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Kalina. Description, composition, beneficial properties and recipes for preparing viburnum. Red viburnum - beneficial properties and contraindications

In Russia, viburnum grows almost everywhere. They make jelly and jam from it, bake pies with viburnum filling, make kvass, and use the fruits in sauerkraut. Various parts of viburnum have beneficial properties: berries, flowers, seeds, branches, bark. The prepared folk remedies are successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory and digestive system. Viburnum berries treat nervous disorders and help cope with the inflammatory process.

Composition of viburnum

The fruits of the plant contain vitamins A and C, tannins, pectins, important for effective cleansing intestines from accumulated harmful substances. The phytoncides included in the composition effectively destroy microbes.

The fruits contain a lot of phosphorus, potassium, iron, manganese, copper. The leaves and berries contain acetic, valeric, oleic and formic acids.

Rich in vitamins and mineral composition especially useful for the prevention and elimination of loss of strength and vitamin deficiency.

When to harvest berries and other parts of the plant

The plant prefers moist deciduous or pine forests with plenty of shade. It grows among bushes, along the water. Some gardeners grow it on their "acres".

The bark is harvested in April, shortly after sap flow, and young shoots in early spring. The flowers are collected from May to June, when they are in full bloom. The time to collect viburnum berries occurs in September and October. The fruits are cut off along with the stem to keep the soft part intact.

The most useful viburnum is collected after the first frost, when the medicinal properties of the berries caught in the frost are maximum. Frost also reduces bitterness. To eliminate bitterness, the fruits can also be immersed in boiling water for a few minutes.

The collected berries are laid out in an even layer and dried in a cool, ventilated place for 5-9 days. The final removal of moisture is carried out in the oven at a temperature of +50C. Afterwards the leg can be removed.

Dried viburnum berries are best preserved beneficial features in clean linen or gauze bags placed in a dark, dry place.

Viburnum prepared in the following way is also useful. Fill a third of the clean jar with washed berries, pour granulated sugar to the top. The lid should not be tight. In six months useful product ready.

How to prepare and store viburnum juice

Wash and dry the berries on a towel, squeeze gently. Do not press too hard on the skins as they produce maximum bitterness. Mix the resulting juice with sugar in equal parts.

Place the finished product in glass jars. Store in closed in a refrigerator. The longer viburnum juice is stored, the less bitterness it contains. For long-term storage, grind the juice with sugar to form a jelly. In this form, it does not spoil and does not ferment even at room temperature.

Boiled viburnum juice is prepared from 1 liter of water, 1 liter of berries, 200 g of sand. Wash in cool water add water to the fruits and cook in an enamel pan over low heat until they become soft. Then carefully squeeze out the juice and let it sit. Add sugar, slightly warming the juice to dissolve the sugar faster. Strain, bring to a boil, pour into clean jars.

Recipe for a general tonic

Viburnum is useful for strengthening, prevention colds. Take 100g of berries, including peel, 200g of aloe leaves, peeled walnuts. Pass through a meat grinder, add 200g of butter and honey.

Take 1 tsp during the day. after meal.

Treatment of colds with a decoction of viburnum bark

Viburnum bark is useful for prevention and treatment respiratory diseases. Brew 2 tbsp. bark with a glass of boiling water, keep on low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Add 7-10 drops of oil, 1 tbsp. honey, mix. Take half a glass half an hour before meals.

Another remedy from berries and viburnum bark against colds. Stir 1 tsp. bark, half a cup viburnum juice, 1 tsp. thyme, pharmacy, mint, honey, brew a glass of boiling water. Simmer in a water bath for 5 minutes, leave, strain into a glass container. Take half a glass half an hour before meals. It is useful to add a little to the product fresh juice or viburnum berries.

Viburnum bark helps cope with fever. To prepare the infusion, 2-3 tbsp. crushed bark, pour a glass of cold boiled water, leave for 8-10 hours, strain. Take 1 tbsp. half an hour after eating.

Treatment of pneumonia and bronchitis with viburnum

The beneficial properties of viburnum berries help cope with pneumonia and help thin sputum.

Heat a glass of honey over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Grind 1 tbsp. berries, pour hot honey over them. Wrap it well and let it brew for 5-6 hours. Accept remedy 1 tsp each 4-5 times a day.

You can simply boil 100g of berries in 200g of honey over low heat. Take the healing agent 1-2 tbsp. several times a day with warm water.

Another recipe for treating bronchitis or pneumonia with viburnum. Stir 1 tbsp. bark, coltsfoot, knotweed, elderberry flowers, brew 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take 3/4 cup half an hour to an hour before meals.

Viburnum with honey is useful for eliminating severe bronchitis. Brew 100g of berries with two glasses of boiling water, simmer over low heat for half an hour. Leave for 30 minutes, add half a glass of honey, stir. Take 2 tbsp. half an hour after eating.

Viburnum infusion is useful for chronic cough. Mix 1 tsp. fruits, viburnum berries, pharmaceutical chamomile, elecampane. Brew 1 liter of boiling water in an enamel bowl, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Leave for 5-6 hours, strain. Keep well closed glass jar. Take 1 tbsp. half an hour before meals.

The benefits of viburnum in the treatment of sore throat

It is useful to gargle with an infusion prepared from a mixture of viburnum flowers and berries, taken in equal parts. Brew 1 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave, thoroughly wrapped, for 3-4 hours, strain.

Gargle using 1/2 cup of infusion. Take 1-2 tbsp orally.

Viburnum is used in compresses on the neck for sore throat. Grind the berries, pour warm water for half an hour, add honey, mix well. Apply the composition to a clean natural fabric, secure it to the throat, wrapping it several times. The treatment lasts an hour, the compress is applied twice a day.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension

Cope with painful sensations an infusion of 3-4 tablespoons helps in the heart. viburnum berries brewed with a glass of boiling water. Infuse the fruits for 4 hours, strain. Take a glass 3-4 times a day.

Kvass from viburnum and is useful for dilating blood vessels. Grate 250-300g of beets, boil in one and a half glasses of water. Wash 300g of berries, boil for several minutes in one and a half glasses of water in an enamel bowl. Mix the decoctions, add a third of a glass of sugar and bring to a boil, let cool. Store in a glass container in a cool place. Take cold.

An infusion of viburnum shoots is useful in cases of hypertension. Mix equal parts of motherwort herb, valerian root, crushed shoots, 2 tbsp. Brew the mixture with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Take for hypertension in small portions throughout the day.

Another recipe for hypertension. Get juice from half a kilo of viburnum berries, pour the squeezed fruits into 100g of water, boil for 5 minutes, strain and mix with the previously obtained juice. Add 100g of sugar, stir and wait for it to cool. Add 1 tbsp. honey Take 2 tbsp. half an hour before meals.

Viburnum juice is useful for eliminating constant headache. Take 1-2 glasses of viburnum juice every day, adding honey to taste. To simultaneously cope with inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, dilute the juice with a decoction oatmeal.

Medicinal properties of viburnum for liver diseases

A simple healing remedy to cleanse the liver is prepared from viburnum berries and honey. Rinse half a kilo of fruits and cook in an enamel container until soft with the addition of a small amount of water. Then rub through a sieve and mix with 250g of honey. Take 2 tbsp. in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed for 14 days.

To improve blood composition, it is useful to prepare another remedy from viburnum berries. Boil 1.5 cups of crushed rose hips in 1.5 liters of water for 10 minutes, add 1-2 tbsp. , 5s.l. , leave for 8-10 hours, strain. Grind 1/2 cup of berries, 1/4 cup of sugar, add to the infusion.

Take half a glass an hour before meals for 3 weeks with breaks every 3 months for two years. Blood improves, stones dissolve.

Get rid of stones in the urinary and gallbladder You can also use viburnum seeds if you swallow one 10-15 times a day.

The choleretic infusion is prepared by mixing equal parts of viburnum berries, mint, and birch buds. Brew 1 tsp. Collect a glass of boiled water, leave for half an hour, strain. Take 1 tbsp. after meal.

Viburnum for diseases of the digestive system, stool disorders, hemorrhoids

Viburnum berries and seeds are useful for eliminating pain in the stomach, intestines, helping to cope with indigestion, or duodenum, constipation and loose stools.

Fresh berries are useful for gastritis with low acidity. Brew 1-2 tbsp. fruits with a glass of boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours, strain. Take 2-3 tbsp. half an hour before meals 5 times a day.

To cope with indigestion, use viburnum seeds by brewing 1 tbsp. a glass of boiling water. After simmering in a water bath for half an hour, the broth is allowed to cool and filtered. Take 2 tbsp in the morning and evening an hour before meals.

At peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, chop the viburnum berries, pour them with cold boiled water at the rate of half a glass per 1 tbsp of fruit, leave for 10-12 hours, strain. Take 1 tbsp. an hour before meals.

For constipation, it is useful to take 40-50 berries every morning with no big amount honey Viburnum seeds are also useful; they need to be ground in a coffee grinder and brewed at the rate of 1 tsp. powder per glass of boiling water. After 10 minutes, the constipation remedy is ready. It is taken 1-2 times a day with sugar or honey.

An infusion of viburnum berries with honey at the rate of 2 tbsp helps to cope with loose stools. fruits for half a glass of honey. Wash the fruits, chop them, mix with honey. Heat in an enamel container over low heat or in a glass container in a water bath, stirring constantly. After 10 minutes, remove the medicinal product from the heat and allow to cool. Take 1 tsp. several times a day.

To prevent and treat hemorrhoids, brew 4 tsp. viburnum bark with a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 10 minutes, let cool and strain. Take half a glass in the morning and evening an hour before meals.

For bleeding, hemorrhoids or painful heavy periods, grind the viburnum bark into powder and add the same amount of alcohol. Infuse for 3-4 days in a cool, dark place, strain. Keep cool. Take 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day.

Elimination of nervous overload and fatigue

Viburnum is useful for removing nervous tension, cause rapid relaxation. To prepare the infusion, brew 2-3 tablespoons of boiling water. crushed bark, add 1 tbsp. lemon balm. Simmer in a water bath for half an hour, leave for an hour. Take 1 tbsp. an hour before meals for a week.

Another recipe for overwork and elimination chronic fatigue. Mix crushed viburnum bark and chamomile, taken in equal parts. Brew 1 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, strain. Take 1-2 tbsp at night.

Skin diseases

The beneficial properties of viburnum berries are used to get rid of boils, ulcers, and eczema. Viburnum juice compresses are applied to the affected areas 1-3 times a day for 1-2 hours. After 2-3 weeks of treatment, a week break is taken, after which the treatment is repeated. To achieve results, 3-4 courses are required.

In case of eczema, you need to take up to 0.5 liters of viburnum juice per day. You can prepare an infusion by brewing 2 tbsp. chopped berries with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, strain. Take half a glass an hour before meals.

Viburnum is useful for external use for speedy healing of ulcers and wounds. Grind 1 tbsp. berries, pour half a glass of boiled water at room temperature, leave for 6-8 hours, strain. Add 1 tbsp to the infusion. honey Apply to affected areas for 1-2 hours in the morning and evening.

At increased sweating feet or hands heat 1 tbsp. viburnum bark with a glass of water, boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Let cool, strain. Wipe your feet and hands several times a day.

Malignant formations

Viburnum juice mixed in equal parts with honey is used in treatment and prevention oncological diseases. Take 3 tbsp. mixture 4 times a day.

For a similar purpose, it is useful to brew 1 tbsp. viburnum flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Take a glass half an hour before meals. It is believed that this remedy, taken after taking medications, enhances their effect.

A malignant tumor of the mammary gland is treated with lotions of fresh crushed viburnum berries.

Harm and contraindications of treatment with viburnum

  • In case of hypotension, viburnum can be harmful because it lowers blood pressure, especially when consumed in the form of juice with honey.
  • You should not be treated with viburnum when increased acidity gastric juice.
  • Folk remedies from viburnum bark are harmful due to increased blood clotting and a tendency to form blood clots.
  • Treatment with viburnum should be avoided in case of gout, arthritis, urolithiasis, kidney diseases.
  • During this time, it is worth avoiding prolonged consumption of berries.
Modified: 02/18/2019

Since ancient times, medicinal plants have been very popular in the field of folk treatment: viburnum, lingonberry, ginseng, St. John's wort, lemon balm and many others. When it comes to sour berries, many people first of all remember viburnum. After all, the fruits of this plant actually have a rather specific taste, in which the acid borders on a bitter aftertaste. This puts some off from constant consumption of viburnum, but red viburnum combines two contradictory features: beneficial properties that few would dare to dispute, and a far from sweet taste.

The ancient Slavs knew about the benefits of this plant, and they associated many legends and beliefs with it. Thus, viburnum is a red berry that symbolized the beauty and purity of the fair sex. That is why she was not only present at all wedding tables, but also decorated the bride’s outfit. But if a person strokes the tree itself, he will definitely be happy and lucky. Viburnum gets its name thanks to bright red color, which the berry begins to acquire in early autumn. At the same time, it seems that the berries seem to be heating up under the warm temperatures. sun rays.

Viburnum is classified as a member of the honeysuckle family and has more than a hundred varieties. There are also cultivated varieties that are bred by breeders for various purposes. For example, such a varietal variety as “Buldonezh” has a purely decorative purpose, as it has beautiful snow-white inflorescences big size, but fruits are not formed on such a plant.

The shrub, the berries of which are used in the treatment of many diseases, is called common viburnum and has a height of at least one and a half meters.

And in good conditions, the plant can even reach four meters in height. At the same time, not only the fruits of viburnum are considered useful, but also the flowers and bark.

Folk healer - viburnum bush Viburnum viburnum has beneficial properties in such quantities that it can compete with many other gifts of nature. Back in the old days traditional healers the use of shrubs was associated with great benefit

  • . To do this, in early spring, the bark is harvested and used: to stop,
  • internal bleeding
  • for gastrointestinal disorders, with liver and,
  • kidney diseases

for the treatment of sclerosis and tuberculosis. A decoction of viburnum bark has remarkable antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is quite successfully used for colds and infectious diseases..

This folk remedy calms well and reduces the risk of seizures, therefore it is widely used for various nervous disorders At the end of spring, viburnum bushes begin to bloom profusely and show the whole world the beauty of their snow-white tassels. These flowers not only attract the eyes of aesthetes, but also have many useful properties. A decoction prepared from flowering viburnum tassels is used for various bleedings And inflammatory processes, which is important for colds, but also perfectly increases appetite.

How can you prepare viburnum fruits for future use?

In autumn, beautiful, juicy red berries ripen on the bush. Knowing about the multiple medicinal properties of these fruits, which grow on the bushes for a relatively short period of time, people have invented several ways to use viburnum all year round.

viburnum fruits

Thus, berries can be harvested by drying. Viburnum does not tolerate very high temperatures, so it must be dried in conditions where the thermometer does not rise above 50 degrees Celsius. Only then will the berries be able to retain maximum beneficial properties.

Another widely used method of harvesting is freezing viburnum fruits. For this purpose, it is recommended to collect berries in whole clusters and always during their full ripening period. The collected gifts of nature should be placed in the freezer, after placing them in a plastic bag. In extreme cold conditions, frozen berries will be just as healthy as fresh ones.

Medicinal properties of viburnum

General use in medical purposes viburnum bush explains the numerous beneficial properties of red viburnum. What exactly are the substances that make this plant so beneficial? Here is a description of the beneficial properties of all the vitamins and minerals contained in viburnum:

Vitamin A

  • increases the body's resistance to adverse conditions;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin;
  • stimulates the growth and strength of bone tissue, maintains healthy teeth and hair;
  • normalizes everything metabolic processes in organism;
  • activates the formation of new cells, thereby slowing down the aging process;
  • improves vision and prevents various diseases eye;
  • accelerates the healing process of wounds and burns.

Vitamin C

  • strengthens human immunity;
  • stimulates cell regeneration when the integrity of external and internal tissues is damaged;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • thins the blood and reduces the risk of blood clots;
  • prevents allergic reactions.

Vitamin E

  • participates in metabolism and prevents the destruction of cell membranes;
  • has a preventive effect on the development of vascular atherosclerosis;
  • has a good cosmetic effect: nourishes the skin, has a positive effect on hair and nails.

Vitamin K

  • improves the digestion process;
  • activates brain activity and improves mental abilities;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and muscular system.

Vitamin P

  • increases elasticity and strength blood vessels;
  • helps reduce blood pressure;
  • regulates the activity of the adrenal cortex and the process of urination;
  • has an analgesic effect and prevents the formation of edema.


  • participates in the supply of oxygen to cells and tissues;
  • accompanies the process of hematopoiesis and prevents the development of anemia.


  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • takes an active part in hematopoiesis;
  • stimulates physical activity and mental abilities;
  • gives strength to bones and teeth.



  • accelerates the process of skin regeneration;
  • participates in the destruction of harmful microorganisms;
  • is a natural immune modulator;
  • improves metabolism.

In addition to the above vitamins and minerals, viburnum contains many other no less useful elements. Thus, it has long been known that viburnum berries are characterized by a high content of organic acids:

  • valerian,
  • vinegar,
  • formic,
  • oil,
  • linoleic and others.

All of them are needed by the body in reasonable quantities. In addition, the bark of viburnum contains very important substance– viburnin glycoside. He imagines invaluable benefits for humans, as it has a remarkable hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. Also, the bark, leaves and roots of viburnum contain useful tannins, pectin, essential oils and resins.

viburnum flowers

Such unique composition Kalina fully justifies it wide application in the treatment of a huge number of diseases and in the prevention of their occurrence. Viburnum is used not only in traditional treatment, but also in officially recognized medicine. After all constituent components these berries are successfully used in the manufacture of many medicines.

How to use viburnum for treatment?

viburnum juice

Over the years, people have discovered more and more new recipes for preparing medicinal products from viburnum. Let's talk about the most common and effective of them.

  1. You can eat viburnum fruits in their original form. Eating small bunches of berries every day will help the heart function properly, as well as reduce swelling. Eating viburnum in this way is only possible during a certain season. Therefore, in the fall, when the bushes are decorated with clusters of berries, do not miss the moment and try every day to feast on these tart and sour, but very useful fruits.
  2. Viburnum juice has beneficial properties in the same quantity as the pulp itself. Therefore, many healers very often recommend drinking it in pure form or with added sugar. This way you can alleviate your condition with hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers and colitis.
  3. In order to maintain your immunity throughout the year, it is best to use pre-frozen viburnum. To do this, remove the berries from the freezer, pour boiling water over them, and then rub through a sieve. Mix the resulting mass with honey in equal parts. You should take one tablespoon of this medicine every day on an empty stomach.
  4. The combination of viburnum and honey is also useful for diseases respiratory system(bronchitis, pneumonia). Just to do this, the mixture needs to be poured with a liter of water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. You need to drink half a glass of this decoction before each meal.
  5. For colds and sore throats, it is recommended to use dried berries. Grind a small amount of them, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave in a warm place for two to three hours to infuse. After straining, the tincture is ready for use. Drink it in tablespoons three times a day. The same remedy can be used to gargle. If you suffer from disorders gastrointestinal tract, you can regularly drink tea brewed using dried viburnum berries.

red viburnum berries

If according to various reasons bleeding begins, of course, you need to immediately consult a doctor. Together with the remedies recommended by a specialist, an infusion from the bark of the viburnum bush can alleviate your condition. Pour two tablespoons of crushed bark into half a liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Drink the infusion three times a day, 50 ml.

Viburnum seeds also have many advantages: beneficial properties and a healing effect are achieved for many ailments. It is very useful to swallow a dozen viburnum seeds daily. This will help get rid of stones and sand in the body. In this case, the bones should be taken one at a time during the day, and not all at one time. They are also a natural antioxidant and high level are able to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. If you eat viburnum berries along with the bone core, you can significantly improve the functioning of your heart.

Kalina is not for everyone

viburnum tincture

Like any other medicine, viburnum berry and contraindications are inseparable from each other.

Thus, the use of viburnum in any form is not recommended for pregnant women. This is due to the fact that these berries contain substances very similar to hormones. And their excess in the body can stimulate premature birth or cause numerous disorders in the unborn baby. People who have low blood pressure or serious illnesses blood and renal apparatus.

Thus, viburnum is not just a plant, but a unique medicine that will make your life healthy and fulfilling. Therefore, do not neglect these sour red berries. Enjoy the gifts that nature cordially offers you, and be healthy.

The medicinal properties of viburnum have been known since ancient times. This berry is harvested with the arrival of frost, when other plants go to sleep. But if the berries are collected after the first frost, then the bark, leaves, and flowers are collected throughout the entire growing season.

Description of the plant

Viburnum is a common plant that grows almost everywhere: in Russia, Europe, America, North Africa. Medicinal properties Viburnum is valued all over the world; it also fits well into any landscape, complementing it, which is why it began to be grown in personal plots.

Viburnum belongs to the Adoxaceae family. It is a shrub with red or black berries. The height of the plant can reach four meters. The bark is gray-brown, the leaves are long, on average eight centimeters. They are dark green above and grayish-green and wrinkled below. white or white-pink flowers collected in inflorescences. The flowers are small, fruiting. The fruits are spherical or oval, can be red or black with a large seed, juicy, with a bitter astringent taste.

The plant blooms in late May - early June. The fruits begin to ripen in early September.

Chemical composition

The medicinal properties of viburnum are determined by its chemical composition. Berries contain many vitamins and minerals. They contain carbohydrates, tannins, and organic acids. They also contain tannins, resins, phytosterols, pectins, and essential oils.

The berries contain a lot of vitamin C, E, A, P, K, magnesium, iron, zinc, and potassium.

The bark is rich in tannins, palmitic, formic, caprylic, and linoleic acid. It contains vitamins and phytoncides.

Medicinal properties

Due to its unique medicinal properties, viburnum is used in the treatment of almost all ailments. This plant helps fight pathologies of cardio-vascular system, including ischemic heart disease. It helps cope with sore throat, asthma, pneumonia. Infusions and decoctions are recommended for skin pathologies: boils, eczema. It helps fight pathologies of the nervous system, including hysteria, insomnia, and neurasthenia. Berries and other parts of the plant are used in the treatment of disease digestive tract, for ARVI, bronchitis, whooping cough, tonsillitis, pharyngitis.

The use of viburnum helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, stimulates the release of sputum when coughing, increases the tone of the uterus, and is used as a diuretic and decongestant. Folk remedies prepared from viburnum help fight disorders water-salt metabolism. The plant also stimulates the production of bile. Correct Application helps improve immunity, tones and fights vitamin deficiency.

Centuries ago, viburnum was used as a diuretic, wound-healing, tonic, astringent. By popular belief, there is not a single disease for which viburnum would not help.


Before you begin treating diseases, you need to know the contraindications and medicinal properties of viburnum. This plant contains a lot of vitamin C, which can cause overdoses, manifested by the appearance of a rash. Only red viburnum is used to treat ailments, but black viburnum is considered poisonous and is used only as a garden decoration.

For some people, the bitterness of viburnum causes a fever.

You cannot use folk remedies if you have a blood clotting disorder, a tendency to form blood clots, arthritis, gout, or high acidity of gastric juice.

Harvesting bark

The healing properties of red viburnum bark allow you to fight a variety of ailments. The procurement of raw materials is carried out in the spring, when the movement of juice begins. To remove the bark, you need to remove the side branches. Then the bark is carefully removed. The workpiece is dried in a ventilated area until the bark begins to crumble when pressed. Dried raw materials are stored in glass containers in a dark place.

Decoctions are prepared from the bark, used to stop bleeding, rinse oral cavity for sore throat, stomatitis, drink for headaches, insomnia.

Harvesting flowers and leaves

The medicinal properties of red viburnum allow the plant to be used as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, and diaphoretic. For this purpose, flowers and leaves of the plant are used. They are collected in May-June. The workpiece is dried in a ventilated area. As soon as the raw materials are dried, they are placed for storage in paper or fabric bags or glass containers.

Harvesting berries

The medicinal properties of red viburnum berries are not inferior to many pharmaceutical drugs. Harvesting is carried out after the first frost, around October, but the harvesting time depends on the region. Fresh berries are of greatest value in the treatment of pathologies. You can make juice from them, grind them, eat them whole, or put them in tea.

The benefits of viburnum

Knowing the medicinal properties and contraindications of viburnum, you can say with confidence whether this plant is suitable for you or not. Undoubtedly, viburnum brings many benefits, but in order to succeed in treating ailments, it is important to know which parts of the plant help with what.

  1. Pathologies of the respiratory system. For coughs, pneumonia, and bronchitis, use juice or decoction of berries. They contain substances that help activate the process of mucus discharge.
  2. Diseases of ENT organs. For tonsillitis, tonsillitis, and pharyngitis, it is recommended to use a decoction of flowers. It can be taken orally and used as a gargle. After a course of treatment, viburnum helps to restore your voice.
  3. In case of dysfunction of the digestive system. Viburnum contains pectins and tannins. Viburnum berry is useful for gastritis with low acidity. If you feel heaviness or nausea, it is recommended to eat a teaspoon of pureed viburnum.
  4. A decoction of viburnum bark is used for bleeding.
  5. All parts of the plant help fight vitamin deficiencies. Berries, bark, and flowers contain many vitamins, which helps strengthen the immune system. This plant serves as a good prophylactic against influenza epidemics and ARVI.
  6. The medicinal properties of viburnum fruits help to cope with metabolic disorders.
  7. Viburnum helps with swelling and is used as a diuretic.
  8. IN fresh berries are recommended for hypertensive patients.

By eating a tablespoon of fresh or frozen berries every day, you can avoid heart problems. The process of blood renewal is also activated.


Knowing the medicinal properties and contraindications of viburnum bark, as well as other parts of the plant, you can decide whether it is suitable for treatment for you. To make medicine from the bark, you will need ten grams of crushed raw materials, which is poured with a glass of boiling water. The product is infused for one and a half hours. Take a tablespoon four times a day.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of viburnum berries help determine whether this plant can be used. An infusion is made from the fruits, which is used as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory agent, and also as a means to enhance immunity. To prepare the medicine, you need to chop two tablespoons of viburnum and add water. The broth is boiled for fifteen minutes, after which it is allowed to cool. Take a third of a glass three times a day.

The medicinal properties of viburnum berries help fight hypertension. To make medicine from them, you need to take a three-liter jar into which three glasses of berries are placed. They are poured with two glasses of boiling water. The container is tightly closed and left overnight. In the morning, the product is filtered through a sieve. The strained mass is ground with half a kilogram of honey. This paste is taken one spoonful three times a day. You can pour the resulting infusion over the pulp and take a third of a glass.

The following remedy helps with neurasthenia: pour a spoonful of bark into a glass of water and boil for half an hour. A decoction of one third of a glass is taken three times a day.

For a cold, take five hundred grams of mashed viburnum berries, a spoonful of currant leaves and mint. Everything is mixed, honey is added. The composition is heated and infused for an hour. Taken for colds.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of red viburnum allow you to find out whether it can be taken to treat ailments. However, to avoid harm, it is better to consult a doctor.

To cope with sore throat, cough, fever, use a decoction of viburnum bark. To prepare it, you need to pour a spoonful of bark with a glass of water and boil for fifteen minutes. Then the product is infused for two hours. Take a tablespoon no more than four times a day.

For chronic cough, take a remedy prepared from one glass of berries, poured into a liter of water, and boiled for ten minutes. The product is taken in a third of a glass warm. You can add honey to the composition to taste.

For pneumonia, prepare an infusion of two tablespoons of mashed berries mixed with a glass of honey. The composition is taken by spoon no more than five times a day.

Viburnum is good for headaches. To make a medicine out of it, you will need to grind a spoonful of berries with sugar in equal proportions. This sweet remedy is then taken as tea no more than twice a day. You can use viburnum flowers for headaches. They are poured with boiling water and left for about an hour. The infusion is taken one spoonful twice a day.

Traditional methods of treating viburnum

Beneficial properties of viburnum, medicinal properties help to cope with uterine bleeding, pain during menstruation. To overcome these pathologies, it is necessary to prepare an alcohol tincture from the bark. To do this, one hundred grams of bark is poured with a liter of alcohol. The product is infused for a week. Take thirty drops twice a day.

Viburnum berries help relieve stress and lift your spirits. To prepare healthy tea, the berries are mashed, mixed with honey or sugar, then the mixture is added to the tea one spoon at a time. To give the drink better taste You can add cinnamon to it.

To increase the tone of the uterus, drink a bark tincture prepared from ten grams of bark and a glass of boiling water. The product is infused for five hours. This medicine has an antiseptic, analgesic, vasoconstrictor effect, and also increases the tone of the uterus.

Viburnum helps relieve irritability and insomnia. A folk remedy is prepared for these ailments by mixing a spoonful of viburnum bark and a teaspoon of lemon balm. Then take a spoonful of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. The composition is cooked for half an hour, and then removed from the heat and infused for the same amount of time. Take a spoonful four times a day.

Preparing berries for the winter

Viburnum berries can be prepared for the winter with sugar. To do this, take half a kilo of viburnum and the same amount of sugar. The berries are ground, then sugar is added. To preserve all the beneficial properties, the seeds and skins are left in the raw jam. Then leave the mixture aside for a while to allow the sugar to dissolve. Ready jam put into jars and stored in the refrigerator.

If desired, you can remove the seeds. In this case, raw jam will have the appearance and consistency of jelly.

Compotes are prepared from viburnum berries and covered for the winter. They are drunk as medicine. To make compote, you need to take two glasses of berries and the same amount of sugar (for a three-liter jar). It is best to add sugar directly to the jar to remove the sour taste of the compote. The berries are cooked for five minutes. Then the broth is poured into a jar, sugar is added and sealed with an iron lid.

A five-minute jam is prepared from the berries. To make it, you need to take a kilogram of sugar and half a kilo of viburnum berries. The berries are covered with sugar, and after it has dissolved, they are put on fire and boiled for five minutes: they are put into jars and rolled up. You can grind the berries with sugar and boil for three minutes.

Viburnum in the garden

The great value of the plant makes it indispensable in the treatment of almost all diseases. Because of this, people often plant shrubs on their property.

The plant can grow in both shade and sun. It loves water very much, so it needs frequent watering. Best time planting - spring and autumn. For the plant, holes measuring 40 x 60 cm are prepared; humus and wood ash are placed in them. After planting, the bush is watered.

The plant is fed three times per season: in early spring, during the flowering period and when fruiting. For this purpose, either organic or mineral fertilizers. Fertilizing is carried out in the spring with nitroammophos, in the summer with phosphorus, and in the fall with potassium. The granules are mixed with soil.

When caring for a plant, it is important to water it at least twice a week.

In order for viburnum to grow as a lush bush, it must be shaped. Pruning is carried out in the spring.

By following the rules for taking viburnum, you can forget about colds and many other diseases. But before using folk remedies, you need to consult a doctor.

In the article we discuss red viburnum berry, beneficial properties and contraindications. We talk about its composition and why the berry should not be consumed during pregnancy. You will learn in what form red viburnum is used and how to use it.

Viburnum is a wild shrub growing in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.

Today there are about 170 subspecies of the bush. The height of the bush reaches two meters, while the trees can grow up to six meters. The plant blooms with white flowers, the season is May-June.

The fruits ripen in late summer - early autumn. They have a bitter taste, so harvest should be after the first frost, when the taste becomes sweeter.

The berries have found their use in traditional medicine, cooking, cosmetology. Berries, leaves and bark of viburnum are used for treatment viral diseases, problems of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, treatment of problems in the field of dermatology.

Beneficial features

Red viburnum berries contain:

  • pectins - cleanse the blood of waste and toxins, reduce cholesterol levels;
  • tannins - fight inflammation, accelerate wound healing;
  • flavonoids - improve blood circulation, saturate the cells of the body with oxygen;
  • steroid saponins - regulate water-salt balance;
  • organic acids - speed up metabolism, reduce blood sugar levels;
  • lipids - help in the formation of proteins, accelerating cell regeneration;
  • vitamins A, C, E, P - increase immunity, protect the body from viruses;
  • other minerals - calcium, iodine, lead, copper.

The main medicinal properties of red viburnum are anti-inflammatory, healing, and strengthening. Useful for viruses and colds, diseases of the digestive system, heart and vascular diseases, effective for pathologies of the nervous system and dermatological defects. The healing properties of viburnum are also recommended for problems with the urinary tract and kidneys, and in the field of gynecology.

For men, viburnum is useful in the field of potency and strengthening the heart muscle.

In addition to berries, the bark and leaves are used in medicine. They should be harvested at the very beginning of spring. Viburnum leaves are used for inflammatory diseases skin, ulcers, acne. Viburnum bark has a hemostatic effect, helps speed up the healing process of abrasions, get rid of allergic rashes.


Like any remedy for a disease, viburnum fruits have not only medicinal properties, but also contraindications. These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation - high levels of phytoharmones can cause miscarriage and lead to a deterioration in the condition of the woman or fetus;
  • increased stomach acidity - consumption can provoke exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers;
  • increased blood viscosity - can lead to the formation of blood clots in the vessels;
  • with hypertension - a decrease in blood pressure leads to a hypotensive crisis;
  • at gouty arthritis— viburnum causes increased deposition of salts in joints and tissues, which can lead to an inflammatory process;
  • individual intolerance.

In addition, viburnum fruits should not be consumed by people with blood diseases, diabetes mellitus. Before using plants in kind or as part of the drug, consult a specialist.

In what form is it used?

Red viburnum is widely used in folk medicine. The medicinal properties of berries help speed up metabolic processes, activate the transfer of oxygen into cells and blood vessels, improve general state health.

The berries are used both frozen and natural. Teas, decoctions, juices, and tinctures are made on its basis. Even viburnum seeds have benefits - if you fry them and grind them, you can get natural substitute coffee, which has a tonic effect without worsening the condition of the nervous system.

Let's look at the main forms of use.

Viburnum tea

Viburnum root tea is good immunomodulator. His medicinal properties help during colds, ARVI, has an expectorant effect. Compresses made from berry pulp are used to treat mastopathy.

Viburnum juice

Viburnum juice has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, pelvic organs and gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it reduces the risk of developing urolithiasis and also controls cholesterol levels.

Viburnum juice with honey will get rid of acne. It is enough to drink 250 ml of the drink every day and also lubricate the affected areas of the skin.

Viburnum decoction

Decoctions and tinctures are used as an antipyretic during acute diseases with high temperature. Recommended for the treatment of nervous disorders and lack of appetite. It has also been proven that a decoction of the leaves helps improve the situation with cancer.

Viburnum tincture

Tinctures made from berries or wood elements improve the performance and endurance of the body. Recommended for insomnia, stressful situations, depression.

Viburnum bark

Viburnum bark relieves cramps during menstrual bleeding and has a hemostatic property. And face masks with the addition of berry juice and pulp improve the condition of the skin, promote rejuvenation, and relieve pain.

Red viburnum for children

Viburnum is also used to treat childhood colds. Note that it is best to give viburnum to children in liquid form. Drinks stimulate the immune system and improve functioning internal organs, relieve allergic rashes due to diathesis.

Before use, carefully study the contraindications for women and men. Excessive or improper use can cause significant damage to the entire body.


To improve immunity and improve the health of the whole body, red viburnum berry is used. The beneficial properties of the bush can relieve almost any ailment.

Accompanying components for decoctions and infusions can be water, alcohol, honey and other ingredients. Before cooking, rule out individual intolerance to the substances.

Viburnum with honey for blood pressure


  • fresh berries - 150 gr.;
  • honey - 200 ml.


Pass the berries through a meat grinder, or you can use a blender. Mix the puree with honey, stir until smooth. Leave for 2 hours in a cool place. Take the mixture 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Viburnum with honey exhibits beneficial properties in the ability to dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and help with blood pressure. This good prevention cardiovascular diseases, blood clots. For hypertension, it is useful to add 150 grams to this mixture. lemons, minced through a meat grinder or blender. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

Viburnum juice for blood vessels and heart


  • fresh viburnum - 200 gr.;
  • rowan - 200 gr.;
  • boiled cold water - 1 liter


Pass the berries through a meat grinder or blender. Mix thoroughly. Rub the puree through a strainer, leaving the “cake” inside it. Dilute with water. Leave it in the refrigerator overnight. Drink the drink throughout the day. Prepare a new batch in the evening.

Viburnum juice exhibits beneficial properties in reducing sugar and cholesterol levels. Daily use cleanses the blood of toxins, heavy metals. With its help, blood circulation improves, metabolic processes improve, strength and energy appear. Also used for patients suffering from atherosclerosis.

Viburnum infusion against the virus


  • viburnum bark - 3 tbsp;
  • hot water - 750 ml;
  • natural honey - 1 tbsp.


Finely chop the bark, you can grind it in a mortar. Pour boiling water over the dry product. Heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Leave for 1 hour, then strain and pour into a convenient container. Add honey to the finished drink. Leave it in the refrigerator overnight. Take 0.5 cups 30 minutes before meals, warming to room temperature.

Viburnum with honey exhibits beneficial properties as an antiviral and immunomodulatory agent. This infusion helps with sore throat, chronic cough, and tracheitis. Moreover, this good remedy for nervous disorders.

What to remember

  1. It is best to collect red viburnum berries after the first frost.
  2. Berries can be used fresh or frozen.
  3. Red viburnum has anti-inflammatory, healing, strengthening effects.

Viburnum is a common shrub that belongs to the honeysuckle family, which has long been used in the national economy. The healing properties of this tree explain the use of the bush’s components in folk medicine. Today, decoctions from the bark, leaves and berries of viburnum are successful in treating a lot of diseases, which is why doctors prescribe this medicinal composition along with complex therapy. In this case, treatment is carried out quickly, and often does not leave a “mark” on a person’s health.

Description of viburnum

This shrub, which often acquires irregular shape crown, can grow up to 4 m. Its young, angular branches are covered with grayish bark, on which cracks appear over time, and the covering of the stem acquires a reddish or brown tint.

The smooth buds of the bush are ovoid in shape and reddish-green in color. The leaves of the plant are three-lobed, but sometimes they are also five-lobed and are located opposite on the branches. The length of the sheets reaches 10 cm, with a width of 8 cm. top part The leaves are bare, endowed with a dark green tint, and the lower ones are grayish-green in color, with velvety pubescence.

Fragrant, lush white flowers are collected in corymbose, crumbly panicles. Each inflorescence contains two types of flowers:

  • marginal - these flowers grow on stalks;
  • median - considered sessile, found more often than the previous type.

The fruit of viburnum is a spherical red drupe, endowed with one seed, juice and astringent pulp.

Viburnum blooms in late spring or early summer, depending on the climate and soil composition. The fruits are considered fully ripe in early September, but the berries hang on the bush until the first snow.

Where is the shrub found?

Viburnum is widespread throughout Russia. The tree is found in the steppe, forest zone of central Russia, in Western Siberia, in the North and South Caucasus, on the Black Sea coast.

Viburnum is found in garden plots, gardens, near houses, in parks and gardens as an ornamental plant - today there are tree species with large spherical inflorescences, beautiful flowers and with golden fruits.

Important: viburnum is demanding on soil moisture, so the shrub should be planted on fertilized soil. In addition, the plant does not tolerate direct light well, so the bush is found in damp forests, along the banks of reservoirs, in the shade of garden plots, in clearings and forest edges.

Chemical composition of the plant

A large number of useful substances, included in medicinal shrub, have a positive effect on the health of any person and help cope with many diseases and restore the body's defenses. The medicinal properties of viburnum are explained by the following components:

  • tannins;
  • vitamins A, C, K, E;
  • phytoncides;
  • pectin;
  • macro- and microelements – iron, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, copper, manganese;
  • oleic, acetic, citric and valeric acids;
  • sugar;
  • fatty and essential oils.

Medicinal properties of the bush

In folk and traditional medicine, flowers, fruits and bark of viburnum, which have numerous healing properties, are applied as:

  • hemostatic;
  • astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • soothing;
  • antiseptic;
  • painkiller.

Vitamin C, which is 2 times more in berries and other components of viburnum than in fresh strawberries and raspberries, strengthens the immune system, restores the body after illness, and vitamin P promotes its complete absorption by the body.

The healing properties of viburnum berries are so diverse that they can compete with most folk remedies and surpass them in their characteristics. Viburnum berries have the following positive effects on the human body:

  • choleretic;
  • astringent;
  • hemostatic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • enveloping;
  • diaphoretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant;
  • restorative;
  • laxative;
  • sedative;
  • diuretic;
  • anesthetic.

The use of viburnum decoction for treatment

Viburnum is considered truly unique plant, all parts of which are useful for the human body during treatment specific disease. The healing properties of viburnum explain its use in alternative medicine as an adjunct to therapeutic treatment.

A decoction based on viburnum is used in the treatment of acute and chronic forms diseases such as:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • cold;
  • fever;
  • neurosis and hysteria.

Viburnum fruits are used in the treatment of:

  • edema of renal and heart failure;
  • gastritis;
  • uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • colitis;
  • skin inflammation;
  • hypertension;
  • painful menstruation;
  • prevention of miscarriage at an early stage.

A decoction of water and viburnum flowers will help with:

  • diarrhea;
  • spasms and pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pain in the uterine area;
  • flu;
  • shortness of breath;
  • tuberculosis;
  • sclerosis;
  • cancer;
  • severe dry cough;
  • diathesis;
  • eczema.

Viburnum fruits, which are collected after frost, acquire a sweet taste and juiciness. Most often, the use of frozen fruits is used as a laxative, diaphoretic and emetic to treat a host of diseases.

A decoction of frozen viburnum berries with the addition of honey helps with:

  • cough;
  • hoarseness;
  • cold;
  • diarrhea;
  • jaundice;
  • suffocation;
  • hypertension.

For heart diseases and cancerous tumors best to eat fresh berries without removing the seeds.

Collection and procurement of medicinal raw materials

They begin harvesting viburnum bark for the winter in early spring, when sap flow begins. To do this, it is cut from the bushes in thin strips and then cut into pieces 10 cm long. Dry the bark in a well-ventilated area or using a dryer, turning it over periodically. The finished medicinal raw materials are distinguished by a grayish-brown color, on which inside reddish spots are located. Under-dried raw materials will bend easily, while dry ones will break. Also, completely dried bark has bad smell, plaque and bitter taste. The shelf life of dry bark is 4 years.

The harvesting of shrub flowers begins during flowering - in May - June. At the same time, during assembly it is worth cutting off entire inflorescences at once. Flowers are dried in the attic or under a canopy. Dried raw materials should be stored in cardboard boxes for 2 years.

The fruits of the plant are harvested when fully ripe - this happens in September - October. The berries are air-dried and then dried in the sun, oven or electric dryer until they become hard and wrinkled. Before placing the berries for storage, the stalk is removed from each fruit. Store dried berries in cool room. It is important that the fruits do not become damp, otherwise they will quickly lose their beneficial properties and large supply of vitamins.

The medicinal and healing properties of all parts of viburnum explain the use of the bush in the treatment of a host of diseases. Much is known different recipes, which are suitable for the treatment of any pathology of the human body.

  • Fill a glass of fruit with a liter hot water and boil over high heat for 10 minutes. As it cools, strain the broth and add 3 tablespoons of honey to the liquid. Take the medication 4 times a day in the amount specified in the doctor's prescription.
    The resulting product acquires beneficial properties that fight a large number of diseases.
  • We prepare a decoction of flowers in the following way: brew a tablespoon of flowers in 200 ml of boiling water and heat the mixture for 15 minutes. We cool the medicine, then filter it using a sieve and take it as directed. The resulting decoction is effective for diathesis, loss of appetite and bronchopulmonary diseases.
  • To prepare a decoction that has diuretic properties, pour 10 g of viburnum berries with 200 g of boiling water and heat them in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain, squeeze and bring to the original volume with boiled water. We take 50-70 g 3 times a day.
  • To prepare a decoction of viburnum bark, pour a tablespoon of bark into a container, pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and place on the stove for 30 minutes. Then cool, strain, carefully squeeze out the bark and add warm boiled water to the broth so that the volume is 200 ml. This medicine should be stored for no more than 2 days.
  • For external use, prepare a decoction of viburnum bark. To do this, brew 200 g of raw material with 5 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil and leave to cool. Then we filter and take as directed. The course of treatment for diathesis and other skin lesions consists of 10 baths, 10-15 minutes each. This decoction will also be effective as a mouth rinse for periodontal disease.


Despite its numerous benefits, this plant also has contraindications. Therefore, before starting treatment with viburnum preparations, you should consult your doctor and strictly follow the prescribed course of use.

Since viburnum has the ability to lower blood pressure, you should not abuse it if you have hypotension, as the pressure may drop even more. Maximum daily dose in this case it can be no more than 1 tablespoon.

Also, viburnum and preparations made from it are contraindicated during pregnancy, since during this period they can lead to serious complications. Since viburnum fruits contain components similar to female hormones, with their increased content in the mother's blood, the baby may develop some pathologies. Sometimes this can even lead to premature birth.

The following diseases are also considered contraindications to taking viburnum:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • leukemia;
  • gout;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • chronic kidney diseases.

Correct technique medicine leads to a rapid improvement in health, bringing strong healing effect. At home, taking decoctions should be carried out strictly according to doctor’s prescriptions, so as not to harm your health or aggravate the disease.