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Thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb). Thyme (thyme): medicinal, beneficial properties and contraindications, application

Thyme, also known as thyme, is a low-growing, highly branched shrub with an intense, pleasant aroma. It is popularly called “Bogorodskaya grass”, “lemon scent” and “incense”, and has been used in cooking or herbalism since ancient times. About ways to use thyme, medicinal properties It is also useful for modern people to know the contraindications to the use of this herb.

Thyme - beneficial properties

The benefits of thyme are due to its chemical composition, in which up to 0.6% is present essential oil, and mineral elements and vitamins:

Vitamins and mineralsContent per 100 grams fresh leaves thyme
Vitamin C160 micrograms
Vitamin A240 micrograms
Vitamin B20.5 microgram
Vitamin B60.34 micrograms
Carotene2.9 micrograms
Potassium610 milligrams
Iron17 milligrams
Magnesium160 milligrams
Zinc1.8 milligrams
Calcium400 milligrams

Thyme contains tannins, which have antioxidant properties, and bitterness, which is beneficial for the human digestive system.

Benefits for women

Thyme is traditionally considered a “male” herb, but also female body this plant brings many benefits.

In particular, tea with thyme can help a woman cope with the following conditions:

  • fatigue and irritability during premenstrual syndrome And
  • menopause;
  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • painful menstruation;
  • cystitis;
  • metabolic disease.

Inhaling thyme essential oil stimulates brain activity, reducing symptoms of depression and apathy. That is why it was often included in smelling salts, with the help of which ladies were previously given first aid for fainting.

For men's health

The unconditional benefits of thyme are for male body noted in many ancient herbalists.

This plant has a positive effect on the male reproductive system:

  • relieves swelling and congestion that accompany prostatitis;
  • neutralizes the effects of stress and fatigue, improves emotional background, normalizing sexual function;
  • helps fight infection urinary tract;
  • stimulates spermatogenesis, improves sperm quality.

In addition, thyme has a general strengthening effect on the body. This helps active men to better resist respiratory infections and relieve the consequences of poor nutrition.

Medicinal properties of the plant

The medicinal activity of thyme has been scientifically confirmed and is widely used in pharmaceuticals. By rectification, a special organic compound, thymol, is isolated from thyme oil. It is used in modern medicine as an antiseptic, preservative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anthelmintic agent.

Forest thyme grows under the pine trees in the sandstone,

He was sent by the Mother of God - a treasure trove of health.

These simple lines perfectly characterize thyme - creeping thyme, the Herb of the Mother of God, as my grandmother called it. On the Assumption Holy Mother of God It was customary to decorate icons and temples with fragrant thyme flowers. That is why thyme became synonymous with: Bogorodskaya grass. Also, according to some information, thyme was used in rural churches instead of expensive incense. It is not without reason that another name for thyme is “incense” (from the word incense).

People simply attribute thyme miraculous properties, calling it a herb for all diseases.

Thyme is a beautiful small subshrub up to 15 cm tall, its flowering stems are slightly erect, elliptical leaves up to 1 cm long, with glands filled with the most aromatic.

In the forest, from afar, you can see its pink-violet flowers, collected in capitate inflorescences in the form of a brush. We can observe this beautiful flowering from the end of May to September.

Thyme grows on sandy soils in the forests of Eurasia, from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean and from Britain to Eastern Siberia.

The aerial part of thyme contains an essential oil with a pleasant spicy odor with an extensive chemical composition, thanks to which thyme has an amazing aroma and medicinal properties. Also in thyme we will find flavonoids, tannins, gums, resins, oleanolic and ursolic, caffeic, quinic acids, saponins, and bitterness.

Beneficial properties of thyme in nutrition

Thyme is an excellent honey plant, giving our bees a lot of nectar, from which they make the most aromatic and healthy honey.

Thyme is actively used in perfumery. Used as a flavorful dressing in cooking.

Thyme has a pleasant, strong spicy aroma and bitter taste. Cooks add it to smoked meats, pork, lamb, and meat pates. During fasting, thyme goes very well with mushroom dishes and lentils.

B not very large quantities it is added to cottage cheese and cheese, to game and veal, to fried fish and liver. As a seasoning when soaking chicken meat for barbecue it is also very pleasant (from my own experience).

Thyme leaves are used in canning and preparing drinks, teas and cocktails. In tea you should literally add a pinch of it to the teapot so as not to spoil the taste of the tea.

There is a recipe for vodka with thyme leaves. But this is more of a treatment for alcoholism than alcoholic drink. True, this is my personal opinion.

Useful properties of thyme in medicine

In popular and official scientific medicine thyme occupies one of the leading places.

Thyme herb, collected during flowering, threshed and dried outdoors in the shade, is stored for 2 years. Thyme sprigs with leaves are used in medicine.

They are used in the form of infusions, decoctions, preparations and extracts:

Thyme essential oil is used externally in rubbing for pain in muscles and joints, for mosquito and midge bites: a cosmetic 10% mixture is made from 10 ml of thyme essential oil and 90 ml of olive oil.

In folk medicine, thyme is used for neuralgia, pain in joints, muscles in the form of baths and lotions, as part of complex fees for neuroses, for hypertension and as a diuretic.

Contraindications to the use of thyme preparations are individual intolerance, kidney disease, liver disease, stomach ulcer and 12 duodenum, pregnancy, period breastfeeding, in some sources (on the pharmacy box with crushed grass) it is indicated as a contraindication childhood up to 12 years old. This statement is controversial, because a number of authors recommend thyme preparations specifically in pediatric practice, taking into account dose reductions for a specific age.

Various reference books on herbal medicine and traditional medicine provide various options thyme infusions, beneficial features which are used for many diseases, incl. oncological In these collections, the effect of thyme is harmoniously complemented and enhanced by other medicinal plants.

Preparation of infusion from thyme herb

Place 2 tablespoons of thyme herb in an enamel bowl, which then pour 1 cup of boiling water. With the lid closed (since the raw material contains volatile essential oils), cook in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, let it brew for 45 minutes. After straining through a strainer or gauze, adjust the volume of the resulting infusion to boiled water up to 1 cup, but this is if it boils too much. For 3 weeks, drink this thyme infusion, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Locally for rinsing the mouth and throat, 1 glass of warm infusion at least 4 times a day (after rinsing for 40 minutes, do not eat or drink anything so that the thyme affects the source of inflammation). When bleeding from the nose, cotton wool pads soaked in infusion are inserted into the nostrils.

Fees at acute inflammation throat:

mother and stepmother leaves 1 table spoon

thyme/creeping thyme/herb 1 tbsp. l.

wild strawberry leaves 2 tbsp. l.

linden flowers 1 tbsp.

oregano herb 1 tbsp. l.

We mix the dry herbs and take 2 tablespoons from the mixture at a time to pour boiling water (0.5 l) over them. Cook covered for 15 minutes, and then leave for 45 minutes. This collection should be drunk at least 5 times a day with a teaspoon of honey.

Next fee:

Thyme herb 1 tbsp.

peppermint leaf 1 tbsp. l.

sage leaf 1 tbsp.

Thyme, also known as thyme, is a perennial shrub with a pleasant aroma. The plant has healing properties and is used as a sedative, analgesic and prophylactic. Usually grows on the outskirts of pine forests. Thyme is common in Eastern Europe, Kazakhstan and Russia.


The plant belongs to the Yamnotaceae family and the Thyme genus. This is a small branched shrub with fluffy stems of a grayish tint. The flowers of the plant can be pink and purple. They are small in size and release essential oil. The fruits appear in the form of nuts.

Mother of God grass, motherwort, boron pepper, frogweed, flypalm, thyme - all this is thyme.

The shrub blooms in summer or early autumn. This is the time to procure raw materials. IN agriculture The thyme is harvested using mowers and then dried in the open air. The plant is packaged in bags and placed in a warehouse, where the dry harvest is stored for up to two years.

Chemical composition

Although the plant has been famous for its healing properties for many centuries, it was only in the twentieth century, thanks to emerging technologies, that it was possible to figure out why exactly thyme is so good. The beneficial properties characteristic of thyme are due to its rich chemical composition.

The leaves and grass of the plant contain the following elements:

  • Essential oil (0.5-1.3%), which contains thymol, gets rid of worms, has an antiseptic, antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Tannins have anti-inflammatory, astringent and bactericidal properties;
  • Flavonoids - these include vitamin P. They play a significant role in the prevention oncological diseases, normalize work of cardio-vascular system and suppress allergic reactions;
  • Cymol and terpineol are the sources of the pleasant aroma of thyme leaves;
  • Carvacrol prevents the formation of atypical cells;
  • Acids - malic, saponinic, ursulic, caffeic and quinic;
  • Microelements - magnesium, cobalt, lead, copper and others;
  • Macroelements - potassium, calcium, iron and manganese;
  • Vitamins;
  • Minerals;
  • Resins.

Beneficial features

Thyme has always stood out for its wonderful aroma and pleasant appearance, and most of all for its healing potential. More traditional healers the distant past recognized the amazing capabilities of this perennial shrub. A rich set of beneficial properties makes the leaves and grass of the plant popular ingredients to this day. useful infusions.

The essential oil contained in the plant is main reason pharmacological importance of thyme. Bacteria cannot tolerate it due to thymol. This element has anthelmintic, antiseptic and analgesic effects.

Among the useful medicinal properties herbs and thyme leaves include:

  • The calming effect due to which thyme decoctions help effectively combat chronic lack of sleep, and also suppress the feeling constant anxiety and irritability;
  • Analgesic effect - as an external means of local action, thyme is used to make medicinal lotions, compresses and ointments. These remedies help eliminate joint pain and skin inflammation;
  • The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect that thyme herb has during... The plant is considered an effective diaphoretic, so it is often recommended during colds and flu;
  • Normalization of work gastrointestinal tract, and in particular - neutralizing heaviness, bloating and eliminating constipation. Regular use thyme helps normalize intestinal microflora and separate gastric juice;
  • The expectorant effect of the plant is useful in the treatment bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • Diuretic effect thyme herb helps eliminate from the body excess toxins;
  • Antihelminthic actionherbal infusions and infusions of herbs and thyme leaves are used to prevent helminthic infestation.

It is useful for women to use thyme to normalize hormonal levels and pain suppression during menstrual days. Men can use thyme herb to increase potency and improve spermatogenesis.

Use in folk medicine

Traditional medicine based on thyme is used internally and externally. In number internal medications includes decoctions, infusions, herbal teas and essential oils. When talking about external methods of treatment, we mean ointments, compresses, lotions and special baths.

In addition to the typical ways of using thyme, there are non-standard methods of using the plant. Traditional healers never cease to amaze and advise, in case of a headache, to sleep on a pillow, inside of which, instead of down and feathers, there is thyme grass.

For cough and bronchitis

Thyme is used as an element complex treatment infectious diseases respiratory system, for example, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, laryngitis and tracheitis. For sore throat, the herb and leaves of thyme become an ingredient in gargling solutions.

In this case official medicine I didn’t ignore thyme. Pharmacy cough syrups with the addition of this plant are very tasty and aromatic, so children who have a cold take them with great pleasure.

For cooking homemade cough syrup and sore throat you will need:

  • One bunch of fresh thyme or thyme;
  • Five cloves of garlic;
  • 300 grams natural honey;
  • 450 ml boiled water.

Wash thoroughly, then dry and chop the thyme. Cook the plant for approximately 15-20 minutes. The water should boil by half. Strain the broth through a sieve. Add honey and chopped garlic, and then mix the resulting mass thoroughly. If the broth is intended for a child, and he is picky, then you don’t have to add garlic - it will be tastier. Take homemade syrup, one tablespoon twice a day. Keep refrigerated.

For hypertension

Oleic acid and vitamins in thyme help reduce blood pressure, strengthen the walls blood vessels and normalize heart function. The plant also relieves spasms.

To prepare infusion for the treatment of hypertension, you will need the following ingredients:

  • one tablespoon of dry thyme;
  • half a teaspoon medicinal chamomile;
  • one teaspoon of fireweed;
  • one liter of water.

Mix all the ingredients of the tincture thoroughly, pour in a liter of boiled water, cover with a lid, wrap in a warm blanket and leave to infuse for an hour. Take a quarter glass of decoction three times a day.

For prostatitis

Thyme is effective means to increase potency, get rid of prostatitis, eliminate inflammation and pain. The herb has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, and also facilitates urination.

For cooking decoction against prostatitis based on thyme you will need:

  • one glass of boiled water;
  • two tablespoons of dried thyme (thyme).

Pour boiled water over dried thyme and place on water bath, bring to a boil, then keep on the fire for another ten minutes, and then leave the broth under the lid for two to three hours. Take two tablespoons of medicinal tincture twice a day before meals.

For alcoholism

Thyme disgusts alcoholic drinks, and therefore in folk medicine the plant is often used to treat alcohol addiction.

You can get rid of alcoholism with the help of decoction of thyme and wormwood. To prepare the decoction, mix the ingredients in a ratio of ¼ (wormwood/thyme). Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of water and boil for ten minutes. Decoction You need to take one tablespoon three times a day. Therapy should last several months. As a result, people become indifferent to alcohol. The decoction also calms the heart, relieves tension in the lower and upper limbs.

For radiculitis

Thyme is known for its relaxing and restorative effects. The plant is added to medicinal baths during radiculitis, gout and rheumatism, and is also used to create medicinal tinctures to strengthen joints and eliminate muscle pain.

To prepare thyme tincture for the treatment of radiculitis, pour five tablespoons of finely chopped herbs with half a liter of high-quality vodka. Close the container tightly and leave to infuse in a dark room at room temperature for a week, then strain. Wipe sore joints with the tincture before going to bed. The effect is noticeable within a few days after the start of use.

For the nervous system

Thyme herb has a calming effect and restores a weakened nervous system. IN for preventive purposes use medicinal teas, infusions, as well as essential oil-based products.

For cooking infusion against insomnia mix a teaspoon of dried thyme herb and two tablespoons of alcohol. Close the container with the liquid tightly and place it in a dark place for a week, then strain. The product must be taken a few hours before bedtime, thirty drops. If a person has strong emotional and nervous breakdown, the dose can be increased to fifty drops.

Aromatherapy It also perfectly normalizes psychological balance. Buy or borrow an aroma lamp from a friend and pour a few drops of essential oil from thyme, jasmine and lavender inside. Turn off the lights, lie down and relax. A few drops of essential oil can also be added to your bath.

For the cardiovascular system

Antioxidant flavonoids and potassium in thyme herb help treat cardiovascular diseases. Potassium restores correct heartbeat, however, its excess leads to destabilization of the heart.

Before using thyme as a remedy, you should consult your doctor, as in case of atrial fibrillation, cardiosclerosis and atherosclerosis, thyme herb is contraindicated.

If the heart is healthy, Herb tea based on thyme will be an excellent preventive remedy. Take dry collections of these medicinal herbs, like chamomile, thyme, fireweed and oregano. Mix them in proportions 1:3:2:2 and brew with two liters of boiling water. The infusion can be taken as an alternative regular tea several times a day.

Application in cosmetology

Numerous acids, vitamins, natural antibiotics and tannins in thyme make the plant effective cosmetic product. It copes especially well with problem skin and weak hair structure. Homemade lotions, masks and ointments eliminate sagging skin and reduce swelling, and thyme decoctions in shampoos strengthen hair.

To prepare facial compress based on thyme, pour a tablespoon of dry herb with a glass of boiled water and let it brew under the lid for half an hour. Take a soft piece of cloth, soak it in the resulting broth and squeeze it out. Lie down and place a wet compress on your face. The cloth must be wetted every five minutes. The procedure lasts from twenty minutes to half an hour. Regular use of a compress removes swelling and oily skin, and also restores correct work metabolic processes inside cells.

For cooking hair rinse use thyme infusion. The ingredients of the product are:

  • 5 grams of thyme herb;
  • 5 grams of hop cones;
  • 5 grams of birch leaves;
  • 5 grams of nettle;
  • 1 liter of boiled water.

Mix all the herbal ingredients and add water to the mixture. Place on the fire for fifteen minutes, then cover with a lid for half an hour. After regular washing shampoo, use the prepared rinse. The procedure must be carried out at least twice a week. The infusion prevents dandruff, baldness, nourishes hair roots and eliminates split ends.

Steam bath with thyme herb is effective procedure for cleansing and restoration problem skin. Pores open, and the skin itself becomes softer and more tender.

For a steam bath with the addition of thyme, the plant should be finely chopped. Count the quantity necessary herbs at the rate of one tablespoon per half liter of water. Boil the infusion for half an hour, then lift the lid and hold your head, wrapped in a towel, over the pan for 5-10 minutes. The time depends on the level of sensitivity of your skin. After a steam bath, you should not go outside for about three hours.

Use in cooking

In cooking, thyme is used in fresh, and also as a seasoning powder. The plant becomes an aromatic ingredient in meat and fish dishes. Thyme leaves are added to vegetable salads and used when pickling cucumbers and tomatoes.

Types of thyme which are used in cooking:

  • Ordinary;
  • Caraway;
  • Citric;
  • Creeping.

Common thyme leaves are the part of the plant with the most pronounced pungent aroma. They give dishes an exquisite taste, emphasizing unique properties other ingredients. In professional cooking, it is preferable to use fresh leaves of the plant, but in home cooking, dried thyme is usually used.

Can I take it during pregnancy?

Pregnancy rarely goes without additional medications, but sometimes the expectant mother’s body does not accept them. In some cases due to side effects and drug intolerance, thyme can be a good alternative. Herbal teas in small portions will become good helpers in the fight against mild cold, fatigue and headache. The main thing to remember is to never abuse it. An overdose causes headaches, nausea, vomiting and affects the development of the child.

Regarding important contraindications to use thyme, the list for expectant mothers is as follows:

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of the permissibility of consuming thyme during pregnancy. Opinions medical specialists differ, but in some ways they agree - there are no common cases of pregnancy. Whether or not to take thyme is a personal decision for each woman, which should be based on individual characteristics body and the opinion of the attending physician.

Contraindications and harm

Although thyme is pure and natural product, in some cases its use is not recommended, since certain elements in the plant interact poorly with problematic human organs.

Below is a list of the most important Contraindications when using thyme:

  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Hypofunction of the thyroid gland;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Heart failure;

In the presence of serious problems The use of the herb with the liver is also contraindicated.


Thyme is herbaceous plant, with a fairly pleasant smell, which is usually called “thyme” by the common people. In ancient times it was used to make aromatic products. To the great Orthodox holiday The Trinity is used to decorate churches and apartments with this plant. Thyme is useful and beautiful, blooms for a long time, is decorative personal plot, for example in a rock garden.


Meet different kinds thyme, but the most common is creeping thyme. This thyme, whose beneficial properties are presented in the greatest range, has the appearance of a herbaceous subshrub, creeping along the ground, with a strong, pleasant aroma. Flowering occurs from late spring to early autumn. The fruits are nuts that ripen in September and early November. This thyme is a woody creeping plant with branches and light lilac flowers.

Collection time

Thyme, whose beneficial properties are preserved even in dried form, is collected at the very beginning of flowering. Only twigs with young leaves are suitable for medicinal raw materials. The grass is dried in a shaded, well-ventilated place. Special dryers that are heated can also be used.

Application area

Thyme, whose properties are expressed as soothing, relieving pain, healing wounds, can also be used against seizures. In addition, it is a diuretic, expectorant, astringent, antispasmodic. Thyme is suitable for use in the form of infusions and decoctions. Thyme, the beneficial properties of which are listed above, can help in the treatment of a huge range of diseases, both cardiovascular and genitourinary and nervous systems, respiratory tract. Indications:

The initial stage of hypertension, heart pain;

Neuroses, insomnia, seizures;

Diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys (has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects);

Diseases of the biliary tract (choleretic agent);

Flu, colds (anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antibacterial effect);

Bronchial asthma (relieves spasms);

Sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis;

Diseases of joints, muscles;


Thyme is also used in cooking. Thyme is most often used as a spice for home canning. This seasoning is added to soups and main courses. She has a nice strong smell, pungent bitter taste. Thyme goes well with fish and meat dishes, with fried chicken and eggs, with garlic and wine in sauces and gravies. Complements taste range cheeses, salads. Promotes better digestion fatty foods. Thyme in powder form is used in home bakeries for baking bread. Tea with thyme is very aromatic, quenches thirst well, gives strength and health.

Now, probably, in the kitchen of every housewife there are jars or bags with various seasonings and combinations of seasonings. These substances are used to add to food to saturate it with an amazing aroma and enrich or enhance the taste. However, among other things, such herbs can be very beneficial for our health, having a positive effect on the functioning of organs and systems. So the same thyme, or thyme as it is also called, has a lot of useful properties. Let's talk about them in more detail.

How is thyme useful (beneficial properties)?

The beneficial qualities of this plant were known to mankind many centuries ago. This herb has long been added to various medicinal compositions, based on wine, honey, garlic, and valerian. Our ancestors claimed that thyme has a positive effect on physical state person and helps him psychological health. This kind of weed is simply irreplaceable for people with low self-esteem. When consuming it, a person becomes more self-confident, which helps to achieve success.

All the beneficial properties of this plant are explained by its the richest composition. Thyme contains B vitamins and ascorbic acid, it is a source of carotene and thymol. This herb also contains a lot of tannins, various beneficial bitters and other valuable components.

Consumption of thyme leads to positive impact to all parts of our body. In this case, it is mainly worth emphasizing its pain relief, as well as antiseptic effect, and the ability to quickly deal with inflammatory processes. In addition, the herb acts as a good antispasmodic, helping to cope with various types helminthic infestations. Using this plant eliminates rashes and the consequences of bruises of varying severity and etiology, if the wound is not infected.

The bactericidal properties of thyme are explained by the presence of thymol in its composition. This component is a phenol derivative, but it is less toxic and does not lead to irritation of the mucous membranes. Thymol effectively eliminates coccal flora bacteria, but has virtually no effect on gram-negative microbes. In addition, it is this component that copes with vital functions pathogenic fungi, whipworm and tapeworms.

There are methods for treating muscular rheumatism with thyme; in this case, it is brewed and added to the bath.

Thyme effectively copes with a variety of colds. Its use helps to quickly and effectively eliminate bad smell from oral cavity, wherein medicinal infusion will not only remove this symptom, but will also have a beneficial effect on digestive processes.

Many years ago, our ancestors came to the conclusion that thyme is excellent for treating cystitis and prostatitis. Also, drugs based on it will benefit those people who suffer from kidney stones or sand.

If we are talking about psychological effectiveness, then thyme does a good job of removing a person from depressive states. In addition, it is often used in complex therapy various ailments brain, so it can be indispensable in eliminating the consequences of a concussion.

Among other things ethnoscience often uses thyme to combat alcoholism. This property of the herb is also explained by the presence of thymol in its composition, since when excessive consumption this component causes vomiting, which ultimately gives therapeutic effect.

What are the uses of the herb thyme?

To prepare an infusion based on thyme, you need to take fifty grams of dried raw material and brew it with half a liter of water. Soak the product in a water bath for half an hour or an hour, then strain. The finished infusion can be used to rinse the mouth for throat diseases, stomatitis, gum damage, etc. If you are going to add the infusion to the bath (to treat rheumatism, rashes, etc.), you should make it stronger. In this case, for one hundred grams of raw material you need to take half a liter hot water. Infusion can also be carried out in a thermos for one to two hours.

If you plan to consume the infusion internally, you need to prepare it a little differently. Take a glass of just boiled water for a tablespoon of raw materials. Infuse the product for a quarter of an hour, then strain. If you drink a remedy such as tea, it will have a diuretic and disinfectant effect, which will help cope with kidney ailments, cystitis, etc. This drink will also bring great benefit, if you drink it at bronchial asthma, bronchitis, tracheitis or tonsillitis.

Thyme can also be used as an external remedy. A paste of its leaves can be applied to bruised areas and areas affected by rheumatism. A decoction of thyme can be rubbed into the scalp and used as a rinse to help cope with hair loss.

What are the contraindications for the herb thyme?

It is worth considering that the use of thyme is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy, regardless of the period. It should also not be consumed if available. serious illnesses digestive tract, certain damage to the kidneys and liver. Long-term consumption of thyme for therapeutic purposes can provoke the development of hypothyroidism in humans.

If you are going to be treated with thyme, it is better to consult a doctor.