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Effective home treatment for lichen in dogs. Ringworm in a dog - the initial stage, the height of the disease, photos of animals

The dog itches, the hair falls out in clumps - obvious signs depriving. Photos will help recognize the disease as quickly as possible. Is it possible to carry out treatment at home and how to prevent infection? It is extremely important to get answers to these questions: a sick dog is dangerous to the health of the owner and his four-legged brothers.

The cause of the pet's illness is considered to be a virus or fungus. The carriers of infection are most often other representatives of the canine family. How does a dog become infected with shingles? Pathogenic microorganisms can “jump” to your pet if it:

  • simply sniffs a sick “comrade”;
  • lie on his rug;
  • will share a meal with him from the same bowl.

Development risk skin pathology It also persists when the pet comes into direct contact with the ground. The distributors of mycotic and viral infections are rodents.

How to recognize the disease?

Every responsible owner should know what signs indicate the presence of lichen in a dog. Failure to identify the problem in a timely manner can result in long and problematic treatment.

The first symptom of lichen in a dog may be restless behavior: the dog scratches the infected area of ​​skin for a long time, gets nervous, and refuses its favorite treats. With these signs, it is worth carefully examining his body.

There are three stages of lichen in dogs:

  • slight rash on the skin in the tail and head area, including on the ears;
  • the appearance of spots, the formation of a bald patch in the affected area;
  • thinning of hair, the appearance of crusts and scales.

Photos will help you see what lichen looks like in dogs at each stage of the disease. In addition to aesthetic problems, the disease causes discomfort in the form of annoying itching. The infection should be stopped at the initial stage to avoid further spread.

Types of disease

To help the furry gentleman, you need to distinguish between the types of lichen in dogs (see photo). Treatment will depend on this. A pet can contract the following types of unpleasant illness:

  • pityriasis rosea: does not pose a serious danger; the first sign of pathology is the formation of a small pink spot on the skin measuring 2 to 3 cm; there is hair loss and a rash spreading throughout the body; the disease goes away after 5-6 weeks;

  • pityriasis versicolor in dogs, which occurs due to exposure to a fungus, is a common pathology; characterized by the appearance of a speck Pink colour without noticeable inflammation; the affected area changes color to brown or yellow;
  • tinea versicolor in dogs, or eczema, is an allergic irritation of the body; characterized by the appearance of a rash and swelling; the pet experiences itching and burning in the area of ​​damage; cracks, bubbles and bluish spots form;


Many dog ​​breeders believe that lichen is the lot of homeless animals or animals that are not properly cared for. However, this opinion is wrong, and domestic dogs are also susceptible to this unpleasant disease, like street ones. The carriers of the pathogenic fungus are rats and mice. From them, spores fall on stray cats and dogs, and they then pass them on to their pets. Any contact with a carrier of the disease can lead to infection. Dog owners need to remember that lichen can also be transmitted to humans, and young children are especially susceptible to it. Therefore, it is so important to be able to recognize this disease early stages.

Rash and redness of the skin in one or more places. At this stage, lichen is more reminiscent of dermatitis or allergies. A dog breeder who discovers such a rash on his pet’s body should be vigilant and carefully monitor the condition of the dog’s skin and its behavior.

The appearance of pinkish or red spots on previously affected areas. Gradually, the skin there begins to roughen and become covered with a hard crust. These crusts on the skin can come off along with the fur.

Itching. The dog becomes anxious, nervous, sleeps poorly, and constantly scratches sore spots. Initially, owners may think that the animal is having an allergic reaction to food. You can alleviate the animal's condition antihistamines. If there is frequent itching, it is necessary to exclude dermatitis, which is a consequence of flea and tick bites.

Hair loss in affected areas. Bald spots with clearly defined boundaries appear, and pus may ooze from under the resulting crusts. This sign suggests that the dog’s damaged skin is not only contaminated pathogenic fungi, but also staphylococci. This can aggravate and prolong the treatment process.

Ringworm usually starts on the paws, face and ears, and then spreads throughout the body. Therefore, owners of four-legged animals should examine these parts of the body most carefully. Dogs at particular risk include: weak immunity, puppies or older dogs, as well as those suffering oncological diseases.

As with any fungal diseases, trichophytosis should be started with the prescription of potent antifungal drugs. Most fungi have hypersensitivity to medications that contain iodine. Therefore, drugs based on this substance are widely used to treat lichen. They also use drugs such as Dermatol, Yuglon, and Griseofulfin. Antibiotics are often included in the course of treatment.
Before using ointments and other medicinal products The dog's hair should be trimmed and the affected areas should be treated clean water and then iodine. After this, ointment is applied. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the dog does not lick the areas where it is applied. In addition, the dog is given vitamins that strengthen the immune system. The sooner treatment is started, the better it will be for you and your pet.

Video on the topic


If you suspect your dog has shingles, you should limit his contact with people and other animals and contact a veterinarian immediately.

Helpful advice

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Take the time to vaccinate your dog against lichen at the veterinary clinic, and the likelihood of her developing this disease will be significantly reduced.

Related article


  • Ringworm
  • how to treat lichen

Often, dog owners notice that their pet's fur begins to fall out in patches. Areas of hair loss turn red, fester and itch very much. Perhaps your pet has contracted a contagious disease called, or, scientifically, trichophytosis or microsporia. Trichophytosis and microsporia differ from each other in some symptoms and fungi that cause these diseases. These diseases are similar to skin allergies, so it is important to recognize them by the first signs.

Symptoms of lichen

Knowing shingles is important because this disease is dangerous not only for animals that live with an infected dog, but also for people.

Ringworm is an infectious inflammatory disease. It shows up in pigmentation skin and in severe itching. The incubation period, when not yet noticeable, can last from 5 to 20 days.
The causative agent of this contagious disease is microscopic fungi, the spores of which land on the dry skin of the dog and grow into it. Inside the dermis, spores multiply quickly, and the animal’s body responds to this process with inflammation.

Microsporia is caused by a fungus of the species Microstropium canis, and it is characterized by the following symptoms:
- dry dog ​​fur that begins to fall off;
- appearance of hairless skin areas;
- white coating at the base of the hair;
- red, inflamed skin on bare areas, which;
- itching of the affected areas.

Trichophytosis has slightly different symptoms, but it is also a type of lichen. It is caused by the fungus Trichophyton mentagroghytes. Its symptoms:
- fur falls out in places;
- hairless areas of the skin turn red over time;
- the affected areas become covered with brown scaly skin;
- these areas increase in size and often merge into one;
- the dog is constantly.

The boundaries of lichen are clearly defined. Only that part of the skin where there is no hair is always affected. Ringworm most often affects the dog's head and neck, then it spreads to the base of the tail and limbs. Sometimes running forms ringworm can be found on the stomach and nose.
Small and old animals are more susceptible to deprivation; animals with weakened immune systems. If your dog spends a lot of time outside alone, then he is also at risk.

How to treat lichen

For successful treatment When depriving, first of all, limit the dog’s contact with people and other animals. The veterinarian, having examined the dog, will immediately prescribe the necessary treatment. Most often, treatment for lichen takes place in several stages.

First of all, the doctor prescribes an antifungal vaccine, then antimicrobial agents (ointments and sprays). It is important to treat wounds with an antiseptic every day. After the ointments, the doctor may prescribe additional immunomodulators to restore the dog’s immunity.

Wet cleaning of the apartment should be done daily to prevent fungal spores from infecting the dog again. Disinfect your dog's bed, bowl, toys; Wash yours and all the places where the dog likes to lie. Wash your hands every time you handle an infected dog.

Prevention of lichen

To prevent lichen, there is a special vaccination that is needed periodically. But many owners do not want this disease. They hope that the infection will bypass their pet. Of course, now lichen is quickly and easily treated, but it is more pleasant to prevent the disease than to treat it.
An infected dog may not develop lichen, but in this case the dog becomes its carrier. The dog, as a carrier of the disease, will infect all weakened animals. She herself may get sick if her body also weakens.

Routes of infection

Ringworm appears as a result of contact with a carrier of the fungus. After playing with a sick pet, the dog becomes a carrier of the infection. Clinical picture may not appear immediately, the fungus during this period presents secret threat. Ringworm is dangerous to humans and other animals.

Symptoms of lichen

The incubation period of infection can last from several days to several months. The dog first develops a rash, then a dry, red crust appears on the skin, and pus may ooze from it. A receding hairline most often has clear boundaries. It's hard not to notice her. The dog's behavior also changes. She begins to scratch the affected areas and behave restlessly. Ringworm most often appears behind the ears, on the head, at the base of the tail, and on the bottom of the paws.

When the fungus gets on the skin, it penetrates deep into the epidermis. If the environment is favorable for development, then the lichen grows and the first ones appear. Hair begins to fall out due to damage hair follicles due to lack of power. An inflammatory process begins throughout the body, the immune system weakens, and the dog becomes lethargic.

Dog treatment

Annual vaccination will help protect your dog from this terrible scourge. the following drugs: “Polivak-TM”, “Mentavak” and “Vakderm”. During a walk, you need to monitor your pet so that it does not play or fight with stray dogs that can be carriers of the disease. Fungal spores can even be found in street and house dust, so the dog is always at risk of infection. The infection lurks for a long time in furniture upholstery and carpets, where dust accumulates. The person himself can also suffer if he becomes infected from his pet. At the first signs of deprivation, the dog should be protected from communication with other family members, given a corner and not allowed to walk around the apartment and spread the infection. You should take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

No need for a sick dog. There are ointments, vaccines to return your pet to old life. During the treatment period, you need to plan the diet accordingly so that the dog gets everything essential vitamins and microelements that will help restore a weakened body and fight infection. The house should always be wet cleaned and disinfected. Thoroughly wash your dog's bowls, toys and resting areas. You should take special care of cleanliness when treating your dog so that fungal spores do not re-enter. Remember to wash your hands after contact with a sick animal.

Ringworm in dogs is a dangerous infectious disease of a fungal or viral nature, which is localized on skin surfaces and can lead to various complications. Today we will tell you in detail what lichen in dogs looks like (with signs of the disease in the photo, including at the initial stage), as well as all the methods of treatment at home.

Your dog can become infected with this dangerous disease:

  • During a walk, in contact with another sick animal;
  • If combs or other devices were used to care for the fur, which were previously used to process the fur of a sick animal;
  • In addition, some animals can be carriers of lichen without even being sick, that is, without external signs of skin lesions. Get infected

Your dog can go almost anywhere, the most important thing is that the causative agents of lichen are very tenacious: some types of fungi can remain active in the environment for up to 18 months. Some types of lichen in dogs are characterized by high degree danger of infection for humans. People with reduced immunity, children and the elderly are especially susceptible to infection.

There are several main types of lichen in dogs: weeping, ringworm, pink and pityriasis versicolor. Let's talk about each type in detail: including how to treat lichen in a dog in each specific case.

General video about the disease with an explanation of the main points:

Ringworm in dogs

What does ringworm look like in dogs? It is believed that this is the most common and most dangerous look this disease. As a rule, symptoms of lichen in dogs are small spots (up to 2 cm in diameter) of pink or brown color with a clearly defined border, which appear most often on the paws and at the base of the dog’s tail. This type of disease is characterized by complete loss hair in affected areas. The spots are very itchy, causing the animal excruciating discomfort. If left untreated, ringworm in dogs quickly spreads throughout the body and can lead to fatal outcome. The disease carries infectious nature and is caused by fungi of the genus Microsporum or Trichophyton.

Ringworm in a dog in the initial stage in the photo:

Attention! Ringworm is transmitted from dog to person. Some statistics:

  • Children are most susceptible to this disease.
  • Boys get sick 5 times more often than girls.
  • And among adults, women are more susceptible to ringworm than men.
  • People with red hair rarely get this disease. So, if you are a red-haired girl, you are definitely lucky :)

Due to the threat of infection, as soon as you discover ringworm in your dog, you should immediately limit contact with the animal, if possible, give him separate room. And the floors and pieces of furniture where the dog was located should be thoroughly washed with any disinfectant.

Treatment of ringworm

How to treat ringworm in dogs? If you notice the first signs of the disease, you should immediately contact a veterinarian and undergo the appropriate tests. In case in veterinary clinic There is no way to contact, it is permissible to start treatment at home. The area around the affected areas of the skin should be carefully trimmed and washed. warm water and process antiseptic. Further, it is recommended to use antifungal ointments (Miconazole, Clotrimazole) as treatment. YAM BK ointment is also suitable for treatment ringworm in dogs. Exists a large number of veterinary products based on clotrimazole (Sanoderm, Fungin). Imaverol has proven itself in the fight against fungal skin infections in dogs.

Miconazole ointment– a synthetic drug that has a pronounced antifungal and antibacterial effect on a wide range of pathogens. Miconazole is applied in a thin layer in the morning and evening to the affected areas of the dog's skin. Treatment of ringworm in dogs continues for 3-6 weeks until complete recovery. Side effects when correct application no drug is observed. Allergic reactions are possible if you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug.

Clotrimazole ointment– an effective synthetic drug intended for the treatment various kinds mycoses, including and ringworm in dogs. Clotrimazole is applied 2-3 times a day to the affected skin surface and continued use for 4 weeks or more until complete recovery. There are no side effects if the drug is used correctly. Allergic reactions are possible if you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug.

Sanoderm– complex veterinary drug based on betamethasone, gentamicin and clotrimazole. Betamethasone has a powerful antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect, gentamicin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic with bactericidal effects, and clotrimazole is an antifungal component. Sanoderm is used 1-2 times a day, applying a thin layer to areas affected by lichen for 2-4 weeks. It is not recommended to continue using the drug in the absence of positive dynamics in the treatment of the disease. Use the ointment with caution if the dog has liver or adrenal dysfunction. Sanoderm is a fairly strong and toxic remedy for the dog’s body. Be sure to consult your veterinarian before use.

Fungin– an antifungal veterinary drug based on clotrimazole with the addition of glycerin and propolis. Glycerin and propolis, which are part of this drug, not only enhance the antimycotic effect of clotrimazole, but also relieve irritation and have a beneficial effect on the skin in affected areas, restoring and healing it. Fungin is produced in the form of a spray, which is sprayed on the affected areas of the skin, or a bandage soaked in this solution is applied for 1.5-2 weeks. Fungin is a non-toxic, and therefore preferred, means of combating ringworm in dogs.

Imaverol– a substance containing enilconazole as an active antimycotic component. This drug released in liquid form and is recommended for use diluted in a ratio of 1/50. 10 ml of Imaverol is diluted in 500 ml of warm water. This solution is used to treat areas of the dog’s skin affected by the fungus at intervals of 3 days. A total of 4 treatments are needed. The drug, diluted in the required proportions, is rubbed into the affected skin; it is also permissible to carefully immerse the dog in a container with active substance. This emulsion is used in the same proportions to treat the room where the sick animal is located.

Ringworm in dogs has the following symptoms (plus photos):

  • This is an inflamed and gradually growing balding spot that is hot to the touch. The spot initially resembles a burn in appearance.
  • Next, the affected area becomes covered with small pustules and a rash.
  • After some time, small bubbles begin to burst, and purulent contents flow out of them. By this point, the hair on the affected area falls out completely, and the skin becomes covered with purulent mucus, subsequently the formation of crusts begins, consisting of the dead upper stratum corneum of the skin.

Without proper treatment, lichenitis quickly grows and spreads throughout the dog's body. The animal may scratch or lick the affected areas. It is characteristic that tinea versicolor in dogs is not contagious to humans.

In general, weeping eczema cannot be called lichen in its entirety; rather, it is an inflammatory skin disease caused by problems with hygiene, improper care for an animal, or a decline in immunity due to stress or endocrine disorder.

Treatment of weeping lichen

How to treat dog shingles? If you notice the first signs of the disease, you must contact a veterinarian who will prescribe a course of treatment. It should be noted that it is very difficult to completely cure tinea versicolor in dogs. The slightest deviation from the course of treatment, and eczema again spreads throughout the body. In this regard, the treatment approach of this disease must be comprehensive and supervised by a specialist. By general rule First you need to identify the allergen that triggered the appearance of eczema in your pet.

Ointment YAM BK is a natural, non-toxic and at the same time highly effective combined antifungal preparation based on salicylic acid, zinc oxide, sulfur, tar, turpentine with the addition of Lysol, coal creolin and lanolin. It is recommended to treat the affected area with YAM BC ointment 1-2 times a day for 1-1.5 weeks. Usually, after a course of treatment with this ointment, the skin at the site of inflammation is completely restored and active growth hairline. YAM BK ointment can be combined with other drugs. There are no side effects if the drug is used correctly.

Zinc ointment 10% consists of zinc oxide and petroleum jelly. Zinc oxide is known for its drying and antiseptic properties; when applied to an area affected by eczema, it creates a protective barrier against irritating factors, thereby accelerating healing. Zinc ointment treat the affected area 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days before full recovery skin. Zinc oxide is non-toxic and does not cause side effects in recommended doses.

Ichthyol ointment 10% and 20%. Main active substance The drug is ichthyol, a product of the processing of combustible sulfur shale, consisting of the remains of algae, fossil fish and shellfish. It has a pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect. Ichthyol ointment is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days. Ichthyol ointment is an absolutely natural and safe remedy, which is well tolerated by animals, has wide range influences, eliminates increased activity sebaceous glands, reduces peeling and irritation of the skin.

What does pityriasis rosea look like in dogs: it is a pink spot no more than 3 cm in diameter that peels and itches, causing your dog severe discomfort. After a while, the stain becomes covered with an easily traumatic crust of dry skin. Smaller similar ones may appear near the source of inflammation. pink spots, which also peel and itch. For humans, pityriasis rosea is not dangerous.

The appearance of pityriasis rosea is usually associated with decreased immunity, since puppies, weakened or elderly dogs are mainly susceptible to the disease. The causative agent of pityriasis rosea is presumably the herpes virus (on this moment There is no exact scientific data on this issue). This is the only type of lichen that can spontaneously disappear after 2-3 months without any treatment. Nevertheless, general recommendations on feeding, hygiene and care of a sick dog must be observed, since immunity and, as a consequence, the speed of recovery of your pet depend on this.

Pityriasis rosea in dogs in the photo:

Pityriasis versicolor (varicolored) in dogs

Pityriasis versicolor in dogs is a very common type of lichen that is caused by yeast-like fungi. This disease begins gradually with the appearance of a small pinkish spot on the dog’s body or head. As the fungus spreads, spots may appear throughout the body and range in color from yellow to brown. The spots can also peel off and cause discomfort to the dog. Pityriasis versicolor can be transmitted to humans.

If signs of this disease are detected, you should contact a specialist to carry out the necessary tests and studies. Pityriasis versicolor in dogs is also treated with antifungal ointments (YAM BK, Miconazole, Clotrimazole and others).

Since the disease in most cases is extremely contagious, be sure to take precautions when treating the skin of a sick dog: wear medical gloves, wash your hands thoroughly after procedures. Regularly wet clean the area where the dog is located using a disinfectant or special antifungal component.

Treatment of lichen in dogs at home

As you already understood from the first block of our article, before starting treatment for lichen in a dog at home, you need to progressively do 2 things: contact a specialist and diagnose accurate diagnosis. And already understanding what type of disease you are faced with, begin therapy. However, there are cases when it is not possible to see a doctor, then (and only then) our actions are as follows: we make sure that the symptoms of lichen in the dog fully correspond to one of the types that we have described, including the same examples in the photo - then you can start treatment at your own risk.

  • We determine the cause of infection and first of all fight it;
  • At the same time, we alleviate the symptoms of lichen in the dog with the help of ointments indicated in the lists above.


In order to prevent the occurrence of lichen in a dog, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not let your dog play with sick or homeless animals;
  • Keep the dog clean and wash it whenever it gets dirty;
  • Avoid contact with other people's bedding, toys, collars;
  • Ensure complete and balanced diet, containing essential vitamins and minerals;
  • Get vaccinated annually;
  • Provide sufficient walks.

It should be remembered that animals with severe health problems and older pets are more likely to get shingles due to reduced immunity. And the main route of infection of dogs with this disease is through contact. However, if the immune system The dog works at full strength, even with direct contact with the carrier of the disease, it will not become infected. Therefore, the most important protection against lichen and other diseases will be strong immunity And healthy body animal.

Regarding the issue of vaccinations to prevent the appearance of lichen in dogs, the Vakderm vaccine has proven itself well. To completely protect your pet from the appearance of fungal skin lesions, it is enough to get vaccinated once a year. The Vakderm vaccination course includes two doses of the vaccine with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks. The vaccine contains inactivated dermatophyte fungi, which in most cases are the causative agents of fungal skin lesions in dogs. If the dog is completely healthy, there are no side effects after vaccination. If the dog has already been infected with lichen, but the symptoms of the disease have not yet appeared on the skin, then after vaccination it is possible for lichen to appear in places where the infection accumulates, but after a second injection, after 3-4 weeks, as a rule, the animal recovers completely. We recommend that you read the material about.

To summarize, it should be noted that if your dog does develop lichen, do not put off going to the vet. Sometimes lichen does not require complex treatment and may disappear on its own. But there are often serious cases that require a particularly responsible approach to treatment and supervision by a specialist. Therefore, even if your pet looks quite healthy in appearance, but there are suspicions of lichen, it is better to immediately contact a veterinary clinic, where a doctor will necessary tests and research, if a disease is detected, he will make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Still have questions? You can ask them to our site's in-house veterinarian in the comment box below, who as soon as possible will answer them.

Ringworm is one of the infectious diseases of humans or animals that appears on the skin due to the appearance of a fungus or virus. Today in medicine there are different types of lichen. Naturally, to find out what type of lichen your pet is sick with, you should take him to the vet immediately. A dog can get pink, weeping, pityriasis versicolor, shingles and ringworm. This type of lichen is very dangerous for humans.

If your dog has ringworm, you will notice it immediately as reddish rashes will be clearly visible on one area of ​​the body. After some time, the area where the lichen appeared gradually begins to expand, then a dry crust appears, and the dog hair is removed. Having seen a clear picture of bald patches on your pet’s skin, you will also notice the clear boundaries of the lichen. You can’t wait any longer, as ringworm can spread throughout the dog’s entire body, and what is very dangerous, pus can subsequently come out of the dried crust

Important to remember that one of the most dangerous skin diseases in dogs, ringworm, is not rare and is quite common in the world. Ringworm is caused by trichophytosis - pathogenic fungi Microsporum and Trichophyton. This type of lichen often occurs street dogs, for which no one is watching, and sick dogs can transmit the disease from themselves to another homeless, but still healthy dog ​​living nearby. What is most dangerous is that ringworm a person can easily become infected.

Even if you love your pet very much, monitor its health, and don’t let it go for walks without a leash, the dog can still pick up the Trichophyton bacterium somewhere. Some scientists have even proven that these tenacious bacteria thrive in damp conditions and yard dust. That is why for a dog owner, comprehensive care for his pet is of paramount importance, not only in terms of keeping the dog’s body clean. The pet should be ensured that its immunity is not weakened in the autumn or spring. After all, as you know, ringworm develops most in a weakened, sick body or when the animal has problems with the digestive system.

Also, ringworm can also affect small dogs that have not yet had time to properly grow stronger and resist infectious diseases.

Did you know that small dogs can quickly become infected with ringworm, and the disease will be very, very difficult for them!

Nowadays, many people know first-hand what ringworm is and how difficult it is to get rid of it. Yes, lichen can be treated, and it is not fatal, but it is so unpleasant and terrible that many who suffer from this disease do not even want to think about it. More often than adults, children and teenagers get ringworm, who rarely pass by a cute dog without petting it.

This is interesting!
According to the Law of the Russian Federation, previously all animals with signs of ringworm were exterminated. Today, in one of the scientific laboratories of our country, scientists have developed a special vaccine against bacteria that cause lichen. No such vaccines have been invented anywhere else in the world!

Ringworm: symptoms

The very first symptoms of the disease that appear initially in dogs are redness at the site of the lesion and a rash. The dog begins to intensively scratch the reddened area, practically does not sleep, is very restless and irritable, and sometimes refuses to eat. Symptoms of the disease in a dog appear a week, or maybe earlier, after the animal becomes infected. After infection, the dog looks unhealthy, lethargic, and refuses to play.

If you do not pay any attention to all these signs of lichen, subsequently, the area affected by the fungus becomes covered with a crust, begins to peel off severely, and the dog is forced to often scratch this part of the body due to severe itching. After such frequent scratching, the dog’s skin becomes injured, becomes very inflamed, the fur begins to disappear and bald spots appear in place of the lichen. Having scratched the skin, the dog introduces even more infection, which begins to manifest itself with a vengeance, and then drops of pus appear from the bald spot, and the hair completely falls out.

Ringworm is very serious, contagious disease. Therefore, not a single household can protect itself from it, well-groomed dog. If you constantly ignore the above signs of disease in a dog, Trichophyton fungus can spread to other areas of the dog’s skin. Most of all, ringworm “loves” to settle on the animal’s paws, stomach and back. In all these areas, symptoms of lichen begin to appear - the skin is red, itchy, the animal itches a lot, as a result of which inflamed, purulent areas appear.

If all of these symptoms are evident in your pet, we advise you to immediately take the following precautions:

  • Place the dog in another room, if possible. If there are many animals in the house, do not let them play with the infected person.
  • Each person in a family living next to an infected dog should keep their own body clean.
  • Washing your hands and body with soap should be done several times a day.
  • Wipe the floors of the room or other room where the dog lives several times a day with special chlorine-containing products.

Ringworm in dogs: treatment

Ringworm is caused by the powerful, contagious fungi Microsporum and Trichophyton. That is why it is necessary to fight such a disease with special antifungal medications. It has been proven that not a single fungus can “resist” iodine-containing preparations. That is why you should first of all treat your dog with drugs containing iodine, such as Juglone and Griseofulfin. Our drug “Dermatol” also helps to quickly cure lichen.

Stages of treatment

  • At the very beginning, where the bald spot has formed, in the place that is affected by lichen, clean the skin of hair. To do this, carefully remove everything with scissors.
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • Then lubricate well with iodine.
  • Apply as prescribed by your veterinarian antifungal ointment three times a day or more if necessary.
  • Do not let the dog lick the ointment, otherwise there will be no proper effect and treatment. It is this point that you should pay attention to, since it is difficult to “ask” your pet “not to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong.” It’s easier to bandage all the places that have been treated for fungus. Then you can be sure that the animal will not lick the medicine.
  • If you suddenly don’t have a bandage in the house, treat the affected areas with apple cider vinegar.
  • It will also help to remove severe itching from deprivation of garlic. Garlic juice should be used to treat scratches and redness on the dog’s skin.

Ringworm ointments for dogs

In many cases, in addition to iodine-containing ones, ringworm also helped. sulfur ointments. Such ointments can be bought in pharmacies. These are “Mikoket”, “Yuglon”, “Mikozoral”, as well as “YAM BK”. These ointments should be used to treat ringworm wounds three times. Before applying the ointment, it is recommended to go through all the procedures described above.

Anti-ringworm shampoos for dogs

In addition to ointments for the treatment of infectious, bacterial ringworm, in veterinary pharmacies Shampoos are sold that help restore hair to newly developed bald patches in dogs due to shingles. Especially with shampoos against lichen, it is necessary to treat those animals whose hair comes out in whole clumps. In veterinary pharmacies you can purchase antifungal shampoo "Mikozoral", "Barts". Shampoo for people “Nizoral” and “Cinovit” will also help.

Anti-lichen vitamins for dogs

In addition to shampoos, ointments and iodine, hygienic preventive measures, a dog should be given vitamin complexes designed to strengthen the animal’s immunity. Your veterinarian will tell you which better vitamins take to your pet to get rid of the hated ringworm. In this case, the most effective will be vitamins and microelements that will help slow down the disease process.

Methods for preventing lichen

So that you never know about what ringworm is and how to treat it in your pet, initially, when you purchased or got a dog, carry out proper vaccination. Follow all animal hygiene rules. Also, after communicating with him, be sure to wash your hands with soap. Never forget about your pet's needs. Give food high in vitamins and walk your dog daily. Provide four-legged friend everything you need for relaxation and healthy sleep.

Today, there are several medications for vaccinating dogs designed to prevent the development of lichen and other fungal and infectious diseases. Veterinarians generally vaccinate with Microderm or Vakderm in several doses (usually 2), every ten days. After using the drugs, the dog will not feel well for some time, but this will pass, the drug works and is very effective.

Considering that lichen is quite serious illness, which can be transmitted to both humans and healthy animals, is better Immediately after purchasing a dog, vaccinate it. This will be more reliable, you will protect yourself and your family from troubles!

WITH medical point Ringworm is commonly known as dermatophytosis, a fungal skin disease that affects the top layers of skin, hair follicles, the hair itself, and sometimes the nails.


Ringworm in animals appears due to fungi of the Microsporum series - microsporia, or trichophytosis. After entering the layers of the skin, they quickly multiply and first of all affect the hair follicle. Because of this, the affected area manifests itself in the form of lost hair.

Usually incubation period is about 2 weeks, so it is often difficult to determine where and how your pet became infected. This disease is transmitted through direct contact with sick animals, through the use of the same comb, dog bed and other common items.

Fungi are especially active in the summer, which differs high temperature or atmospheric humidity. By the way, most often you can catch the disease from a street dog.

Causes of lichen

The causative agent of the infection is fungal microorganisms of the genus Trychophiton and Microsporum, therefore in medicine these types of disease are referred to as trichophytosis and microsporia. They are distinguished only in laboratory conditions, A external signs and the treatment methods are similar.

Fungi reproduce by spores, which in a favorable environment remain viable for up to 18 months and easily tolerate temperature fluctuations. When the spores get on the dog’s skin and fur, they damage the epidermis and hair follicles. The fungus multiplies and the disease progresses.

Any dog ​​can become infected, regardless of breed and age, but the individual resistance of the animal to the pathogen is important. Risk factors include:

Ringworm is an infectious disease caused by a fungus known as trichophyton.

Trichophyton is very tenacious, which is why lichen is one of the most common diseases.

The fungus gets along well with different temperatures, is easily transferred from carrier to carrier.

About the reasons for the development of lichen healthy dog you don’t have to think long, infection occurs:

  • If the dog has been in contact with sick and street animals.
  • If the dog ate food from the bowl of a sick animal or lay on its rug.
  • If the dog played on contaminated soil, grass, etc.

Important! There is a so-called risk group that is most susceptible to contracting lichen. The risk group includes animals with weakened immune systems, those with any illness, old animals, and puppies.

Signs of ringworm in dogs

Ringworm affects the skin:

  • muzzles;
  • ears;
  • tail;
  • heads.

Ringworm on a dog's face.

Sometimes the claws and nose are affected.

The main symptom of this lichen is a rash. They are oval in shape and small in size - up to 2 cm. The spots quickly spread throughout the animal’s body.

Scales appear on the affected areas. Over time, they begin to itch very much. The dog itches and the hair falls out quickly. Due to the appearance of bald patches, this type of lichen is called ringworm.

Ringworm in a dog - symptoms

The incubation period is asymptomatic and lasts from a week to a month. Then the first signs of the disease begin to appear. Their owners may not notice them, since a barely noticeable rash appears on a small area of ​​the animal’s skin.

After a few days, the area of ​​this area of ​​skin increases and becomes noticeable, then flaky spots appear on the face and near the ears. Their size and shape vary, and their color is usually grayish.

From this moment treatment should begin, because after some time a reddish crust grows on the spots, pus oozes from under it - and this is already an indicator of the progression of the disease, and from this moment it becomes difficult to cure the disease.

It is quite possible that bald spots will remain on your pet’s body forever, as the hair follicles are affected. That’s why the disease got the name “ringworm” - due to the fact that the animals’ hair seems to be cut off.

The dog’s behavior during the period of illness is sluggish, it does not play, is sad all the time, and its immunity is greatly weakened.

If treatment has not yet occurred, the fungus can spread to other areas: the back, paws, and stomach. The affected areas itch, the dog itches, and the spots become even more inflamed.

The fungus lives in the hair follicles, as a result of which the hairs of the coat lose contact with the follicles and fall out. Many of them break, which creates a visible trimmed effect.

At the site of the pathological focus, baldness (alopecia) is formed, which in dogs is most common on the head, ears, tail, belly and in the area of ​​​​the toes on the forelimbs.

What does ringworm look like in dogs? At the site of the lesion, the lesion looks like a circle on the dog’s coat. In the center of the circle there is more severe baldness and the presence of scab-like lesions, and weaker along the perimeter, which creates the effect of raised edges.

Ringworm in dogs photos and symptoms. Individual foci of alopecia are clearly visible.

Ringworm in dogs, the photo clearly shows foci of the fungus in the underbelly

Additional symptoms in dogs include hard-to-touch skin in the affected area, redness, and progressive spread throughout the animal’s body. This effect is especially clearly observed in animals with advanced inadequate feeding and content.

Symptoms of ringworm in dogs can appear in an atypical form. In this case, some signs may disappear, for example, redness or damage to the upper layers of the skin. However focal baldness present in the majority of cases.

This is what ringworm looks like on a dog in the photo. Treatment is necessary as soon as possible, since the animal is actively infecting environment, sniffing everything around.

The first symptoms of lichen in dogs are:

  • Continuous and progressive shedding.
  • Itching may occur - the dog begins to itch severely, usually in the same places.
  • The first patches of baldness with clearly defined edges begin to appear on the coat. One gets the impression that the wool was cut into shreds by a careless hairdresser;
  • The boundaries of round areas of baldness expand, and skin is visible in the center. Itching may or may not occur.
  • The dog begins to lose weight, appetite decreases, and playfulness disappears.
  • Focal lesions increase in diameter, new lesions appear.

Important! Ringworm must be distinguished from diseases with similar symptoms: These diseases are not transmitted to humans, but require prompt treatment.

What lichen looks like in a dog, photos and treatment will be discussed in more detail below.

The very first symptoms of the disease that appear initially in dogs are redness at the site of the lesion and a rash. The dog begins to intensively scratch the reddened area, practically does not sleep, is very restless and irritable, and sometimes refuses to eat.

Symptoms of the disease in a dog appear a week, or maybe earlier, after the animal becomes infected. After infection, the dog looks unhealthy, lethargic, and refuses to play.

If you do not pay any attention to all these signs of lichen, subsequently, the area affected by the fungus becomes covered with a crust, begins to peel off severely, and the dog is forced to often scratch this part of the body due to severe itching.

After such frequent scratching, the dog’s skin becomes injured, becomes very inflamed, the fur begins to disappear and bald spots appear in place of the lichen.

Having scratched the skin, the dog introduces even more infection, which begins to manifest itself with a vengeance, and then drops of pus appear from the bald spot, and the hair completely falls out.

Ringworm is a very serious, contagious disease. Therefore, not a single domestic, well-groomed dog can protect itself from it.

If you constantly ignore the above signs of disease in a dog, Trichophyton fungus can spread to other areas of the dog’s skin. Most of all, ringworm “loves” to settle on the animal’s paws, stomach and back.

In all these areas, symptoms of lichen begin to appear - the skin is red, itchy, the animal itches a lot, as a result of which inflamed, purulent areas appear.

If all of these symptoms are evident in your pet, we advise you to immediately take the following precautions:

  • Place the dog in another room, if possible. If there are many animals in the house, do not let them play with the infected person.
  • Each person in a family living next to an infected dog should keep their own body clean.
  • Washing your hands and body with soap should be done several times a day.
  • Wipe the floors of the room or other room where the dog lives several times a day with special chlorine-containing products.

Diagnosis of lichen in dogs

Diagnosis of ringworm

Diagnostics has three main methods:

  1. The dog is illuminated with a Wood's lamp at complete darkness. If there is fungus, the fur will glow green. But such a glow can appear only in 70% of cases, so 100% confirmation or refutation of the result cannot be proven by this method.
  2. The dog's hair is examined under a microscope by adding alkali to a glass slide. Then the fungal spores become visible in the form of “balls”.
  3. Sowing of affected wool. This method is the most reliable, but also the longest (up to 2 weeks). It is carried out only in special laboratories.

How to treat ringworm in a dog

The general essence of treating ringworm in a dog is to activate specific immunity animal plus treatment of the affected areas with antifungal drugs.

Activation of the immune system is carried out by the introduction of vaccines such as “Vakderm”, “Polivak”, “Microderm”, etc. These drugs are administered 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days intramuscularly.

To prevent this from happening to the dog


You can also enter “Diphenhydramine”, “Tavegil”. It often happens that after


The condition of the spots on the dog’s body becomes even worse, but this is a normal reaction.

To maintain the general health of the body, immunomodulators, vitamins, probiotics, and vitamins for dog fur are used. It is very important to provide the animal with adequate nutrition.

To destroy existing fungi, external sprays and ointments (“Fungin”) are used, but healthy areas of skin near the affected ones also need to be treated. It is necessary to disinfect the dog’s place of stay, its toys, rug, brushes so that the dog does not become infected again.

It is better to limit the dog’s movement (especially around the apartment or house).

Treatment for ringworm takes a long time: a month to a month and a half, and after treatment it would be useful to take tests to confirm the cure.

What to do to prevent your dog from becoming infected with lichen

If you want to protect your beloved pet from this disease, provide him with the right good nutrition, keep it clean, carry out preventive vaccinations to strengthen protective functions body. If possible, avoid contact with stray animals.

Despite the apparent obviousness of the clinical signs of lichen, it is easy to confuse it with other dermatological diseases. This is why veterinarians perform a series of tests to differentiate the disease. Among them:

  • fungal culture analysis;
  • microscopic examination of hair follicles;
  • various laboratory tests and tests, such as blood and urine tests, as well as biochemical analysis;
  • a special study performed using a Wood's lamp, under the influence of which the areas of the dermis affected by the fungus glow with a yellowish light.

The external manifestations of lichen are similar to other dermatological diseases, so before treating the disease, the dog is taken to the veterinarian. It is not recommended to treat the affected areas with medications yourself before visiting a doctor - this will complicate the diagnosis of the disease.

First, the veterinarian examines the animal and finds out general state dog health. It then uses three methods to identify the disease:.

  1. Microscopic examination. The pathogen is sometimes found in scrapings of diseased areas of skin and fur.
  2. Diagnostics using a Wood's lamp. When exposed to rays, areas affected by the fungus glow in the dark with a bright green color, but only some types of pathogen give this effect.
  3. Mushroom cultivation. Skin and fur scrapings are placed in a nutrient medium and its changes are monitored: over time, colonies of fungi are formed, which are clearly visible under a microscope.

The accuracy of the first two methods for identifying ringworm in dogs is 50–70%: if the pathogen is not found, this does not mean that the dog is not infected. The last method is the most accurate, but also the longest - it takes up to 3 weeks.

Treatment of trichophytosis

Before starting treatment, you should obtain a formal diagnosis from your veterinarian, as ringworm can be similar to many other skin conditions, including mange and dermatitis, each of which require different treatment approaches.

The problem with ringworm may resolve on its own after a few months, but this does not always happen. In addition, it must be taken into account that any dog ​​infected with this fungal infection will continue to transmit the fungus to other animals and people during this time.

Treatment for ringworm includes topical application of an antifungal medication if only a couple or a few small patches of fungus are found. If the infection has spread more widely, a number of other treatments may be used.

Bathing with an antifungal shampoo may be necessary for dogs with thick or long hair. In case of very long hair, the dog will need a haircut to ensure more effective treatment.

IN severe cases ringworm, when the infection has spread very widely, the veterinarian may prescribe more aggressive antifungal drugs, even though they may have side effects.

All medications and antifungals for the treatment of ringworm must be prescribed by your veterinarian and cannot be replaced with any other similar medications (substitutes).

Treatment of trichophytosis of smooth skin without damage to vellus hair is carried out by applying 2-5% iodine tincture, antifungal ointments, 10-20% sulfur or 10% sulfur-tar ointment to the lesions.

Among modern antifungal ointments we can highlight:

  • Lamisil;
  • Mycosporus;
  • Exoderil;
  • Clotrimazole.

For significant inflammation, they may be prescribed combination drugs which contain hormones.

At chronic form necessary special treatment when using milk-salicylic and 2-5% salicylic ointment.

For infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis, use:

  • 2-3% salicylic ointment
  • Furacilin;
  • Rivanol;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • ichthyol solution.

Absorbable ointments are also used.

If your fears are definitely confirmed, do not despair. Ringworm can be treated quickly and easily if you follow all the prescriptions and recommendations of the veterinarian.

If previously a sick animal had to be euthanized, and there was no talk of treating this disease, today everything has changed. Ringworm in dogs can now not only be cured, but even done quickly and easily.


Treatment for ringworm requires selection A complex approach. It consists of external antifungal treatment, as well as increasing the animal’s immunity. For this purpose, Vakderm or Polivak are often prescribed, which must be administered intramuscularly up to 3 times a day. Unfortunately, these drugs can cause allergies, so when using them, do not forget to take precautions. For an antiallergic effect, tavegil vaccines or the well-known diphenhydramine should be used.

Your true friend will cope with the disease faster if vitamins and immunostimulants such as Immunofan or Ribotan are added to the treatment. And among vitamins, gamavit has good reviews.

There is no need to ignore external processing either. To do this, you will need to cut off all the hair directly on the infected area.

This will prevent fungi from multiplying further. Typically, ringworm in dogs appears on the head, on the bottom of the paws, and near the ears and tail.

To eliminate the infection, use an anti-lichen ointment called Yam or Fungin spray.

Prevent the threat reinfection animal or family members by disinfecting places and objects that are used by the dog - rug, room, bedding, comb, dog bowl, etc.

During this period, do daily wet cleaning using chemical antibacterial agents.

Treatment usually takes 1-1.5 months. But even if it improves and after this time has passed, be sure to show your pet to the veterinarian.

He must conduct an examination and confirm that the dog is healthy. Only then will it be safe to visit with her public places and not worry about the fact that the disease can easily manifest itself again.

It’s worth emphasizing right away that treating lichen in a dog at home is possible, but it’s better not to move in this direction, because:

Ringworm in domestic dogs is one of the few diseases for which a vaccine for the same disease is used. There are many different options on the domestic market.

Among the inexpensive and effective ones, the most common are Vakderm, Polivak and Mikoderm. The dosage of the drugs is calculated per kilogram of the dog’s live weight and is administered intramuscularly at least twice at weekly intervals.

It is worth noting that, starting from the second day after the injection, there may be an increase in the symptoms of ringworm in dogs. There is no need to be scared - this is a normal process that confirms the diagnosis and guarantees a speedy cure.

Signs of favorable treatment are observed no earlier than the tenth day of illness.

When the first signs of allergy appear, it is recommended to administer antiallergic drugs, such as diphenhydramine, tavegil and others, which are effectively used in humans.

Directed combination treatment– the main rule of getting rid of any type of lichen in a dog. If the animal begins to behave restlessly, constantly itch and refuse to eat, the owner should carefully examine the skin. Rash, hair loss, swelling should alert the owner.

These signs are the reason immediate appeal to the veterinarian. The sooner treatment begins, the easier it will be to destroy the fungus and its consequences.

How to treat lichen in a dog at home? We strongly advise against prescribing a method for getting rid of this skin disease on your own. Ointments and other remedies used on the advice of friends will only give a temporary effect, and the disease will return.

Self-medication using nonspecific agents may blur the picture of the disease. It will be difficult for a specialist to deliver correct diagnosis, since self-medication will even affect test results.

If lichen is detected, it is better not to self-medicate. The chances that you will successfully treat your dog are really low, but the likelihood that one of your family members will become infected is quite high.

In the case of common pityriasis rosea, your dog can be helped at home traditional methods, but to cure ringworm you will have to use both ointments and antifungal drugs.

And if you can buy the ointment yourself, then it is better to use the latter only as prescribed by a veterinarian. Important: ringworm in a dog must be treated immediately after detection, otherwise it will be worse than in the right photo above.

It is best to take your dog for examination to a veterinarian if you are diagnosed with lichen. The doctor will be able to accurately determine the type of lichen and prescribe the most effective treatment. If this is not possible, be sure to read the recommendations for treatment at home.

Treatment with folk remedies

Although pityriasis rosea is not dangerous in itself, mange can cause your dog to break his skin and become infected. This in turn will lead to inflammatory processes, eczema, pyoderma.

In such cases, folk remedies will no longer help, so it is better to use them right away. For example, veterinarians recommend treating affected areas with apple cider vinegar 4-6 times a day.

Instead of vinegar, you can use freshly squeezed cranberry juice, which is also an effective method.

Treating lichen in dogs at home

To cure ringworm in a dog at home, you first need to trim the hair around the ringworm. Next, we make a warm soap solution and treat the dried crusts on the skin with it (to soften) and remove them from the skin, and the spots themselves must be treated with brilliant green or iodine (the procedure should be repeated every two days).

Also, instead of iodine, you can use sulfur ointment or various antifungal agents (even “human”), but in this case the frequency of treatment is different (indicated on the product).

The removed crusts and clipped wool must be burned, and the place where the lichen was treated must be thoroughly disinfected.

Ringworm ointment for dogs

In case you don’t know which ointments to treat lichen in a dog, we will write a short list. First of all, this is the sulfur ointment already mentioned above, “Yam Ointment”, “Miconazole”, “Clotrimazole”, “Tiabendazole”.

It is necessary to treat the ringworm with ointment two to three times a day; the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the ringworm itself and the skin around it (where we previously cut off several cm of hair around the ringworm).

Shampoo for dogs

Now you know what ointments are available to treat lichen in dogs, but they are only suitable for small lichen. But it happens that there are a lot of bald spots or there are none at all, and at the same time the hair crawls all over it in tufts.

In such cases, use anti-lichen shampoos, for example “Keto Plus”. Read the packaging or leaflet for how often to use them, since the frequency of treatment may be different for each product.

Other medications for ringworm in dogs

Ringworm is caused by the powerful, contagious fungi Microsporum and Trichophyton. That is why it is necessary to fight such a disease with special antifungal medications.

It has been proven that not a single fungus can “resist” iodine-containing preparations. That is why you should first of all treat your dog with drugs containing iodine, such as Juglone and Griseofulfin.

Our drug “Dermatol” also helps to quickly cure lichen.

Stages of treatment

  • At the very beginning, where the bald spot has formed, in the place that is affected by lichen, clean the skin of hair. To do this, carefully remove everything with scissors.
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • Then lubricate well with iodine.
  • Apply veterinarian-prescribed antifungal ointment three times daily, or more as needed.
  • Do not let the dog lick the ointment, otherwise there will be no proper effect and treatment. It is this point that you should pay attention to, since it is difficult to “ask” your pet “not to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong.” It’s easier to bandage all the places that have been treated for fungus. Then you can be sure that the animal will not lick the medicine.
  • If you suddenly don’t have a bandage in the house, treat the affected areas with apple cider vinegar.
  • Garlic will also help relieve severe itching from diarrhea. Garlic juice should be used to treat scratches and redness on the dog’s skin.

Ringworm ointments for dogs

In many cases, in addition to iodine-containing ointments, sulfur ointments also helped against ringworm. Such ointments can be bought in pharmacies.

These are “Mikoket”, “Yuglon”, “Mikozoral”, as well as “YAM BK”. These ointments should be used to treat ringworm wounds three times.

Before applying the ointment, it is recommended to go through all the procedures described above.

Anti-ringworm shampoos for dogs

Before answering the question of how to treat lichen in dogs at home, let’s look at the basic rules for preparing for direct therapy:

  • The animal must be immediately isolated from children, as well as from other animals.
  • All family members must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  • In the apartment or house where the dog is, it is necessary to regularly carry out wet cleaning and be sure to use disinfectants.
  • All objects that the dog comes into contact with should be disinfected.

The disease has infectious nature, but it is caused by a fungus, so it is necessary to treat lichen in a dog at home with the help of antifungal drugs.

Most of these medications include iodine, which fungi simply cannot tolerate.

Such drugs include “Yuglon”, “Griseofulfin”, “Zoomicol”, “Dermatol” and others.

Before using such ointments, carefully cut off the remaining hair on the affected area of ​​the skin with a clipper and rinse the area with water.

Along with antifungal drugs, the veterinarian can prescribe immunomodulatory drugs to the dog; drugs of this kind are no less important, increasing immunity, thereby eliminating the possibility of re-infection.

In addition to the described treatment measures, vitamins and nutritional supplements must be introduced into the animal’s diet.

Vitamins also help strengthen the immune system.

A popular question is how to treat lichen in a dog folk remedies, cannot get a clear answer.

The fact is that traditional medicine recipes are, first of all, selected for people, taking into account their physiological characteristics and needs.

There are methods suitable for dogs, but be sure to consult your veterinarian before using them.

remember, that self-treatment Without medical knowledge, it may not only not help, but even cause harm.

The main concept alternative treatment for ringworm is the use of iodine and vinegar.

Above we have already described the method of using iodine in combination with antifungal agents, however, iodine can also be used as a full-fledged preparation, lubricating the affected areas of the dog’s skin three to four times a day.


But a sick animal can also be given the following appointment:

  • vitamin-containing complexes;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • immunomodulators;
  • antihistamines;
  • probiotics.

The drug Imunofan is a strong immunomodulator.

The dog is prescribed multivitamins, as well as special vitamins stimulating wool growth. Hepatoprotectors are prescribed to protect the liver. The most powerful immunomodulators are Imunofan and Maxidin.

For the purpose of cupping allergic reaction such antihistamines are prescribed medicines, like Suprastin, Claritin. To normalize organ function gastrointestinal tract The animal is prescribed probiotics.

Taking antibiotics is only relevant when the pathology is in a very advanced stage.

After the diagnosis is confirmed, the sick pet’s contact with children and other animals is limited and, if possible, placed in a separate room. Carry out wet cleaning and disinfect animal care items. Treatment of ringworm in dogs with drugs varies depending on the severity of the lesion: for this, external and oral medications and vaccination are used. Except special medicines, if necessary, the dog is prescribed additional medications:

  • multivitamins;
  • means for protecting the liver - hepatoprotectors;
  • immunomodulators;
  • probiotics to normalize the gastrointestinal tract;
  • antihistamines.

Home Remedies

Antifungal antibiotics are prescribed if the infected lesions are large or local application don't help. Before treating your pet with tablets, you should consult a doctor because they have side effects. The following medications are most often prescribed for dogs:

  • "Intraconazole";
  • "Griseofulvin";
  • "Ketoconazole";
  • "Fluconazole".

These tablets are produced for people, so the doctor prescribes the dosage and duration of use for dogs individually, depending on the age, weight and general condition of the animal.

Folk remedies are used when it is not possible to purchase antifungal drugs in pharmacies. Owners say that you can cure ringworm in a dog with iodine: the infected areas are treated 3 times a day. Another popular remedy is Apple vinegar– sore areas are wiped 5 times a day. Some traditional medicines do not remove the fungus, but help improve the condition of the epidermis: eliminate inflammation, itching, dryness. These include:

  • celandine juice;
  • onion juice;
  • tincture of calendula;
  • Birch tar;
  • lemon juice with vegetable oil;

The selected drugs are rubbed into the affected areas 3 – 4 times a day.

Prevention of lichen

It is very important to protect your dog from shingles. This can be done with timely preventive measures. Water treatments should be used as needed. After each walk you need to wash your animal's paws.

Washing paws after a walk is part of the preventive measures.

It is important to prevent your pet from coming into contact with stray dogs in a timely manner.

The benefits and harms of vaccinations are still being debated. The Vakderm vaccine is recommended for ringworm. The vaccination is done 2 times. The interval is 1.5 weeks.

Unfortunately, it is aimed only at complex action. It cannot protect against all fungi.

In addition, many dogs have a hard time withstanding vaccination. Another argument against vaccination is that after the procedure the fungus acquires “immunity” to other drugs.

This can significantly complicate therapy.

It is possible to protect your pet from infection by taking preventive measures against lichen in dogs. Preventive actions consist of the following steps:

How to treat lichen in dogs: the most effective method? The success of treatment directly depends on its timely start. Following your doctor's recommendations will help protect your pet from the virus and from allergies.

Additionally, we suggest you watch a video about the signs and treatment of lichen in a pet:

Dangerous pathogenic fungal spores can spread in almost any environment. That is why one of the most adequate precautions is to increase your pet’s immunity.

It's worth remembering that normal conditions content and balanced nutrition, including various vitamins And useful microelements, can significantly enhance the overall resistance of the body.

To prevent lichen, vaccination is also carried out. For injection, the already listed medical supplies, such as Vakderm and Polivak-TM.

We must not forget that spores of the causative agent of ringworm remain in all places where a sick pet is, so it is important to regularly take measures to destroy them:

  • the apartment is often vacuumed, garbage is burned;
  • the floor and other surfaces in the house are treated with disinfectants;
  • The pet's bedding is periodically washed in a disinfectant solution;
  • disinfect animal care items with antifungal solutions;
  • The dog is treated with protective gloves and special clothing, which you don’t mind throwing away later.

Contacts of a sick dog are limited. It is unacceptable to let your pet roam unattended. It is possible to avoid deprivation in dogs, but to do this you need to take preventive measures:

  • regularly examine the coat and skin;
  • do not let go outside unattended;
  • wash paws after walks;
  • periodically disinfect the dog’s places in the house;
  • limit contact with unfamiliar animals.

Ringworm in dogs - dangerous disease, but if you recognize it in time and choose the right medications, then this infection is easily treated.

It is much easier to prevent any disease in advance than to cure it; do not forget about the rules of prevention.

An effective measure to prevent lichen in dogs is preliminary anti-infective vaccination.

This procedure can be used not only as a treatment, but also as a method of preventing the disease.

The vaccine is given twice with an interval of approximately ten days.

After vaccination, the dog’s general condition may deteriorate significantly, but this phenomenon is considered normal, after some time the adverse manifestations disappear, and the animal’s immunity increases significantly.

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