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Swamp calamus (common) - where it grows, how it is useful, how to use it for medicinal purposes. The use of calamus tincture for medicinal purposes

Seeing a plant with tall, sharp leaves on the bank of a river or swamp, not everyone will realize that they are looking at one of the most healing plants - marsh calamus. This herb has many medicinal properties - relieves inflammation, kills germs, improves gastric function. And these are not all the features of this plant. We will tell you more about them in our article.

What does calamus look like and where does it grow?

This perennial. The leaves are sharp, triangular, up to 5 cm wide and reach one meter high. They grow together from below at the main stem. The root system is very developed, it is thick and sinuous, growing up to one and a half meters in length.

It grows in very moist soil on the banks of swamps, rivers and lakes. Thanks to its branched roots, it easily establishes itself in the soil.

Calamus habitats:

  • India;
  • Southeast Asia;
  • Siberia.
  • Europe and European part Russia;
  • North America;
  • Brazil.

Did you know? The homeland of calamus is south and east Asia. The plant came to the Slavs during the Tatar-Mongol invasion.

Chemical composition of rhizomes

The rhizome contains about 5% essential oil. It consists of sesquiterpenes (their physical properties and determine the main smell of the plant) - asarone (10%), β-pinene (1%), β-calamen (10%), calamenon, calamendiol, isocalamendiol, sesquiterpene alcohol calameol, D-camphene (7%), D-camphor (8.7%), borneol (3%), eugenol, methyleugenol, caryophyllene, elementene, curcumene, proazulene, acoron, isoacorone, acolamone, calarene, neocarone, acetic and valeric acids, phytoncides and other substances.

Except essential oil, in the rhizomes of calamus there is a bitter glycoside acorin, bitterness acoretin and glycoside lucenion, alkaloid calamine, tannins (catechol tannins), resins, mucus, acoric acid and palmitic acids, starch (up to 20%). Also present are .

Medicinal properties

It's hard to believe that the root of a marsh plant has so many beneficial and healing properties. Among them:

  • cough expectorant;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • tonic.

Besides, this herb improves digestion and stimulates digestive function by increasing the secretion of gastric juice, increases choleretic processes. Calamus helps women improve the functioning of their ovaries and make menstruation less painful.
Helps men increase potency. Powder from the roots helps wounds, even purulent ones, heal faster. Calamus tinctures are useful for colds, helping to get rid of cough and increase the body's strength.

Important! The whole plant has medicinal properties, but it is the roots that are most often used..


Thanks to its composition and bright aroma, calamus has found its use in both medicine and cooking.

In cooking

In cooking, the root of the herb is used, which, due to the presence of essential oils, has a spicy aroma, and fresh leaves. The leaves are used quite rarely. Most often they are added to salads for additional vitamin supplementation. The root is widely used in baking confectionery and bread, giving them a piquant spicy aroma. When used in compotes, jams and syrups, in addition to the smell, it extends shelf life. In alcoholic beverages, the root is used as a flavoring agent. It is also used as a seasoning for meat, fish or first courses.

Did you know? Due to the lack of insects that can pollinate calamus, in our area it is forced to reproduce vegetatively.

In folk medicine

The healing properties of calamus have not gone unnoticed by people. Decoctions, tinctures, powders are made from the roots, and all this is actively used in folk medicine. The rhizome is used to cure ailments associated with the stomach, toothache, skin diseases, hemorrhoids, female cycle disorders, impotence.

Recipes for use

For diarrhea

To treat diarrhea, you need to pour two teaspoons of powder into one glass of boiling water. After infusing for twenty minutes, strain. Drink a quarter glass half an hour before meals.

For pancreatitis

To improve your condition, you should take a sip of the drink before and after meals. The recipe is simple: pour a teaspoon of powder into a glass cold water and leave for 12 hours. Then filter the liquid. Serve warm.

For hemorrhoids

To normalize the condition of hemorrhoids, take sitz baths from the decoction for 20–30 minutes. To prepare, 30 grams of root are poured into one liter of water and boiled or infused in a thermos.

For skin diseases

To treat skin ailments, baths with horse decoction are practiced. To prepare them, 450 grams of chopped roots are poured with 7.5 liters of water.
Boil for a short time and leave for an hour. The temperature of the bath broth should not exceed 38 °C. Lie down for no more than half an hour.

For tooth pain

Rinsing your mouth with a decoction of calamus relieves toothache. Rubbing it into the gums also helps. alcohol tincture. It penetrates directly to the root and reduces inflammation.

For the tincture, take crushed calamus and mix with vodka in a ratio of 1:5. Leave for fourteen days, shaking occasionally. Then filter and store in a container that does not allow Sun rays.

For menstrual irregularities

To normalize female cycle, drink this drink: take one teaspoon of powder per 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, then filter. Drink half a glass thirty minutes before meals.

For impotence

The tincture helps well against impotence. To prepare it, crushed rhizome (100 g) is poured with vodka (1 liter). Leave for fourteen days in a cool place where the sun's rays do not reach. Use three times a day.

Masks for healthy hair

A calamus mask helps strengthen hair roots, their growth, and eliminates dandruff. To prepare the mask, mix two tablespoons of calamus rhizome and oatmeal.

Pour 400 ml of boiling water for forty minutes. After this, add a tablespoon of honey and mix thoroughly. Apply this mask an hour before washing your hair.

Important! Calamus should not be consumed by pregnant women or those prone to epilepsy.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

Harvesting time occurs in autumn and early winter, when the water level in rivers and swamps decreases. The calamus is pulled out of the ground with a pitchfork, washed thoroughly and allowed to dry out for several days. Then the rhizome is cut into pieces of 10 to 20 cm. If the root is thick, further divide it lengthwise.

Pieces of calamus are placed outdoors, but not under the scorching sun. To preserve essential oils in the composition, the temperature should not exceed 35 ° C. You can dry it in a special dryer, but do not forget about the temperature regime.

Dried pieces become very brittle and are easily ground into powder. The color of this powder is yellow-brown and has a pronounced spicy odor. This medicine can be stored for up to three years in a dry place, poured into paper bags.

Contraindications and harm

People prone to low blood pressure should not take calamus, as the drug will enhance this effect. It is also prohibited to use if there is any bleeding. When the recommended dose is increased, vomiting may occur.

Calamus marsh - very valuable and medicinal plant. It is difficult to underestimate its importance in folk medicine. After all, it helps to cure many ailments. If you are against using traditional tablets, then try recipes based on the rhizome of this medicinal herb.

Thank you

Many people make mistakes. One of these misconceptions is that medicinal plants only bring benefits. No harm to the human body they cannot apply. Dear readers, this is not an entirely correct belief. In most cases, medicinal plants are truly healing. However, their improper use can cause a deterioration in your well-being. And indeed it is. For example, the same calamus- it is about this plant that the medical college website (www.site) will talk to you in this article - it is considered to be one of the most effective and frequently used medicines. However, along with this statement, it also has its contraindications for use. Without knowing them, you can endanger your health great danger. Check them out as they may be useful to you.

Calamus - description, useful properties

First, a few words about the plant itself. Calamus is a perennial herbaceous plant of the aroid family, with a creeping fragrant rhizome and linear leaves reaching a meter in length. Translated from Latin language calamus means "scented cane." People call it “watery herb of paradise”, “incense cane”. People among the people claim that calamus exerts its magic therapeutic effect only if good, bright people seeking harmony turn to him for help. The flowering period of calamus is June – July. This wonderful medicinal plant can most often be found on the shores of lakes, in wetlands and near slow-moving rivers.

Calamus is endowed with numerous healing properties. People began to talk about them long before our era. This plant is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases , liver and kidney diseases, diseases nervous system And skin , bronchitis, pneumonia, pancreatitis, fibroids, tonsillitis, and so on and so forth. Air found his very wide application both in folk and traditional medicine. Thanks to this, he has earned the recognition of millions of people. However, quite often, when using this plant, people forget that it, like many other medicines, has its own contraindications.

What are the contraindications to the use of calamus?

First of all, we draw your attention to the fact that this plant cannot be used for bleeding of any origin, starting with bleeding caused hemorrhagic diathesis , and ending with bleeding that was caused by a stomach ulcer or duodenum. Also, calamus is strictly contraindicated for hypotensive patients. The fact is that this medicinal plant tends to reduce blood pressure, which absolutely should not be allowed in case of hypotension.

If you have been identified as having an individual intolerance to calamus essential oil, then you should also not use this plant. Calamus essential oil, as well as the plant itself, is not advisable to use during pregnancy and epilepsy. It is also unacceptable to use calamus if there is increased acidity of gastric juice. If you really can’t do without this plant, then it is necessary to include it in carefully selected collections, which contain plants that help extinguish increased output of hydrochloric acid.

Calamus is strictly contraindicated in the presence of acute inflammatory process kidney It cannot be used either acute phase peptic ulcer stomach. Do not forget that the use of this medicinal plant should be moderate. In case of overdose, calamus acts on the human body as an emetic. If you notice that treatment with this plant causes you discomfort or deterioration general well-being, then use it diluted or avoid using it altogether.

At the end of this article, we want to remind you of the existence of special dietary supplements (biologically active additives). By taking them along with the general course of treatment, you will undoubtedly speed up the process of your recovery from many diseases.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Perhaps there is a human factor involved everywhere.
And when pronouncing the words:
"High acidity"
a tired or inattentive service employee understands~
"out of balance in the stomach environment = calamus."
Maybe it's something else.

But it seems clear
if the plant contains
pronounced effect of essential oil
(natural - understandable to the body - but poorly soluble substance),
then the stomach will naturally act
to a similar signal:
will resist more
- promote digestion -
available means.

In Ayurveda it is similar:
oils increase agni
(“inner fire” of digestion).

But either with “heavy” oils,
or with “weak” agni
The stomach can't handle it on its own.
The signals will go away and the decision will come to push the food further.

Hypotonic. I tried to use it carefully. First, I brewed a teaspoon of calamus + plantain, pouring 1 tbsp of boiling water. The gastrointestinal tract became better, the pain went away, and my stomach stopped baking. Now I keep the root on hand))) After eating a teaspoon on the tip, it helps digest heavy food (instead of mezim, pancreatin, creon) and perfectly refreshes the oral cavity. And bactericidal. It suits me.

By the way, it was not just a pharmacy, but a so-called. Phytopharmacy

It’s better to say not “plant”, but “plant”)))

The fact of the matter is that it is not profitable for pharmaceutical companies to study the effects of drugs plant origin and disseminate this information among health workers. Rather than cure a person of this condition, it is more economically feasible to put him on lifelong use of chemical antacids or drugs that temporarily reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

These medical sites have been hacked. Constantly contradict each other. You will never find the truth. Here it is: Half of the sites RECOMMEND Calamus for high acidity. The other half is STRICTLY NOT RECOMMENDED. At the Pharmacy I asked for a remedy for high acidity. And guess what they sold me? That's right, Air.
Is there even a herb for high acidity that is available in pharmacies?

Thanks for the article, and thanks to Tatyana. I really liked Calamus, especially Irna root (I’m Irina))))), I’m hypotensive. But I’ll try to use it very carefully...I’ll try it because I have low acidity, gastritis complicated by Helicobacter, pancreatitis.

Thanks for the article, I'll be more careful.

One day I had to face negative impact calamus It's all due to my inattention. I didn’t read the contraindications, I didn’t read the special instructions– as a result, her condition worsened twofold. When I was four months pregnant, I started having heartburn. She was so strong that I no longer had the strength to endure her. I came across an article in the newspaper - calamus will help get rid of heartburn. I bought this plant and used it. The result is a call to the doctor. Be careful. Read the instructions to the end.

Calamus (also known as common calamus, Acorus calamus) is often found in everyday life.

In fact, calamus is a grass that can easily be found in wetlands. The plant is widely used in medicine and cosmetology, and some cooks add cinquefoil root to seasonings and baked goods.

Illy root: distinctive characteristics

Tartar is a perennial herb with flowering, sharp-edged stems and long leaves. The marsh calamus is easy to recognize from the photo and description; anatomically it has interesting shape and structural features:

  • long leaves of bright green color (in some cases reaching a meter in length or more);
  • the rhizome is also quite long (from 30 to 50 cm, but can exceed the average three times), cylindrical;
  • the root system is of a creeping type, located at the very surface of the soil;
  • the triangular stem is erect, has a small groove on one side;
  • The plant blooms with small flowers collected in cobs, yellow-green in color.

India and China are considered the homeland of cinquefoil, but the plant can be found all over the world, especially in various countries of Europe, Asia (its South-Eastern part), as well as North America, where the soil near the shores of a reservoir is highly moist. Tatarnik is also quite popular in Russia. Most often it can be found in the remote western territories of the country, as well as in Siberia and the Far East and the Caucasus.

It is noteworthy that on the territory of Russia and Western Europe, where cinquefoil was brought back in ancient times, there are no insects that could pollinate the plant. In view of this, although water paradise grass has bisexual flowers, it reproduces here only by vegetative means. But this does not affect the quality of calamus in any way, medicinal properties the roots remain the same.

The plant is widely used in medicine, and the root of calamus is valued, the medicinal properties of which are recognized not only by folk healers, but also by adherents of the methods traditional therapy.

Rules for collecting and harvesting plants

The collection and preparation of calamus root is carried out in late summer and autumn. This is due to the fact that calamus is a plant of water bodies, and therefore you should wait until the water level drops. Otherwise, getting to it will be quite difficult.

The roots are dug up, thoroughly washed in plenty of water, and then laid out in the open air, where they dry for several days. Next, the material is cut into small pieces, the length of which does not exceed 15-20 cm. The resulting pieces must be thoroughly dried at temperatures up to 30 degrees Celsius. But no more, otherwise the quality may decrease as a result of the loss of essential vapors. final product, it will lose nutrients.

Checking the degree of readiness of the raw material is very simple: just bend a piece of root in half - if it breaks and does not bend, it means it has dried enough, the raw material can be prepared for storage.

Rules for storing ore root

Calamus root is used exclusively in dried form, regardless of whether tinctures, decoctions or powder will be prepared from it. After the plant has been dried properly, it is placed in small batches in special paper bags or bags made of natural fabrics. For storage use a dry, closed place, for example, in cabinets, chests of drawers, kitchen cabinets. The shelf life of raw materials is 2-3 years.

Scope of application

Ivy root is widely used in traditional and folk medicine, as well as cosmetology and even cooking.

In medicine, oil root is actively used for:

Calamus is widely used for vision. Calamus for the eyes can restore visual acuity lost as a result of DC voltage, computer work, reading, long stay in poorly lit rooms.

Calamus is used in cosmetology as an effective remedy for baldness, as well as for the treatment of dandruff and seborrhea. And thanks specific smell the plant is also used to flavor various cosmetic products.

As for cooking, the root is most often used here. It is used in baking bread and confectionery if they need to be given a spicy aroma or a touch of piquancy. Leaves are used much less frequently; sometimes they are added to salads for additional vitaminization. In addition, the plant is used:

  • if you need to extend the shelf life of compotes, syrups, jams or give them a unique aroma;
  • as a seasoning for fish, meat, first courses;
  • as a flavoring agent for alcoholic beverage production products.

The benefits and harms of the plant

The chemical composition of the plant is quite rich and includes:

  • tannins - eliminate the influence of harmful microorganisms;
  • essential oils (up to 40%) - have wide range actions: relieve pain, tension, irritation and anxiety (calm), eliminate sexual dysfunction And so on;
  • alkaloids - depending on the dosage, have an stimulating or depressant effect;
  • glycosides - stimulate the work of the heart muscle, prevent arrhythmia;
  • choline - protects the liver from the harmful effects of alcohol, nicotine, removes excess cholesterol from the body, improves memory and concentration;
  • ascorbic acid- regulates metabolic processes in organism.

The great value of calamus root is explained by the high medicinal properties of the plant, in particular:

A decoction of calamus root will easily relieve toothache and relieve cough. Tinctures from the plant can normalize the digestive process and improve appetite. It is used to combat cholecystitis, peptic ulcers, rickets, rheumatism, to remove kidney stones, and improve memory.

Calamus marsh: medicinal properties and contraindications

The use of tartar in medical purposes quite popular and recommended if the patient is diagnosed with:

  • cholecystitis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • kidney problems, urinary tract;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • deterioration of the skin condition;
  • blurred vision;
  • viral diseases;
  • diarrhea;
  • impotence;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • heartburn;
  • stomatitis;
  • bad smell from mouth;
  • hair loss, including baldness;
  • lung diseases.

Despite the huge number of beneficial properties, there are situations when the use of the plant is highly discouraged. In particular, calamus root has the following contraindications:

  • hypotension;
  • bleeding (internal and external);
  • inflammation;
  • increased acidity;
  • individual intolerance to essential oil;
  • epilepsy.

It is not recommended to use oil root in any form during pregnancy. At excessive consumption Overdose of plants is possible. As a result, it may appear severe vomiting. If, while taking tinctures or decoctions of tartar, the patient feels a deterioration in their condition, you can first try to reduce the concentration of the component, and if there is no improvement, then stop taking it altogether.

Recipes for preparing calamus

Tatarnik in medicinal purposes used as tinctures and decoctions, as well as powder. The root is not acceptable if not crushed; moreover, it has a rather bitter taste and can cause severe vomiting reflex. By the way, it is thanks to this that you can get rid of bad habit smoking. As soon as the patient wants to smoke, he should be given a piece of dried myrrh root to chew. Actively active ingredients, released from the plant during chewing, will cause a strong gag reflex, while they are absorbed into the oral mucosa. The procedure must be repeated for 10 days, after which the patient will get rid of the bad habit forever.

The right recipe The preparation of water paradise root depends on the patient's symptoms.

  1. For lung diseases 3 tbsp. spoons of well-chopped root should be poured into 0.5 liters of freshly dried boiled water, and cook over low heat for half an hour. Give the strained broth to the patient to drink half an hour before meals at each meal.
  2. If a patient is diagnosed with lung cancer, to alleviate his condition and well-being, it is recommended to chew the released tartar as often as possible.
  3. Tincture of cinquefoil root is used for diarrhea, after poisoning, including if medications don't help. It can be prepared as follows: 2 teaspoons of powder are poured into a glass of boiling water, infused, then filtered and given to the patient to drink 30 minutes before meals.
  4. Calamus for teeth is used if you need to relieve toothache. To do this, they use the following folk recipe: carefully crushed tartar root is poured with strong vodka in a ratio of 1:5 and kept for two weeks. The resulting tincture is filtered through gauze or a fine sieve and rinsed oral cavity a couple of times a day. In addition to pain, this medicine also relieves inflammation. In addition, dried cinquefoil in powder form is often added to toothpastes. The components contained in the plant help fight unpleasant odors and protect tooth enamel from destruction, and also provide excellent care for the gums and oral cavity in general.
  5. To normalize the patient's condition with hemorrhoids, it is recommended to take sitz baths based on a decoction or tincture of tartar (to prepare it, take 30 g of rhizome per 1 liter of water). The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.
  6. For pancreatitis, before and immediately after meals, take a quarter glass of warm tincture: 1 teaspoon of powder is poured into 1 glass of cold water, infuse for 12 hours. The tincture is heated before use.
  7. If the patient suffers from impotence, he is prepared simple tincture cinquefoil root in a ratio of 1:10, infuse in a cool, dark place for two weeks, after which the patient is given to take it three times a day.
  8. Women with impaired menstrual cycle, during menopause, if the ovaries are not functioning properly, it is recommended to take tartar tincture (a teaspoon of powder per 200 ml of water, use in two doses, before meals).
  9. For skin diseases, special baths are recommended, for which a decoction is first prepared according to this recipe: 450 g of dried root is poured into 750 ml hot water, then the mixture is brought to a boil and left for at least an hour.
  10. Tincture of calamus and calendula for vision is prepared as follows: dried calendula flowers and dried pieces of calendula are taken in the same proportion (2 teaspoons each), and 400 ml are poured. strong vodka and infuse for two weeks. Use the resulting calamus tincture according to the instructions: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of the product is diluted in 100 ml of water and wiped over the eyes. The benefits of calamus in this case will be noticeable the very next day.
  11. To prepare a mask from calamus root for hair, take the dried plant, crush it, mix it with oatmeal in equal proportions and pour boiling water (for half a liter of water, use 2 tablespoons of the plant and flakes), add honey, mix and apply to hair before washing for an hour. This mask will help get rid of dandruff, strengthen hair follicles, activates their growth.


The benefits and harms of calamus have been studied for years. Today this is a plant that is in free access and is considered widely in demand. Its effectiveness has been proven by many tests. Positive effect comes almost immediately. The main thing is to use tinctures and decoctions correctly. When consuming calamus root, take into account not only the medicinal properties, but also contraindications, consult with a specialist, then the body will only benefit and no harm will be done.

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The fragrant calamus root (or myrrh root) has always been revered as a plant that can naturally strengthen the human body. Ancient warriors used drugs based on it to relieve pain and fatigue after an exhausting battle. Avicenna advised the use of calamus to cure ailments of the digestive system. and Roman doctors valued the plant for its disinfectant effect.

Calamus is a perennial coastal herb that grows in moist soil along rivers, swamps, lakes and other bodies of water. It is a tall plant with an erect stem and long sword-shaped leaves that clasp each other at the base. The rhizome of calamus is horizontal, rather thick and sinuous, and has a spongy structure. The length of the underground part can reach up to 1.5 m and is located near the surface of the soil.

The healing qualities of the plant are due to its constituents. useful elements, among which we can highlight a large number of essential oil. Calamus also contains glycosides, aldehydes, alkaloids, tannins, resins, mucus, bitterness, vitamins and minerals.

Important! In our country, calamus root is officially included in the list of plants with average degree toxicity. When using drugs based on it, you must take all precautions and strictly follow the recommended dosage.

Calamus root: use in folk medicine

The therapeutic effect of calamus root on the human body manifests itself at the most various diseases, so the scope of its application is quite wide. Aqueous solutions plants have disinfecting properties; they are prescribed for treating fresh wounds, inflammation of the throat and gums.

By ingesting preparations based on oilseed root, you can get rid of many pathologies. internal organs. For example, powder from the plant relieves attacks, decoction and infusion will help cure cholecystitis, reduce blood pressure and relieve joint pain. In addition, calamus root helps with pulmonary ailments, treats depression and neuroses, improves visual acuity, normalizes hormonal background in women and successfully fights impotence in men.

To strengthen weakened hair and restore its healthy shine and natural beauty You can use a natural lotion made from equal parts of calamus root and burdock. Boil the crushed raw materials for 5 minutes. in boiling water, remove from heat and cover with a lid. After half an hour, filter the product and rinse your hair with it every time after washing your hair. You can repeat the herbal treatment up to 3 times a week.

For nail fungus

Daily use will help get rid of onychomycosis (nail fungus). medicinal baths. Brew 30 g of dry root in a glass of water, let it brew for 40 minutes, then strain the liquid and add it to the foot bath. Steam your feet for 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, gently pat the skin and treat the affected areas with antifungal ointment.

For vision

To improve visual acuity, natural therapists suggest regularly lubricating your eyelids with fresh calamus juice. To do this, you need to chop the plant and squeeze out a few drops of liquid from the mass. Apply them to upper eyelids, and after 10 minutes. rinse off carefully warm water, trying to prevent the burning juice from getting on the mucous membrane of the eyes.

During menopause

Women who take a teaspoon of calamus root ground into powder daily are better able to tolerate hot flashes, mood swings and other uncomfortable conditions that accompany menopause. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, you can additionally drink a glass of herbal decoction twice a day before meals.

During pregnancy

Expectant mothers are strictly prohibited from ingesting any dosage forms Calamus rhizomes. This plant contains toxic substances, which not only can negatively affect the health of a pregnant woman, but can also cause pathologies in the development of the fetus.

Calamus will also help those who want to get rid of nicotine addiction. In this case, the effect is based on the gag reflex, which is provoked by the bitter juice of the plant. Every time you want to take a drag from a cigarette, you need to chew a piece of fresh rhizome, and be sure to swallow the saliva. The active substances penetrate the mucous membranes and, if you smoke after this, a strong unpleasant feeling, which can discourage any desire to smoke.

For potency

To get rid of erectile dysfunction in addition to medicines apply treatment herbal infusions. Take calamus, yarrow, plantain, elecampane, seeds, sage, periwinkle and berries in equal proportions. Boil a tablespoon of the mixture in half a liter of clean water and leave for at least 2 hours. After this, filter the collection and drink 100 ml on a full stomach, but not more than 4 times a day.

For teeth

If you have a toothache, chew a piece fresh root or rinse your mouth with an alcohol tincture of the plant. To prepare it, combine 20 g of dry raw materials with 100 g of vodka, shake, seal tightly and leave for 14 days in a cool, dark place. In order not to injure the mucous membrane, immediately before use it is necessary to dilute the product with a small amount of water.

Buy at the pharmacy or prepare at home?

Calamus rhizome can also be purchased at the pharmacy. There the plant is sold in dried form, as a powder, essential oil, alcohol tincture or as part of plant mixtures.

It is not difficult to prepare medicines based on oilseed root at home; you just need to have a supply of high-quality raw materials that meet all environmental safety requirements. The optimal option is to combine inexpensive pharmaceutical materials with independent treatment prescriptions.

Tincture - medicinal properties, recipes

Calamus root tincture helps improve digestion, improves vision, and is useful for nervous disorders, gastritis with low acidity, pulmonary diseases, hypertension, ailments of the musculoskeletal system, and some others painful conditions. Hazel - beneficial properties and contraindications

Tincture of calamus root and calendula - what helps?

One of effective ways restore vision is regular use a small amount of calamus root tincture and. It's quite simple to prepare:

Mix 2 tablespoons. spoon of each type of plant, place in a darkened glass bottle and fill with 0.5 liters of vodka. You need to infuse the drug for 2 weeks, stirring the contents periodically. Strain the finished tincture and consume 1 tablespoon at a time. spoon for 30 minutes. before eating.

Treatment in this way must be carried out for a long time - at least a year. The same remedy helps reduce tearing of the eyes, stop the development of glaucoma and cataracts.

Decoctions and infusions - how to brew?

Aqueous solutions from calamus root improve blood circulation, help normalize the digestive system, fight insomnia and are used in for cosmetic purposes to maintain the beauty of hair and skin.

Decoction recipe . Pour a teaspoon of calamus into 500 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, filter. Take 100 ml 2 to 3 times a day.

Infusion recipe . 1 tsp. Place spoons of raw materials in a thermos and pour a glass of hot boiled water. Screw on the lid and leave for 20 minutes. Strain. Take as directed.

Calamus marsh, about the medicinal properties of which we'll talk in this article, a perennial herbaceous plant that grows in damp places, preferring quiet creeks, marshy meadows, river banks, ponds and lakes. The roots of the plant are used for treatment in both traditional and folk medicine. Sometimes the stems and leaves of the plant are used.

Calamus marsh is a perennial plant that belongs to the family of the same name. The plant has a tall, erect, unbranched triangular stem, the height of which can reach up to 1.0-1.2 meters. The leaves are fleshy, bright green in color, and have a somewhat elongated, linear shape. The rhizome of calamus is branched and can be up to 3 centimeters in diameter.

The flowers are small, pale green or yellow, collected in dense conical or cylindrical spikes up to 12 centimeters long. The fruit is a leathery red or green berry with many seeds inside.

This plant is widespread in Europe, North America, South-East Asia. Here it can be found in the European part, in the south of Siberia and up to the Far East.

The birthplace of this plant is considered to be India or China, from where it spread further throughout Asia.

It is believed that calamus came to us along with the offensive of the Tatar-Mongols, who brought it from China. According to legend, they threw pieces of calamus rhizomes into the swamps to disinfect the water so it would be safe to drink. People still call calamus “Tatar root” or “Tatar potion”.

Except medicinal use, calamus is also used as a spicy aromatic plant instead of bay leaf, ginger and cinnamon.

Calamus marsh composition and beneficial properties

ABOUT beneficial properties calamus was known to our ancestors. This plant is a real storehouse of biologically valuable active substances. The following were found in the roots and leaves of calamus:




Vitamins, including ascorbic acid;


Organic acids;

Essential oil.

Calamus essential oil contains a number of valuable sesquiterpenes, aldehydes, pinene, evengol, borneol, camphor, camphen and other compounds. It should be noted that the chemical composition of calamus depends on the place of growth.

Calamus marsh medicinal properties

Thanks to the rich chemical composition Calamus has many medicinal properties, including:



Wound healing;







Preparations with calamus root are used to treat a number of both internal and external diseases. It is used in the form of an infusion, decoction, or crushed into powder to treat disorders of the digestive system, remove kidney stones, improve appetite, and as an anti-inflammatory agent.

A decoction of calamus root is considered one of the effective means treatment various diseases stomach. These properties of calamus are given by the glycoside acorin, due to which the production of gastric juice is increased, appetite is improved and digestion is stimulated.

Preparations with calamus root improve bile secretion, which has a beneficial effect on liver function.

For diseases of the liver, gall bladder and biliary tract An infusion of both the roots and leaves of the plant is used.

As an antipyretic and expectorant, it is used for:


Bronchial asthma;


Pulmonary tuberculosis.

It is useful for sexual dysfunction, as well as for:

Various mental disorders;



Throat disease;

Oral diseases.

Calamus helps improve memory. Plant root powder or chewing small pieces:

Tones the body;

Calms the nervous system;

Reduces the craving for smoking.

The powder is applied externally to wounds, boils and ulcers.

Lotions from fresh juice or decoction is used for snake bites. You can take the juice orally.

How disinfectant A decoction of calamus root is used for cholera and typhoid. To prevent these diseases, it is recommended to chew the root of the plant.

In gynecology, preparations of this medicinal plant are used for:

Painful periods;




A decoction or infusion of the roots is used in the form of douches or sitz baths.

Baths with roots and leaves help with arthritis, polyarthritis, and rheumatism.

Calamus root decoction

To prepare a decoction of calamus roots, take 3 tablespoons of crushed roots and brew 500 ml of boiling water. Boil over low heat for 30 minutes. Filter and drink 100-125 ml three times a day before meals.

For baths, a decoction is brewed using 300 grams of roots and 5 liters of water. Boil the poured raw material at low boil for 5 minutes and cool. Then strain and use for baths or trays.

Infusion of calamus leaves

The infusion is prepared by brewing a tablespoon of chopped herbs with one glass of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 30 minutes. Strain and take a tablespoon orally three times a day before meals.

Calamus tincture

The tincture is prepared with 70 percent alcohol or vodka. To prepare the tincture, take 2 tablespoons of crushed calamus roots and pour 500 ml of vodka. Close the container with a lid and leave in a dark place for 7-10 days. Shake the jar periodically.

Then filter and use as directed. For oral administration, 15 drops of tincture are diluted in a tablespoon of water.

For gargling, lotions, and washing wounds, dilute 1 teaspoon of tincture in 100 ml of water.

When to collect and how to dry calamus

The most best time collecting calamus root - early autumn from September to October. Firstly, as a rule, by this time the water level in the reservoir decreases. Secondly, the growing season ends and the plant accumulates the maximum amount of nutrients.

The dug up roots are thoroughly cleaned of soil, silt and other debris. At home, all accessory basal shoots and stems are cut off from the root. The root is washed and cut into small pieces approximately 10 to 20 centimeters long.

Dry it by spreading it in one layer in the shade and in a well-ventilated place. For better drying, the roots can be turned over several times. After a day, two dried roots can be cut into smaller pieces.

Dried raw materials are stored in cotton bags, paper bags or cardboard boxes. For use in cooking, raw materials can be stored in a tightly sealed jar or container.

Drying is allowed in special drying cabinets, ovens, and electric dryers for vegetables and fruits. The temperature is not higher than 60 degrees.

Leaves are harvested during the growing season. Also dry in the shade in a ventilated area.


There are a number of contraindications when calamus root cannot be used for treatment. Treatment with calamus preparations is not recommended for:


Bleeding of various etiologies;

Exacerbation of kidney diseases;

Low blood pressure;

Increased acidity of gastric juice;

Exacerbation of gastric ulcer.

It must be remembered that strongly brewed root or use in large quantities may lead to vomiting.

Calamus marsh use in folk medicine

Calamus has found very wide application in folk medicine. Herbalists recommend it:

For diseases gastrointestinal tract;

To improve appetite;


Sore throat;

Oral diseases;


Diseases of the lungs and throat.

Calamus marsh for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

To improve digestion, brew a tablespoon of calamus root with 500 ml of boiling water and put on low heat or water bath. Boil for 15 minutes, covering the container with a lid. Strain and take 150-170 ml three times a day half an hour before meals.

For heartburn, take 1/4 - 1/3 teaspoon of root powder with water.

If there is a decrease in appetite or anorexia, take a tablespoon of calamus root infusion three times a day, half an hour before meals. To prepare it, pour a tablespoon of crushed root into 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Then strain.

When you don’t have time to prepare an infusion, you can use an alcohol tincture of the root. It is also taken before meals, 15-20 drops, pre-diluted with water.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a decoction is prepared. To prepare it, take 4 grams (1 teaspoon of root 3.7 grams) of crushed calamus root and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Cover with a lid and place over low heat or water bath. Boil for 20-30 minutes and remove. Leave for another hour and strain.

Drink the decoction warm, half an hour before meals, 150-165 grams.

For constipation, calamus is used in combination with buckthorn, mint leaves, nettle, valerian and dandelion root. To prepare the mixture, take 2 tablespoons each of calamus root, buckthorn bark, nettle and mint, and 1 tablespoon each of valerian and dandelion root. Mix all the herbs thoroughly and brew 2 tablespoons of the collection with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil over low heat (or water bath) for 10 minutes. Cool slightly and strain. Take the decoction twice a day, 1/3 cup.

For flatulence, gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, diarrhea, poor appetite, heartburn: pour 1 tablespoon of crushed root into a thermos with 400-500 ml of boiling water and leave for 7 hours. Strain and drink half a glass three times a day before meals, warm.

When treating, one must not forget that daily norm prepared preparations should not exceed 500 grams, so as not to cause nausea and vomiting.

Calamus for throat diseases

Calamus for teeth

If you have a toothache, you should rinse your mouth with an alcohol tincture solution. You can buy the tincture at the pharmacy or make it yourself using 70 percent alcohol or vodka.

For periodontal disease, caries, toothache traditional healers It is recommended to rinse your mouth with an infusion or decoction of calamus roots and herbs. To prepare the infusion, pour 300 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of roots. Leave for two hours. Before use, the decoction must be heated to a comfortable temperature.

Calamus for impotence

Apply vodka tincture, prepared from one part calamus roots and 10 parts vodka. The tincture is infused for at least two weeks in a dark place. Take 30 drops diluted with water three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Calamus for nervous disorders and diseases

For convulsions, memory loss, and hysteria, take a tincture prepared from one part of calamus root and 5 parts of vodka, which must be infused for two weeks. Take 15-30 drops, pre-diluted with water three times a day.

This tincture can be taken to improve vision, indigestion, gastritis with low acidity, and diarrhea.

Calamus marsh in gynecology

In folk medicine, calamus root is often used for various pathologies female genital area. It helps to cope with side effects menopause.

At hormonal disorders, hot flashes associated with the onset of menopause, it is recommended to drink a decoction of calamus roots. It is prepared as follows. Pour 100 grams of crushed calamus root into a thermos with one liter of cold boiled water. Leave for 8 hours. Then pour the infusion into a saucepan and place in a water bath for half an hour. Cool and strain. Drink 1 glass of decoction twice a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days.

This decoction can be drunk if you feel tired easily and increased sweating who often accompany a woman on this difficult period life.

In addition, root powder helps with menopause. It is taken three times a day, a teaspoon, with water.

A decoction prepared from 3 teaspoons of crushed root and 400 ml of water normalizes sleep and improves brain function. You need to boil it over low heat for 15 minutes. Then cool and strain. Drink half a glass three times a day before meals.

For douching for gonorrhea and others inflammatory diseases prepare a decoction of 2 tablespoons of crushed root and 0.5 liters of hot water. Leave for an hour.

Calamus for the treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases

For pneumonia: 6 grams of crushed roots (about 1.5 teaspoon) pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 30 minutes. Strain and add the broth to the original volume. Drink 2 tablespoons three times a day after meals.

This decoction can be drunk for rheumatism, worms, anemia, and menstrual irregularities.

For coughs and tuberculosis, a tincture prepared from 50 grams of calamus roots and 500 ml of vodka helps. Take 1 tablespoon, diluted with water, once a day.

For anemia, gallbladder diseases, urolithiasis: Brew 1 tablespoon of root in a thermos with 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Strain and drink the infusion throughout the day, dividing it into three equal portions. The course of treatment is 21 days. Then, after a 2-week break, treatment can be repeated.

The use of calamus root in cosmetology

A decoction of calamus roots and herbs was traditionally used to rinse hair. This rinse helps prevent hair loss, baldness, and strengthens the hair roots. A decoction is prepared from the roots, stems or leaves. Pour one tablespoon of raw material into 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil in a water bath for half an hour. Rinse your hair with the decoction 3 times a week.

Why is calamus beneficial? Find out more about the medicinal properties of the plant in the video.