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Treatment with propolis in alcohol at home. Reviews of treatment with propolis tincture in alcohol. Propolis for stomach and duodenal ulcers. Propolis in its pure form

Propolis is a beekeeping product created by insects from the sticky substances of birch buds and other natural ingredients, contains more than 16 groups of organic substances, which allows it to be actively used for medicinal purposes. As dosage form Propolis tincture is usually used, the use of which is justified for many diseases.

The healing properties of propolis tincture

The medicinal properties of propolis are due to the presence in its composition of a huge amount of biologically active substances. This:

  • polyphenols;
  • aldehydes;
  • alcohols;
  • aromatic acids;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • steroids;
  • flavonoids, etc.

In addition to the above, the product includes B vitamins, many enzymes, trace elements, and essential components.

Thanks to this, propolis has the following effects on the body:

  • antibacterial;
  • antitoxic;
  • dermaplastic;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunomodulatory.

Today, bee glue is used not only by healers and herbalists, but also by representatives of official medical science.

What is propolis tincture used for in folk medicine?

As mentioned above, propolis helps against many diseases. The methods of using the tincture can vary significantly. The use of the drug should be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Gastrointestinal diseases

To prepare the tincture, 20 grams of propolis are crushed and poured into 80 ml of 90% or 70% ethyl alcohol. You can use vodka, but the concentration of ethanol in it does not allow you to completely extract the maximum amount of necessary substances from the product.

The components of the product are mixed, poured into an opaque glass container, and then placed in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. During this time, the drug is shaken periodically. After the expiration date, the tincture is filtered through several layers of gauze. This recipe is used for all diseases that are treated with bee glue.

For diseases of the stomach and intestines, take 20 drops of the tincture, after mixing it in a glass of water. The frequency of administration is once a day. The course of treatment is six months. It is better if the composition is consumed on an empty stomach.

During treatment, the patients' condition improves significantly: gastritis and gastroenteritis go away, chronic inflammation go into remission. At the indicated dosage, the drug is safe for patients with peptic ulcer. However, its use requires prior consultation with a specialist.

Liver diseases

Liver diseases are always accompanied by intoxication, which the diseased organ is unable to overcome. Propolis tincture will help him with this. The drug should be taken for a long time, six months or more. Start taking it with 1 drop per glass of water, once a day, on an empty stomach. Every day the number of drops is increased until it reaches 40-50 per dose.

During treatment, the level of intoxication in patients decreases, and the processes of regeneration of hepatocytes (liver cells) are accelerated. This fact was officially confirmed in the course of research.


Instructions for using propolis tincture for pancreatitis prescribe the use of 40-60 drops per dose. This amount of medicine is mixed in a quarter glass of milk and drunk on an empty stomach, once a day. Course - 3-4 weeks.

Propolis promotes rapid resorption of necrotic tissues, gland regeneration, relieving inflammation and reducing pain syndrome. It's important to remember that acute pancreatitis must be treated in hospital. The beekeeping product can only play a supporting role.


To stabilize blood pressure The tincture should be taken 30 drops, three times a day. It is better if taken one hour before meals. The course of treatment is 20 days. Drops are drunk mixed with a quarter glass of milk or water.

It has been proven that propolis helps normalize blood pressure, brings it to normal, but does not lower it below normal level. This is due to some effect on the vasomotor center of the brain and vascular tone.

Colds and flu, nasal congestion, sinusitis

“Colds” of the upper respiratory tract are well treated with the discussed tincture. To do this, add a teaspoon of the drug to a glass of warm tea or milk. If you have a runny nose or sinusitis, you can heat the milk and breathe in some hot steam. After cooling, the medicine is taken orally. The course of treatment is until the symptoms disappear. On average this is 5-7 days.

Due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, propolis accelerates recovery. In addition, the substance stimulates immune mechanisms, which also helps reduce the time of illness.


For otitis, alcohol tincture of propolis is used topically. To do this, a gauze turunda is moistened with a solution, wrung out and inserted into the ear. The procedure is carried out daily, leaving the turunda for 1-2 hours. When discomfort the tampon should be removed. Duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks, depending on the rate of convalescence.

To speed up regeneration, you can take the tincture orally. This should be done according to the scheme used in treatment inflammatory pathology respiratory tract. Local action propolis disinfects and soothes the inflamed area, systemic - stimulates the immune system.

Dental diseases

In dentistry alcohol solution propolis is used for rinsing for stomatitis, candidiasis, ulcerative defects. To carry out the procedure, you need to dissolve 30 drops of tincture in a glass of water. Place the resulting mixture in your mouth, hold it for a while, rinsing it in your mouth, and then spit it out.

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect of propolis reduces the intensity pathological process, destroys pathogenic microflora, promotes tissue regeneration. Treatment is carried out twice a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear.


For tonsillitis, propolis tincture is used as a gargle. The working solution is prepared by mixing a tablespoon of medicine with 200 ml of water. Rinsing is carried out up to 5-6 times a day. Also possible local treatment tonsils with a cotton swab dipped in tincture. To do this, it is diluted with pure drinking water in a 1:1 ratio.

The use of tincture for tonsillitis helps to destroy pathogenic microflora(propolis is an antiseptic wide range), tissue regeneration, strengthening local immunity. Propolis is not used as the only treatment.


To treat prostatitis, the tincture is taken three times a day, adding 30 drops of the drug to warm milk. Taken orally half an hour before meals. Total duration The course of therapy is 4-6 months.

In addition to the antiseptic and immunostimulating effects, in the treatment of prostate inflammation with propolis, its ability to stimulate the production of testosterone is important. The medicine is also an antioxidant, which reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer.


For mastopathy, drink propolis tincture 2 times a day, before meals. Dose – 1 teaspoon per ½ glass of water or milk. Course duration is 3-6 months. With the permission of the doctor, the drug can be used as the only method of treatment for the initial forms of the disease. Heavy and neglected cases require a traditional approach to therapy.

The action of bee glue in this case is based on its hormonal and immunostimulating components. The product helps correct your own hormonal levels women, resorption of nodes, prevention of severe complications.

Dermatological diseases, herpes

Skin diseases, including herpetic rashes, are treated with local application of propolis tincture. To do this, use a cotton swab soaked in medicine. Treatment should be carried out several times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear. This method can also be used for minor burns, scratches, and wounds. Traumatic injuries treat along the edges, preventing the tincture from getting into the wound.

Note: for large burns and wounds, propolis-based ointments that are not alcohol-based are used. You can make the ointment yourself by mixing crushed propolis with petroleum jelly or lanolin.

Nail fungus

The mycocidal and regenerating properties of bee glue make it possible to use it in the treatment of nail fungus. The product is applied topically by applying a compress. To do this, a cotton pad soaked in medicine is placed on the nail, covered with cellophane film on top, bandaged and left overnight. The course of treatment is several months. Before the procedure, you should steam your nails in a bath with elevated temperature water.

Acne, pimples

To treat acne and age-related pimples, propolis-based tincture is used topically. To do this, you should treat the skin with the drug several times a day in the most susceptible to disease places. Before treatment, areas susceptible to acne, it is recommended to rinse cool water. IN severe cases The tincture is used not only topically, but also internally. Dosages for teenagers are 8-10 drops per sufficient amount of water (50-250 ml), for adults – 15-20 drops.

Immunodeficiency conditions

In order to stimulate the immune system, the intake of tincture is increased on an increasing scale. On the first day you need to drink one drop of the product, diluting the extract in a small amount of water, on the second - two, etc. The dose is increased to 30 drops per dose. Next, the amount of the drug is gradually reduced until the dose is again 1 drop. After this, the course of treatment is considered complete. The procedure is repeated several times a year: in the autumn - spring period. Contraindications include childhood and allergic reactions to the components of the product.

Gynecological diseases

In gynecology, alcohol tincture is used only internally. In the treatment of women's diseases genitourinary system The drug is taken 20 drops per glass of water, once a day on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment depends on the dynamics of the disease and the effectiveness of therapy. On average, the tincture is taken for 3-4 months.

Note: topical use of alcohol tincture for vaginal douching is unacceptable! Such actions may cause chemical burn mucous membranes.


To treat atherosclerosis, crushed garlic is added to propolis tincture in a 50:50 ratio. After this, the product is infused in a dark place for 1-2 weeks, filtered through a layer of gauze and taken orally. The resulting product should be used three times a day, 20 drops each, after dissolving in 50-100 ml of water. Take before meals.

The use of garlic and propolis helps reduce low-density lipid levels in the blood while preserving beneficial lipids high density. The course of treatment is 1-2 months, after which you should take a blood test for cholesterol and lipid profile.

Depression, disorders of the nervous system

At depressive disorders Propolis tincture is taken 30 drops per dose three times a day. The drug can be added to tea. The calming effect develops already on the 2-3rd day of treatment, but the full course of therapy lasts 3-4 weeks. Propolis has a calming and stabilizing effect, prevents the development severe depression and psychoses.

In general, propolis tincture, medicinal properties which has been well studied for a long time, allows you to fight various diseases. It should be remembered that for development pharmacological action will require a long period of time. Therefore, for treatment acute conditions propolis will not work. In such situations, you should contact a specialist for examination and treatment with fast-acting medications.


The combination of milk with propolis gives a special effect, in addition to general strengthening and treatment of pulmonary and colds, sleep improves and general health, calms down. To prepare propolis milk, pour 500 ml of milk into an enamel bowl and place on low heat, bring to a boil. Add 50 g of crushed propolis to the saucepan and stir constantly with a wooden spoon for 10 minutes. Strain the resulting mixture through a sieve or cheesecloth and leave to cool. After this, remove the resulting layer of wax and pour the milk into a dark glass bottle. Take one dessert spoon 15-20 minutes before meals for preventive and general strengthening purposes, as well as for the treatment of diseases. gastrointestinal tract.

In case of eye disease, propolis helps restore the transparency of the lens. But it’s impossible to have it already formed, so you need to start prevention. To do this, you need to prepare water, which needs to be instilled daily 3-4 times a day, one drop into each eye. To prepare an aqueous solution of propolis, pour 100 ml of distilled or boiled water, which should be 50 degrees. Add 10 g of pre-crushed propolis, close and leave for 24 hours. Strain, it will work clear liquid yellow-green in color with a rather pleasant smell. The course of instilling an aqueous solution of propolis into the eyes is 6-12 months.

Propolis oil and ointment are used to treat trophic ulcers, burns, wounds, fungal skin diseases, neurodermatitis. To prepare the oil, take 5 g of propolis, chop it and put it in a bowl, pour in 100 g of olive oil. Place the container with propolis on water bath boil for 20 minutes. After this, carefully stir the oil with a wooden spoon and leave to infuse for 24 hours. Strain and drain into a glass container and store in a cool, dark place.


In the old days, propolis was used for colds, pustular skin lesions, and some diseases of muscles and joints. In Rus', a lot has been written about propolis in ancient Russian medical books - it was called bee glue, oza, tar, and was used in the treatment of eczema, wounds, and fungal diseases.

Helpful advice

When used externally, propolis is used to treat bedsores, inflamed ulcers with thrombophlebitis, burns, and is used for a runny nose and eye diseases. For a six-week intake, it is most rational to use propolis dissolved in milk. This is especially true for intolerance to alcohol tinctures in elderly patients and children.


  • how to use propolis

"Propolis" is translated from Latin as "bee glue." Smart insects collect this substance themselves and use it as a bactericidal agent for treating hives. People have also found a use for it - the possibilities for using propolis are quite wide.

What is propolis

It is a resinous substance with a tart odor and various shades of brown and brown. Bees collect resinous secretions from plants and mix them with the secretions of food glands, kneading them, adding wax and pollen. This is a very long process and is carried out by a small number of bees. In each hive, the composition of propolis is unique, not similar to others. In one summer day, a large family of bees collects only 1 gram of propolis, for summer season 50-60 grams accumulate in the hive.

For what diseases is propolis useful?

Propolis contains wax, various resins, essential oils, balms, pollen, therefore it has an antimicrobial, antifungal effect, is effective in antitumor treatment, and tones the body. Propolis can be stored for a very long time without losing its beneficial qualities.

Thanks to this unique composition propolis is used for a large number of diseases: inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract, periodontal disease, headaches. The use of this substance is effective for the treatment of skin rashes and eczema; It is successfully used in the treatment of burns and frostbite, fungal diseases. Adding propolis to food is useful for increasing immunity and vitality.

How can you use propolis

Depending on the application, the methods of its use vary. In most cases, tinctures, extracts and ointments are prepared. To prepare an alcohol tincture, add 20 g of propolis to 100 g of 70% ethyl alcohol. The liquid is infused for 72 hours at periodic intervals. Later, when used, the solution can be diluted with water, taken orally before meals, instilled into the nose, and rinsed in the mouth.

Quite easy to prepare at home and unique ointment from propolis, which perfectly helps with burns and frostbite: place 20 g of propolis in a container, pour in 100 g of refined vegetable oil, place in a water bath and wait until the propolis is completely dissolved.

This ointment can be stored for years at room temperature and serve as an “ambulance” in unforeseen situations. It relieves the pain from the burn immediately, and subsequently there is no blister or redness left in this place. It has a similar effect in case of frostbite. This ointment is also very effective for cervical erosions, hemorrhoids, erysipelas and purulent inflammation, trophic ulcers and other damage skin.

Unfortunately, there are a number of contraindications for the use of this unique drug, the main one of which is individual intolerance. You need to be careful when taking propolis orally, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, and kidney stones. It is advisable to consult a doctor before starting treatment. He must also prescribe the dosage of propolis preparations.

Video on the topic

An amazing beekeeping product, propolis has extraordinary properties that have not been fully studied. This is bee glue. The extract collected from tree buds is converted by bees, thanks to enzymes, into an excellent construction material. It is rich in vitamins, sucrose, and microelements. Since ancient times, people have considered propolis a miraculous remedy sent by the Gods. Propolis made with alcohol is especially useful. What does it help with? natural product, we'll tell you in our selection.

Propolis with alcohol - beneficial and medicinal properties

Bee product:

  • disinfects;
  • regenerates;
  • fights bacteria;
  • neutralizes poisons;
  • eliminates inflammatory foci;
  • copes with skin diseases;
  • strengthens the immune system.

It is also a very good antioxidant and has a beneficial effect on nervous system, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes regeneration and wound healing.

Another one amazing feature substances – do not lose their properties when heated or frozen. Since the beekeeping product in fresh It is not always easy to consume due to its dense structure; it is made soft, not in water or by heating, but by dissolving it in alcohol. At the same time, bee glue reveals all its wonderful properties, enhancing the effectiveness of treatment.

How to make propolis tincture on your own?

This miraculous remedy of bee glue should always be in your possession. home medicine cabinet. Try making it at home. To do this, grind the propolis and fill it with water. Everything that is not needed will float to the top; it must be poured out and the clean propolis dried. Thus, ordinary water helped cleanse the propolis, and alcohol or vodka will help dissolve it.

There are two most common ways to prepare the tincture.

  • The first option involves taking ten grams of propolis, placing it in 100 ml of medical alcohol (70%) and heating the mixture to 50 degrees. Stir well, without letting it boil, remove from heat. Then pass through any filter - rag, gauze, cotton wool, pour into a glass bottle and keep in a dark place for a week. When cooled, it loses its properties.
  • The second method is simpler, but will require more time. Pour 10 grams of propolis with 100 mg of alcohol or vodka. Use only glass containers. Place the mixture in a warm place, protected from light, for a couple of weeks. Every day the mixture must be shaken twice. After the time has passed, strain and start consuming. Subsequently store in a cool, dark place.

Thus, a 10% propolis tincture is obtained; the instructions for use are quite simple. However, you can make it 50 percent and dilute it before use. The healing solution is stored in a dark bottle.

Why propolis with alcohol helps - instructions for use

In fact, alcohol tincture of propolis helps with many diseases.

Efficiency of application:

  • treatment of digestive problems - ulcers, hepatitis, pancreatitis;
  • bone pathologies, dental problems;
  • cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the vegetative-vascular system;
  • thrombosis, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, rheumatism;
  • treatment of pathologies of the respiratory system, including sinusitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, asthma, diphtheria and so on;
  • treatment of impotence, fibroids, prostatitis, cervical erosion, mastopathy, sexually transmitted infections;
  • skin diseases, as well as burns, calluses, allergies, psoriasis;
  • treatment of acute and chronic colitis.

Is not full list those problems that can be solved with the help of propolis. It is usually taken drop by drop: from 20 to 60 drops, dissolved in half a glass warm milk, tea or water. Need to drink healing tincture always before meals.

We must not forget that bee products can cause allergies. Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment with small doses.

To boost immunity

Propolis enriches the human body with many useful vitamins and minerals, thereby strengthening immune system. You can eat it with honey or simply chew it to strengthen your teeth. The use of propolis tincture is indicated during periods of illness when immunity is reduced.

To boost immunity you need:

  1. Use propolis mixed with honey – a teaspoon three times a day.
  2. Drink tea or juice with propolis tincture at the rate of 20 drops per 20 ml of liquid. An hour before meals, twice a day.
  3. Chew propolis an hour before meals in small pieces.

During the treatment period, you must stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Treatment of the stomach with propolis in alcohol

Propolis can eliminate the symptoms of many stomach problems such as nausea, heartburn, pain. It fights gastritis and stomach ulcers and duodenum, with dysbacteriosis and flatulence, has positive impact with cancer of the digestive organ.

Usually a cup of warm milk with 20 percent diluted in it is given three times a day. alcohol propolis in the amount of 60 drops. Should be taken 1-1.5 hours before meals for 18-20 days. If necessary, the course is repeated after one to two weeks.

Strict adherence to dosage! Overdoses can reduce appetite and vitality.

For colds

Ideally helps with any respiratory viral infections, due to the fact that it destroys bacteria and viruses. It helps to quickly cope with the flu, as well as bronchitis, sinusitis, and rhinitis. In addition to its antibacterial and antiviral properties, propolis also has an immunomodulatory effect.

It prevents the proliferation of viruses such as herpes and hepatitis. And when consumed, the intestinal microflora is not disturbed.

The tincture is taken orally, 20-30 drops with tea three times a day. And also rinse your mouth for inflammation by adding a 10% propolis solution to a glass warm water 1:10.

Restoration of the cardiovascular system

Propolis helps with blood pressure disorders. It thins the blood, strengthens blood vessels, promotes cell renewal, and regeneration of heart muscle tissue.

You need to take propolis regularly, alternating monthly intake with a month's break. The heart will become stronger, more resilient, the fragility of blood vessels will decrease, and their permeability will increase.

It is most useful to combine propolis with alcohol and honey with garlic. You need to grate 200 grams of garlic and add 200 grams of alcohol or vodka. Infuse the mixture for two weeks in a dark and cool place. Then strain and add 50 grams of honey, as well as 30 mg of 10 percent alcohol tincture of propolis. Mix everything. Take 25 drops three times a day before meals for 31 days. And then take a break for five months. And repeat the treatment again.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus with propolis in alcohol

For type 1 and type 2 diabetes, propolis is considered an indispensable tool. In 80% of cases, it helps to forget about the disease for a long time, in 20% of cases it helps to avoid complications from diabetes.

You should chew a small piece of propolis several times a day an hour before meals. You should chew propolis with your front teeth for a long time.

Solving vision problems

Since propolis has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, it can be used for eye treatment in two variations - in the form of drops and alcohol tincture. As a tincture, it should be taken three times a day, 20 drops, half an hour before meals. As drops, dissolve in water 1:10, heat on fire, strain and drop 2-3 drops into each eye.

Propolis improves blood flow, cleanses blood vessels, and promotes cell regeneration. This will relieve conjunctivitis and inflammation. Before use, you should seek advice from a specialist.

Improving hair condition with alcohol-based propolis

Any person, especially the fair sex, is decorated with healthy shiny hair. Among traditional medicines, propolis with alcohol is especially popular.

Propolis heals hair damaged by dyes, strengthens hair follicles, and prevents hair loss. To do this you need a 10% tincture of 1 tbsp. l. mix with egg yolk, pour in Burr oil 1 tbsp. l., apply to hair thirty minutes before washing your hair.

If you do this twice a week, you can see excellent results in a month. The hair will become elastic and silky.

It is enough to simply rub the mixture into the scalp, as well as into the hair a couple of times a week on clean and dried or slightly damp hair. This will stop the process of hair loss, remove dandruff, and promote rapid hair growth.

Indications for use

Propolis tincture helps both adults and children. It is used in almost all cases - for colds, digestive disorders, nervous disorders, cardiovascular problems, skin diseases. You can drink it in the form of solutions, mixing 20-60 drops with tea, water, juices, or rub it into sore spots. The duration of treatment is from two weeks, and prophylaxis is at least two to three months.

  1. For otitis media, a tampon soaked in propolis tincture is placed in the ear.
  2. For skin problems, apply any ointment to which a little propolis tincture has been added.
  3. For pharyngitis, the substance activates recovery processes. One part of propolis extract is mixed with two parts of glycerin or peach oil. The mixture is lubricated on the mucous membrane once a day for 10-15 days.
  4. For injuries, ulcers, and wounds, an alcohol tincture of propolis is applied in the form of a gauze bandage folded in several layers.

Propolis has contraindications, there are few of them, but you need to know about it. The drug is harmful to those who should not drink alcohol. But for other people, recovery with tincture should not last more than 2-3 weeks. If the tincture is prepared on the basis of vodka, and not medical alcohol, then treatment can last up to two months.

In addition, propolis often causes allergies in hypersensitive people prone to allergies.

If you wanted to know how to take propolis to your advantage, then this article is just for you. We will tell you everything you need to know.

The benefits and healing power have been known for centuries natural propolis. But this product beekeeping is collected by a very small percentage of bees from the entire colony. The product has a pronounced unpleasant bitter taste, and a smell to match it.

During long-term storage, it does not harden, like many substances, but, on the contrary, becomes more fragile. And fresh propolis is quite elastic, soft, practically harmless to humans, unless he has an acute allergy to it.

The very concept of “propolis” in Latin means “bee glue”. They use it to seal cracks in the hive in order to avoid drafts. In addition, it has unique warming properties. Well, the healers Ancient Rus' already then they found very wide application unique in pure form and as an ingredient in various tinctures. And they were taken not only internally, but also as external rubbing.

As a medicine:

  • from problems with the stomach, intestines;
  • for hemorrhoids and tuberculosis;
  • herpes;
  • colds and flu.

Proper application to the wound helped avoid infection and accelerated its healing. All tinctures using bee propolis were made on the basis of alcohol, since the thick substance was practically resistant to water. Only in the future, thanks to experimenters, it became clear that when heated, this substance not only retains its properties, but can also dissolve in water.

And even now, propolis not only does not lose its relevance, but is also gaining increasing popularity. This applies not only to traditional medicine, but also to advanced pharmacology.

It’s easy to verify this by simply skimming the shelves of the pharmacy with your eyes. About a seventh of all drugs will have as their basis. In this case, all medications will be different actions and for various diseases, from broken bones to toothache and herpes.


Propolis is taken in different ways and under different types.

With milk

For oral administration, it is better to drink it with milk; in this state it is extremely useful for diseases of the respiratory tract and throat.


  • To do this, you will need from fifty to a hundred grams of crushed beekeeping product per liter of milk, preferably boiled.
  • A high-quality and homogeneous mixture will be obtained only after ten minutes of stirring.

As a tincture

Very high quality counteracts various abscesses and purulent wounds when applied externally. And when used internally, it is good for sore throats and colds.


  • The tincture is prepared with 95% alcohol, calculating two hundred grams of finely chopped bee propolis per liter of alcohol.
  • The substance obtained by thoroughly mixing these components is infused for two weeks in a dark, warm place, when stored in a glass container.

Alcohol tincture of propolis (video)

As an ointment

Propolis is even turned into an ointment for ease of external use.


  • It is made in an enamel bowl, mixing seventy grams of Vaseline and twenty lanolin.
  • Up to fifteen grams of propolis are also added there, after which they are placed in a container with hot water for about ten minutes, stirring along the way.
  • The liquid must be filtered with two layers of gauze and allowed to cool.

Propolis ointment (video)

For medicinal purposes

The enthusiasm with which propolis is taken for medicinal purposes is clearly due to the healing properties of the substance. It is used in different conditions, under other species. Let us now consider more specifically which state is more beneficial for various diseases.

What diseases does it treat?

For better or worse, propolis medicine will not save you from all diseases. But it is able to protect against their large variety due to its unique properties:

  1. They can treat asthma, bronchitis and even depression.
  2. If in another form, then it will help against abscesses, colds and various kinds inflammation.
  3. It is especially effective to take it in case of diseases of the skin and eyes.
  4. Proper use will speed up the healing of wounds, both lacerations and cuts, and after burns and frostbite.
For bone fractures

Even such a nuisance as a broken bone can be healed faster thanks to the healing properties of propolis. To do this, knead it and apply it as a compress to the site of injury.

If the substance is available only in the form of a tincture, then the pad itself is impregnated with it. remedy. For the best treatment effect, a similar bandage is applied throughout the night, strictly at the site of the bone fracture. It will also reduce the swelling.

For herpes

The antimicrobial and antiviral properties of propolis allow it to be taken as excellent remedy from herpes. You can use it in the form of an alcohol tincture. But it is advisable to bring its concentration to twenty to thirty percent. And only after this the substance is used as an ointment, applied directly to the area that is bothering the disease. The strength should be reduced to avoid excessive drying of the skin.

How to use

Exactly how to take propolis depends on its type, that is, its condition.

If this is an alcohol mixture, then external use is possible at seventy percent strength. However for internal use The tincture should be diluted with water, 25 drops per tablespoon, half an hour before meals.

It does not require any special technology - it can be used as an ordinary cream and is most harmless.


Gargling with propolis in alcohol can not only cure local diseases, but also cleanse Airways. Natural look In no case will tincture be suitable, as it will only cause harm - it will burn the throat. Therefore, you will need to dilute it to ten percent. It is advisable to slightly warm the mixture with water.

In its purest form

It is advisable to crush the natural bee propolis and drink it with milk, or knead it into a plate and apply it to the site of a bruise or other injury. In general, almost any external harm to the body can be healed using this method.

How to take orally

Taking bee propolis internally has the best effect. In this state he has the greatest healing power, except perhaps in cases of external wounds.

The natural product is consumed in crushed form with milk. No special contraindications no, just don't drink too much of it.

But alcohol in large volumes. First of all, the concentration and properties of the alcohol affect. This mixture diluted with water before use, but daily norm It is not advisable to exceed more than thirty grams.

Contraindications for use

No matter how wonderful natural bee products are, it is strictly contraindicated for those who have an acute allergy to bee products.

The result of neglecting this fact will be harm to the body, which will result in itching, pain and burning, up to fever and weakness, especially if you drink it right away large containers. And sometimes urgent medical intervention may be needed.

In order to check for contraindications to the use of propolis, we will need a small amount of it. And if no complications arise, you can start using the full dosage.


Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/2a_pchela-300x217.jpg" alt=" How to use propolis. Origin propolis" width="300" height="217" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C217&ssl=1 300w, https://i1.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" data-recalc-dims="1"> Существуют !} different ways how to use propolis in an alcohol solution, in water solution or chew it. In this article I will share my personal experience of using propolis and show you the most effective and simplest of them.

When the first article about that was published, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had missed something important - something that would explain the uniqueness of bee glue.

Today I had the inspiration to write about the origin of the product being described. Then many questions about its healing properties will disappear on their own. It will become clear where these come from unique properties this amazing product and what its strength is.

If you look at the hive from the point of view of a thermostat for raising offspring, then there are all the conditions for the development of not only young animals, but also microorganisms: warm, dark, humid, a lot of high-quality concentrated food.
It turns out to be a paradise for microorganisms - everything is there! Just multiply! But bees have found a way to prevent this. They used protecting plants for their buds developed in the process of evolution.

Plant origin of propolis. What is the power of propolis

To prevent microorganisms from eating young shoots, plants have developed their own defense system. Towards the end of summer, trees form buds of future shoots. Each kidney is tightly closed from external influences by leathery scales. Synthesized substances begin to flow upward from the root system, which will protect the delicate kidney tissue.

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The bud scales covering the bud are literally saturated with protective substances coming from below, from the roots. The kidney contains many different connections(from 200 to 400), which will prevent bacteria, viruses and fungi from destroying the shoot and eating it. And these substances are prototype of propolis.

Bees produce the maximum amount of bee glue from July 15 to August 15. This is due to the second summer sap flow from the roots to the buds of future shoots. Plants in an active way begin to prepare for the coming winter and synthesize a sticky mass that literally envelops the bud.

The bees are on duty and waiting for this moment of sap flow. That’s when the work of the bees begins in preparing bee glue. The bee pulls off the sticky mass with its paws, passes it through the crop, mixing it with wax and enzymatic glands, fills the bags on the paws with glue and carries them to the hive. There, others - auxiliary bees - begin to pinch off pieces of propolis from the bag and use them to fill the space between the frames and other places where microorganisms can multiply. All cells with honey are also covered with a thin layer of propolis. That is why sealed honey can be stored for 20 years or more, thanks to the propolis film.

Now you know that bee putty is a special protective plant sap processed by bees, which bees use to protect the hive from different strains and classes of microbes and fungi. AND main strength propolis in the use of protective functions different plants to keep the kidney safe and sound from external influences. Propolis is accumulated immunity large quantity trees and plants. That's why he can do it so well protective function both in the hive and in our body.

The main features of propolis, based on its origin

1. Antibiotic action. It is a natural antibiotic. But, unlike synthetic antibiotics, microorganisms do not get used to propolis. Why? Firstly, a multicomponent composition - against each type of microbe or fungus - its own compound, and secondly, next year there will be a different glue, from different buds. Every year, the adhesive mass is modified by both the plant and the bees to modern microorganisms, and not to the organisms of last year.

2. Propolis contains substances that block cell growth and development. This is also due to the protective sap of plants for the kidneys. After all, in nature there is different weather. The sun has warmed up, the humidity has increased - and the bud may begin to bloom at the wrong time, in the middle of winter, during a sharp warming. But this is the death of the bud, since the warming will be followed by frosts again. To prevent this from happening, the protective sap of plants contains substances that block and inhibit this growth - growth inhibitors. Can you imagine if you put them in the service of oncology, where doctors are struggling with the uncontrollable growth of cancer cell tissue?
IN folk medicine at oncological diseases propolis is successfully used.

3. Propolis contains substances that stimulate cell growth. In the spring, when nature wakes up, kidney cells, under the influence of protective juice, begin to grow and develop rapidly. Substances that stimulate growth and rapid cell division are called auxins (I defended coursework about heteroauxins in plants).

Important use bee glue correctly, based on knowledge of its features. They can almost completely regulate all processes in our body. Propolis will help the body, using natural substances, to restore the necessary function of an organ or organ system if it has failed.

Do not treat the disease, but help the body heal itself

The human body is a powerful self-regulating system. And our body’s reserve of strength is huge in order to cope with everything. negative impacts on the body. But, over time, under the influence of the environment, poor nutrition and lifestyle, it decreases. And the use of propolis is not so much a treatment as it is helping the body restore vitality.

Hippocrates also said that there is no need to treat the body, we need to help the body cope with certain problems on its own.

Donald Walsh, in Conversations with God, writes about what God told him about modern medicine:

By developing medicine to do the work your body needs to do, you have created viruses so persistent that they can destroy your entire human race.

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There are people who care to live and not get sick.


they don't treat their body, but help him recover on his own biologically active compounds or food additives. All beekeeping products, including propolis, are substances that help the body recover from computer failures. complex system our body.

There is a whole direction in official medicine- apitherapy - treatment with beekeeping products: bee glue, honey, fervor, bee venom, royal jelly, dead food. I will gradually write about the listed products and their role in restoring health.

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I am sure that my parents lived to their age (85 years old) thanks to my father’s apiary and the use of all beekeeping products for food. The basis of their way of life and maintaining the body is honey (there is no sugar in the house) and propolis.

How to use propolis with the greatest health benefits

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/2_vodniy_propolis-168x300.jpg" alt="Water extract of propolis" width="168" height="300" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=168%2C300&ssl=1 168w, https://i1.wp..jpg?w=176&ssl=1 176w" sizes="(max-width: 168px) 100vw, 168px" data-recalc-dims="1"> После того, как вы решитесь на применение описываемого продукта жизнедеятельности пчёл, перед вами встанет вопрос: как его употреблять, в какой форме. Часто прополис применяют в следующем виде:!}

  • alcohol tincture
  • aqueous extract
  • propolis oil
  • propolis ointment
  • chew lumps of glue like gum

There are other ways to use propolis:

  • with honey
  • with medicinal herbs
  • with milk
  • with sea buckthorn oil

On the Internet you can find a huge number of recipes for healing with propolis. But I will focus on the most common ones. And I'll start with personal experience using bee glue.

Personal experience of using propolis in my family

As soon as my father started an apiary, this healing miracle appeared in the family - propolis. Having read about him miraculous properties, our whole family switched to this natural antibiotic. Dad made an alcohol tincture of propolis and used it both to prevent colds and to treat a huge number of chronic diseases, because of which the doctors abandoned my parents.

See how to properly make an alcohol tincture of bee glue:

Both father and mother took the alcohol tincture of bond absolutely normally.

They added a teaspoon of propolis tincture to 50 grams of water and drank it. No allergic reactions were observed, despite the fact that my mother has a shock allergy to bee stings. My dad likes to take everything useful material in higher doses and he, of course, increased the recommended intake from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon and drank the solution three times a day. Constantly. No recommended break after a month of use.

My father's main illness was atrial fibrillation, the pulse could disappear at any time. We lived like on a volcano, we were afraid to leave it unattended even in the store. Can you imagine the stress when a big man, two meters tall, quietly slides to the floor from his chair and you cannot find a pulse. I still remember this! And it all depends on how quickly the ambulance arrives.

After a month of using alcohol tincture of propolis (1 tablespoon per 100 grams of water and adding propolis to the water, and not vice versa), the attacks gradually, very slowly, began to disappear from our lives and now they are gone. I brought my father a dog to accompany him when the apiary was on a trip to the honey fields in the mountains in the summer.

Heart problems are almost forgotten (the age is still high - 85 years!), weakness may occur from time to time, but I am sure that it is the thyroid gland that is malfunctioning. Propolis contains a lot of organic calcium, and this strengthening not only skeletal system, but also muscle turgor, vascular condition - 149 diseases are caused by a lack of the trace element calcium. Colds are rare and mild.

Mom accepts medicinal product less - she doesn’t like the smell, but when she has a cold, she gargles and takes an alcohol solution in the amount of 1 teaspoon per 50 grams of water. It always helps to get rid of sore throat, bronchitis and runny nose quickly and without complications. At home we always use 10% propolis (100 grams of propolis per 1 liter of 95% alcohol). Although it is believed that 70% alcohol is better, my father has his own opinion...

For me, the process of using propolis alcohol tincture has always caused difficulties. Understanding its benefits, I could not accept it, like my parents. After taking a teaspoon of uzye orally with 50 grams of water, I didn’t feel very well:

  1. belching appeared
  2. like a wave of weakness
  3. could make you sick

All signs of allergy were observed, but the allergy test when applying a cake to inside elbow joint not tracked.

Now I know what I need alcohol tincture is not suitable, because I chew propolis without any side effects. It turns out that it causes a similar reaction in many people. I was curious to find the reason for not taking the alcohol tincture - I looked up everything on the Internet about the use of propolis, read reviews.

The understanding has come that the body must be gradually accustomed to alcohol tincture of propolis, starting with one drop and increasing by one drop of solution every day. So I reached 20 drops. Then the reverse process took place - every day I reduced the use of a solution of propolis in alcohol by one drop.

Now I normally accept alcohol tincture, but no more than 5 drops per 50 grams of water, if without gradual increase doses. There were no such effects with an aqueous solution of oza; the body accepted the propolis solution in water immediately. I can drink a tablespoon per 100 grams of water.

See how to cook properly water solution bee glue:

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Why am I describing my experience in such detail? In order for you to understand, you need to learn to hear your body and not even force it useful product. Each organism can perceive it in its own way.

External use of propolis oil or ointment occurs without any problems for me. Bee putty oil is prepared on olive oil, but any - sunflower, corn, sea buckthorn - is also suitable, concentration 10% (for 0.5 liters of oil - 50 grams of propolis). Propolis ointment is prepared using butter. Some beekeepers use Vaseline. Prepare a 10% ointment (10 grams of propolis per 100 grams of oil, heating it in a water bath for 20 minutes to an hour, and filtering). This is the form I used propolis in before. And then, by chance, I discovered another method - I like it the most - applying a bead of glue to the tooth.

How to use propolis correctly

It so happened that I was away from home and without propolis tincture. Only a small pea of ​​oza was lying around in my cosmetic bag. In the morning I felt a sore throat. I spent the whole day conducting a seminar and had no time to chew. In the evening at the hotel I started chewing a piece of propolis and fell asleep with it on my cheek. In the morning I discovered that the piece had turned into a cake and stuck to the tooth. My throat almost stopped hurting. After brushing my teeth, I put the cake back on my tooth and went to class. By evening, my throat stopped hurting.

Now I most often use this method of using propolis - just glue a piece of propolis cake on extreme tooth from the side of the cheek. And on the side of the jaw that you do not chew on - then you can not remove the plate while eating. When brushing the teeth, the cake was removed and re-glued after the procedure was completed. You can glue propolis only at night, but more effectively - for the whole day and night.

Why do I think this use of medicinal cake is the most correct? Because everything beneficial substances will enter the body by dropper method– in small doses and gradually. How long can you use propolis while keeping it in your mouth? If necessary, 7-10 days, then a break of 5-10 days.

This use of bee putty is most effective for diseases of the mouth and throat. Any sore throat can be treated with an antibiotic, your doctor will tell you. And propolis is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. You have laryngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis - propolis will help you. Can be held in the mouth (stick to the gum or tooth), chewed or rinsed alcohol tincture. And it’s even better to use all the methods: inside, rinse, and flatbread. In one or two days you will forget about your cold.

Propolis cake is a wonderful preventive remedy. During the flu epidemic, glue a lump and any virus will pass by you.

I also wanted to describe what can be treated in different forms propolis, and which one is better for a certain disease, but the article was already long (as always), so there will be a continuation of the topic.

Stay healthy!