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Inflammation of the bladder in women and men - from causes and symptoms to rational treatment. The main causes and methods of combating the symptoms of bladder inflammation

Sometimes our body can react to normal hypothermia or wet feet and give us an unpleasant surprise in the form of some kind of disease. This is not at all a rare reaction to similar phenomena In women, cystitis develops - an inflammatory lesion of the bladder. Unfortunately, this problem is familiar to many representatives of the fair sex firsthand, because if the bladder becomes inflamed once, then most likely the disease will recur in the future. Let's talk about how to correctly recognize bladder inflammation, how to treat it, what pills to take, what folk remedies to use so that unpleasant symptoms do not recur.

How does bladder inflammation manifest itself? Symptoms of the disease

Acute inflammation of the bladder starts quite suddenly without any prerequisites. Manifestations of the disease intensify within just a few hours and reach a peak. After about a couple of weeks, if adequate treatment has not been carried out, the infection progresses to chronic form, painful sensations pass. After this, the disease may become hypothermic from time to time under the influence unfavorable factors.

Cystitis makes itself felt by quite difficult urination, the urge to urinate very often. Sometimes they happen five times or more in an hour, each time only a small amount of urine is released. In this case, pus and even blood can be seen in the discharge. The patient feels dull pain in the lower abdomen, and unpleasant sensations are also localized in the lower back. In case if infectious lesions extend beyond the affected bladder, a noticeable increase in temperature is observed.

In older people, as well as in young children, the symptoms are not very obvious. So the disease can only make itself felt by fever, abdominal pain and nausea.

Treatment of bladder inflammation

After the first symptoms of cystitis appear, you must follow bed rest and call a doctor. Under no circumstances should you make decisions on your own about consuming any medications before visiting a doctor; this may cause the disease to become chronic. Drink more clean water, give up strong teas and coffee. Also, do not drink alcohol under any circumstances. Try to eat less foods high in calcium. To lower it a little unpleasant symptoms, place a warm heating pad or water bottle between your legs, on your stomach or back. At intervals of three hours you need to drink one glass of water in which a tablespoon of soda is diluted. This procedure will slightly reduce the acidity of urine, which will make the burning sensation when urinating less intense.

Remember that untreated cystitis can cause a number of quite serious complications, including damage to the kidneys.


Medicines for the treatment of cystitis are divided into several different groups. These are antibiotic compounds, painkillers, as well as diuretics and antispasmodics.

Among antibiotics, doctors usually prescribe chloramphenicol, furagin, as well as furadonin, or palin. Monural is sometimes used. The duration of treatment ranges from seven to ten days, and it is very important to drink the entire course. Premature cessation of antibiotics is fraught with the transition of inflammation to chronic stage. Before consuming the drug, it is important to carefully study the instructions supplied with it.

In addition to taking antibiotics, doctors also often prescribe the use of herbal medicines. The most popular medications of this type are cystone and canephron. Sometimes probiotics (lactobacterin) and drugs to stimulate the immune system are used.

Traditional treatment

There are many techniques traditional medicine, which can alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of cystitis. However, they should be used exclusively in parallel with treatment by a selected doctor.

A good effect can be achieved by consuming millet infusion. Half a glass of millet needs to be washed cold water, and then pour a glass of cold, pre-boiled water. Mix the product thoroughly and knead the millet a little with your hands. The water will be colored whitish color. It's worth drinking throughout the day. Repeat the intake three times a day.

Traditional healers also advise treating cystitis by taking berries and lingonberry fruit drinks. You can eat up to half a kilogram of such herbal medicine at a time. Cranberries and rowan berries will also be beneficial.

Take clay, knead it, add a little water. Form it into a flat cake, like dough, one to two centimeters thick. Place it on your lower abdomen and leave it on for a couple of hours. This folk remedy will effectively relieve you of the symptoms of inflammatory damage to the bladder.

Take one hundred grams of red rowan bark and brew this raw material with a liter of boiling water. Boil for ten minutes over low heat, then strain and drink as tea in unlimited quantities.

Combine equal parts of bearberry and corn silk. Brew a tablespoon of this mixture with one glass of just boiled water. Boil over low heat for fifteen minutes. Strain the resulting broth and drink in small portions throughout the day.

remember, that effective treatment cystitis is only possible if it is carried out under doctor's supervision. Self-medication is fraught with the development of a number of rather unpleasant complications.

Update: December 2018

When we urinate normally, few people pay attention to it. An everyday fact and nothing more. But when every trip to the toilet turns into an ordeal burning pain, and hikes become more and more frequent, few people are able to endure it.

Symptoms and signs of cystitis

  • Pain and pain when urinating - most often during and after urination. The pain is burning or cutting, radiating to the area above the pubis.
  • Frequent urination in small portions (pollakiuria). Increased frequency of urination up to the interval “every 5 minutes.”
  • Night urination (nocturia). At night we are usually warm, in horizontal position. Under these conditions, spasm is relieved and urination becomes easier.
  • Fever. If the process is far advanced, there may be an increase in temperature with chills, weakness, and sweating.

Inflammation of the bladder in women

Women more often suffer from cystitis due to their physiological characteristics.

Also hormonal change during menstruation, it slightly reduces local immunity.

Inflammation of the bladder in men

In men, cystitis occurs less frequently because the urethra is curved and much longer. But there are some peculiarities.

  • cystitis is almost always combined with urethritis; as a rule, the causative agents are STIs (gonococci or trichomonas). Regular flora (E. coli, staphylococci) is much less common than in women.
  • there is cystitis of a tuberculous nature
  • More often there is blood in the urine
  • It is more severe, as it is often combined with other diseases (prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate, orchitis - inflammation of the testicle, and others). Patients are concerned about fever and severe general weakness and sweating, in addition to impaired urination.

Types of cystitis


  • superficial or catarrhal. This is the mildest type of bladder inflammation. In this case, only the inner mucous membrane is affected. First it is serous and then purulent inflammation. If you start treatment at this stage, the effect will be maximum and the relief of symptoms will be quick.
  • hemorrhagic. At this stage, inflammation penetrates deeper into the bladder wall and affects small vessels. Does not appear in urine a large number of blood.
  • ulcerative Inflammation penetrates deep into the wall and ulcers form. This is a fairly advanced process and it is impossible to quickly cure such a process.


  • latent Hidden Current inflammation, in which complaints are mild, last a long time and do not intensify. But at the same time, in the analyzes we see a pronounced inflammatory process.
  • persistent Exacerbations of this type of cystitis are considered frequent if they occur 2 times a year or more often.
  • interstitial. This is the most severe and debilitating type of cystitis. In this case, urination is practically not restored to normal. Urination is painful, patients feel the urge to urinate up to several times an hour. It is impossible to work and get enough sleep in such conditions. Antidepressants are often used.

Predisposing factors

  • chronic diseases: diabetes, intestinal dysfunction with frequent constipation (colitis), chronic infections (caries, tonsillitis)
  • frequent hypothermia
  • menstrual irregularities, menopause
  • physical inactivity ( sedentary lifestyle life)
  • frequent stress, long-term depression
  • unhealthy diet (excess dairy products, sugar, baked goods)
  • wearing the wrong underwear (tight, synthetic underwear, thongs)
  • rare urination (when, due to circumstances, a woman does not go to the toilet on time, stagnation and stretching of the walls of the bladder occurs, which facilitates the spread of infection)
  • a large number of sexual partners
  • sexual intercourse (defloration cystitis or “honeymoon cystitis” occurs after the first sexual intercourse in a girl’s life, her flora “gets acquainted” with the flora of her partner, and this meeting is not always asymptomatic)

Diagnosis of bladder inflammation

  1. Collection of complaints and clarification of the circumstances of the disease (history)
  2. General urinalysis (UCA) - a lot of leukocytes, mucus, bacteria, a lot of epithelium, cloudy urine, possibly an admixture of red blood cells, that is, blood.
  3. A general urine test (UAC) shows signs of inflammation, but only with a very violent infection (leukocytes more than 9 thousand).
  4. Biochemical blood test (BAC) - changes only if inflammation has reached the kidneys (increased levels of creatinine and urea).
  5. Ultrasound of the bladder - shows signs of wall thickening, uneven wall thickness, incomplete emptying, polyps or other neoplasms may be detected.
  6. Bacteriological culture of urine for flora with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics. Urine culture reveals the growth of microflora (can be any of the above), in conclusion you will see the numbers 10*5 or more and the name of the microbe or several microorganisms.



If you have inflammation of the bladder, you should temporarily avoid spicy, smoked, excessively acidic foods, strong tea, coffee and any alcohol. This food acidifies the urine and intensifies complaints of pain. Excessive consumption of sugar, baked goods and yeast bread (especially fresh) is also not recommended, as the composition of urine changes and good food for bacteria. Heavy foods (fried, fatty) slow down recovery, since the body is “distracted” by digesting food that is difficult to digest and spends additional energy on it.

Preferred food: non-acidic dairy products, non-acidic vegetables and fruits, cereals, pasta, boiled meat, steamed and boiled fish.

It is very important to consume enough fluid. A good drinking regime allows you to “flush” the kidneys and urinary tract and speed up the elimination of bacteria and toxins.

Herbal medicine (herbal treatment)

In no other area of ​​medicine is herbal medicine used so widely. Herbs occupy a large place in the treatment of the bladder, and are often used in conjunction with antibiotics. Complex application drugs allows you to quickly relieve pain from urination and achieve more lasting improvement.

It should be immediately clarified that herbal medicines are used specifically in complex therapy cystitis and during follow-up treatment. Applying alone herbal tablets it is impossible to be completely cured.

  • Canephron is a herbal medicine that contains centaury and lovage. Known for a long time, it is used very widely. Dosage: 2 tablets 3 times a day. The minimum course is 2 weeks AFTER the symptoms subside. If this is not the first bladder inflammation in your life, then after the pain disappears it is better to take the drug for 1 month.
  • Urolesan is a combination of extracts of carrot seeds, mint, oregano, hop cones and fir oil, available in capsules. Take 1 capsule 3 times a day from 5 days to a month. If, during treatment, pain in the lower abdomen persists, you feel cramps, and it hurts to urinate, then you can increase the dose to 2 capsules 3 times a day for 1 day, and then drink as before. Urolesan should not be taken by children under 18 years of age or by patients with stones. gallbladder more than 3 mm.
  • Cyston is a multicomponent herbal preparation, which also includes highly purified mumiyo. Take 2 tablets 2 times a day until your urine test normalizes. It is not advisable to stop taking it after going to the toilet no longer hurts; in this case, cystitis will return in a couple of weeks or months and everything will start all over again. Contraindicated only in patients with allergies to herbs in the tablets.
  • Phytolysin is herbal preparation in the form of a paste, it also includes medicinal oils sage, mint and pine. Take 1 teaspoon of paste dissolved in 1/3 cup warm sweet water 3-4 times a day after meals. Course from 2 weeks to 40-45 days. The drug is not recommended for use during periods of active sun exposure. If you use the drug in the summer, pigmentation is possible after a walk in the sun. The drug is not recommended for pregnant women.
  • Brusniver is a herbal collection that includes lingonberry leaves (mostly), string, St. John's wort and. Available in the form of briquettes of 8 g and in filter bags of 2 g. Medicinal Herb tea can be prepared in a thermos, then the 8 mg briquette is poured with 500 ml of boiling water and left for 1-2 hours. Or pour 200 ml of boiling water into 2 filter bags and leave until slightly cooled. Take 3 times a day, 1/3-1/2 cup per day. The course of treatment is 1-3 weeks.
  • Phytonephrol is also medicinal herbal tea, containing calendula flowers, mint, bearberry, dill, eleutherococcus. Also available in filter bags of 2 grams. 2 packets are brewed in 200 ml of boiling water, then infused and taken half a glass 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.
  • Uroprofit is a drug that is registered as a dietary supplement (BAA), but has already earned the trust of many urologists and nephrologists. Contains herbs (horsetail, bearberry), cranberry extract and ascorbic acid. Take 1 capsule 2 times a day for up to 1 month.
  • Zhuravit is also a dietary supplement, which is a cranberry extract enriched ascorbic acid. In the first 3 days, take 1 capsule 3 times a day, then 1 capsule. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.


Cystitis is treatable different drugs, but how to choose the right pills? We will tell you about the types of medications, but we strongly recommend that you consult a specialist. Bladder inflammation is serious and should be treated by specialists. As a rule, this is a therapist or urologist.

The way the drug influences the inflammatory process is very important aspect in treatment, since most drugs are excreted through the kidneys. On the one hand, we are afraid of too much stress on the kidneys, and on the other hand, it is quite easy to deliver the medicine to the urinary tract.


- these are the most frequently chosen drugs in this case, they are easy to use and quickly provide relief from symptoms. But you should not use drugs from the same group too often; bacteria develop resistance and the medicine does not work. Also, this group is not recommended for children under 15 years of age. And under the age of 18, fluoroquinolones are used only when other drugs have not worked.

  • Norfloxacin (nolicin, norbactin, loxon) in 1 tablet 400 mg. Use 1-2 tablets 2 times a day. The course lasts from 5 days, the final duration of treatment is always determined by the attending physician. This also applies to other drugs. We will indicate the minimum duration of the course, implying that it is impossible to stop the drug because you feel a little better, you need to continue treatment.
  • Ofloxacin (Zanocin OD, Zoflox) in 1 tablet either 200 mg or 400 mg. Daily dose from 200 to 800 mg, divided into morning and evening. In addition to pregnancy and childhood, these pills are prohibited for epilepsy. The course of treatment is on average 5-10 days, but longer treatment is possible.
  • Levofloxacin (glevo, levolet, levoximed, lebel) in 1 tablet either 250 mg or 500 mg. Prohibited for the above conditions, as well as if there is damage to the tendons after other antibiotics. The recommended dose is 250 mg 1 time per day, preferably in the morning, with a sufficient amount of water, at least 1/2 glass. The course of treatment is from 3 to 10 days, depending on the severity and duration of the disease.


- these are quite safe and effective drugs. In pregnant women and children under 18 years of age, penicillins are used first.

  • Amoxiclav (augmentin, arlet, flemoclav, amoxicillin + clavulanic acid vial) released in different dosages. But for the treatment of bladder inflammation, tablets with a dosage of 500+125 mg 2 times a day are relevant, the course of treatment is from 5 to 14 days. It is not recommended to continue taking it for more than 14 days. This drug should not be given to those who suffer from lymphocytic leukemia (blood cancer) and suffered from jaundice while taking penicillins (viral and other hepatitis are not taken into account here). Amoxiclav is an improved form of amoxicillin. It contains clavulanic acid, which prolongs the effect of the antibiotic and prevents bacteria from developing resistance to it.
  • Amoxicillin (flemoxin) 500 mg is used 3 times a day also from 5 to 14 days.


- a large group of drugs, most of which are administered by injection. Also allowed in children and pregnant women from the second trimester. Used for chronic forms and frequent relapses.

  • Cefotaxime (claforan, intrataxime, clafobrine, kefotex) - This is a third generation cephalosporin and is not used in pregnant women. It is administered intramuscularly or intravenously.
    • If you do intramuscular injection, then the contents of one jar (powder white) needs to be diluted in 2 ml of lidocaine + 2 ml of water for injection, all these solutions will be offered to you at the pharmacy when purchasing an antibiotic.
    • At intravenous administration the drug is diluted in sterile water for injection at least 4 ml. If a dropper is required, then cefotaxime powder is diluted in 50-200 ml of saline solution or 5% glucose.
    • Depending on the severity of the infection, injections/drips are given 2 or 3 times a day. The duration is individual. It often happens that after a day or three they switch from IVs to injections. The approximate course is from 5 to 14 days, but longer is possible.
  • Suprax (cefixime, cemidexor, panzef, ceforal) is the only drug in this group in tablets. It is widely used, well tolerated, few contraindications, only allergies. Allowed for pregnant women. Dosage 400 mg (1 tablet) 1 time per day, duration from 7 days, then individually under the control of well-being and tests.
  • Ceftriaxone (azaran, betasporin, biotraxone, axone, ceftriabol) is used very widely, it is allowed in pregnant women from the second trimester, and can be used in children. Use with caution in people with intestinal diseases (colitis), but this is not a contraindication, but advice to use probiotics (Linex, Maxilak or Bifiform) together with an antibiotic. For administration, it is diluted in the same way as cefotaxime. Injection/dropper 1 time per day. The usual dosage is 1 gram per day. The duration of the course is usually from 5 to 14 days. Rarely, the dose is increased to 2 grams per day, this happens in persons with impaired immunity (HIV infection, condition after chemotherapy or radiation).

There is currently only one antibiotic from the group of phosphonic acid derivatives, this is fosfomycin (monural)

  • Monural (phosphoral, ovea, ecofomural, urofoscin)- This modern antibiotic. Adult dosage is 3 grams once, the drug is available in the form of granules for dilution. The granules are mixed with 1/3 cup of water, resulting in a solution with orange flavor. Take once a day once. If this is not the first inflammation of the bladder or a relapse of chronic cystitis, then after a day you need to take another 1 dose. Well tolerated, side effects are minimal. Allowed for pregnant women and children over 5 years of age.


- these are drugs of synthetic origin that act only in the lumen urinary tract, are not absorbed into the blood and do not act on anything other than the source of inflammation. Which, of course, does not cancel side effects, which are found in any group of drugs.

  • Nitroxoline (5-NOK) has been known for a long time, but is now used less frequently. because many bacteria are insensitive to it. But sometimes it is used in complex therapy of cystitis. 1 tablet contains 50 mg, take 2 tablets 4 times a day for up to 4 weeks, the duration of the course and the need to repeat courses depends on the conclusion of the urologist/therapist. Nitroxoline should not be taken by pregnant women or patients with cataracts.
  • Furagin (urofuragin) Available in a dosage of 50 mg, take 1-4 tablets 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days. This difference in doses depends on the severity of inflammation, the activity of pain and the duration of the process. If this is recurrent cystitis and there is good effect from furagin, it is recommended to wait 10-15 days after the end of treatment and repeat the course. With this technique, the risk of exacerbation is significantly reduced. Furagin should not be taken by pregnant women and children under 1 year of age.

Still, up to 90% of cystitis is a common bacterial inflammation. That's why we devoted so much time to reviewing antibiotics. But rarer forms of cystitis are treated differently.

Antifungal drugs

Fluconazole is the most well-known antifungal drug. In fungal cystitis, we suspect other sites in the body, such as the intestines, skin and esophagus. Therefore, the dosages of the drug are high and self-medication is very dangerous. On the first day, 400 mg (8 capsules of 50 mg each) is used, 2 capsules 4 times a day, and then 1 capsule 4 times a day until the condition improves permanently.

Additional treatment

To alleviate the patient's condition, they are used symptomatic remedies, such as antispasmodics and painkillers, as well as in exceptional cases antidepressants.


Contrary to popular belief, these are not just painkillers. These are tablets/solutions for injections that help relieve spasm (muscle contraction), reduce stagnation and improve the flow of infected urine. Therefore, in the first days, antispasmodics are very desirable. After facilitating urination, the need for antispasmodics usually disappears.

  • Drotaverine (No-shpa) is the most famous antispasmodic, available in dosages of 40 mg and 80 mg (forte). Apply 40-80 mg 2-3 times a day. The maximum dose per day is 240 mg, that is, 6 regular tablets or 3 tablets forte. The drug is approved for pregnant women, but there may be complications such as dizziness and decreased blood pressure, be careful.
  • Papaverine is most often used in injections. 1 ml of solution is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously, the interval between injections is at least 4 hours. It is advisable not to overuse injections after cupping acute pain It is further recommended to take drotaverine tablets.
  • Spazgan (took, plenalgin) is a drug that combines a spamolytic + analgesic and can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly. 2 ml is administered intravenously slowly, over at least 2 minutes. Intramuscularly 2-5 ml, maximum 10 ml per day. Combination drugs used in emergency cases to relieve pain in the lower abdomen.


(amitriptyline, alprazolam, fevarin, Zoloft and others) are used in severe cases when the patient is exhausted by insomnia and pain when urinating. These drugs are prescribed only by a psychiatrist; you cannot buy them without a prescription. Dosages are also prescribed by a psychiatrist; if the dosage regimen is violated, there may be undesirable consequences (insufficient effect or addiction).

What not to do if you have a bladder infection

  • take a bath (when you stay in water for a long time, you dry out the mucous membranes, and hot water increases blood flow, which increases pain and activates inflammation)
  • apply a heating pad (for the same reason)
  • put ice on the stomach (sharp cold reduces local immunity)
  • have sex in acute period(may increase inflammation)
  • It is not advisable to use tampons during an exacerbation
  • no need to swim in the pool, much less swim in a lake or river

What can you do if you have a bladder infection?

  • take a warm shower
  • use pads during menstruation
  • you can stick to your usual regime, go to the gym (if you are used to it), but only during the period of follow-up treatment
  • after subsiding acute process you can have sex, it is recommended to use hypoallergenic condoms.

Complications of cystitis

  1. Chronization of the process
  2. Ascending infection (from the bladder to the kidneys with the development of pyelonephritis).


At timely treatment the prognosis for health and life is favorable. If you do not receive treatment or stop taking medications as soon as you feel better, then most often the inflammation becomes chronic and often worsens.

Do not delay visiting your doctor if you have complaints. Do not self-medicate and do not turn to dubious means, you can seriously harm yourself. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Cystitis is inflammation in the bladder. This is one of the most common urological diseases among women.

Due to unexpected start, acute course, pronounced symptoms - the disease causes serious inconvenience to patients. Leads to drastic violation normal rhythm of life, social adaptation, decreased physical and mental activity, performance, limited freedom of movement, inability to attend work and educational institutions.

In terms of the number of cases of temporary disability among urological diseases, inflammation of the bladder ranks first.


The disease is polyetiological, that is, “multi-cause”. But the leading role belongs to infections (other causes play a much smaller role). The causative agents can be bacteria, viruses, fungi of the genus, ... Most often, the cause of the bacterial form of the disease is opportunistic flora: staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli...

Infection occurs in the following ways:

  • Ascending (urethral) path - from the periurethral and anogenital area. The ascending route of infection in women is dominant.
  • Descending path- from and upper urinary tract ().
  • Lymphogenic route - from neighboring pelvic organs.
  • Per continuitatum (through the wall of the bladder from nearby foci of infection).

Development of this disease is the result of the predominance of the “contagiousness” of the infection over the protective mechanisms. For inflammation to occur in the bladder, the presence of a pathogen alone is not enough - the presence of structural, morphological and functional changes in the organ is necessary. The mucous membrane has many mechanisms that protect it from infection. These include phagocytic activity of the mucosa, hydrodynamic protection, night concentration of urine, anti-adhesive effect of the mucopolysaccharide layer of the mucous membrane, mucus production by periurethral glands with bactericidal properties, high osmolarity of urine, desquamation of epithelial cells, antibacterial activity of some ingredients.

Natural defense mechanisms:

  • Anatomical and functional preservation of the bladder.
  • Regular and complete emptying of the bladder.
  • Integrity of the epithelial cover.
  • Local immunological protection.

Risk factors:

  • Impaired urine flow.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Congestion in the pelvis (congestion).
  • Infectious processes in the pelvis (, colpitis,).
  • Pregnancy.
  • Childbirth.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Emotional factor.
  • The use of cytostatics and long-term use of antibacterial agents.
  • Endovesical (intravesical) and endourethral manipulations.
  • Radiation exposure.

Symptoms of cystitis:

  • , in small portions;
  • appearance ;
  • change ;
  • imperative urge to urinate, up to.

It should be said that the symptoms of inflammation of the bladder do not include signs of general intoxication (increased body temperature, weakness, pain in muscles and joints...). An exception may be the ulcerative and necrotic form of the disease.

Cystitis in men

Primary inflammation of the bladder in men is extremely rare, and mainly develops secondary, as a complication of any urological disease. Such a diagnosis in men should raise doubts. According to the literature, it can occur in two cases: in fasting people and in the presence of stones in the bladder. In the first case, nutritional factors play a role (vitaminosis C, A, protein starvation, etc.). An early, constant and persistent symptom nutritional malnutrition are urinary disorders. During the lean years, inflammation of the bladder was observed mainly in young men. In all other cases, cystitis in men is secondary process, developed against the background of any urological disease.

Cystitis in women

The frequent development of bladder inflammation in women is also predisposed by its proximity to the anus and vagina - sources of microorganisms. Basically these are the so-called conditional pathogenic microorganisms family of enterobacteria.

The main feature of the female body is the characteristic balance of sex hormones, which creates a general background for the development of a number of urological diseases. Throughout women's lives there is certain dependence the state of the reproductive and urinary systems from the hormonal balance of the body. Estrogens and gestagens affect not only the genitals, but also the urinary organs, especially the epithelium of the urethra and bladder triangle. Sex hormones have a constant effect on the urinary tract, their tone, and the dynamics of emptying. Shifts in hormonal balance female body can cause disturbances in the outflow of urine. Changes in the female genital organs, located in close anatomical proximity to the urinary tract, contribute to the development of urological diseases in women.

It is believed that in absolutely all diseases of the female genital organs, changes in varying degrees are observed. urinary system. Inflammatory processes in the female genital organs also involve the urinary tract. On the one hand, they are a source of infection, on the other, they can disrupt the flow of urine. Cystitis in women is often associated with colpitis or bacterial vaginosis.

In urogynecology, defloration, active sex life, menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and the involutionary period are considered as provoking factors for the occurrence of bladder inflammation. About 15% of women who are married, during pregnancy, or during childbirth suffer from infectious diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female body and its dependence on the condition hormonal system predetermine the identification of purely female clinical forms of the disease:

Acute cystitis

Acute inflammation of the bladder occurs suddenly, after the action of a provoking factor (hypothermia, previous infection, sexual intercourse, trauma, instrumental intervention, etc.) and is characterized classical triad symptoms:

  • : frequent urination, pain and burning during urination, night urination, imperative urge, urinary incontinence.
  • Hematuria.

It is not necessary to have all three symptoms; there may be combinations. More often in clinical practice dysuria and leukocyturia occur.

The acute form is characterized by a rapid increase in urinary disorders during the first few days. The most early sign is frequent urination, while the intervals between urinations are reduced to 5-15 minutes, portions of urine are sharply reduced, since urine does not have time to accumulate in the bladder. They can disturb you at night and are imperative (imperative) in nature. Therefore, trying to suppress the urge to urinate may result in urinary incontinence.

Pain usually occurs when urinating: at the beginning and/or at the end, less often throughout the entire act. Sometimes the pain is present outside of urination and is constant. Intensity pain can vary from mild burning to unbearable pain. In young children due to pain syndrome may develop. Permanent excruciating pain observed in patients with interstitial, post-radiation and chemical C.

Permanent and mandatory feature acute cystitis is leukocyturia. Gross hematuria - blood in the urine - is less common.

Chronic cystitis

Chronic inflammation of the bladder is characterized by a varied clinical picture: from minor discomfort when urinating and mild pain in the lower abdomen to pronounced pain in the projection of the bladder, frequent urination, imperative urges... Symptoms for chronic inflammation of the bladder are the same as for acute inflammation, but they are more pronounced less harsh. Pain during urination is tolerable, and the frequency of the urge to urinate allows patients to maintain usual image life. The chronic course is not due to the infection as such, but to the subsequent dystrophic changes in tissues.

Depending on the severity of symptoms in patients with chronic cystitis, they can be divided into 2 groups. The first group is characterized by a wave-like course of the disease with periods of exacerbation, which occur as acute or subacute CD with varying frequencies of relapses and periods of remission. The second group consists of patients with relatively constant clinical and laboratory data on stably active chronic inflammation in the bladder. It is characteristic that in persons suffering from the chronic form, leukocyturia is pronounced, and urination disorders are weak.

Recurrent cystitis

Once having arisen, acute form may never recur, but if relapses occur repeatedly in the patient (2 relapses in 6 months or 3 in 1 year), then they talk about recurrent bladder inflammation. In this case, it is imperative to identify the cause of frequent relapses.

Reasons for recurrence:

  • Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female body.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  • Anomalies in the location of the external urethral opening.
  • Features of sexual life (sexual practice, early start sexual life, frequency and regularity of sexual intercourse, a large number of sexual partners, neglect of the principles of safe sex, the nature of the contraceptives used).
  • Presence of sexually transmitted infections (,).
  • Failure to comply with daily rules of personal hygiene, as well as after defecation and sexual intercourse.
  • Uncontrolled use of antibacterial drugs.


Based on the clinical picture and laboratory data (urine culture). In rare cases, cystoscopy is used (if there is foreign body bladder or with prolonged acute inflammation bladder – more than 10 days) and biopsy.

Differential diagnosis carried out with the following diseases:

  • Tubeculosis of the bladder.
  • Urethral syndrome.
  • Vulvovaginitis.

Treatment of cystitis

Treatment of bladder inflammation should be etiological and pathogenetic. Depending on the clinical form treatment of diseases must be comprehensive and individual. First of all, foci of infection are sanitized, and antibacterial agents for rapid elimination of the pathogen, eliminating the causes of frequent recurrence and restoring natural protective properties Bladder.

Typically treatment includes:

  • Antibacterial therapy (antibiotics).
  • Anti-inflammatory therapy.
  • Analgesic and antispasmodic therapy.
  • Elimination of organic and functional disorders outflow of urine.
  • Correction of hygienic and sexual factors (sexual abstinence for 5-7 days).
  • Immunotherapy.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Phytotherapy.

The criterion for curing bladder inflammation is the elimination of urinary disorders, the disappearance of bacteriuria and leukocyturia, and the complete restoration of the lost quality of life.

Cystitis, or inflammation of the bladder mucosa, is a very feminine disease. This is facilitated by anatomical features: the short and wide urethra allows infection to easily penetrate inside. Although almost everyone faces this disease, its signs should not be ignored. Cystitis requires mandatory treatment: inflammation of the bladder in women can not only quickly develop into a chronic form, but also transmit the infection to other organs. How to recognize the problem and get rid of it?

Inflammation of the bladder in women: symptoms

Treatment begins with an analysis of the patient’s complaints. Typically, women report the following worrying signs:

  • discomfort in the pelvic organs (most often discomfort is localized in the pubic area);
  • frequent urge little by little, although little urine is released each time;
  • pain that accompanies the act of urination (sometimes the pain radiates to the rectum);
  • change in urine odor;
  • a constant feeling of heaviness in the bladder, the inability to completely empty it;
  • an increase in temperature to 37.2-37.7 degrees, indicating an attempt by the body to fight the infection.

All these are symptoms of acute cystitis. Sometimes they are supplemented by hematuria - the release of blood along with urine. In this case, we can say that the disease occurs in hemorrhagic form and is accompanied by deep damage to the walls of the bladder.

If the inflammatory process is not treated, it gradually becomes chronic. The symptoms of such cystitis are still the same, but they appear less pronounced several times a year.

Cystitis in women is often complicated by pyelonephritis, an inflammatory process in the kidneys. Pathology can be recognized by an increase in temperature to 39-40 degrees, nausea and vomiting, sharp pain in the lower back, general feeling unwell. Pyelonephritis can also become chronic.

Bladder - inflammation in women: treatment

Symptoms of cystitis serve as the basis for assessment general condition sick. Additionally, the doctor must prescribe special tests to confirm the diagnosis. Among the main recommended procedures:

  1. Urine tests - according to Nechiporenko, general, culture, biochemical.
  2. General blood analysis.
  3. Cystoscopy (examination of the bladder walls).
  4. Uroflowmetry (assessment of urine stream parameters).
  5. Ultrasound of the kidneys and, if possible, the bladder.

It will also not be superfluous to visit a gynecologist. Cystitis often develops due to diseases of the genital organs: if these problems are not eliminated, the inflammatory process will not subside. The gynecologist conducts an examination in a chair, makes a smear, and may perform a transvaginal ultrasound.

To determine the influence of all factors on a woman’s condition and select the most suitable type therapy, the patient is sometimes recommended to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

Only after completion full examination treatment may be prescribed. It is very important to correctly determine the nature of cystitis: if it is caused by bacteria, then antibiotics are used; To combat an illness of a viral or fungal nature, antiviral or antifungal drugs are needed, respectively.

Inflammation of the bladder in women: treatment with pharmaceuticals

The medications taken must be agreed with the doctor. Prescribed:

  1. Antibiotics. The most common are Monural, Nolicin, Ofloxacin, Norfloxacin, Levofloxacin, Amoxiclav, Palin, Ciprofloxacin, Erythromycin, Levomycetin. Antibiotics must be taken with precise dosage throughout the entire course of treatment. If you stop taking the medicine ahead of time, the desired effect from the therapy will not occur.
  2. Antifungal agents (antimycotics). Diflucan and Amphotericin are mainly used, as they easily penetrate the bladder lining. Pimafucin and Itracon are considered less effective.
  3. Antiviral drugs. Acyclovir, Virazol, Laferon have proven themselves well.

Urine and bladder are also disinfected using uroantiseptics. Among them are 5-NOK, Furagin and Furadonin.

Medicines are prescribed on a case-by-case basis. They can only be prescribed by the attending physician who has carefully studied the patient’s condition.

Inflammation of the bladder: treatment in women with folk remedies

Although medicine does not stand still, many patients prefer to use “grandmother’s” methods. Traditional medicine techniques are good for relieving inflammation, reducing pain, that is, for getting rid of symptoms. But if the infection is not destroyed first, the effect home therapy will be short-lived.

All kinds of thermal procedures. Can:

  1. Soaring legs.
  2. Take sitz baths by adding a couple of drops of eucalyptus or sandalwood oil to the water; 2 tbsp. l. soda and a little potassium permanganate; infusion of horsetail or chamomile, a decoction of pine branches or fir cones.
  3. Apply to the lower abdomen and groin area heating pad, plastic bottle With hot water, a fabric bag with hot sand or salt.
  4. Take a warm shower.
  5. Prepare a special “bath” for yourself from dry bricks. You will need a fairly large metal bucket. Hot pieces of brick are placed at its bottom and sat on top, having previously wrapped the edges of the vessel with thick cloth.

Treatment of cystitis with heat can quickly reduce pain. But there is also a downside to such therapy: it can provoke increased infectious process. Therefore, heating is strictly prohibited in case of hematuria.

Plant-based drinks are very common:

  1. Birch or cranberry juice.
  2. Infusion of crushed plantain and bearberry. You will need 3 tbsp. l. each ingredient. The herbs are poured with boiling water, left for an hour, then strained and honey is added. It is recommended to drink the infusion every fifteen minutes, approximately 0.5 cups. The peculiarity of the drink is the strongest diuretic effect, therefore, treatment should be started on a day off, when you don’t have to go anywhere.
  3. Infusion of corn silk. It must be drunk only warm. It is necessary to pour 3 tbsp of heated water. l. stigma and place in a dark place for 2 hours. To improve the taste, honey can be added to the drink. Drink the medicine 1-2 glasses a day. The positive effect is pain relief.
  4. Infusion of licorice root. For 20 g of plant you will need 1 liter warm water. It is necessary to keep the drink in a container wrapped in a terry towel for 24 hours. Drink the infusion three times a day. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. So that the drink does not lose its useful qualities, it is placed in the refrigerator.
  5. Parsley decoction. 100 g of greens are poured into boiling water (1 liter), then cooked for half an hour, stirring occasionally. The finished drink is kept in a closed container for a couple of hours, filtered and refrigerated. Dosage – 0.5 cups in the morning on an empty stomach. Take the medicine for 21 days, then take a week's break.

Cystitis - serious problem, which you definitely need to pay attention to. Acute cystitis is treated quickly, unlike its chronic “brother”.

The problem of an inflamed bladder in women is rarely isolated from other diseases of the female genital area. But, nevertheless, many women probably remember the times of their childhood, when their grandmothers persistently recommended that they dress warmer in the cold winter season, wear long underwear, and not sit with their buttocks on benches and other cultural seating items.

Girls, being young, rarely follow the advice of wise women, and they are actually ways to prevent bladder inflammation. Time passes, the woman becomes an adult, the body becomes more susceptible to drafts and hypothermia, symptoms of severe burning and discomfort when urinating, frequent urge to go to the toilet and a feeling of fullness of the bladder appear.

In medicine this state defined by the term “cystitis”, which is observed in seven out of ten women. And, in every one or two women out of ten, doctors diagnose chronic inflammation urinary tract!

Therefore, in this publication we will talk about the causes, symptoms and treatment features of bladder inflammation.

Remember that medications for treatment must be prescribed by a urologist or surgeon.

Causes of cystitis in women: why does the bladder become inflamed?

Inflammatory process in the bladder - a fairly common urological problem in women. It causes a lot of unpleasant sensations. Men are less likely to experience this disease due to the different anatomical structure of the urinary tract itself.

The urethra in women is special excretory organ devoid of bends. It is much shorter and at the same time wider than that of men. That is why the female urethra is more susceptible to infection.

In the warm season pathogenic microflora rarely provokes the formation of an inflammatory process. Its breeding ground is the anus and the entrance to the vagina itself. When the immune defense is weakened and hypothermia occurs, microorganisms penetrate through the urethra into the bladder and begin to actively multiply there, provoking the development of pathology (cystitis).

As a rule, inflammation of the bladder mucosa differs in women infectious nature. The following pathogenic microorganisms can act as the main pathogens: staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Trichomonas. In addition to infection, the following factors contribute to the occurrence of this disease:

  1. Hypothermia.
  2. Various types of hormonal disorders.
  3. Failure to comply with the well-known rules of personal hygiene, including during menstruation.
  4. Improper wiping after defecation.
  5. Non-traditional sexual contacts.
  6. Frequent stress.
  7. Avitaminosis.
  8. Presence of diseases of the genitourinary system.

All of the above factors, as a rule, lead to inflammation of the bladder. The reasons for the development of this pathology may vary in each specific case.

Inflammation of the bladder in women: symptoms

General symptoms continue for 14 days. Then comes relief and final recovery. If pain and discomfort do not go away after 2 weeks, it means that the disease has entered the chronic stage.

Most common symptoms:

  1. Constant urge to urinate.
  2. Cloudiness of urine, appearance of blood impurities.
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen, characterized by aching character.
  4. Feeling of burning and stinging during urination.
  5. Urinary incontinence (very rare).
  6. Slight increase in temperature.

Inflammation of the bladder in women should not be ignored. Treatment should be prescribed immediately after diagnosis. It is important to understand that cystitis is quite insidious pathology, which can cause very serious complications (spread of infection to other parts of the excretory system).

Cystitis requires a thorough approach to treatment to avoid the risk of further spread of infection to the kidneys. The inflammatory process forms in the mucous membrane of the bladder itself.

Preparing for treatment

How to relieve bladder inflammation? Doctors strongly recommend not to resort to the advice of relatives and friends, that is, to self-medicate. The thing is that incorrectly selected therapy can only aggravate inflammation of the bladder; the causes of the problem will not be identified, and the current clinical picture will be smeared.

Thus, when primary signs You should immediately seek help from a specialist.

  1. Confirmation of pathology is possible solely on the basis of clinical diagnostic studies.
  2. When palpating the lower abdomen, the patient usually feels discomfort and pain, the intensity of which may vary.
  3. Ultrasound confirms the presence of inflammation, which is reflected in changes in the usual structure of the walls of the damaged organ itself.
  4. It is equally important to take a urine test. If there is an illness, it contains increased content squirrel, uric acid, mucus and red blood cells.

All patients, without exception, are examined by the doctor on a gynecological chair and take biological material for PCR, cytological and biological examinations. If the disease is prolonged, a number of additional tests may be required, including a biopsy and cystoscopy.

Inflammation of the bladder in women: treatment of cystitis

How to cure bladder inflammation?

All therapeutic measures should be carried out only under regular supervision by a specialist.

  1. At home, it is very important to organize a gentle diet and maintain drinking balance.
  2. You should drink at least two liters of water per day.
  3. Vitamin therapy plays a direct role in the treatment of the disease.
  4. It is recommended to avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages and coffee.
  5. It is better to avoid spicy foods and spices for the entire duration of treatment.
  6. If constipation occurs, the diet should be varied with fermented milk drinks and natural fiber (for example, apples).

As you know, quite unpleasant symptoms accompany inflammation of the bladder in women. Treatment of this type of problem involves the use of medications.

For example, to eliminate existing spasms and severe pain, Canephron or Urolesan is prescribed. When chronic course the use of physiotherapy is advisable.

Antibacterial therapy

If the disease is infectious in nature, antibiotics are prescribed. Currently, according to experts, the most effective are the following antibacterial drugs:

  1. "Monural".
  2. "Co-trimoxazole."
  3. "Nitrofurantoin".

The therapeutic course usually ranges from three to approximately seven days.

It is important to note that specific medicine for inflammation of the bladder, the doctor himself chooses based on the test results obtained. The proposed antibacterial drugs are absolutely safe for health and can be used without fear.

Herbal preparations from natural ingredients

Such a drug is “ Uroprofit“, which has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. The complex of biologically active substances included in “Uroprofit” helps normalize urination, improves functional state kidneys and urinary tract, and also reduces the risk of repeated exacerbations of chronic cystitis.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

Inflammation of the bladder always requires an exclusively qualified approach to treatment. Some experts suggest using drug intervention in conjunction with traditional medicine recipes.

As practice shows, such a decision most often brings the desired effect. Below we list the most common recipes of our grandmothers against this disease.

  1. Before eating, you can drink a simple infusion of hop cones. To prepare it you will need 500 ml of the most ordinary still water and 2 tablespoons of cones. The ingredients must be mixed, left for a couple of hours, and then strained. The resulting infusion can be drunk half a glass four times a day.
  2. An excellent option is a decoction of a mixture of herbs ( chamomile inflorescences, mint leaves, poplar buds). One tablespoon of dry mixture requires a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to infuse this “medicine” for four hours, then strain. You need to drink the infusion three times a day and only before meals.
  3. Based on the fact that during the treatment of inflammation it is necessary to consume liquid in large quantities, tea from cherry stems or cherries. To prepare it, you can use both dried and fresh shoots. The resulting tea should be drunk on an empty stomach, you can add honey.

The above recipes help reduce the manifestation unpleasant symptoms with inflammation of the bladder. Folk remedies also help alleviate acute inflammation.

An excellent option are sitz baths with an infusion of rhizomes of marsh calamus. Pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of rhizomes and let it brew, then strain. Before the procedure itself, it is recommended to dilute one part of the infusion in two parts of water.

What complications can there be?

With prolonged cystitis due to lack of treatment or improper treatment, the infection can spread to the kidneys, which leads to the development pyelonephritis.

This disease is characterized high temperature And severe pain in the lumbar area. Pyelonephritis, as a rule, requires serious therapy, and in a hospital setting. However, in this case, the inflammation of the bladder itself fades into the background. As a result, the disease will make itself felt again, and with each next attack of pyelonephritis, kidney function will inevitably deteriorate.

In the presence of individual structural features of the bladder walls pathological process can spread throughout their entire thickness, affecting not only the mucous membrane, but also the muscular part. This pathology is called interstitial cystitis.

In such patients, the number of urges to urinate increases up to 150 times a day, and body temperature rises. Medicines for bladder inflammation in this case are ineffective. With a long course of pathology, the organ loses its usual elasticity and gradually decreases in size. When its volume reaches 50 ml, a decision is made on surgical intervention ( complete removal bladder and its subsequent plastic surgery from colon tissue).

Preventive actions

It is better to prevent bladder inflammation than to treat it. Experts recommend that all representatives of the fair sex follow fairly simple rules.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to abandon promiscuity, and if this is not possible, condoms should be used during every sexual act.
  2. In addition, it is recommended to try not to overcool and use thermal underwear in winter. Compliance with the well-known rules of hygiene is another preventive measure.
  3. If the disease cannot be avoided, then serious therapy using antibiotics will not be possible.
  4. The ideal solution in this case is the so-called A complex approach, that is, drug intervention + traditional medicine recipes.

Video on the topic

Treatment of cystitis in women in 1 day - without pills and injections

Video channel of Dr. Evdokimenko.

Treatment of cystitis in women in 1 day - without pills and injections. Dr. Evdokimenko in his video talks about how to cure cystitis at home in one, maximum two days, using a decoction bay leaf. * Dear women! Please read it before doing this procedure. detailed description here:

Contraindications to the procedure with bay leaves. Attention! This procedure cannot be done:

  1. during pregnancy and the first 5-6 months after birth;
  2. children under 13 years of age;
  3. V critical days among women;
  4. for fibroids and other tumors of the female genital organs;
  5. with endometriosis and a tendency to uterine bleeding;
  6. with hemorrhoidal bleeding and tendency to it;
  7. for colds and flu, for elevated temperature bodies;
  8. immediately after operations on the abdominal organs (you need to wait at least 1-2 months);
  9. for any ACUTE diseases internal organs– for example, with exacerbation of pancreatitis or cholecystitis, with appendicitis, etc.;
  10. at severe lesions heart, severe ischemic disease; the first 3-6 months after myocardial infarction; with aortic aneurysm;
  11. the first 3-5 months after a stroke;
  12. at serious illnesses blood.

Do with caution:

  • when breastfeeding – the effect is unknown;
  • with paroxysmal tachycardia, with atrial fibrillation; for heart defects.

ATTENTION! This video is educational and informational in nature. There are contraindications.

Before using the tips from the video, ALWAYS consult your doctor!

Health to you! All the best!

How to treat cystitis at home?

Maxim Pragin.

Natural antibiotic destroys all bladder and kidney infections

Video channel " Useful tips about everything". Recipe Ingredients:

  1. 200 ml. olive oil,
  2. 250 gr. natural honey,
  3. 250 gr. lemon zest,
  4. 250 gr. parsley root (stem).