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Badger fat: what helps. Application. Medicinal properties. Contraindications. removal of heavy metals, toxins

Thanks to his unique composition Badger fat is an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent. Unsaturated fatty acid– exactly what the body needs to put the immune system in order, get rid of exhaustion and various diseases (in particular, lung diseases). In addition, this is an excellent remedy for those who want to become a long-liver - because it prevents the occurrence of many diseases.

Before taking such a product, you should make sure that it was purchased from hunters who prepare it using a special technology that preserves all the beneficial substances. It can be stored for 18 months in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to 5 degrees. Alternatively, you can buy fat at the pharmacy - it is sold in capsule or liquid form, but practice shows that the effect of such a product is less pronounced.

Because fat has a distinctive taste, it is not easy to consume. pure form. Therefore, it is recommended to mix fat with blackcurrant liquid honey (3 parts fat - 1 part honey or jam).

It is recommended to drink this product with rosehip infusion (you can replace it with infusion of St. John's wort flowers). Children are recommended to be given milk to wash down their natural “medicine”. Sometimes fat is washed down with tea - but in this case, floral or herbal tea is preferable rather than black, which has the property of breaking down fats.

To begin with, take fat three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon - and so on for 2 weeks. Then the number of doses is reduced to 2 per day - 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner.

If only a pharmaceutical product is available, then you need to take it 1 full tablespoon 3 times a day before meals, for children - in the same regimen, but a teaspoon.

When children are treated for colds and coughs, at the same time as ingestion, fat is rubbed on the child’s chest, legs and back. It is important to carry out such manipulations for at least 7 days, despite the fact that the child feels better after just a couple of days.

Before starting treatment or prevention with the use of such a remedy as badger fat, it is necessary to consider what the contraindications and side effects, otherwise good intentions may turn into problems. Some people do not have enough enzymes to process the substances contained in badger fat - in this case, the product should be discarded.

For those who use this effective remedy, you should be prepared for the fact that it can cause disorders in the intestines, and can also cause allergic reaction. This is especially true for those for whom such a product is fundamentally new and who rarely consume fats.

You should not resort to the use of badger fat for chronic pancreatitis, diseases of the liver, gall bladder and biliary tract. It is also contraindicated for children under 6 years of age. If an allergy occurs, fat intake should be stopped to avoid complications.

By taking into account all the tips on how to drink badger fat, and making sure that there are no obstacles to taking it, you can support and strengthen your own body in a natural way. Be healthy!

In ancient times, when penicillin had not yet been invented, our ancestors saved themselves using the available means that Mother Nature provided. Besides medicinal plants, wise healers used the fat layer of wild animals. One of the most valuable, with enormous healing power, badger fat was considered, the use of which is recommended by modern medicine.

The lard of this fluffy animal has saved humanity from serious diseases, since it contains a whole pantry minerals. Until now, people are sure that it is a panacea for almost all ailments. This is not surprising, since it has been used for more than two hundred years as a therapeutic and prophylactic drug.

Where to buy and how to choose?

To get the desired benefits from a product, you need to be able to choose it correctly. It is recommended to purchase high-quality raw materials at a pharmacy, having first checked all the necessary certificates of authenticity of the goods, and not from traders on the market. There are a number of important distinctive features natural product: pleasant whitish color with a slight yellowish tint, a characteristic aroma without a sour tint and a neutral taste (not bitter).

Fresh badger fat may leave a small sediment. Reviews from hunters involved in the procurement of such goods recommend taking it as a general tonic. Armed with basic knowledge on choosing a product, you will be able to distinguish counterfeit lard from natural lard and not fall for the trick of scammers.

Vitamin-mineral complex

The rich composition of fat is due to the content of essential organic acids and a group of vitamins, necessary for a person For normal functioning internal organs. This is one of the few products that are completely absorbed by the body. For example, a deficiency of linolenic and linoleic acids negatively affects blood vessels.

PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) nourish and improve tissues, prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes and deposition bad cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Lard also contains oleic acid, which is responsible for metabolism. In addition, it prevents the development of malignant tumors.

In addition to this, badger fat, the use of which (reviews from experts confirm its high therapeutic activity) is indicated for weakened immunity, is rich in retinol (vitamin A). As we know, without it the condition of our hair, skin and nails deteriorates. Medicinal properties characterized by the presence of vitamins E, B, K, PP, as well as trace elements and minerals.

It is generally accepted that the product exhibits anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, restorative and immunomodulatory effects. Thanks to the biologically valuable active composition it is used internally and externally for various pathologies.

Badger fat: therapeutic uses

Badger fat increases blood clotting, strengthens the heart and has a beneficial effect on cellular metabolism. Traditional healers It is strongly recommended to use it by persons prone to thrombosis, ischemia, heart attacks and hypertension. Useful for poor circulation, dystonia and benign tumors.

According to doctors, fat in complex therapy Helps cure severe respiratory diseases. These include: pneumonia, tuberculosis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma. Regardless of the etiology of the disease, it is quickly possible to eliminate chronic and persistent cough even among heavy smokers with experience.

Treatment with badger fat is carried out for various forms of acute respiratory infections, ARVI, influenza, laryngitis and sore throat. The product activates the defenses, strengthens the body, preventing complications. It is often recommended to be used by people with an unbalanced psyche, nervous disorders, dystrophy and cachexia.

Indispensable lard rehabilitation period after difficult surgical interventions, chemotherapy, severe and long illness. Natural medicine is a great assistant in the fight against dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema). It has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, speeds up the regeneration process, including on the mucous membrane (gastrointestinal ulcer). It destroys purulent fistulas, bedsores, deep wounds and acne.

Found wide application product in treatment bone tissue and diseases of the spine. To remove pain syndrome and swelling it is rubbed into the skin or compresses are applied. Helps cope with osteochondrosis and arthrosis. Use externally - in the form of rubbing.

The presence of a balanced mineral complex helps to normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system. Prescribed in small doses(in combination with drug therapy) for cystitis, pyelonephritis, nephritis. The product removes clinical picture, prevents acute and chronic inflammation.

Badger fat: how to take dietary supplement?

Pharmaceutical companies produce badger fat in gelatin capsules and liquid form. In fact, this is a dietary supplement with attached instructions; the supplement is taken in courses by both adults and children. Badger fat in capsules can be washed down with sweet tea, water and even milk. The annotation describes in detail the regimen and duration of therapy.

Many pediatricians advise treating their cough. Badger fat for children is a safe and effective remedy in the fight against colds. On average, the duration of treatment reaches several weeks. The dosage for children from three to eight years old does not exceed 3 g per day. From 9 years of age to 14 years of age you can give a dessert spoon (5 g). It is advisable to divide the product into 2-3 doses. It is better to drink half an hour before meals.

For best result Should be rubbed into the feet, chest, back with a strong cough. For bronchitis, compresses are applied. Timely treatment will prevent complications and allow you to recover faster. The therapeutic effect is due to the bactericidal effect.

Even healthy man can use natural medicine to tone and strengthen immune system. You should take a tablespoon of lard every day herbal tea or decoction - twice a day. Within a few days, you will notice that you have begun to sleep better and more soundly, irritability has disappeared, and your mood has improved.

How to rejuvenate with badger fat?

Natural badger fat, the use of which is recommended by many cosmetologists, has a beneficial effect on the quality of our skin. It is used as masks and creams. The most important advantage of the product is that it is completely safe and does not contain chemical elements and really helps a woman stay young.

For this reason the product takes worthy place in cosmetology. Using masks based on lard, you can a short time smooth out facial wrinkles, restore former elasticity, velvety and improve color. On frosty days, they are recommended to lubricate their face and lips to protect against chapping and frostbite.

It is advisable to combine external use with internal use. This way you can strengthen your hair, nails and overall health. The necessary cosmetic products can be easily made at home.

Hand sanitizer

The first signs of aging are most often noticeable on the skin of the hands; it becomes thin, dry and less elastic. This will help fix it next cream, the recipe of which is subject to absolutely everyone. Mix 25 g of badger lard and cocoa butter in a container (melt the ingredients first), also add a tablespoon of wheat germ extract, 5 drops each of rose oil, geranium and ylang-ylang. Badger fat will perfectly moisturize and soften aging skin. Application (reviews from women using homemade cream are enthusiastic) is indicated for very dry and dehydrated skin.

Rejuvenating mask for women after 40 years

  1. Melt a tablespoon (15 g) of lard - in the microwave or in a water bath. Add 10 drops of vitamins E and A, 5 ml of rosehip oil, the same amount of honey and beaten yolk to the mixture. Apply the resulting mixture to cleansed face, décolleté and neck. Leave for 10-15 minutes and wash.
  2. Combine melted lard (15 g) with a similar amount fish oil and honey. Leave for ten minutes, cleanse the skin with lotion.

Badger fat perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and preserves youth. These masks can be used twice a week.

For a cold

Buy at pharmacy chain liquid fat without any additional impurities and give the child a teaspoon on an empty stomach, 30-40 minutes before meals. For an adult, the dose is more - a tablespoon.

For acute, severe pathologies (tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis)

Treatment with badger fat can only be started after consulting a doctor and under his strict supervision. Therapy is combined with medications. Duration of treatment - 30 days, then you need to take a break for two weeks and repeat the course again until complete disappearance clinical signs. The dosage is prescribed depending on the course and severity of the disease. To improve the taste, add honey or syrup. This is especially true for young children.

Strengthening the body, fighting weakness and exhaustion

In the autumn-winter period, we often experience a loss of strength in order to improve general state, we recommend using the following remedy this season: buy badger fat at the pharmacy, mix it with dried apricots, crushed walnuts, raisins and honey - take 50 g of all ingredients. Eat a teaspoon daily.

For skin damage (insect bites, cuts, burns, wounds, etc.)

Place warm lard on sterile gauze and make a compress on sore spot. The product is used for sore joints. You can simply rub the damaged areas of the body for people suffering from rheumatism, radiculitis and osteochondrosis. To get the maximum therapeutic effect Badger fat must be used daily. The price for a 100-gram jar ranges from 350-450 rubles. The cost directly depends on the region.


It should be understood that no folk remedies or recipes can replace antibacterial drugs, especially when a person's life is at stake. All herbal components are additional therapy to the main treatment. And their uncontrolled use will provoke an unpredictable reaction.

Badger lard has certain limitations that everyone who starts using it should know about. Contraindications include all pathologies of the biliary tract, liver and pancreas diseases. It is prohibited for persons with stones in the kidneys or gall bladder to take it.

Particular caution should be given to young children and people prone to allergies. Before taking it, it is advisable to conduct a mini-test: apply a small amount of the product to the elbow and leave for half an hour. If during this time no rashes, itching or burning appears on the skin, then your body accepts the supplement normally.

Sometimes, with long-term treatment, some people experience unpleasant side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, urticaria, swelling and vomiting. If these symptoms occur, stop using immediately. When purchasing a product, inspect it carefully, since unscrupulous sellers often slip in a counterfeit product that can cause harm.

In general, badger fat receives positive reviews from clients and specialists in some cases. It helped many people get rid of a debilitating cough, and some - from back and lower back pain. Women were pleased with the lard-based masks: after several procedures, the skin noticeably tightened and became much softer. No negative responses were found.

Despite all the usefulness of the product described above, do not forget about precautions.

A unique folk remedy with a composition that is practically never found in nature - badger subcutaneous fat. Medicinal properties, contraindications for this remedy are known folk medicine for several hundred years now, and modern world have not lost their unique significance for human health.

Badger fat - medicinal properties

The beneficial properties of badger fat are formed due to state of nature the body of animals: before hibernating, the body stores all the useful substances in fat, and by using it in a state of suspended animation, the animal will be able to provide itself with everything it needs. How is badger fat useful for humans, what are the contraindications? External and internal use helps get rid of the most various problems with health:

  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • decreased immunity;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • wounds, burns;
  • skin diseases;
  • joint problems, injuries;
  • potency disorders in men.

Instructions for use

The insert for regular rendered badger lard describes various applications, which depends on existing disease. To treat gastrointestinal problems, to boost immunity and for dry coughs, take the folk remedy orally without additives or with milk as indicated in the instructions. To treat pneumonia, colds, and bronchitis, rub it in the chest area to achieve a warming effect. Badger fat can easily heal wounds - the instructions for use advise applying the product twice a day, after washing the wound, to enhance the healing properties.

In capsules

The use of badger fat in medicinal purposes It’s more pleasant if you drink it in processed form in capsules, the price of which is no more than other dosage forms. Properties folk remedy remain the same, but do not cause inconvenience or unpleasant sensations. Badger fat in capsules is suitable for those who often experience stress and need to support the body from the inside. It is useful to give capsules to a child: the form of the tablets is much more pleasant, and the medicinal properties for child's body irreplaceable:

  • enriches fat-soluble vitamins;
  • saturates with beneficial lipids, essential amino acids;
  • nourishes with B vitamins, carotene, tocopherol, therefore has a strong tonic effect on the child’s body;
  • strengthens the immune system, helps resist hypothermia and viruses.

Ointment Badger

What does badger fat cure if used externally? Pharmacies sell an effective remedy for affordable price and salvation for many mothers - Badger cream for children. The cream is used for the prevention and treatment of pneumonia, colds, bronchitis, severe cough. Badger ointment is made on the basis of natural rendered lard, but has a milder effect and a minimum of side effects on the child’s body.

Barsukor - instructions

Badger fat – solution in pure form or in capsules. It is produced under the name Barsukor - its instructions provide for oral use only for children from three years of age. Prescribed to drink this medicine pediatricians for the treatment and prevention of rickets, dystrophy, as well as bronchitis, atopic dermatitis The child has. Before taking it, you need to carefully read the instructions, contraindications, medicinal properties, because individual intolerance is possible.

Sustamed with badger fat

What does badger fat, which is part of medicinal creams, help with? Sustamed with badger fat is an indispensable savior in many home medicine cabinets, because the healing properties of the balm help adults and children. Sustamed balm is used:

  • to relieve swelling of muscles and joints;
  • for a runny nose - apply to the sinuses;
  • in case of hypothermia - to warm the chest and feet.

The balm has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, helps relieve muscle tension, and improves blood circulation. It is recommended to use Sustamed as a prophylactic for those who are predisposed to colds, hypothermia. The balm has a beneficial effect on joints: relieves fatigue, improves microcirculation of joint tissue, enriching it with vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

Badger fat - application

Natural badger fat treats many diseases - its medicinal properties and contraindications have been known to folk medicine for hundreds of years and do not lose their relevance. How to take badger fat in a particular case depends on the form of release and the disease:

  • for colds in children - rub chest and feet; given orally with warm milk and honey (3:1:1);
  • for adults with weakened immunity, take a tablespoon orally per day, washed down with milk or tea;
  • according to many reviews, it is effective as part of other medicinal products for the treatment of tuberculosis - a mixture of rendered lard, aloe juice and honey (2:1:2), taken three times a day;
  • restoring strength after illness, a mixture of the main ingredient and propolis (1 g), a teaspoon of medical alcohol, butter 50 g, honey 100 g - mix the composition 1:1 with milk and take orally 2-3 times a day (for rubbing for joint diseases this composition is mixed not with milk, but with alcohol);
  • in its pure form it is used for dermatitis, wounds and ulcers, applied to pre-antiseptically treated skin.

When coughing

Badger fat helps adults and children with coughs, which can be used from the age of 3. By rubbing the fat mass in the area of ​​the chest and feet, you can warm up the body tissues well, and the heat is retained for a long time and acts like a medicine, because tissues are saturated with vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids, thereby increasing immunity.

For bronchitis

Judging by many reviews, it is beneficial and effective to treat lung diseases with badger fat, using it externally and internally. Badger fat helps against bronchitis if you drink it this remedy melted, mixed with milk, or with honey. This composition soothes coughs, softens mucous membranes, and increases local and general immunity. If there are contraindications to use, then medicinal properties can be obtained from external use by rubbing the chest at night.

Badger fat for pneumonia

In parallel with traditional treatment Badger fat is used for pneumonia. The main role of the folk remedy is to support the body’s defenses, enhanced nutrition with vitamins and essential amino acids. The effect of warming up tissues and improving blood microcirculation when rubbing the skin is not least important in the treatment of pneumonia. Read the instructions for correct use.

During pregnancy

Official medicine does not recommend using badger fat during pregnancy, because its effect on a woman’s body during such a period has not been fully studied. But sometimes the expected benefits of use are much greater than the possible harmful effects. The main benefit for pregnant women lies in the immunostimulating properties of badger fat, which are necessary for the woman’s body during such a period.

In cosmetology

Badger fat is widely used in cosmetology - creams are made based on it to care for the skin of the face, hands and the whole body. Treat with such creams acne, get rid of allergic rash, redness and dryness. The most popular use of such compositions is for rejuvenation. The secret of the effect lies in the antioxidant composition of fat, on the basis of which not only creams, but also masks are made. The price of such home remedies is pleasantly surprising.

For hemorrhoids

To treat a delicate disease, fat-based capsules and suppositories are often used. Badger fat for hemorrhoids in capsules is prescribed as an independent remedy for initial stages or in parallel with drug treatment. Natural capsules act as a sedative, have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and support local immunity.

For psoriasis

Thanks to the biologically active substances in its composition, badger fat is effective for psoriasis - it has a strong healing effect. Before using any product to treat skin diseases, you must find out if you have an allergy. If the body reacts well to the folk remedy, you can treat the skin by applying the composition to the affected areas in a sufficient layer, preferably in its pure form.

For burns

Making ointments with extracts from medicinal herbs– plantain, chamomile, celandine – to enhance the healing properties in folk medicine, badger fat is used for burns. Such remedies cope well with pain and prevent the appearance of blisters. Burns are simply treated with melted fat to completely cover the affected skin. There is no need to apply bandages or dressings after treatment. In severe cases and extensive damage to the skin, you should definitely consult a doctor; under no circumstances should you treat yourself.

For tuberculosis

Badger fat helps against tuberculosis and general exhaustion of the body. A more pronounced healing effect is observed when using such a folk remedy in combination with other equally powerful folk remedies: honey, propolis, infusions of medicinal herbs. Value for money for this remedy maximum benefit: record useful composition for a weakened body it is difficult to find among medicines traditional medicine with similar properties and price.

How to take badger fat for prevention

It is known that subcutaneous deposits are obtained at a time when the animal is preparing for hibernation: by this time the maximum amount has accumulated in it. useful substances. Scientists have even found that body fat hibernating animals are immune to snake venom, remove decay products, salts heavy metals, significantly strengthen the immune system. How to take badger fat for prevention correctly? It is useful in its pure form: you need to drink a tablespoon a day. Before taking preventive medication, you should consult your doctor and find out about contraindications.

Badger fat - contraindications

Even this useful remedy, like badger fat, has contraindications and warnings for use. The instructions for use describe in detail how badger fat works - contraindications, indications and possible side effects will help you understand the specifics. Contraindications are:

  • chronic pancreatitis– people suffering from pancreatitis do not have enough enzymes that break down lipids;
  • liver dysfunction – for a weak liver, fat can become heavy;
  • disruption of the biliary tract - disruption of the breakdown and absorption of lipids occurs;
  • people who have any problems with the gastrointestinal tract - any heavy load on the gastrointestinal tract causes disruption for the whole body.

It is not recommended to take badger fat orally to children under 6 years of age due to the fact that it can put a huge burden on the liver and digestive system, the harm from this may exceed the expected benefit. For the same reason, doctors do not recommend the product to some pregnant and lactating women. It is worth remembering that, like other medicines, individual intolerance may appear, especially in people who live in areas where the badger does not live and have not eaten its fat.


The retail cost of badger fat depends on dosage form: the price of capsules varies from 120 to 300 rubles, in its pure form in bottles - 400-500 rubles. for 250 ml. If you need large volumes for preparing creams, masks and treating the whole family, then it is better to buy such volumes in an online store, where a liter of rendered lard can be found at favorable price– up to 2000 rub. Creams based on this combined composition They have a low price - from 100 rubles per 30 ml tube. You can order them inexpensively in specialized stores, whose catalogs often have a much wider selection.


The benefits of fat from wild animals have been known since ancient times. People have noticed that bears, marmots, badgers and other animals that hibernate in the winter look quite vigorous and healthy in the spring. The subcutaneous fat accumulated over the summer helps these animals successfully endure prolonged fasting.

The shooting began in late autumn, when badgers gained greatest mass bodies. The hunter who caught the badger provided his family with meat, valuable fur and fat, which was used for medicinal purposes. In healer's reference books of the 18th–19th centuries. You can find recipes for various potions using badger fat. The healing properties of this product are also recognized by modern medicine.

It’s very easy to check the quality of badger fat purchased on the market: place it on your palm little lump and observe his condition. Natural badger fat begins to melt within just a few seconds.

Badger fat - 10 beneficial properties

  1. Strengthens immunity

    To protect your body from seasonal colds and viral infections, you can use badger fat in a mixture with other healing products. For example, with raspberry or blackcurrant jam, good honey, decoctions of medicinal plants. The medicine is taken for 2 weeks at the table three times a day before meals, in the next 14 days - in the same dose in the morning and before bed. For children, depending on age, 1–2 teaspoons of badger fat per meal is enough.

    The following composition has a positive effect on the body’s defenses: flower honey, badger fat, finely chopped dried apricots, raisins, walnuts. All products must be taken in equal proportions and mixed well. You should eat 1 tablespoon of vitamin paste every day for a month before each meal. For children, the dose of medicine is reduced to 1 dessert spoon.

  2. Used to treat throat, bronchitis and lungs

    For wet and dry coughs, heated badger fat is used to rub the sternum area. You can also take fat internally by mixing it with honey, milk, rosehip syrup and alcohol tincture echinacea or licorice root. Take the medicine in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed. Recommended dose: adults – 1 tablespoon, children – half a tablespoon.

    For treatment acute bronchitis badger fat is used in its pure form without additives. It is enough to eat 1 tablespoon of the product once a day to get rid of the symptoms of the disease. Children from 8 to 10 years old should be given 1/2 teaspoon of fat, older ones - 1 teaspoon.

    For laryngitis, accompanied by inflammation of the ligaments and loss of voice, this method helps well: eat a piece of black bread smeared with badger fat with a few spoons of raspberry jam, washed down with any herbal infusion.

    Badger fat is often used as aid in the treatment of tuberculosis. Fat, of course, will not be able to completely get rid of this disease, but it will contribute to the renewal of lung tissue and general strengthening body. To prepare a healing elixir, take 3 tbsp. spoons of badger fat, 2 tbsp. spoons of aloe leaf minced through a meat grinder, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cocoa powder and 1 teaspoon of cognac. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. The resulting portion of the medicine is eaten daily on an empty stomach in the morning or before lunch.

    For inflammation of the middle ear, instill in ear canal 2-3 drops of badger fat mixed with an equal amount of chicken fat.

  3. Relieves pain in the back, joints and muscles

    People suffering from radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis and others similar diseases, badger fat will help get rid of painful sensations. The fat is rubbed into the back and joints after warming the body under a hot shower or in the bath. You can also prepare an anesthetic ointment: 4 tbsp. spoons of badger fat take 1 tbsp. spoon olive oil, bring to a homogeneous mass in a water bath, after cooling, add 10–15 drops of any aromatic oil, for example, lavender, lemon, pine, tea tree. Pour the mixture into a glass jar with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

  4. Serves for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases

    Taking badger fat internally replenishes the deficiency polyunsaturated acids in the body, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and the condition of blood vessels. Fat is useful to consume for ischemia, hypertension, coronary insufficiency. The use of badger fat is recommended as a prophylactic agent for those with a predisposition to atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, and cancer.

  5. Restores strength after operations and serious illnesses

    Badger fat is very useful for people who have had surgical interventions, chemotherapy, long-term treatment antibiotics. The product is recommended for patients suffering from dystrophy, cachexia, nervous or physical exhaustion. Due to the 100% digestibility of the components of badger fat by the body, its consumption helps to quickly restore performance and regain lost vital energy.

  6. Treats kidney and bladder diseases

    The vitamins and microelements contained in badger fat give this product bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Regular use fat renders positive impact on the kidneys, prevents the formation of stones. It is recommended to take badger fat for cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis. It has been proven that the healing product can completely cure these diseases.

  7. Used for acute and chronic disorders of the digestive system

    The use of badger fat is recommended for gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis and other pathologies of the stomach and intestines. The treatment course is 3-4 weeks, one tablespoon of fat per dose before breakfast and shortly before dinner. For the same purposes, a mixture of equal amounts of badger fat, milk and honey is used.

  8. Treats various diseases and skin damage

    Badger fat heals wounds, abrasions, frostbite, sun and thermal burns. Antiseptic properties product allow its use in the treatment of dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, purulent fistulas, trophic ulcers. Fat is used to lubricate the skin of bedridden patients to prevent bedsores.

  9. Strengthens hair and promotes its growth

    For weakened and split hair, as well as hair loss, it is recommended to rub badger fat heated in a water bath into the scalp daily. The head is wrapped in plastic wrap and tied with a warm scarf or towel. The course of treatment is 1 month.

    You can also prepare the following composition: mix 25 grams of badger fat, honey, burdock oil and a teaspoon of onion juice, add 4-5 drops of mint or clove oil. The mixture is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair, left for 1–2 hours, and then washed off. warm water in the shower.

  10. Used for cosmetic purposes

    Masks containing badger fat rejuvenate the skin, eliminate dryness and wrinkles.

    To prepare a vitamin night cream, pour in the same amount of melted cocoa butter into 50 grams of badger fat, add a tablespoon of jojoba oil and a few drops of any aromatic oil. The cream is stored in the refrigerator and used to care for the skin of the face, hands, and neck.

    To eliminate acne, make the following mask: melt a spoonful of badger fat and add the same amount of dark chocolate. Keep the warm mixture on your face for 10–15 minutes.

    An ointment made from 50 grams of badger fat, 1 tablespoon of almond oil, 1 teaspoon helps fight roughness and cracked heels. beeswax. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and heated in a water bath. When the mixture has cooled, you need to add a teaspoon of glycerin and 7-8 drops of antiseptic oil extract, for example, tea tree.

How to use badger fat?

A general rule when using badger fat internally: you should not eat more than 1 tablespoon of the product at one time. Fat is washed down with warm tea or milk, jam or honey. In pharmacies you can find biologically active additives, containing badger fat enclosed in gelatin capsules. Take such medications according to the instructions included with the package.

Use of badger fat during pregnancy

Women expecting the birth of a baby can take badger fat only under strict medical supervision. During the initial stages of fetal development, the liver expectant mother experiences increased stress, so during this period the use of fat is extremely undesirable.

The healing properties of badger fat for children

Children under 8 years of age should not be given badger fat orally without first consulting a doctor: the liver of a growing body may not be able to cope with the load. If you have a cold, you can rub the fat on your child's chest, back and feet. For these purposes, it is convenient to use Badger cream, specially designed for children. The drug has antiseptic and analgesic properties, as well as a warming effect.

For children over 8 years old, badger fat is best given in combination with sweet fruit syrups, natural honey, homemade jam. To make the taste of fat more pleasant, you can melt it with butter, add chocolate and cocoa powder. The mass spread on bread is offered to the child in the form of a sandwich for dessert. From the age of twelve, pharmaceutical capsules with badger fat can already be used to treat childhood diseases.

Badger fat - contraindications

Traditional healers have long used badger fat to treat coughs, inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs, to strengthen the immune system, eliminate skin problems, and enhance hair growth. External use of the product, as a rule, is not accompanied by unwanted effects. When consuming badger fat internally, the following contraindications should be taken into account:

  • children under 6 years of age;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Some people may experience individual intolerance to the product, both externally and internally. In case of unpleasant symptoms, you should stop taking badger fat and consult a doctor who will suggest suitable treatment options for you.

What else is useful?

Cough is defensive reaction body for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Thanks to it, the body removes mucus that makes breathing difficult. Many people prefer to use natural products to get rid of this symptom, including badger cough oil.

One of the best natural products for cough and bronchitis is badger fat. It can be used both as a mixture and smeared externally. Badger fat is a unique natural medicine.

The animal accumulates its valuable fat layer throughout the spring and summer period. And already at the end of autumn it contains the maximum amount of biologically beneficial active substances, which are vital for the badger to hibernate without food or water. This natural product is obtained by melting and purifying the internal fat of an animal harvested in late autumn.

It contains the following elements:

  • vitamins E, K, A;
  • B vitamins (B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12);
  • unsaturated fatty acids (including Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 acids);
  • organic acids;
  • citamines;
  • various micro- and macroelements.

The complex of these substances has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

Due to its unique components badger fat copes well with various types of cough and can defeat smoker's bronchitis. Vitamins and microelements help increase the body's immunity and make it possible to use fat with other medications.

Indications for use

Badger fat will help cope with coughs for both adults and children. You need to know that this symptom occurs against the background of the following diseases: ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia. The healing properties for cough are due to valuable composition product.

Types of coughs for which badger fat can be consumed:

  1. Non-productive (dry) cough - no sputum is produced. It occurs with tracheitis, pharyngitis.
  2. Productive (wet) cough – observed copious discharge sputum (pneumonia, bronchitis).
  3. Unproductive cough - the presence of phlegm in the respiratory tract is felt, but its release occurs after a painful, prolonged and painful cough.
  4. Rough (barking) occurs with laryngitis.
  5. Paroxysmal cough - with whooping cough.

Important! Consultation with a doctor is required. You should not self-medicate.

How to drink badger fat

You can take badger fat orally for any type of cough. For bronchitis, you need to consume 2 tsp. three times a day. For dry cough, 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. It is recommended to drink on an empty stomach for 2 weeks. If you take the medicine after meals, the results may be less than expected.


When used externally for coughs in adults, badger fat is applied to the back, chest, feet, treatment can be combined with ingestion of fat. Directions for external use: gently rub into the skin until a film forms. After this, the patient is wrapped to keep him warm. It is advisable to treat an incipient cough by rubbing, as the method can cause an increase in temperature.

For children

For coughs, this method is available to children from two to three years of age. The fat is rubbed on the chest, back and feet at night for two weeks. It is recommended for massage to make a mixture of lard with the addition of aloe juice, propolis, cocoa, mint, and jojoba oil.

Important! Doctors advise treating coughs with badger fat in children as a complementary therapy. When a cough develops, it is taken orally. But we must remember that fat is a burden on the child’s digestive system. Such treatment should be carried out with caution.

For adults

For coughs, adults dilute the fat with milk with the addition of honey, drink 1 tbsp three times a day. l. It can be spread on bread with jam - eating it in this form is much more pleasant. The use of milk with badger fat is popular and effective method fight against cough.

To prepare the mixture, you need to melt the fat. You can add honey, dried apricots, nuts, raisins in equal proportions and use medicinal recipe 1 tsp each three times a day.

Adults consume the mixture half an hour before meals, children during meals. If you cannot drink the drink on an empty stomach, you can drink it three hours after lunch or dinner. The duration of use of the folk remedy is a month. Then 2-4 weeks of rest, and the course is repeated.

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, any medications affect the health and growth of the fetus. Doctors recommend not using badger fat internally until the 13th week. Then, up to 24 weeks, you can use it in moderation. External use has no restrictions. You can rub the chest at any time.

Important! Cough on early stages pregnancy can be dangerous for the development of the fetus, so it is necessary not to delay treatment and immediately help the body fight the disease.

Where to buy and how to choose

The pharmaceutical industry offers various shapes release: for oral administration - in capsules, for external use - creams and ointments. Capsules are very convenient to store. In this form, you can always have the medicine with you. Shelf life 2 years. How to take it correctly is described in the instructions. The price at the pharmacy may vary depending on the manufacturer and region. On average, the cost of 100 capsules of 0.25 g is 100 rubles. Bottle 100 ml - 160 rub.

To choose a fresh and high-quality product, you need to know a few rules:

  • The color of the fat can be white or creamy - it depends on what the animal eats. If the shade is too yellow, the product is not fresh;
  • the fat smells like a specific animal odor;
  • at normal temperature resembles sour cream, it hardens in the refrigerator;
  • The containers in which fat is sold must be made of glass, since harmful mixtures are formed in plastic packaging due to violation of storage standards.

Important! When choosing, you need to pay attention to the cost. The price should not be too low. This may indicate that the product contains synthetic additives.

Badger fat must be stored in the refrigerator or in a cool, dark place at a temperature of 0-6 degrees. At proper storage their useful qualities fat can be retained for 1.5-2 years.


Although fat is natural product, not all patients can use it. Contraindications include:

  • allergies and intolerance to the drug;
  • children under 6 years of age (for oral administration);
  • problems with the pancreas, stones in the bile ducts, tract, liver;
  • psoriasis;
  • neurodermatitis.

In any case, consultation with your doctor is required. If there chronic diseases, you need to use fat very carefully.

Side effects

The following side effects may occur when treated with badger fat:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • various skin rashes and redness.

If one of the above symptoms appears after taking badger fat, you should immediately stop using this remedy. You should visit a doctor who will prescribe other medications and help you cope with the disease.

Badger fat is not a medicine, but only food additive, but some patients use it as their main medicine. This is due to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.