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If food poisoning what to do. Signs of food poisoning: classification and clinical picture

In case of intoxication, it is important to start taking measures aimed at removing harmful substances from the body as early as possible, so the question of what drugs can be taken in case of poisoning at home is very relevant.

Why you can get food poisoning

Under food intoxication, it is customary to understand a violation of the functions of organs and systems caused by the ingress of toxins or poisons. By severity There are three types of poisoning: severe, moderate and lung.

The most common pathogens include:

  • clostridium perfringens, enters the body as a result of poor-quality processing of meat, poultry, fish;
  • Staphylococcus aureus, actively multiplies at room temperature. The most likely habitats are salads, dairy products, cakes, pastes, sauces;
  • bacillus cereus, all perishable products that have not been provided with storage at temperatures up to 6 ° C are susceptible.

Especially dangerous natural and chemical toxins that can cause food poisoning in domestic conditions, contained in poisonous mushrooms and berries, low-quality, expired food. Poisoning can also be caused by carelessly washed fruits and vegetables, which were previously treated with pesticides used to fertilize plants. Alcohol, surrogates can also be attributed to the same category. Thus, there are known cases of deaths from poisoning methyl alcohol. Food chemical intoxication occurs when vinegar enters the stomach.

Symptoms of food poisoning:

  1. Bacterial: vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain and colic, diarrhea.
  2. Viral: fever, chills, trembling, stomach pain, vomiting, fever.
  3. Chemical: increased sweating, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, eye pain.
  4. Botulism: the central nervous system is affected, vomiting, dry mouth, weakness appear.

If you suspect food poisoning, you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if it concerns children. However, access to medical care is not always available.

At acute pathology must be taken emergency measures, including gastric lavage, taking sorbent drugs and restoring the water-salt balance. It is of great importance to organize the right diet food. The final stage treatment - recovery procedures, including the intake of multivitamin complexes. As a rule, recovery occurs in 3-5 days.

Clinical picture of food poisoning

The first symptoms of the disease appear during the first 2-6 hours after eating contaminated or low-quality food. At severe poisoning food Clinical signs may develop in the first hours.

Please note that in the case of botulism, the first signs of the disease may develop after 1-2 days.

In case of food poisoning, the following symptoms develop:

  • nausea followed by vomiting. Vomit may consist of remnants of food eaten, bile, gastric juice. Vomiting brings temporary relief, but then the nausea returns;
  • abdominal pain can be localized in the stomach or be of the type of intestinal colic;
  • an increase in body temperature is possible with intestinal infection or with the development of inflammatory complications such as gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. With salmonellosis, it can rise to 39.5 degrees;
  • diarrhea develops in the first hours of the disease. With salmonellosis, the stool is frothy, greenish, and with dysentery - watery, streaked with blood. Diarrhea may be accompanied by abdominal cramps. profuse diarrhea leads to a rapid increase in dehydration;
  • flatulence and increased gas discharge is accompanied by pain in the intestinal area;
  • general weakness, dizziness accompany intoxication syndrome. The patient becomes lethargic, drowsy;
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), hypotension (decreased arterial pressure) - signs of toxic effects on the body of food and fluid loss. In case of poisoning by some types of fungi, an increase in blood pressure. With severe dehydration, the pulse becomes weak, arrhythmic;
  • respiratory failure develops with intoxication of the body. The person breathes often, superficially, complains of shortness of breath;
  • convulsions throughout the body, similar to epileptic seizure, characteristic of the defeat nervous system toxins. This is possible with intoxication with mushrooms, fish, alcohol;
  • disturbance of consciousness deep coma- signs serious condition sick. They develop with acute poisoning, infectious-toxic shock.

Please note that in small children the condition worsens faster than in adults. Their body is very difficult to cope with toxins and loss of fluid, electrolytes.

What is the danger of food poisoning

Many are used to considering food poisoning as a harmless and trifling condition in which you do not need to seek medical help. Indeed, mild poisoning in most cases does not pose a danger to human life, But only a doctor after examining a patient can specifically assess the severity of the disease and the condition of the patient.

The following are conditions that often develop against a background of severe food poisoning:

  • Infectious-toxic shock is a condition caused by severe intoxication and profuse fluid loss. Shock is accompanied by disruption of cardio-vascular system, respiration, brain and kidneys.
  • Acute gastritis develops with severe poisoning of the stomach with toxins. The mucous membrane of this organ becomes inflamed. The patient's temperature rises, the condition worsens.
  • Acute pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. The patient feels unbearable girdle pain in the abdomen, he has uncontrollable vomiting, the level of glucose in the blood may decrease and bruises appear on the skin near the navel. The temperature rises above 38 degrees. This condition requires urgent surgical intervention.
  • Acute violation of the kidneys is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of urine, swelling, pain in the lower back.
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding is a complication of food poisoning that often occurs in patients with chronic gastritis And peptic ulcer. Black vomiting and stool develops, severe weakness, pale skin, tachycardia.

Cleansing the body

These procedures are necessary, it is with them that treatment for food poisoning should begin. The purpose of manipulation is to help the stomach get rid of food debris that caused intoxication and harmful toxins.

Even if poisoning is accompanied by severe vomiting, this is not enough to completely cleanse the body.. She will have to be called naturally using a special solution.

Washing should take place in the following order:

  1. Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate (water should be pale pink). In the absence of potassium permanganate, you can use ordinary baking soda (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of boiled water at room temperature).
  2. Drink 300-400 ml of solution.
  3. Induce vomiting artificially by pressing the fingers on the root of the tongue.
  4. Repeat the procedure a few more times. The number of doses of the solution drunk at a time should be at least 500 ml.

Together with the first vomiting, the main part of the food will come out, but the gastric lavage can be stopped only when the liquid ejected from the stomach becomes absolutely clean and transparent.

The absence of the urge to vomit means that the product that caused the poisoning has moved from the stomach to the intestines. In this case, the washing procedure is already ineffective and meaningless.

Diarrhea, like vomiting, is nothing more than a protective reaction of the body to toxins that have entered the body. gastrointestinal tract. Some patients make the common mistake of trying to medicines, for example, imodium and its analogues, stop this phenomenon. It should be understood that diarrhea is the fastest and effective method get rid of harmful substances. Delay stool will lead to the fact that the processes of absorption of toxic poisons and their decay will continue, therefore, the patient's condition will worsen. The question of taking antidiarrheal drugs can only be decided by the attending physician.

If the patient does not have diarrhea, you need to call it with laxatives or enemas. And here folk remedies that can provoke diarrhea, it is better not to use it so as not to aggravate the course of the disease.

Reception of sorbents

The next step in the treatment of food poisoning is the introduction of sorbent preparations into the body. The action of these funds is aimed at absorbing harmful elements into themselves. contained in the stomach, and their speedy excretion.

The most common sorbent used for intoxication is Activated carbon. This medicine in the form of standard black tablets can be found in any home first aid kit and is excellent for poisoning. Coal should be used at the rate of one tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. The medicine can be taken in two ways: chew and drink big amount liquid or diluted in boiled water.

In case of poisoning, you can also take white activated charcoal, which is available in tablets or powder. It is believed that, unlike black, it removes toxins, but does not affect useful elements that are in the body.

Another advantage of the white sorbent is the dosage: 2-3 tablets are enough (depending on age and individual characteristics patient, degree of poisoning).

  • smecta;
  • enterosgel;
  • lactofiltrum;
  • attapulgite;
  • polysorb;
  • polyphepan.

Data medicines contribute to the rapid removal of toxic substances by adsorption. They should be used in the interval between taking other drugs, in the period of absence of vomiting.. Contraindications for admission similar drugs include high fever, stomach ulcers. The elderly and young children should be used with caution, after consulting a doctor.

Restoration of water-salt balance

Vomiting and diarrhea are natural reaction the body for toxins, however, they also contribute to the excretion of useful substances and fluids. It must be replenished. During illness the patient should drink a lot to maintain water balance. Mineral water without gas is best suited for this purpose.

To maintain electrolyte balance, drinking water with a small amount of water is recommended. table salt(not marine). The solution is prepared from 1 liter of water and 1 tsp. salt. At least 2-2.5 liters of salted water should be drunk per day. At the same time, you must comply certain rule: a glass of water an hour before a meal, after a meal you can not drink for an hour. Thus, the stomach will be prepared for next appointment food and begin to properly secrete gastric juice.

To restore the mineral balance, the use of rehydron and oralit preparations is indicated.(contain trace elements, glucose and salts).

In case of poisoning, you can also drink weak sweet black or green tea, a decoction of chamomile or wild rose.

Medical treatment for poisoning

After cleansing the body for recovery intestinal microflora regenerative therapy with probiotics is indicated. Normal biocenosis intestines after intoxication is almost always disturbed, therefore after recovery, it is recommended to take medications containing beneficial bacteria . These include Hilak Forte, Lineks, Bionorm, Bioflor.

If food poisoning is accompanied by fever, antipyretic drugs (ibuprofen, paracetamol) should be taken.

Self-medication is dangerous! Antibiotics, pain medications, as well as specific drugs (antiemetics and antidiarrheals, etc.) are prescribed by a doctor!

Therapeutic diet

During acute intoxication the patient, as a rule, does not feel the desire to eat. However, this does not mean that he should refuse to eat. A weakened body needs strength to fight the disease. Besides the stomach and intestines cannot fully restore the epithelium without food is problematic. Of course, neither an adult nor a child who does not want to eat can be forced, but specially in medicinal purposes hunger is not practiced.

During poisoning, a strict diet should be followed, since the gastrointestinal tract does not work properly and cannot cope with large amounts of food.

During the period of poisoning are prohibited:

  • fatty, salty, heavy foods;
  • dairy products, including milk;
  • products fast food, semi-finished products;
  • alcohol;
  • sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • fruits, vegetables, raw berries;
  • sweet.

You need to eat 5 times a day, in small portions
. Food must be boiled or steamed. Fried food is excluded.

The patient's diet should consist of:

  • mashed potatoes on water, without oil;
  • boiled rice;
  • oatmeal, semolina porridge (on the water);
  • chicken meat;
  • crackers, biscuit cookies;
  • low-fat broths.

It is allowed to use bananas, as fruits enriched with nutrients, and watermelons, which have a diuretic effect.

When is hospitalization necessary?

Food poisoning is successfully treated at home, but in some cases, qualified health care. Hospitalization is indicated for children under the age of three. In children, treatment of intoxication should be carried out only under supervision. medical staff , as diarrhea and vomiting will very quickly lead to dehydration. small child it is almost impossible to force him to drink, and in the hospital he will be given intravenous rehydration solutions. Pregnant women and the elderly are also hospitalized.

Treatment in a hospital setting is indicated for:

  • intoxication caused by poisonous plants and mushrooms;
  • severe form of poisoning;
  • diarrhea (more than 10-12 times a day);
  • high temperature;
  • diarrhea with blood;
  • persistent vomiting;
  • an increase in the symptoms of the disease;
  • bloating;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • excessive weakness.

With any of these signs, you should immediately call an ambulance team.

Recovery period after poisoning

Any poisoning is stressful for all organs and systems. It is important to know what to do after poisoning. When you leave the hospital, your doctor will give you advice on proper nutrition and outpatient treatment.

In the first 2 weeks, the patient should follow a diet
, stop smoking, drinking alcohol, fried, smoked, fatty and spicy.

To restore the intestinal microflora, probiotics are prescribed - preparations that contain beneficial bacteria. In case of complications (gastritis, cholecystitis), they are treated.

Folk remedies for food poisoning

Folk methods of dealing with intoxication have not been canceled, however they should be used after consulting a doctor and only when mild degree poisoning.

Infusion of cinnamon

Cinnamon is a natural antispasmodic and natural absorbent. Cinnamon infusion is prepared as follows: pour a pinch of dried and crushed bark into 250 ml hot water let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Strained broth drink throughout the day small doses. The recommended volume is 1.5 liters.

A decoction of yarrow and wormwood

Medicinal plants that effectively cleanse the stomach of toxins, brew 1 tablespoon, pour a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 15 minutes, strain. Broth divided into 5 equal parts, drink during the day.

You can use all types of plants - roots, flowers, leaves, as they contribute to speedy recovery. Marshmallow (1 teaspoon of roots or 2 tablespoons of flowers and leaves) pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours. Drink 3 times a day. You can add half a teaspoon of honey.

Dill decoction with honey

Honey promotes the retention of potassium, which is excreted during diarrhea and vomiting.. Dill reduces pain in the abdomen, facilitates vomiting, and promotes the rapid removal of toxins. A teaspoon of dill seeds brew 1.5 cups of boiling water, boil for 3 minutes. Cool, strain, add a teaspoon of beekeeping product to the warm broth. In case of food poisoning at home, the infusion should be taken at least 1 liter per day.

How to avoid food poisoning

Preventive measures to prevent intoxication are reduced to compliance with the necessary hygiene procedures, eating only high-quality products, their correct shelf life.

  1. Observe personal hygiene.
  2. Be careful with vegetables and fruits.
  3. Do not buy products with broken sealed packaging.
  4. Do not eat expired food.
  5. Do not hesitate to throw away cloudy drinks with sediment, foods with bad smell and taste, as well as ready-made meals that have stood in the refrigerator for more than three days.
  6. Eat only those mushrooms and berries that you are sure of.
  7. When cooking, follow the rules of heat treatment.
  8. Boil homemade milk first.
  9. Drink boiled water.
  10. Destroy cockroaches, flies, rodents in your house - they are carriers of bacteria.
  11. Store raw and cooked meat products on different shelves of the refrigerator.

Follow these simple precautions and you will never experience food poisoning.

The article will talk about treatment methods and ways to prevent food poisoning in adults.

Perhaps at least once in a lifetime, each of us has encountered food poisoning. This, at first glance, not a serious disease has a number of unpleasant symptoms: nausea, weakness and vomiting.

If food poisoning is not cured in time, you can get serious illness, which are treated with droppers and injections. In order not to delay such methods of treatment, it is necessary to identify poisoning on early dates. Sometimes the symptoms of poisoning are mild, difficult to recognize and can be mistaken for a mild ailment.

You need to know the symptoms of such a disease in order to help yourself and your family members in a timely manner. If food poisoning is accompanied by severe symptoms, you should consult a doctor.


What can cause food poisoning in an adult?

In adults, food poisoning is quite common. All due to the fact that people do not monitor the correctness of their diet. There are several most common causes of food poisoning, which can be roughly divided into 3 groups:

  • Food poisoning caused by pathogens. In this case, along with food, microbes enter the human body, which are called toxin infections. Such microorganisms may have a fungal or bacterial environment. Their main mission is to force a person to spread their colonies. Therefore, the main symptoms of this type of poisoning are severe vomiting and diarrhea
  • Food poisoning caused by poisons. Some plants, fungi and even animals contain substances that are toxic to the human body. By eating such foods without proper processing, a person may be affected internal organs up to lethal outcome. Such poisonings include: mushroom poisoning (fly agaric, pale grebes and other species), plants (belladonna, belladonna, wolfberries), some species of animals and fish
  • Food poisoning caused chemicals contained in foodstuffs. Sometimes, when we eat food, we do not know what harmful substances are contained in their composition. The most common poisonings are pesticides and nitrates.

The first signs of food poisoning in an adult

These signs must be known in order to provide assistance in a timely manner and prevent the transition of the disease to a severe stage.

  • Lack of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness and low blood pressure
  • Bloating and dysbacteriosis
  • General weakness
  • Elevated temperature.

Temperature with food poisoning in adults

The temperature occurs due to the toxicity of the body. By raising the temperature, the body wants to overcome pathogens or poisons that have entered the body. In the first stages of poisoning, the temperature will be around 37 degrees. Later, if microbes penetrate from the alimentary tract into the blood, the temperature will rise sharply. Even a slight increase in temperature in combination with nausea requires attention.

What to do with food poisoning in an adult?

If food poisoning occurs suddenly and there is no way to see a doctor, you need to give yourself first aid before going to the hospital.

  • The first thing to do in the absence of vomiting is to induce it. This is necessary so that the stomach is cleansed of toxins and they do not penetrate further into the body. It is best to do gastric lavage with warm boiled water. Also. you can dissolve a potassium permanganate crystal in it so that the solution acquires a pinkish color. Enough 1 liter of this solution. For washing, the patient should drink the prepared liquid in small sips for a short period of time. This procedure should induce vomiting.
  • The flushing procedure causes severe dehydration. Therefore, when the nausea subsides a little, the patient needs to drink mineral water or unsweetened green tea
  • If the poisoning is minor, absorbent preparations can be used. For example, activated charcoal
  • After a few hours after medical procedures you need to pay attention to your health. If the temperature does not subside, and nausea continues, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • In case of poisoning, it is not recommended to take antibiotics and other strong drugs on your own, without the advice of a doctor.
  • Do not neglect the treatment of poisoning. If run this disease, the liver and nervous system may begin to be damaged, infection of the blood and internal organs may occur

How to treat food poisoning in adults?

After diagnosing food poisoning, the doctor finds out the cause of its occurrence. Only after that complex treatment is attributed:

  • Lavage of the stomach and intestines. In the hospital, these procedures are done with special devices. Inducing vomiting and diarrhea The best way rid the body of food toxins
  • Next comes the adjustment water balance. For this, special solutions are used: regidon, citraclucosol or glucosolan. Sometimes you have to use drips
  • After the main procedures, the use of absorbents is attributed, for example, white or activated carbon, polysorb
  • If necessary, remove pain with painkillers
  • If washing was done late and intoxication occurred, antibiotics are attributed
  • Also, I attribute drugs that restore the intestinal microflora and protect the mucous membrane

Pills and antibiotics against food poisoning in an adult

Antibiotics and other tablets can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. The fact is that every kind of microorganisms and toxins is afraid of certain types antibiotic. At home, it is difficult to find out the exact cause of food poisoning. That's why. only an experienced doctor can prescribe antibiotic treatment.

Folk remedies for food poisoning

Folk remedies are not the main method of treatment. However, they can provide support therapeutic effect. Apply any of the traditional medicine can only be done after consulting a doctor.

  • The use of foods rich in vitamin C will reduce the feeling of nausea. You can use lemon juice. But it is recommended to add it to foods or tea, pure juice can harm the affected gastric mucosa.
  • In case of poisoning, it is recommended to use a decoction of dill with honey. It is best to use dill seeds for a decoction. But, if they are not available, dry greens will do.
  • Ginger also works well for poisoning. To use it, you need to pour a teaspoon of dry root with a glass of hot water. Then, apply a tablespoon of the solution three times a day.
  • In case of food poisoning, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. Suitable water, green tea, rosehip broth
  • Chamomile is a mild and harmless antiseptic. You can cook tasty and fragrant medicinal tea from chamomile, mint and lemon balm
  • According to traditional medicine, there are special points on the human body that can improve well-being, overcome nausea and weakness.

Diet for food poisoning in adults

With food poisoning, the human digestive system is extremely weakened. By treatment and washing, all beneficial bacteria and enzymes are removed from it. Therefore, it is recommended to follow special diet when poisoned.

  • In case of poisoning, it is recommended not to load the digestive system with an abundance of food. Better to eat 4-6 small meals a day
  • In the early days of poisoning, you need to exclude from the diet fatty foods and even, vegetable oils. During the entire period of treatment, it is not recommended to eat fatty meat and fish.
  • You can not eat fast food and convenience foods
  • You need to cut down on carbohydrates in your diet. Some fruits can cause fermentation processes in the intestines. However, it is impossible to completely abandon carbohydrates.
  • Food should be more rare than with a normal diet. Useful soups and low-fat broths
  • Food is recommended to be boiled and steamed
  • Heavy foods such as nuts and legumes should not be eaten during poisoning.

How to eat after food poisoning for adults?

When the poisoning is cured, you need to follow a few tips so that the disease does not happen again:

  • Do not consume products with expired shelf life, or those that smell bad and look stale
  • Don't drink raw eggs
  • When pickling or salting foods, you must follow the cooking technology
  • Do not eat food bought in stalls or on the street (for example, pies, pasties and puffs)
  • Wash hands before eating, wash dishes thoroughly
  • Remember to wash fruits and vegetables before eating.
  • Do not eat unfamiliar mushrooms and plants

How long does food poisoning last in adults?

It all depends on how quickly the person started treatment. Also, it depends on the severity of poisoning and the causes of intoxication. Poisoning can last from one day to two weeks.

  • IN summer period food poisoning is on the rise. Keep track of the safety of food, put food in the refrigerator on time
  • Do not delay the treatment of poisoning. No need to wait for the morning if nausea and fever appeared in the evening. Urgent gastric lavage and drink activated charcoal
  • It is necessary to figure out which product caused the poisoning. Discard damaged or harmful product so that the rest of the family does not suffer
  • After providing first aid, be sure to go to the hospital. Food poisoning is easily confused with E. coli, jaundice, or other infectious diseases.
  • Keep a diet and drink plenty of fluids so that the healing process goes faster

At right approach, cure food poisoning is quite simple. From now on, you need to be more careful with the food you eat.

Video: Food poisoning

Video: Folk recipes for food poisoning

Treatment of food poisoning at home can be carried out independently if the disease does not proceed in acute form and no life-threatening symptoms are present.

After providing first aid in case of poisoning, drugs from home first aid kit and folk remedies to improve general condition sick.

Medicines for poisoning: what should be in the first-aid kit

In mild forms, help with food poisoning does not require special specific treatment, it is enough to establish a diet and provide plentiful drink.

First of all, in case of poisoning, gastric lavage is performed: the poisoned person is given water to drink in order to induce vomiting. This procedure is carried out until the moment when the water from the stomach becomes clear, i.e. until all remnants of contaminated food are removed.

After the main treatment of poisoning begins with the help of pharmacy and folk remedies.

Types of therapy Action Preparations
Rehydration therapy Treatment with rehydrants after food poisoning is the main one, because. it is aimed at restoring the deficiency of water and electrolytes in the body. Therapy can be carried out in two ways: orally and parenterally (enemas). The parenteral route is usually used for severe cases poisoning and for young children. Oral preparations: Regidron, Oralit, Chlorazole, Litrozol.

parenteral preparations:

Trisol, Acesol, Laktosol, Chlosol.

Sorption therapy Preparations of this group (enterosorbents) contribute to fastest withdrawal poisons and toxins by adsorption. The drugs are used in the period of absence of vomiting between doses of other drugs. Enterosorbents should be used with caution at high temperatures, as well as for small or elderly patients. White and black coal, Polysorb, Enterosgel, Sorbogel, Polyphepan.
Pain therapy Antispasmodics are indicated for severe pain in the abdomen, intestinal spasms. Drotaverine, No-shpa, Spazmalgon, Spasgan.
Antimicrobial and antibacterial therapy Antimicrobials and antibiotics are very rarely prescribed for food poisoning. These drugs should be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor. Unreasonable and uncontrolled intake of drugs exacerbates the development of dysbacteriosis, which develops as a result of poisoning. Nifuroxazide, Intetrix, Furazolidone, Nifuroxazide.
Antidiarrheal and antiemetic therapy Diarrhea and vomiting are defensive reaction organism for poisoning, therefore, in initial stage poisoning to take such drugs does not make sense. When the bulk of the toxins have already come out with feces and vomit, and vomiting or diarrhea does not stop, it is advisable to take drugs that stop these processes. Antiemetics: Motilium, Cerucal.

Antidiarrheal: Trimebutine, Loperamide.

Antipyretic therapy Most often, food poisoning does not cause high temperatures, but drugs that reduce the temperature may be given to alleviate the condition of the patient (especially in children). Paracetamol, Ibuklin, Ibuprofen.
Therapy that restores the microflora Normal bowel function is almost always disrupted after food poisoning. Therefore, it is advisable to take drugs that restore the intestinal microflora. Probiotics: Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Bionorm, Baktisubtil.
Enzyme Therapy In case of poisoning, the production of pancreatic enzymes decreases, therefore, it is recommended to take enzymatic preparations for several days after poisoning. Mezim-Forte, Festal, Creon, Pancreatin.

It is quite possible to cure food poisoning at home and avoid hospitalization if you have all the listed drugs (or their analogues) at hand and know how to use them.

How to cure poisoning without medicines: folk remedies

In order to finally get rid of the consequences of poisoning, remove all harmful substances from the body and restore the functioning of all organs and systems, traditional medicine is used that helps to cope with the symptoms of intoxication no worse than medications.

How to act with various poisonings

For various poisonings, certain methods of treatment are used, depending on the cause that caused the disease.

fish poisoning

In case of fish poisoning, the stomach should first be washed out by inducing vomiting. Then it is desirable to put an enema of chamomile: chamomile flowers (1 tsp per glass of boiling water) brew, cool and strain.

For adults, to cleanse the stomach, you can give a solution of vodka to drink: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of aniseed vodka is dissolved in a glass of water and drunk in one gulp.

Poisoning by meat and meat products

The first measures are artificial gastric lavage with warm solution soda. Then you can use herbal decoctions and castor solution:

  • In a glass of boiled chilled water, dilute 2 tbsp. spoons castor oil, add 0.5 tsp lemon juice. Drink a sip every 5-7 minutes.
  • Flowers and chicory grass (8 tablespoons of raw materials) are placed in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. Insist for 7-8 hours, then drink every hour (2-3 sips of the drink).
  • Yarrow and wormwood. Mix both herbs in equal proportions. Take 1 teaspoon of the raw material obtained and pour half a liter of water. Leave for an hour. Drink in five doses throughout the day.

mushroom poisoning

From the use of mushrooms, the strongest intoxication of the body occurs, which should be treated immediately and by radical means:

  • Chamomile enema. Pour one tablespoon of herbs and flower with boiling water. After an hour, strain and make an enema based on the infusion.
  • Dill. Grind the seeds and dry greens of dill into powder. Take 30 g of raw materials and pour cold water(0.5 l). Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 7-10 minutes. Insist in a warm place for an hour, and then drink 100 g of broth during the day.
  • To prevent the absorption of poisons, it is necessary to drink an enveloping agent: egg white, a glass of milk or whey.

How to relieve the symptoms of poisoning

To relieve the symptoms of intoxication and alleviate the patient's condition, in case of poisoning at home, you can apply the following techniques:

  • per liter warm water add 40 g of sugar, 6 g of soda and the same amount of salt. Drink in three doses.
  • Dissolve 6 g of potato starch in a glass of water at room temperature. Drink one-time - for the reception.
  • Enveloping agent: a pack of gelatin is dissolved in a glass of water. Drink in one gulp.
  • Add 10 g to warm water apple cider vinegar, drink at one time.
  • Separate the protein from three eggs, beat, drink.

Treatment of food poisoning - effective ways

Folk remedies for poisoning should be used only when mild form diseases and preferably after consultation with a doctor.

Cinnamonnatural sorbent and an antispasmodic. In a glass of boiling water, brew half a teaspoon of cinnamon, mix the drink thoroughly. After 15 minutes, strain, drink in small sips in a warm state during the day.

Ginger- relieves nausea, removes toxins. Pour one teaspoon of ginger with warm (not boiling water!) Water, let it brew for several minutes. Drink throughout the day instead of tea.

Lemon juice - Vitamin C has an antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect on the body, acid destroys the bacteria that caused food poisoning. Lemon can be added to warm water (proportion 5:1) or simply let the patient suck on a slice of lemon. This treatment is not safe for people with chronic diseases stomach and duodenum.

marshmallow root. Grind the plant and pour a teaspoon of the resulting mixture with boiling water (100 ml). Let the drink brew, and then add honey and drink 3-4 times.

horse sorrel. Crushed plant (30 g) pour 500 ml of boiling water. Cool and drink throughout the day (sip).

Melissa and mint tea- soothes and improves digestion. Brew and drink like regular tea.

It is not difficult to cure food poisoning at home if you follow the main directions of treatment: eliminating symptoms, removing toxins and improving the functioning of the digestive tract.

Food poisoning- very frequent occurrence which every person encounters from time to time. At first glance, this is not a serious disease, but with untimely and improper treatment even a small amount of food poisoning in an adult can cause a number of serious consequences, and the case may end in a hospital, injections and droppers.

In order to prevent such a sad ending, one must be able to detect the disease in the early stages and know how to provide first aid to oneself and loved ones.

Types and causes of food poisoning

In adults, food poisoning happens quite often, because. people are quite careless about the food they eat. Most common causes food poisoning are:

  • Poorly or carelessly washed products;
  • Dirty hands or poorly washed dishes;
  • The content of toxic substances in food;
  • Eating expired products or products with violations of storage conditions;
  • Meat and fish that have undergone insufficient heat treatment.

Note! Especially often you can get poisoned ready meals bought in supermarkets or points Catering. As a rule, stale products are used for the preparation of these dishes, and their storage conditions are not respected.

All food poisoning can be divided into three groups:

  1. Food poisoning caused by germs and bacteria. Such diseases usually occur acutely and are massive (poisoning is observed in several people at the same time). Food contaminated with microbes gets into the food, which causes intoxication of the body. Most often this happens when products are not stored or processed incorrectly.
  2. Non-microbial poisoning. This group is divided into two subspecies: the first is poisoning with poisonous food (mushrooms, poisonous plants), the second is food poisoning when certain conditions are violated (undercooked beans, undercooked meat, raw eggs, jam with a bone).
  3. Poisonings with an unexplained nature.

To determine the cause of poisoning is sometimes beyond the power of even an experienced doctor. Experienced doctor studies the symptoms and prescribes treatment only after additional research and analyses.

Symptoms and signs of food poisoning

Signs of food poisoning are very diverse and depend on the type of pathology, the general condition of the patient and a host of other concomitant factors. But there are a number of common symptoms that indicate the presence of food poisoning:

  • Pain of varying severity in the lower abdomen or epigastric region;
  • The appearance of nausea with the transition to vomiting;
  • Dizziness, low blood pressure;
  • General weakness;
  • Diarrhea.

Important! With the progression of the disease, dehydration may develop, which is fraught with pathologies of the nervous system and the development of a coma.

Due to intoxication of the body, a temperature may occur. An increase in temperature indicates that the body has already turned on its defenses to fight pathogens and poisons. At first, the temperature in an adult will not exceed 37.5 degrees. Further, with the spread of microbes through the bloodstream, the temperature can rise to 39 degrees.

An increase in temperature along with other symptoms of poisoning (diarrhea or vomiting) is very danger sign requiring immediate medical attention.

First aid for poisoning: an algorithm of actions

First aid for food poisoning should be provided by a person next to the victim, or if there is no one to help, you should definitely call an ambulance.

Important! In case of food poisoning in a pregnant woman, it is strictly forbidden to treat the disease on her own. You should definitely call a doctor.

What to do in case of poisoning:

  • Rinse the stomach. The main task in case of poisoning is to rid the body of toxins. Adults can induce vomiting themselves by pressing on the tongue with their fingertips. To make the process of inducing vomiting faster, you should drink several glasses of warm water (or better, a solution of potassium permanganate). The procedure should be carried out before complete cleansing body from poisons - until a person feels relief.
  • Reception of sorbents. With the help of sorbents (activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel) is removed from the body toxic substances.
  • Taking large amounts of liquid. Washing procedure (especially in conjunction with high temperature) severely dehydrate the body. To restore fluid balance, you need to drink plenty of fluids. It is recommended to take Regidron or ordinary boiled water, unsweetened and weak tea.
  • Mode and diet. The body after food poisoning is quite weakened, therefore, after carrying out cleansing procedures, it is advisable to adhere to bed rest. On the first day, it is better to completely refuse to eat, and then a dietary table is prescribed (what you can eat after poisoning, the doctor will tell you).

If after treatment at home it does not get better and the symptoms do not subside, you should seek medical help.

How to cure poisoning

In a hospital, an adult patient with food poisoning is washed out the stomach using a special probe. On the first day, the patient is not given any medications - parenteral food and medications are taken.

After that, the procedure for restoring the water balance is carried out and absorbents are prescribed, and if necessary (if severe intoxication is detected), antibiotics are prescribed.

List of medicines for food poisoning:

  • Entersorbents(activated carbon) - reduce the effect of toxic substances by removing them from the body. They are taken immediately upon detection of the first symptoms of poisoning.
  • Antispasmodics(drotaverine, no-shpa) - are prescribed to relieve pain in the abdomen.
  • Detoxifying substances(Smecta, Regidron) - reduce the toxic effects of harmful substances on the body and normalize water-salt balance in organism.
  • Antidiarrheals(Senadexin, Loperamide) - taken with frequent, profuse diarrhea.
  • Medicine for vomiting and nausea(metoclopromide) - relieves nausea, eliminates vomiting, has an antispasmodic effect.
  • Preparations for the restoration of microflora(bioyogurt, linex) - eliminate dysbacteriosis, help to improve the functioning of the intestines.
  • Intestinal antibiotics(nifuroxazide, chloramphenicol) - are prescribed for severe food poisoning (severe intoxication).
  • Antipyretics(aspirin, nurofen, ibuprofen) - are used with a significant increase in temperature.

All of these drugs are very effective in the treatment of food poisoning, but before using them, you should still consult a doctor.

At home, in the process of recovery after food poisoning, you can use folk remedies:

  • Tea from chamomile, lemon balm, mint. It has a mild antiseptic effect, reduces nausea.
  • Decoction of dill with honey. For decoction, dill seeds or dry herbs are used. Helps relieve symptoms of intoxication, improve the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Ginger tea. Relieves nausea, removes toxins from the body.
  • Rosehip drink, tea with lemon juice. Increases the body's defenses, helps to cope with nausea.

Folk remedies have an auxiliary effect in case of food poisoning, they must be used in combination with the main treatment.

Principles of nutrition in food poisoning

Work after food poisoning digestive system a person is significantly disturbed - washing and subsequent treatment removes everything from the gastrointestinal tract useful material and enzymes. Therefore, the diet after poisoning is restorative and rehabilitative in nature.

Diet principles:

  • Meals are provided 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  • After poisoning, you can not eat fatty, smoked, spicy, salty foods, marinades, canned foods, fast foods.
  • It is recommended to reduce the amount of carbohydrates, exclude vegetables and fruits from the diet, fermenting intestines.
  • Food should be consumed exclusively in boiled or baked form or steamed.
  • Exclude fresh dairy products from the diet (allowed milk product- kefir), coffee, alcohol, legumes, nuts.

On the first day after poisoning, you should completely refrain from food, then from the second day you can start eating in small portions.

What can you eat in case of poisoning:

  • Dairy-free cereals;
  • vegetable soups;
  • Puree not water;
  • Boiled (baked) dishes from lean meat or fish;
  • Baked or boiled fruits and vegetables.

Such a diet should be followed for at least a week, then it is allowed to gradually switch to the usual diet.

Food poisoning in an adult can last from one day to two weeks, depending on the severity of the poisoning and the underlying cause. With the right approach, recovery occurs quickly enough and the person returns to normal life.

Today, food poisoning is one of the most common diseases that can either stop quickly and without a trace, or lead to backfire. People of any age can become infected with all kinds of microorganisms that enter the human stomach through food. Far from the last role in the incidence is played by the state of immunity, so someone is worried about minor deviations in digestion extremely rarely, and someone - even if infrequently, then severely.

Often the term "food poisoning" is used as a synonym for gastroenteritis, but these concepts cannot be identified. The second disease is inflammation of the intestines and stomach, which can be caused by a number of factors, among which poisoning from stale or contaminated food plays an important role.

Causes of food poisoning

Various microorganisms often penetrate into the foods that make up the main diet of the average person. Most dangerous period is summer, when it is not always possible to strictly observe the rules for storing food. Moreover, even the most stable and hardy fruits and vegetables deteriorate quickly in the heat, and the bacteria that have penetrated into them begin to develop faster and release toxic toxic substances.

Often, products become infected even during packaging, during which they were not observed sanitary norms. Also, everyone knows the facts of dishonest trade among many supermarkets and shops, where the true expiration date is securely sealed with a new date. You can get food poisoning through meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, fish that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment. Dirty hands of sellers packing a piece of cheese by weight in plastic wrap can become main reason occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases.

Unfortunately, in general education institutions, we are taught anything but what is really important to know in Everyday life- rules for the storage of certain food products and determining their quality even when buying.

Symptoms of food poisoning

The first symptoms of food poisoning can make themselves felt as early as half an hour after bacteria enter the human stomach, although sometimes disturbances occur after 10-12 hours, depending on the type of toxin. The patient is concerned about vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, periodic cramps and abdominal pain of varying intensity. Sometimes these symptoms disappear on their own without any treatment.

A great danger is food poisoning, which is accompanied by high fever and the main symptoms that do not go away for several days. In this case, dehydration of the body occurs, which is manifested by dark yellow urine, dizziness, dry mouth, and a decrease in the volume and frequency of urination. These symptoms of food poisoning give reason to urgently sound the alarm and consult a doctor.

  • suspected food poisoning in children, pregnant women, the elderly or those suffering from chronic diseases;
  • the appearance of symptoms such as difficulty swallowing and speech, blurred vision.

Food poisoning in children and adults general symptoms. Complications of the disease can be:

Treatment of food poisoning and first aid to the patient

Treatment for food poisoning may well be carried out in home environment Without side effects And special occasions described above. However, if the symptoms are prolonged and progressive, you should immediately consult a doctor. The fact is that food poisoning can be one of the first manifestations of serious viral diseases.

First aid for food poisoning involves a thorough washing of the stomach and intestines. In the first case, the patient drinks a large number of fluids, followed by excretion through the esophagus. In the second case, an enema is used. These procedures help to isolate as much as possible pathogens and remove the remnants of contaminated food from the gastrointestinal tract.

In general, the treatment of food poisoning includes the following components:

  • Cleansing the stomach and intestines until clean water appears;
  • Plentiful drink during the entire period of the disease (2-3 liters per day);
  • A special diet that excludes irritating and solid foods. When the first signs of food poisoning appear, it is recommended to exclude meals altogether, after a while liquid puree on water without salt is allowed;
  • Antiviral drugs (for toxic infections);
  • Loperamide for severe diarrhea;

In some of the cases mentioned above, hospitalization is required.

When identifying infectious diseases or complications, the doctor prescribes an individual course of treatment.

Prevention of food poisoning

In order to prevent food poisoning, you should follow some recommendations:

  • Vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed before use, if possible, rinsed with boiling water;
  • Before preparing food and eating it, wash your hands with soap and water, especially if you have dealt with raw poultry or meat;
  • In the kitchen, it is recommended to have a separate board for cutting raw meat products on which vegetables and bread will never be cut. Also, after each use, it must be thoroughly washed, like all cutlery;
  • It is better to thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator and until this process is completed, otherwise there is a possibility of bacteria breeding in a warm environment;
  • Fish and meat dishes must be subjected to thorough heat treatment;
  • Poultry and meat should be stored separately from fish;
  • Food should always be kept closed to prevent the entry of cockroaches, flies and rodents;
  • Before you visit a catering establishment, you should familiarize yourself with its reputation and the situation in general. In cheap railway station eateries, the risk of picking up coli higher than in a chain or respectable restaurant;
  • Going on a picnic, take care of refrigerated cases;
  • Raw and cooked food should not be kept together.

Elementary measures to prevent food poisoning include storing food in the refrigerator, cooking and heating food at temperatures above 60 degrees and observing the rules of personal hygiene.