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Such a healthy celery: how to cook it correctly. Beneficial properties of leaf celery tops for humans

It’s not for nothing that they say that we are made up of what we eat. Nutrition based on natural products and compliance with certain dietary standards can not only improve our quality of life, but also cure many diseases. One of the most beneficial foods for our health, which nutritionists like to recommend for consumption, is celery.

A lot of advice has been written on how to eat celery. This plant is found in many diets and is recommended for consumption by leading nutritionists around the world. The entire celery is edible, from roots to stems. Since ancient times it has been noticed that it prolongs youth and enhances sexual desire. The plant is used in diets that help Celery cleanse the body well, it removes waste and toxins, increases mental activity and general tone body. When eaten daily, celery strengthens immune system and reduces the risk of various infectious diseases. People who know how to eat celery get sick less and feel great during the changing seasons - after all, it is at this time that it is easiest to get sick.

Eating celery is beneficial for people with high blood pressure blood pressure. The substances it contains strengthen blood vessels and reduce blood pressure, soothe nervous system and help you cope with stress more easily. One of the common reasons feeling unwell is insomnia. A person who does not sleep well feels tired and constantly irritated. His entire nervous system is in constant voltage. Celery also helps improve sleep. The roots of this plant are especially useful for strengthening the nervous system. Celery improves digestion and stimulates excretion gastric juice, helps fight putrefactive processes in the intestines and prevents excessive gas production.

How to eat celery correctly?

It is best to eat celery raw, as in this case it retains all its medicinal properties. For variety, you can also eat soup to which celery is added, but in this case useful elements there will be less left in it. Freshly squeezed juice is very useful and should be taken in small quantities or added to other juices.

Nutritionists tell us how to eat celery: it can be eaten boiled, decoctions are made from its dried roots and leaves, and celery juice is drunk when dieting. The plant is added to meat dishes, fresh celery used in salads, it can be used as a side dish.

How to eat celery in diets that promote weight loss? Diets based on help to lose weight well extra pounds. How to eat celery can be seen using the example of one of the common salad recipes using celery. It includes grated turnips, carrots and celery, all dressed with vegetable oil. Eating this salad daily will help you lose weight.

For recent years celery has gained a special favor among chefs all over the world. This vegetable is added to many hot dishes and salads to add originality and piquancy to the taste. However, not everyone knows that celery is also used to treat many diseases. The leaves and roots of this plant contain vitamins C, E, K, group B, carotene, nicotinic acid, as well as amino acids such as asparagine and tyrosine.

Celery is very actively used in folk medicine, because this vegetable is very effective in treating many ailments, and at the same time does not cause such harm to the body as many medications.

The most valuable parts of this vegetable are the stems and roots, but celery leaves are also used in cooking. Huge benefit bring celery seeds, thanks to which specialists have found use for them in pharmaceuticals, cosmetology and perfumery.

Leaf celery - benefits and harms of the plant

What is leaf celery valued for? Useful properties

In order for celery to bring maximum benefits to the body, you need to be able to choose it correctly. When buying celery, pay attention that it is bright green in color, has a pleasant smell, and has strong and elastic stems. Leaves that are too soft to the touch indicate that the plant is already overripe. But size does not in any way affect the amount of nutrients contained in the vegetable.

First of all, the benefits of celery are due to its ability to relieve a person from insomnia and normalize sleep. Although many people do not like the bitter and oily taste of celery, with its help you can forever forget about not very useful artificial sleeping pills. To ensure strong and good sleep It is enough to eat several small portions of salad with celery throughout the day.

By the way, many sleeping pills This is exactly what the extract of this plant is included in. This vegetable is not addictive, and thanks to its consumption, sleep is normalized naturally.

In addition, celery can be successfully used as a natural sedative, and even more than that - it can safely be called a harmless and mild antidepressant. People who regularly consume this vegetable are not at risk of stress and nervous breakdowns.

An important advantage of celery is its ability to cleanse the kidneys, remove stones from them, and relieve swelling. It is known that excess fluid often accumulates in the body. Celery brings it out, along with harmful products decay. As a consequence of this process, blood pressure normalizes.

Celery is especially valued by women for its ability to improve metabolic processes in the body, which leads to weight normalization. Problem extra pounds today worries many, but it is not easy to fight it - exhausting exercises, strict diets, various medicines... Naturally, bring your figure back to normal without physical activity will be very difficult, but the combination of sports and healthy diet, which contains celery, can give impressive results. In this case, there is no need to starve and eat exclusively lettuce leaves. For example, a combination of a boiled piece of chicken with a celery salad seasoned with a small amount will be quite nutritious and tasty. olive oil.

Leaf celery also helps in the fight against diabetes mellitus. Daily use Eating this vegetable helps effectively and safely reduce blood glucose levels.

Celery stalks contain the optimal amount of magnesium and iron for humans, which prevents the development of cancer and stops its progression. Maximum effect brings a combination traditional therapy And traditional treatment using this plant.

The significant content of vitamin C in celery strengthens the body's defenses.
Among other things, this plant is very rich in fiber, which plays a big role in the proper functioning of the intestines.

Celery is also very good for memory, it prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of this vegetable for men. It is recommended to actively use it for those who are familiar with such a problem as chronic prostatitis. Celery actively affects the functioning of the prostate gland, improving its blood supply. In addition, it is considered a powerful aphrodisiac that increases libido and potency.

Who is dangerous for leaf celery? Harm and contraindications

It is not recommended to consume celery in unlimited quantities, especially for pregnant women. If you do not observe the measure in the amount of celery eaten, it can cause damage to the body. more harm than good.

Harm can also be caused by unripe or, conversely, overripe vegetables. Therefore, his choice should be taken very seriously.

People whose bodies need reinforcement after long illness, as well as the elderly.

A contraindication to the use of celery is a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

Among other contraindications for using celery:

Any diseases that cause increased permeability of vascular walls;
diseases thyroid gland;
liver diseases;
skin diseases;

How to store and cook celery?

* Leaf celery should be stored in the refrigerator door like flowers: pour some water into a tall glass or jar and place the celery in it. In this state, the stems are remarkably preserved for about a week.

* Celery leaves can be chopped and then dried fresh air in a dark place. In addition, this vegetable can be pickled for the winter. To do this, wash and finely chop the celery stalks or leaves, sprinkle them with salt and place them tightly in jars. As soon as juice appears on the surface, the jars can be rolled up.

1. You can also make celery soup for weight loss.

To do this you will need:

200-300 g celery;
400 g white cabbage;
5 tomatoes;
2 sweet red peppers;
greens to taste.

To prepare the soup, chop all the vegetables, boil 1.5 liters of water, add salt, put the vegetables in it and cook for 10 minutes after boiling over low heat. Then cover the pan with a lid, sprinkle the soup with herbs and let it brew for a while.

2. This plant also makes excellent salads. For example, this: celery, cucumber, Chinese cabbage and bell peppers, sprinkled with lemon juice or topped with low-fat yogurt. All you need to do is finely chop the ingredients, sprinkle and season...

Celery - amazing plant, whose popularity is difficult to overestimate. Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, the ancient Greek healer Hippocrates and the famous Italian Giacomo Casanova highly valued celery and attributed this vegetable magical properties, and believed that it brings happiness.

Much later, celery began to be used as food. It was then that it turned out that the main magic of the plant lies in its specific taste, which can add flavor, decorate and reveal the taste of any dish, as well as in the healing properties that celery has.

Celery in cooking

Since time immemorial, this close “relative” of parsley has been valued for its spicy aroma, thanks to which the vegetable is widely used in cooking. By the way, in the Mediterranean diet, celery is considered almost the main product included in any dish. Celery is added to snacks, crumbled into salads, served as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. And from this greenery they also get healing juice. Interestingly, literally all parts of celery are used for food, from the juicy foliage to the root of the plant.

Varieties of celery

There are 3 types of this leafy vegetable found in nature:

  • petiolate;
  • sheet;
  • root.

Petiole celery is valuable for its juicy stalk, white or light green in color. This is the juiciest part of the plant, which has delicate taste and spicy aroma. Such petioles are used to prepare salads, as well as to obtain valuable juice.

Leaf celery is famous for its foliage. Fans love these greens for their characteristic aroma and variety of nutrients. healthy eating who are ready to add aromatic foliage to literally any food. The advantage of this greenery is the fact that it grows until late autumn. In addition, leaf celery is also an excellent decoration for any dish.

Root celery differs from its “brothers” by its fleshy root, round or oblong in shape. Gourmets consume it raw, boiled, stewed and baked over a fire. In any form, this product can give incredible taste pleasure.

But more importantly, both the foliage, the petiole, and the celery root are famous for their healing properties, thanks to which celery is compared to the “root of life” - ginseng. Let's take a closer look at the amazing composition of this plant and its effect on health.

Chemical composition of celery

Celery contains 94% water. 100 g of this aromatic green contains 2.1 g of carbohydrates, 0.9 g of proteins and 0.5 g of fat.

At the same time, speaking about the composition of celery, this plant is called the “pantry of health.” Judge for yourself, this green vegetable contains:

  • vitamins: A, C, E, D, PP, as well as B vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, choline and folic acid);
  • rare vitamins: K and U;
  • micro- and macroelements: potassium and magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, sodium and iron;
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • nonessential amino acids (glycine, arginine, tyrosine, aspartic acid);
  • essential amino acids (lysine, valine, methionine, phenylalanine);
  • unsaturated fatty acids(Omega-3 and Omega-6);
  • saturated acids (stearic, arachidic, palmic);
  • dietary fiber;
  • organic acids;
  • carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin);
  • ash.

With such an amazing composition, the calorie content of celery is incredibly low - only 13 calories per 100 g of product, which makes this aromatic green an ideal dietary food product.

Useful properties of celery

1. The vegetable in question perfectly cleanses the body, removing all toxic and poisonous substances from it. Moreover, this green vegetable rids the body of carcinogens and radionuclides, thereby preventing the development of cancer.

2. This green contains special substances, such as phthalides and polyacetylenes. These valuable components prevent the formation cancer cells and thereby prevent the development of malignant tumors.

3. Celery is extremely useful for people suffering from diabetes, and all thanks to its ability to lower blood sugar levels. In this regard this product must be included in the diet of a diabetic. Moreover, given the low glycemic index product, it is best to chop the vegetable stem into a salad or take the juice of the plant.

4. Cleansing blood vessels– one more thing valuable property celery. Cleansing veins and arteries from buildup cholesterol plaques, as well as strengthening the walls of blood vessels and maintaining their elasticity, allows people to avoid cardiovascular diseases. And these are such severe pathologies as ischemic disease hearts, heart attacks and strokes.

5. By cleansing the body and filling it with antioxidants that eliminate free radicals, a person consuming celery not only improves his condition internal organs, but also cleanses the skin from dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, acne, furunculosis and other lesions of the epidermis. Moreover, to combat such diseases, you can drink celery juice or lubricate the affected areas of the skin with it.

Benefits of celery for women

This wonderful vegetable is extremely useful for women who want to get pregnant. This product increases fertility and helps the body cope with fertility problems. Moreover, the variety of vitamins and mineral compounds in celery helps correct formation fetus at all stages of gestation.

Considering the high iron content in this vegetable, it is especially useful to consume it during menstruation and immediately after it. Celery prevents anemia, relieves a woman from dizziness, eliminates apathy and improves her mood.

Systematic intake of celery provides the fair sex with an easy menopause without severe symptoms of this condition. This happens due to the presence of phytohormones in the greens that support the work hormonal system women.

Keeping in mind the low calorie content of celery, this product is ideal for people who want to lose weight and gain a toned figure. Moreover, juice, greens or celery root can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

Finally, celery juice is also a valuable natural cosmetic. By lubricating the skin of the face and décolleté with freshly squeezed juice literally 2-3 times a week, you can achieve simply amazing results. Your skin will be smoothed, wrinkles will be eliminated, the elasticity and natural velvety of the skin will return, as well as a radiant complexion.

Benefits of celery for men

Men also need to consume these valuable greens. First of all, this concerns sexual function, because this vegetable improves blood flow to the genitals, increasing potency and preventing the development of prostatitis. In addition, all parts of this vegetable have aphrodisiac properties.

The greens in question are especially useful for men who have reduced production male hormone. Celery gets things going endocrine system, activating the production of testosterone, which means it improves the ability of the stronger sex to conceive healthy offspring.

We also add that thanks to the vitamin A present in celery, the quality of sperm improves in men, and sperm motility also increases, which also helps solve the problem of conceiving a child.

Benefits of celery for children

Starting from the second year of life, celery can be introduced into the baby’s diet. This could be a small amount of juice added to a drink or pureed greens mixed into porridge. In any case, such a vegetable will strengthen the child’s immunity, and will also contribute to his rapid growth and mental development.

It is especially useful to give your child celery in the fall and spring, because this product strengthens the body's defenses, preventing colds and viral diseases.

Celery improves metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the stomach, preventing problems with stool, increases hemoglobin, and also improves mood and perfectly calms the baby’s nervous system. In this regard, eating salads and drinking celery juice is important for children who have started attending school. Let's not forget to mention that this healthy vegetable Vitamin D is present, which protects the baby from rickets.

It must be said that the root, petiole and foliage of celery have different effects on the body, and therefore, when talking about the benefits of this green vegetable, one must take into account the specific part of the plant.

Benefits of celery root

The root of this plant is rich in essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. For this reason, people experiencing sleep problems and chronic fatigue should add this part of celery to their diet.

Fans alternative medicine a tincture is prepared based on the root, which is suitable for prevention and treatment rheumatoid arthritis, stomach ulcers and gastritis with low acidity.

The root of the plant contains carotenoids - lutein and zeaxanthin, which support the work optic nerve, thereby preventing vision deterioration and preventing the development of cataracts and glaucoma.

The juice obtained from celery root is ideal for hair and scalp care. It copes well with seborrhea, treats dandruff, strengthens hair follicles, preventing hair loss and improves the condition of the strands.

In addition, due to its high water content, celery root has diuretic properties, which means it eliminates swelling and removes excess fluid from the body.

Finally, this vegetable is a powerful preventative against ARVI and influenza, and therefore it is especially useful to consume it during epidemics of viral diseases.

Benefits of celery leaves and stalks

The greens of this plant are simply necessary for athletes, because those present in it useful substances increase endurance and promote rapid recovery body after strength training.

Celery leaves are good for relieving constipation and improving digestion. But, more importantly, when consumed, this product envelops the walls of the stomach, protecting them from harmful effects gastric juice and the formation of ulcerative lesions.

This vegetable is famous for its regenerating properties. By grinding the leaves into a pulp, it can be applied to deep cuts, abrasions and burns to speed up the healing of the skin.

Celery is a storehouse of vitamins, which means it benefits literally everyone, from babies to the elderly. For some, it helps strengthen the immune system, for others, to restore strength after illness.

Scientists have also proven that if you regularly consume celery leaves and stalks, you can live to an old age, avoiding senile dementia. This useful product not only prevents atherosclerosis, which leads to dementia, but also increases blood flow to the brain, stimulating mental activity.

Benefits of celery juice

Celery juice is best used for cleansing, especially in cases of poisoning and slagging in the body. In addition, this drink tones the body, improves mood and keeps the body energetic from morning until evening.

It is impossible not to note the diuretic properties of this juice. It is recommended to drink for people who suffer from diseases genitourinary system who have prerequisites for the formation of kidney stones and gallbladder. This juice will also help get rid of puffiness.

In addition, freshly squeezed juice of this vegetable is an excellent antiseptic. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, the juice can disinfect any damage to the skin. And some people put a couple of drops of celery juice in their eyes. This allows you to moisturize the mucous membrane without worse than the drug"Artificial tear."

To get celery juice, simply chop its leaves and pass it through a juicer. Alternatively, you can grind the vegetable greens in a blender and then squeeze out the juice using gauze.

Traditional medicine recipes with celery

Arthrosis and rheumatism

Grind 100 g of celery root, add ¼ red pepper to it and pour 300 ml of vodka into the mixture. Cover the vessel with a lid, leave the product for 7 days, then strain and you can rub this tincture on painful joints 2 times a day. The course of therapy is 10–14 days.

Wounds and burns

To deal with skin damage such as wounds, deep cuts and burns, grate the celery root, wrap the resulting pulp in gauze and apply to a cut or festering wound for 2-3 hours. Treatment should be carried out 2 times a day for a week.


In case of such serious illness for gout, take 1 tsp. celery seeds and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them. Infuse the product for 2 hours and then start taking medicinal composition 100 ml 2 times a day before meals. The preventive course is 2 weeks, and 2 such courses can be carried out per year.

Liver and kidney diseases

To prevent liver and kidney pathologies, chop a celery stalk and pass it through a juicer to get 100 ml of juice. IN ready juice add 1 tsp. honey and 2 g mummy. Take this mixture 3 times a day, 2 tbsp. The course of prophylaxis will be 1 month.

Diabetes mellitus

To normalize your diabetes condition and alleviate the symptoms of the disease, eat 30 g of celery root, 100 g of the stem and 20 g of the foliage of this vegetable every day.

There is another treatment option. To do this, combine 100 ml of green vegetable juice with 50 ml of oat broth and 50 ml of Jerusalem artichoke juice. You need to take this mixture 100 ml twice a day an hour before meals.

Contraindications and side effects of celery

There are a number of diseases and conditions for which this product should not be taken. These include:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • epilepsy;
  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • enterocolitis;
  • malaria;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • hypotension;
  • gastritis with increased acidity.

In addition, it should be remembered that abuse of celery and its juice can result in stomach problems, such as stomach colic, nausea and vomiting. Be healthy!

Sometimes even the most ordinary things can confuse a person. For example, everyone can answer the question of how to properly cut a pineapple or remove the pit from an avocado. But if you try to find out from a person how to eat celery correctly, he will think a lot about it. Surely it is not easy for you to answer this question. Therefore, if you are a fan of this plant and it is often present in your refrigerator, then it’s probably time to figure out how to properly use celery so that it does not lose its tasty and healthy qualities.

Composition and benefits of celery

Many vegetables not only have a pleasant taste, but also contain a lot of vitamins. However, celery stands out among them, which is both a herb and a root vegetable. In connection with this, we can mention enough interesting fact: in our country during the tsarist era, celery for a short time had the status of an ornamental plant, and only years later it became known about its medicinal and nutritional properties. Today a person is well aware of celery and can tell what value its roots, stems, leaves and seeds are.

Of course they have different properties And chemical composition, however, in general the differences are small, so it is wrong to constantly eat only one part of the plant. There are many reasons why people include celery in their diet: one is to add flavor to the dish. new taste, others - to maintain health, others - to stay beautiful longer. Celery can be prepared in a variety of ways: fry, stew, bake, can and dry. But the body receives the most beneficial substances from it if it is consumed fresh.

Any part of this plant is a source of glutamic acid, which is part of the protein of living organisms and at the same time acts as a powerful neurotransmitter. Surely many of you have heard its name, but celery contains natural glutamate, which determines the pleasant taste of dishes.

Celery root is not as rich in protein as its leaves: proportion of its content is 2% versus 3-4%. The root of the plant also contains more natural sugars, leafy greens are rich in carbohydrates. Both stems and rhizomes equally contain vitamins C, PP, groups B, K, E, carotene and pectins. Mineral salts of iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium phosphorus, essential oils, flavonoids and organic acids are the substances that are present in every part of celery, and in large quantities.

Considering how many beneficial substances are present in celery and what properties it has, this helped him get widespread in various areas: cooking, medicine and dietetics. However, since a person pursues his goals, this requires the use different ways eating it. Or it’s better to stop using it altogether. First of all, you need to be careful with roots and leaves, which can harm a person under certain conditions:

Eating celery

Having learned about the benefits of celery, many begin to use it in the same way as other greens, which is a mistake. If you want to get from him maximum benefit then you should know that certain part will not be appropriate in all dishes.

If none of the described conditions occur in you, then this means that you can include celery in your diet. But in order not only to saturate your body, but also to bring it maximum benefit, you need to know how to use it correctly:

Why eat celery?

It is best to consume celery based on the taste properties of its specific part or the benefits it can bring to the body.


Surely many of us have heard about such a plant as celery. Some can even confirm that this is the plant is very useful, however, only a few know how to properly use its stems.

In fact it is very important question, since it depends on how this plant is prepared whether the body will receive all the beneficial substances. Celery represents unique plant, since almost every part of it is valuable for health. Therefore, having become acquainted with its composition, many may have a desire to immediately start using it.

However, you should not rush with this, since the plant there are certain contraindications. It is a completely different matter if you have already tried this plant more than once and have not noticed a deterioration in your health. Then you need to include it in your menu as often as possible. After all, it has many beneficial properties that you will appreciate when you start using it regularly. However, don't expect that if you eat the roots and leaves, say, 1-2 times a week, you will be able to lose weight or become healthier. The effect of consuming this plant appears only if it is eaten every day if possible.

Paradoxes – that’s why they are paradoxes, to lie in wait for us in the most unexpected places. For example, in a grocery store or your own refrigerator. For example, many of us can explain in detail how to properly cut a pineapple or remove the pit from an avocado, but at the same time we have a very vague idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to eat celery. Is this a familiar situation? Although this unpretentious vegetable can always be found in the garden bed of the average grandmother-gardener. Maybe we should ask her? No, it’s better to find out on our own how to eat celery with taste and benefit.

Composition and benefits of celery
Any vegetables are useful and necessary in the diet, but unique feature celery is that it combines the properties of both greens and root vegetables. Moreover: in Tsarist Russia, celery managed to play the role of an ornamental plant for some time, and only then - medicinal and nutritious product. Nowadays, literally all parts of celery have been studied and used: roots, stems, leaves, and seeds. Their properties and chemical composition, of course, differ slightly, but not so much that it is possible to single out one, the most useful part of celery, and abandon all the rest. Celery can be eaten for many purposes: for the taste and aroma of dishes, for treatment and maintenance of health, for beauty and longevity. This vegetable is boiled, stewed, baked, canned and dried. But the maximum benefit comes, of course, from eating fresh celery.

All parts of celery contain glutamic acid, an essential component of protein in living organisms and a powerful neurotransmitter. It's no coincidence that its name seems familiar to you - but celery contains natural glutamate, which gives food a pleasant flavor, and is not a synthetic flavor enhancer. Celery root contains only about 2% protein, while its leaves reach 3-4%. In addition, celery root contains more natural sugars, while leaves, on the contrary, contain fewer carbohydrates. But vitamins C, PP, groups B, K, E, carotene and pectins are present both in the stems and in the rhizome. A mineral salts iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium phosphorus, essential oils, flavonoids and organic acids “fill” celery literally “from head to toe”, that is, they are present in high concentration in all parts of the plant, aboveground and underground.

Who shouldn't eat celery?
Such a rich composition of celery and the properties associated with it simply could not go unnoticed, so celery has found application in the most different areas: cooking, medicine, dietetics. Depending on your goals and health status, you should eat celery differently. Or don't use it at all. In particular, it is better to avoid eating celery root and leaves in any form:

  • For pregnant women more than 6 months pregnant, avoid negative influence components of celery on fetal development.
  • Nursing mothers: celery in their food can cause allergies in the child.
  • Patients with kidney stones, because celery provokes an exacerbation of the disease and the movement of stones.
  • People with high stomach acidity and those suffering from gastritis or ulcers.
  • For people suffering from epilepsy, celery aggravates the symptoms of this disease.
How to eat celery?
Anyone who does not fall into these categories can and should eat celery. Moreover, there are many ways to do this not only usefully, but also with great pleasure:
  • The pulp of celery root, although fleshy, is soft (compared to other root vegetables) and delicate in consistency. It has a spicy, slightly harsh taste that perfectly complements meat dishes.
  • Celery stalks are juicy and crunchy with a fresh flavor, which is why most people prefer to eat them.
  • Celery leaves have a spicy taste, slightly reminiscent of parsley. Used both fresh and dried.
  • Celery seeds contain many essential oils, and this provides them worthy place in food recipes - as a seasoning, and in chemical laboratories - as a component pharmaceuticals and perfume compositions.
  • Celery juice as a natural food additives strengthens the immune system, helps fight overweight and prevents the development of diabetes.
Why eat celery?
Choose one or another part of the vegetable to your taste or use it in the form in which it brings the greatest benefit:
  • For weight loss, celery can be consumed fresh on its own (stems, leaves) or as part of soup, salad (grated or chopped root). Energy value celery – only 20 kcal/100 g, so it’s perfect product for those who want to acquire and/or maintain slimness.
  • For digestion, celery is consumed in the form of oil, seeds or root, prepared in any way. The main thing is that it gets into the stomach essential oil celery, which stimulates the production of enzymes and juices. And celery fiber helps overcome constipation.
  • To suppress appetite, add celery juice to honey and take 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals.
  • For kidney diseases and urinary tract celery, dried and chopped, replace table salt in food.
  • To protect the heart and blood vessels, it is useful to eat celery root, biologically active substances which strengthens the myocardium and reduces cholesterol levels.
  • At high blood pressure Celery helps due to its high potassium and magnesium content, as well as its diuretic effect.
  • To treat the skin, celery leaves are used together with ghee: mixed in equal proportions, these ingredients form a healing balm.
  • To strengthen the immune system and physical strength Celery is consumed in any form: alone and as part of dishes. The main thing is that the consumption of celery is regular, ideally included in the daily menu, which is especially important for schoolchildren, students, and athletes.
  • To get rid of stress and relax, just eat a couple of stalks of celery or massage your temples with oil from its seeds.
  • To enhance potency, celery, when added to any food, brings male body a certain amount of the phytohormone androsterone, which has a positive effect on sexual function.
  • To cleanse the blood and in case of poisoning, celery removes from the body toxic substances– for this purpose, it is best to use celery juice mixed with dandelion and nettle juices in equal proportions.
  • To enrich the diet and simply good mood and vitality, many recipes have been created for a wide variety of dishes, with which you can easily make celery an integral part of your diet.
Recipes with celery
We have already found out that all parts of celery can be eaten. It remains to figure out how to do this with maximum benefit, which one or another component can provide. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to include a few in your home cookbook. simple recipes dishes with celery, so that if necessary, you don’t have to rack your brains about how to cook celery quickly and tasty. As for the benefits, both you and your household will receive them in any case if you eat celery as often as possible and do not forget to use at least one (or better yet, all alternately) of these recipes:
  1. Salad with celery and apple. Take 200 grams of celery stalks, one large green apple, juice of half a lemon. Remove the core of the apple, cut it together with the skin and celery into equal small cubes. Stir and add lemon juice. This is the basis of the salad, which can be endlessly modified by adding and changing new ingredients: white cheese, avocado, cucumbers, rhubarb, orange, shrimp, fish, meat fillet, walnuts, olive oil, yogurt, mustard, honey, etc.
  2. Celery pate. Take one medium sized celery root, 250 grams chicken fillet without skin, half an onion, 1 tablespoon sour cream, 1 tablespoon refined vegetable oil. Boil the meat in salted water. Chop the celery as desired, boil until soft and mince along with the chicken. Peel and chop the onion. Grease a frying pan with oil, fry the onion until golden brown. Mix all ingredients: celery with meat, onion, sour cream. Serve the pate as cold snack or spread on bread for sandwiches.
  3. Celery with yolk and onion. Take a celery tuber weighing about 300 grams, two eggs, a bunch of chives, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of salt and ground pepper. Wash the whole celery, peel and wrap tightly in foil. Preheat the oven to 90°C, place the celery in it and bake for an hour and a half. After this, remove from the oven, cool in foil and only then unwrap. Cut the celery into slices or slices 3-4 mm thick. Lightly whisk olive oil with salt and pepper. Chop the onion. Separate the yolks from the whites. To serve, place an equal amount of celery on two plates, place a yolk in the middle of each, sprinkle with onion and drizzle with oil dressing.
  4. Turkish stewed celery. Take 2 celery roots with a total weight of about 500 grams, 2 sweet red peppers, 2 carrots, 1 onion, 200 grams of canned green peas, 150 ml of olive oil, juice of 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons of sugar, half a bunch of dill. Peel the peppers, carrots and onions, cut into equal-sized cubes, place in a frying pan greased with 3 tablespoons of oil. Simmer until the vegetables are ready, then add the peas, salt, sprinkle with sugar and pour over half the lemon juice. Stir and leave covered. Peel the celery and cut into slices about 1 cm thick. Add the remaining lemon juice into lightly salted water and cook the celery in it for 5 minutes. Pour the remaining oil into the saucepan, spread the celery evenly, and the stewed vegetables on it. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Cool, sprinkle with chopped dill and serve.
  5. Celery soup for weight loss. Take a medium-sized celery root (about 300 grams), a bunch of celery leaves, 4 tomatoes, 500 grams of white cabbage, 150 grams bell pepper, any fresh herbs. Cut all the vegetables into arbitrary pieces of approximately the same size (chop the cabbage). Boil 2.5 liters of water and place vegetables in it. Cook over moderate heat for 10 minutes, then reduce heat and cook vegetables until cooked through. Meanwhile, chop fresh herbs. Place it in a saucepan with soup, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour. This soup can be a light summer dish or a product for a short-term mono-diet.
  6. Fasting day on celery. During the day, eat small meals at least every two hours, only fresh vegetables(except for potatoes, beets and carrots), among which celery should occupy at least 50% of the volume. You can replace one or more meals with the celery soup from the previous recipe.
But the healthiest thing to eat is fresh, not thermally processed celery. For example, the stems are eaten as a snack with main dishes. If you can't eat celery on its own, dip it in yogurt, cream cheese or other natural sauces. For such use, only high-quality, dense, without the slightest sign spoilage of celery. But even if you decide to use celery in canning, it will still provide health benefits. Only then cut it smaller: this will give the preparations a brighter aroma. And in general, so waste-free and delicious product how celery will definitely take its rightful place in your kitchen. So just – bon appetit!