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Healing viburnum. Medicinal plant. Potassium permanganate for plant health - reliable and irreplaceable

Another article about herbs that our ancestors and moderns collect and use for various purposes. Here we will get acquainted with such a plant as Kalina, and consider a few recipes.

Viburnum has long been considered a symbol of beauty and courage. The seeds of this plant resemble small hearts in appearance. Associated with this is the belief that these are the hearts of girls who led enemies (Tatar-Mongols) into impenetrable forests so that they could not get out. Enemies killed brave girls and viburnum grew from their blood. Viburnum flowers were used to decorate weddings and loaves, and wedding wreaths were made from viburnum flowers.

Medicine and prescriptions:

Viburnum Viburnum(Viburnum opulus L) is considered healing not only in folk medicine, but is also recognized official medicine. Viburnum is a shrub 3 meters high and above. It blooms in late May - early June, the flowers are white. The fruits are harvested at the end of August, September and October. The bark is harvested in April and May. Flowers, fruits, bark are used for collection; the collection of roots is also described in ancient herbal books.

The bark contains tannins and other useful components that have a hemostatic, astringent, and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the bark contains resinous substances, organic acids (acetic, valeric, formic, linoleic, palmitic, ascorbic), vitamins K and C. The scope of application of infusions and extracts from the bark is truly diverse. Below are a few particularly useful healing recipes. One need only say that in official medicine, extracts and decoctions of viburnum are prescribed to women: uterine bleeding, to prevent miscarriage, in postpartum period, during menstruation; for everyone else: for hemorrhoids, diseases gastrointestinal tract etc. In folk medicine, there is a practice of using viburnum infusion for epilepsy, neurasthenia, hysterical seizures, nervous breakdowns, gastritis, colitis, liver diseases, hypertension, skin diseases, etc. Official studies have shown that bark infusion increases the strength of heart contractions and improves digestion. In addition, Slavic herbalists prescribe this remedy to convalescents as a tonic that improves immunity and strengthens the condition of the body. In addition, wounds are washed with a decoction of the bark as a healing and antimicrobial agent.

The bark was also used and is used to treat pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, cough, asthma, and, in general, respiratory diseases.

Recipes from the bark and roots of Viburnum:

1. Half a glass of bark to one and a half glasses of boiling water is covered and simmered in a water bath for 30 minutes. Turn off and let cool in closed. Strain the cooled broth by squeezing, drain and give to the patient for cough and asthma - a quarter glass three times a day after meals. For skin diseases, this decoction can be used to make lotions. Eye lotions also help with purulent conjunctivitis. This infusion also helps with diarrhea (diarrhea). The patient should be given a quarter glass of infusion every 3 hours on an empty stomach.

2. Medicinal decoction of viburnum bark. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of crushed bark into 250 ml of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes, let it brew for 2 hours, then strain. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day before meals. This decoction is useful for vascular spasms, uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids, insomnia, neuroses, gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. It also reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and improves metabolism in the body. Can be used externally for baths for scrofula and pustular skin lesions.

3. A decoction of bark and rhizomes - helps with severe sweating. You need to prepare a decoction and add it to foot baths or body baths. For the decoction, take a glass of bark and chopped rhizomes, add two liters of boiling water and simmer over very low heat. After 45-60 minutes, turn off the heat and leave to cool. The cooled infusion must be strained and added to the bath water. For fungal diseases of the feet, it is useful to wipe the affected areas with a clean infusion.

4. Baths with a decoction of viburnum roots are used for rheumatism. 30 g of crushed dry roots are taken per 1 liter of water. Boil for 20 minutes, filter. A bath (36-37 degrees) is taken before bedtime. The course of treatment is 14-18 baths.

Recipes from Viburnum flowers:

1. Viburnum tea relieves nervous tension, soothes, has a mild medicinal diuretic property. It is useful to drink both hot and cold, as well as apply lotions to tired and swollen eyes.

2. Infusion of viburnum flowers. 1 tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of flowers, leave, wrapped warmly, for 40 minutes, strain. Drink 2 sips 3 times a day 0.5 hours before meals. Helps against scrofula various rashes. This infusion can be used to wash wounds. An infusion of viburnum flowers is also useful for gastritis with low acidity And painful menstruation. A decoction and infusion of viburnum flowers is a good expectorant and diaphoretic for respiratory infections. Has an astringent effect for diarrhea, stomach colic. It is used to improve digestion and for bile and urolithiasis. Externally - for skin tuberculosis, diathesis, eczema. Viburnum infusion is good for gargling when you have a sore throat; it is also used to wash wounds.

Recipes from Viburnum berries:

The berries are used both for preparing various dishes - jelly, jam, marmalade, compote, etc., and for making tinctures, which also have a beneficial effect antimicrobial effect. Viburnum fruits contain invert sugar, tannins, ascorbic acid, and pectin. The seeds contain up to 21% fatty oil. Women in labor were given an infusion of viburnum berries and honey to drink. Viburnum flowers in the form of an infusion are used for colds, as well as during the treatment of diathesis, eczema, and dermatitis.

1. When treating weeping eczema, take a tablespoon alcohol infusion berries, mix with crushed drupe seeds. Turn into a paste and lubricate sore spots.

2. Grind three and a half tablespoons of berries in a mortar, pour in, stirring gradually, three glasses of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day before meals (sedative). This infusion helps with hypertension, atherosclerosis, vascular spasms, gastritis, colitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, colds. Externally, the infusion can be used for nosebleeds (put tampons soaked in the infusion into the nasal cavity), to lubricate the skin for rashes, scrofula.

3. For the winter, it is good to prepare juice from viburnum fruits. It is perfectly preserved in the cold without preservation and serves an indispensable tool for colds. You can also freeze viburnum berries. And in winter, cook from them hot drink for colds. Half a glass of berries for two glasses of boiling water and add a spoon to the finished drink natural honey.

4. Infusion of viburnum berries with honey. Grind 40 g of viburnum fruits, pour 200 ml of hot honey over them, leave for 2 hours. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day after meals. This infusion is used to treat hypertension, cough, and bronchial asthma. Berries cooked with honey are useful for coughs, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and edema of cardiac origin.

5. Juice from viburnum berries. The juice is prepared as follows: the berries are washed in cold water, then lightly dry and squeeze out the juice. It is necessary to keep in mind that the skin of the berries contains bitterness, so when processing the berries, try not to put too much pressure on them. Then you need to mix the juice with sugar in a 1:1 ratio. To make the sugar dissolve better, the juice is heated a little. Then it is poured into jars, closed and stored in a cool place. The longer the juice is stored, the less bitterness it will retain.

6. Another recipe for juice from viburnum berries. When preparing juice, you don’t have to squeeze the berries, but simply put them in glass jars to about a third of the volume, and pour sugar on top so that the jar is completely filled. The jars are loosely covered and stored in a cool place, but not in the cold. In six months you will get viburnum in its own juice. Juice from viburnum fruits should be drunk 50 ml 2-3 times a day. It helps well with bronchial asthma, hypertension, pain in the heart, liver. It is also used for gastritis and painful menstruation. The juice can be used to rinse the mouth and throat for sore throats, gum diseases, wipe the skin for lichen, and the skin of the face for rashes and acne. Warmed viburnum juice with honey is a good remedy for coughs.

7. Healing drink for those who suffer from hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, chronic fatigue. The fruits of viburnum, rose hips, rowan, hawthorn, raisins, dried apricots (or prunes), taken in equal quantities - 1 tbsp. spoon, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 5-6 hours in a thermos (can be heated in a water bath for 30 minutes). They drink it like tea.

8. Viburnum drink with currant and mint leaves. This drink helps with colds and hoarseness. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of mint leaves and crushed black currant leaves, pour boiling water, knead about 0.5 kg of viburnum berries, mix everything, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. The mixture is heated, but not boiled. When infused, drink like tea.

Beauty recipes from viburnum:

1. Viburnum berries are wonderful cosmetic product. To get rid of pimples, blackheads, and freckles, wipe the skin with fresh juice of viburnum berries.

2. A napkin moistened with berry juice should be applied to the skin for 10 minutes, moistened again and held for 10 minutes again. Then wash your face warm water. The skin will become clean and elastic, disappear dark spots, if you wash your face with an infusion of berries or make lotions and compresses from the juice.

3. For oily skin, you can make this face mask: mix viburnum juice with whipped egg white one to one and apply to the skin for 30 minutes.


Young branches of viburnum are used as a decoction for scrofula.

Coffee is prepared from viburnum seeds, which has a tonic effect, which is also recommended for constipation.

For heart disease, a good remedy is to eat viburnum berries with seeds.

For coughs, sore throats, diarrhea, and jaundice, use viburnum berries mashed with sugar.

A decoction of crushed seeds has a tonic and invigorating property.

Collection and storage:

It is best to pick berries in dry weather, picking them together with the stems or branches so as not to damage the fruit. After this, they are dried in attics, hanging them upside down, or laying them loosely on a dry floor. You can also dry it in an oven at a temperature of around 60 degrees, but in such a way as to prevent burning. After the fruits are dried, they need to be sorted, branches and stems separated from them, and spoiled berries removed. Viburnum fruits are very well preserved in unheated rooms, for example, in the attic or basement. Also, a regular refrigerator is quite suitable for these purposes. Juice or crushed fruits store well when mixed with sugar in one to one proportions.

The bark is collected in the spring, when the buds have not yet opened and sap flow is just beginning. Then the bark is easy to separate from the tree, and it has the most powerful properties. Cut off the bark different ways, but basically it is done like this: Before removing the bark, two semi-circular cuts are made with a sharp knife at a distance of 20-25 cm from one another and two longitudinal cuts, after which the bark is removed. The bark needs to be dried, just like the berries. The bark is ready when it snaps. Can be stored in bags or bags in a well-ventilated area.

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There are legends about viburnum; it is used in cooking and cosmetology, and is also actively used to maintain health. The beneficial properties of viburnum are appreciated traditional healers and the guru of official medicine. It is not surprising, because the plant, common in gardens and parks, contains a huge amount useful substances, thanks to which many diseases are successfully treated.

Plant characteristics

Viburnum can grow as a tree, but is more often found as a shrub. The plant is a long-liver - it grows and develops up to 50 years, and when favorable conditions and protection from pests even longer. The height of viburnum sometimes reaches five meters. Wide foliage and noble appearance make the plant an enviable decoration of garden plots and park areas.

Where does it grow?

Common viburnum can be found on the banks of a river or near a lake, in a wetland, as the plant loves well-moistened soil. It grows in shade-rich forests of deciduous trees, located on its edges and outskirts. The plant prefers tropical and temperate climates. In the regions of the European part of Russia it grows in the middle zone, and in the south of the country it grows everywhere.

China and Japan are considered the birthplace of almost all types of viburnum. The plant is also distributed throughout North America. Found in European countries with warm and temperate climates. Viburnum is cultivated for the preparation of medicinal raw materials, for culinary purposes, and also as an ornamental shrub.

Botanical description

The red viburnum bush reaches a height of 2.5 to 4 m. Gray, brownish-tinged bark covers the woody parts of the shoots. On it you can see longitudinal cracks, the destruction of which by pests causes damage to adult viburnum bushes.

. Inside there is a large bone up to 9 mm long. The pulp of the fruit, with sufficient juiciness, is distinguished by an astringent bitterness. The intensity of the taste decreases after exposure to sub-zero temperatures. The fruits fully ripen in October.

With special pruning, a tree can be grown from a red viburnum bush, however, its crown will not be too thick.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials The medicinal raw materials of red viburnum include the bark and fruits. Their preparation takes place according to different rules

described in the table.

Table - Features of red viburnum harvestingBark
Fruit- Harvesting begins in March or early April
- Active harvesting - in September, October, after the first frosts- Remove the bark from the cut branches in layers
- Clusters are cut from the plant, the stalks are not removed
- Large layers are crushed;
- laid out in a thin layer under the sun for drying
- Dry the bunches under the sun, hanging them on a thick thread or wire
- Dry using a dryer or in a warm attic- Temperature when using the dryer 50-60°C
- Temperature when using the dryer 60-80°C- High-quality dried raw materials break down

- The hardness of the berries indicates complete drying After drying, any viburnum raw material is stored in cotton bags in a dark, dry place, with good ventilation. Cora saves beneficial features

for four years, the remaining parts of the plant - throughout the year.

Viburnum fruits can be prepared in another way. For example, to add it to tea and use it for confectionery purposes, it must be ground with sugar, which will help preserve all the beneficial properties of the fruit.

Fresh viburnum fruits can also be frozen. To do this, rinse them under running water and dry them on a paper towel. Spread in a thin layer on a wide plate. After freezing for two hours, pour the viburnum into a container or bag.


The healing properties of red viburnum are due to the content of biologically active substances in the plant. Moreover, any type of raw material can be beneficial, since valuable compounds are contained in all parts of the bush.

The rich chemical composition of red viburnum allows it to be used to speed up recovery and general strengthening body for almost any disease.

Features of therapeutic effects

Treatment with viburnum berries and other parts of the plant requires knowledge about the peculiarities of its effect on the body.

Useful properties of viburnum

The widest list of pharmacological effects of the use of viburnum makes the plant a popular remedy in folk and official medicine.

  • In gynecology. Viburnum's ability to regulate hormonal background
  • very important for women. The plant can be prescribed during the postpartum period to accelerate uterine contractions and reduce bleeding. In general, viburnum has a positive effect on estrogen levels, and therefore eliminates the symptoms of menopause and painful menstruation. For digestion.
  • Red viburnum can improve digestion, normalize stomach acidity, and also eliminate signs of dysbiosis. As a protective and anti-inflammatory agent, the plant is prescribed for damage to the gastric mucosa: gastritis, ulcerative lesions. Among the indications for use of the plant: colitis of any cause and a tendency to constipation, hemorrhoids.
  • For the kidneys.
  • Viburnum red can be used as a mild diuretic suitable for men. Anti-inflammatory properties help eliminate swelling of the prostate gland during prostatitis, as well as facilitate the process of urination. The ability of viburnum to relieve inflammatory processes localized in the kidneys has been noted. For the oral cavity. The antibacterial, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties of viburnum are actively used in dentistry for the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis, and periodontal disease. For skin diseases. The plant and preparations from it can assist in the treatment of any skin diseases, including allergies, autoimmune diseases
  • , as well as skin lesions complicated by bacterial or fungal infection. At allergic dermatitis. Viburnum viburnum is used to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. It eliminates nervousness, insomnia, fatigue, headaches, including migraines. Helps overcome apathy, improves mood, prevents seizures. Used to eliminate initial forms of hypertension.
  • With ARVI. Treated with viburnum and most colds
  • , as well as their complications. A mild expectorant and bronchodilator effect allows you to get rid of coughs due to bronchitis, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. The plant eliminates shortness of breath and improves blood oxygen saturation. Providing a diaphoretic effect, viburnum helps eliminate the symptoms of fever, accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

For immunity.

The immunostimulating properties of viburnum, its ability to saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, and improve the biochemical composition of the blood are often used to restore the body after illnesses and operations. And also to speed up recovery from infectious and colds.

People often use viburnum for weight loss. Getting rid of excess weight occurs due to the acceleration of metabolic reactions, as well as a complete restructuring of lipid metabolism, as a result of which much less excess fat is deposited on the waist. Also relevant to the diet is the ability of viburnum to regulate digestion and improve motility of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), remove accumulated fluid, without the risk of loss of electrolytes.

  • What are the other advantages? The healing properties of red viburnum are very extensive, but the medicinal plant also has other interesting abilities. For beauty. Juice extracted from viburnum fruits is frozen and used for the face, made into cubes.
  • light massage
  • . The viburnum massage procedure whitens the skin, eliminates age spots, freckles, acne and pustular rashes. In addition, the antioxidant composition of viburnum helps smooth out wrinkles and strengthen facial contours. In cooking. Viburnum fruits are actively used in cooking to produce fruit drinks, jelly, marshmallows, marshmallows, and pie fillings that are not just tasty, but also have active general strengthening properties. The benefits of viburnum berries, even candied ones, are much higher than the usual chocolate.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the decorative properties of viburnum. Breeders have developed a variety of plant, the French name of which sounds like “Boule de neige”, that is, “Snowball”. The spherical inflorescences look exotic and can decorate any homestead.

Is caution necessary?

Any medication must be taken strictly in accordance with the indications for its use. Red viburnum plant material is no exception, which means it requires careful use in some cases. The main contraindications of viburnum are as follows.

  • Pregnancy. The plant is contraindicated during pregnancy. All its parts contain compounds that are similar in structure and action to estrogen hormones. Their tonic effect on the uterine muscles can lead to miscarriage or premature birth, provoke placental abruption and malnutrition of the fetus.
  • Thrombosis. Contraindications for viburnum include a tendency to form blood clots, as well as pronounced atherosclerosis, since the hemostatic effect of the plant can aggravate the situation and neutralize the effect of antiplatelet drugs.
  • High acidity. People suffering from heartburn can expect harm from viburnum, as well as with significantly increased acidity gastric juice, due to the ability of viburnum fruits to stimulate the secretion of digestive glands.

Side effects of red viburnum can negatively affect the condition of patients suffering from hypotension, since the plant provokes an additional decrease in blood pressure. The use of red viburnum for blood pressure does not always bring the expected result due to the cardiotonic effect of the plant.

The extensive chemical composition of all parts of the plant obliges patients to ensure that there are no individual sensitivity reactions before using viburnum preparations. To do this, it is worth taking preparations from the plant in minimal doses for several days, carefully observing the body’s reaction.


Viburnum, as well as its extracts, have long been used in official medicine, complementing vitamin herbal preparations and being part of homeopathic remedies. Focusing on special recipes, at home you can prepare medicines from the plant that are not inferior in effectiveness to pharmaceutical products.

Bark decoction

Peculiarities. Used to eliminate uterine bleeding, painful periods, in the postpartum period, to normalize gastrointestinal functions, mildly lower blood pressure, as well as to improve kidney function and eliminate edema.

Preparation and use

  1. A tablespoon of viburnum bark is poured into a glass of boiling water in an enamel pan.
  2. Place in a boiling water bath and heat under the lid for half an hour.
  3. Infuse the resulting product for 10 minutes at room temperature, then strain and thoroughly squeeze the cake.
  4. Bring boiled water at room temperature to the previous volume.
  5. A flock of viburnum bark is taken in the amount of two tablespoons, up to four times a day. Apply lotions twice a day for any skin diseases, including trophic ulcers. Store the broth for no longer than two days in the refrigerator.

Infusion of fruits

Peculiarities. Used internally for colds, to relieve constipation, and also allergic reactions And inflammatory processes. Including for heart and joint diseases.

Preparation and use

  1. Two tablespoons dried berries pour viburnum into an enamel bowl with a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid.
  2. Heat for 15 minutes in a boiling water bath.
  3. After heating, the viburnum berries are infused for 45 minutes, after which they are strained, squeezed out, and brought to the original volume with water.
  4. Drink viburnum infusion orally, one-third of a glass three times a day. Store in the refrigerator for no longer than two days.

Infusion of leaves and inflorescences

Peculiarities. It is used in folk medicine as a mild diuretic, diaphoretic, antiallergic, and when applied topically it eliminates sweating.

Preparation and use

  1. A tablespoon of crushed viburnum inflorescences and leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave for half an hour, then filter.
  3. Take half a glass orally twice a day, apply external lotions.


All healing properties viburnum is clearly manifested when using its concentrated extracts. You can prepare a tincture of viburnum berries using an alcohol or water base. Features of the reception and manufacture of these products are described in the table.

Table - Tinctures of red viburnum fruits

PeculiaritiesWater tinctureAlcohol tincture
Indications- For a cold
- to improve appetite and normalize metabolism;
- V complex treatment gastrointestinal diseases, hypertension, initial forms of atherosclerosis
- Anti-inflammatory, antitussive, antipyretic;
- digestive stimulant;
- promotes the elimination of toxins;
- has sedative properties
Preparation- Two tablespoons of viburnum fruits are poured with a glass of boiling water;
- boil in a water bath for five minutes;
- leave for two hours, then filter
- A bottle or jar is loosely filled with viburnum berries;
- fill to the top with vodka;
- insist in a dark place for three weeks;
- filter
Reception- One teaspoon;
- up to four times a day
- 30 drops per half glass of water;
- three times a day

According to reviews, tinctures of red viburnum quickly provide general strengthening and immunostimulating properties, therefore they can be used both for the treatment and prevention of colds, as well as to improve the functioning of all body systems.

Common or red viburnum is a beautiful plant, all parts of which have valuable therapeutic properties. At the right approach Viburnum will heal, strengthen and rejuvenate the entire human body. But medicinal properties Viburnum should be used responsibly as there is still a slight risk of side effects.

Description of the properties of viburnum and recipes with berries.

From this article you will learn about the beneficial properties and uses of viburnum berries. You can also use the plant for various diseases.

Red viburnum berry: beneficial and medicinal properties and contraindications

Red viburnum - we all feel good famous plant, a frequent inhabitant of gardens and front gardens. This is not only a beautiful tree that delights us with spring blossoms or autumn berries, but also a real treasure trove of the most valuable components for humans:

  • vitamins A, P, C
  • tannins
  • pectin
  • phytoncides
  • organic acids
  • viburnina

Thanks to this, the plant has a number of healing properties:

  • astringent and antiseptic– promotes wound healing.
  • diuretic – relieves swelling.
  • immuno-strengthening– restores the body’s strength after illness.
  • tonic and cleansing – used for cosmetic purposes.
  • anti-inflammatory– relieves the condition during a cold.
  • expectorant – treats diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • diaphoretic – reduces temperature.
  • soothing– Helps get rid of stress and depression.
  • cleansing – renews blood and normalizes heart function.
  • antispasmodic– relieves headaches and stomach pains.

For medicinal purposes, various potions are prepared from viburnum:

  • infusions
  • decoctions
  • mixtures
  • alcohol tinctures

Like anyone else healing agent, viburnum has contraindications. So, do not use it under the following conditions:

  • low blood pressure (hypotension) – since this plant greatly reduces blood pressure levels
  • risk of blood clots
  • blood diseases
  • increased stomach acidity
  • gout
  • severe kidney disease
  • urolithiasis

Besides, Do not abuse viburnum during pregnancy due to the presence of substances that can provoke:

  • uterine contraction
  • development of pathologies in the fetus
  • the appearance of allergic reactions

Flowers, leaves, bark, viburnum - beneficial and medicinal properties and contraindications

Viburnum is a unique plant. Indeed, for the purpose of healing, almost all of its components are used, and not just the fruits. Flowers– decoctions based on them have many healing properties:

  • relieve inflammation
  • increase appetite
  • increase sweating
  • heal wounds and postoperative sutures
  • improve conditions with gastritis
  • relieve painful periods
  • restore voice in case of hoarseness

Leaves– contain vitamins K, C, A. They have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Shown for:

  • sore throat (in the form of a decoction for gargling)
  • rashes on the skin, lichen, boils (the juice is applied to the affected areas)
  • weakening of the body after illness (the decoction is taken orally)

Table - Features of red viburnum harvesting viburnum is valued no less than berries, since it contains many valuable components:

  • phytoncides – have a disinfecting effect.
  • tannins – inhibit bacteria and promote wound healing.
  • acids (palmitic, formic, acetic, linoleic) – enhance protective functions, participate in improving metabolic processes.
  • pectins – cleanse the blood, remove toxins from the body, and improve metabolism.
  • glycoside viburnin - has a hemostatic effect.

This remedy is used internally and externally for many ailments:

  • gastrointestinal tract
  • tuberculosis
  • kidney or liver diseases
  • cardiovascular
  • sclerosis
  • convulsions
  • bleeding (including internal)
  • respiratory system
  • loss of voice and wheezing
  • inflammation of the oral cavity
  • hemorrhoids
  • skin diseases
  • bleeding gums

Many healers believe that decoctions and infusions from leaves, bark and young shoots of viburnum can reduce cancer tumors and prevent the development of cancer.

Decoctions made from these products have practically no contraindications. You need to listen to your feelings and not use products if:

  • pregnancy
  • hypotension
  • severe kidney disease
  • viburnum juice beneficial properties and contraindications

Medical research confirms positive effect from drinking viburnum juice for many diseases:

  • hypertension, neuroses, whooping cough, liver and cardiovascular diseases - drink 1/3 glass of juice before meals.
  • headaches, asthma - take 1 tbsp juice 5-8 times a day.
  • gastritis with low acidity - 1 tbsp before meals 2-3 times a day.
  • stomatitis and thrush oral cavity– lubricate the mucous membranes and gums with the juice boiled with honey.
  • acne and eczema - mix honey and juice in equal parts and wipe the affected areas.
  • breast tumors – stir 3 tsp honey in a glass of juice and take 100 ml twice a day 1.5 – 2 hours after meals
  • sore throat - gargle with fresh juice twice a day

Besides, daily use fresh viburnum juice helps:

  • calm the nervous system
  • prevent the development of cancer
  • strengthen the immune system
  • fight infections
  • improve skin condition

Making juice is easy:

  • Rinse the berries with cold water.
  • dry
  • Extract the juice by hand or using a juicer. Remember that the bitterness of the juice is imparted by the skin of the berries, so try not to damage it too much
  • pour into glass container.
  • in case of storage, mix the raw materials with sugar in equal parts.

When consuming viburnum juice, remember the general contraindications:

  • thrombophlebitis
  • leukemia
  • increased acidity
  • allergies
  • pregnancy
  • arthritis

Video: Viburnum - beneficial properties

When does the common viburnum ripen, when is viburnum harvested, in what month, what does it help with?

The period for collecting red viburnum depends on what kind of raw materials you are procuring:

  • bark going within May, you need to remove it from the side shoots. Dry in a place that is well ventilated. It is necessary to store in containers with a lid to avoid moisture.
  • flowers harvested while the plant is blooming, that is, in May-June. You need to pick them whole with tassels and dry them in the shade.
  • berries begin to tear during their full ripening in October when the first frost passed. They do this because frost partially removes the bitterness from the berries. Tear the berries together with the stalks (or the whole bunch) so as not to damage the delicate pulp. Then dry it, spreading it in one layer. For long-term storage, you can freeze or dry in an oven at 50 °C.

Decoctions and infusions from prepared red viburnum will help in the treatment and prevention of diseases of almost all your organs:

  • relieves vascular spasms.
  • will reduce the level cholesterol.
  • will have antispasmodic, choleretic and diuretic effects.
  • normalizes work hearts.
  • will reduce blood pressure.
  • will have an anti-cold effect.
  • viburnum increases or decreases pressure.

According to medical research The presence of active biological components in viburnum helps lower blood pressure. This is due to the diuretic effect that has on the body, since during this process:

  • excess fluid is removed.
  • vascular fullness and swelling decreases.
  • pressure decreases.

Besides, vessels are becoming more elastic, which has a positive effect on cardiovascular system generally.

Viburnum berries: medicinal properties and use in folk medicine

The bright fruits of red viburnum are not only beautiful, but also have enormous value as a remedy due to the high content in the pulp:

  • pectins
  • vitamins (K, C, P, A)
  • organic acids

From time immemorial, this wonderful berry has been used in the preparation of many healing potions for various ailments:

  • How laxative– fresh fruits are used or as the basis for decoctions and infusions.
  • restorative – brew a handful of fruits with boiling water and drink like tea.
  • during treatment tumors and oncological lesions - apply a poultice of crushed berries to sore spots.
  • for skin diseases - lubricate the affected areas with berry infusion or decoction.
  • as antipyretic and anti-inflammatory medicines - drink half a glass of warm broth (infuse 3 tablespoons of berries in 400 ml of boiling water).
  • expectorant antitussive remedy - boil a large handful of fruits in a water bath in 700 ml of water. Once infused, add honey and drink throughout the day.
  • against gastritis and polyposis – brew the fruits (2 tbsp) in a glass of boiling water, keep for 3 minutes. let it brew over the fire. Drink 1/3 glass three times a day before meals.

Video: Using viburnum in traditional medicine

Red viburnum for high blood pressure: recipe and how to take

In order to lower high blood pressure, viburnum bark and berries are used in folk medicine. We offer you several proven recipes:

  • fill it up berries directly with the seeds and sugar in equal proportions, leave overnight. Drink the resulting juice one spoon three times a day.
  • brew flowers, leaves or bark boiling water Drink this tea 3-4 times a day.
  • Pour 1 tbsp of berries with a glass of boiling water and leave for about 15 minutes. Drink 100 ml of this infusion before meals.
  • 2 tsp pour 250 ml of viburnum bark hot water and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.
  • cook jelly from 1 cup of berries, 0.5 liters of boiling water and 2 tsp. starch diluted in water. Use 2-4 times a day.

To get a stable effect, use these recipes on an ongoing basis and after stabilizing your blood pressure.

Viburnum with honey: a recipe for blood pressure

Particularly popular among folk recipes to reduce blood pressure there are options for infusions and decoctions of viburnum with the addition of bee natural honey, which, due to its rich composition, enhances the beneficial properties of the berry:

  • Mix freshly squeezed juice with honey to taste and drink throughout the day.
  • fruit drink– dissolve one spoon of honey in a glass of water (boiled) at room temperature and pour in 130 ml of viburnum juice. In 15-20 minutes. Before eating, take 1 tbsp.
  • healing mixture - mix in equal proportions honey and berries, knead well. Leave to release juice for 5 days. Use 1-2 tbsp three times a day. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.
  • with addition lemons– add lemon, crushed together with zest, to the mixture prepared according to the previously described recipe. Eat it 3-5 times a day.
  • tincture with cognac – mix viburnum berries (200 ml), flower or linden honey (200 ml) and cognac (60 ml). Eat 1 tsp.
  • cooling drink – 250 ml of viburnum juice, 60 ml of honey and 250 ml of sparkling water, mix well. You can add mint and ice cubes.

Viburnum for cough: recipe and how to take

The strengthening and expectorant properties of viburnum have long been known. This plant has always been used to treat coughs varying degrees. Moreover, berries, inflorescences, and bark help for these purposes:

  • 1 heaped tbsp bark chopped, pour boiling water and keep in a water bath for 7-15 minutes. Leave to infuse, then consume before meals. Adding sea buckthorn oil and honey will enhance the healing effect of the infusion.
  • flowers(2 tbsp) brew with boiling water (500 ml) and leave for half an hour or an hour. Strain through a sieve and consume three times a day.
  • fill in berries boiling water and leave on low heat for 5-7 minutes. You can add honey. Use this decoction both as a tea and as a rinse.
  • take 150 ml juice viburnum, cahors and honey. Add a pod of red pepper and simmer everything in the oven in a bowl (not metal) under a lid for about 3 hours. Use this tincture 1.5 tbsp. before meals no more than 5 times a day.
  • Mix equal amounts of pureed berries, honey, vodka and butter. Take 1 tsp with warm milk.

Video: Recipes with viburnum for cough

Viburnum bark in gynecology: recipe

Due to the presence of tannins, organic acids, and viburnin in viburnum, viburnum has traditionally been used for gynecological ailments. In addition, a decoction of viburnum bark has long been used as a means of contraception. Provide relief from painful and heavy menstruation such means:

  • Infusion – ¼ cup of crushed bark, pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  • Cook for 20 minutes, strain.
  • Top up boiled water to the previous volume. Drink 2 tsp three times a day.
  • Alcohol tincture - pour 100 g of bark medical alcohol(1 glass).
  • Leave in a dark place for 7 – 10 days.

Normalize irregular cycle the following fees:

  • Flowers viburnum, plantain, St. John's wort, knotweed, yarrow (1 tablespoon each) pour warm water (1 l).
  • Boil for 2 minutes, pour into a thermos and leave for about 6 hours (can be left overnight).
  • Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  • Stop taking 4 days before your period starts. Continue the course of treatment until the cycle is restored.
  • Berries viburnum, juniper, rue leaves, cinquefoil, wormwood (30 g each) pour 1.5 liters of water.
  • Boil for 5 minutes, then leave until cool.
  • Strain and drink half a glass warm at night. This remedy stimulates menstruation.

With uterine bleeding:

  • Tincture– pour the crushed bark with alcohol (in equal parts) and leave in a dark place for 10 days.
  • Take 30 drops of tincture diluted in warm water before meals.
  • Berry tea – brew a handful of fruits with boiling water. Drink a cup 2-3 times a day.

Viburnum for allergies: recipes

Not everyone knows that viburnum alleviates the human condition when allergic reactions:

  • helps reduce skin rashes.
  • calms the nervous system.
  • cleanses the blood.
  • increases immune protection body.

If you suffer from this disease, try these treatment methods:

  • drink infusions from young shoots, flowers, berries or viburnum bark (2 tablespoons of raw material, pour 1.5 cups of boiling water and leave until cool).
  • lubricate the affected areas of the skin with fresh viburnum juice half an hour before swimming.
  • apply baths with the addition of twigs or inflorescences of the plant (250 g of raw material is boiled in 6 liters of water and poured into a bath).
  • at sore throat rinse it with infusion of viburnum flowers.
  • Eat a few berries a day to cleanse your blood.

Viburnum for psoriasis: recipe

Psoriasis is a disease in which skin covering affected by red, scaly rashes.
Lotions and compresses made from:

  • decoction bark viburnum - 2 tbsp. Boil the prepared raw materials over low heat in 0.5 liters of water. Leave for at least an hour and strain.
  • juice mixtures - mix viburnum and strawberry juice in equal parts.
For psoriasis, use viburnum externally and internally

These medicinal drugs can (and should) be used not only externally, but also taken internally. The components they contain help normalize metabolic processes and will have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Viburnum for colds and flu: recipes

Kalina is one of the best folk remedies for the treatment and prevention of influenza and colds thanks to the content:

  • acids and vitamin C
  • phytoncides

Phytotherapy offers many wonderful ways to get rid of a cold using this amazing plant:

  • pour viburnum fruits slightly warmed honey and leave for about 5 hours. Eat this mixture several times a day.
  • Pour boiling water over the berries, add lemon and honey. Drink this tea 4 times a day warm.
  • Brew viburnum flowers and drink half a glass. This is an excellent diaphoretic and antipyretic.
  • Boil 2 handfuls of fruits in 300 ml of water in a water bath. Leave for 30 minutes, dilute with boiled water and drink as a general tonic.
  • Mash viburnum, lingonberries and cranberries, pour boiling water over them, wrap and leave for 1-2 hours. Drink with honey.
  • from viburnum and rowan leaves tie Banya broom and take a steam bath with it. When steamed, they will have an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic effect. A essential oils, which the leaves will release, will help make breathing easier.

Video: Viburnum for colds

Viburnum for menopause: application, recipe

Every woman at a certain age faces the phenomenon of menopause. At the same time, the body undergoes hormonal changes, which are associated with the fading of the functions of the reproductive system.
Main symptoms in this condition are:

  • sudden flashes of fever(so-called "tides")
  • increased sweating
  • insomnia
  • cycle disorder
  • uterine bleeding
  • pressure surges

Viburnum will help alleviate these conditions, as this plant contains the following components:

  • viburnin, which increases the tone of the uterus and has an analgesic effect.
  • vitamins that help strengthen the body.
  • valeric acid, which has a sedative effect.
  • minerals and essential oils that lower blood pressure.

During menopause, to eliminate ailments, try the following herbal medicine methods:

  • To normalize blood pressure, eat a handful of berries every day.
  • eliminate sweating A decoction of viburnum bark will help, which is consumed 3-4 times a day, half a glass.
  • to reduce bleeding and reduce pain, take tincture of viburnum bark before meals (mix alcohol and bark in equal parts, leave in a dark place).
  • To relieve hot flashes, and also as a sleeping pill, drink warm tea from viburnum berries with the addition of honey.
  • To prolong the tone and youth of your skin longer, wipe your face with viburnum juice in the morning and evening.

Viburnum for type 2 diabetes: recipes

Viburnum berries are rich in content large quantity invert sugar, which is absorbed without insulin. Besides, unique composition viburnum promotes:

  • lower blood sugar levels
  • insulin production
  • normalization of fat metabolism
  • lower cholesterol
  • improvement of general condition
  • prevention side diseases, which
  • often occur when elevated level Sahara

The listed properties make this plant useful for people who are sick diabetes mellitus. For treatment, decoctions and tinctures using the bark and fruits of viburnum are used. The following recipes have worked well.

Based on bark:

  • chop viburnum bark (50 g)
  • add it to boiling water (1 l)
  • cook for about 15 minutes
  • leave for at least 3 hours
  • drink 25 ml three times a day

Based on berries:

  • mix the fruits of viburnum (2 tbsp) and juniper (4 tbsp).
  • add blueberry leaves (4 tbsp) and flax seeds (2 tbsp).
  • fill with water (1 l).
  • cook in a water bath for about 20-30 minutes.
  • drink 200 ml three times a day.

On based on medicinal herbs:

  • mix equal quantities of viburnum bark, mint, walnut leaves, galega officinalis and knotweed
    2 tbsp. Boil this collection in 3 glasses of water for no more than 5 minutes.
  • leave for 30 minutes.
  • take 2 tbsp. before meals.
Use viburnum according to the given recipes

Is viburnum suitable for pregnant women and breastfeeding?

Despite the fact that viburnum has a whole range of unique beneficial substances, It is not recommended to use it during pregnancy. Studies have confirmed that this plant increases the tone of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriages or premature birth.

At the same time, doctors advise drinking tea with viburnum in order to increase the activity of uterine muscle contractions during labor activity, and thereby ease the contractions. Therefore, even if you have indications for treatment with viburnum, refrain from taking it while you are expecting the baby. Contact your doctor to prescribe alternative treatment, which will not harm the fetus.

Nursing mothers should remember that in the first three months of a child’s life, it is forbidden to consume allergenic foods, which include viburnum. However, in cases of colds or high blood pressure, mother can use remedies with this plant, while observing the following rules:

  • Introduce viburnum into your diet gradually, adding a few berries to tea or compote.
  • drink a drink with viburnum in the first half of the day so that you can monitor the child’s condition.
  • carefully monitor the baby’s well-being: whether a rash has appeared, whether he has become restless, or whether sweating has increased.
  • If you suspect an allergy, stop taking viburnum and consult a doctor if necessary.
  • At first, refrain from eating fresh berries; it is better to consume them in the form of fruit drink, jam or decoction.

Video: Viburnum during pregnancy

Viburnum opulus L.

In spring - bleached, in summer - green. In autumn - hardened, in winter - praised.

As soon as the autumn forest puts on its crimson y6op, viburnum begins to dress up and show off its red berries. People in Siberia love her and sing songs about her.

Honeysuckle family - CAPRIFOLIACEAE

Description. Shrub 1.5-3 m high, with brownish-gray or small tree with grayish-brown bark with cracks. Leaves are opposite, with thread-like stipules. The flowers are white, collected in a shield. It blooms in May - June, bears fruit in August - September.

Geographical distribution. European part of Russia, middle Asia(Dzungarian Alatau, Tien Shan, Trans-Ili Alatau), Western Siberia.

Organs used: bark, berries, harvested in April - May.

Chemical composition . The bark contains resins (up to 6.5%), the saponifying part of which includes organic acids (formic, acetic, isovaleric, etc.), the non-saponifying part contains phytosterol C 33 H 56 O 6, phytosterol C 27 H 46 O, crystalline acid composition C 19 H 18 O 2, myricyl alcohol C 31 H 64 O. The presence of tannins (up to 2%), phlobophenes and the little-studied “viburnin” was also established. The fruits contain up to 32% invert sugar, up to 3% tannins, the same amount of organic acids and ascorbic acid.

Pharmacological properties . Pharmacological studies carried out by A. S. Smirnova, V. M. Yadrova (1968) and G. B. Kazanskaya (1973) showed that viburnum preparations are low-toxic. Glycoside viburnoside at a dose of 5 mg/kg or more, bark decoctions, infusions of viburnum leaves and flowers have hypotensive and anticonvulsant properties, have a pronounced accelerating effect on the process of blood clotting in dogs and other experimental animals.

Application. WITH therapeutic purpose Viburnum bark is used, which, due to the content of viburnin glycoside and tannins, has an astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory effect, and reduces the tone of the uterine muscles.

Liquid extract and decoction of viburnum bark prescribed in obstetric and gynecological practice for uterine bleeding in the postpartum period, to prevent miscarriage when an abortion has begun, and for painful and heavy menstruation. As a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent, viburnum is used for hemorrhoids and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therapeutic effect develops by the 2-3rd day of drug use.

In folk medicine viburnum fruits eat in pure form, with honey or sugar for hypertension. A water decoction of viburnum flowers is drunk for coughs, colds, shortness of breath, sclerosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, and stomach diseases; give drinks and bathes to children with diathesis, childhood eczema, tuberculosis of the skin, diseases of the heart, kidneys and stomach; consider the best remedy viburnum - berries with seeds (V. G. Nikolaeva, 1964). An infusion of the bark is recommended for neurasthenia, hysteria, epilepsy, and hypertension (V.I. Zavrazhnov et al., 1977).

The bark contains the glycoside viburin, tannins, phlobaphenes, resin, and organic acids. The fruits contain sugar, vitamins C, P, etc. Medicinal raw materials are flowers, fruits, leaves, young shoots and bark. In scientific medicine, preparations from viburnum bark are taken as a hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding and in the postpartum period.

Viburnum fruits have an effect on contractile activity hearts, have a choleretic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect, and are included in vitamin preparations as a tonic and diuretic. Pureed fruits with sugar are used for hypertension.

Methods of preparation and use

1. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the bark (15 g), boil for 30 minutes, filter. Prescribe 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

2. Five tablespoons of viburnum berries are ground in a mortar, poured, stirring gradually, with 3 cups of boiling water, left for 4 hours, filtered. Take half a glass 4-5 times a day before meals (sedative).

3. Finely chopped bark (50 g) is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, boiled for 30 minutes, filtered. Apply a decoction of the bark externally for baths and douching.

Its berries are useful for hypertension, as an antipyretic for colds, as a general tonic, for kidney stones, for hoarseness and cough, for sclerosis; viburnum bark is a good hemostatic agent. Its extract is sold in pharmacies. A decoction of branches is used for exudative diathesis (scrofula) in children. Cosmetologists have not forgotten about it - the infusion of fruits and flowers gives the skin freshness and velvety.

There is a lot of it along the banks of taiga rivers, but it wouldn’t hurt to plant it more often in summer cottages, in gardens, parks, and on the streets. It is very beautiful and resistant to smoke and gas.

It is better to prepare it for future use in candied form. Take 1 kg of viburnum, grind it in a meat grinder, mix with 2 kg of sugar and eat it in winter for your health - tasty and very healthy.

Over the many years of its existence, humanity has learned to use a variety of gifts from nature. So, almost every plant, according to experts traditional medicine, can benefit a person - warn various diseases or help in their healing. Probably, each of us has heard about the usefulness of viburnum berries, but few people know that the rest of this crop also has a lot of healing qualities. And the topic of our conversation today will be viburnum leaves, we will consider their beneficial properties and contraindications for use.

The leaves of the viburnum tree look three or five lobed and are characterized by a jagged shape. Both can be used for medicinal purposes. You can easily prepare them yourself by cutting them from the tree at the active flowering stage. Collected material dried on fresh air, it is important that at this time it is covered with a canopy from rain and sun. Drying the leaves in ventilated areas is also allowed. The prepared material should be stored in fabric bags.

What are the benefits of viburnum leaves??

The properties of viburnum leaves depend on their composition. Such plant raw materials contain many useful substances, which makes it useful in the correction and prevention of a number of pathologies. There is evidence that viburnum foliage contains quite a lot of ursolic acid, tannins and arbutin glycoside. In addition, it contains a significant amount of ascorbic acid, many micro- and macroelements, including potassium and calcium, magnesium and iron, zinc and chromium, etc.

Viburnum leaves can be used dry and fresh. So, juice can be easily squeezed from fresh raw materials. You just need to grind it in a meat grinder or blender and squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth. Readers of Popular About Health can take a quarter glass of the finished drink orally three times a day. It is believed that it has powerful healing properties, helps strengthen the body and recover from illnesses and surgical interventions. And also so simple and affordable medicine will help people with anacid form of gastritis. In addition, there is evidence that it quite effectively eliminates strong menstrual pain. To make the drink tastier, you can add a little honey to it.

Fresh Juice, obtained from viburnum leaves, is also suitable for external use. In such a situation, it has an antiseptic and regenerating effect, therefore it effectively helps to cope with skin rashes, lichen, scrofula and furunculosis.
Based on dried or fresh leaves Infusions and decoctions are prepared from the viburnum tree. An infusion of such herbal raw materials helps to cope with sore throat and oral ailments. For achievement therapeutic effect they just need to rinse their mouths with it. And internal consumption of such a remedy, according to traditional medicine specialists, helps eliminate helminthiases.

Based on dry viburnum leaves, you can prepare a fragrant and very healthy tea. This drink will help strengthen the immune system and cope with all possible acute respiratory infections, ARVI, flu and sore throat.

Some evidence suggests that an infusion of viburnum leaves improves appetite and activates work digestive tract generally. Drinking this will also help lower your blood pressure somewhat.

Are there any contraindications for use of viburnum leaves??

In fact, such a medicinal plant has not yet been extensively studied by official medicine. Therefore, you can use it only at your own peril and risk. It is known that viburnum leaves are contraindicated, and categorically, for patients with a hyperacid form of gastritis, as well as with ulcerative and erosive lesions organs of the digestive tract (especially at the acute stage). Also, medications based on them cannot be used in case of individual intolerance, in other words, if allergic reactions occur.

There is evidence that viburnum lowers blood pressure, so it is better not to use products based on its leaves in patients with low blood pressure, a condition doctors call hypotension.

Doctors strongly do not recommend the use of drugs of this type in the presence of urolithiasis, as well as arthritis. In addition, this treatment is not indicated for pregnant and lactating women due to insufficient data on its safety for the child.

Thus, with proper preparation and use, viburnum leaves, with the properties they have, can be quite useful for almost each of us.