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New generation painkillers. The most effective painkillers

The most common complaint from patients is pain. They can be anywhere - in bones, joints or muscles. Most often this happens to older people. But in the twenty-first century, pain as a symptom is “younger” and is increasingly found among young people.

Pain - natural reaction body. It is a kind of alarm signal about the state of health. It is sometimes extremely difficult to independently determine the cause of pain, which means it is better to immediately go to the doctor.

In this article we will talk in detail about the nature of pain and what effective pain-relieving injections are available to help quickly get rid of discomfort.

Pain is an extremely unpleasant sensation. Pain as a phenomenon cannot be limited only to the concepts of organic or functional impairment, which is located at the site of injury.

Pain affects not only the location of the lesion, but also the activity of the body as a whole. This is confirmed by numerous studies on the consequences of such discomfort.

Pain is an integrative function of the body, which is characterized by psychological and emotional changes. It is she who is responsible for mobilizing the body’s defense systems from the effects of negative factors.

There are two types of pain:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

Acute pain is a reaction to an external stimulus. The reaction manifests itself due to the delivery of an impulse through nerve channels to the brain. It is transmitted, and then, as it were, returns to the source of the lesion.

Acute pain appears due to damage in the form of fractures of any bone, muscle or ligament sprains, injuries, caries, as well as due to various diseases internal organs. As a rule, this type of pain is treated well with painkillers (analgesics).

Chronic pain is more complex, and the causes of its occurrence need to be carefully studied. As a rule, this type of pain indicates difficulties in treating an injury or disease. It always drags on for more than six months. There is a connection between chronic pain and serious diseases, such as:

  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • malignant tumors.

They are all accompanied severe attacks, which are also drug resistant. Chronic pain- not only tissue damage, but also destruction of nerves and their connections.

Subtypes of pain

There are three subtypes of pain - nociceptive, neuropathic or dysfunctional. Each subtype of pain depends on the same thing - the nature of the damage.

Table No. 1. Subtypes of pain

NociceptiveThe pain is localized in a specific place. The patient easily talks about the location of the source of the problems. The reaction appears when active actions or changing body position. The pain is inflammatory, ischemic or mechanical in nature.
DysfunctionalIt is similar to the nociceptive subtype of pain, but unlike it, it does not have a specific dislocation. The intensity, severity of the patient's pain and diagnostic data undergo constant changes.
NeuropathicThe patient cannot name the specific location of the discomfort, but the sensations are brighter and more intense than in other subtypes. High degree excitability to any stimulus. Examples of neuropathic pain are a patient with diabetes, neuralgia, tunnel syndrome(carpal tunnel syndrome).

The causes of pain are as follows.

  1. Bruise or blow. If after some time the pain becomes stronger, it is better to consult a doctor.
  2. Damage to internal organs.
  3. Development of pathologies in the body.
  4. Muscle spasms.
  5. Strained muscles or tendons
  6. Opening of layers of skin.
  7. Surgical operations or rehabilitation period.

In fact, there are a lot of reasons, so it’s better to first find out the reason and then take a painkiller. This is explained by the fact that sometimes medications can do no good, but only harm. In addition, you can take medications only after studying the diagnostic results and identifying the exact cause of the pain.

To prescribe the right medicine, the doctor must identify the specific type and subtype of pain, as well as its intensity. It's all about the characteristics of each species and subspecies. Different modes of pain have a certain degree of susceptibility to specific substances.

Both types of pain cause a person to fall into deep depression. According to major international studies, three quarters of the entire population of the planet suffers not so much from chronic or acute pain, but from depression because of it. This is what arouses the interest of doctors in studying this phenomenon and finding a way to combat it.

Now we will tell you more about the drugs and consider separately one of their subtypes - painkillers.

About drugs

All sorts of things physical suffering leads to a person’s desire to get rid of it as soon as possible. For this reason, the patient’s course is a nearby pharmacy, where he looks for a medicine that can quickly and effectively relieve this kind of torment. But he faces the problem of a wide range of products. Today there are so many medications that sometimes it takes a lot of time to find the right one.

Medicines are mainly divided into two groups:

  • non-narcotic;
  • narcotic.

The latter include morphine and codeine. They are generally considered opioid drugs.

Narcotic types of drugs can be found in pharmacies under the following names:

  • "Ethylmorphine";
  • "Nabulfin";
  • "Omnopon";
  • "Morphilong";
  • "Tramadol".

Medicines are most often produced in the following forms:

  • tinctures;
  • ointments;
  • gels;
  • solutions for injections;
  • plasters.

The most convenient form for medications is tablets. Their advantages are the following:

  • ease of use;
  • no reactions from the body (no redness or itching);
  • no need for syringes;
  • It is not necessary to ask for help from qualified personnel (than when administering injections).

The anesthesia procedure is an obligatory part of the treatment. This is how partial or complete recovery from pain occurs. Its implementation depends on the cause of the pain and its severity. If the cause is any disease, then pain relief during complex stages of the disease is vital. If the tablets are ineffective, injections are prescribed - intramuscular or intravenous.

So, in medicine there are many various types painkillers.

  1. Muscle relaxants.
  2. Analgesics.
  3. B vitamins.

Let's look at each group in more detail.


Pain is a kind of response from the central and peripheral nervous system on the influence of an external stimulus, which is expressed through a chain reaction. In it, the signal in the form of a nerve impulse reaches the brain, where it is processed and returned back. So the cycle repeats endlessly.

The simplest and most easily accessible way to solve the problem of pain is to interrupt this cycle. This is successfully dealt with by analgesics - medications whose purpose is to chemically interrupt the transmission of pain by dampening the nerve impulse.

  • "Nefopam";
  • "Analgin";
  • "Oxadol".

In addition to them, another type of analgesics is also prescribed - non-opiate (i.e., not containing any narcotic substances). They are usually available without a prescription.

If the patient has severe pain that cannot be relieved with the above drugs, doctors prescribe painkillers that contain opioid analgesics or drugs that are of a mixed type.


Analgesics have the following advantages.

  1. Narrowly targeted effect of the drug. Their direct purpose is to relieve pain.
  2. Fast pain relief process.
  3. Minimum side effects related to gastrointestinal tract(when compared with NSAIDs).


This group of drugs has the following disadvantages.

  • In the process of eliminating pain, they do not in any way affect the root cause, which means that treatment of the locomotor system with analgesics is not possible.
  • If you take analgesics with other medical supplies To eliminate the root causes of pain, the patient’s body is subjected to a serious drug load.

Important! Opioid analgesics should be strictly limited in dosage and number of doses per day. In addition, they need to be gradually withdrawn after the end of the course of treatment. If the interruption of taking this kind of analgesics is abrupt, complications will arise in the central nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Muscle relaxants

If the patient has diseases of the spine, then severe muscle tension - common condition, in which pain develops. But now it’s not about the tissues, but about the muscle fibers. Their overvoltage is the reason that the nerve transmits this kind of signal to the brain. In this case, the muscle fibers combine into one knot, compressing nerve root, which causes irrepressible pain.

For muscle pain, doctors recommend using muscle relaxants. They normalize muscle tone and relax them (not on an ongoing basis - on average from two to six hours). In addition, taking muscle relaxants allows you to achieve stability in the results of treatment and return to the previous level of muscle tone, in which they are not subject to overstrain.

Most often, doctors prescribe the following muscle relaxants:

  • "Sirdalud";
  • "Baclofen."


This type of medicine, classified as a complex medicine, has its own advantages.

  1. Complete relaxation of the body muscles.
  2. The presence of a double effect - antispasmodic and analgesic.

If the patient has no contraindications to the use of muscle relaxants, the chance to reduce and/or completely eliminate the drug load during the treatment of diseases of the locomotor system, one of the symptoms of which is pain in the muscles of the back, lower back or neck, increases significantly.


Muscle relaxants have the following disadvantages.

  1. Muscle relaxants can be prescribed by a doctor only after a complete and preliminary examination. Previously, it’s not allowed.
  2. The presence of a large number of contraindications and negative side effects.

Important! Self-medication with such medications is prohibited. It's all about knowing a certain dosage, which a person who decides to self-medicate often does not have. Without it, muscle relaxants cannot achieve the effect of an analgesic. Moreover, this ignorance leads to severe problems with the heart as well as the lungs.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

This group of medications is extremely effective in the form of tablets or painkillers. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are intended for complex treatment aimed at eliminating both the root cause and pain symptoms.

Active substances usually act directly on the source of pain. This is due to a chain of actions - elimination of inflammation leads to a reduction in swelling in the affected area, which in turn leads to the release of nerve fibers from pressure from soft tissues.

Doctors prescribe medications such as NSAIDs:

  • "Pentalgin";
  • "Ketanov";

They are often used to treat diseases of the locomotor system.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have the following benefits.

  1. The dual action of NSAIDs is treatment and relief of symptoms.
  2. The duration of treatment is significantly reduced.
  3. The chances of a successful outcome of the course of treatment increase.


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have the following disadvantages.

  1. A large number of contraindications. Do not use for gastrointestinal diseases or blood disorders.
  2. Accounting required individual characteristics the patient’s body, which will increase the initial effectiveness of drugs in this group and at the same time minimize the likelihood of complications.

Vitamins B (B1, B2, etc.)

In addition to NSAIDs, analgesics and muscle relaxants, people are increasingly using vitamin complexes in the treatment of back pain and other pain. They necessarily contain vitamins B1, B6 and B12. They are the ones who usually reduce pain. Of these three vitamins, vitamin B12 contributes the most to this.

But the question is different - why are these particular vitamins added to all vitamin complexes? It's all about recent research. Doctors have found that they are neurotropic vitamins, i.e. they can lead to normal condition connection between nerves and muscles in the locomotor system. These vitamins directly or indirectly affect the following processes within the body:

  • regulation of metabolism;
  • creation and transmission of nerve impulses in the central or peripheral nervous system;
  • metabolism of mediators.

They also help repair damaged nerves.

More than ninety percent of studies showed that these vitamins significantly reduced pain in acute forms of the disease.

In addition to vitamins, the anesthetic lidocaine is added to the complexes. It is responsible for enhancing the analgesic effect.

The use of a vitamin complex will be useful only if following cases:

  • , neck, joints;
  • alcoholic polyneuropathy;
  • myasthenia gravis.

In chronic forms of diseases, these vitamins are no longer effective.

Video - Briefly about vitamin B12

Choice of pain medications

For chronic types of pain, the physician must first determine the underlying causes and nature of the pain (whether the pain is referred, neuropathic, or central). Only after this can he prescribe a suitable course of treatment with an anesthetic drug.

In case of acute pain, the doctor must determine possible risk appearance side effects on gastrointestinal intestinal tract, cardiovascular system. If there is no dyspepsia, then any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are allowed to be used, but if there is, you should take Ibuprofen. You can also take Diclofenac, Naproxen, Nimesulide or Meloxicam as an alternative.

If you have heart problems, the patient should stop taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and turn their attention to opioid drugs, as well as paracetamol. If the risk is moderate, then the patient is prescribed Nimesulide, but on the condition that the blood pressure is at the normal level or can be brought to this level with the help of Amlodipine or any other drug to lower blood pressure.

At high probability If bleeding occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, the patient should take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs together with proton pump inhibitors. Such inhibitors primarily include Omeprazole. It's all about the risk of bleeding when taking NSAIDs. In order to reduce or prevent it, their use is allowed only in combination with proton pump inhibitors.

If there is a high probability of simultaneous occurrence of complications associated with the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract, the patient is required to take Nimesulide together with acetylsalicylic acid and the proton pump inhibitor Omeprazole.

If the pain subsides within a week, then treatment should be continued until the discomfort is completely relieved. When this does not happen, the patient should use muscle relaxants and local anesthetics.

Administration of corticosteroids ( hormonal drugs) is allowed only if it is confirmed that the patient has no signs of developing tuberculosis of the joints or spine.

Note! If the patient has very severe pain, but the drugs have no effect, then the problem is in the nature of the disease. In such a situation, there is usually a high probability non-infectious nature pain.

How to give an intramuscular injection correctly

When choosing a place for injection, the following places are searched:

  • where injections have already been given (there are seals there);
  • hemangiomas;
  • moles;
  • prominent capillaries.

It is prohibited to inject into such places.

To do intramuscular injection and at the same time not harm yourself, you need produce the followingmanipulation.

  1. Wash your hands with laundry or any other soap. This is important because your hands, and especially the area under your nails, are where the most germs accumulate. Girls who have long manicured nails need to wash the area under them with a special brush.
  2. Prepare three cotton pads.
  3. Moisten the first cotton pad with an antiseptic and wipe your hands as thoroughly as possible.
  4. Take out the package containing the syringe. Open it. Be careful not to touch the needle during assembly.
  5. Take an ampoule with injection solution. Using a second cotton pad, which is also moistened with an antiseptic, take the top of the ampoule and break it. You can do it differently - if you have a special file in the kit, use it to file down the top of the ampoule.
  6. Remove the assembled syringe from the package. Remove the cap from the needle. Insert the needle into the ampoule itself (you must try not to touch the walls and bottom). In this way, draw up the medicine, and then get rid of the air inside the syringe by gently pressing the piston.
  7. Take a third cotton pad. They need to clean the area where the injection will be given. The place can be marked in advance with iodine - this will make it easier to get where you need to go.
  8. The hand needs to be pulled back, but not much. Then the injection is given.
  9. At the end of the procedure, remove the needle from the injection site. Then take a cotton pad and press it harder to the needle insertion site. Hold for a minute.

Each time you need to change the injection site to avoid the formation of seals. It is recommended to paint the mesh with iodine - this way you can achieve disinfection and warm up the area.

It is worth noting a separate case in this instruction. If the medicine is in powder form, one additional step is required. In addition to the fact that the ampoule with the solution needs to be opened, the protective foil removed, and the cap disinfected, you need to add the medicine in powder form to the liquid and mix until smooth. Only after this can the resulting drug be injected into the syringe. Then proceed in accordance with the instructions.


To prevent various types of pain in the back, lower back and other places associated with the musculoskeletal system, as well as to prevent pain in the internal organs, the following rules must be followed.

  1. Correctly get up, stand, walk, sit and lie down.
  2. Maintain proper posture when lifting and moving heavy objects.
  3. Exercise vigorously.
  4. Follow a strict diet and switch to a healthy diet.
  5. Follow psychological state and do not give rise to negative emotions.


At severe pain in the back, lower back or other places, the patient has many questions - how to treat, what to treat, what kind of injections to give? In this article you can see the answer to this question.

It is worth remembering all the time that the attitude towards treatment must be responsible, because it is not always possible to give injections for pain. You need to see a doctor so that he can prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Timely diagnosis and treatment, as well as the use of auxiliary methods, are the key to quick deliverance from pain and discomfort.

We remind you once again that self-medication will not provide improvement, but may even more harm the onset of relief.

Remember! You need to treat the root cause, not the symptoms.

It is not difficult to overcome pain today: painkillers are available in pharmacies in a wide range, and most of of which is available without a prescription. But in order to choose the “right” analgesic, you need to pay attention not only to its popular name, but also to possible side effects and contraindications. Many drugs can be hazardous to health and useless in the fight against a particular type of pain.

Classification of analgesics

When a person goes to the pharmacy for a painkiller, he does not think about what kind of medicine he needs - as long as it helps relieve the pain. And only when the pharmacist starts asking a bunch of questions, it becomes clear: choosing the right medicine is not so easy.

All painkillers known in pharmacology are divided into the following main groups:

  • NSAIDs – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory tablets.
  • Combined and myotropic antispasmodics.
  • Narcotic and specific analgesics.
  • Combined analgesics.
  • Pyrazolones and their combinations.
  • Antimigraine drugs.
  • COX-2 inhibitors.

What is the strongest painkiller for different types of pain?

Each type of medication is effective for different types of pain. For example, NSAIDs can help with headaches and toothaches, only antimigraine drugs can help with migraines, and antispasmodics can help with menstrual cramps.

What painkillers are effective for pain manifestations of different nature:

The nature of pain Drugs
For oncology Therapy begins with taking non-narcotic analgesics. Then weak or strong opiates are prescribed; the choice of one or the other depends on the severity of pain, which is caused by tumor growth. Anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated - Paracetamol, steroids - Prednisolone, opiates - Hydromorphone, type 2 inhibitors - Rofecoxib.
For pain in joints, back, jaw Unpleasant sensations that manifest themselves against the background of diseases and closed injuries musculoskeletal system, including jaw fractures, are suppressed with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, COX-2 inhibitors or non-narcotic analgesics. Slightly less frequently, narcotic drugs are prescribed, for example, Fentatine, a crystalline powder intended for subcutaneous injection.
At menstrual pain, cystitis, pancreatitis, spasmodic toothache Painkillers with antispasmodic properties have a good anesthetic effect: Drotaverine, Papaverine.
At inflammatory diseases, including dental – periodontitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis It is recommended to use NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors - safe NSAIDs, which have been isolated into a separate group due to their strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects without negative influence on the gastric mucosa.
For very severe pain, for example, after surgery for osteomyelitis Powerful narcotic painkillers are indicated.
For mild toothache or headache caused by nervous tension, colds, overwork It is enough to take the cheapest analgesics: Analgin, Tempalgin, Baralgin, Citramon.
For migraine Such pain is difficult to relieve, so instead of simple analgesics, anti-migraine drugs are used, which have an antispasmodic and vasodilating effect.
At aching tooth, for joint and muscle pain NSAIDs can be used. They relieve fever, stop the inflammatory process and unpleasant symptom.
For serious cardiovascular pathologies and other serious conditions Narcotic analgesics are often prescribed, the active components of which act on the central nervous system, inhibiting its activity. As a result, the pain is relieved and the patient experiences euphoria. Such products can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Pyrazolones: list of the best

Pyrazolones are the simplest painkillers. They are headed by the well-known Analgin, which is banned in many countries of the world due to low efficiency and serious side effects: Metamizole sodium can cause anaphylactic shock, lead to the development of agranulocytosispathological condition, in which the level of leukocytes in the blood decreases, the body's susceptibility to infections increases.

Analgin not only has an analgesic effect, it has a weak antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Despite the fact that in the Russian Federation metamizole sodium is available without a prescription and belongs to the group of the cheapest drugs, it should be used extremely carefully and as rarely as possible. Most the best option– one-time relief of severe pain.

Other combinations of pyrazolones:

Name Characteristic

Green tablets are produced by the Bulgarian concern Sopharma and contain 2 components: quinine and metamizole sodium. The first active substance reduces body temperature, the second anesthetizes and stops the inflammatory process. Analgin-quinine is used for fever and joint spasms of cold origin.

The famous green tablets, which are actively used to relieve toothache, headaches and any other pain. Contains 2 active ingredients: metamizole sodium, triacetonamine-4-toluenesulfonate. The last component has an anxiolytic effect: it reduces agitation, anxiety, and tension. In addition, it enhances the effect of analgin.

Consists of 3 compounds: metamizole sodium, fenpivirinium bromide and pitofen. Additional active substances have an antispasmodic effect on muscles and relax smooth muscles. Thanks to a good combination of active substances, the anesthetic is used for spasms of blood vessels, ureter, various colics, headaches, toothaches, fever, high blood pressure, and uterine hypertonicity. Unlike Drotaverine, Spazmalgon does not have a harmful effect on the cervix and is safe for the fetus and mother in any trimester of pregnancy, except the first - during this period all medications are prohibited.

Combined analgesics

The main component of most combination pain relievers is paracetamol. Active substance helps relieve pain, reduce body temperature, and calm the inflammatory process.

Paracetamol earned the title of a strong analgesic back in the days when it was sold only in pure form. But after combining with additional components, the properties of the substance increased and brought combined analgesics into the ranks of the most effective painkillers.

Among the best combination drugs highlight:

Name Description

Ingredients: paracetamol, phenylephrine. The additional component has a vasoconstrictor effect, so the medicine is taken for joint and muscle pain, which is characteristic of a cold.

Ibuklin, Brustan

Inexpensive Ibuklin tablets have a distinctive orange color. Ingredients: paracetamol and ibuprofen, which is on the list of the most powerful painkillers non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Thanks to the effective combination and decent concentration of active substances: 325 mg of paracetamol, 400 mg of ibuprofen - medicines have a pronounced antipyretic and anesthetic effect.

An Austrian drug containing paracetamol, caffeine and propyphenazone - an analgesic from the pyrazolones group with a moderate analgesic and antipyretic effect. Caffeine helps dilate blood vessels and enhance the pain-relieving effect. These painkillers are used for headaches, muscle pain, and toothache.

Antimigraine drugs

Ordinary analgesic drugs do not cope with migraines, so instead of them, special anti-migraine analgesics are used, which dilate blood vessels and prevent their spasm. Among the best painkillers in this group are:

  • Sumatriptan. This is the name of both the drug and the active substance. Migraine subsides within 30 minutes after taking 50 mg of sumatriptan. If the anesthetic effect does not occur, you can take 2 tablets per day. Analogues of the drug: Amigrenin, Migrepam, Imigran, Trimigren.
  • Eletriptan. Painkiller medicine, highest efficiency which is observed when used on initial stages migraine attack. At the end of 2017, only one elitripan-based product was registered in the Russian Federation - Relpax, produced by the American supergiant Pfizer.

List of the best NSAIDs

A special place among all pain pills is occupied by NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Of these, the most pronounced anesthetic effect is distinguished by:

Name Characteristic

It has analgesic properties, but is rarely used to eliminate pain, since high doses acetylsalicylic acid have an aggressive effect on the mucous membrane digestive tract. At the same time the German pharmaceutical company Bayer produces effervescent form Aspirin, which is intended specifically for pain relief and fever reduction.

Cheap, potent and safest drug from the NSAID group. The main functions of the drug are pain relief and reduction of body temperature. It is allowed to be used even on newborns and infants, which confirms its safety. In pharmacies, the product is sold in the form of tablets, suppositories, syrup, and gel. The most popular ibuprofen-based drugs are called: Ibuprom, Nurofen, Dolgit, Iprene.

Included in the group of the most effective painkillers. In terms of its anesthetic properties, Ketorolac is comparable to some of the strongest opioid analgesics, which is why it is used, like narcotic drugs, only in extreme situations: after surgery, for fractures, oncological diseases. Preparations based on ketorolac are called: Ketanov, Ketorol, Torolac, Dolak, Ketalgin, Dolomin.

COX-2 inhibitors: examples

COX-2 inhibitors are anti-inflammatory drugs that differ from other NSAIDs by a special mechanism of action: they do not block COX-1, which protects the gastrointestinal mucosa. Such drugs are indicated when pain occurs in people suffering from peptic ulcer stomach and other gastrointestinal pathologies.

The most powerful painkillers from the group of COX-2 inhibitors:

Name Characteristic

The first anesthetic drug among coxibs, registered in the Russian Federation. Celecoxib is capable of stopping and anesthetizing the inflammatory process and is used for exacerbation of rheumatic diseases. Analogues: Dilaxa, Celebrex, Koksib.


Prescribed to reduce inflammation and pain in rheumatic and dental diseases. In Moscow pharmacies the drug can be found under the name Vioxx in the form of tablets and suspensions.


Available in the form of injections, it has slightly less anti-inflammatory activity, but is the most powerful over-the-counter pain reliever. In Russia, Parecoxib is sold under the name Dynastat.

Narcotic analgesics

Narcotic analgesic is the most powerful pain reliever. The active substances of such tablets act on nerve receptors, inhibiting them and blocking the transmission of pain impulses. In addition, they reduce the emotional perception of pain and facilitate the reaction to it, causing a euphoric state.

Narcotic analgesics are addictive, so they are used only in extreme cases: for the relief of very acute pain.

The powerful opioid drugs known in the Russian Federation are made on the basis of codeine, fentanyl, and morphine.

List of the most powerful opioid painkillers:

Name Description

The drug is manufactured in Britain and contains ibuprofen and codeine. The product effectively relieves pain from various pathological phenomena: migraines, dental diseases, pain in the back, joints, muscles, spine, neuralgia, flu, colds. Nurofen Plus is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

The most powerful anesthetic tablets produced in Bulgaria, consisting of five potent substances - codeine, paracetamol, metamizole sodium, caffeine, phenobarbital. The latter substance not only has an anesthetic effect, but also sedative effect, therefore the drug is effective for neurological, rheumatic, dental, post-burn, post-operative, phantom pain.

What are antispasmodics?

There are two types of antispasmodics - myotropic and combined. The former are able to reduce the flow of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract into the cells of smooth muscle fibers, as a result of which blood vessels and smooth muscles dilate and blood pressure decreases. This action provides a powerful analgesic and antispasmodic effect.

Combined antispasmodics represent a small group of drugs. Such agents consist of several active substances that enhance each other’s effects and provide a pronounced antispasmodic and anesthetic effect.

What are the best combination pain pills?

Name Description

The drug is produced by the French company Sanofi Aventis and consists of three potent substances: codeine, drotaverine and paracetamol. This combination provides a versatile effect on the body: paracetamol relieves pain and reduces temperature, codeine enhances the anesthetic effect, and drotaverine reduces spasms. The drug is used for vascular, headache, and toothache.

The medicine is produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina and consists of five complementary components: caffeine, propyphenazone, ergotamine tartrara, camilofin clodir and mecloxamine citrate. These substances have an analgesic effect and can be used for migraines and vascular pain.

List of the best myotropic pain pills

Name of myotropic agent Characteristic

Has an antispasmodic effect and is different from others antispasmodics lowest level negative impact on the body. The most popular analogues of drotaverine sold in the Russian Federation are Droverin, No-shpa, Vero-drotaverine. Such painkillers are used for any diseases accompanied by spasm of smooth muscle fibers: stomach ulcers, flatulence, cholecystitis, dyskinesia, colitis, gastroduodenitis.

Produced in France, it contains pinaverium bromide, an active substance that has the same property as drotaverine: relieving spasm of smooth muscle fibers. But unlike Drotaverine and its analogues, Dicetel is used to relieve pain during intestinal spasms, including biliary dyskinesia.

Specific drugs

Specific drugs cannot be called analgesics, and people not involved in medicine are unlikely to use them when pain occurs. Such drugs are considered anticonvulsants, and even the instructions for use state that their main action is antiepileptic and anticonvulsant.

However specific drugs effectively relieve severe postoperative pain. In addition, they reduce sensitivity in the presence of serious wounds, for example, after removal of jaw bone tissue affected by osteomyelitis.

List of popular specific pain medications:

Name Description

Recommended for the relief of postoperative pain with the aim of reducing the use of narcotic painkillers. In addition, the effectiveness of tablets in reducing sensitivity has been proven spinal cord, even if it occurs after surgery and traumatic injury fabrics. In Russian pharmacies, Gabapentin can be found under different names: Gapentek, Tebantin, Gabagamma, Egipentin, Catena, Neurontin.

Pregabalin is similar to Gabapentin, the main difference being its longer half-life. It is for this reason that it is better to use the drug for the treatment of acute pain: postoperative, neuropathic, fibromyalgic. Analogues: Prabegin, Pregabalin, Algerica.

Which remedy is better

You should not take painkillers based only on their effectiveness and indications. Analgesics of various types relieve pain of a certain nature, but they have contraindications and side effects. Therefore, if any pain syndrome occurs, it is better to always consult a doctor and ask him to prescribe the most effective and least harmful medicine. And in order to get rid of a painful manifestation forever, it is necessary to treat the cause of its occurrence.

Headache, muscles, stomach, teeth, bones - all of you struggle with pain sometimes. Fortunately, you are not doomed to hopelessness. You can help yourself with analgesics available without a prescription. Do you know which drug to take for certain diseases?

List of painkillers available without a prescription:


Ingredients of analgesics: acetaminophen. This substance has analgesic and antipyretic properties. Its main advantage is that it has several side effects, so it can be used even by children early age. The disadvantage of paracetamol is its weak effect on inflammation. This substance is quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and lasts up to 5 hours. Paracetamol is best used if you want to treat fever, moderate pain headaches, toothache, pain menstrual cycle, muscle pain, postoperative ailments. Paracetamol is present in tablets, syrups and suppositories. Depending on who you are giving the medicine to, choose the correct form. Infants absorb medications best in suppositories or syrups. You must remember not to exceed recommended doses, as overdose may lead to serious consequences.


Another substance widely available and used in pain relief is ibuprofen. Its advantage is that in addition to analgesic and antipyretic effects, it has anti-inflammatory properties. Paracetamol works for up to 6 hours. Ibuprofen works in relieving pain in inflammatory arthritis, rheumatic diseases, post-traumatic pain, inflammation of tendons, ligaments, muscles, joints. It is also a good pain reliever to use during menstruation and also for headaches and also works to reduce fever. It is sometimes more effective than paracetamol. Ibuprofen is available under trade names"Ibuprom", "Ibufen", "Ibum", "Nurofen". You must remember that ibuprofen can be given infants over 6 - one month old. Ibuprofen is also available in concentrated versions labeled forte, which means a lower dose of the product benefits from a more potent concentrate than its standard counterpart. This is important for small children, when using 5 ml of syrup is not so easy.


This is the oldest pain reliever that works as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. Acetylsalicylic acid has a relatively wide spectrum of activity. It can be useful for colds, flu or fever, but also in the prevention of heart disease. vascular diseases(therefore recommended for people with atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease). Unfortunately, it exhibits significant side effects affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Aspirin should not be given to children under 12 years of age.

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Today, painkillers are found in every home medicine cabinet. Most drugs from this group can be purchased without providing a prescription form from a specialist. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right analgesics. The reason is that many medications that relieve pain are very dangerous.

Most of them can cause Negative consequences in the form of adverse reactions.


In pharmaceuticals there is a large number of various groups of medications that relieve pain. Any subgroup of painkillers should be used for specific types of pain. Medicines can be divided into:

  1. Pyrazolones and their combinations– are made on the basis of pyrazolone. Such drugs have an analgesic effect. Easily relieves heat and inflammation. From the digestive tract they are quickly absorbed into the blood plasma. The maximum effect is achieved two hours after taking the product. But the half-life is slow. The components included in the drug can be eliminated within 29-175 hours. They are suitable for joints, muscles, diseases accompanied by fever.
  2. Combined analgesics containing several components at once - contain the main active ingredient paracetamol. The pure component is considered a strong analgesic. And when adding complex excipients the properties of the substance are significantly enhanced. In most cases, such drugs are used to relieve pain from colds.
  3. Antimigraine drugs– used to relieve migraines. This disease manifests itself in the form of a serious condition that depresses a person’s general well-being. Pathological changes can lead to narrowing of capillaries. Ordinary painkillers may not be effective. Therefore, when the first symptoms of migraine appear, drugs of this category are immediately used, which easily dilate blood vessels.
  4. – effectively stop painful sensations. They are designed to simultaneously eliminate both pain and inflammatory processes of various types. They do not contain hormones. Therefore, they do not pose a threat to human health. Minimum number of side effects are detected. Easily removes sharp and chronic forms diseases accompanied by inflammation and pain.
  5. COX-2 inhibitors- belong to NSAIDs. But they differ in a special mechanism of action on the human body. Products in this category are considered safe and very effective. They do not block COX-1, protecting the gastric mucosa. Therefore, they do not pose a threat to the gastrointestinal tract. These drugs are approved for use by people with gastritis and stomach ulcers. Such patients should take medications with a proton pump, since the medications can produce hydrochloric acid.
  6. Antispasmodics– are able to suppress the entry of calcium into smooth muscle fiber cells. Therefore, they easily dilate blood vessels and smooth muscles. Stimulates cardiac activity and reduces blood pressure. They have antispasmodic properties. Capable of relieving pain. They are used for intestinal colic, pain in the abdomen, discomfort during the menstrual cycle and disruptions in the performance of cerebral circulation.
  7. Specific painkillers- officially refer to anticonvulsants. But against the background of this effect, drugs in this group easily reduce severe forms postoperative pain effects. They are also able to relieve acute pain and reduce sensitivity in very severe wounds. Therefore, such drugs are used after invasive interventions. Suppress the sensitivity of damaged peripheral nerves.

Pyrazolones and their combinations

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State University medical University them. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the Moscow Polyclinic.

Release forms: tablets, suppositories, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection. But it is worth considering that injections can be given to adults and adolescents over 14 years of age. Not recommended for kidney and liver problems. From 51 to 61 depending on the manufacturer.


It is an effective analgesic. Easily relieves pain and colic. Contraindicated in asthma, hematopoietic depression, neuritis. From 95 rubles.


Has analgesic properties. Able to relieve spasmodic reactions and pain. Contraindicated in cases of suppression of blood circulation in the bone marrow, failure of the kidneys and liver. From 48 rubles.

Available in tablets and solution. Eliminates pain. Eliminates spasms of smooth muscles. Can be used as aid after surgical interventions. Angina pectoris, glaucoma, granulocytopenia, hyperplasia. From 125 to 289 depending on the release form.


Easily eliminates pain. Used for migraines and toothache. Able to reduce body temperature. Heart failure, hypotension, asthma, circulatory depression. The cost of 20 tablets is 120 rubles. The cost of 100 tablets is 384 rubles.

Combined analgesics

Vicks Active SymptoMax, Vicks Active SymptoMax +

Produced in powder form for oral administration. Contains ascorbic acid. Eliminates pain of various localizations. Eliminates sore throat and nasal congestion. Contraindicated in patients with ischemic heart disease, phenylketonuria, glaucoma, fructose intolerance. From 204 to 338 depending on the release form.


Available in tablets. It is an analgesic and antipyretic. Easily eliminates acute respiratory diseases. May be prescribed for childhood infections. Contraindicated for asthma, hematopoietic disorders, allergies, kidney and liver dysfunction. From 127 to 260 per package.


Available in tablets. Refers to combination anilides. Contains paracetamol. Easily eliminates pain. Contraindicated in cases of gevadal intolerance, inhibition of bone marrow functioning, and gastric ulcers. From 250 rub.

It is a combining agent with an analgesic effect. Capable of relieving pain. Prescribed for neuralgia, lumbar ischialgia. Contraindicated for bleeding, erosions and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. Not recommended for simultaneous use with an anti-inflammatory patch. From 200 rubles.


Available in film tablets. It is an antispasmodic. Contains paracetamol. Easily eliminates spasms of light muscles. Suppresses biliary colic. Contraindicated in case of malfunction of bone marrow circulation, pregnancy and lactation. From 109 rubles.

Antimigraine drugs


Available in the form of film tablets. Eliminates any migraine attacks. Take 50 milligrams per day. Maximum dosage is 300 milligrams. Contraindicated in case of stroke, myocardial infarction, basilar migraine, malfunction of the kidneys and liver. From 112 to 181 depending on the release form.


It is a serotonergic drug. It begins to act two hours after taking the first dosage. Removes with ease pain syndrome. Contraindicated in arterial hypertension, ischemia, arrhythmia, failures in the functioning of the kidneys and liver. From 500 rubles.


It is a selective agonist. Eliminates any migraine symptoms. Capable of having an analgesic effect. Recommended for use in adult patients and adolescents over eighteen years of age. Not recommended for ischemia, liver and kidney problems. Prohibited for simultaneous use with an anti-inflammatory patch. From 600 rub.


Eliminates any manifestations of migraine. Produced in the form of film tablets. Easily eliminates headache, malaise. The maximum dosage of the drug is 160 milligrams. Contraindicated in case of cerebral hematopoiesis failures, peripheral vascular diseases, arterial hypertension. From 413 rubles.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Forms of release of the drug: ointments, suppositories, capsules and suspension for injections. Injections are allowed for people over 18 years of age. All other forms of release are prescribed to patients over six years of age. The drug relieves pain and inflammation. The ointment is contraindicated for hemophilia, gastrointestinal bleeding, erosions, and ulcers. From 28 to 47 depending on the form of release.


It is an antiplatelet agent. It has a common analogue - acetylsalicylic acid. Available in tablet form. Eliminates headaches, toothaches, sore throats, discomfort in joints and muscles. Contraindicated for erosions, ulcers, hemorrhagic diathesis, bronchial asthma. From 20 to 150 depending on the manufacturer.

Release forms: suppositories and tablets. The drug is able to diffuse into the synovial fluid. Has rapid absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. 99% bound to plasma proteins. Eliminates traumatic inflammation of soft tissues. Contraindicated in the “aspirin triad”, in case of malfunction of the kidneys and liver, hypersensitivity and hematopoietic disorders. Not recommended for simultaneous use with an anti-inflammatory patch. From 200 rub.


Available in the form of tablets and solution. But it is worth considering that injections are allowed for patients over 18 years of age. The drug has an analgesic effect. Easily relieves pain syndromes. The drug is contraindicated for rhinitis, urticaria, bleeding, erosion, gastrointestinal ulcers, hypocoagulation, hemorrhagic stroke. 35-40 rubles depending on the form of release.

Release forms: ointments, suppositories, tablets and solution. Injections are allowed for patients over 16 years of age. Used for rheumatism, inflammation of muscles and joints. The drug is able to eliminate pain. Contraindicated in heart failure, erosions, ulcers, intestinal inflammation, gastrointestinal bleeding. From 341 to 472 depending on the release form.

COX-2 inhibitors

The product is available in capsule form. Has an antipyretic effect. Capable of having an analgesic effect. Easily relieves any inflammation. Eliminates pain in osteoarthritis. Bronchial asthma, cerebrovascular diseases, colitis, hypersensitivity. From 500 to 800 rubles depending on the number of capsules.

Available in tablets and suspension form for oral administration. Treats both acute and chronic diseases. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. The maximum dosage of the drug is 25 milligrams. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, pregnancy and feeding breast milk. Not recommended for simultaneous use with an anti-inflammatory patch. From 600 rub.


Capable of hydrolyzing quickly. Used for intense and moderate pain. Prescribed by specialists after surgical interventions. May reduce the need to use other analgesics. Not recommended for patients with acute peptic ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding, acute rhinitis. From 450 rub.


Has an antipyretic effect. Capable of having an analgesic effect. Easily relieves any inflammation. Can be used for advanced ankylosing spondylitis. Prescribed to eliminate short-term dental pain. Erosion and gastric ulcers, hemophilia, ischemia, intestinal inflammation. 7 tablets weighing 120 milligrams cost 560-600 rubles.

Is an inhibitor. Easily relieves dental pain. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Prescribed by specialists for myalgia and arthralgia. Contraindicated for erosions, ulcers, heart failure, genetic alcoholism and drug addiction. From 70 to 130 rubles depending on the form of release.


Available in the form of a solution for injection. Eliminates spasms of smooth muscles. The product can relieve pain from unpleasant symptoms such as renal colic. Recommended for spastic constipation. Injections are not recommended for patients with cardiogenic shock, glaucoma and adenoma. From 11 to 143 depending on the form of release.


The drug is taken 50 milligrams three times a day. It is prescribed for gastrointestinal dyskinesia. The drug is able to eliminate irritable bowel syndrome, discomfort in the form of spasms. Hypersensitivity. The drug is not recommended for simultaneous use with an anti-inflammatory patch. From 635 rub.


Available in capsules and tablets. Used for spastic conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. It is an analgesic medication. Take 100 milligrams four times a day. Contraindicated in pregnant women and hypersensitive patients. From 522 rubles.


Easily relieves inflammation. Has a disinfecting effect. Has antiseptic properties. It has antimicrobial effect Capable of increasing appetite. Available in the form of drops and ointments. Not recommended for hypersensitive people who are allergic to essential oils. From 400 rub.

The product is available in the form of a suspension for oral administration, and also as liquid extract like an ointment for external use. Contains chamomile inflorescences. Easily relieves any inflammation. Not recommended for hypersensitive people who are allergic to flowers. From 450 rubles.

Specific painkillers


Used for monotherapy and neuropathic pain manifestations. Can cause dizziness, diarrhea, and sleep disturbances. Recommended daily dosage is 900 milligrams. Contraindicated in children under twelve years of age and hypersensitive patients. From 402.

Painkillers are essential items and are present in every home medicine cabinet. Doctors divide pain into 2 categories:

  1. Acute – occurs spontaneously and does not last long. It does not spare people with broken bones, injuries to internal organs, sprains, caries, etc. Analgesics cope well with severe acute ailments.
  2. Chronic – lasts longer than six months and is caused by some disease. Debilitating attacks occur with rheumatism, osteoarthritis, gout, and malignant tumors.

Tablet analgesics should be used with caution. It is important not to take pills on your own, but to choose the right painkillers, type of use and dosage with the help of a doctor.

This also applies to making a diagnosis. Taking medications for pain in the abdomen, heart, or head can make it difficult to identify the disease. Analgesics do not cure the disease, but only eliminate an unpleasant symptom. First of all, you need to find the reason.

The most common, inexpensive and best painkillers are Aspirin and Analgin. They head Russian ratings thanks to the good effect, wide range actions and are issued without prescriptions.

How does pain medication work?

Before you understand the principle of operation and the mechanism of action of drugs, you need to understand the sequence of pain. This is a reaction to pathological process, not affecting nerve tissue. The following happens:

  1. From the affected area, impulses travel to the brain.
  2. In damaged areas, substances are synthesized that stimulate nerve fibers and increase discomfort.
  3. If the pathological process affects the muscles, a spasm occurs.

This is how the pills find the area that needs to be numbed. Almost all remedies for pain do not eliminate its causes, but only relieve this symptom. Here's how common medications work:

  1. Analgesics. They block the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of prostaglandins. This reduces stimulation of nerve fibers and reduces the conduction of pain impulses. Analgesics also increase the threshold of sensitivity in the thalamus. This leads to an improvement in dental, joint, and headaches.
  2. Antispasmodics. Used for spasms caused by decreased smooth muscle tone. Affects the sympathetic nervous system. Effective for menstrual, ulcerative, renal, intestinal ailments. This is the difference between analgesics and antispasmodics.
  3. Against migraine. Special group medications that act on the main component of headaches. Reduces nerve sensitivity and neurogenic inflammation.

Classification (types) of painkillers

Analgesics come in two groups:

  1. Narcotic. Tablets and other forms act by suppressing the central nervous system. Active substances are designed to influence the perception of pain by affecting parts of the brain and central nervous system. This leads to an improvement in the patient's condition and even a feeling of euphoria. They cause addiction, so they are used only as prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Non-narcotic. A broad category of drugs that do not affect the central nervous system. Painkillers are common because they are not addictive, sedative or sleeping pills effects, unlike the first group. In addition, some medications have an anti-inflammatory effect. They are included in treatment regimens for many pathological conditions.

Depending on the principle of action and composition, analgesics are divided into the following subgroups:

  • regular painkillers. Pyrozolones and preparations based on their combinations: Tempalgin, Analgin, Spazmolgon;
  • combined means. They include several active substances at once (usually caffeine, paracetamol and other synthetic components). In addition to eliminating pain, they are designed to act on heat, inflammation and spasms: Ibuklin, Pentalgin, Trigan, Caffetin;
  • antimigraine drugs. Conventional analgesics are not able to relieve pain caused by migraine attacks. Invented for this purpose special medications that have a vasodilator and antispasmodic effect: Frovatriptan, Relpax, Sumatriptan;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Relieves pain and fever. Indicated for pathologies accompanied by discomfort, colds, varicose veins: Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Nalgesin (tablets of blue color), Dolomin;
  • COX-2 inhibitors. These are NSAIDs isolated in separate group, since, unlike the first ones, they do not affect the gastrointestinal mucosa: Omeprazole, Perekoksib, Etoricoxib. There is no difference in the principle of action with NSAIDs;
  • antispasmodics. Dilate blood vessels and relax smooth muscles. Representatives: No-shpa, Drotaverin, Nomigren;
  • narcotic analgesics. Potent drugs that the doctor prescribes for severe syndrome. They inhibit the transmission of nerve impulses, eliminate the emotional perception of pain, leading to a state of comfort and euphoria. These are medications based on the drugs morphine, with codeine and fentanyl.

Cheap (inexpensive) painkillers

And also caused chronic illness. A person tries to find a good, inexpensive painkiller. Here is a top list of common cheap and effective drugs.


A popular helper for ailments of various origins. The active substance is metamizole sodium. The action is to partially block nerve impulses and suppress pain centers.

Additionally, it has an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect, therefore it is indicated for conditions accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Analgin is an inexpensive and accessible, but dangerous pain reliever. Today it is considered obsolete, as it has been replaced by modern analogues.

The medicine has a negative effect on the process of hematopoiesis and is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and for children under 3 months. It is recommended to use for pain relief only in adult patients.

It is not advisable to take if you have kidney disease or an addiction to alcohol. The following are noted adverse reactions, like allergies and hypotensive effect.

In Russia, Analgin tablets may be packaged blue color, sold in the form of a suspension (liquid preparation), ampoules for intramuscular administration.

The most famous analogue of Analgin is the green painkillers Tempalgin. The antidepressant Amitriptyline works well for headaches.


Acetylsalicylic acid is one of the most known drugs in the world. the main objective reception – decrease in temperature. However, it has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates joint and muscle pain caused by fever.

Included in the treatment regimen for coronary disease together with drugs with lipid-lowering effects and ACE inhibitors, nootropic drugs (Lira, etc.) to prevent the development of stroke and myocardial infarction.

The English analogue of acetylsalicylic acid is generic aspirin. It is contraindicated under 15 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation. It is prescribed with caution to people with liver or kidney dysfunction.

As an analgesic, it should not be taken for more than 7 days, and the maximum daily dose makes 6 tablets (3 g).

Side effects of the medication include nausea and vomiting, stomach pain, tinnitus, dizziness, and the risk of bleeding. In most cases, these effects develop when the dose is exceeded.

American and German Aspirin is available in the form of soluble effervescent tablets.


The least safe painkiller, which has virtually no side effects and does not spoil the stomach.

Paracetamol in capsules and tablets is prescribed to children and adults for elevated temperature bodies. It acts gently and gradually. Allowed during pregnancy.

In case of overdose, it negatively affects the liver. Therefore, it is not recommended to deviate from the instructions for use. It has a weak analgesic effect compared to other drugs.

Made from paracetamol and herbal ingredients chinese pills"Fish" Look at the pictures to see what they look like. They also produce application analgesic patches.

Israel, based on paracetamol, produces the combined analgesic Dexamol, used for colds, toothaches and headaches.


An effective drug based on drotaverine, prescribed for ailments caused by spasms of smooth muscles, including menstruation.

Small yellow tablets in red packaging help with pathologies of the intestines and stomach, urinary system and other conditions accompanied by spastic pain syndrome.

Used when there is a threat of miscarriage, during childbirth with uterine spasm and prolonged opening of the throat.

Contraindicated for children under 6 years of age. Has virtually no side effects. Nausea, decreased blood pressure, allergies, rapid heartbeat.

You can replace No-Shpa with spasms of smooth muscles with the drug Spazmolgon, or Indian Combispasm.


A strong pain reliever, used for traumatic, oncological, postoperative, and dental pain.

Effective for moderate to severe syndrome, but not intended for long-term use. The dosage must be strictly observed and used no more than 2 days in a row.

Side effects may include nausea, abdominal pain, drowsiness, weakness, nervousness, tachycardia.

Contraindicated under 16 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation, with peptic ulcer disease, renal failure, and bleeding disorders.


A medicine based on ibuprofen without analgin. Available in the form of tablets, gel, suspension, suppositories. It has a pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect. Effective for colds, dental, headache, joint and muscle pain.

It is not recommended to combine Nurofen with Aspirin, Analgin, Paracetamol. Contraindicated in children under 6 years of age, women in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, lactating women, patients with ulcerative lesions Gastrointestinal tract, liver dysfunction, renal failure.

In case of therapy for longer than 3 days, side effects may occur: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension, weakness, tachycardia, insomnia.

The strongest Nurofen for oncology is used strictly under the supervision of a doctor. It costs expensive. You can replace it in a pink shell.


An effective remedy for arthralgia and myalgia, produced in the form of tablets, solution, gel. It is actively used for injuries and wounds, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition to the analgesic effect, it relieves inflammation and swelling in the affected area. Used in children over 6 years of age and adults. It is not prescribed for lactating women and pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. In gel form it is contraindicated for cuts.

Rare side effects have been noted allergic reactions. It is not recommended to use for more than 7 days in a row.


The medicine is prescribed for neuralgia, biliary, intestinal, renal colic, colitis, menstrual syndrome, in the periods after operations. In addition to analgesic, it has a pronounced antispasmodic effect.

Available in the form of tablets and liquid for injection. First dosage form used in children over 5 years of age and adults. The solution is allowed for patients from 3 months of age, provided their weight is more than 5 kg.

Bral is contraindicated for breastfeeding and pregnant women; it is used with caution in cases of impaired liver and kidney function.

Side effects include hypotension, allergies, and dry mouth. These phenomena are predominantly associated with overdose.

Mig 400

An effective NSAID pain reliever based on ibuprofen without paracetamol. Effective for the syndrome inflammatory in nature, including joint pain for older people, muscles, oral cavity, headaches and menstrual pain, feverish conditions.

Contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, for pregnant and lactating women, and for erosive and ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. It is prescribed with caution to elderly patients, with dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, and blood diseases. If you fall into the listed group, look for other medications without Ibuprofen.

If the recommended dose is violated, the medication can cause abdominal pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, weakness, anxiety, hypertension, allergies, and lack of appetite. Not intended for long-term therapy.


A powerful narcotic analgesic, available from pharmacies with a prescription. Used for oncology, trauma, after spinal surgery and diagnostic procedures.

The list of side effects is standard: nausea and vomiting, allergies, drowsiness. They develop mainly during an overdose. Treatment: taking adsorbents and antihistamines.

The drug is contraindicated in conditions associated with depression of the central nervous system and respiratory function, drug withdrawal syndrome, liver or kidney dysfunction.

It should not be prescribed in childhood, during pregnancy or breastfeeding - only for health reasons.

Prices for painkillers

How much drugs cost, what they are and what they are called, see the table:

Painkillers in ampoules

There are analgesics in the form of injection solutions that are used for acute pain for the purpose of softening and relief after injuries, operations, joint diseases (bursitis, etc.) and in other cases. The most common drugs in ampoules:


Effective for pain of mild to moderate intensity. It is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Liquid form often used as a military drug and a fast-acting pain reliever.

Not used in children under 3 months, with kidney pathologies, suppression of hematopoiesis, anemia, leukopenia, pregnancy and lactation. Prescribed with caution to patients who abuse alcohol.


A common remedy that can quickly relieve pain associated with arthritis or inflammation of muscle tissue.

It should be taken with caution by people suffering from pathologies of the liver, kidneys, and stomach. The course of treatment is no more than 5 days.

Contraindicated for young children, pregnant and lactating women, people with chronic cholecystitis or stomach ulcers.


Used for hernias strong remedy, promoting almost instantaneous elimination of the source of inflammation.

The drug eliminates allergies. Prohibited for skin tuberculosis and infections of various origins.


An excellent anti-inflammatory drug that is used to relieve pain and fever. The active substance ketaprofen does not have negative action on articular cartilage, so it is often prescribed for injuries to the back muscles, myalgia, radiculitis, reactive and rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis.

Elderly people should undergo treatment with caution.


Effective in postoperative period to relieve pain. The active component ketorolac quickly eliminates exacerbation.

Contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity, bronchial asthma, allergies to aspirin, bleeding, kidney and liver pathologies. Intended for short-term use. Is Pentalgin or Ketorol stronger? Better than Pentalgin.

Continuation of the list

Pain relief after surgery is available with Nimesil (in powder). See photo. If you are intolerant, it is better to find a drug without aspirin.

The list of medications can go on for a long time. For example:

  • One of the most modern and effective remedies is Denebol or Refekoxide. The principle is to suppress the synthesis of the inflammatory process. A harmless pain reliever that does not affect the liver and is gentle on the stomach, has a prolonged effect;
  • Hydrocortisone is an excellent antiallergic and antiphlogistic agent intended to be implanted into joints. No more than 3 injections per day are given, followed by a three-week break. Hydrocortisone analogue – Prednisolone;
  • Diamorphine - used in terminally ill patients who need relief from suffering;
  • Tramal is a narcotic analgesic that is quickly absorbed into the blood, therefore quickly relieving pain;
  • Ultracain, Ubistezin, Scandonest are used as anesthesia in dentistry and during cosmetic procedures (for example, biorevitalization);
  • Citramon – easy remedy against headaches. Made with herbs.

Painkillers for muscle pain

Myalgia is a consequence of heavy loads, deformations, injuries, and inflammatory processes due to decreased immunity. Discomfort occurs when pressing or moving. Both one and a group of tissues are affected.

For muscle pain, drugs of the NSAID category and non-narcotic analgesics are used:


A popular drug-free medication that reduces tissue swelling, relieves pain and eliminates morning stiffness. Recommended for inflammatory processes in joints and muscles, problems with the spine.

The dosage of tablets is prescribed by the doctor, the frequency of administration is 2 times a day. Indomethacin has many contraindications and an impressive list of side effects, so it must be used with caution. Costs 50-100 rubles.


A caffeine-free drug based on naphthyl propinic acid, it has a pronounced antipyretic and analgesic effect. Eliminates tissue inflammation, is used for muscle pain in the spine, arthralgia, neuralgia.

The product has few contraindications and is better tolerated than other NSAIDs. The price of the drug is from 180 rubles.


A medicine with a powerful analgesic effect. Quickly stops the inflammatory process in the body, thereby alleviating the patient's condition. Used for ailments of muscles and joints.

The list of side effects and contraindications is similar to other NSAID drugs. Cost – 250 rub.


Tablets are indicated for muscle and joint pain. Relieves inflammation, swelling, relieves morning stiffness, improve mobility. One of the most effective and powerful, safe and inexpensive medicines in the world.

In case of severe ailments, you can do intramuscular injections Diclofenac, since the drug is available in ampoules and injections.

It has few side effects and should not be used in childhood, pregnancy, lactation, kidney or liver diseases. Price – 15-45 rubles.

In addition to NSAIDs, the doctor may recommend oxicams to relieve muscle pain: Meloxicam, Piroxicam - drugs without side effects and effects, suitable for older people.

In practice, painkillers based on nimesulide and celecoxib (Nimid, analgesic Nise) or strong drugs with a long action (Ketanov, Ketorolac) are used.

IN severe cases strong narcotic analgesics are prescribed, for example, Tramadol or Tramal.

Painkillers for bruises and injuries

With severe tissue ruptures and bone fractures, a person develops sharp pain at a certain point, which is accompanied by swelling and hemorrhage, a change in the shape and mobility of a limb or other part of the body.

To eliminate such pain, powerful narcotic analgesics are used. Although they have a lot of negative effects, they quickly help in these cases.


Trimeperidine-based opioid analgesic. Excites opiate receptors and activates the antinociceptive system. Changes the emotional perception of pain and increases the threshold of sensitivity.

Not used for conditions accompanied by respiratory depression.


A synthetic analgesic that provides rapid and short-term action. The effect is stronger than Morphine.

The drug depresses the respiratory and vasomotor centers, excites the segments vagus nerve. Promotes the onset of physiological sleep, causes euphoria.


Indicated for patients with moderate and high pain syndrome of various origins. It is often prescribed in the early postoperative period, as well as in severe conditions (gangrene, oncology). Has an effect comparable to the use of Morphine.

Nalbuphine inhibits the respiratory center and gastric motility to a lesser extent than phenylamine, so its tolerability is better.


Narcotic analgesics are taken in the hospital, since these medications require accounting and write-off. They are used in especially severe cases: multiple fractures and numerous soft tissue bruises. Calcium supplements are prescribed in combination.

Let the doctor decide which painkiller is best. For minor damage, use:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Analgin;
  • Nise;
  • Ketanov;
  • Baralgin;
  • Indomethacin, etc.

They help relieve pain in the minor and medium degree gravity. Antibiotics (Doxycycline) are indicated to prevent infection.