sprigs. Place boiling water in a cup and cover with a lid.

Thyme for women's health

You should immediately warn that women who are in an interesting position should refrain from taking thyme. By the way, pregnancy is a fundamental contraindication for the use of any herbal products.

In the case of thyme, its use helps to increase the tone of the uterus. Increased tone always a risk for premature birth


But after the birth of the baby, thyme tea has a beneficial effect on the production breast milk for feeding a baby.

Dysmenorrhea, which is manifested by painful periods and severe premenstrual syndrome greatly affects women. Muscle spasms and pain are well relieved by thyme tea.

The inflammatory process in the ovaries in complex therapy is associated with the use of infusion and tea from thyme.

For itchy scalp and dandruff, use a decoction or infusion of thyme. Rinsing your hair and scalp not only eliminates unpleasant symptoms itching, but also gives shine and beauty to the hair.

For skin affected by acne, use a decoction of thyme. The skin of the face is wiped with a decoction of thyme and lemon juice. 250 ml of decoction is combined with 100 ml of lemon juice. The anti-inflammatory properties of thyme are combined with the drying properties of lemon juice.

Thyme for men's health

Men are more susceptible to stress at work and in everyday life life situations. The male body, unlike the female one, is not protected from stressful situations by the action of tarragon. Therefore, men are more likely to develop many diseases, such as hypertension and infectious diseases.

Thyme relieves muscle pain and fatigue. Taking baths and drinking tea reduces tension and stress hormones.

Prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland is treated in a complex, including frequent use of thyme tea.

For influenza and acute viral diseases upper respiratory tract, it is useful to drink thyme tea to increase sweating. This will help reduce the temperature and remove intoxication.

In our time, when there is a return to the roots and healthy image life, many parents, quite rightly, prefer to use medicinal plants and preparations made from them to treat their young children. This happens because synthetic drugs have many harmful side effects and contraindications.

On the contrary, herbs are natural, healthy and will not cause any harm to the child, provided that the rules of administration are followed.

One of these useful plants for children is thyme or thyme. It has an antiseptic, soothing and disinfectant effect.

If your baby has difficulty falling asleep and his sleep is restless, then you need to take a warm bath with the addition of thyme decoction - and the child’s sleep will normalize, become calm and healthy.

Such healing baths are good for children with rheumatism and rickets.

It is important to remember that when treating with herbs, you need to adhere to the recommendations of homeopaths and healers, follow the dosages of natural medicines and the rules for taking them. Correct Application Herbs give the best healing effect!

Contraindications and symptoms of overdose

Like everyone else nowadays existing medicine There are some contraindications for which thyme should not be used:

  1. First on the list of contraindications is pregnancy.
  2. Acute and chronic kidney diseases. This can be explained by the fact that cleansing the body of metabolic products is difficult and taking any medications, including medicinal herbs, can significantly affect general state body.
  3. Acute and chronic liver diseases - for the same reasons as in the case of kidneys. The liver is also directly involved in the process of recycling toxic substances.
  4. Ulcerative gastroenteritis.
  5. Hypothyroidism or other conditions with decreased hormone production thyroid gland.
  6. Chronic constipation.
  7. Pulmonary emphysema is overstretching of the alveoli and thinning of their walls. This occurs during the outcome of some chronic and occupational diseases pulmonary system.
  8. Bronchial asthma.

Symptoms of overdose and negative effects of thyme:

  1. If there was an uncontrolled use of any drug based on thyme, then you can expect attacks of vomiting.
  2. Allergic reactions - in principle, any drug, including herbal origin, can cause itching, redness of the skin, and in severe cases, swelling of Quinte, therefore, at the first unpleasant or atypical reactions of the body, you should stop taking thyme and consult a doctor.

Thyme in the fight against alcoholism

A person suffering from alcoholism is not only subjected to contemptuous treatment from society, but also destroys the fate of his loved ones. In the fight against alcoholism, all means are good. Not least of all is herbal medicine. Thyme is just one of the medicinal plants that can help a sick person.

The properties of thyme will be useful when alcohol addiction has not led to the loss of the gag reflex. This is usually initial stages dependencies. It is used in a complex of conditioned reflex therapy. This method is based on the development of unpleasant physical sensations in the patient after drinking alcohol.

Half an hour after taking the thyme decoction, vomiting occurs. A good, lasting result will be achieved if the procedure is repeated several times a day throughout the entire course of treatment. In treatment, you must strictly adhere to the recipe so as not to cause negative side effects.

Thyme decoction for the treatment of alcoholism

For the decoction, use 15 grams of thyme and brew half a liter of water. Place in a water bath and cook for another 10 minutes. Drain the finished broth and bring it to a volume of half a liter, boiled water. Use 50 ml several times a day. and wash it down with alcohol every time. After about forty minutes, vomiting will occur.

Collection with thyme for alcoholism

Making a complex collection:

  • Sage, rosemary and peppermint - thirty grams each;
  • wormwood and thyme - twenty grams each;
  • lovage root fifteen grams.

Preparation and use:

  1. Grind everything and mix.
  2. Brew two tablespoons of the mixture into 500 ml. cook boiling water over very low heat for twenty minutes, cool and strain.
  3. Drink 1/2 cup three times a day before meals.

The course of treatment is one and a half months.

Alcohol addiction treatment

Another recipe that is used for treatment chronic form alcoholism. For half a liter of water, take two tablespoons of dry and crushed thyme. Take the same amount of oregano herb, cook for approximately 16 minutes. If the patient is drunk, then he can be given a glass of warm broth immediately and another glass after two hours.

Diseases for which thyme is used

Improved appetite and digestion in general. Cramping pain in the intestines and excessive bloating. Fights bad breath; a decoction is mainly used for this purpose.

Baths with creeping thyme treat skin diseases, and also soothe and relieve anxiety. Neurological problems in the form of pain various localizations in muscles and joints.

If you have been bitten by bees or any other harmful insects, then thyme decoction lotions will help relieve pain, itching and swelling.

For coughs and colds, thyme decoction is useful to give to children.

Increased arterial pressure removed various recipes based on thyme.

The ability to improve blood circulation in many organs, including the brain, can help in the treatment of encephalopathies and concussions.

Thyme for blood pressure

Thyme is often used to treat hypertension, as this plant dilates blood vessels. Tea with thyme is useful for people who suffer from high blood pressure.

Recipe: pour a tablespoon of chopped herbs into a glass of boiling water, let it brew for two hours in a thermos. Drink like regular tea, before meals, three times a day.

After drinking the infusion, it is advisable to lie down and apply a warm heating pad to your feet.

Decoction for stomach cancer

Pour boiling water over the crushed thyme herb and boil in a water bath for half an hour. Then cool and strain. The ratio of grass and water is 1:10. This decoction should be drunk three times a day, half a glass, half an hour before meals.

Treatment of insomnia

To normalize sleep, you need to prepare the following decoction: pour a tablespoon of thyme herb with water - 400 ml. and bring to a boil over low heat. Then cool and strain.

Drink the prepared decoction three times a day, half a glass. It improves sleep, helps with stress, headaches, and intestinal dysbiosis.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI

To prevent the flu, we will prepare the following tincture: take 50 grams of dry thyme and pour 70% alcohol into it - 220 ml. Let it brew in a glass container in a dark, cool place for two weeks, at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. The tincture should be shaken once twice a day. The shelf life of the finished tincture is 5 years.

Take 15 drops in half a glass of water as a preventative measure, twice a day. One month course.

Thyme for cough

From the depths of distant centuries, proven recipes for decoctions and infusions of thyme have come to us, with which village healers successfully treated colds, coughs, sore throats, and respiratory diseases. But the fact is that this plant has powerful antibacterial properties, expectorant and disinfectant effect.

Recipe No. 1

Add one tablespoon of chopped dry thyme herb to a glass of hot boiling water and let it brew for one hour. Then we strain. The prepared medicine should be drunk two tablespoons three times a day.

Recipe No. 2

Take a tablespoon of natural honey, a tablespoon of fresh aloe juice and mix with thyme infusion in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting medicine should be taken at night.

Recipe No. 3

Let's take it healing herbs: thyme - 3 tablespoons, oregano and mint - 1 tablespoon each. Fill a thermos with 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. Drink for coughs and colds like regular tea.

Recipe No. 4

Immediately after preparing the decoction or infusion of thyme, do not strain it and leave it in a container with a towel thrown over your head. You need to breathe over the steam for 15 minutes, then wrap your head and neck with a warm scarf and go to bed. Do not go outside after the procedure.

Thyme in cosmetology

To preserve beauty, women often use different recipes based on thyme, the use of natural cosmetics with herbs gives good results due to its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

Thyme infusion for washing

Helps relieve inflammation and get rid of acne. A few tablespoons of dry thyme herb are infused in a thermos for three hours. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Washing your facial skin every night will preserve youth and beauty for a long time.

Ice from this infusion is also used. Rubbing the skin of the face, neck and décolleté with an ice cube tones and improves blood circulation.

Anti-aging skin mask

Hair strengthening

Oil infusion of thyme and any base oil eliminates increased hair loss. This medicine is rubbed into the scalp and washed off after forty minutes.

Mask to enhance hair growth

Pour a bunch of thyme herb into a liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat until the amount of liquid is reduced by half. Use as a mask before washing your hair, and to rinse your hair after washing.

Thyme enchants with its pleasant smell and abundant flowering; this small shrub with thin branches covers the ground with a soft carpet. Gardeners decorate their plots with thyme, place it on rocky hills, and hardworking bees buzz over its fragrant flowers. This small plant is not only beautiful, but also very useful, as it has healing properties.

Thyme or creeping thyme is a perennial low-growing shrub from the Lamiaceae family, with thin stems that spread along the ground. The height of thyme is from 5 to 35 cm, the leaves are small oval green, the flowers are also small pink-violet, collected in a bunch. The plant is very fragrant and blooms in June - August.

The genus thyme has many species - creeping and flea thyme, Ural and Siberian thyme, Crimean and Zhiguli thyme, small-leaved thyme and other species. They are slightly different in their own way appearance, and according to the composition of the substances contained, but all have healing properties and are used in folk medicine. Thyme grows in forest clearings and edges, in sandy steppes and on rocky slopes.

The above-ground part of the plant is used as a medicinal raw material, which is cut off during flowering and dried in the shade, laying out the raw material in a thin layer, turning it over periodically.

This amazing plant contains many useful substances - it is an essential oil rich in thymol and carvacrol, there is also a small amount of cymene, pinene, terpinene. The chemical composition contains flavonoids, tannins, organic acids - oleanolic, ursolic, caffeic, vitamins, fats, resins, gum, bitterness and mineral salts.

Medicinal properties and uses

Thanks to the biologically active substances that are contained in thyme and have a positive effect on human body, thyme is widely used in traditional and folk medicine.

It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, bronchodilator properties and is an excellent medicine for the treatment of respiratory diseases - tracheitis and bronchitis, whooping cough, pneumonia and tuberculosis.

The decoction and infusion are used as an expectorant for coughs, to remove phlegm, and for rinsing the mouth when dental diseases- stomatitis, gingivitis, for diseases of the pharynx - for tonsillitis, pharyngitis. The infusion is also used in the form of inhalations. The decoction is used to wash purulent wounds and ulcers, and to make lotions for acne and boils.

Thyme treats radiculitis, sciatica, neuritis, it relieves pain well. An infusion of the herb is used internally for abdominal pain, gastritis, gastrointestinal colic, constipation and flatulence. Thyme has a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora. Tea with the addition of thyme is drunk to improve digestion and increase appetite.

Externally used in the form of compresses, lotions, and added to medicinal baths for articular rheumatism. Steamed thyme herb treats arthrosis and gout. The juice and powder of the plant treats inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

The calming and hypnotic effects of thyme have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and are used to treat nervous disorders, depression, and insomnia. A pillow filled with dry grass will ensure that you fall asleep quickly and have a restful, sound sleep.

The antispasmodic effect of this medicinal herb used for treatment arterial hypertension, for migraines. Traditional healers advise washing your hair with a decoction of thyme for severe headaches.

Zinc and other beneficial substances contained in thyme have a beneficial effect on the male body. Thyme preparations - decoctions, infusions, oil - are used to treat prostatitis and impotence. The infusion is taken orally, the decoction is added to medicinal baths, and the oil is rubbed into the perineal area.

Thyme also helps in the fight against alcoholism.

Tea with thyme relieves fatigue, increases immunity and performance, improves metabolism and well-being, and strengthens the body.

Thyme is used in Food Industry, as an aromatic spice, is added when preparing various dishes, marinades and pickles, and in alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Thyme oil is used in perfumery, cosmetology, and the pharmaceutical industry. Added to colognes and eau de toilette, lotions and deodorants, soaps and shampoos, cosmetical tools for the care of the skin of the face, hands, hair, in toothpastes and mouth rinses, in cough syrups.

Contraindications to the use of thyme

Thyme has many beneficial and medicinal properties, but if used incorrectly it can be harmful to health.

Thyme is contraindicated:

  • pregnant and lactating breasted women,
  • patients with impaired liver, kidney,
  • people with peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum in the acute stage
  • for gastritis with high acidity,
  • with decreased thyroid function,
  • for chronic constipation,
  • with emphysema, with bronchial asthma,
  • with cardiosclerosis and atrial fibrillation,
  • for vascular atherosclerosis brain,
  • children under 2 years old.

In case of overdose, allergic reactions in the form of rash, nausea, and vomiting are possible. Long-term use of thyme preparations without following the dosage can lead to hypothyroidism.

Traditional recipes for treating thyme

Thyme or thyme has been used since ancient times traditional healers for treatment various diseases. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from thyme grass, dry leaves are ground into powder and added to ointments, oil is prepared from fresh raw materials, and an alcohol tincture is made. Fresh juice from the plant is also used for treatment.

Infusions and decoctions are drunk for diseases of the respiratory tract and internal organs. Infusions are used for rinsing, inhalation, medicinal baths, and as lotions for bruises, joints, and wounds.

Infusion for the treatment of the respiratory tract

Pour a tablespoon of thyme into a glass of boiling water and cover with a lid. Leave for 15 minutes, strain and take half a glass 3 times a day warm.

For sore throat, pharyngitis and dental diseases, rinse the mouth and throat with warm infusion 3-4 times a day.

Infusion for sciatica, neuritis, radiculitis

Pour two tablespoons of raw material into a glass of boiling water, leave for three hours, strain, take the infusion orally three times a day, a tablespoon at a time.

Infusion for migraines, headaches

Pour a tablespoon of thyme into a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, drink 3-4 times during the day.

Thyme decoction for cough

Pour a tablespoon of dry raw material into a glass of hot water, bring to a boil, leave for one hour. Strain and take the decoction three times a day, one tablespoon at a time, before meals.

Infusion for bronchitis

Pour a tablespoon of thyme into a glass of boiling water and pour into a thermos. Leave for two hours, take a tablespoon four times a day.

Infusion for cholecystitis, cystitis

Pour a tablespoon of thyme into a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, strain, take a quarter glass 3-4 times a day before meals.

Bath infusion for rheumatism

Pour a liter of boiling water over a package of dry herbs, leave for 2 hours, strain, and add to a bath of hot water. The bath time is 20 minutes, it is advisable to take a bath every other day two hours before bedtime.

Infusion for sexual weakness in men

Pour 2 tablespoons of thyme herb into 0.5 ml of boiling water and leave for two hours. Strain the infusion and take half a glass twice a day before meals.

Thyme tea

Pour a teaspoon of dried or fresh flowers into a glass of boiling water, leave for about five minutes, strain and drink like tea, you can add honey.

Tea improves stomach function, eliminates heartburn, relieves headache, is a preventative against colds. Tea taken on an empty stomach in the morning has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and helps in the fight against dysbiosis.

Alcohol tincture of thyme

The alcohol tincture is taken as an expectorant for coughs and colds, and is used as a rub for pain in muscles and joints. The tincture can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can prepare it at home.

Recipe for alcohol tincture of thyme No. 1

Place 30 grams of chopped thyme in a glass container and pour in 150 ml of alcohol or vodka. Close the container and leave at room temperature for 10 days. Then strain the tincture and apply 15 drops orally three times a day after meals, use for rubbing and lotions.

Tincture recipe No. 2

Pour three tablespoons of thyme herb into 100 ml of vodka. Infuse in a dark place for 21 days, strain, squeeze out the herb. Use as a rub for pain in the joints and lower back, and for rheumatism.

Thyme tincture with wine

Pour 100 grams of dried thyme herb into a liter of dry white wine. Leave for a week, shaking the container periodically. Then the tincture needs to be brought to a boil, wrapped and left for 4-6 hours, strained. Take 30 ml of tincture 2-3 times a day before meals.

This tincture improves health and increases life expectancy, treats colds, relieves stomach cramps, treats headaches, promotes the secretion of bile, alleviates nervous disorders and helps in the fight against insomnia.

Thyme oil

The oil has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and analgesic effects and is used to treat internal organs, increases blood flow, normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract and menstrual cycle, increases immunity, improves emotional state, relieves fatigue, increases potency and prevents premature ejaculation, outputs uric acid, relieves arthritis, gout, eliminates swelling and promotes weight loss. It is also used as an anthelmintic for pediculosis.

Used for therapeutic baths, massage, inhalations. You can buy ready-made thyme essential oil at the pharmacy, or you can prepare it at home.

Thyme oil recipe

Grind 15 grams of dry herb, pour in 100 ml of olive oil, close the container with a lid and leave in a dark place at room temperature for two weeks, shaking the mixture periodically. Strain thoroughly and take 5 drops orally three times a day, externally for rubbing.

Product to enhance sexual desire

Dissolve 5 ml of thyme oil in 100 ml of water, add honey, mix well. Take three times a day.

Remedy for pediculosis

Add 10 drops of thyme essential oil to 10 ml of vegetable oil and apply to the scalp.

Hair beauty product

Add 7 drops of thyme essential oil to a bottle of shampoo and shake well.

Thyme (motherland, thyme, boron thyme) is a well-known herb among residents of the CIS, which is used in folk medicine. It is characterized by an unimaginable number of beneficial properties and has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. In this article I will consider the beneficial properties and contraindications of thyme.

9 healing properties of thyme

  1. Natural antiseptic. Ideal for the treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases.
  2. Strong expectorant and anti-inflammatory. Motherboard has long been used as a formidable weapon in the fight against cough and bronchitis.
  3. Infusion and decoction based on thyme - help with tonsillitis, stomatitis and diseases of the pharynx. The infusion is used in the form of inhalations, and fresh decoction It is customary to wash ulcers, wounds and other damage to the skin.
  4. Treats neuritis and radiculitis with pain. The mood increases appetite and improves digestion.
  5. Used in the form of lotions and compresses. Medicinal baths are made using thyme. Steamed herbs are used to treat arthrosis.
  6. Natural sedative and sleeping pill. Helps improve the functioning of the nervous system, cure nervous disorders, eliminate insomnia and cope with depression.
  7. A source of zinc and beneficial substances that the male body needs. Motherboard-based products are used in the treatment of impotence and prostatitis.
  8. Helps in the fight against alcoholism. The substances that make up the plant cleanse the liver and are removed from the body heavy slags and dangerous toxins that are breakdown products of alcohol. Causes a person to develop a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages.
  9. An aromatic tea is prepared from thyme, which strengthens immune system, relieves fatigue, restores metabolism and improves well-being.

As you can see, thyme is a truly miraculous plant that will help cope with a number of diseases, strengthen the body and energize it. Note that thyme has found extensive use in the food field. It is used as an aromatic spice added to pickles, marinades, and all kinds of dishes and drinks.

Thyme contraindications

  1. Not recommended for use as a treatment or as a seasoning during pregnancy.
  2. Use with extreme caution, and ideally it is better to completely exclude it from the diet and list of medications for people with problems digestive system.
  3. It is forbidden to use for liver and kidney diseases.
  4. The herb contains thymol, which negatively affects liver function.
  5. You should not get carried away with uncontrolled self-medication with thyme. With prolonged use of the herb, hypothyroidism may occur.
  6. In case of overdose, there is a possibility of an allergic reaction. Signs of an overdose are deterioration in health and the appearance of skin rashes.
  7. Research results have shown that the plant is contraindicated in cases of cerebral atherosclerosis, cardiosclerosis and cardiac decompensation.

If you are a true fan of traditional medicine and consider the gifts of Mother Nature to be a unique medicine, this is good. However, to use them you must have the appropriate knowledge and follow the correct dosage. Any drug in large dosage becomes a poison that is dangerous to health.

Where is thyme herb used?

Thyme lotions relieve pain and swelling from bee stings. Extracts help with asthma, and decoctions relieve bad breath. Essential oil disinfects the air.

In cooking

  • Thanks to its spicy, bitter taste and pleasant aroma, thyme improves the taste of fish, lamb, liver, meat pate and even fried potatoes.
  • The spice of the plant goes perfectly with pickles, smoked meats, boiled eggs, beans, peas and cheeses.
  • The dry top parts are used in cooking, and the greens are added to soups, salads and cold appetizers.

In cosmetology

  1. Thyme is characterized by wound-healing, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to make creams and ointments to treat wounds, insect bites and small cracks in the skin.
  2. In beauty salons to combat purulent inflammations and acne, thyme-based products are used.
  3. Pharmacological companies produce formulations for hair loss. Thanks to the rich chemical composition of the plant, these products restore the structure of damaged or colored hair.
  4. Mother essential oil is used to create perfume compositions, perfumes, eau de toilette and lotions.
  5. To improve your hair health at home, wash your hair with regular shampoo with the addition of three drops of essential oil of the plant. Carry out the procedure once a week.

Medicine, cooking, cosmetology and perfumery are not a complete list of areas where thyme has found a place.

Answers on questions

Are thyme and thyme the same thing?

Every proponent of alternative medicine is of the opinion that thyme and thyme are one and the same. Why then is this question the reason for debate? Only science that studies medicinal plants will help you find the correct answer.

I note that during the Roman confrontations, soldiers took baths with thyme decoction to invigorate themselves before battle and saturate the body with energy. In the Middle Ages, girls gave their loved ones dry sprigs of thyme as a gift before a long journey. Such a gift was considered a talisman against misfortunes and evil spirits, and philosophers attributed supernatural powers to it.

Thyme and thyme are close relatives. Both plants are rich in essential oils and are used in medicine. Most textbooks and encyclopedias say that this is one plant. At the same time, each herb has its own varieties, differing in leaf shape, smell and color.

The most popular varieties of thyme are common and creeping thyme. The second variety is the thyme we are considering. If you carefully examine the plants, you will notice differences.

Thyme has a flat crown, a thick root system and a wide stem. Thyme has a tall, thin stem, roots going deep into the soil, and lush and bright inflorescences.

Is it possible to drink tea with thyme during pregnancy?

Only a doctor will determine whether a pregnant girl can drink tea with thyme. I'll indicate medicinal characteristics and contraindications for use.

Expectant mothers often have health problems. Many purchased medicines are prohibited during this period; this healing plant helps to cope with ailments.

  1. If a girl has arrhythmia or impaired cardiac activity, thyme decoction should be consumed as carefully as possible. In case of reduced thyroid function, consultation with a doctor is required.
  2. The insidiousness of the plant comes down to its ability to quietly increase blood pressure.
  3. This herb can increase the tone of the uterus, which increases the likelihood of miscarriage.
  4. Drinking tea before childbirth may have positive impact on labor. True, it is better to act under the supervision of a doctor.
Taking thyme during pregnancy should only be prescribed after visiting a doctor. Regular consumption of this tea is contraindicated for both pregnant girls and nursing mothers.

Why should you give thyme to children?

Children's body continues to form and develop. Sometimes disruptions occur that negatively affect metabolism, which can lead to the development of rickets. To avoid this, use thyme infusion when bathing. Pour fifty grams of the plant into five liters of boiling water, and after 30 minutes, strain and pour into the bath.

  • Tea made from this herb before meals will help eliminate disruptions in the digestive system that lead to dysbiosis.
  • The herbal mood helps treat colds accompanied by cough.
  • For diarrhea, pour 10 grams of the plant into a glass of water and boil. After a third of an hour, treat the child to the strained infusion, after adding sugar to the drink.

Before using these products, consult your doctor. After a thorough examination of the baby, he will tell you whether the use of thyme is advisable.

Can men drink thyme?

Let's talk about the representatives of the stronger sex. I think this herb should be part of every guy's diet, and for good reason.

  1. Contents useful for men's health microelements. Molybdenum activates enzymes that normalize sexual function, and selenium improves the quality of semen.
  2. Helps with sexual weakness. Pour two tablespoons of the herb into two glasses of boiling water, leave for two hours, strain and drink twice a day. With the help of the same medicine the problem with early ejaculation.
  3. Thyme contains ursolic acid, which is required for normal height hair. The compound has a beneficial effect on hair follicles and activates their growth.
  4. Helps with myositis (muscle inflammation). To restore muscle functionality, use infusions and compresses.

In ancient times, this plant saved people's lives more than once. It was with his help that they tried to put the seriously ill, who had no chance of recovery, back on their feet. No wonder thyme was considered a divine herb. What affectionate names have been given to this herb - lemon scent, lebyushka, incense, flypalm, thyme, chebarka. For the custom of decorating icons with pink inflorescences, it was nicknamed Bogorodsk grass. The healing abilities of the plant are still used today. Thyme medicinal properties and contraindications - the topic of the article, intended for everyone who wants to improve their health.

Thyme description, photo

This shrub is a perennial. Belongs to the Lamiaceae family. About 400 varieties are known. Half of them grow in the CIS countries. The species differ in the color of the flowers, the shape and shades of the leaves. There are compact bushes. Their height usually varies from 15 to 30 centimeters. Other plants have creeping branches. The length of such shoots is about 5 cm. They form a thick “carpet” covering the ground.

The most common option is common thyme. Many hybrids have been created on its basis. The compact appearance forms a low (about 15 centimeters) but spreading bush. The color of the leaves is light green, and the flowers are white or pale purple.

The shoots are woody at the base. Completely covered with small leaves. They have slight pubescence on the back side. Some varieties have curly branches. Such shoots are close to the ground and form additional roots. Flowers form inflorescences in the shape of a ball. They are placed at the ends of the branches.

Blooms from early summer to autumn, all season long. The seeds ripen in October. The fruit is a capsule with several seeds inside. Thyme tastes sharp with a slight bitterness. The aroma resembles a mixture of lemon, anise, and caraway.

Where does grass grow

Its homeland is the Mediterranean. It is cultivated as a cultivated plant in southern Europe, America, and northern Africa. In the temperate zone it prefers steppe areas, and also lives in rocky and rocky areas.

The growing area covers the entire territory of Russia. From the Urals and Siberia to the Caucasus. Also widespread in the middle zone. Prefers open areas. Loves meadows, clearings in the forest, edges. It also grows in the mountains.

Chemical composition of the plant

One of the valuable ingredients of the plant is active antibiotic carvacrol. This substance can defeat Staphylococcus aureus. Thyme is rich in essential oil. It contains linalool, thymol, and caryophyllene.

B complex of vitamins, as well as antioxidants - C, E, A, K, PP, beta-carotene. Cymol, ascaridole, ursolic acid, choline, borneol complete the composition. Microelements are also present - selenium, potassium, sodium, iron, calcium.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of thyme

Has a pronounced antiseptic effect. Used in the treatment of inflammatory processes. For this they use the most different shapes processing of medicinal raw materials.

There are types for internal use, and also prescribe inhalations, compresses, rubbing, rinsing. The latter are relevant for diseases of the oral cavity - gingivitis, stomatitis. Also used for throat ailments - laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Thyme also helps in the fight against acute viral infections.

Problems of the upper respiratory tract are getting worse - the expectorant effect of the green healer will help. The diaphoretic effect will alleviate the patient's condition when high temperature bodies.

The analgesic effect will be appreciated by people suffering from discomfort due to radiculitis and similar diseases, and with stomach and intestinal ailments. Antispasmodic - will relieve migraines. The green healer normalizes the microflora of the stomach and helps with joint problems.

The effect of the sleeping pill will relax and put frayed nerves in order. Thyme tea tones and eliminates chronic fatigue, boosts immunity.

Know! Thyme helps in the fight against alcoholism. Green healer protects the liver and removes breakdown products of ethyl alcohol. Causes aversion to drinking alcohol.

Benefits of thyme for men

Nature has endowed thyme with unique properties to maintain the health of the stronger half of humanity. Normalizing blood pressure, resisting stress, relieving muscle spasms, stimulating hair growth and combating problems in the intimate area - the effect of the miracle herb is truly universal.

For sexual weakness

Erectile dysfunction is a sad diagnosis for any man. But selenium and molybdenum, which are part of thyme, allow us to cope with this problem. A drink based on the miracle herb will help prevent early ejaculation.

Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into a thermos, add two tablespoons of crushed raw materials, leave for two hours. Drink a glass twice a day for two weeks. This is followed by a break, and then treatment resumes again.

For increase sexual energy for problems with potency, thyme oil is rubbed into the perineal area. You can buy the product at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. To do this, 15 g of herb is poured with olive oil and left for a month. After this you can use it as needed.

For impotence, take a large spoonful of pink dry inflorescences, add 250 ml of boiling water, and wrap for half an hour. Drink up to six times a day half an hour before meals.

With myositis

When muscles become inflamed, movements become constrained. This disease also negatively affects sexual function. To stop the development of the disease, it is recommended to apply compresses. Steam the raw materials in boiling water for 30 minutes, squeeze. Wrap the pulp in gauze, apply to the sore spot, and secure with polyethylene.

For hair loss

In case of early baldness, you can start regularly applying a mixture of a teaspoon of vodka and three drops of thyme essential oil to the scalp. It is better to keep the product longer without rinsing it off. Ursolic acid, which is part of Bogorodskaya herb, stimulates hair growth and strengthens hair follicles.

The healing properties of thyme for women

Bogorodskaya herb helps with pain during menstruation, inflammatory diseases appendages. Thyme tea is also recommended to enhance lactation during breastfeeding. To prepare the drink, take one small spoon of raw material per glass of boiling water. In a few minutes the tea is ready.

Attention! Under no circumstances should thyme be used during pregnancy. Consumption provokes an increase in the tone of the smooth musculature of the uterus.

It is actively used in cosmetology for the treatment of acne on the face. Add juice squeezed from half a lemon to a glass of broth. This product must be wiped over the skin.

Rinsing after washing your hair helps prevent dandruff and soothes irritated skin. Such procedures relieve hair from excessive dryness.

You can add aromatic herbs as a seasoning to meat and fish dishes. This advice is especially relevant for those who want to lose weight. The green healer does not burn fat, but activates metabolism.

What are the benefits of thyme for children?

Rinsing will help with sore throat and stomatitis in children. Thyme is an active ingredient in cough syrups.

Many of the synthetic drugs have a number of contraindications, unlike natural drugs. plant based. The soothing, antiseptic, disinfectant effect of the herb is used to benefit the younger generation.


For children whose sleep leaves much to be desired, add 10-20 ml of infusion to bathing water. Such procedures will prevent the appearance of diaper rash in newborns and will help with rickets and rheumatism.

Know! You can give products based on Bogorodskaya herb to children only from two years old.

Healing folk recipes

For gout

The anti-inflammatory effect of the green healer allows you to use its power in the fight against this disease. Brew fresh or dried leaves and drink as tea twice a day.

For concussion

Helps renew brain function normal mode after an injury, relieves headaches, strengthens the nervous system, improves sleep. Therapy lasts from six months to a year.

A tablespoon of raw material is poured into two glasses of water, brought to a boil and immediately removed from the stove. Wrap the container with the broth in a blanket and leave for an hour. Strain and drink a third of a glass three times a day before meals.

From alcoholism

Getting rid of this kind of addiction is associated with the high content of thymol in the herb. In case of overdose, this substance causes vomiting. 15 g of raw material is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and heated for about 15 minutes in a water bath. Afterwards, the infusion is drained and again brought to a volume of 500 ml, adding boiled water. Drink 60 g of the potion several times a day, washing it down with half a glass of vodka. Soon enough, nausea or even vomiting appears. The course of treatment is one to two weeks.

Attention! Some alcohol addicts begin to feel disgusted with it after just a few sessions.

For stroke

A simple recipe will be effective:

  • pour eight large spoons of flowers into a bottle of good vodka;
  • store in the dark for two weeks;
  • drink 35 drops three times a day;
  • Rub the product onto numb areas.

For cataracts

Grind 100 grams of raw materials into powder. Add 500 g of honey. Simmer in a water bath for one hour, stirring. Every evening, eat one teaspoon before bed. Store the product in a cool place.

Cough treatment

The following remedy will help with bronchitis and asthma:

  1. A large spoonful of raw materials is poured into a glass of boiling water and left in a thermos for a couple of hours.
  2. The drink is filtered.
  3. Drink three times a day after meals. Adults take a large spoonful of the product, children - a small one.

It is possible to cope well with a cough using another method. Rub the infusion into the chest area, and apply a piece of paper thinly greased with goat fat on top. A few nights and the bronchitis was gone.

For stomach and intestinal problems

Wash the flowering shoots, dry and chop. Place in a jar, adding layers of sugar. Place a weight on top and place it in a dark place. After two weeks, pour the syrup into a clean container and seal. Take a small spoon three times a day with tea.

Universal product for wine:

  • Pour 100 g of raw material into a liter of dry white;
  • leave for a week, be sure to shake daily;
  • bring the liquid to a boil, wrap for 5 hours;
  • strain the resulting drug;
  • consume 30 ml twice a day before meals.

Perfectly eliminates spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, relieves headaches, and normalizes sleep. Excellent sedative and immunomodulator. Extends life.

First tincture recipe

Pour 30 grams of chopped herbs into 150 ml of alcohol (vodka). Seal the container and leave for ten days. Then strain the liquid. Drink 15 drops three times a day after meals, use for compresses and rubbing.

Second recipe

Pour 3 large spoons of herbs into 100 ml of vodka. Leave in the dark for three weeks, strain. Squeeze out the pulp thoroughly. Use for rubbing against joint pain and rheumatism.

How to prepare decoctions, infusions

For arthritis, radiculitis, paralysis

Add 200 ml of boiling water to 10 grams of dried herbs. Leave for a quarter of an hour. Drink 20 ml three times a day.

For rinsing for ailments of the mouth and throat

Brew two tablespoons of raw materials with 200 ml of boiling water. Let stand for an hour. Rinse several times a day.

For cystitis and cholecystitis

Pour a large spoonful of thyme into a glass of very hot water. Leave for 30 minutes, take 50 ml several times a day before meals.

Thyme oil properties, application

The composition of this amazing product is enriched with tannins, mineral salts, apple and acetic acids, thymol. The latter has anthelmintic properties and is an antiseptic.

The use of oil is justified when skin problems, pain in the head and stomach, joint diseases. The balm helps heal tuberculosis and asthma.

Know! The product has excellent sedative effect

, improves attention and memory.

  1. Essential oil can be used in several ways:
  2. Rinse solution. Add 6 drops of oil to 3 ml of alcohol base and add water. Use at least five times a day. Do not eat or drink for half an hour after the procedure. Effective for respiratory system ailments, flu, runny nose.
  3. Compress. Pour 7 drops of ether into 25 g of alcohol. Moisten the tampons, place them on the neck, in the tonsil area, cover with plastic wrap. Leave for an hour. Stops inflammation in the throat.
  4. Inhalations. Inhale the steam for at least 15 minutes. Then put on warm socks and lie under the blanket for 40 minutes.

Massage. Add 10 drops of ether to the transport oil. It is used for pain during exacerbations of rheumatism, gout, neuritis, arthritis.

Dry crushed leaves and sometimes fresh shoots are used. The bright taste with a spicy bitterness can highlight any dish.

For meat and fish

It has long been used for cooking game. Dry powder is rubbed onto meat and fish before baking, and the minced meat is flavored for making cutlets and sausages.

Important! This seasoning can severely irritate the gastric mucosa. Not recommended for consumption by people suffering from ulcers.

Vegetables and mushrooms

These products benefit from the addition of spice. The pleasant aroma and specific bitterness whet the appetite. Many varieties of mushrooms make an ideal duo with seasoning.

Also part of the multi-component Herbs of Provence mixture. It can be added to vegetable dishes of Mediterranean cuisine, as well as salads.

First meal

All types meat soups, borscht, broths will acquire a unique piquant taste thanks to the addition of aromatic spices.

Also used in other areas of cooking:

  • production of alcoholic beverages;
  • cheese making;
  • in baking;
  • for canning vegetables, especially olives.

Lemon thyme is used by confectioners to prepare desserts and sweets.

Harm and contraindications

In addition to its beneficial properties, Bogorodskaya herb can be harmful to health if used inappropriately. Products based on it are not used during pregnancy, gastrointestinal ulcers, hepatitis, pyelonephritis, atrial fibrillation.

Not recommended for patients suffering from atherosclerosis or decreased thyroid function. You should not uncontrollably treat with drugs based on the green medicine. Consultation and supervision of a specialist is required. It is he who selects the individual treatment regimen.

Attention! Tea and decoction are taken only for two weeks. This is followed by a mandatory break of two months.

Collection and storage of thyme

It is better to harvest in early June during flowering. Collection is carried out early in the morning. Healing properties have inflorescences and leaves. The shoots are cut with a knife. Under no circumstances should you pull them out of the ground with their roots.

There is no need to rinse, the branches are cut immediately. They are laid out in a thin layer (no more than 7 cm) on paper and dried in the shade. During the process it is necessary to stir the herb frequently. Then place in a cloth bag or paper bag.

Store in a dry place. It should be well ventilated. The maximum shelf life is two years.

Thyme or creeping thyme is a herb from ancient legends. North of the legendary Troy was the city of Fimbres, the attraction of which was the sacred grove and the temple of Apollo - the god of light, the healing god. The fragrant smoke of the sacred herb fimbra, offered as a gift to Apollo, floated over the grove. The ancient Greeks called fimbra one of 150 (and according to other sources, 400) species of plants of the genus Thyme (Thyme). The ancients believed that thyme was able to restore not only health, but also life. Today, the herb thyme, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are being studied by scientists, is used in official and folk medicine, perfumery, cooking, canning and the production of alcoholic beverages.

Thyme has a centuries-old history of use. The ancient Greeks made a snuff powder from the flowering tips of the shoots, which they used to treat fainting. The antiseptic, disinfectant and antimicrobial properties of the plant led to the inclusion of thyme in the mixture that the ancient Egyptians used for embalming.

In Rus', an intoxicating infusion was prepared from Bogorodsk grass, which was used to commemorate the dead on Green Christmastide (Rusalia). In the Middle Ages, thyme smoke was used to fumigate rooms where there was a person suffering from leprosy or plague.

Benefits for women

In Old Slavic magic, thyme helped the keeper of the hearth and attracted the mistress to the house. Women used the plant to fumigate their homes from evil spirits and to preserve beauty and attractiveness.

Thyme essential oil calms the nervous system, helps with nervous exhaustion, relieves depressive states. A pillow stuffed with dry grass has a calming effect and makes it easier to fall asleep.

  1. Terpenes present in the essential oil give the characteristic smell of thyme.
  2. Camphene and camphor have an analgesic effect, so women have long used thyme poultices and compresses as an analgesic for migraines, joint and rheumatic pain, and painful periods.
  3. A herbal decoction used to wash your hair relieved headaches.
  4. Camphor also has vasoconstrictor properties, which helps eliminate bleeding during menorrhagia (heavy periods).
  5. During breastfeeding, drinking tea with thyme enhances lactation and improves the quality of milk.

Thyme helps women during menopause. It relieves symptoms:

  • tides;
  • psycho-emotional state disorders (irritability, depression, abrupt change mood);
  • fatigue, decreased cognitive abilities;
  • high blood pressure;
  • sweating

Tea and thyme baths eliminate all manifestations of reproductive decline in women.

A decoction of creeping thyme herb is also useful for weight loss. Organic acids in the plant help make the figure slim and the body toned and elastic. Ursulic acid tones muscles. Muscle tissue atrophy is a frequent accompaniment of aging, as well as strict diets and sudden weight loss.

Adding thyme preparations containing ursulic acid to the diet stimulates metabolism, reduces blood glucose levels, and normalizes the activity of cholesterol and triglycerides.

Laboratory studies have proven that thyme:

  • eliminates excess weight;
  • promotes muscle tissue growth;
  • reduces subcutaneous fat deposits.

Thymol, carvacrol, flavonoids, caffeic and gallic acid determine the antioxidant activity of thyme - prolong youth, protect the skin from the damaging effects of UV radiation. The herb contains a large amount (986.2 mg/kg) of levulinic acid, which softens the skin and has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.


  • the plant has antifungal properties;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • strengthens hair;
  • cleanses facial skin from acne;
  • reduces peeling and irritation.

Thyme preparations are also used in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

For men's health

Thyme herb has great importance to maintain men's health. Scottish and Roman warriors drank a drink made with thyme before battle and took baths with its decoction, as it was believed that they imparted fearlessness and increased strength and endurance. These assumptions have been confirmed by modern research.

Ursulic acid has anabolic properties.

Taking thyme supplements for a month led to a 15% increase in muscle tissue in laboratory mice, and the thickening of muscle fibers led to increased strength and speed.

  1. For prostatitis, thyme helps eliminate inflammation and swelling, and facilitates urination. The plant contains zinc (6.2 mcg), which protects prostate tissue from malignant degeneration and supports high sexual activity.
  2. The plant contains microelements necessary to maintain male reproductive function. Selenium (4.6 mcg) stimulates testosterone production and promotes male fertility. The trace element affects sperm motility.
  3. Magnesium (220 mcg) in thyme has an enzyme-forming effect. It activates enzymes that ensure male sexual function and prevents impotence. Thyme decoction helps cope with early ejaculation and sexual dysfunction. To increase potency and stimulate spermatogenesis, you need to rub the essential oil of the plant into the perineal area.
  4. For treatment erectile dysfunction psychogenic nature, baths with thyme are indicated.
  5. Washing your hair with a decoction of the herb prevents early baldness, relieves headaches, and cerebral vascular spasms.
  6. A massage with thyme essential oil and an aromatic bath will help relieve the stress that men are exposed to every day.

Medicinal properties of the plant

The medicinal properties of thyme are used in official and folk medicine.

An aqueous infusion of the herb has the following qualities:

  • expectorants;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • weak sleeping pills;
  • anthelmintic.

Thyme is used to stimulate brain activity, improve cognitive abilities, increase performance, and normalize cerebral circulation.

For cough and bronchitis

In official medicine, Pertussin, produced on the basis of liquid extract of creeping thyme, is used in the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases. An aqueous infusion of the plant causes activation of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, which increases the intensity of mucus excretion.

Thyme essential oil (EO) stimulates the respiratory center, relieves shortness of breath during colds and bronchial asthma.

In German folk medicine, thyme is taken for whooping cough.

For cough, prepare a decoction, which is taken three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. The decoction is used to rinse the nasopharynx and throat. In 1563, P. A. Matthiolus described the beneficial properties of thyme in his herbal book.

The cough syrup recipe given in the book includes:

  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • 4-5 drops of thyme essential oil;
  • 200 ml warm water.

The product can be used as a gargle and taken orally, 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day to ease coughing.

Thyme EO (3-5 drops) and 10 ml of any massage oil is used to rub the chest and throat for colds. Swiss pharmaceutical company Vivasan produces a cold cream based on thyme essential oil. It is recommended to apply it to the chest and back for colds and to prevent viral infections in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

For gynecological diseases

Thyme essential oil, due to its high content of phenols (carvacrol (1-4%) and thymol (30-35%)), has anti-inflammatory, antimycotic and antibacterial effects.

Preparations based on thyme extract are used in gynecology for:

  • vaginosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • chlamydia.

To treat gynecological pathologies, ointments and suppositories are prepared from EOs for intravaginal administration.

To make candles take:

  • Vaseline - 5 g;
  • beeswax - 2 g;
  • EM thyme - ½ tsp.

Heat Vaseline in a water bath and add wax. Bring to a homogeneous consistency at a temperature of 70-80°C. Add EM and mix. Pour the mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator to harden. You can use cocoa butter instead of Vaseline and wax. It has been established that this temperature does not lead to the destruction of the beneficial substances of thyme.

Using the same recipe, with the exception of wax, you can prepare an ointment for the treatment of female diseases. For inflammation and dysfunction of the appendages, ovaries, menorrhagia, cystitis, the ointment is applied to the lower back and lower abdomen.

From pressure

Warm water infusion of thyme relieves spasm of blood vessels, helps them expand, which determines its use for high blood pressure. The herb is brewed like regular tea and taken ½ glass 2 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 3 days.

For low blood pressure, tea with thyme is taken for 10-14 days. Thyme decoction is used 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

To prepare the decoction take:

  • 1 tsp. thyme herbs;
  • 1 cup boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the raw materials and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Leave covered for 40 minutes. Thyme is not recommended for use as a systematic treatment for blood pressure. As soon as the pressure returns to normal, thyme medications should be discontinued.

When fighting alcoholism

Bogorodskaya herb preparations help cope with alcohol addiction. A concentrated decoction of the plant contains a significant amount of thymol, which, when interacting with ethyl alcohol causes vomiting and creates an aversion to alcoholic beverages. The patient should be given ½ cup of thyme decoction and a glass of alcohol. Repeat the treatment daily until a stable aversion appears.

In Ukraine, binge drinkers were fumigated with the smoke of dry thyme.

In addition, thyme helps detoxify the body while treating hangovers and withdrawal syndrome. Thyme contains pectins, which bind and remove poisons and waste from the body, create a protective film on the intestinal walls, blocking the absorption of alcohol.

Ways to use thyme

Thyme is used in the treatment of diseases in the form of:

  • decoction;
  • water infusion;
  • essential oil;
  • syrup.

All preparations can be easily prepared at home, except for essential oil, which is available for purchase at the pharmacy.

Tea, syrup, essential oil

Tea is prepared by pouring 1 tbsp. l. chopped flowering shoot tips with 1 cup boiling water. Leave covered for 15 minutes. Then it should be strained and ½ cup of infusion topped with warm boiled water. Add 1 tsp. honey Drink when coughing, gastrointestinal diseases (gastric catarrh, heartburn, stomach colic, bloating, duodenal ulcer).

At home, syrup is prepared as follows:

  • ½ cup thyme herb;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 glass of honey;
  • 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Grind the herb, place in an enamel bowl, pour cold water and simmer over low heat until half the liquid has boiled away. Strain, cool to room temperature and add honey with lemon juice. Store syrup in a closed container in the refrigerator.

Take for cough 3 times a day:

  • children ½ tsp;
  • adults 1 tsp.

EM is used for massage when nervous disorders, decreased attention, performance, headaches, decreased potency.

It is also added to the bath for treatment:

  • bacterial and viral dermatitis;
  • weeping eczema;
  • acne;
  • furunculosis.

When treating gynecological diseases, prostatitis, and inflammation of the urinary system, sitz baths are prepared (3 drops of essential oil per 5 liters of warm water). Take 5-10 minutes.

Mixture of thyme essential oil with vegetable oil(1:2) is used for head lice, rubbing into the roots of the hair and keeping under a plastic cap for 2-3 hours.

For inflammation, bruises, and abscesses, apply an oil compress of 5 drops of thyme essential oil per 5 ml of base to the affected area.

Can thyme be used during pregnancy?

Thyme extract contains thymol, which has a cytotoxic effect and stimulates uterine muscle tone, therefore It is not recommended to take thyme preparations during pregnancy. Largest quantity thymol is contained in decoction, infusion and essential oil. They should not be taken by women at any stage of gestation.

The safest is tea. A few thyme leaves or flowers will not cause negative effects. Using tea 1-2 times a week with lemon and honey will calm the nervous system, boost immunity and make it easier to fall asleep.

There is no consensus among doctors about pregnant women taking thyme tea, but it is better not to risk it, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

Folk recipes with thyme

The benefits of thyme have been proven clinical studies, and in medicine, recipes with thyme have been known since the 1st century AD. In treatise De materia medica(“On Medicinal Plants”), the ancient Greek military doctor and naturalist Pedanius Dioscorides recommended thyme with honey for coughs, difficult childbirth and helminthic infestation.

Pliny the Elder in Natural History includes thyme in 28 different recipes. No less interesting is the use of herbs in folk medicine.

Thyme on wine:

  • 100 g dried herb;
  • 1 liter of dry white wine.

Pour the crushed raw materials with wine and leave for 30 days, shaking the container every 1-2 days. Then pour the tincture with the herb into an enamel saucepan and heat to a boil, wrap and leave for another 6 hours. Strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. This infusion was mentioned in chronicles dating back to the 12th century.

For tuberculosis, thyme is used in the following recipe:

  • 1 tbsp. l. thyme herbs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Icelandic moss;
  • 3 cups boiling water.

Place the herbs in a thermos in the evening and pour boiling water over it. In the morning, strain and take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.


In addition to the well-known Pertussin cough syrup, creeping thyme herb extract is included in:

  • Bronchicum (syrup, lozenges);
  • Bronchoplant (syrup);
  • Tussamag (syrup, drops);
  • Dr. Theiss Bronchosept (drops);
  • Stomatophyte (extract for mouth rinse);
  • Stoptussin Phyto (syrup);
  • Eucabal (syrup);
  • Codelac Broncho with thyme.

Today, ointments and suppositories with thyme are being tested for STDs and gynecological pathologies, as well as remedies for stomatitis and gingivitis.

Thyme is also included in Stopal complex herbal preparations (herbal mixture for alcoholism), Calming collection No. 3, Phytogalenka (tonic elixir), Phytoimmunal (elixir), Amrita (elixir).

Contraindications and side effects

  • pregnancy;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • some heart pathologies;
  • renal failure;
  • hepatitis.

Side effects are very rare.

As a rule, an overdose of thyme preparations leads to discomfort, which causes:

  • nausea;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions.

Thyme, like any medicinal plant, should be used after consultation with a doctor, strictly observing the dosage and taking into account contraindications.