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Beaver stream: what diseases it treats and how to take the tincture. Castoreum (beaver stream): instructions for use

In the treatment of impotence, along with various synthetic drugs, dietary supplements and naturopathic medications are used. Recently, Castoreum capsules have become very popular.

Essentially, Castoreum is the secret of beavers. Externally, the beaver stream resembles a dense brown mass with a tar tint.

Castoreum is available for free sale in pharmacies. The drug is available without a prescription. On average, the price of one package is 920-1000 rubles. One package contains 60 capsules of 450 mg each. Manufacturer of the drug RUSKAPS (Russia).

Does the drug work?

The beaver stream is a substance unique in its properties. It contains a lot of quinol, chavicol, ketones, natural steroids, esters, resinous compounds and other biologically active substances.

During numerous clinical trials doctors checked whether medicinal properties beaver stream, or is it just another placebo. Research results have confirmed that beaver jets indeed have healing properties.

Each component included in Castoreum capsules acts in its own way:

  1. Beaver stream. This component increases immunity, improves blood circulation, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, and increases muscle elasticity. Moreover, it was found that this component increases the level of testosterone in the blood, normalizes hormonal background and improves sperm quality. The beaver jet does not have a temporary effect. After treatment therapeutic effect lasts for six months. Moreover, the beaver stream increases human performance and libido.
  2. Vitamin E. This component is an antioxidant. It helps eliminate increased fatigue, improves performance endocrine system, improves sperm quality. A lack of vitamin E can cause the number of testicular epithelial cells to decrease, causing a man to develop infertility.
  3. L-arginine. This amino acid is a nitrogen donor. L-arginine helps improve blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. The amino acid also has a stimulating effect on urine reproductive system. Moreover, L-arginine significantly improves sperm quality.

As you can see, the drug acts comprehensively. But Castoreum has one significant drawback - the effect of taking it does not occur immediately.

If necessary, Castoreum dietary supplement can be combined with other dietary supplements that do not contain beaver jet, vitamin E and L-arginine.

Indications for use

The use of Castoreum beaver stream is justified if there are problems with potency. Moreover, the drug can be used both as part of monotherapy and as an additional sexual stimulant.

Indications for use are not only problems with potency, but also low libido, reduced level testosterone in the blood, premature ejaculation. The bioadditive can also be used in complex treatment prostatitis and benign hyperplasia prostate gland.

Other indications for use include:

  • ARVI.
  • Postoperative period.
  • Hepatitis (the only exception is hepatitis C).
  • Diseases respiratory system, including bronchitis.
  • Hypertension and hypotension.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Malfunctions of the endocrine system.
  • Blood diseases, including atherosclerosis.
  • Herpes.
  • Radiculitis.

In addition to the above indications, the dietary supplement is used for pre-stroke conditions.

Instructions for use

Castoreum is a remedy that needs to be taken in the same dosage constantly. According to the instructions, optimal daily dose makes 2 capsules. Moreover, the daily dose should be divided into 2 doses.

Capsules should be taken with meals. The capsules must not be chewed. The duration of the treatment course is 30 days. If after therapy again, the course of treatment can be repeated in a month.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of Castoreum is contraindicated in cases where a man has an individual intolerance to the drug. Also, the use of the drug is contraindicated in patients under the age of 12 years and people suffering from adrenal diseases.

Castoreum- This is a remedy that does not cause side effects. Usually, curative therapy well tolerated by all patients.

But if you exceed the specified dosage, the following may occur:

  1. Insomnia.
  2. Nervousness.
  3. Headache.
  4. Allergic reactions.

In case of overdose, the possibility cannot be excluded anaphylactic reactions and the appearance of Quincke's edema.

Beaver stream (castoreum)- oily substance with specific smell, which animals develop to mark the boundaries of their territory. This natural product has a unique composition, a wide range therapeutic action, helps people of different genders and ages get rid of various serious illnesses, prevent their development.

Beaver stream is a unique natural remedy

Beaver stream - what is it?

Beaver stream is an aromatic secretion that animals secrete; it contains a lot useful microelements, due to the fact that animals feed mainly medicinal herbs. After processing, organic components enter the beaver’s special glands and are not excreted in the urine. Many people believe that the healing liquid is contained in the animal’s eggs, but this is not so - the glands are located at the base of the tail.

The chemical composition of beaver musk is rich in medicinal substances that are used in traditional medicine– benzoin, cinnamon, salicylic acid, acetophenone, benzyl alcohol. The more precise composition of the liquid depends on the animal’s habitat and the characteristics of its diet. The beaver stream is often called the glands with their contents.

Beaver stream contains many useful elements

Main indications for use:

  • diseases of the genitourinary and digestive systems;
  • reproductive dysfunctions;
  • high cholesterol, preventing the development cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure problems;
  • low calcium content, bone fragility, osteochondrosis, radiculitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • sinusitis, colds;
  • varicose veins;
  • paralysis after stroke;
  • ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes, herpes, furunculosis.

Beaver musk – excellent remedy to combat chronic fatigue, eliminating the manifestations of stress, emotional and mental stress. The drug is used in folk medicine for prevention oncological diseases, strengthening the immune system in people with positive HIV status.

Castoreum normalizes metabolic processes, cleanses the body of toxic accumulations, which allows it to be used effectively for weight loss.

Pharmacy beaver stream

Official medicine is skeptical about beaver musk, but some pharmaceutical companies they introduce dietary supplements based on this natural substance.

Pharmaceutical preparations based on beaver stream

How is beaver stream useful and what does it treat?

Thanks to unique composition, high content of substances with a therapeutic effect, the beaver stream has wide range medicinal properties, has a beneficial effect on various systems and internal human organs.

Why beaver stream is useful:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, restores their elasticity;
  • improves blood microcirculation, eliminates deficiency of microelements and oxygen in tissues;
  • eliminates swelling, normalizes blood counts;
  • helps strengthen the body's defenses;
  • increases performance, improves brain activity;
  • accelerates the recovery process after serious illnesses and surgical interventions.

The beaver jet restores the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels

Beaver musk is a powerful natural antibiotic that effectively fights various infectious pathologies, but does not provide negative impact on the liver and other internal organs.

Benefits for women

Beaver musk is used in gynecology and cosmetology - the product helps get rid of inflammatory processes, fungal infections, has a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

What diseases does beaver musk help with:

  • thrush;
  • cystitis;
  • infertility;
  • mastopathy;
  • cysts;
  • cervical erosion.

Medicines based on beaver jets help make it easier to endure menopause, reduce negative manifestations PMS.

Castoreum helps treat mastopathy

For men

Beaver stream is also useful for men's health– it is used to treat prostatitis, urethritis, improve potency and libido, eliminate premature ejaculation, the product is often called Russian Viagra. At regular use Many men managed to cure prostate adenoma and avoid surgery.

Beaver jet effectively treats prostate adenoma

The natural product normalizes testosterone synthesis, increases sperm motility, which allows you to get rid of some forms of infertility in men and extend reproductive age.

Can beaver stream be given to children?

The safety of beaver musk for children has not been proven; experts recommend using the product to treat children over 12 years of age in the form aqueous solution. The product can be used for inhalation for colds, coughs, runny nose, and used as an immunomodulator.

To treat a runny nose, you can do inhalations with a beaver stream.

The stream promotes the formation of a strong skeleton, has a beneficial effect on teeth, it can be taken during periods of intense mental or physical activity from a schoolboy.
Before treating a child with a beaver stream, be sure to:

IN for preventive purposes You can take beaver stream 5 ml twice a day for a month, courses can be carried out twice a year.

Cooking methods at home

The maximum amount of useful substances is contained in an alcohol tincture based on beaver gland powder. You can buy it at the pharmacy, or prepare it at home.

How to prepare vodka tincture:

  1. Pour 100 g of stream with 500 ml of vodka.
  2. Place the mixture in a transparent glass container and place in a cool place.
  3. Shake the composition thoroughly every 3 days.
  4. The medicine will be ready in a month; there is no need to strain it.

Place the beaver stream in glass jar

You can prepare a tincture using alcohol with a strength of no more than 70%. It will take less time to infuse such a medicine, but it also contains slightly less useful substances.

Mix 400 ml of alcohol with 100 g of crushed natural raw materials, close the container tightly, and send it to cool room. Most quick recipe– combine musk powder and alcohol in equal parts, the medicine is ready.

Other recipes based on beaver musk

To treat some diseases, it is advisable to use a jet in the form of candles. To prepare, you will need crushed beaver gland and fresh unsalted pork fat - melt 100 g of the base, add natural raw materials at the rate of 1-2 g for each suppository, cool, cut into the shape of small candles.

You can prepare a healing ointment based on beaver musk - 200 g of melted badger fat add 100 g of stream, simmer for 10 minutes steam bath, cool, store in the refrigerator.

You can make an ointment from beaver oil and stream

The aqueous extract is used to treat children; the product is suitable for eye drops, nose drops, and rinsing oral cavity. To do this, the alcohol tincture should be diluted with pure warm water in a ratio of 1:2, after 5 minutes the alcohol vapor will evaporate.

To increase performance and endurance, you need to add 5 ml of beaver stream tincture to your tea or coffee every morning.

How to take a beaver stream

The treatment regimen for beaver musk depends on the pathology; experts recommend starting the tincture with 2–4 drops and monitoring your well-being. Average duration The course of treatment is a month, but it all depends on the severity of the disease.

Rules for taking the tincture

Disease Treatment regimen
Varicose veins 10 ml each alcohol solution musk after breakfast and during dinner. The duration of the course is 10 days, after which you need to take a ten-day break. This therapy will help get rid of swelling, strengthen blood vessels, and prevent the formation of blood clots.
Furunculosis, herpes, fungal infections 15 drops three times a day
In gynecology 5 ml 3-4 times a day, courses are carried out for 10 days, between which there should be intervals of 7-12 days
Obesity, chronic fatigue 10–15 drops before each meal
Hypotension, hypertension, for heart patients 5 drops twice a day for a month
To improve potency 5 ml morning and evening, continue taking until testosterone levels normalize
Prostatitis 4 drops morning and evening for a month, after a ten-day break continue treatment
Diabetes Mix equal parts beaver musk tincture, water and Apple vinegar, take 5 ml of medicine every morning
For gastritis and other problems with the digestive system Drink 7 ml of tincture half an hour before breakfast and dinner

For the treatment of bronchitis, colds for three days should be taken 3 drops alcohol tincture, having previously dissolved it in 50 ml of water. You need to take the medicine every 6 hours. Starting from the fourth day, the dose should be increased by one drop daily to a maximum of 15 drops. Duration of treatment – ​​4 weeks. A similar treatment regimen is used for diseases nervous system.

Treatment of colds should begin with small doses beaver stream

For spinal hernia, you need to take 5 ml of tincture three times a day for a month. Additionally, you need to lubricate the diseased area with ointment 2-3 times a day, or make compresses with an alcohol solution for an hour. This treatment regimen can be used for osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Outdoor use of the jet

Local use for various diseases:

  1. To get rid of thrush, you need to dilute 10 ml of alcoholic musk tincture in 250 ml of water, soak a tampon in the liquid, and insert it into the vagina before bed. Usually one session is enough to get rid of a fungal infection.
  2. To treat urogenital infections, you need to apply ointment with musk to the affected area, close sterile bandage, wear thick underwear. The procedure should be done before bedtime.
  3. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, prostatitis, women's diseases You should insert one suppository at night for a month. In case of infertility, suppositories should be used by both spouses for six months, or 15 g of powder should be taken daily. You should take a month's break between courses.
  4. For ophthalmological problems, runny nose, it is enough to instill one drop at a time aqueous extract daily.
  5. For injuries, sprains, pain in the back, joints, muscles, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas twice a day with musk ointment. Or make compresses from the tincture - soak a piece of natural fabric in the solution and apply to the problem area for 40–60 minutes.

Medicines with beaver musk have a specific taste and smell to smooth out discomfort, you need to wash them down with coffee or chicory.

Beaver stream diluted in water can be dripped into the eyes

Does beaver jet help with oncology?

Beaver musk – powerful antioxidant, which activates all the forces in the body, stops the growth of malignant cells. It is most effective to use the product on initial stages oncological diseases, during a course of radiation and chemotherapy.

The treatment regimen consists of several stages - on the first day, the medicine should be taken in certain doses strictly by the hour.

How to drink beaver stream tincture on the first day

The duration of the second stage is 3 weeks, you need to drink 5 ml of an alcohol solution every day, dissolve it in 100 ml of water. Next, the dose of the medicine should be increased to 15 ml and taken for at least three months.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, beaver tincture should be taken simultaneously in equal proportions with bear bile.


There are no special restrictions for treatment with preparations based on beaver musk, but experts do not recommend exceeding the indicated dosages in order to avoid the appearance of negative effects. adverse reactions. The jet is compatible with all methods traditional treatment, medications.

The last dose of preparations based on beaver musk should be 3–3.5 hours before bedtime to avoid insomnia.

Beaver stream should not be used for tuberculosis

Harm and side effects

The natural product is very active, so some people experience liver pain when taking it. Musk can cause harm to people who suffer from alcohol addiction– in such cases it is better to use not an alcohol tincture, but an ointment or an aqueous solution.

Side effects during treatment occur rarely, most often nausea, diarrhea, and increased heart rate. But usually unpleasant symptoms disappear a few days after the start of therapy.

Castoreum (beaver stream, beaver musk) - unique substance animal origin, used in medicine since ancient times. This remedy is especially popular in Eastern and Tibetan medicine. But in Rus' it was used quite widely. It is known that many people were treated with its help. famous personalities. Thus, Peter I relieved hangovers with the help of castoreum, Pushkin used it as a means to increase sexual desire, Alexander Nevsky and his army treated wounds.

Many people believe that beaver stream is animal urine, but they are mistaken. Castoreum - glandular tissue, which has a specific musky odor and is intended for animal communication. Animals use this gland to mark their territory. Due to this, the smell has increased durability. Due to this property, beaver stream is actively used in the perfume industry for the production of luxury perfumes.

In medicine, beaver musk is especially popular against genitourinary diseases in men and women. Being a powerful aphrodisiac, castoreum increases libido, eliminates intimate disorders, and improves the quality of semen. Andrologists recommend it for the prevention of disorders reproductive function in men, with erectile dysfunction and impotence. In gynecology, it is used to combat menopausal disorders, decreased libido, chronic adnexitis and many other problems.

Thanks to its unique composition, which includes p-Ethylphenol, borneol, a large number of alcohols, acids, steroids, phenols, esters and other biologically active ingredients, the beaver stream has a general strengthening and tonic effect on the body, increases immunity, and reduces cholesterol.

Beaver musk is usually consumed in the form of alcohol tincture, capsules, powder, or in the form of rectal-vaginal suppositories. "Castoreum" capsules produced by our company are easy to use and are especially recommended for patients for whom alcohol is contraindicated.

Indications for use:

High cholesterol;

Fragility of blood vessels;

Oncological diseases;

Problems of the cardiovascular system;

Lack of calcium;

Fractures, injuries;


Infectious diseases;

Weakening of the immune system;

Decline general tone body;


Prostate adenoma;


Sexual dysfunction;


Low sperm quality;

Decreased sexual desire;

Chronic adnexitis;

Menopausal disorders;



Mode of application:

Side effects:

Preparations based on beaver stream are usually well tolerated. Sometimes digestive disorders, stool disturbances, headache, allergic reactions.
In case of overdose - excessive agitation and insomnia.


"Castoreum" should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug, allergic reactions, venereal diseases, adrenal gland diseases, organic lesions genitourinary system.
The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. It should not be used to treat children under 12 years of age.
Before use, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

Interaction with other drugs:

"Castoreum" enhances the effect of sedatives and antispasmodics of plant origin.

Storage conditions and periods:

Keep away from children. Store in a dry, dark place at temperatures from 0° to +20°C. Shelf life: 2 years.

Among traditional medicine, there are many that are not recognized by all doctors, but, according to patients, these substances are effective. Beaver stream can also be included in this group of drugs. Find out more about the properties of a product of animal origin, what diseases it is used for, where it can be bought and at what price.

What is a beaver jet

Those who first heard about the multitude useful properties of this medicine, I'm interested in how this is made healing agent. The answer to the question of what a beaver stream is is very simple. Both females and males of this species of animals have special gland, which is located in the anal area and looks like two sacs connected to each other. This organ contains the stream - a dense aromatic substance of brown color with a sharp characteristic odor, which is also called castoreum, or beaver musk. Animals develop this secretion to mark their territory.

What is the use of beaver stream by humans? This substance is attributed to many healing properties, But official medicine notes only the ability of castoreum to increase resistance human body influence of many harmful factors. Judging by the reviews of people who have used this secretion product, the properties of the beaver stream
much wider. Next, read the features of using castoreum in more detail.

Beaver stream - healing properties

This remedy is now widely used as an effective addition in the treatment of the most various diseases. If you look at people’s reviews about being treated with beaver stream, the list of such diseases is very long. These include heart disease and circulatory system, hepatitis, ailments on nervous soil and even some stages of oncology. Knowing the benefits of beaver jet, some people take it for general toning of the body. There are many positive comments about the use of castoreum for the treatment of ailments in the female and male genital area.

Beaver stream - indications for use

According to reviews of people who took this remedy, the list of things that beaver stream helps with is very extensive. Thus, treatment with castoreum (after consultation with a specialist!) is indicated for:

  • diseases of the nervous system - depression, seizures;
  • heart diseases - ischemia;
  • vascular lesions - atherosclerosis, varicose veins, as well as for blood thinning;
  • ailments of the respiratory system - ARVI, tonsillitis, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis and others;
  • diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, internal organs– hepatitis A, B and C, candidiasis, constipation;
  • skin lesions.

Beaver stream - instructions for use

After the bags of castoreum are extracted, they are dried. Then the resulting extract in powder form is taken into pure form or added to medicinal drugs intended for internal or external use - aqueous or alcoholic tinctures, rectal suppositories, ointments. How the beaver jet treatment will be carried out depends on specific disease which a person wants to cure.

The instructions for castoreum-based drugs, which are sold in pharmacies, indicate a specific regimen for taking this drug for various ailments. The standard dose is to drink 1.5 tsp of the drug. three times a day, but it would be correct to check the required amount with a specialist before starting to use the medicine. Do not exceed the dosage indicated in the manual, because this is fraught with side effects: insomnia, nervousness, headaches.

How to take beaver stream for prevention

To strengthen the body and prevent many diseases, castoreum will also be useful. How to take beaver stream for prevention? When used for this purpose, the dosage should be small - 1 tsp. morning and evening (but no later than three hours before going to bed). The duration of prophylactic administration should not be more than a month.

Beaver jet for women

Many representatives of the fair sex are not willing to pay the most low price for this remedy, because the benefits of using musk in gynecology are very significant. By using beaver stream for women, inflammation of the appendages, disorders menstrual cycle, tumor diseases. Castoreum is often used to get rid of candidiasis. To do this, moisten a tampon in a musk solution (1 teaspoon of tincture per 100 ml of water) and insert it into the vagina overnight.

Beaver stream for oncology

Is this medicine effective for cancer diseases? It is important to know that beaver stream in oncology is used only as additional remedy to the main therapy. You should definitely consult with your doctor about the possibility of using it, because the cost in this case is human life! The most noticeable results The use of musk helps in the initial stages of the disease, significantly activating the body's protective resources.

Beaver stream benefits for men

Castoreum has long been used as a remedy that can increase male sexual power. How to drink beaver stream for potency - frequently asked question and now. For this purpose, use a musk-based tincture, 1 tbsp. l. twice a day or castoreum powder 1 g three times a day. This treatment regimen helps even with. It is recommended to wash down the beaver stream with strong coffee in order to interrupt it very bad taste. This is useful folk medicine and with such a male ailment as prostatitis. In this case, rectal suppositories with musk based on pork fat.

Beaver jet price

Not every pharmacy can immediately purchase this medicine, but you can easily order it from a catalog or buy it in an online store. IN pharmacy chain ready-made preparations with beaver musk are presented - capsules Castokrin, Kasolin at a price of 990-1300 rubles per package, or tinctures at a price of 700-800 rubles per 100 ml. If you want to buy it yourself natural remedy and prepare medicine, then consider how much a beaver stream costs: for 1 g of finished dry product you will have to pay from 20 to 60 rubles.

How to prepare a beaver stream at home

To complete a full course of treatment or prevent many ailments using of this product Often it is necessary to consume at least 1 liter of castoreum tincture. Considering the cost of such a product in pharmacies, people are often interested in how to make a beaver stream at home - this way the course of therapy is cheaper. Consider a simple way to prepare such a drug:

  1. Grind 100 g of dried musk very finely. This must be done with rubber gloves, otherwise your hands will smell unpleasant for several days.
  2. Place the resulting mass in a glass jar, add 0.5 liters of good vodka, or even better - the same amount medical alcohol ABV 70%.
  3. Infuse the medicine in a dark place for at least 2 weeks, shaking the mixture every day. Ready product should take on a rich cognac hue.

Video: beaver stream tincture

In terms of its action, the Castoreum dietary supplement belongs to the group of adaptogens and has high biological activity, which allows a person to be healthy, energetic and cheerful longer. 915.00

In terms of its action, the Castoreum dietary supplement belongs to the group of adaptogens and has high biological activity, which allows a person to be healthy, energetic and cheerful longer. This happens thanks to the substances included in its composition:

Vitamin E- an antioxidant substance that stimulates protective properties body (is effective immunomodulator, which helps strengthen the body’s immune defenses), prevents the development of weakness and fatigue, and cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine system, including the gonads and pituitary gland, which ensures the production of sex hormones and the proper maturation of sperm, thyroid gland. A lack of this vitamin (more than 60% of the Russian population is deficient in vitamin E) can lead to male infertility due to degradation of the seminiferous tubules and a decrease in the number of testicular epithelial cells from which sperm are formed.

Interesting to know: vitamin E enters our body every day with food, but under the influence heat treatment(for example, when cooking) begins to decompose and no longer brings any benefit.

L-arginine- an amino acid that serves as a carrier and donor of nitrogen. In this regard, the main effects of L-arginine are associated precisely with the action of nitric oxide: vasodilation, improvement rheological properties blood, obstruction of education blood clots, reducing the risk of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques, normalization blood pressure and myocardial functions, antioxidant protection, a stimulating effect on the reproductive system equally on both men and women of all age groups

Interesting to know: the name of this amino acid comes from the Latin argentum - silver, since arginine was first obtained in the form of a silver salt.

Beaver stream (castoreum)- a secret secreted from special pouches of river beavers (a dense brown mass with a musky odor with a tar tint), its composition includes: alcohol, phenols (including pyrocatechol and its derivatives, quinol, chavicol), ketones, natural steroids, acids (benzoic, salicylic, cinnamon, anise), esters, resinous compounds, mineral components, as well as other biologically active substances. Organic substances that other animals excrete from the body in urine are deposited in the glands of the beaver. His diet includes about 150 items medicinal plants(nettle, horse sorrel, meadowsweet, angelica, gooseberry, reed, water lily and many others).

Interesting to know: the production uses an extract of dried and crushed beaver stream. The extraction of beaver stream is strictly limited by the state, and the harvesting process itself cannot be called simple. The supplier of raw materials - Materia Bio Profi Center LLC (one of the few in Russia) has permitting certificates for the production and subsequent processing of beaver stream (extracted only by the “firearm” method, and not by trap fishing, since when caught with traps, the beaver stream is empty - the beaver tries to free himself, tenses, and releases all the precious contents of the bags). It is also important that each sample is tested for safety and suitability for use. Beaver musk is obtained with enormous difficulty, and therefore every milligram finished product- this is a real pantry natural strength. The manufacturing technology used allows for maximum extraction of all valuable medicinal substances beaver stream

The beaver stream effectively affects the entire body:

  • - increases immunity;
  • - improves capillary blood supply to blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots in them, cleanses the body of toxins;
  • - restores the blood and lymph formula;
  • - cleanses the lungs and bronchi;
  • - normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • - improves elasticity and blood supply to muscles;
  • - provides positive effect in men suffering from erectile dysfunction (improves the composition and motility of sperm, which significantly increases the chances of successful conception, increases the level of testosterone in the blood, normalizes hormonal levels, is a proven aphrodisiac), acting naturally, having a non-short-term effect (as with toning chemicals), and a long and lasting effect;
  • - has a strong stimulating and tonic property.

Beaver stream has been used primarily as a remedy. It was used by pharaohs and high priests Ancient Egypt, a mention of this is contained in Egyptian hieroglyphs inscribed in the pyramids at Giza. The ancient Slavs, when going hunting, used it to maintain body tone, maintain strength and clarity of mind. During the time of Alexander Nevsky, warriors used the stream to heal wounds and increase endurance. In the times of Peter the Great, Russia large quantities exported beaver stream to France, where it was used to make perfume as an aphrodisiac.

In folk medicine, the jet has long been used in the treatment of nervous and cardiovascular disorders, headaches, paralysis, to accelerate wound healing, increase tone and sexual activity. Also, thanks to the musk substance, it was used for pulmonary diseases, cough, tuberculosis.

Interesting to know: beavers appeared in Europe 10-12 million years ago. Since ancient times, the territory occupied by Russia today has been inhabited by the river beaver, also known as the European beaver. By the beginning of the 20th century, it was on the verge of extinction for its beautiful and durable fur, tasty meat, valuable beaver fat, and healing beaver stream. Nowadays, the river beaver has been restored in Russia and is the most numerous species of semi-aquatic commercial animals.

IN modern world Each working day is comparable in physical and emotional costs to ancient hunters and warriors. And if you add to this a polluted atmosphere, unnatural food and unhealthy social environment, it turns out that today a person simply needs such a clean natural product like a beaver stream.

The RUSKAPS company provides people with this most valuable product in a drug called “Castoreum”, which is approved by Rospotrebnadzor and has a Certificate state registration, which confirms the safety and effectiveness of this biological active additive. Beaver Stream Extract is enclosed in a hard gelatin capsule to protect the contents from external environment and reducing the characteristic sharp musky odor, this also allows you to take it in any situation, unlike alcohol tincture. And the presence of arginine and vitamin E in the composition enhances the biological activity of the drug.

Some people are alarmed by the presence of E-sheks indicated in the composition, so we will write a few words about the auxiliary components included in the Castoreum dietary supplement:

  • Microcrystalline cellulose (E460 i ) – powdery non-fibrous modification of natural cellulose, is food ingredient, which can be used to reduce the calorie content of food without losing its organoleptic properties, also prevents caking and clumping of food products.

MCCeliminates energy excess in the diet, which helps normalize metabolism (often used as a means for weight loss), and has a sorption effect.
Food additives of cellulosic natureharmless because they are not exposed to gastrointestinal tract destruction and are excreted unchanged. Their dosages are food products determined by specific technological tasks.
Traditionally, cellulose food additives are used in bakery and confectionery, dairy and low-fat emulsion products, soft drinks, where they act as emulsifiers and stabilizers of multicomponent disperse systems, suspensions and emulsions, providing the necessary consistency and taste properties.
Additive MCC (E460 i) is recognized as safe for human health and is approved for use in the European Union and countries Customs Union(including in the Russian Federation), is one of the most common food additives of cellulose nature.

  • Calcium stearate (E470) – this is a compound of calcium salt and stearic acid, formed during the natural breakdown of fats in the gastrointestinal tract. For industrial use, calcium stearate is artificially extracted from food fats.

IN Food Industry In many countries, the E470 additive is used to emulsify and stabilize the consistency of products, as well as to counteract their caking and clumping. In Russia, it is permitted for inclusion in various products according to manufacturing technology.
When taken orally, the supplement is completely absorbed without any side effects. It is safe for human health, and the maximum permissible daily amount has not been determined (1 capsule of Castoreum contains no more than 4 mg of calcium stearate).

  • Silicon dioxide (E551) used as food additives, which prevents caking and clumping in many foods and medicines.

Silicon dioxide is also an excellent enterosorbent (binding and removing harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract).
This supplement is safe for human health; it is not absorbed into the body and is excreted unchanged (it is even used in medications for newborns). It is approved for use in the European Union and the countries of the Customs Union (including the Russian Federation), and the permissible daily amount has not been established for it (1 capsule of Castoreum contains no more than 2 mg of silicon dioxide).

