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Medicinal properties of chamomile. How and why to take and use chamomile? Chamomile - benefits and harm. What are the benefits of chamomile - use in traditional medicine and cosmetology recipes

Hello dear readers. Let's talk to you about the benefits of herbal teas. Do you like herbal tea? I really like it, moreover, brewed not from one herb, but from a mixture of various herbs, seasoned with a sprig of aromatic mint or a slice of lemon. I always prefer this tea natural honey. Today, the shelves of our stores are filled with various teas, choose any one. But, in my opinion, herbal tea is tastier and healthier. Therefore, I decided to pay attention to chamomile tea. I want to tell you how useful it is chamomile tea for women and children. Many times, chamomile tea has helped our family in treating various diseases.

I will share the recipe for making tea with you, and also tell you for what diseases chamomile tea can be used, and for what diseases I felt relieved by taking chamomile tea. I always use it.

Where can I get chamomile for tea? You can prepare chamomile yourself, you can buy it at the market from herbalists, or you can buy it at a pharmacy.

Chamomile is a common medicinal plant; since ancient times, this herb has been used for treatment various ailments. Chamomile has wide range actions, its decoctions, infusions and tea are used for various diseases.

I buy chamomile from herbalists or at the pharmacy. I brew dried chamomile flowers.

Herbal teas help quench thirst and enrich our body with beneficial substances. Moreover, chamomile tea does not contain caffeine, like, for example, black tea or coffee.

How to brew chamomile tea

Chamomile tea has a very pleasant taste, aroma and color. The color of chamomile tea can range from light yellow to brown, depending on the time the tea is brewed.

1 You can brew chamomile tea in a glass or teapot. I brew both in a glass and in a teapot.

2 For 250 ml. boiled water (for brewing herbal tea It is recommended to use water heated to 90 degrees), you need to add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried chamomile flowers.

3 You definitely need to infuse the drink, I infuse it for 20 minutes.

4 Chamomile tea needs to be strained. I used to filter herbal teas through gauze, but now I use a fine strainer, it’s much easier and more convenient.

How to prepare chamomile infusion and decoction

Chamomile can be used to make not only tea, but also an infusion or decoction. To prepare the infusion, pour a tablespoon of chamomile into a glass of boiled water (250 ml) at 90 degrees and leave for 15 to 25 minutes. The drink must be strained.

From chamomile you can prepare not only an infusion, but also a decoction. The decoction is as easy to prepare as the infusion. I pour a few tablespoons of dry chamomile into a saucepan and pour 500 ml. water, put it on the fire and boil for 3-4 minutes, from the moment of boiling, let the broth brew. I used the decoction mainly externally, and if I need to prepare a chamomile drink for internal use, then I prepare an infusion.

How to drink chamomile tea and how much?

If you are using chamomile tea for treatment certain disease, then it’s better to drink it in courses and then take a break.

You should drink half a glass of chamomile tea on an empty stomach before each meal. Maintain a 20-minute interval before eating. For treatment, chamomile tea does not need to be sweetened.

If you are using chamomile tea for high temperature or a cold, you can add lemon and honey to your tea to taste.

You can add honey to chamomile tea to taste and drink it as a snack. If you are allergic to honey, add a few pieces of cane (brown) sugar to your tea.

If you drink chamomile tea at night, for insomnia or headaches, then you can add a little lemon balm or mint to the chamomile tea in the teapot. These herbs have calming properties that help you relax and fall asleep faster.

How many cups of chamomile tea can you drink per day? I don't drink chamomile tea all the time, only sometimes when I feel like it, and also if I use chamomile to treat a specific disease.

You can drink 1 or 2 cups of chamomile tea per day; it is not only safe, but also useful norm tea.

Chamomile tea. Benefits and harms

Chamomile tea has virtually no contraindications. It's natural and safe medicine, which does not harm the body.

The big plus of chamomile tea is that drinks made from this plant actually have positive action on the body and are a natural medicine.

  • Chamomile tea helped me with gastritis, tea perfectly relieves inflammation and reduces pain. Tea is used for stomach pain, gastritis, stomach and 12 intestinal ulcers, complex treatment.
  • Chamomile tea helps reduce fever. Especially, this is a safe medicine for children. When our son was one year old, he developed a high fever. I gave him chamomile tea throughout the day. By evening the temperature subsided and I did not have to resort to medications.
  • Chamomile tea carries great benefit for intestinal diseases. Helps reduce gas formation, helps with intestinal inflammation, removes waste and toxins from the body.
  • Chamomile tea is used in complex treatment as a choleretic and diuretic.
  • It is used for colds and viral diseases. Can be combined with other herbs. For example, thyme, mint, St. John's wort, black currant leaves, raspberries and other herbs.
  • For headaches and insomnia, even doctors recommend drinking 1-2 cups of chamomile tea. Tea soothes, helps you sleep and relieves headaches.
  • Chamomile contains macro- and microelements, ascorbic acid, essential oil.
  • Chamomile tea helps lower blood sugar levels.
  • If you are stressed and tired, you should drink 1-2 cups of chamomile tea a day as a calming drink. It is advisable to add a sprig of mint to tea.
  • The benefits of chamomile tea are simply invaluable for women. During menstruation, especially painful ones, chamomile tea helps reduce pain and cramps.

Since we are talking about the topic: chamomile tea, benefits and harm. It would not be amiss to mention the harm. You should not use tea if you are allergic to herbs, including chamomile, which is extremely rare, as well as individual intolerance.

Sometimes, but in rare cases, herbal tea may cause itching or allergies. In this case, you should stop using chamomile tea.

Benefits of chamomile tea for women

This drink has a very positive effect on women's health. Chamomile infusion is used both internally and externally, for douching, and used for inhalations, baths, and compresses.

Chamomile has gained wide popularity in the treatment of diseases during pregnancy. During pregnancy, tea helps cope with headaches, relieves stomach pain, intestinal cramps, and helps cope with colds and high fevers.

Most importantly, do not abuse this drink, use chamomile in courses. If you drink it as tea, then drink no more than 2 cups of tea per day. And be sure to consult your gynecologist about the use and dosage of chamomile tea.

Chamomile tea for children. Benefit

Speaking of children, one cannot fail to mention the benefits of chamomile tea for children. Of course, you don’t need to use anything without permission; be sure to consult with a pediatric nurse or pediatrician.

But usually, doctors themselves prescribe chamomile tea for children. This is a very healthy and safe drink that works effectively and has no obvious contraindications or side effects.

Chamomile tea has a calming, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Tea is given to children as a sedative, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory agent.

A drink made from this medicinal herb has a beneficial effect on nervous system. Doctors recommend giving children tea with chamomile when teething.

Chamomile is usually used in courses to avoid addiction. Children begin to be given chamomile tea by teaspoons, gradually increasing the dosage.

Chamomile tea recipes

Tea can be prepared from only one chamomile flower, or you can add others to it according to taste and if necessary (if you are using tea for treatment). medicinal herbs.

Chamomile and mint tea. Chamomile-mint tea is very tasty and healthy. Its taste is quite pleasant, it helps to relax, calm down stressful situation, reduce stomach pain, fall asleep with insomnia, and eliminate headache.

To prepare tea, add a sprig of fresh mint or half a teaspoon of dry mint herb to the teapot in which you brew chamomile tea.

Chamomile and thyme tea. You can also add dry thyme to chamomile tea. Add a teaspoon of dry thyme herb to the teapot along with dry chamomile flowers.

Chamomile tea with lemon balm. Chamomile tea with lemon balm is very tasty and no less healthy. I really like lemon balm, it has an unusually pleasant taste (of tea) and aroma.

This tea is very good for colds and high temperatures. Brew it in the same way as chamomile and mint. Add half a teaspoon of lemon balm to the chamomile teapot.

In addition to the herbs I suggested, you can mix dry chamomile with other herbs. For example, with, and brew a delicious and aromatic herbal drink.

The benefits of chamomile tea are indeed very great. This healing drink It will not only fill the house with an amazing aroma, give warmth and comfort, but also alleviate the symptoms of many diseases. Be healthy!

The healing properties of chamomile are known to everyone. Nature has endowed these white flowers with yellow centers with immeasurable power. Chamomile is effective in the fight against coughs and colds, useful for women's health. More healers Ancient Greece and Rome, this plant was used to treat many ailments. Dioscorides and Hippocrates used it to get rid of inflammation in the kidneys, liver, genitourinary system, and treat migraines. The plant is useful for adults, but is it possible to drink chamomile while expecting a baby or for children?

Beneficial properties of chamomile

It turns out that chamomile can be taken by young children, which cannot be said about other herbs. Of course, you must strictly follow the instructions for its reception and use. You can bathe your baby in baths with chamomile; the herb will help relieve inflammation from delicate skin and gently soothe it before bed.

Chamomile is part of herbal mixtures that have a sedative, laxative, choleretic, and antitussive effect. When treating pancreatitis, enteritis, stomach ulcers, gastritis, diarrhea, flatulence, a dose is often prescribed. It is used to treat hemorrhoids, oral cavity, pathologies female system, painful menstruation as douching, rinsing.

Most often, the flowers of the plant are used to prepare infusions, decoctions and other remedies. Everything is concentrated in them useful elements with medicinal properties:

  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils;
  • coumarins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • kaempferol;
  • quercetin;
  • carotene;
  • mucous substances;
  • tannins;
  • glycoside;
  • copper;
  • bitterness.

Chamomile has antirheumatic, antiallergic, vasodilating, antimicrobial properties. It also has a strengthening effect on the body, soothes, and helps strengthen the immune system.

Effect of chamomile on the body

Decoctions, teas and infusions of chamomile are prescribed as part of complex therapy for the treatment of various ailments. For colds with cough, inhalations are recommended.

Herbs containing chamomile help:

  • decrease in body temperature;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminating inflammatory processes in organism;
  • relieving pain;
  • eliminating cough;
  • normalization of the central nervous system;
  • stimulating bile production.

Chamomile contraindications

Despite all the healing properties of the plant and the harmlessness of its use, not everyone can drink chamomile tea. On early stage During pregnancy and lactation, it is not recommended to use chamomile products. Individual intolerance may also be a contraindication for use.

You should not overuse chamomile. Exceeding the doses specified in the instructions or prescription risks poisoning, severe headaches, abdominal pain and nausea. If you have any doubts about whether an adult or a child can take chamomile infusion, you should consult a specialist.

How to brew and take

Chamomile - effective plant which helps to cure large quantity diseases. But it is necessary to comply certain rules so that the infusion for internal and external use is prepared correctly. Chamomile is often used to treat coughs; gargling and mouthwashes are suitable for this. The plant is used in the form of inhalations, decoction and tea. For their preparation, dried or fresh flowers. You can purchase ready-made raw materials at any pharmacy.

Many people prepare chamomile themselves. The collection of raw materials is carried out during the flowering period, usually on days 3-5. At this time, the flowers accumulate the maximum amount healing substances. Raw materials must be collected away from roads, industrial enterprises, landfills. The place must be environmentally friendly.

Making tea

Rules for preparing tea for a small child:

  • It is better to use special chamomile tea, which is sold in specialized children's stores and pharmacies.
  • When using bulk raw materials, it is necessary to carefully filter the drink so that no remaining flowers get into it.
  • Too strong tea can harm the baby; it is better to ask your pediatrician what concentration is safe.

It is better not to add other herbs, sugar or honey to chamomile tea for your child.

It's easy to make tea. A spoonful of dried flowers should be brewed in 200 ml of boiling water. After this, place the container in a warm place for half an hour. Pass through the filter. Adults can drink 100 ml of this drink in the evening and in the morning. Children can be given 10 ml.

Preparing the decoction

Linden can also be prepared for rinsing. For 20 g of raw material take 300 ml. Boil the mixture for about five minutes over low heat. You should use this decoction as a rinse three times a day.

Chamomile infusion is wonderful medicine, useful for the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies, cough, gastritis, stomach ulcers, polyps. 20 g of chamomile are poured into 300 ml of boiled water, put on fire and brought to a boil. Remove and let sit. Three times a day you need to drink this remedy, a third of a glass of the drink. Children drink no more than 20 ml.

Preparing the infusion

For a sore throat, you can prepare an infusion of chamomile. Pour 20 g of raw material into 200 ml of boiled water. Leave the mixture for about 20 minutes. Take this infusion orally and gargle every two hours. Chamomile will help relieve inflammation and eliminate sore throat.

Using Chamomile Extract

Liquid chamomile extract is effective means, which has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. The drug helps:

  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • improve gastrointestinal function;
  • eliminate irritation;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • reduce hair fragility;
  • calm the central nervous system;
  • stimulate the secretion of bile.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of inflammation of diseases genitourinary system, stomach, rhinitis, abscesses, burns and otitis media.

In adults, you can take 5 drops in the morning, evening and lunch. Children are recommended to take 2 drops at lunch and in the evening. The extract must be diluted with water before use.

For inhalation, you need to add 10 drops of extract per 300 ml of water. The procedure should last 15 minutes. Therapeutic course - 7-10 days.

For douching, 15 drops are dissolved in 500 ml of water, for baths, enemas and rinsing - 10 drops per 200 ml of water.

Chamomile tea recipes

Chamomile tea is not only a medicine, but also simply an aromatic and tasty drink. Cooking it with other herbs makes it even better.

Chamomile tea with mint

You need to take 1 teaspoon each of mint and chamomile, pour a glass of just boiled water. After the tea has steeped, it is filtered. The drink helps prevent the formation of stones in gallbladder. Adding cumin to the drink will enhance its calming properties.

Chamomile tea with lemon balm

Mint and lemon balm are only similar in appearance, but their properties are different. for the stomach. The drink relieves colds. It is taken warm in the morning and in the evening, a glass. By adding fresh natural honey to tea, you can get a healing drink.

Chamomile for fatigue

1 tbsp. chamomile spoon

liter of boiling water

It is necessary to put the mixture on water bath. The mixture is simmered for 15 minutes, then infused for 20 minutes. The decoction must be drunk in 4 doses. This is an excellent remedy that helps cope with fatigue, intoxication of the body with caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. Can be used as a general tonic.

A herbal mixture of chamomile, valerian root and caraway will help with abdominal discomfort. Infuse the mixture for about half an hour, drink 100 ml warm every day.

For cystitis, it is recommended to drink tea from a mixture of knotweed, chamomile, cornflower, St. John's wort and corn silk. And tea made from St. John's wort, chamomile, birch buds and wild strawberry leaves will help against obesity. The drink removes salts from the body, putting the salt balance in order.

Having learned about the beneficial properties of chamomile, everyone can make sure that it is safe to drink, following all the rules for taking it. Drink chamomile and be healthy.

Probably in every home there is a package of dry medicinal chamomile. After all, it is the first assistant for almost all ailments for children and adults, as well as an effective cosmetic product. The medicinal properties of the plant have been known for a long time, but not everyone knows how to properly brew chamomile for drinking, in which cases a decoction and tea is needed, and in which a tincture is needed, to whom and how the herb can harm. You will find answers to all these questions and many more interesting things further in the article.

Chemical composition

The healthfulness of this short annual from the Astrov family is due to its the richest composition. IN medicinal purposes Only inconspicuous small inflorescences are used, which have a strong specific aroma.

Did you know? Latin name Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) comes from a Greek word that means “mother.” Linguists associate its etymology with healing properties potions.

Contains chamomile in large quantities found:
  • essential oil of blue color(from 0.1 to 1.0%);
  • quercetin derivatives;
  • luteolin;
  • apigenin;
  • coumarins (umbelliferone and herniarin);
  • caprylic acid;
  • anthemisic organic acid;
  • isovaleric acid,
  • salicylic acid;
  • tannins;
  • ascorbic acid (223 mg in leaves and 135 mg in flowers);
  • polyine compounds;
  • polysaccharides;
  • gum;
  • vitamins;
  • carotene;
  • bitterness;
  • phytosterols;
  • protein substances;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids (there are 2 times more of them in chamomile than in marigolds and yarrow);
  • mucous substances;
  • alkaloids (available only in flower baskets, and absent in leaves and stems);
  • sulfur (2.4 g);
  • potassium (37.34 g);
  • chlorine (10.8 g);
  • calcium (16.33 g);
  • phosphorus (3.34 g);
  • silicon dioxide (2 g);
  • magnesium (3.6 g).

Important! It is better to harvest chamomile medicinal raw materials in the second ten days of June, when the peak of its flowering begins. In the evening and in the heat, metabolic processes in the plant decrease, so you need to pick flower baskets in the morning, in dry weather.

Beneficial features

The healing effects of chamomile are recognized not only by folk herbalists, but also official medicine. Despite technological progress and latest developments synthetic medications, today many medicines based on chamomile oil, which is the most valuable component of the plant, are on sale. Natural extracts from this plant are also highly valued in cosmetology.

Thanks to the unique combination of components, flower baskets have an antibacterial, choleretic, and calming effect. Chamomile also stimulates appetite and relieves muscle spasms gastrointestinal tract, relieves pain.

  • gastritis;
  • digestive disorders;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • colitis;
  • malignant tumors;
  • cystitis;
  • bladder diseases;
  • cholecystitis;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • colds and viral infections;
  • problematic skin;
  • colpitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • burns;
  • purulent wounds that take a long time to heal poorly;
  • toothache;
  • gout and rheumatism.

Did you know?If cows are grazed in chamomile meadows, their milk will be enriched with useful substances, but it is impossible to drink because of the strong unpleasant odor.

Tea Recipes

Chamomile tea can be drunk not only during illness; its benefits are obvious even in for preventive purposes. Every day, 1-2 cups of a pleasant aromatic drink will not hurt, but on the contrary, will relieve fatigue and strengthen the body. And if you add a teaspoon of honey to your drink and drink it at night, it will be strong and healthy sleep secured.
There are no restrictions for chamomile tea. People can and should take it of different ages and even newborns. In fact, this is a natural, completely harmless medicine.

Herbalists advise preparing the drink according to classic recipe: Brew a teaspoon of dried raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave for about 10 minutes. Depending on the time during which the drink was infused, it can have different colors: from light yellow to dark brown.
In most cases, chamomile tea is used for ailments. pure form. His healing effect does not occur immediately: for this you will need to take several courses. But for preventive purposes, you can drink herbal teas.

Did you know? Oil medicinal chamomile Ancient Egyptian peoples used it to mummify the bodies of the dead.

Herbalists recommend several popular tea recipes based on chamomile inflorescences:

  1. Chamomile-mint tea has a pleasant aroma and taste, relieves stress, helps to relax, eliminates various kinds pain, inflammation and helps to sleep. To prepare the drink, you will need a sprig of fresh or dried mint, 1 teaspoon of chamomile flower heads and 20 ml of boiling water. Pour everything into a teapot and fill it with water. Then cover with a lid and let the drink brew for a few minutes.
  2. Chamomile-thyme tea helps with insomnia, colds, inflammatory processes. It is prepared from equal parts of chamomile and thyme (take a teaspoon of herbs per glass of boiling water).
  3. Chamomile lemon balm tea not only healthy, but also very tasty. Lemon varieties of lemon balm are often used for it, which are characterized by a pronounced pleasant smell. Drinking helps relieve fever painful sensations, inflammation during colds, has a calming effect. To make a fragrant and healthy drink, just add half a teaspoon of dried lemon balm or 5-6 fresh leaves to the teapot.

Important!To distinguish medicinal chamomile from other types, cut it crosswise. Instances with a hollow interior are suitable for various types of therapy and disease prevention. Also, for drying, you need to look for inflorescences with a pronounced apple-honey smell.

Use in folk medicine: treatment of diseases

For illnesses you can use medications, based on medicinal chamomile flowers. These are “Rotokan”, “Rekutan”, “Auron”, “Ramazulon”, essential chamomile oil. But remedy very easy to prepare at home. The main thing is to always have healing raw materials at hand. Let’s take a closer look at what exactly folk healers recommend treating with chamomile, and what instructions for use are recommended in specific cases.


The herb is very effective for mild colds, sore throats, bronchitis and other diseases respiratory tract. It is advisable to treat with teas, mouth rinses, and inhalations.

Herbalists in similar cases advise to cook herbal tea from 1 tablespoon each of chamomile, plantain and calendula. Then 30 g of the mixture is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for 3 hours. You need to take the medicine in between meals, a third of a glass.

Important! For drying, the flowers and no more than 3 cm of the stem are plucked. Dry raw materials can be stored for 2 years.

Runny nose

A runny nose, which often accompanies colds, is well treated with chamomile infusion. It is prepared from 2 tablespoons of dried flowers and a glass of boiling water. You need to find an enamel container for the product so that its beneficial qualities are not lost during the heating process.
When all the ingredients are mixed, place the saucepan in a water bath and leave for about half an hour. Then let it cool for 10 minutes and strain the medicine. At the final stage of preparation, the resulting decoction is diluted boiled water to make 200 ml of liquid. The product is used for inhalation, rinsing and washing the nasal passages.

To treat abscesses of the gums and teeth, use only cold decoctions and tinctures of chamomile, since heating the sore spot can provoke the development of infection and complications caused by the breakthrough of suppuration.

Herbalists recommend preparing a classic tea or decoction from a glass of boiling water and a tablespoon of raw materials, then putting the liquid in the freezer when it cools down. Then apply ice cubes to the sore tooth to relieve inflammation and relieve pain. Rinsing your mouth with cold chamomile tea also helps. As an alternative, you can apply tampons soaked in chamomile infusion to the inflamed cheek.

Important! The prepared chamomile decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

For pregnant and breastfeeding women, dentists recommend traditional rinses. herbal decoction from equal portions of chamomile and St. John's wort. To obtain the desired effect, just pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water. Then add 1 teaspoon of soda to the resulting liquid. If you rinse your mouth with this medicine for 5-10 minutes, the pain will go away in an hour.


Knowing what chamomile decoction helps with, if necessary, you can begin timely treatment of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, glaucoma and even cataracts. In complex therapy, traditional medicine advises brewing 2-3 tablespoons of inflorescences with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, when the medicine has infused, it must be carefully filtered through double gauze and rinsed with a clean swab. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times a day until the illness goes away.

Heart arythmy

In case of dysfunction of cardio-vascular system During periods of exacerbation of symptoms, it is useful to plunge your face into cold chamomile tea. Also effective is a herbal mixture prepared from equal parts of flowers, chamomile and a double portion of leaves and. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture, cover with a tight lid and leave for 5 minutes. Then they drink in one gulp. You need to take the medicine three times a day only when fresh. The course of treatment lasts about 3 months.

Did you know? You can tell the time by the colors of medicinal chamomile. At 6 o'clock in the morning their petals are directed upward, towards 4 pm they are placed horizontally, and by 7 o'clock they are pressed tightly against the peduncle.


Thanks to chamazulene, which is included in the composition essential oil, chamomile is indispensable for the stomach and intestines. In addition, its mucous components contribute to the smooth functioning of digestive tract in infants and adults. Classic chamomile decoctions and teas are recommended for use both for medicinal and preventive purposes.
For constipation in newborns and children preschool age Microenemas made from warm chamomile infusion are recommended. Babies under one year old are given no more than 15 ml of liquid.


Chamomile will also help relieve spasms and adjust the proper functioning of the intestines in such cases. As a therapeutic agent, traditional medicine advises drinking half a glass of herbal decoction every morning and evening. To prepare it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of inflorescences and 200 ml of boiling water. To improve the effect, some recipes suggest adding equal parts of leaves and seeds. When the mixture is infused, it should be strained and taken three times a day after meals.

Important!Put away specific smell Chamomile medicines can be taken using valerian root.

Stomach and duodenal ulcers

Eliminate painful sensations when an ulcer opens in the stomach and duodenum Chamomile decoction helps. Herbalists recommend drinking it daily instead of tea, 3-4 cups between meals.

Liver and biliary tract

When gallstone disease is a concern, traditional healers advise drinking a warm infusion of chamomile three times a day. It is prepared from 1.5 tablespoons of flower baskets and 200 ml of water. All components are combined and left to infuse for 8-9 hours. Then they filter, squeeze out the raw materials, and add whipped cream or butter to the liquid.


This unpleasant male disease on initial stages development can be suspended chamomile infusions. The liquid is recommended to be used for intestinal lavage and internal procedures.
The medicine is prepared from 30 g of dry raw materials and half a glass of boiling water. The components are combined, infused for about 30 minutes, then strained. It is advisable to drink the product every day in the morning and evening, and do microenemas for 48 hours (before bedtime).

Did you know?In addition to medicine, chamomile is widely used in perfume and porcelain production.

Application in cosmetology

Chamomile can be found in many cosmetic hair and skin care products. This component is especially common in children's cosmetics. But, despite the wide range of store-bought creams, masks, shampoos and gels, most women trust homemade products. Let's figure out how you can use herbs to beauty your body.

For hair

All the blondes who give preference natural remedies, know about lightening hair with chamomile. If you regularly rinse your hair after washing with a herbal decoction, in a couple of months your hair will lighten a couple of tones. Moreover, the procedure contributes to the health and shine of strands. Some brown-haired women have gotten used to cooking from medicinal plants, glycerin and hydrogen peroxide hair dyes. Chamomile inflorescences and nettle leaves are used as natural ingredients. You can add a little juice to make your curls shine.
A special mask made from equal portions of chamomile, plantain, nettle, etc. will help restore lifeless hair with split ends. Pour 30 g of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for a couple of hours. Then strain, mix the crumbs into the liquid rye bread until you obtain a pasty consistency. After these manipulations, apply the mask to the roots of the hair (if there is any left, you can stretch it along the entire length), wrap your head in plastic and a towel. After an hour, wash it off.

Did you know? Popular belief It says that chamomile blooms where stars have fallen.

Some owners of blond hair add chamomile tea to their shampoo with each wash. lemon juice. For colored hair, in order not to dry it out, it is advisable to add a few drops of burdock, castor or any other oil.

For skin

Many ladies who care about their appearance and health begin and end the day by rubbing their faces with chamomile infusion. This is done in order to give the skin freshness and a healthy glow. For aging and tired skin, it will be very useful to place the prepared broth in the freezer for several hours, then wipe your face with ice. Similar procedure has a beneficial effect on problematic skin, various kinds of rashes and irritations.
For burns and skin dermatitis traditional healers It is recommended to make oil from chamomile. To do this, just mix 4 tablespoons of dry raw materials and 100 ml olive oil. The mixture must be brought to a boil, then left for 10 days and strained.

If the tan is unsuccessful and the skin is burned, chamomile ointment will prevent the appearance of blisters. It is prepared from well-dried grass and Vaseline passed through a coffee grinder. The ratio of ingredients is 1:5.

Important!With the systematic use of pharmaceutical chamomile, it is quite possible to get rid of even chronic diseases.

Application in gynecology

Chamomile teas, infusions and decoctions are very helpful for diseases of the female genital organs and painful menstruation. The listed products are recommended for both internal and external use.
In order to neutralize the causative agents of inflammatory processes, gynecologists often prescribe douching chamomile decoctions, and drinking plenty of fluids teas brewed from this culture. The fact is that drinking relieves fever and relieves pain.

A medicinal potion is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of flowers per 1 liter of boiling water. The ingredients are simmered over low heat until boiling. Then wrap the covered pan well and leave to infuse. The liquid is suitable for drinking and douching. For the last therapeutic variation, the temperature of the drug should not exceed 38°C.
The herb is also indicated for expectant mothers to improve intestinal function and strengthen the immune system. The main thing is that before you start taking chamomile infusion orally, be sure to consult with your doctor about possible benefits and harm.

Important! Never collect medicinal chamomile raw materials near roads and industrial enterprises.


It would seem that chamomile, which has so many medicinal properties, is completely harmless. But experts identify a certain group of people for whom it is advisable to refrain from such therapy and preventive measures. This includes allergy sufferers who are sensitive to the substances contained in the plant, as well as people suffering from mental disorders, in particular, schizophrenia.
It is also important to know when to stop. In cases of overdose, the following are possible:

  • headache;
  • cough;
  • physical exhaustion;
  • general fatigue;
  • depression.
Nothing will happen if you drink a couple of cups of chamomile tea a week whenever you want. But before starting treatment, be sure to seek the advice of your treating specialist, find out from him how much herbal remedies need to be taken specifically in your case. Remember that the maximum amount of chamomile drunk per day should not exceed 4 cups, and the course of treatment in the most severe and running forms The illness lasts no more than 3 months.
As you can see, chamomile has beneficial properties and at the same time has contraindications. Don't experiment with your health, take care of yourself and be healthy.

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Chamomile infusion or tea has been actively used in medicine since ancient times. Today the plant is finding new uses. In this article we will look at what it is and everything you should know about this medicinal flower.

Where does chamomile live?

Both Avicenna and Hippocrates used this simple-looking flower in their practice. Hundreds of years have passed, as before, it occupies the first place of honor in naturopathy. Despite the fact that this botanical genus is quite extensive, only 2 types of plants are used for medicinal purposes:

  1. Roman chamomile- it is found in Argentina, North America and Europe. Given perennial is different strong odor. It is widely used for the production of aroma oils and for decorative purposes.
  2. Pharmaceutical chamomile- This is an annual, most common plant. It grows on all continents in temperate climates.

Plant composition

The infusion and the benefits and harms of which are described in detail in this article, contains an incredible amount useful substances. Among the most healing:

Benefits and harms: beneficial properties

The main medicinal properties of this plant include:


Chamomile infusion, the benefits and harms of which have been known to mankind for many years, has a number of contraindications. Many people understand that disadvantages are a direct continuation of advantages. So, no matter how healing chamomile is for health, its use should be completely excluded or limited in the following conditions:

  • Allergy to ragweed. It is worth noting that ragweed and chamomile belong to the same botanical family, and intolerance to one remedy can lead to an allergy to the second. If ragweed pollen makes you choke and sneeze, start taking chamomile preparations with small doses and monitor for any negative manifestations.
  • Chamomile activates the action of all anticoagulants- this must be taken into account when taking them.
  • Lactation- until now, the effect of chamomile on lactation has been poorly studied.
  • If you are soon to surgery , a couple of weeks before it you need to stop using chamomile preparations. Due to this, you can avoid bleeding that may occur due to poor coagulation.
  • Effects are more intense when consumed with chamomile sedatives and anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs for normalization heart rate and blood pressure I, which requires mandatory dose adjustment - thanks to this you can avoid drowsiness, hypotension and apathy.

Let us immediately note that today it is not known what will happen if you take chamomile infusion for a long time (more than a month). The benefits and harms for men have also not been precisely studied, but we can say for sure that using the product for more than 4 weeks can cause irritability, fatigue and weakness; it is better not to test these risks on your own body.

Camomile tea

What else is interesting about chamomile? Harm and benefit (use can cause both) are determined by its composition, method of use and the presence of contraindications. When using products based on it, be sure to first study all the recommendations.

Flower preparations exist in various forms, the most popular in this case is chamomile infusion. Its benefits and harms for human body today are the best studied and take only a few minutes to prepare.

Below we will describe the most frequent readings to the use of this infusion, methods of preparation and dose.

Infusion for children

A light infusion of chamomile treats colic in young children. Pour a teaspoon of dried material into a glass of boiling water, close the vessel with a lid and remove for half an hour. We filter the resulting product, and dilute the infusion with water - it will turn pale yellow. We give the drink to the baby every time after a meal: drinking will eliminate bloating and fermentation in the intestines.

Regular infusion

To prepare such an infusion of chamomile, the benefits and harms of which are described in this article, you need to follow the same recipe as the drink above, but for a glass hot water Take 2 teaspoons of the material at once and leave it in a thermos or sealed container for 2-3 hours.

Treatment of internal diseases

An infusion of normal concentration is used:

  • For long periods, menstrual cramps: 100 ml 4 times a day.
  • For flatulence, indigestion, cramps, colic - 70 ml the same number of times.
  • Drink 100 ml of this infusion once at night - this helps you fall asleep quickly. Similar harmless remedy for the nervous system can be used if you want to have a good rest before a difficult day.
  • For runny nose, stomatitis, inflammatory acute pathology respiratory tract, rinse your mouth with a glass of this infusion - at least 4 times a day.
  • For vulvitis, colpitis and thrush, douching with an infusion diluted with water (1:1) can be useful. Usually a liter of water is used for the procedure.
  • Athletes, especially people involved in gym, chamomile infusion will also come in handy. The benefits and harms for men in this case are obvious - warm compresses with a wrapping agent will be effective for bruises or sprained ligaments, although they will only help from the 2nd day after the injury.
  • The infusion can also be used for eye washes for conjunctivitis.
  • Cleansing enemas with the product will help with intestinal problems, including hemorrhoids, as well as constipation.

Treatment of skin pathologies

For boils, pimples, and ulcers, chamomile infusion is also used (its benefits and harm are already known to you). A clean cotton cloth is soaked in the product and applied - like a lotion - to the affected areas.

For skin rashes, eczema and dermatitis, use an infusion of 60 ml orally three times a day. They also take baths with chamomile (by the way, even babies are bathed in them). In this case, take 100 grams of material per bucket of boiling water.

You can freeze the chamomile infusion in the refrigerator. In this case it will work excellent remedy for washing in the morning. Chamomile ice rejuvenates, tones the skin, acne vulgaris reduces inflammation, smoothes wrinkles and brightens under-eye circles. It is worth noting that there is a contraindication for the use of such a product - rosacea.

Next effective way To cope with circles under the eyes - cover them every day for 5 minutes with cotton pads soaked in chamomile infusion. In the same way, you can quickly eliminate swelling of the eyes.

If your hair has become brittle, lost its shine, splits and falls out, chamomile infusion should be used as a conditioner after shampoo. In this case, pour about a liter of infusion onto your head and gently spread it through your hair. Next, it is advisable to avoid blow-drying and let your hair dry on its own.

If your feet sweat a lot, dip them in a bowl of infusion before bed. The effect will be enhanced by oak bark (use with chamomile in equal proportions). Daily half-hour baths can remove fungus, heal minor injuries on the fingers and feet from a poorly done pedicure, and restore skin tone.

Features of a strong decoction

At serious illnesses For the skin, the normal strength of the infusion may not be enough: you need a chamomile decoction. To do this, pour 4 tablespoons of the material into a liter of hot water, remove it from the heat, bring the liquid to a boil again, and then leave it on the stove for 10 minutes. Allow to cool, then strain through cheesecloth. It is worth noting that it is better not to take this chamomile decoction orally. Its benefits and harms are explained by too high a concentration.

There is an opinion that the decoction and infusion in the refrigerator do not retain their properties for long - up to three days. Therefore, it is better to avoid storing liquids for future use.

Oil infusion

An unusual recipe for chamomile is an oil infusion (oil). The easy way its preparation is cold.

For this we will need: 1 cup of raw materials and 3 cups of oil for your skin (grape seed, almond, olive, sunflower). Pour oil into the grass glass jar and let it sit for two weeks. Cool and dark conditions are an excellent choice for infusion. Sometimes we shake the container and wait for the flowers in it to settle to the bottom.

As soon as this happens, strain the product and store it for no longer than a year, using it as needed - to remove makeup, in various masks, on hair for wrapping, to soften chapped skin.

Chamomile: medicinal properties and contraindications of tea

Sometimes (about a couple of times a week) you can drink chamomile infusion as tea. This drink will promote calm and relaxation, and also strengthen the immune system, thereby helping the body fight back against various chronic infections. Let's look at a few tea recipes:

  1. Classic tea: brew a teaspoon of raw material in a glass of hot water, boil and let it brew for 20 minutes. Do not take this chamomile decoction orally often - its benefits and harms can replace each other due to an excess of this remedy in the body. Do not add sugar to herbal teas: drink it as a snack with sweet dates, honey, raisins or dried apricots.
  2. Chamomile-melissa tea. Mix 0.5 tablespoons of herbs and brew with a glass of boiling water. This drink will be useful for intestinal colic and colds.
  3. Mint and chamomile tea. To a spoonful of chamomile you need to add a spoonful of mint. This drink has a sedative effect and has no negative side effects.
  4. The benefits and harms of chamomile tea for women are interesting. The drink below helps cleanse the body and helps you endure the feeling of hunger - this is important if you are on a diet to lose weight. A set of herbs: mix 4 herbs - mint, chamomile, sweet clover and St. John's wort - in equal quantities per teaspoon, brew with water.

So we told you about a wonderful remedy - this infusion. You have learned the benefits and harms of it, so you can start healing right now!

Chamomile for insomnia is one of the effective methods to improve sleep. The plant quickly calms the excited nervous system, relieves tension and fatigue.

Looking for the best and at the same time safe means For normal sleep, we often resort to pharmaceutical drugs, forgetting about natural methods of treatment. Let's find out all the benefits that chamomile can have for the human body.

The plant is popular because it has virtually no contraindications (except for individual intolerance). It's natural natural remedy, which has a lot of beneficial effects for our body.

Chamomile has a pleasant soft scent. In addition, it contains a strong antioxidant - apigenin, which helps relax the entire body and promote sleep.

How does chamomile help with insomnia?

  • calms;
  • relaxes;
  • relieves tension.

Is excellent in the case of children. Chamomile teas Absolutely safe even for children's bodies.

Quite often, insomnia is caused by toothaches, flatulence, and digestive disorders (flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain and intestinal cramps). Infusions will cope with all these problems.

Chamomile infusion recipe

Chamomile infusion will help improve the quality of sleep, speed up falling asleep and eliminate insomnia. It’s easy to prepare: put 3 tbsp in a small bowl or saucepan. chamomile flowers (dried). Add 500 ml boiling water. Bring to a full boil and immediately remove from heat.

Cover with a lid and wrap with a blanket. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Strain. Take 100 ml before bed. If desired, you can add 0.5 tsp. natural honey.

Chamomile Tea Recipes

In order to normalize sleep and speed up falling asleep, it is recommended to drink soothing chamomile tea before bed. You need to prepare it from dried chamomile flowers, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, at the market from herbalists, or you can make the preparations yourself.

If desired, you can add a little honey and other medicinal herbs, which also have a calming and relaxing effect on the body (melissa, mint, thyme).

This is the easiest way to prepare an herbal drink that will calm and relax. You just need to pour 1 tbsp of boiling water into a glass. chamomile flowers. Cover with a lid or saucer and let sit for 15 minutes. Drink before bed.

Tea with thyme

Take a teapot and pour 1 tbsp into it. chamomile and 1 tsp. dry thyme. Pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave to steep for 10-15 minutes. Drink warm before going to bed at night.

Tea with lemon balm

It's very tasty and healthy drink. To prepare it, add 0.5 tsp to a teapot with chamomile. fresh or dry lemon balm leaves. Let it brew for 10 minutes and drink before bed.

Mix 1 tsp in a glass. chamomile flowers, 0.5 tsp. cumin and 1 tsp. chopped mint. Pour boiling water to the top, let stand for a while, and then strain. Drink before going to bed at night.

You can drink chamomile tea during the day, however, you should not overuse it. Two cups a day will be enough.

Not everyone likes the taste of chamomile. Therefore, there is another way that can also help you fall asleep quickly and sleep until the morning. You can call it “Medicine Pillow”. This option is gaining increasing popularity.

For modern people This method is new, but in fact, our great-grandmothers used this option to normalize sleep. A chamomile pillow can include not only the flowers of this plant. You can add other medicinal herbs that have a beneficial effect on falling asleep.

The bag is made of natural fabric, stuffed with herbs and beautifully decorated with a removable pillowcase (optional). The shape depends on your preferences and the purpose of the product (the roll-shaped one is made under the neck, the traditional square one is for sleeping).

So, the main purpose of the grass pillow is:

  • calm the nervous system;
  • relieve tension;
  • induce a dream;
  • "drive away" nightmares.

In many cases, the most common snoring can lead to sleep disturbances in your significant other. If you add crushed hop cones to your pillow, you can combat not only snoring, but also give all family members a good night's sleep.

Important! You can sleep on a grass pillow for no more than a week. Afterwards you can take a break of 7-8 days and continue treatment.

So, what do you need to fill the pillow:

  • chamomile flowers (calming) – 300 g;
  • valerian officinalis (relieves tension) – 50 g;
  • St. John's wort (relieves depression and makes breathing easier) – 50 g;
  • laurel (will give pleasant dreams) – 10 g;
  • lemon balm and mint (refresh, relieve headaches) – 50-70 g;
  • rose (will restore strength, bring peaceful dreams) – 30 g.

Fill the pillow with herbs and sew it together. Remember that you should like the smells of any plant. If any scent irritates you, then replace it with a similar one or do not use it at all.

Therapeutic pillows can be either multicomponent (as in our case) or monocomponent (for example, contain only chamomile or any other plant).

What may be contraindications to the use of chamomile?

In some cases, the plant may cause allergic reaction, although it has antiallergic properties. Therefore, before using chamomile, you need to make sure that the body does not react negatively.

You should also not overuse drinks, because an overdose can cause nausea, vomiting, weakness, rapid heartbeat and headache. Without consulting a specialist, it is not recommended to combine chamomile therapy with sedatives, diuretics and drugs that are aimed at thinning the blood (for example, aspirin).

Pregnant women are allowed to calm down a little with chamomile tea, but not more than two cups a day. It is known that in the third trimester due to big belly, baby kicks, frequent urges It is very difficult to fall asleep when going to the toilet. Insomnia greatly exhausts the expectant mother.

Worth remembering! Excessive use of chamomile during pregnancy can cause early birth, since such drinks can provoke the production of estrogen, and this leads to the tone of the uterus, which threatens miscarriage.