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Chamomile contraindications. Preparation of chamomile decoction. Video: Chamomile. Medicinal herbs

Chamomile is a low-growing plant with beautiful small flowers that have a pleasant aroma. It grows everywhere. In folk medicine it is customary to use its inflorescences. They have medicinal properties and are used to treat and prevent many diseases. This article is about the beneficial properties and contraindications of chamomile flowers.

Composition of beneficial substances in chamomile

Chamomile contains a huge amount of beneficial substances that give it healing properties. It contains ascorbic, salicylic, nicotinic, anthemisic, and isovaleric acid. On the list useful components pectin, phytosterol, choline, bisabol, gum. As well as sugars, fats, organic acids, mucus, bitterness, tannins.

Thanks to essential oils, chamomile acquires a yellow-green color and has a pleasant characteristic odor. The main medicinal properties of chamomile are due to chamazulene, the main component of the essential oil. It gives it anti-inflammatory properties and enhances regeneration processes. This component reduces the occurrence of allergic reactions, which is why chamomile inflorescences are used to treat children.

Flavonoids contained in chamomile flowers give it anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect. Macroelements are localized in chamomile inflorescences. Among them are calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, lead, barium.

Thanks to the rich chemical composition Chamomile flowers are actively used in the treatment of traditional medicine

Beneficial properties of chamomile flowers

Chamomile has the following beneficial properties:

  • · sweatshop;
  • · laxative;
  • · anti-inflammatory;
  • · antibacterial;
  • · antispasmodic;
  • · antiseptic;
  • · antifungal;
  • · choleretic;
  • · astringent;
  • · enveloping;
  • · hemostatic;
  • · sedative;
  • · antipyretic.

Taking chamomile for colds

Chamomile is effective for colds and sore throats. At viral diseases It is recommended to drink chamomile tea and gargle with its decoction. Flowers are effective for severe cough and runny nose, the decoction can reduce body temperature. Chamomile is also suitable for inhalation. It has a diaphoretic effect. The plant contains substances that can destroy microbes, stop infectious process. With tonsillitis, chamomile inhibits the development pathogenic bacteria. It cleanses the mucous membrane of the throat well.

For colds, chamomile prevents dehydration of the body. If you gargle, the pain will subside. Using chamomile when sick, a person recovers faster.

Chamomile is effective in boosting immunity. Herbal tea is recommended to drink during a flu epidemic, during the season respiratory diseases. It will protect against pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Use of chamomile for illnesses gastrointestinal tract

Due to its antispasmodic effect, chamomile is prescribed for gastritis, intestinal and stomach diseases. But treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, since in some cases healing flowers may cause harm. The person will only get worse. So you can’t use chamomile if you have low acidity.

With increased or normal acidity, chamomile flowers can be used for treatment. Thanks to its beneficial properties, the gastric mucosa will quickly recover, and erosions will begin to heal. In addition, chamomile will reduce gas formation. It can be used if you are worried about flatulence. It is a natural adsorbent and removes waste and toxins.

Field beauty enhances the secretion of bile and gastric juice. Chamomile tea increases appetite. It relieves stomach pain.

Chamomile inflorescences for nervous disorders

When overexcited nervous system chamomile is very effective. It helps relieve excitability, calms the nerves stressful situations. Chamomile is included in the composition sedatives. It is taken as a sedative. Flowers will also help normalize sleep.

The mild sedative effect allows you to take the medicinal plant to strengthen the nervous system for both adults and children. It is absolutely safe for children unless they are allergic.

Chamomile in gynecology

The medicinal properties of chamomile have long been used in gynecology. It is effective for many sexual diseases, as it has anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect, relieves itching.

Chamomile flowers are used for complex treatment cystitis and thrush. Douching with chamomile decoction will relieve pain and itching. But the procedure is effective when drug treatment. If a gynecological disease is bacterial in nature, it can cause harm. Chamomile alone is not enough to treat serious diseases.

Many gynecologists prescribe chamomile tea when a woman experiences menopause. He will help you get through it painlessly.

Pregnant women can use chamomile as an antiseptic. It will relieve redness and irritation. The decoction can be used to gargle for sore throat or tonsillitis, or to douche for thrush. However, you should not drink chamomile tea if you have a headache. This is how you can lose a child.

Chamomile in dentistry

For dental diseases, traditional medicine recommends chamomile to relieve toothache. However, it is only effective for minor pain. It will not help with intense pain. It's better to use it in for preventive purposes to prevent the occurrence of periodontal disease.

A decoction of chamomile flowers is a good antiseptic. It is used for infections in oral cavity– stomatitis, gingivitis. Patients are prescribed rinsing to remove inflammation. Dentists also recommend rinsing your mouth with chamomile after tooth extraction.

The use of chamomile for eye diseases

Chamomile inflorescences are used for eye diseases. If your eyes are red, swollen or inflamed, you can apply a compress. This will relieve fatigue and irritation.

For blepharitis and conjunctivitis, you can use a decoction to wash the eyes. Chamomile has disinfectant, eliminate pathogens. Compresses and lotions with chamomile are very useful for the eyes.

Harm of chamomile flowers

If you consume chamomile in unlimited quantities, it can be harmful. There may be a strong headache, feeling tired. Cases of an allergic reaction to the plant are not uncommon. Sometimes people who drink chamomile tea complain of nausea after taking it.

Excessive consumption of chamomile can cause cramps in the intestines, severe pain. The plant is contraindicated for people suffering from diarrhea, as it has a laxative effect. It is not prescribed to people with low acidity.

People with chamomile should be treated with caution mental disorders nervous system. It can inhibit functions performed by the brain.

Chamomile during pregnancy

Chamomile flowers cause muscle contractions, which leads to bleeding. On early stages there may be a miscarriage later future mom runs the risk of giving birth prematurely.

Women who are expecting a child should not take chamomile infusion orally. But for external use it is ideal.

Harm of chamomile for genitourinary diseases

If you combine diuretics with chamomile decoction, the body is at risk of severe dehydration. At long-term use will reverse effect, chronic diseases will worsen.

A large number of medicinal flowers increases the load on the kidneys and bladder.

To prevent chamomile from harming a person, it must be taken in a reasonable amount and take a break during treatment.

Everyone knows chamomile, or medicinal chamomile - it is also used for the throat with a sore throat, babies are bathed in a decoction of this plant, and they are treated with it. inflammatory processes in the joints and rinse the oral cavity. What is generally known about this plant?

General information about chamomile

The plant in question has long been known to mankind - it was used to treat the most common diseases a hundred years ago. Modern scientists have clearly defined what the secret is useful properties chamomile officinalis - in its unique composition. When studying this plant, it was revealed essential oil, coumarin, phytosterol, glyceride fatty acids, isovaleric and noyl organic acids, bisabol oxide, polysaccharides and many others. The most amazing thing is that nature contains medicinal chamomile useful material in optimal proportions - this complex provides wide possibilities in terms of treating the disease.

Only flowers are collected from medicinal chamomile, and you need to choose dry and warm weather for this. Procurement work is carried out from the end of May to July; those flowers whose petals are horizontal to the yellow core and do not droop down have greater medicinal power.

Everyone knows very well that the plant in question is very useful for colds - this fact is confirmed by official medicine. It is advisable to treat with chamomile for the development of sore throat, acute respiratory and even.

Few people know that chamomile has a beneficial effect on work digestive system. But a decoction from this plant helps to cope with increased gas formation, removes pain syndrome with intestinal spasms, increases appetite. In addition, it is useful to use a decoction of chamomile in case of intoxication of the body due to food and/or its unique composition active microelements promotes rapid elimination waste and toxins.

Doctors recommend using chamomile-based products in the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and kidneys. In general, it is believed that the plant in question will also help with diseases. respiratory tract, and for pathologies in the endocrine system.

But even if a person is absolutely healthy, chamomile is useful for normalizing the psycho-emotional background - it will provide, reduce Negative influence on the body.

Chamomile is used not only in medicine - it is included in many skin and hair care products produced by the cosmetology industry. The ability of the plant in question to have an anti-inflammatory effect is successfully used by cosmetologists in the treatment of various diseases skin, and regular baby cream contains chamomile extract - this helps relieve delicate skin kids from irritation.

Experts also recommend regularly performing steam facial treatments with a decoction of the plant in question - this will help open and cleanse the pores, get rid of acne, and restore the natural color of the skin. You can use a strong decoction of chamomile as a hair rinse - this will restore the hair structure after too much aggressive procedures(coloring, perm, etc.), stopping hair loss, will return shine and silkiness to your curls.

Contraindications to the use of chamomile

Despite such wonderful properties of the plant in question, you need to know and always remember the need to use chamomile with caution. The fact is that it is contraindicated if there is a tendency to diarrhea against the background of benign/tumors in the intestines and increased acidity gastric juice. Very often, an allergic reaction is observed to medicinal chamomile - in this case, you should stop using the plant within medical procedures, because this will only worsen a person’s well-being and reduce immunity.

Note:if decoctions/infusions of chamomile are taken by a person long time, then there may be complaints about increased irritability, unmotivated weakness, mild but constant headaches. In this case, you need to stop taking the medicine and seek advice from your doctor.

How to prepare chamomile decoction

It would seem that it would be easier to prepare a decoction of chamomile? It turns out that in medicine there are 3 ways to prepare such a medicine. Moreover, doctors insist on purchasing dried chamomile flowers at the pharmacy - to collect and dry the plant yourself, you need to know several nuances.

Recipes for chamomile decoctions:

  1. Chamomile flowers are poured with steep and boiling water in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials per 300 ml of water. This remedy is infused for 60 minutes - this is the simplest recipe for preparing a decoction of chamomile.
  2. You need to take 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers and 200 ml of water, leave the mixture in a water bath for half an hour, then strain the broth through cheesecloth. In this way, a strong decoction of chamomile is prepared, which, if necessary, can be diluted with water in the required proportion - the beneficial properties will be preserved.
  3. In an enamel bowl you need to boil chamomile flowers with water (proportion: 1 tablespoon of raw material per 300 ml of water), literally just bring to a boil. Then the broth is removed from the heat, cooled and filtered.

Every mother knows very well that bathing a baby in water with a decoction of chamomile is very useful. And it’s easy to prepare such a healing bath - just take a tablespoon of dried flowers, pour boiling water (1 liter) over everything and leave to infuse. Usually 60 minutes is enough, but the main indicator of the readiness of the infusion for bathing the baby will be the flowers of the plant that have sunk to the bottom.

Note:Before pouring the chamomile infusion into a bath of water, be sure to strain the product - contact of the raw material with the baby’s skin is extremely undesirable, as it can provoke the development of severe irritation.

After such bathing with chamomile infusion, a deeper and deeper restful sleep baby, his delicate/sensitive skin will always be healthy, and existing signs of irritation (heat rashes) will disappear.

Chamomile helps very well in the fight against intestinal colic child - for this, the baby is given tea from the plant in question. The product is prepared as follows:

  • 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water (300 ml);
  • tea is infused for 30-60 minutes;
  • the resulting product must be filtered and diluted boiled water in a 1:1 ratio.

The result should be a slightly yellow drink, which children are given to drink 3-4 times a day immediately after meals. large quantities.

Note:Children should be prescribed chamomile remedies by a specialist. And in any case, such measures cannot be abused - for example, you can bathe a baby in a bath with chamomile decoction no more than once a week.

Chamomile is often used to treat certain gynecological diseases - women know very well that douching the vagina with a decoction or infusion of the drug in question medicinal plant helps get rid of uncomfortable sensations. Most often, gynecologists recommend douching for the following diseases:

Important: You should not decide on your own to douche with a decoction of chamomile in case of the above gynecological diseases– such prescriptions should be made by a doctor. For example, you cannot carry out similar procedure during pregnancy, and the period is completely unimportant in this case. Women over the age of 40 should not douche with chamomile; they should also avoid the described procedure during menstruation.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea perfectly relieves stress and gives peace of mind - doctors recommend using the product even completely. healthy people after hard days. Improvement in sleep is noted after drinking chamomile tea - it becomes full, deep, spontaneous waking up disappears. But it’s worth remembering - take any sedatives at the same time medications and chamomile tea is strictly not recommended.

The product in question also has a weak analgesic effect - tea can be used to rinse the mouth for some gum diseases.

Chamomile tea quickly and effectively relieves intestinal spasms and relieves diarrhea when consumed fatty foods or fermented milk products, lowers cholesterol levels. But be extremely careful - among the properties of medicinal chamomile there is also the ability to influence the thickness of the blood; tea from the plant in question will thin it. Therefore, if a person is already taking any medications with, then chamomile tea will be contraindicated for him.

How to make chamomile tea:

Chamomile during pregnancy

Pregnant women are contraindicated from using most medications; restrictions are also imposed on medicinal plants. Many people doubt whether chamomile can be used during pregnancy - only specialists can answer this question.

  • chamomile decoction can be used for washing and bathing;
  • It is advisable to inhale with chamomile - this will help quickly cure a cold or respiratory infection;
  • chamomile tea (and pure form, and with the addition of other components) pregnant women can drink, but in extremely limited quantities.

Note:Chamomile promotes the release of large amounts of the hormone estrogen, which can cause miscarriage in the early stages or premature birth in later stages. If there is no urgent need to drink chamomile tea, then it is better to avoid this remedy for the entire period of bearing a child.

In front of everyone positive qualities chamomile, it is worth considering the need to obtain prior consultation with a doctor - it is possible that restrictions will be imposed on the use of the plant in question.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category.

Chamomile is a modest plant with a pleasant smell and small inflorescences; nature has endowed it with many medicinal properties.

Chamomile is a modest plant with a pleasant smell and small inflorescences; nature has endowed it with many medicinal properties. Using it as herbal medicine, you can get rid of ailments and maintain health. But in some cases, such a seemingly useful and harmless remedy can cause some harm to the body.

Composition and properties of chamomile

To choose the correct scheme treatment or prevention, you need to know the composition and properties of chamomile.

  • essential oil (chamomile, very valuable);
  • flavonoids (plant polyphenols that have many beneficial and medicinal properties that can have a beneficial effect on the body);
  • organic acids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • tannins, mucous substances;
  • vitamins (ascorbic and nicotinic acid);
  • protein substances;
  • carotene, gum;
  • chlorine, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon dioxide, sulfur (contained in plant ash);
  • some alkaloids (in inflorescences).

Chamomile, medicinal properties which are determined by different biological activities is good antidepressant exhibiting an anxiolytic effect (eliminates anxiety).

Also the plant in various forms(extracts, tinctures, etc.) has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, disinfectant quality. Biologically active substances(chamazulene, matricen) included in the composition determine such properties of chamomile as antiallergic and antispasmodic.

Chamomile infusions and teas have diaphoretic, analgesic properties and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Chamomile, exhibiting its medicinal properties, often becomes an excellent remedy as maintenance therapy. Indications for use may include diseases internal organs, and external.

  1. Having an analgesic effect, chamomile is used for headaches and stomach pain. It has a relaxing effect and ensures deep, restful sleep, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  2. For colds and viral diseases, chamomile decoctions are prescribed as a diaphoretic and antipyretic, plus a tonic for the immune system.
  3. Internal use for gastritis, ulcers and colitis has a positive effect on activity digestive tract and eliminates discomfort.
  4. Due to the presence of active microelements, chamomile decoctions help eliminate harmful substances from the body, which is an excellent remedy for alcohol or food intoxication.
  5. Inflammatory skin processes may be an indication for the external use of chamomile. Compresses and rinses chamomile infusion will reduce painful sensations, will contribute to the speedy healing of wounds, ulcers, boils.
  6. Neurodermatitis, diathesis, eczema require a remedy that relieves itching, so baths with chamomile are the best antipruritic, soothing medicine. Especially indicated for children prone to skin irritation.
  7. The medicinal composition and properties of chamomile have a disinfecting effect, therefore they are recommended for conjunctivitis and eye inflammation.

Chamomile: contraindications

Chamomile has both medicinal properties and contraindications. Homeopaths know quite serious cases negative impact on the body of chamomile or preparations that contain this plant.

  1. The use of chamomile, especially long-term and excessive, in its pure form (drinks, infusions) prevents the body from absorbing iron, which can lead to anemia and decreased immunity. This can be expressed in the form of weakness, irritability, frequent headaches, and nausea.
  2. Increased acidity can be the main reason for contraindicating chamomile for oral use, as well as a predisposition to diarrhea.
  3. Sensitivity to the components that make up chamomile may cause allergic reaction. Young children should be especially careful when using chamomile.
  4. It is not recommended to use chamomile in the form of teas and decoctions during pregnancy.
  5. The medicinal plant chamomile stimulates the production of estrogen, disrupting hormonal cycle, which can lead not only to premature birth, but I will also miscarry. External use is possible if there is no allergic reaction.

Chamomile tea has healing properties and is liked by many. Thanks to valuable composition useful elements, this drink can be used both for preventive purposes and on the recommendation of a doctor.

One or two cups a day is enough to strengthen the immune system and stabilize the functioning of the nervous system.

At night, it’s good to drink a cup of this drink with a spoonful of honey instead of sugar, then the anxiety will go away, and your sleep will be sound and restful.

During illnesses, including colds and infections, chamomile tea will provide an antimicrobial effect that supports the entire body. Will calm you down sore throat, will serve as an expectorant for dry coughs.

Moreover, such a drink is useful for those who suffer from digestive problems and excess weight, since chamomile tea is one of the well-known diuretics and choleretic drugs, promotes weight loss and better absorption many useful substances.

For women, chamomile tea is useful as a pain reliever and relaxant during menstruation.

Lovers of this drink note its magical effect on the external condition, the skin acquires an even, healthy tone. Rubbing an ice cube from this tea onto the skin of the face, neck and décolleté is especially effective; it refreshes, tones and rejuvenates.

With all the wonderful actions and properties, there are still contraindications to drinking chamomile in the form of tea.

Damage to the body can be caused by excessive consumption chamomile tea. Oversaturation with any product has never been beneficial.

Pending therapeutic effect, you can get the exact opposite effect. Chamomile tea should not be consumed in combination with sedatives, diuretics and blood thinning medications.

If you are allergic to any of the components of chamomile, it is better to find alternative remedy, not causing harm.

Due to the fact that chamomile decoction contains valuable essential oil, it becomes a healing agent for the treatment of many diseases.

You can prepare it like this: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried inflorescences is poured into a liter cold water and bring to a boil, always over low heat. Boil for a few more minutes, but no more than five. Then leave to infuse until it cools and filter.

Chamomile decoction should always be fresh, even when stored in the refrigerator, the period of use should be limited to two days.

How to use chamomile decoction:

  • in the form of rinses (for sore throats, inflammation of the oral mucosa);
  • in the form of compresses (bruises, tumors, joint inflammation);
  • rinsing (conjunctivitis, purulent wounds);
  • colds (inhalations);
  • cosmetology (washing, steam baths, hair masks, rinsing).

The decoction is also used as a medicinal drink.

By drinking chamomile decoction you can get rid of stomach pain, restore intestinal microflora, and prevent the formation of kidney and gallstones.

If you add a little honey to the broth and lemon juice, it will work out excellent remedy to stabilize the heart and relieve fatigue, weakness and depressed mood.

Camomile tea

Unlike a decoction, chamomile infusion is prepared either in a water bath or infused by pouring boiling water.

It is used warm, for rinsing, orally and externally, for a wide variety of diseases.

A warm infusion of chamomile is indicated for inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa, ulcers and cracks. And also for sore throats, bronchitis, pneumonia.

For gynecological diseases, douching fresh infusion chamomile relieves irritation and inflammatory conditions, helps restore healthy microflora.

Chamomile infusion is also used as microenemas in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

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Chamomile is unique plant, containing many useful and healing properties. What health benefits does this flower provide and to whom it is contraindicated – we will try to consider in this article.

07 June 2016 1012 11

Nature has gifted us with a huge variety of herbs and flowers, which are not only pleasing to the eye, but are also healing and very beneficial for the body. One such plant is chamomile, which has been used for therapeutic purposes for hundreds of years. All kinds of infusions and decoctions are made on its basis, and chamomile is also included in a huge amount of pharmaceuticals. Chamomile flowers, stems, and seeds are used in the preparation of therapeutic and prophylactic agents, using them for various purposes.

What are the benefits of pharmaceutical chamomile: medicinal properties

Pharmaceutical chamomile is widely used in both traditional and traditional medicine as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. Due to the beneficial properties hidden in this plant, its method of use is not limited in any way, due to which the plant can be found in cosmetology and pharmacology. The fact is that chamomile has a calming effect that affects the functioning of the nervous system, and also has excellent choleretic potential, which is why its use is extremely important for stomach problems.

One cannot miss the fact that the described plant has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. It contains a large number of microelements, vitamins and acids beneficial to the body. The benefits of chamomile are obvious and known to virtually everyone, thanks to which this plant has gained enormous popularity.

What does the collection help with: indications for use in medicine

The scope of application of chamomile is extremely wide, because it is used for a variety of purposes, from treating serious systemic diseases, until the wounds heal. Based on popular information, chamomile tea can be used in the following cases:

  1. for disinfecting wounds, as component composition plants allow you to destroy most bacteria and ensure speedy wound healing;
  2. in order to stop bleeding, since tannins can thicken the blood and increase its coagulability;
  3. as a sedative and restorative, which makes it easier to cope with stress, get rid of insomnia, as well as nervous tension;
  4. for diseases of the oral cavity, gumboil, ulcerative lesions mucous membrane;
  5. as cosmetic product, used for hair care and also for the face. The product strengthens hair follicles, and also promotes skin nutrition and subsequent rejuvenation;
  6. Chamomile is often used for colds;
  7. at the same time, chamomile helps in the fight against disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system etc.

Methods and instructions for using chamomile

For therapeutic and preventive purposes, a wide variety of recipes for decoctions, infusions and extractions can be used. Each of the cooking options remedy will have unique action, and used in a special way. How you take chamomile medicine plays a role important role, for this reason, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and recommendations regarding the preparation and use of chamomile in medicinal purposes. For this reason, the most popular and effective recipes, having become familiar with which you can easily prepare a similar remedy at home.

How to brew and drink tea/infusion

In addition to the fact that chamomile tea is very healthy, it also has an amazing taste that is pleasant to enjoy at any time. This product must be brewed and infused in a special way.

To prepare tea, you will need 1-2 teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers, pour a glass of boiling water at a temperature of 90 degrees. In order for the product to infuse in a special way, it will need to be sealed in a teapot for 15 minutes, after which the tea is ready for drinking. If the strength of the drink is not enough, you can infuse it for 20 minutes. You can drink it with sugar, but better with honey, since the real value lies precisely in natural components.

Liquid extract/tincture of the plant

To prepare a concentrated chamomile infusion, you need to pour a tablespoon of chamomile extract into a container, which can be bought at virtually any pharmacy. Then the raw material is poured with boiling water in a volume of 200 milliliters, after which the mixture must be placed on water bath over low heat. The product should remain in the water bath for at least half an hour, after which the container should be removed from the heat and set aside for a while under the lid. The extract is infused for about an hour, after which it is filtered and can be used for medicinal purposes. This concentrate can be added to shampoo, face mask, etc.

Chamomile flower decoction for the treatment of gastritis of the stomach

As you know, chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect and also helps prevent spasms, relieving pain. Therefore, many doctors recommend drinking chamomile decoction for gastritis. But we should not forget about classical treatment, since chamomile mixture alone cannot cure the disease.

In order to prepare the medicine, you need to pour boiling water over a teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers and leave the required volume to infuse for 4 hours. After time has passed, the composition must be filtered, after which you can begin treatment. To begin a course of chamomile therapy, you should drink a glass of decoction twice a day for 2 weeks.

Constipation remedy recipe

For cooking antispasmodic To help normalize the gastrointestinal tract, you will need chamomile seeds. The described recipe is perfect for both adults and children. First of all, you need to immerse a teaspoon of chamomile seeds in a small container, then pour half a glass of boiling water over them and leave for 15 minutes. After the allotted time, the broth is filtered and can be used as effective remedy in the fight against constipation. You need to drink the resulting decoction a tablespoon twice a day, mixing the product with milk, yogurt or water in equal volumes.

Chamomile baths

Baths with chamomile have a high cosmetic effect, promoting overall rejuvenation of the body's skin. Moreover, such herbal baths are extremely useful for cystitis, and they are also used for medicinal purposes in gynecology. In order to prepare such a healing bath, you will need to pour two liters cool water 200 grams of chamomile extract. After the composition has stood for 10 minutes, it will need to be boiled for a quarter of an hour, and then allowed to brew for another couple of hours. After time, the resulting infusion must be poured into a bath with warm water. It is recommended to take chamomile baths twice a week.

Can chamomile tea bags be drunk and for how long?

Chamomile in bags is common herbal mixture, which can be used for medicinal purposes. To prepare tea, you will need to pour a glass of boiling water over the bag and wait 10 minutes. This remedy will have a large number of beneficial properties; drinking it more than once every two days is not recommended.

Harm and contraindications to treatment with pharmaceutical chamomile

Chamomile, like medicine does not harm the body, but in some cases it should not be taken. Protect yourself from chamomile infusions should be used by people suffering from diarrhea, high stomach acidity, allergies, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that consuming chamomile in large quantities is prohibited, as this can lead to headaches and weakness.

Photo: what chamomile looks like

Pharmaceutical chamomile is annual plant, having a long stem with a ubiquitous arrangement of small leaves reaching a length of 6 centimeters. The flowers of the plant are quite large, having a rich yellow center and numerous petals extending from it white. It has small seeds, not exceeding 2 millimeters.

Chamomile is sometimes called the most calming plant in the world. Its flowers are usually used as a tea to help relax and relieve symptoms of intestinal diseases. In concentrated form, the plant is increasingly used in the form of tablets, tinctures and liquid extracts; it is also used in treatments skin rashes and ulcers.

Composition and release form


  • Capsules
  • Dried flowers/tea
  • Liquid extract/tincture
  • Oil
  • Cream/ointment

Medicinal properties of Chamomile

Under the name “chamomile”, two types of herbs are usually used in medicine - R. apothecary and R. romanum (navel). More famous (and described in this book) is chamomile. Its preparations are obtained from the dried inflorescences of Chamomilla recutita (its other Latin names are also found in the literature - Matricaria chamomilla and Matricaria recutita).

Another type of plant, known as R. germanica or noble navel (Chamaemelum nobile, or Anthemis nobilis), has similarities with R. pharmaceutical properties. It is sold mainly in Europe. This is a plant for a long time used to make soothing tea. Thanks to its pleasant apple aroma and taste (the name Chamomilla comes from the Greek words kamar melon - "earth apple"). Many people find making and slowly sipping tea from it a relaxing experience.

Concentrated plant extracts are added to creams and lotions or released in the form of tablets or tinctures. Healing properties partly due to its volatile oils containing the substance apigenin, as well as other medicinal compounds.

Mechanism of action of the plant

Chamomile is a great healer. Its anti-inflammatory, anti-spastic and anti-infective properties can be beneficial for the entire body - both inside and out. When taken orally, it soothes upset digestion, stops spasms and relaxes the nervous system. Using the product has a beneficial effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes, as an external remedy, fighting rashes, ulcers and inflammation.

Prevention of diseases when using Chamomile

When taken externally, it helps fight skin inflammation. It contains antibacterial compounds that can speed up the healing of infected lesions. Bandages soaked in chamomile solution often help with minor burns. The herb may also be useful for skin diseases such as eczema.

At sunburn Chamomile oil can be added to cool baths or mixed with almond oil and lubricated with this mixture on burned areas. Creams can help with sunburn, skin rashes and eczema. Chamomile inflorescences can be successfully used in the treatment skin lesions, received at radiation therapy cancer. Some data indicate the effectiveness of taking the plant in the treatment of colds.

Effect on the human body

Warm chamomile tea helps you fall asleep. Animal studies have shown that the plant contains substances that act on the same parts of the brain and nervous system as a whole as anti-anxiety drugs. Chamomile has a mild sedative effect, but more importantly, it has a calming effect on the entire body, and people taking it can easily fall asleep.

In addition, it has a relaxing, anti-inflammatory effect on the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. It helps with a variety of gastrointestinal problems, including heartburn, diverticulitis and inflammatory diseases intestines. The flower is also useful for inflammation of the vagina. Its use can relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids and eliminate diarrhea in children.

Indications for use of Chamomile

  • For general relaxation and anxiety relief
  • To make it easier to fall asleep
  • For mouth ulcers and gum disease
  • For skin rashes and burns, including sunburn
  • For intestinal inflammation, indigestion and heartburn


Preparations containing this flower are not recommended for people with a history of heart disease, anxiety, abnormal bleeding, as well as those using herbs or supplements with similar action. If you are sick, pregnant or nursing, or using anticoagulants, consult your physician before taking these supplements.

Side effects

  • There have been reports of ulcers and inflammation of the oral mucosa, but this reaction appears to only occur in people who chew fresh leaves(common practice until chamomile supplements became available).
  • In some cases, stomach irritation, indigestion, gas, constipation, diarrhea, bloating or heartburn may occur.
  • Contact with the flower may cause skin rash. People who experience this reaction should not take the medication by mouth. It should not be used by anyone who is allergic to plants from the Asteraceae family (chrysanthemums, daisies, marigolds, ragweed, etc.)
  • One more side effect are withdrawal symptoms, including headaches, anxiety, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, muscle stiffness and joint pain

Instructions for use

Method and dosage

  • Tea/infusion - Usual dose 10 tablespoons or 5/8 cups of boiling water per 2-4 g of fresh inflorescences. Leave for 10 minutes, take orally 3 times a day. You can use 1 to 4 cups of chamomile tea (from bags) per day.
  • Liquid extract/tincture - 1/5-3/4 teaspoon liquid extract (1:1 in 45% alcohol) PO 3 times daily, 1 tablespoon tincture (1:5 in alcohol) 3-4 times daily .
  • Capsules/tablets - take 400-1600 mg per day orally in divided doses.

Reception regimen:

  1. Chamomile for skin diseases - Some publications recommend pastes, patches or ointments containing 3 to 10% of the plant.
  2. Mouth rinse - 1% liquid extract or 5% tincture.
  3. Baths - 5 g of raw material per 1 liter of water.
  4. For migraines, 0.5 mg of the active ingredient, parthenolide, per day is required. For this, take 60 mg of powdered leaves or 75 mg of dried crushed leaves per day. Experience suggests that it is important for migraine sufferers to take the herb daily over an extended period of time because stopping use may cause the headaches to return.

How to take Chamomile

  • Tablets and liquid forms contain concentrated chamomile extracts. Look for standardized extracts that contain at least 1% apigenin, one of the healing ingredients.
  • Check the labels of chamomile skin products carefully. Some of them depict the plant, but they contain only small quantities of it. Buy creams and ointments containing at least 3% chamomile.
  • Chamomile baths can have a significant relaxing effect and improve dry, irritated or sunburned skin. Add 10 drops of oil or a few cups of chamomile tea to a cool bath and soak for half an hour or longer.
  • To treat burns, it is better to use chamomile creams or tea rather than greasy ointments. These ointments contain oils that keep the skin cool, slow healing, and increase the risk of infection. Creams are usually made on a non-oil basis.
  • Some people successfully grow a flower in their gardens from seeds, simply scattering them on the surface of the soil.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Chamomile in different pharmacies may vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and pricing policy pharmacy network.

Read the official information about the drug Chamomile, the instructions for use of which include general information and treatment plan. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.